a little problem concerning internet sharing - HTC Typhoon

i'm currently using WM6 on my SPV C500 and i just came across an option called Internet Sharing.
When i click it, something like this appears:
PC Connection:
Network Connection:
I want to know if this means that i can use my pc's internet connection to connect to the internet on my SPV too...
Please, if anybody knows something related to this feature, let me know...

Active sync will allow you to share the internet connection to your phone, Internet sharing on your phone is used to allow you to connect your PC to the internet through your phone...

ok...that's good enough for me.
how do i do that?
i tried reading the activesync help but it wasn't enough...i still dont know what i have to do...
please, help

try this
execute this in your PC
and don't forget to change ActiveSync parametre to internet


how to connect to internet(on windows xp pc) using gprs(from prophet) via bluetooth

hey all.
thx 4 all the help,advice n guides here.
i have a htc prophet n a windows xp laptop. heard that u can use gprs via bluetooth to connect to internet on pc.howd u do that.plz outline.
You're probably confused... You have to establish an activesync connection by bluetooth and then you'll have access to the web... Just like using the cable but slower...
and how do u setup the active bluetooth connection?
You just have to activate the 'modem link' on the PPC. In Vista at least, all I do is create a new modem connection using the bluetooth modem on the PPC and dial *99#. Pretty simple....
In some ROMs there is an Internet Sharing Option....just activate it, select Bluetooth PAN & connect to the device from PC
could some1 plz outline the steps for setting up the connection, coz all i hear is 'murmuring' ..plz,am still new to all this ppc stuff
Look at the Wiki - start at here's a hint: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Prophet_USBModem
Hello friends!
I spent about 2 days on my phone wondering and trying to get internet connection on my Prophet...So I did it!It's like this:
When you connect your Prophet via USB it will show you new connection....
Go to Start/Control Panel/Network Connections and than click on left side "Set up a home or a small office Network"...So when you finish the wizard,restart your computer (do not disconnect Prophet) and it will work...It was the only way for me to get Internet Connection...I hope I helped someone just like others helped me...Greetings!
can i use GPRS surf the internet with laptop(not with the phone), is there any setting in order to surf the web? thanks!
I think It's not worth it...In Slovenia,where I live,GPRS is at least 10times more expencive than tipycal cable NET...Some of my friends tryed to connect laptop to NET by smartphone,but the speed in really low and also phone bill was shocking...So get standard internet...Greetings!

thoughts on connecting through CRADLE > WIFI > GPRS in order.

hey guys heres abit of unusal question? (to be honest i dont think any of us ask any usual questions )
anyway what im trying to do is find out if there is a way to force a pda when its trying to connect to the internet to first check if internet is avaible through active sync (cradle or usb cable) then to check if WIFI is avaible then if thats not avaible to use gprs - but to use gprs as a last resort.
so the way it will work is an application needs to connect to the internet it first is forced to check for a connection through active sync if thats not avaible then to see if there can be a wifi conenction established if that fails then to connect to gprs and in the order.
i was hoping i could find what scrpits are used when the connections are established and then make a script to run the will force the device to do this.
Or even if there is a reg edit that I can do that will allow me to get this done? (would regedits be possable for this)
Id appericate your thoughts on this guys?
That's how it does work, doesn't it? At least, that's how mine works...
mine tends to connect to whatever it was connected to first - e.g. if I have messenger open via GPRS and then connect to my WiFi network, it will still use the GPRS for it's internet connection. Even if I plug it into the PC, it still uses GPRS.
This can be costly.

