So HERE is the CHALLENGE - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ok... I have been going through ALOT of different forums trying to sort out my bricked UNIVERSAL... A common thread/problem that i find is that people have tried to flash their
UNIVERSAL without first making it superCID. Then once they encounter problems and can't boot past BOOTLOADER or SPLASH screen they can't perform certain MTTY commands because its NOT superCID. They cannot run the regular unlock tool as they cant boot their device!!
Create tool to maker superCID from BOOTLOADER.
Now i dont have the programing skills to do this myself but i know that their are plenty of intelligent people here that do and that are willing to help.

i think you should give them some kind of money because i don't think someday you'll find someone on internet that will make it for you !
it's incredible to see people that thinks everything belongs to them

simkard said:
i think you should give them some kind of money because i don't think someday you'll find someone on internet that will make it for you !
it's incredible to see people that thinks everything belongs to them
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LOL "Challenge"... He believes he's dealing with 5 year olds who do anything if you challenge them
"Oh you do not dare"
"Oh I Do"

Wow... A lot of resentment coming out. I just hope for the personal integrity of the last two members that they actually KNOW how to do this and are not just rude individuals.
For everyone else; so maybe the wording of my post was not the most tactful but lets face it. EVERYBODY here wants others to HELP them with something! We all contribute to different forums and projects where we are able. If we all knew how to do everything ourselves forums would not have a purpose.

samuel_m said:
Wow... A lot of resentment coming out. I just hope for the personal integrity of the last two members that they actually KNOW how to do this and are not just rude individuals.
For everyone else; so maybe the wording of my post was not the most tactful but lets face it. EVERYBODY here wants others to HELP them with something! We all contribute to different forums and projects where we are able. If we all knew how to do everything ourselves forums would not have a purpose.
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I'm rude.
Just kidding, I do not know and cannot help you, but I make fun of your tactic and thinking that might work, but not it a rude manner, just playful
If it's a mass problem people here are the first to help and with a lot of commitment. But when one persons is trying to "challenge" them... I guess it just bores.
ps- english is not my 1st language.


Can the abuse be toned down please?

Dunno what people's beef is on here ?
Yes there are new members and so on, but some of the foul mouthed attacks I have seen here is disgraceful.
If your mother/wife/daughter or whatever logged on here would you want her to be subjected to such abuse ? No? Thought so!
Tone it down please - if you don't have anything constructive to add to a post, don't bother.
If it makes you feel better about yourself because you feel superior as you know more about HTC/Windows mobile etc. than other people - go back to your ZX81 or whatever but please stop the swearing and nastiness.
Sorry, just never seen such animosity on a forum in my life!
I wish I could say I feel your pain man, but I am a noob as well however I feel the more seasoned vets on here are just tired of the same stupid repetitive questions typically posted by none other than us new guys. I am not saying its right but the way I see it, its kinda like having a little brother or sister that keeps asking the same question over and over and over again while your trying to get something done. My occupation is sales and has been for almost a decade and the first thing I always try and do is look at something from all sides. In doing this it A) Makes me do a search before asking and B) Not feel as bad if I get checked by someone. Just my .42. Additionally I have found if I really cannot find something then I will pm someone I feel is approachable and let them educate me.
From what I have seen lately, the "abuse" has toned down big time around here, were you recently flamed or something, that made you think this?
donzx6 said:
If your mother/wife/daughter or whatever logged on here would you want her to be subjected to such abuse ? No? Thought so!
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bit sexist
ChaoticDruid said:
From what I have seen lately, the "abuse" has toned down big time around here, were you recently flamed or something, that made you think this?
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I agree. The replies on this site have become MUCH more mature, helpful, and professional in the last few weeks.
I hope you're not referring to 'now' ... or maybe you're reading through the historical posts to avoid getting flamed.
This is another reason why, no matter how many times a question's been asked, the old-timers should carefully think about the legacy their words will leave behind on these forums.
I find the repeated questions unbearable sometimes, too. But the historical traces of the blatant abusive and immature replies will live with these boards for a very long time, making it unlikely that anyone will like to search for an answer before posting the same question over and over and over and....
swtaltima said:
I wish I could say I feel your pain man, but I am a noob as well however I feel the more seasoned vets on here are just tired of the same stupid repetitive questions typically posted by none other than us new guys.
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They make the choice to read the questions then respond in an abusive manor. Its not like a brother or sister who hunt you down to annoy you. I have tried searching for a good tutorial on how to build packages and what not to build my own ROM but the usual thread I see is, "Google It and learn it the way I did." It almost like no one really wants to share their knowledge on certain areas of ROM building. I've tried googling etc. But I have still not run across a decent tutorial. I'd be willing to help make a tutorial if I knew the complete process. I've seen others claim this forum is for XDA "developers" and if you are not a developer you should look elsewhere for "help." The only way to become a developer is to learn. Most people learn by reading and asking questions. I just don't understand why people insist on berating others for asking innocent questions. I have searched for answers before and not found it. Then later I am reading a thread and I do see the answer to my question but it was not worded the way I say things possible because of language differences. So it slipped throught the cracks of the search. Should I be verbally abused for asking my question? Probably not, especially seeing as how the diversity on this forum is great. Many different primary languages and knowledge levels. It seems like before ROM cooking for Hermes was possible people were all fine and cordial with each other. Then boom, cooked ROMs became possible and it turned into if you cant help me finish my ROM and let me put the donte link in my signature I don't want to help you.
