WM6.1 Pro CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0) - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

I keep it clean as i can
Rom version: 6.10.00
Rom Date: 27.02.2008
Page Pool: 16 MB
Core: 5.2.19199
Build: 19199.1.0.0
AKU: 1.0
OEM Software updated:
Sim Manager 6.38
InvokeSIMMgr.dll 1.12
PhoneSetting.dll 5.38
STK_Service.dll 4.58
STK_UIPPC.exe 4.56
USSD_Dll.dll 3.16
Comm Manager 2.06
DataDisconnect 1.12
Changes from the original 19199 rom:
Replaced the calculator with SPBCalc and added Touch skin to it
Replaced today images with black ones
Groupped the start menu items in subfolders like in all of my roms
Replaced Welcomehead.96.png with one matching the today images
Removed most of the ringtones
Removed the default themes (left only windows default it can not be removed)
Removed Windows Update
Removed Windows Marketplace
Removed Remote Desktop Mobile
Removed VoIP
Removed Transcriber
Removed Office
Most of this software is available as cabs see the following
Example EXTROM:
Extrom_version.CAB - sets the extended rom version to xplode_7.00
AdobeReader_2.00.288531.CAB - Latest Adobe Reader from the original 19199 rom
htcflashlite.CAB - Latest HTC Flash Player from the original 19199 rom
HTC.Album.1.0.822.716.CAB - Old but working
HTCHome.2.1_1005.722.CAB - Old but working
JbedJava_MIDP_0_0_20070822_1_1_WWE.CAB - Latest Esmertek Jbed Midlet Manager from the original 19199 rom
RDM.CAB - Remote Desktop Mobile from the original 19199 rom
VoIP.CAB - VoIP Support from the original 19199 rom with configuration addons
WU.CAB - Windows Update from the original 19199 rom
WU_enable.CAB - Enable Windows Update (windows update will not work without installing this cab)
Office_6.1.19199.CAB - Office 6.1 with OneNote from the original 19199 rom
Arcsoft_MMS_5.0.31.7.CAB - Arcsoft MMS Client from the original 19199 rom (for some reason the mms settings not show, this is a common bug with this version)
NetworkPlugin_1_0_30468_1.CAB - Latest HTC Network Plugin from the original 19199 rom
AudioManager.CAB - 1.02 409.721 Old but usefull
BT_BPP_1_6_1_0.CAB - Latest HTC Bluetooth Print Plugin from the original 19199 rom
Windows_Live_10.6.0034.0800.cab - Latest Windows Live Mobile
MMS_enable.CAB - This cab enables MMS folder in the mesaging application
BlackBars.exe - This program automatically makes your up and down bars black
Upgrade HOWTO:
1.Download the archive below
2.Extract it to folder in your computer
3.The password for the archive is blueangel
4.Copy EXTROM folder to your SD card (customize it if you want to)
5.Put your device in bootloader mode - For help with this step read here
6.Run Upgrade.exe to start the upgrade procedure
7.After finishing the upgrade wizard soft reset your device to exit bootloader- For help with this step read here
9.Hard reset your device - For help with this step read here
10.Allign screen
11.Wait for the instalation of the cabs from the EXTROM after that the device will soft reset
Congratulations, you are ready to use your device
If you have problems or errors with the upgrade utility kill activesync, remove the SD and sim card and retry. After upgrade is completed before pressing the soft reset to exit bootloader insert your sd card in order for EXTROM to kick in. Anyway you can use the rom without any extrom
The HTC Home theme is not included because i have no permission to use it
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=72PSPOXQ - by LGSilva

Known Bugs:
The comm manager icon in system tray does nothing on tap - solved see the attached cabs
WMP is skipping when playing MP3 - solved see the attached cabs
Wlan has problem with authentification and does connect very hardly to a protected network - solved see the attached cabs
Camera app crashes after recording MP4 video - working on it (actually it records the video but can not preview it in camera app, but you can view it from any multimedia player which is mp4 capable like WMP, TCPMP, CorePlayer ...)
MMS Settings does not show at all - working on it - temporary solution use the previous version - from here or from cabs2.rar from helmis rom thread (here and here)
OBEX problem (can not recieve files trough BT) - install attached EnableOBEX.cab, go to Start=>Settings=>Connections=>Beam and check "Recieve all incoming beams"
Attached fixes:
WlanMgr.cab - this is a registry setting that maps the comm manager icon in system tray to Wlan Manager
CommManager.cab - this is a registry setting that maps the comm manager icon in system tray to Comm Manager
WMPFix.cab - this is a fix to WMP skipping during playback
!WLAN_Fix.cab - this is a fix to WLAN authentification issues (wifi just does not connect or connect very hard)
HideSimContacts.cab - as the name show this cab hides sim contacts from the contact list
EnableOBEX.cab - adds IsEnabled=0x1 in [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Obex] - enables obex service on startup
If someone needs .NET CF 3.5 Press Here
FlightMode.cab - for all of you with FlightMode problems this is a lil app from WinMobileApps.com which switches flightmode on/off - the shortcut is created in Communication folder

Cool ! Thank you very much, Xplode.
So, how did you managed to do it without a working BA ?
Also, 2 questions:
1) I though WM6.1 was not officially released yet, is this a alpha, beta, RC or the final version ?
2) Would be nice to see what improvements could we expect from WM6.

Great !!! Waiting for your ROM long time man.Thanks

i got new screen from ebay but it stopped working properly i am disassemble my BA again to see what happened ... (i have no luck with it)
well there was only one official WM6.1 rom by Vodafone for Kaiser this is a port from it
Improvements over WM6 are posted all over the board, don't be lazy do a search

How about WIFI and .NET CF?

xplode said:
i got new screen from ebay but it stopped working properly i am disassemble my BA again to see what happened ... (i have no luck with it)
well there was only one official WM6.1 rom by Vodafone for Kaiser this is a port from it
Improvements over WM6 are posted all over the board, don't be lazy do a search
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Yes i have seen other WM6.1 threads in the forum (in fact there is a lot of them, specially from pdaviet), but you don't mention for instance if you are using "wifi driver v2" or not, nor if any other speed or stability improvements will this ROM bring versus your WM6 ROM, i meant.
Also any know issues from BA's WM6 solved, etc.
Just a thought.

AAAA, can´t wait longer !!!
i have checked 3 times a day for an update ! (the last 2 weeks !)
(have donate already......)

We must wait... I have PDAviet 6.1 rom but i think that Explode's rom will be better. Respect man you have made grate work!

a couple of minutes to go... must... wait... a little... longer...
thanks for keeping it "clean", which bolsters my hope that it doesn't have the zoomsms application
it's very considerate of you to include the steps on how to upgrade, and to give a description of the ROM.
congratulations on your work, xplode, and good luck on your screen.