Connect PPC to internet using PC

HEY everyone....
i am TIERED of trying and searching can anyone tell me how to Connect my PPC to internet using PC...why...complicated....
but i need your help in case anybody knows....
i need steps to do so...(i was told i have to create a new workgroup onto my PC and BLA BLA BLA but i didnt know how to figure it out)
if you mean using bluetooth or usb then when you are connected to activesync the pda use the network of the pc
well thank you "Rudegar"...
i am connected using USB to active sync...but it doesnt use the network of the PC...i have tried too many ways but i cant figure out what to do...
and i have choosen the option (connects to internet) from active sync and still i have a problem...
can you please help me out...
settings->connections->connections->advanced->select networks
there are some texts showing "programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
and a dropdownbox
select the dropdownbox item which is not called something like "my isp"
but pick the one thats called something like "my network"
then all programs trying to access the internet will be forced to use activesync as internet connection and if activesync is not connected they will fail!
if i am reading your post right you are trying to use ur ppc as a modem to connect to the internet?
If so, use these steps:
connect ppc to PC thru usb, let activesync do it's work
on PPC go to Start>Programs>Accessories and open the Internet Sharing program
After this is done, it should allow you top connect to the internet by using the PPC as a modem. It's a slow connection, but it works
Soniku007 said:
if i am reading your post right you are trying to use ur ppc as a modem to connect to the internet?
If so, use these steps:
connect ppc to PC thru usb, let activesync do it's work
on PPC go to Start>Programs>Accessories and open the Internet Sharing program
After this is done, it should allow you top connect to the internet by using the PPC as a modem. It's a slow connection, but it works
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well thanx for your reply, but actually i want my PPC to connect to the internet through my PC!!! anyway thanx for the reply
Rudegar said:
settings->connections->connections->advanced->select networks
there are some texts showing "programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
and a dropdownbox
select the dropdownbox item which is not called something like "my isp"
but pick the one thats called something like "my network"
then all programs trying to access the internet will be forced to use activesync as internet connection and if activesync is not connected they will fail!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok....i did what you have asked me to do..but...when i try to open a web page a balloon shows up saying cannot connect so i click (setting) it shows me My ISP settings ...where i have to specify a new modem conection ...when i opened a list called (select a modem) it has these choices (bluetooth,cellular line, cellular line GPRS 3G, Generic IrDA, and Hayes COmaptible on COM1...
which to choose....!!! also what to fill in its details,,,,
i know i made a mess and i totally made you angry and mad sorry for inconviniet but i need your help
thanx in advance
i dont change any of those settings
when it's connected to activesync it got network
be sure not to close activesync but to minimize it
Rudegar said:
i dont change any of those settings
when it's connected to activesync it got network
be sure not to close activesync but to minimize it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok...will you please open the connection settings and tell me whats in it....because im sure that my activesyn is on and working perfectly...but i reaaaaaaaaaaally need those settings....
Thank you so much i know im like a pain in the (you know ) but really really i appreciate your help
it's empty it just show
add network connection
add vpn connection
setup my proxy
i use bluetooth mind you if you use usb you have to
check Enable advanced network functionality
in usb to pc though
and your pc activesync should be set to not block it
and your firewall should alow it
usually you don't need to change anything in settings to get internet with usb, try hard reset your ppc and reconnect. Also, IP in your pc shouldn't be specified (keep it automatic)
finally i found the answer to my thread; http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374172

Connecting XDA IIi to PC to use its GPRS

Can anyone please tell me how i can make my Phone connect(any softwares or settings) to my PC so that i can use its gprs connection to connect to the internet.
As soon as i connect my PC Via Microsoft ActiveSync the gprs connection on phone terminates and a conection Pocket_pc to PC is established.
please suggest me something, i am new to this mobile.
hmm there is but i think you can find it i the xda2 forum
he means the other way around, using your phones gprs connection to have an internet connection on the pc.
you are Right, i meant the same way!
do you know any solution ?

How to share activesync internet over wifi ?

Hi guys!
I found a lot of programs to share the gprs conection via wifi (converting the hd on a hotspot) but I want to share not a gprs conection ,just the internet I get via usb activesync... I was not able to make this happen with any know program.
Someone know how this can be done?
"wmwifirouter" require a conection to be dialed/conected and don't take into account activesync one.
So in short you want to use your phone as a Wireless Access Point when connected to and accessing the Internet through the USB port of the computer?
I don't think it can be done, I don't think you can have WiFi and USB on at the same time.
EDIT: Just checked and it seems you can have both at the same time.
if u want to use the internet connection of your pc via wifi, u need no programs but i only have to configure properly the wifi network card on htc and enabling internet sharing on pc's wifi connection
Mustn't you rather activate the internet sharing on the phone ?
I am with the provider Orange in France.... and the internet sharing is normally forbidden. I would like to use the phone as a wifi access point without the usb.
Can Orange see that I have activated that internet sharing ?
I would also like to do this! Particularly at work. I can connect my phone to my work computer via activesync and check email etc. It would be great to be able to share this connection with my laptop via the "wm wifirouter" or another app. Please let us know if you discover a solution - I will also investigate.