Well thats my take.
PS- if someone helps me grasp the art of ROM building I will make a tutorial and do my best to make it simple to understand for everybody.
There are still a few bad apples around thou & most of us know them but just keep to our selfs, too much of that n00b flame go read wiki or search google, they can tell you to read the wiki but too lazy to type a quick fast reply to a simple question....
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
jokinawa said:
They make the choice to read the questions then respond in an abusive manor. Its not like a brother or sister who hunt you down to annoy you. I have tried searching for a good tutorial on how to build packages and what not to build my own ROM but the usual thread I see is, "Google It and learn it the way I did." It almost like no one really wants to share their knowledge on certain areas of ROM building. I've tried googling etc. But I have still not run across a decent tutorial. I'd be willing to help make a tutorial if I knew the complete process. I've seen others claim this forum is for XDA "developers" and if you are not a developer you should look elsewhere for "help." The only way to become a developer is to learn. Most people learn by reading and asking questions. I just don't understand why people insist on berating others for asking innocent questions. I have searched for answers before and not found it. Then later I am reading a thread and I do see the answer to my question but it was not worded the way I say things possible because of language differences. So it slipped throught the cracks of the search. Should I be verbally abused for asking my question? Probably not, especially seeing as how the diversity on this forum is great. Many different primary languages and knowledge levels. It seems like before ROM cooking for Hermes was possible people were all fine and cordial with each other. Then boom, cooked ROMs became possible and it turned into if you cant help me finish my ROM and let me put the donte link in my signature I don't want to help you.
Well thats my take.
PS- if someone helps me grasp the art of ROM building I will make a tutorial and do my best to make it simple to understand for everybody.
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By the way, they do hunt people down with PM, e-mail, IM, etc...
Here my take
The Art of ROM building does not happen overnight and it is not for everyone. You are also correct there are no A-Z tutorials on how to do it. Nonetheless, there is a lot of information on how to get your feet wet. It requires certain skill set in order to develop good cooked ROM.
Skill set: Search and Read both threads and wiki, Development (someone with a development background is preferred), Cab (building and extracting) PPC registry, Windows Mobile OS (understanding how things work), device infrastructure (understanding how things work with that particular device, because they are not all made equal), understanding you could brick your expensive device with the one wrong turn. Most important patience and keep you changes to a minimum until you get the hang of it.
The list of requirements can go on but I figure with the above information you should have an idea. It takes months of reading, searching, and trying things out in order to understand how to cook. While you are researching you also want to keep with new findings, that means you have to stay on top of up coming new threads. It is a crazy cycle and some of us can keep up with it but I assure you it is not for a lot PPL.
Oh, I forgot one more thing, you also have keep up with your full time job (you know, the one you get paid for).
Thank You
lpsi2000: Thank you. I almost have it down. The only issue I had was one of my apps did not make the start menu icon and I posted it in a thread directed towards one of the kitchens and thus far has been ignored for a week or so. I posted what I put in the initflashfiles.dat etc. It makes a shortcut but appears as a folder link to the /Windows directory and not a shortcut to the EXE. I will get it eventually though.
DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread.
mrvanx: Yes, you are always very helpful.
Thank You all.
<polish>Shines his new Senior Member badge.</polish>
I agree that is has gotten much better in the past few weeks. I also use the ignore list to block out a couple of folks who repeatedly belittle others with their uneducated and profane flaming.
Here is my take. WTF cares
you want a bucket to catch those tears?
jokinawa said:
lpsi2000: Thank you. I almost have it down. The only issue I had was one of my apps did not make the start menu icon and I posted it in a thread directed towards one of the kitchens and thus far has been ignored for a week or so. I posted what I put in the initflashfiles.dat etc. It makes a shortcut but appears as a folder link to the /Windows directory and not a shortcut to the EXE. I will get it eventually though.
DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread.
mrvanx: Yes, you are always very helpful.
Thank You all.
<polish>Shines his new Senior Member badge.</polish>
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The way I get around some of the issues with applications not working properly, I flashed the ROM, take a copy of device registry and files then install the app on the device and then compare it to see what was changed. From there I normally address it with my cooked ROM.
I must disagree with this comment " DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread." although I have done it at time when the search is not obvious.
If you spoon feed the search every time, then the person will never learn how to search. I have seen PPL on this board expecting other people to do search for them and also provide the answers. Trust me there are a lot of lazy people on this forum.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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Exteremely, MrVanx... EXTREMELY! Only to be outdone by your wonderful guides...easy to follow and up to date. You provide a wonderful service to these forums, and I always look forward to your posts.
Sorry I haven't yet made a donation in your direction. It will be coming soon.
All the best,
austinsnyc said:
Here is my take. WTF cares
you want a bucket to catch those tears?
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Easy there bro... that kinda attitude got the elf kicked out of the house...