Good work explode
thanx a lot man ur the best . I will try it soon ...Im sure it will be great
thnx 1 milliard times

i'm install now

Thanks alot for this great rom!
I found the same wifi-issues like in pdaviet-roms 191999. Wifi isn't really happy to connect to wpa-protected networks. As workaround you can turn on wifi, configure your network settings, turn wifi off without connection. Than turn on wifi several times and wait. On my BA ist will connect after 2x turn on/off most of the time...
Will test other nice features of wm6.1 now...

Hi Xplode! Thanks again for your great releases.
Does this Rom includes Wifi v2? if not, have You tested if it works in this rom?

Thanks for your great rom

Thank you very much.

The rom has the default .NET CF 2.0 SP2, It has not WIFI Driver 2 (i am not sure why you calling it that). Wifi behaves the same way as in my and helmi wm6 roms.

Waiting for a long time till today!
Thanks in advance!
But cannt download...

Nice ROM!
One of the MOST anticipated release...
Thank you so much for the effort Xplode...

Most excellent work!
xplode said:
I keep it clean as i can
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And clean it definitely is ... running very smoothly and stable. I've not run into any issues with using the applications/setup I use, including the entire EXTROM as you've provided.
WM 6.1 ... Mmmmm ... yummy.


[BlueAngel OEM2010] 28237 Aku5.3.8 DefaultWWE+CHS-X

28237 Aku5.3.8 DefaultWWE+CHS-Xtask
HTC OEMAPPS:2009&2010
Fixed relative 28230Dual-Lang: Contact background fix
For HTC BlueAngel&Himalaya
By Sun Dream
注:BlueAngel移植新的SYS,请转化SYS/OS/wzcsvc.dll为文件(Modules to files)
ActiveSync Buildfix.zip
Files:htc-blueangel-21827wwe RK
Himalaya WM6.5_KitChen_WWE,By Sun Dream
HTC BA 21928 CHS:
HTC BA 21928 WWE:
21501 WWE:
Windows Mobile6.5Professional(QVGA)For_HTC BlueAngel(v7.9)
WM6.5 Videos:
Windows Mobile6.5Professional(QVGA)v7.9.25_HTCBA ROM:
Windows Mobile6.5Professional(QVGA)v7.9.25_HTCBA RK
New OEMXIP/OEMDrivers(accelerator.2009.1)
18.2MB PP/16MB RAMDisk
MODULES Total:451
MSCore/ConfettiCore 6.5
Windows Media 10.3 For ATI,By Sun Dream
WiFi Workaround Service
LargeTitleBar 4_44_0
HTC_Bluetooth Explorer1.2.33300
部分组件为HTC BlueAngel专用模板!
By Sun Dream
1/19/2009[所需要的只是等待发布,HTC BA只有32MB ROM,但我相信它在新的一年更加精彩,一切运行非常OK!它会发布在一个允许发布的时间]
WM6.1 CEOS 5.2.20758 Build 20758 Aku 1.4.1 WWE
16MB RAMDisk,25.2MB PP
0MB RAMdisk,25.2MB PP
OEMAPPS the same with 20755
By [email protected]
WM6.1 CEOS 5.2.20755 Build 20755 Aku 1.4 WWE [V2.22]
Ms DataTimes:12/9/2008
TaskBar Fix
HTC TaskManager 2.1.34837
Office Mobile 6.1[Word&Excel]
IE Mobile 7.11
IE Mobile 8.12
To choose whether to install:
20755WWE IE8+FlashLite3_1.cab
PPT Mobile 6.1
20755 v2.22:
20755 v2.22:
thx aries77,Upload to rapidshare
20753 v2:
20753 v2:
THX Petrovych,Upload to rapidshare
CORE:MSXIP 5.2.20753
SYS:Build 20753
Aku 1.4 Final ,Microsoft Touch,IE Mobile 8.12,FlashLite 3.1.
Regional:China Wince.nls
AdobeFlash 3.1
HTC TaskMgr 2.1
HTC Sim Manager
Office 6.1[Word&Excel]
My HighWMP 10.3 Build 20753
Raphael_DShow [Midi Audio]
MS IE Mobile 8.12 :Copy to Windows[browsui.dll/dxtrans.dll/mshtml.dll/msls31.dll/shdocvw.dll/vbscript.dll/wmlview7.dll]
Or install IE8.cab,thx krishan2207.Upload to rapidshare
Upd V2.11 TEST[16MB RAMdisk]
2070x->2074X is Aku 1.4 BETA
20753 is Aku 1.4 Final
Sun [email protected]
thx mwang,猴子B,xplode
v1:20753 TEST
v2 20753 Final:
Notes Fix
CommManager.0409.mui fix
+16MB RAMdisk [IE Tempfiles]
Big Menu
Radio fix
THX Petrovych so much,Upload to rapidshare
rapidshareLink v2.11
Aku 1.3 AND Aku 1.4
"WidgSz"=dword:1 \\\\ Big symbols
"WidgSz"=dword:0 \\\\ Default symbols
"Ht"=dword:4B0 \\\\\\\\ Big menu font
"Ht"=dword:FFFFFFF4 \\\\\\\\ Default menu font
Great! now it's easyer with a topic for this ROM
I'm using for 24h and still ok, just the usual stuff (with xplode CAB):
BT wake up.
GPRS somethimes comes down, then have to go again to the GPRS configs and do OK.
When remove battery loses time and key lock settings
.... nothing more that I have noticed.
This rom is great! I can't understand why ppl stil uses old roms... this one is very good.
Please someone include Xplode CAB link here... I do not know how.
HTC-BlueAngel,CORE-Build20758WWE(v3.02)[No RAMdisk]
admin edit: link removed due to copyright complaint, see post 1 for complete complaint.http://ifolder.ru/8937114
flyboy_____ said:
Great! now it's easyer with a topic for this ROM
I'm using for 24h and still ok, just the usual stuff (with xplode CAB):
BT wake up.
GPRS somethimes comes down, then have to go again to the GPRS configs and do OK.
When remove battery loses time and key lock settings
.... nothing more that I have noticed.
This rom is great! I can't understand why ppl stil uses old roms... this one is very good.
Please someone include Xplode CAB link here... I do not know how.
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Do you find any difference between Xplode's Build 20273 & Sun dreams build 20753.1.4 WWE
sun_dream's rom support has flashlite 3.1 and PIE 8.12 and you can watch youtube with it. Also in AKU 1.4 microsoft added scrolling like touchflo one by default. Youtube work a lil slow but i have solution for watching youtube on Blueangel (this is for all devices which have slow device memory chips):
You need Advanced configuration tool by schaps (and .net 3.5 CF in order to run it)
Set Interent Explorer temporary folders to Storage Card - you will have to reboot so the changes can apply
Open youtube, search and play the video you want, tap and hold on the video and select full screen, then click pause and wait video to load at 100% then play it - you may notice it does not skipping at all
Why video is skipping (my theory)? it is because the Blueangel have slow chips for internal memory and playing videos from youtube is device memory and cpu intensive process. Youtube works like this: you download the flv video to temporary folder, flashlite allows you to play it before it is finished downloading but it takes resources from internal memory chip, CPU for flashlite and PIE and the device becomes irresponsive for some time and this does the skipping in streamed video. when the temporary files are in the sd card PIE no longer uses the slow device memory chip but the faster SD memory chip which speeds the process a lil. Also with waiting for video to load it is now on the sd card and the resources needed to play it are much less. Something like when you play regular video from the sd.
I hope there will be fixes in future builds for PIE in order to make it more responsive when playing flash content but for now this temporary fix works. Also it may work better if we have ramdisk and place the temporary internet files there (just a thought)
p.s. The process of watching videos from internet is very much battery intensive, so do not wonder what eats your battery power
** removed **
xplode said:
sun_dream's rom support has flashlite 3.1 and PIE 8.12 and you can watch youtube with it. Also in AKU 1.4 microsoft added scrolling like touchflo one by default. Youtube work a lil slow but i have solution for watching youtube on Blueangel (this is for all devices which have slow device memory chips):
You need Advanced configuration tool by schaps (and .net 3.5 CF in order to run it)
Set Interent Explorer temporary folders to Storage Card - you will have to reboot so the changes can apply
Open youtube, search and play the video you want, tap and hold on the video and select full screen, then click pause and wait video to load at 100% then play it - you may notice it does not skipping at all
Why video is skipping (my theory)? it is because the Blueangel have slow chips for internal memory and playing videos from youtube is device memory and cpu intensive process. Youtube works like this: you download the flv video to temporary folder, flashlite allows you to play it before it is finished downloading but it takes resources from internal memory chip, CPU for flashlite and PIE and the device becomes irresponsive for some time and this does the skipping in streamed video. when the temporary files are in the sd card PIE no longer uses the slow device memory chip but the faster SD memory chip which speeds the process a lil. Also with waiting for video to load it is now on the sd card and the resources needed to play it are much less. Something like when you play regular video from the sd.
I hope there will be fixes in future builds for PIE in order to make it more responsive when playing flash content but for now this temporary fix works. Also it may work better if we have ramdisk and place the temporary internet files there (just a thought)
p.s. The process of watching videos from internet is very much battery intensive, so do not wonder what eats your battery power
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THX Xplode !
我想我们需要建立一个16MB RAMdisk,来获得PIE缓存,以提高IE浏览速度同时降低 BlueAngel Flash写入概率,还有开启电源管理
** removed **
+ 16MB RAMdisk[PIE TempFiles]
Minor changes。。。。。。
20,753 in BlueAngel and Himalaya there will be some problem of GSM, I try to fix it
Upd V2.11 TEST
** removed **
Himalaya 20753 v3.2 :
** removed **
sun_dream said:
THX Xplode !
我想我们需要建立一个16MB RAMdisk,来获得PIE缓存,以提高IE浏览速度同时降低 BlueAngel Flash写入概率,还有开启电源管理
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are these the reg needed for ramdisk or will it enable ramdisk on the rom i dont think so since its not installd on the rom explain sun_dream thx
16MB RAMdisk - Version
I installed your second version with 16MB RAMdisk.
Following problems occured:
Menufonts and symbols (for example an activated option) are very big. I could change the menufont-size, but not the size of the symbols.
Screenrotate using the symbol causes the taskbar to go away.
The first version was perfect (for my opinion) - exept slow IE and no RAMdisk.
Thanks for your work
no the ramdisk needs special driver, so the easyest way is to download the new rom and test it
great work again sun_dream
Cab for IE 8
i hv created this cab to use with sun_dream's rom 20753.1.4 for installing IE 8 instead of copying.
Thanks Sun_dream for this great rom.
(28-09-08) FIXED IE 8 CAB.
admin edit: link removed due to copyright complaint, see post 1 for complete complaint.
Chrischi said:
I installed your second version with 16MB RAMdisk.
Following problems occured:
Menufonts and symbols (for example an activated option) are very big. I could change the menufont-size, but not the size of the symbols.
Screenrotate using the symbol causes the taskbar to go away.
The first version was perfect (for my opinion) - exept slow IE and no RAMdisk.
Thanks for your work
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Aku 1.3 AND Aku 1.4
"WidgSz"=dword:1 \\\\ Big symbols
"WidgSz"=dword:0 \\\\ Default symbols
Screenrotate:shel32 bug
two bugs
great ROM but I have two problems, both related to WiFi:
1. Internet over WiFi doesn't work. It's works OK if I'm connected over GPRS or ActiveSync, but when I connect over WiFi IE & e-mail accounts don't work - it's like they don't recognize that there is a connection available. I've tested the connection with VxUtil (http://www.cam.com/vxutil_pers.html) and it works fine (ping for instance works).
2. I can't get the Wireless Manager icon displayed on the Today screen. I've tried enabling it with the Advance Config Tool but even though it says it's enabled the icon is not displayed.
Another observation (not such a big problem) is that the PIN screen is not displayed after device reset.
I hope the above WiFi internet problems can be somehow fixed.
Mirror for version 2.1
Is it possible for someone to upload to somewhere else, brsbox is incredible slow for me, something like 200 B/s...
I look forward to try this new room. Is it possible to use an old Extrom, as i have some standard programs that needs to be installed?
Thx for the graet work /Hagsted
hagsted said:
Is it possible for someone to upload to somewhere else, brsbox is incredible slow for me, something like 200 B/s...
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admin edit: link removed due to copyright complaint, see post 1 for complete complaint.
sun_dream, great work, thnx!
But with version 2.1 video on youtube are not played
P.S. Thnx a lot for image viewer
There are some problems with this ROM:
1. Cant active WIFI via Comm Manager, but deactivate is possible!
2. IE loading is very slow and unstable.
3. Better to remove the welcome and demo process..
However this ROM is the fastest after installation all software needed. Great job man!
poga said:
great ROM but I have two problems, both related to WiFi:
1. Internet over WiFi doesn't work. It's works OK if I'm connected over GPRS or ActiveSync, but when I connect over WiFi IE & e-mail accounts don't work - it's like they don't recognize that there is a connection available. I've tested the connection with VxUtil (http://www.cam.com/vxutil_pers.html) and it works fine (ping for instance works).
2. I can't get the Wireless Manager icon displayed on the Today screen. I've tried enabling it with the Advance Config Tool but even though it says it's enabled the icon is not displayed.
Another observation (not such a big problem) is that the PIN screen is not displayed after device reset.
I hope the above WiFi internet problems can be somehow fixed.
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non of above happens to me,
Internet over WiFi works and Wireless Manager icon displayes
Thank you for your great ROM. Just downloaded & flashed, and find a minor thing I want to tell you a long time before. The system alarm clock can only play wav file, but not wma nor mp3 files. Cos I don't wanna install any extra application to increase the memory usage. How can we fix it?
Always enjoy your ROMs. Thanks again!
meehaa said:
non of above happens to me,
Internet over WiFi works and Wireless Manager icon displayes
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Thanks for the reply meehaa - now I know it's not the ROM but some setting on my PPC. Hopefully a hard reset will cure it.
poga said:
Thanks for the reply meehaa - now I know it's not the ROM but some setting on my PPC. Hopefully a hard reset will cure it.
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just a tip, if your wireless setup required static IP,
1. set static IP for the device first
2. reboot.
3. add the wireless SSID.
that should work.
20,753 in BlueAngel and Himalaya there will be some problem of GSM, I try to fix it
Upd V2.11