You know I would go easy just everytime my faith is restored in the people here the stupid bug seems to bite again. like asking questions that where answerd in a post right above or someone wanting to be spoon fed its almost to the point where no one wants to do anything for themselves. that's pretty sad if you ask me im sure most of the cooks here did not receive the amount of help that has been given in just the past month. I understand helping people but I also understand earning respect and until that's done give me a reason why I should spoon feed when there is a search button and google.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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pretty obvious answer(s)
why create another thread in 'Hermes Mobile 6', this should be put in the 'General Section'
and as far as i have seen it the abuse has been dramatically in the past few weeks
Sometimes the abuse is (IMHO) justified.
This post generally makes my blood boil - the asshole keeps appearing in many guises, doesn't want to help but only make money. If this is the first post you see when you log on you get pissed off, then get carried away with the 'Flashing LSVW bricked my V3' type of threads.
In my opinion, ronfin44 was perfectly justified in (mildly) flaming this guy.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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Awww fishing for praise now? ahhahah!
Of course it's been helpful.. Honestly, I'm pretty impressed with the impartial, well thought replies that you always give.
[mumbles]Wish I could say the same for me hee hee![/mumbles]


I'm really tired of all the complaining and bickering going on in this forum lately.
It's getting out of hand.
Especially from **** heads that didn't show their faces until after the hard work was done. Those that don't show up when the forum needs something but only show up when they need something.
Where were you when we were collecting money?
Instead of complaining, did you ever think to ask some of the leaders in the forum, what you could do to give back?
Where were you when we were testing? All we needed was $5 from a few people but all I see is more cheap bastards that want free stuff and expect it to be PERFECT. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think of it this way...if you bricked your device after 20 other people have successfully "patched" it, then something else is wrong. Work with people in the forum to figure out what. Keep a cool head. We know how tough it is to spend high dollar on a device then have it not work...but you use solutions here at your own risk so it's not the developers fault IT IS YOUR FAULT. Learn to post based on other postings. Don't yell and start complaining. I'm not a developer myself but contribute in other ways. If I was a developer I would leave this forum because of the verbal abuse. STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY!
Read the forum. Most of the **** has already been done. I'm not upset because people are asking questions due to not understanding something along your research. Don't get me wrong, the forum is here to help people and it's helped me a lot. I'm upset because of all the bashing going on lately. It's getting out of hand. I'm also upset because many of you that are actually benefitting from these solutions didn't show your faces until all the hard work was done. Don't tell me you couldn't afford a measly $5 or to contribute your time in some way or ask the people involved...what can I do to give back to the community I leech get my point.
Note, I'm not going to respond to ANYONE regarding this thread. Just chill the out and let's work together. If your device breaks, READ and try to educate yourself first instead of blaming the developer who took time to contribute their knowledge and provided us with a solution we needed or wanted. If you don't like how things are going....GET INVOLVED WHEN YOU NEED TO...DON'T COMPLAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE USING A SOLUTION SOMEONE WROTE ON THEIR FREE TIME TO HELP YOU OUT! MY GOD PEOPLE!
If you think you might get upset, mess your phone up, or otherwise...JUST DON'T USE THE SOLUTIONS POSTED ON THIS FORUM PERIOD.
If the above doesn't make sense...oh well. Needed to get that off my chest. I'm not a writer either so if it's all mashed together, oh well. If you're smart enough you'll get my point. If not, then just ignore the thread and go on.
Well Said ltxda. If only people would listen could curb their emotions a bit and apply logic sometimes....but then we are emotional beings.
Well I agree anyway. Everything is done at your own risk in these forums...and while we are at know complaining about complainers and so forth...
..has anyone actually bricked their device (rendered it 'dead' or incapable of being restored somehow) know killed it?
I don't recall anyone having had that experience since... say...Olipro's unlocker. Point's safe for all...and that was the intention of the SPL patch in the first place..whether simple to use or not.
C'mon friends...let's close the divide eat some humble pie together and get back to the business of progress and development...I'll leave that last bit to the
If it helps I'll go first...Sorry if I offended anyone of late.
I meant that BTW. If it it's not good enough..sorry the offense ran so deep...sorry again.
OK...back to business
Developer Midget_1990 should be getting his X7500 within the next few days hopefully. We wanted different variants of the Athena to ensure there any and all solutions would definitely work across the board.
Custom ROMs coming soon.
Why don't we put our heads together to finalize/agree on the wish list of software that should be incorporated into the ROM/Vanilla ROM?
Has anyone found any VGA converted files for the Kaiser plug-in .cabs? That would be nice.
well said lt.. well said...
Agree with all these comments and want to add my take on the situation. All of us were newbies at some point (except for Oli I guess), and we have all been there. I remember sweating the first time I made a registry change.
1. We need to be a little patient with newbies. We want them to become a part of the community, not drive them away.
2. Saying "Just use search" or "See the Wiki" isn't always helpful. Sometimes relevant threads are 20+ pages, hard to sift through all that and figure out what is really the **** and what is some lame-ass crap from some poor soul who is as clueless as me. And have you actually looked at the Athena Wiki lately. Not much there. I would feel more sympathetic to the dismissive tone if the Wiki were more up to date. (I know, that's me too!)
** Tip for newbies, go to Advanced Search, select just the Athena forum, and search by post not thread. That may help narrow things down.