PDAVIET ROM WM 6.5 Build 21202.5.0.0 by TranMinhMan wth 3g dialer

TranminhMan releasing new rom with 3G Dialer:
Thông tin bản ROM - ROM Informations:
- CE OS 5.2.21202 Build 21202.5.0.0 PV T2M.
- 3D Polaris Drivers
- .NET Compact Framework 3.5.7283.0
- AdobeFlash
- Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3.0.0 by Julien Schapman
- Base Hue Express
- dotFred Task Manager
- lpaso TitaniumCustomizer
- HTC Album
- HTC Booster
- HTC Camera 5.0.4
- HTC Comm Manager
- HTC Random Access
- HTC Sim Manager v6.60
- HTC TaskManager
- HTC TouchDual Dialer DIAMOND (support 3G)
- PCM Keyboard (support VN KKK)
- PIM Backup v2.8.0.0 by FdcSoft
- PocketNotepad v4.0.10
- Pocket RAR v3.80 by Alexander Roshal
- PocketScreen v1.3 by JJM. Roseboom
- Synchro Time v0.95 by Dennis Grachov
- TCPMP v0.72RC1
- Total Commander CE v2.51 by Christian Ghisler
- Windows Live v10.6.0034.0800
- psShutXP (mod)
- Windows Media Player 10.3 Build 21202 (mod)
- Bootscreen (mod)
The suggestion Radio is 1.59.X.X!!!
Download link:
Link 4share:
Password to extract: TranMinhMan
download link is now available
And where is it please??
kostas244 said:
And where is it please??
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prad66 will update his thread soon
kostas244 said:
And where is it please??
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pswd as always
@ enterowiec
Thank you very much!!!
enterowiec said:
pswd as always
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what is the user and the pass to enter the site?
Anyone tested??
Re: what is the user and the pass to enter the site?
There is a switch to English (US) bottom left.
Then you can choose register on the right near the top to create your own user.
is a direct link to download the ROM
WARNING - swiping to the edge of the screen
Very pretty ROM.
Have been using it for 20 minutes now.
Couple of things I have to say.
1) Whenever I swipe on the screen, and my finger gets to the edge of the screen I have been getting the following error, followed by no touch control on the screen, until I restart.
Biotouch.exe The file 'Biotouch' cannot be opened.
(something about not being signed)
2) Some of the apps don't seem to work at all.
I couldn't get IE to work, or MSN weather beyond the first page.
3) When I was in the settings page, every time I made a change to a setting I was returned to the home screen, rather annoying when you're first setting it up.
All in all, I will have another go, on a later version when TranMinhMan has fixed the biotouch problem.
For now I'm going back to the 3Lit3 VI ROM.
I'll be posting the same comments on the PDAVIET site too.
Hope you find this helpful.
I have a POLA200, and I'm using Radio
Dan_q8 said:
Very pretty ROM.
Have been using it for 20 minutes now.
Couple of things I have to say.
1) Whenever I swipe on the screen, and my finger gets to the edge of the screen I have been getting the following error, followed by no touch control on the screen, until I restart.
Biotouch.exe The file 'Biotouch' cannot be opened.
(something about not being signed)
2) Some of the apps don't seem to work at all.
I couldn't get IE to work, or MSN weather beyond the first page.
3) When I was in the settings page, every time I made a change to a setting I was returned to the home screen, rather annoying when you're first setting it up.
All in all, I will have another go, on a later version when TranMinhMan has fixed the biotouch problem.
For now I'm going back to the 3Lit3 VI ROM.
I'll be posting the same comments on the PDAVIET site too.
Hope you find this helpful.
I have a POLA200, and I'm using Radio
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1) disable touch flo with Advanced Config Tool and problem is solved.
2) IE do not work, but i think because there is'nt the file .exe but only the .lnk. If anyone have the exe we can try
3) For this question all the WM 6.5 have this annoyng "returned to the home screen" after change;
The ROM work well with Radio, it is fast.
Great job Mr. TranMinhMan, thank you
How ever, fantastic rom,fast and stable only Opera dosn't works
Stuck at zero
I'm sorry but this update does not work for me. When I try to install this it goes through to the install, the phone restarts but it is stuck at 0% and will not complete.
Any ideas?
Do you have Hard SPL installed?
This rom works far more better then what I've expected. I tried several 6.5 WM versions but this one is the best. I use this rom in combination with radio version Everthing works fine and even better after some tweaks like disable cube/touchflo, tuning the performance etc.
Wheather with msn works good this time. Only IE doesn't work yet (fix will come soon I hope). Everthing else works.
Disabeling the touchflow is a great tip. How about tuning the performance? Can you tell us what you did? Thnks.
There is encryption for SD Card enabled... Disable it works only via registry...
Petulinek said:
There is encryption for SD Card enabled... Disable it works only via registry...
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Can you let me know the key to edit
I though it was [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\E NCFilt] 'EncryptByDefault'=dword:0, but can't seem to find it on my polaris
If you don´t have this key, create it (dword key and value 0) and reboot
The only issue that is annoing me is that the hard buttons to answer/ignore are locked during the phone ring. Please give me a solution for this.

[ROM] [HP iPAQ 900] [WWE] BR's "Motherload" WM6.1

coming soon... Motherload 1.5 update
- added UCWEB Browser
- fixed Windows Live Messenger
- reverted to working Office & Onenote packages from stock ROM
- updated Backlight Controller to v0.9.5.1
In addition to my parallel series of "vanilla" ROMs for the iPAQ 910c/912c/914c, I have decided to begin a new series of pre-loaded ROMs called "Motherload". Why? Because I got sick of spending hours setting up my phone after each new ROM flash, that's why.
Once Celio Corp. decides to release working Redfly drivers for WM6.5, you'll probably see this ROM move to that OS. For now this is based off my earlier custom WM6.1 release (and seems to maintain the same speed).
Base OS: Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional build 21042
included: IE6 Mobile, Office & OneNote, Enterprise & VPN, .NET CF 3.5
excluded: Entertainment (games), Transcriber, Welcome Center
HP Factory OEM changes:
original GoogleSearch and GoogleMaps removed
Cyberon VoiceCommander removed
all startup apps disabled (moved to StartUp_bak folder) except iPAQ Data Configuration
most HP apps included (see below)
CCDialer 2.0
ClearVue PDF 2.42.513
HP Photosmart Mobile
Browsers & Clients:
ceTwit 2
Facebook IM 2.15
Facebook (client) 0.14
Iris Browser 1.1.6
Skyfire Browser
Windows Live Mobile (with Messenger) 10.6.0046.0800
Maps & Search:
Basic GPS 2.60.5
Google Maps Mobile
Noni GPS Plot 2.80c
GPS Viewer b1210
iPAQ GPS QK Position
Windows Live Search 4.5.3129.0
A2DP Toggle 1.1
61x/91x Backlight Controller (suggest you map this to VoiceCMD button for quick indoor-outdoor changes)
Call Firewall 1.4
Default InputMethod
HP PrintSmart Mobile
PIM Backup
pmClean 1.07
SUN Java
Total Commander 2.51
WiFiFoFum 2.2.12
WinRAR 3.80
WM5torage 1.8
Miscellaneous & OS tweaks:
Adobe Flash Lite 3.1
Single-line date
ObexInbox 0.947
GPRS disconnect button & timer
Battery 100
TwitToday 1.3
GPS Toggle 1.9
The ROM file weighs in at 73.1 MB, and takes a while to Clean Boot the first time after flashing (so be patient). It starts you off with about 100 MB of free storage memory and over 70 MB of free program memory.
Known bugs:
A2DP Toggle settings will not launch from Control Panel; must be accessed by running "\Program Files\Teksoft\A2DPToggle\Settings.exe" directly
Download here!
(Note: uploading ROM to Mediafire at time of this post...)
1. Get a microSD card sized 2 GB or lower (SDHC won't work) and format it with regular FAT filesystem. Copy my FLASH.DIO to the root of the card. Insert card into your device.
2. Put your device into SDLoader mode by holding VOLUP+OK(button on right side) and pressing RESET. Make sure your battery has a decent charge (over 50%) and isn't connected to any USB charge or sync cable (or else your device will just go into RUU mode).
3. Watch the magic... SDLoader will check the file integrity, flash to your device ROM, do a clean reboot (can take a minute longer than usual) and then go into the "Welcome to Windows Mobile, tap here to continue" stuff.
Feedback welcome. If you see an updated version of anything here, post a link and I'll include it the next release. I'm trying to keep the software selection on the legal safe side too.
cooked with keyx flex kitchen - the author of which is awesome
original vanilla build ported from sergiorus
numerous resources on xda-developers, ppcgeeks and pdaclan
Wow, great jobs!!!!!
It is amazing how fast is this ROM. benjaminries thanks for this ROM, very complete!!!
I found some littles bugs:
1. After soft reset, the START menu show a text called Call Firewall.
2. Windows Live doesn´t work to me, I have to install it again.
jaim3lo said:
It is amazing how fast is this ROM. benjaminries thanks for this ROM, very complete!!!
I found some littles bugs:
1. After soft reset, the START menu show a text called Call Firewall.
2. Windows Live doesn´t work to me, I have to install it again.
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Yeah I don't get the first bug at all. Strange. But you're right about the second one.
Hello, benjaminries
Thank you for this ROM. It seems to be very fast than original.
Now I am setting up my ipaq914c.
But I can see same bug as jaim3lo with my ipaq914c.
> 1. After soft reset, the START menu show a text called Call Firewall.
G-yan said:
Hello, benjaminries
Thank you for this ROM. It seems to be very fast than original.
Now I am setting up my ipaq914c.
But I can see same bug as jaim3lo with my ipaq914c.
> 1. After soft reset, the START menu show a text called Call Firewall.
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I, found the problem, Call Firewall.lnk is inside the folder Windows\Startup.
Great work!! I can't wait to try this!!
Thank you for your information, jaim3lo.
I deleted link in "Start Up", then it was not happen again.
Could anybody upload it to rapidfire? Mediafire is acting up one me and I can't seem to download from them.
way to go BR!!
can't wait the update 1.5 too bro..
surfer said:
Could anybody upload it to rapidfire? Mediafire is acting up one me and I can't seem to download from them.
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Same here I can't download thru mediafire.
Can anyone please upload this to Rapidshare or another site??? Mediafire is not even openining.
I have used this ROM for 5days.
Compare with original ROM, it is stable and quite faster.
But under my setting(to use Japanese),
unfortunately, there is still freeze sometime.
But I think this is not due to this ROM but my setting.
I forgot to say one thing.
Thank you very much for your work, benjaminries.
Ben, thanks for making my Ipaq usable again.
Now if only we could fix the Cell Tower ID blocking (in Google Maps, etc)...
i'm checking this post for few days now, and can't decide which one gonna flash (either base os 6.1 or 6.5)
Ben, sorry to sound pushing you here, but what date is coming soon? in weeks or in months?
cheers and good luck!
Hi dude. I am also waiting for the update. Hope you finish it soon.
: "Hi dude. I am also waiting for the update. Hope you finish it soon."
cool_recep said:
Hi dude. I am also waiting for the update. Hope you finish it soon.
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you should check Ben's this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=501068 it is wm6.5 based os, i've used it for few days, just one word: amazing good!!!
Hello benjaminries,
Thank you very much for this new rom, it works great for me.
Best regards, Andre.

[ROM] [HP iPAQ 900c] [WWE] BR WM6.5 (21820) newer build!