3. I'm pretty cautious in making major changes. Flashed my Wizard ROM probably 4 times in over a year... and still waiting to flash my Advantage. I appreciate the brave souls who will flash weekly or more, I learn a lot from you guys. But I don't have the time to constantly set things back up over and over, so I wait for an upgrade that I feel confident will do what I want. Plus I know my limitations, if something really terrible happens I'm not smart enough to quickly recover. I read everything there is to read before doing anything major.
SO WHY IS IT THAT SOME PEOPLE TAKE HOME A NEW DEVICE AND FLASH AWAY WITHOUT READING A DAMN THING? Then cry that they bricked their phone? (probably not) How can we get the message of BE CAREFUL across? Look before you leap, etc. Maybe there needs to be a sticky at the very top explaining who should be messing with what. Maybe every link to a ROM should have a warning label. Something.
Sorry to go on. I really appreciate the expertise on this forum and enjoy being able to contribute in some small ways. But we need a more civil tone. I hate to see things deteriorate.
"I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not...."
Cat Stevens...
I think XDA-DEV is the best forum I ever seen about HTC devices. So many
thoroughbred horses here, and everybody involved in management knows how hard is to keep them working together ... Forget Customer Relationship Management
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
jwzg said:
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
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Agreed. Sorry I lost it again.
thx for cleaning up the unlocker threat.
It took a while before the Hermes forum to start getting crazy. I don't have my device for a week yet and there is already a lot sh*t among members already. For the Athena, I thought this would not happen until WM7. Anyway, let's get along people.
Bickering and namecalling
I think some of the newer guys should also look in the historie of things. The hermes forum had simmilar issues with jasjamming. For lot of the developers it not just someone asking a question, but another one asking the same thing. It's can be very frustrating, and some handle it better than others. I think it's safe to say that Olipro doesn't hadle it very well, and vents his frustration at the one asking the question. Wether i agree with him or not i do understand him.
As for the people asking questions. First search if your question hasn't been asked before... If you can't find it search again.
Give as much information as you can. Be specific about versions you use. Give the output of the software you get.If you're aked to give information you have given before, just give it again. Remember you are the one wanting help, so make it easy to help you, don't make the other one search for information.
And remember one thing: Free software is often provided "as is". No guarantees and no support. Assume that if it goes wrong, that you are on your own. Any support given is a bonus. Having said that, you'll find that there are enough people willing to help as long as you are patient and polite (or at least civil).

Open Letter to Eris Users About Root

Dear Eris Users who Are Waiting for Root,
I'd like to start by addressing all of you as a large audience. I may ask certain groups to leave. I hope they will respect that wish and then come back and join the larger group when I am done with each piece.
We all got the Droid Eris from Verizon. We all got it for different reasons. A lot of you, if not all of you, are here because you wanted an HTC phone that was rooted. You wanted the custom roms, the themes, the su privileges. This shining aura that was "root" was so appealing, that you took a plunge and bought the device before any work was really done on that. Now, some of you feel that you should receive, neigh, deserve root. I am so saddened by what this community, Eris users, not XDA, has turned into. The disbelievers, the demanders; what are you still doing here, complaining? Just leave if you have something mean to say.
To everyone: I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you don't have something important, information wise/helpful, to say on the forum, then don't post at all. I try to keep my fingers off the keyboard, and I have for a long time, but I cannot hold my silence. I used to post every day. I used to be excited to get onto XDA and see if something new had happened while I was away. When we got our own section of the forum, I was overjoyed! (Not really, but we needed a section) We had a pristine new subforum to play around in, and we trashed it. Our original root thread had to be closed because of how off topic and ridiculous it was. Our new thread has gone to crap and turned more into a flame war, than a place where we are looking for exploits and posting findings. Sadly, I wouldn't blame XDA for shutting that one down too. We, as a whole, have alienated developers and are now in danger of not getting root for a number of reasons.
No one deserves root, just like no one deserves $20 from a random stranger. Sure, it'd be nice to get it, but no one deserves it. We should all be thankful for the man hours that people have put in, for no money, to try and give us $20 a piece... I mean root this thing. Seriously, it's a community, not a business. Also, those who feel like it's not worth it to wait around, just leave. Don't make an exit if you're sitting around and not helping but you feel the need to announce that you are fed up, or tired of it. Root will come eventually. There has yet to be an android phone that hasn't been hacked, and we will not be the first one.
Lastly, I'm tired of the "HTC NEEDS to release the source code because it's our right to have it" argument. Sure, the source would help, but the iPhone has been hacked again and again and again with no source code. It comes down to good developers, and a thankful community. So, please stop riding that bandwagon. The source code will get here eventually, but you have to be patient.
To those of you who have been helpful: Thank you. To anyone who tried an exploit and posted findings, thank you. To anyone who compiled an exploit, who dumped their phone, who offered help, incite, or even a "keep it up", thank you. That's what a good hacking community does.
To Jmanly, Binny, Zifnab, rigamrts and others: Thank you for everything you've done to help us out. You are all a tribute to being a good forum member. We would not even be a fraction of where we are without Jmanly's guidance and it was sad to see him leave.
Where to go from here: I think we need to restart. Create a new thread where no negative talk will occur, people will only post things that help move us forward and people post their thanks to those who are doing all of us a favor. None of us deserve root. It's not owed to us because we got the phone. We should all be thankful for what some people with the know-how are doing for us. That should be all I have to say. I hope we can change a little bit for the better and maybe we can get back to trying to root.