I couldn't wait until July to release this... new build of WM6.5 that fixes the keyboard issue (but the SYM key still works, which was disabled by Montecristo's registry patch) and the device.exe issue (according to keyx's A2DP instructions)...
WM6.5 build 21820 for the iPAQ 910c/912c/914c Business Messenger:
21820br0609 download here
Known bugs/fixes:
- Right softkey on "Clock" homescreen panel requires this fix by EREZYAD (thanks!)
- I accidentally cooked .NET CF 2.0 into this ROM instead of 3.5. You can still run version 3.5 using these instructions.
This ROM features HP's newest firmware base, meaning increased max volume and other fixes. I have removed the following OEM junk:
- Cyberon Voice Commander
- iPAQ Tips, Help & Support
- HP Photosmart Mobile (and screensaver)
- Snapfish uploader
- HP custom IE homepage
- HP Today theme (and other customizations)
- Google Maps (old)
- Goolge Search (old)
- iPAQ DataConnect
(...since the new WM6.5 AutoConnect feature does the same thing)
This ROM contains the following little additions:
- NumBattery
- GPS Viewer
- Backlight Controller
Once I get around to making some new OEM packages for my favourite freeware apps, I'll bundle those in the "m" series next month:
WM6.1 21042br0709m "motherload" - pending
WM6.5 21820br0709m "motherload" - pending
1. Get a microSD card sized 2 GB or lower (SDHC won't work) and format it with regular FAT filesystem. Copy my FLASH.DIO to the root of the card. Insert card into your device.
2. Put your device into SDLoader mode by holding VOLUP+OK(button on right side) and pressing RESET. Make sure your battery has a decent charge (over 50%) and isn't connected to any USB charge or sync cable (or else your device will just go into RUU mode).
3. Watch the magic... SDLoader will check the file integrity, flash to your device ROM, do a clean reboot (can take a minute longer than usual) and then go into the "Welcome to Windows Mobile, tap here to continue" stuff.
4. If you run into any problems, repeat steps 1 through 3 with a FLASH.DIO that has worked before (i.e. you can make one from HP factory ROM update using Paloma's instructions posted here)
- Keyx for kitchen tools and early guidance
- PPCGeeks for 21820 sys and xip
- HP for the oem
- many others on xda-devs and ppcgeeks for their releases, tutorials, etc.
- I've never made a donation on xda-devs
- I'm not interested in a donation from xda-devs
- I cook mainly for my own use and interest
- I share what I cook, because sharing is easy
- I don't take orders
I'm downloading it
It works like a charm! No bug at all till now! Fast and Stable! Just the Clauncher doesn't work, but maybe it's my problem!
The issue with the keyboard is fixed! Great Job
This would seem to confirm that despite what HP says, the "Rogers 910c only" OEM files are compatible with the 912c and 914c.
I could not make the dump your rom ... I could not use the xip for my roms ...
Montecristo said:
I could not make the dump your rom ... I could not use the xip for my roms ...
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You can't dump the whole thing because I used keyx flex kitchen; there are too many files to use the old (dumpable) method.
However, you can extract the xip from my FLASH.DIO using this command:
osnbtool -d FLASH.DIO 1 xip.bin
Then xip.bin is your xip; you'll want to insert that into an original 80 MB TEMPLATE.ROM (i.e. whatever you've been using to cook so far) using
osnbtool -c TEMPLATE.ROM 1 xip.bin
Then delete your previous TEMPLATE.ROM and rename TEMPLATE.ROM.NEW to drop the ".NEW" part.
i have insalled it (testing it now)
on this rom the nav app igo works
also my lang hebrew works (but it did with every 900 rom )
the keyboard issue is the same but my test is logging using opera mini (on your rom & monto cab fix the keyboard works on opera...)
i use an app called "o3
tuch" on monto rom the app didnt see incomming sms there4 it did not show up on all screen and and by doing so i lost some functions (auto reply larg veiw..)
on your previus rom it did work with all function but now it is like monto..s' rom
can u see way/what is the diff comperd to the prev one?
something with sms event that stops after WM popup it's sms window (this way other apps can not use this event)
will try now the push maill....
4 now it looks ok 4 my the first thing i tested before heb was igo8 and it is ok now
the keyboard issue is the same but my test is logging using opera mini (on your rom & monto cab fix the keyboard works on opera...)
i use an app called "o3
tuch" on monto rom the app didnt see incomming sms there4 it did not show up on all screen and and by doing so i lost some functions (auto reply larg veiw..)
on your previus rom it did work with all function but now it is like monto..s' rom
can u see way/what is the diff comperd to the prev one?
something with sms event that stops after WM popup it's sms window (this way other apps can not use this event)
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RE: Opera Mini... it works for me on this ROM.
RE: Your app with SMS... try disabling the on-screen message for new text message in Sounds and Notifications control panel.
The difference with this ROM is that it is a new build. Mainly that fixes the keyboard issue, which was in the OS.
benjaminries said:
RE: Opera Mini... it works for me on this ROM.
RE: Your app with SMS... try disabling the on-screen message for new text message in Sounds and Notifications control panel.
The difference with this ROM is that it is a new build. Mainly that fixes the keyboard issue, which was in the OS.
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opera mini works at all roms the thing was thet u cannt log into the forum using opera mini
on the new ver of opera mini cab u can but it is not as good as the prev ver
it indicat on issuse with the keyboard ,if u use monto key fix you can log with any opra Ver
as 4 sms the removal of notefication did not work
anyway tnx 4 the rom
i'm maybe the only one, but i'm having problems... when i click on the right-button for open the wireless manager from the today screen, i get an error message that the app link doesn't exist.
Except this i love this firmware... very fast and with all apps already
record button does not seem to work on this one...
Montecristo said:
I could not make the dump your rom ... I could not use the xip for my roms ...
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Are you working on a multilanguage version?
Which .net Framework is included in this ROM? If you run "Device update" by CRC (Excellent app!), it complains that the .net CF is too old. Never happened to me before....
AlexMagik said:
i'm maybe the only one, but i'm having problems... when i click on the right-button for open the wireless manager from the today screen, i get an error message that the app link doesn't exist.
Except this i love this firmware... very fast and with all apps already
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try 2 install this cab (install ,turnoff device for 5 sec,SR)
then when clock is marked try the right softkey
good luck
try 2 install this cab (install ,turnoff device for 5 sec,SR)
then when clock is marked try the right softkey
good luck
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wow this is really fast!
i will try tonight and come back to you
thank you!
1. Great fix! now it's perfect
2. the Record button works after go in settings and apply "recorder"
Thanks Benjaminries for this great ROM
ROM instalation is very easy for newbie like me
the wireless manager is fixed easy with Erezyad but the record button is still not working
and i want to ask, is anyone know how to improve camera quality?
dronel said:
Thanks Benjaminries for this great ROM
ROM instalation is very easy for newbie like me
the wireless manager is fixed easy with Erezyad but the record button is still not working
and i want to ask, is anyone know how to improve camera quality?
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didnt start/settings/personal/buttons helpd u?
as for camera go:
front door/camerashop/bay/Nikon
try 2 install this cab (install ,turnoff device for 5 sec,SR)
then when clock is marked try the right softkey
good luck
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Thanks for posting that cab. I had just fixed it in the registry myself afterward and forgot to tell people: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CHome\CClock\SK2TEXT and SK2URL
parkhaus said:
Which .net Framework is included in this ROM? If you run "Device update" by CRC (Excellent app!), it complains that the .net CF is too old. Never happened to me before....
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Oh weird - I just looked and it is NetCF 2.0 (what????) which I guess was put in by my SYS source at ppcgeeks. I'll stick NetCF 3.5 in the July release, promise. For now, download and install the .Net CF 3.5 redistributable from Microsoft.
Pranix said:
record button does not seem to work on this one...
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Dude, the Record button works just fine for me. Are you talking about hitting it once? That shows up as the VoiceCMD button in the Buttons control panel - it comes unassigned, but you can point it to the Backlight control (my personal favourite) or Voice Command or whatever.
The "Record" button requires you to press and hold down the button while you record a voice note.