Well said!
This is well put.
I can never quite understand the flaming or negative stuff.
I learned when I started out in WinMo Xperia Threads that people hassling or acting "Entitled" while you are working hard on a Mod or Rom or anything can be quite disheartening.
If it can be agreed upon, I would like to open a new thread, for root status and updates. (hopefully for the last time)
Or I can just add it to the bounty thread that is already open (I know and understand that most of us do this for the love of hacking and modding and out of a sense of community, but it is also a nice gesture and could really help someone that devotes time and effort to this)???
I would monitor it constantly and report any flaming and abuse to one of our great moderators immediatley.
What do you think?
here's how i felt when i first got my eris.
i was like great now i can see what's up and possibly help get root for the new addopters cause i did not get my g1 durring the first run. i missed out on the fun times of all the posts of people trying to hack the phone.
so when i first landed in the eris waters it was great the late night whiteboard sessions were fun throwing any idea no matter how idiotic it sounded and going to town. then we had our first 2 casualties jman and me cause some one took it apon himself to attack a guy who didn't even have our phone and was willing to help.
then we had today where that same person took it on himself to flame another dev the same way. now the 7 day ban might calm him down or send the message not to come back. but i thought it sould have been a perma-ban cause of past actions plus the disrespecting of a mod which is a no no. that mod i respect cause he acted profesionally and gave the community hope that this type of behavior will not be tollorated.
hopefully if things keep going in a positive direction i might jump back into fold but feel very heartbroken cause of the few bad apples.
Awesome post
as acid said, very well put.
i too never understood why not just in the "eris" section but yet in any section people have demanded such items to be released.
I agree with rigamrts, I have watched this board with aw in some of the things people have said to one another. If I had root to this phone I would P.M. the members I wanted to have it just to keep out the ones that act childish. But then wouldn't I be just as childish? So I would just stop, Do my own thing, and wait as a few of the people here have done. People with no interest in this device have nothing to lose by leaving besides maybe hearing their friend saying "come on man, come back. We won't let that happen again." Its a shame this happened in our community but as with the physical community I live in there are jerks. People that you wish would leave on their own accord but stick around with T.P. stuck to their shoes looking like idiots. Anyways, thanks for the help, keep working, and feel free to leave if things get retarded again. I would do the same.
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
Videofolife13 said:
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
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i could create a bolg on one of my unused email account
I think that moving the thread to the new one should work..
We have a couple of moderators all over this now..
And I can update everyday
I need you guys to update me on what to put im the 1st post so that we can get back on track
I think the blog is a great idea but the thing is we also need to keep the discussion here at XDA, the place that originally got us together. If we don't keep the support here we won't have a well known place to meet new Eris users that could potentially help. We can't do that because of one bad apple, this Is our meeting place and we need to show XDA the respect by continuing to trust their mods to do their jobs. Ya that guy should have been permanently banned but he wasn't so let's not punish XDA for that decision. My two pennies.
I agree that we need to hang out at XDA, but I also feel that we could move to somewhere where we can bounce around ideas without people hijacking threads or starting flame wars. I'm not trying to keep people in the dark, I just want to try a different place. Oh, and I'd like some people who know what they're doing to sign on. I'm just a visionary, I can't code. Haha
Ok guys here is the deal after what happend today I am a little upset I spend hours each day searching the web for exploits, why... to help. Here is what I may do, I might buy some webspace and set up a area for us to work together on. I am going to see if Jman will will join us, this is just a idea for right now. I will let you guys know when I clear my head.
Aren't there free blogs? Let's not throw money at this quite yet.
Oh, and I'm sorry you got upset with some people and also that I haven't been here in, well, a month or more. I thought the community was going stagnate. I'm here to stay and, like you, I'll be scrounging for exploits and doing my best to help those with the know-how by doing the leg work if they do the real work.
Free yes but I would like some were were we can upload files to and what not. Just a idea for right now.
Clear ur head man...take care
When ya come back.head over to the new no flaming thread
Videofolife13 said:
Aren't there free blogs? Let's not throw money at this quite yet.
Oh, and I'm sorry you got upset with some people and also that I haven't been here in, well, a month or more. I thought the community was going stagnate. I'm here to stay and, like you, I'll be scrounging for exploits and doing my best to help those with the know-how by doing the leg work if they do the real work.
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just set up one for us.
Videofolife13 said:
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
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Well I have the pro programs for Mac and Windows to make killer video tuts, so once we have this thing rooted, I can get that out of the way.
Oh and I can host web space for you too on my server, I just don't have any domains to run the site on. You could use your ways to get a domain. (Try that's what I use for most of my websites.)
Questions to [email protected].
CPCookieMan said:
Well I have the pro programs for Mac and Windows to make killer video tuts, so once we have this thing rooted, I can get that out of the way.
Oh and I can host web space for you too on my server, I just don't have any domains to run the site on. You could use your ways to get a domain. (Try that's what I use for most of my websites.)
Questions to [email protected].
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Good Stuff Cookie...
Come over to the new thread an help us out
Its in my sig...
No one deserves root, just like no one deserves $20 from a random stranger. Sure, it'd be nice to get it, but no one deserves it. We should all be thankful for the man hours that people have put in, for no money, to try and give us $20 a piece... I mean root this thing. Seriously, it's a community, not a business.