[04/NOV] Olio 5.10 GER [Naked/Lite/M2D only/M2D Full/KITCHEN] WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7

new WM6.1 based on latest build...for the pure enthusiasts
Olio v5.10 Naked German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Olio v5.10 Lite German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Below is a list of what applications are included in this ROMs.
The GREEN COLORED items are only available in LITE ROM and not in Naked.
Please be aware, that both (Naked/Lite) versions of this ROM do
not contain Cube and/or Manila2D/3D interface.
Credits go to: bepe, olipro, cmonex, Da_G, epimazzo, shayder, chavonbravo, M-Amine, pcarvalho, whitealien
and all beta testers that helped to iron out (hopefully) most of the bugs.
This is/was really hard work and there are many hours of hard work in it, so
If YOU like my work, you may consider buying me a BEER
The Donators List - (MANY thanks for your appreciated support):
chpelle (2x)
Bertram B.
Christian S.
Sascha K.
Rainer H.
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Olio v5.10 Lite Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~61MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~65MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~127MB
Olio v5.10 Naked Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~65,2MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~69,7MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~142MB
Only downside of this patched 3.19 drivers is, it's unfortunately not 3D drivers capable.
Sorry for that. Radio recommendation: (though any 1.59.xx / 1.65.xx version should do)
1.58.xx / 1.64.xx radios NOT compatible, if you use those please update your Radio seperately.
Standard Apps included:
HTC Home Olio Style (Root Dir Version)*
Office German
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Album (iolite 2.5)
HTC AudioBooster
Streaming Media (iolite 3.0)
Bubble Breaker, Solitär
HTC Camera
HTC Large Titlebar
HTC Large Start Menu
HTC Endkey
Microsoft Dotnet 3.7
FM Radio
Internet Explorer
Additional Tools/Programs included:
Chess (additional Game)
Adobe Reader 2.5 LE
ClearTemp 1.2.2
PHM Registry Editor
dotfred PIMBackup 2.8
dotfred FDC TaskManager 3.1
Schaps Advanced Config 3.3 German
Windows Live/Messenger
Many Registry Tweaks and speed enhancements
HTC EZInput German SIP (only QWERTZ)
HTC CommManager 6 button black
Mark all as Read Extension for Outlook
Connection Setup Manager
SMS Chat Toggler
Elf Calculator Skin
Orbit2 Button1 Icon Fix
Outlook Enhancement
Picture Enancement
Power Off Warning (Mega 2.10)
GreenBattery Fix (1 percent battery)
*HTC Home can be activated by copying the attached
HTCHome folder WITH the png files inide into the
ROOT of your device (not in Programs or Windows folder)
and activate it after that in Settings/Today.
I decided to do this that way to save some more memory
in standard ROM for those which do not need Home.
This works only in Lite ROM not in Naked.
Additional program recommendations are
inside ROM file readme.txt
Download count of earlier versions:
4.71 Lite (49 times) - deleted from RS now.
4.73 Lite (30 times) - deleted from RS now
4.75 Lite (37 times) - deleted from RS now
4.77 Lite (127 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 Lite (193 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 Naked (31 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 Lite (226 times) recent version - still available
5.10 Naked (93 times) recent version - still available
Disclaimer (read carefully before trying to flash):
Although this ROM is well tested I absolutely decline all responsibility for misflashed and bricked phones.
So be sure that you are aware of these terms and know what you are doing and how to unbrick your device if it happens to fail after this update.
HardSPL is absolute obligatory for flashing cooked ROMs to be able to return to any other ROM version.
Download Olio v5.10 Lite final German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password: Olioaglio_XDAdevs
Download Olio v5.10 Naked final German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password (if needed): Olioaglio_XDAdevs
You will find known bugs and fixes in the 3rd post
General flash instructions (recommended to minimize problems)
0. Turn off all or at least as much as possible unneeded services on your PC like Antivirus, Firewall, Tools, Messenger etc. etc.
1. Flash from Bootloader Tricolor Mode (press and Hold Camera Button and stick stylus in Softreset to get into Bootloader)
2. Be sure to have at least 50% of battery left
3. ALWAYS remove your SD Card while flashing.
4. After successful flash and customizing, do a SECOND hardreset, sometimes first time some weird problems occur,
such as greyed out WLAN in CommManager and such.
5. Be happy with a successful flash
Additional/Optional useful downloads:
Recommended Radio for this ROM:
Polaris Radio
Genuine HTC smart mobility Splash Screen:
HTC Smart Mobility Splash Screen
HTC Iolite Phone Canvas (Dialer)
Iolite Dialer (no Video)
HTC EZInput Full version with all Input Methods (only install if you really need this):
HTC EZInput Fix
Olio v5.10 M2D only German ROM
No longer available
These are both based on the Lite ROM, but
with Manila2D interface and some more tiny apps.
Olio v5.10 M2D Full German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Below is a list of what applications are included in this ROMs.
The GREEN COLORED items are only available in M2D Full ROM and not in M2D only.
Credits go to: bepe, olipro, cmonex, Da_G, epimazzo, shayder, chavonbravo, M-Amine, pcarvalho, whitealien
and all beta testers that helped to iron out (hopefully) most of the bugs.
This is/was really hard work and there's hundreds of hours of work in it, so
If YOU like my work, you may consider buying me a BEER
The Donators List - (MANY thanks for your appreciated support):
chpelle (2x)
Bertram B.
Christian S.
Sascha K.
Rainer H.
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Olio v5.10 M2D only Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~58MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~62MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~112MB
Olio v5.10 M2D Full Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~58MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~62MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~99MB
Apps included:
HTC Manila2D 1.2 (/w Graphics 2.0 Mega) Weather patched
HTC PhoneCanvas 4.0 (mega 4.0)
HTC Album (Mega 3.0)
HTC Audio Manager (Jade 2.2)
HTC Audiobooster (Jade 2.1)
HTC Streaming Media (iolite 3.0)
HTC YouTube Player fixed (iolite 1.6)
HTC Power Off Warning (Mega 2.10)
HTC Volume Control (Opal 1.6)
HTC EZInput 1.5 German SIP (only QWERTZ)
HTC CommManager 6 button black
HTC TaskManager 2.1
HTC Camera
HTC Large Titlebar
HTC Large Start Menu
HTC Endkey
Microsoft Office Mobile German
Microsoft Dotnet 3.7
Microsoft Windows Live/Messenger
FM Radio
Internet Explorer
Games: Bubble Breaker, Solitär, Chess
FingerSuite 1.11
GoogleMaps 3.2.1 deutsch
Adobe Reader 2.5 LE
Connection Setup Manager
Mark all as Read Extension for Outlook
ClearTemp 1.2.2
Opera Mobile 9.7 Build 35461 (/w M2D Default Browser)
Opera Wheel Zoom Patch
Opera Zoom Slider Enabled
Opera Resize Text Area Patch
TouchResponse 0.3.2
TotalCommander 2.52b1
TRE Regedit 0.90
dotfred PIMBackup 2.8
dotfred FDC TaskManager 3.1
Schaps Advanced Config 3.3 German
SMS Chat Toggler
.NetCF Config
Outlook Enhancement
Picture Enhancement
Orbit2 Button1 Icon Fix
Elf Calculator Skin
GreenBattery Fix (1 percent battery)
Many Registry Tweaks and speed enhancements
Additional program recommendations are
inside ROM file readme.txt
Download count of earlier versions:
4.77 M2D only (122 times) - deleted from RS now
4.79v4 M2D Full (559 times) - - deleted from RS now