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Video I can agree where you are comming from, it does suck the fun out of the puzzle of rooting the device with all the flaming and demanding. But on the other side where I am, I am not a programmer or a linux genius. So we almost feel like leechers taking your work with out compensation for it. So the Pool for the dev that roots the Eris is our attempt to do our part in the give take relationship we have in this community.
Sure I could spend hours and hours and hope to get where you guys are or I can offer my monitary thanks for all your work.
I am not trying to point this thread in the wrong direction and I don't want to see a bunch of "I agree" replies. Just want to convey our side, the noobs and amatures that can't do the things that you do.
I am waiting patiently and if there is anything we the non-dev's can do let us know.
binny1007 said:
Free yes but I would like some were were we can upload files to and what not. Just a idea for right now.
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I have my own web server that we can use. Let me know if you want to set something up.
would a google wave account work i have invites?


Okay I'm a lurker on the developer thread and I thought it best to create a separate topic where everyone can talk about it (or complain that people can't shoehorn an OS on a device fast enough for their liking despite the fact that people are doing it for free basically) without all this "DEVELOPER DISCUSSION ONLY AUGUGHGH" "but we don't know where else to post about it"-ism
so this thread is for the non-developer discussion of said project:
(won't let me past "outside links"(?) cos I'm a n00b for some reason)
so there's no excuse now for anyone who posts "when is it done?" in the other thread
Also, a few pointers since some people don't get it and I'd rather save a developers/non-developers civil war thing.
How long will it take? - You're looking at about a year at least. Remember, it's installing an OS on a system that isn't meant to even have it. It's going to take a hell of a lot of time to guesswork and muck around with this stuff.
(all the people moaning on engadget re: the US HD2 launch being all "HTC release an android update right now " and then being all "OH XDA WILL SORT IT OUT" (because apparently xda is their overnight miracle machine) annoy me something chronic for this reason.)
remember too that these people are more or less doing this for free.
Can't you just install the Nexus/Supersonic/etc. rom on there? - No.
from what I understand of the whole thing (I'm not a developer so take this with a pinch of salt) there's an awful lot of different code and such on these things which means it isn't as easy to just "install" it on another OS. It's like asking why you just can't fit a jaguar engine into a VW beetle. It could work, but there'd be a lot of work and rerouting etc. to be made and even then it would need a lot of tuning and sorting out.
Is it ready yet? - No. You will know when it's ready.
What's happening at the moment? - From what I've read of the whole thing they're trying to iron out kinks with the linux Haret thing thats going to run Android. After they've got it to boot, they're going to have to try and get android working with the HD2. This is why it's taking so long.
so yeah.
yeah but..
this is the xda DEVELOPERS forum
and this is the HD2 DEVELOPEMENT section
so i guess the linux android development thread does what its supposed to !!
i know its frustrating and you like me want android on the hd2 but to be honest i i find half the fun is the bloody long wait and the small progressions that are made, thats how we learn.
edit >> ok looks like this thread was useful after all - my wrong !! ..
A mod can move it elsewhere if needs be, I was just getting sick of all the feuding going on between people who wanted to talk about it and the developers yelling at the people who aren't posting about developing and thought it best to make a separate thread so non-developer people can talk about the project and developer people can drop in and give advice
actually you got a point.
theres a fair ammount of flame grill on the other thread that does get annoying
i subscribe to the other thread so i get an instant email for every post and i get my email on my hd2 just as you would a text message so it can be a pain.
Ha finally found again this topic.
I am wishing you all my best to port Android to the HD2 because with all the **** around WinMo 7 comptability, you look the only one able to save the HD2 in the future!
I really hope everyday that Android will be working on our HD2...
Btw, the HTC Desire is going to be out soon, and it has the same specification than the HD2... Does it increase the chance got Android on our HD2?
Good luck and all my best !
i hope we get android on our HD2's with spb mobileshell 5.0
Zepiii said:
Ha finally found again this topic.
I am wishing you all my best to port Android to the HD2 because with all the **** around WinMo 7 comptability, you look the only one able to save the HD2 in the future!
I really hope everyday that Android will be working on our HD2...
Btw, the HTC Desire is going to be out soon, and it has the same specification than the HD2... Does it increase the chance got Android on our HD2?
Good luck and all my best !
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All about or its bull**** !!
This web site works for Apple its sure !!
Edit : mistake but im sure about Gizmondo
Too bad we're stuck with low level developers who can't get it done. We need real developers who actually know what they are doing.
simranjits said:
Too bad we're stuck with low level developers who can't get it done. We need real developers who actually know what they are doing.
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Like Android would be wounderfull to have WebOS runing on HD2...a beautifull simbiose with outlook and Itunes integrations.....and push notifications...and light apps for everythink.
I dreaming with that.
simranjits said:
Too bad we're stuck with low level developers who can't get it done. We need real developers who actually know what they are doing.
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Careful now mate. Watch what you say!
simranjits said:
Too bad we're stuck with low level developers who can't get it done. We need real developers who actually know what they are doing.
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Why don't *YOU* take the lead then if you're so capable of passing judgement on other people; as to do that you must have some amazing development skills in getting an operating system running on unknown poorly documented hardware.
Obvioiusly everyone will bow down to your uberleet level of skill when *YOU* present all of the fine work *YOU* have done!
stop being so bloody rude!
Dcordes knows a fair bit more than most people about linux hacking for ppc devices, I suggest you give him the respect he and others deserve!
if this post upsets you think about what you wrote...
I'm hopeing that it will not sound total idiot, but:
why it's not possible to use NexusOne rom dump, and using it for HD2. Hardware is nearly same except buttons and screen size.
zabique said:
I'm hopeing that it will not sound total idiot, but:
why it's not possible to use NexusOne rom dump, and using it for HD2. Hardware is nearly same except buttons and screen size.
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Ooooh dear...i´m still wondering why people are that damn lazy these days, not reading just one line in threads that are having 709 posts at this moment...don´t you people think that there should be a 100 percent-likelihood (in a developers-forum!) that another big brain spits out such ideas? exactly 1.000 other so called "newbies" have mentioned this point in the past few weeks...sometimes in every third post, again and again, without having read what other people have posted one line above. This is not about beeing a newbie or not, this is just about a little respect to the developers, serving nice presents to all of us without getting paid for it. what you guys can do for them? well, the first step should be not to spam around questions that already have been answered 1000 times before...instead go and read through the replies and at the end, when you are sure that there is no answer yet (after using the search function too, of course)...THAN ask your question or type in your comments and I think everbody will thank you for your participation in this community.
Sorry zabique, of course this is not against you ...but after reading exactly the same line for the 20st time/last two weeks there was no inhibition of my fingers typing these lines possible
i have a lot of respect for those developers, i die a bit inside every time a noob asks how it is going and **** like that.. anyway its nice they are working on it and i hope they succeed! dual boot windows / android would be really cool to have! i will surely donate if its working.. but to who should i donate? maybe its an idea to make a sort of bounty (lets say i will give $20 for getting android on hd2) and someone else also $20. thats 40 in total. if that 40 is shared and given to the developers that have worked on that project it would be a stimulation for them i guess.. only i dont know what developers are working intensively..
anyway my reward will be $20
more of you are going to join?
maybe its an idea to add the totall's of the $$ and the name who gives what in the first post?
fards said:
Why don't *YOU* take the lead then if you're so capable of passing judgement on other people; as to do that you must have some amazing development skills in getting an operating system running on unknown poorly documented hardware.
Obvioiusly everyone will bow down to your uberleet level of skill when *YOU* present all of the fine work *YOU* have done!
stop being so bloody rude!
Dcordes knows a fair bit more than most people about linux hacking for ppc devices, I suggest you give him the respect he and others deserve!
if this post upsets you think about what you wrote...
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If i wanted to do it myself , would i be bothering myself with these amateurs. At least i know i can't do it, but these guys don't know when to stop. Like i said we need real developers. All they are doing is guesswork and their debuging techniques are crude.
simranjits said:
If i wanted to do it myself , would i be bothering myself with these amateurs. At least i know i can't do it, but these guys don't know when to stop. Like i said we need real developers. All they are doing is guesswork and their debuging techniques are crude.
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Of course with the guy who have your thinking psychologically, we have the desire to continue working.
Maybe now you know guys who are better and who are willing to take the trouble to come and work for free for fun, to the delight of members!
If this is not the case, then dont write!
I think you're not an adult, easy to dictate but to do the works is another thing.
simranjits said:
If i wanted to do it myself , would i be bothering myself with these amateurs. At least i know i can't do it, but these guys don't know when to stop. Like i said we need real developers. All they are doing is guesswork and their debuging techniques are crude.
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all you know is nothing...
so please shut up and let people who do know what they are talking about get on with it..
fards said:
all you know is nothing...
so please shut up and let people who do know what they are talking about get on with it..
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actually he is quite right. if you have any idea what developers are talking about then you can see that all they do is guess in trial and error style. but aparently you dont have any idea
From the viewpoint of a software architect, it's indeed hard to watch the other thread without crinching every once in a while. On the other hand, the plan of attack there seems to be part of a culture that has done stuff like this quite succesfully with other challenges.
So i won't be surprised if we eventually get a nice port of android running on the HD2.
Mind you, i do believe that an undertaking like this would need the infrastructure, tools and mindset like the main android project has in place at the moment. But that would require a "DEVs and Testers only" door policy.
Simply put, the other thread here lets the lesser gods put their 2 cents in too. I'm cool with that.
BTW, i do not approve of any condescending remarks about the the other thread, nor do i wish to make my own through this mail.

a reminder to the armv(k)-team

May I remind the armv(k)-team to this section of the forum rules from xda-developers:
2. Member conduct.
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result what is ‘ok’ to say in your part of the world may not be ok in someone else’s part of the world. Please think about who is reading what you write. Keep in mind that what you think of as acceptable use of language may not be acceptable to others. Conversely, while reading member posts, remember that word you find offensive may not be to the writer. Tolerance is a two way street.
2.2 Nudity: XDA is used by people of all ages, including minors. It's not acceptable to post nude/pornographic imagery, which includes exposure of the male or female genitalia or of female breasts.
2.3 Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior.