5.00 M2D only (101 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 M2D Full (139 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 M2D only (35 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 M2D Full (352 times) recent version - still available
Disclaimer (read carefully before trying to flash):
Although this ROM is well tested I absolutely decline all responsibility for misflashed and bricked phones.
So be sure that you are aware of these terms and know what you are doing and how to unbrick your device if it happens to fail after this update.
HardSPL is absolute obligatory for flashing cooked ROMs to be able to return to any other ROM version.
Download Olio v5.10 M2D Full German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password: Olioaglio_XDAdevs
You will find known bugs and fixes in the 3rd post
General flash instructions (recommended to minimize problems)
0. Turn off all or at least as much as possible unneeded services on your PC like Antivirus, Firewall, Tools, Messenger etc. etc.
1. Flash from Bootloader Tricolor Mode (press and Hold Camera Button and stick stylus in Softreset to get into Bootloader)
2. Be sure to have at least 50% of battery left
3. ALWAYS remove your SD Card while flashing.
4. After successful flash and customizing, do a SECOND hardreset, sometimes first time some weird problems occur,
such as greyed out WLAN in CommManager and such.
5. Be happy with a successful flash
Additional/Optional useful downloads:
Recommended Radio for this ROM:
Polaris Radio
Genuine HTC smart mobility Splash Screen:
HTC Smart Mobility Splash Screen
HTC EZInput Full version with all Input Methods (only install if you really need this):
HTC EZInput Fix
HTC Hero Digital Flip Clock (like in Olio V4.7 Manila ROMs)
HTC Hero Digital Clock
Known bugs and issues in ROM version 5.00 (if fixed click onto red **Fixed** to be redirected to solution)
Multiple Message and File Select by Tap and Drag not possible **FIXED**
ActiveSync freezes device at some (very few) peoples devices (Workaround for most people: Do NOT uncheck "Erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" in Verbindungen -> USBtoPC
"Töne" for changing Soundprofile is not working/brings failed message (unresolved yet)
Bug in M2D only and M2D Full: With SMS Chat Enabled tmail.exe is freezing with message (Nachricht wird geladen) when you want to access it in "Messaging" to answer. Workaround: Disable SMS Chat
ActiveSync is constantly open or reoopining itself **FIXED**
MMS and Voice Mail do not work (MMS Composer does not start on clicking) **FIXED**
Bluetooth state Taskbar icons do not show up **FIXED**
Known bugs and issues in ROM version 5.10 (if fixed click onto red **Fixed** to be redirected to solution)
Multiple Message Select by Tap and Drag not possible **FIXED**
"Töne" for changing Soundprofile is not working/brings failed message (unresolved yet)
ActiveSync is constantly open or reoopining itself **FIXED**
Bluetooth state Taskbar icons do not show up **FIXED**
Ok, folks, as this is my last ROM for Polaris due to soon platform change I will hereby release my kitchen for public use.
If you use it to create an own ROM please give me some credits
Download WM6.1 Olio v5.10 M2D Full KITCHEN German
great thx
Why not ,make another on in WWE please.
Why not ,make another one in WWE please.
I cannot expect it!
vg Dr-death
Great! thx!!!
i donate a beer for the Wurstkugel!
Release status updated, will upload finished Lite ROM within the next 24 hours.
Cheers, Olioaglio
WWE edition? Is possible?
It's like waiting for christmas. ;-)
Great, thank you!
Released ROM!! Have fun!
I really like this ROM so far!!!
Fast, stable, no bugs up to now.
But I have one question:
Is it possible to get the same Notification Manager as in pcarvalhos ROMs.
I found Topaz Notification Manager or Rhodium, but none of them worked.
Hi Olioaglio (really not an easy name ;-) What does it mean?)
Can we hope for a ROM in M2D only and M2D Full version?? I think I'm not able to find and install the right packages myself. So I would prefer to wait a little bit - or use the 4.79-ROM, which works great.
I will test this rom tomorrow, when i'm back from work!
It´s not what most of you want to hear, but this ROM freezes.
I had those freezes with the 4.79 full rom, too.
The system with what I flashed was Windows XP.
I had installed the recommended radio version
I´m now trying if it´s active sync which causes the freezing.
I did a hardreset and only connected my Orbit 2 to active sync (and I entered my PIN) and it freezes.
I think I´ll try to flash from another computer.
I will update here if there are news.
Edit 2:
Today, I´m going to reflash the original o2 rom, after that I´ll flash Olios and the radio rom again but all from another computer where I am able to deactivate all unneeded processes.
Maybe a hint, if you flash the rom, first get your phone connected to active sync and disconnect, check if it freezes when you turn off your screen.
If not, you probably have no problems.
Flashing Olio´s rom now.
First, I flashed o2 rom, then HTC splash screen, then radio to
Testing if active sync makes the device freeze in a few minutes.
Edit 3:
Flashed rom, did a hardreset and connected device to active sync as a guest, it seems to be working.
Testing today.
Did NOT work. Performing a hardreset now and testing again.
Edit 4:
Did a hardreset, connected to AS but did NOT uncheck option "erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" (don´t know what´s it in english, sorry, it´s options - connections - USB to PC)
Now, it seems to be working since 5 minutes.
I´ll update later.
It runs up to now. Probably, it´s the option "erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" that causes the freezing.
If somebody needs help, I´m happy trying to help him!
Sorry for my english, it´s not the best
Hmm. I use 4.79 Full Rom too. Flashed with Windows7RC 64bit. Absolute no problems/freezes. In my job I use ActiveSync with WinXP64bit for contacts and calender, no e-mail. No problems. Everything works perfect.
caesium2 said:
It´s not what most of you want to hear, but this ROM freezes.
I had those freezes with the 4.79 Full Rom too.
The system with what i flashed was Windows XP.
I had installed the recommended radio version
I´m now trying if it is Active Sync which causes the freezing.
I did a hardreset and only connected my Orbit 2 to Active sync (and I entered my PIN) and it freezes. I think I try to flash from another computer.
I will update here if there are news.
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You know, this problem seem to appear in all the latest of my ROMs so
far, always it seems to be related to ActiveSync and/or the function
Erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen. But it gets more and more mystical,
at least now, where this ROM may look not too different from the former
ones, but indeed it is completely new. I use new SYS, new XIP and
even new OEM (drivers). The only things left from former versions
is the two 1.60 drivers (pcem and ddi.dll) which are needed to achieve
the 100MB RAM. But I cannot imagine that these are the culprits,
because lots of cooks like pcarvalho or epimazzo use them also.
Moreover it is VERY interesting that this problem seems to affect only
some people, by far not all. I did not have it once on my test devices.
So I cannot help you with this, other than giving you some hints.
Rookie69 said:
Can we hope for a ROM in M2D only and M2D Full version??
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I plan to cook them, but as I don't use M2D myself this is something
I will do whenever it is some really lazy spare time so don't
expect it/them within the next few days. Maybe in some weeks or so.
I know that most of you prefer M2D full ROM as I can easily see at
the download count of the ROM versions. But it is a lot more difficult
to perfectly cook a ROM with lots of apps and enhancements than
a light ROM like the one which is out right now. I will take a look at it.