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
2.5 New Members: Treat new members the way you would have liked to have been treated when you were a new member. Provide the new members with guidance, advice and instruction always with respect and courtesy.
2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
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No need to flame others over your apocalypse rom. It is, after all, just another rom and nothing special that will change the world.
None of your "features" are exclusive to your rom and there's absolutley no reason for *****ing around like that.
I also may quote rule#10:
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
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I don't know about you, but sharing knowledge is what this forum is all about, right?
It's not about fame...
If all this Linux/Android stuff was closed-source, e.g. the developers wouldn't share the "how to" then you wouldn't be able to build a custom rom in the first place. None of this knowledge is exclusively yours.
What do you think you are? Privileged nobility?
Correct me, if I'm wrong, but you didn't invent any of this, did you?
You copied what you saw elsewhere. And exchanging a "b" for an "a" doesn't make it "your" work...
And next time you pirate some movie or mp3 from the internet (I know you will), please think about your reaction!
mokopokko said:
May I remind the armv(k)-team to this section of the forum rules from xda-developers:
No need to flame others over your apocalypse rom. It is, after all, just another rom and nothing special that will change the world.
None of your "features" are exclusive to your rom and there's absolutley no reason for *****ing around like that.
I also may quote rule#10:
I don't know about you, but sharing knowledge is what this forum is all about, right?
It's not about fame...
If all this Linux/Android stuff was closed-source, e.g. the developers wouldn't share the "how to" then you wouldn't be able to build a custom rom in the first place. None of this knowledge is exclusively yours.
What do you think you are? Privileged nobility?
Correct me, if I'm wrong, but you didn't invent any of this, did you?
You copied what you saw elsewhere. And exchanging a "b" for an "a" doesn't make it "your" work...
And next time you pirate some movie or mp3 from the internet (I know you will), please think about your reaction!
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Hope they read this
I do not agree. They have seen their work posted before release, from unknown guy. Anyone would go upset.
No. They always said things like "if you want jit and cannot wait, search the internet like we did."
Someone did and found their method.
And I don't think that a standard feature of android can be claimed as "their" work.
If they don't want "their" work to be used, they should program their own android without gpl license...
If everybody thought like this none of this stuff that makes android so much better than for example ios would exist.
It's just the wrong attitude.
And btw, they also ripped themes and images without giving proper credits at first.
"whoops, forgot to mention the original creator"
But no one complained.
Now it's their work that gets "compromised" and they act like total jerks.
I dunno....either you wanna share your stuff and expertise like it is ment or you build your own rom just for yourself without bothering others.
Noone really needs a custom rom and noone has to provide one.
Everything that has been achieved already more than we accepted when we bought a g3 with 2.1 as is...
I cant speak in the name of my other members in term of the cursing part
I always was clean in my words, never said bad words
But in that from other parts "Sorry"
I dont mind sharing stuff or anything as said before
The only thing is people taking credit on other peoples work, its not about fame its about been correct
The files got corrupt, so we will never know the truth, but i think that has been settled
THe main problem here was someone that got the coding before release and sent it out behing our back
Nuff said
Best Regards
Dude. First stop reminders and start helping people. Look at your post count. Dont try to be smart. Next be a developer and then you will know how it pains when some one stole your months hard work and sleepless nights. So better stop posting and start helping.
MOD: Please review this thread and delete.
Your work was leaked by your own team. You said the last time to everyone: "if you want JIT then search for it". Someone has done that found your leaked version and has shared this with us. So you can't just come in here like rudolf and start yelling and offending on everybody who wanted JIT. If something is leaked by your team members its NOT right to blame the Community for that.
After all, thank you for JIT.
shadow7582 said:
Your work was leaked by your own team. You said the last time to everyone: "if you want JIT then search for it". Someone has done that found your leaked version and has shared this with us. So you can't just come in here like rudolf and start yelling and offending on everybody who wanted JIT. If something is leaked by your team members its NOT right to blame the Community for that.
After all, thank you for JIT.
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dont you get it!
We stopped it! You fools are starting it again! man you guys are like dirty filthy crabs! pulling our legs to your dirt all the time!
"shadow7582" BEAT IT! go get some fresh air!
mokopokko said:
No. They always said things like "if you want jit and cannot wait, search the internet like we did."
Someone did and found their method.
And I don't think that a standard feature of android can be claimed as "their" work.
If they don't want "their" work to be used, they should program their own android without gpl license...
If everybody thought like this none of this stuff that makes android so much better than for example ios would exist.
It's just the wrong attitude.
And btw, they also ripped themes and images without giving proper credits at first.
"whoops, forgot to mention the original creator"
But no one complained.
Now it's their work that gets "compromised" and they act like total jerks.
I dunno....either you wanna share your stuff and expertise like it is ment or you build your own rom just for yourself without bothering others.
Noone really needs a custom rom and noone has to provide one.
Everything that has been achieved already more than we accepted when we bought a g3 with 2.1 as is...
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100% agreed
EdisDee said:
100% agreed
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KID. who the hell are you. I dont know why you are jumping in. You said 100% agree and breaking rules.
No more smart people here. Dont make it complicated.
"Dude" why don't you mind your attidute?
No offense intended, merely stating out facts. If you don't like it, don't like it.
And wtf has my post count to do with all that? Who sais that I'm not an better developer than you? My post count? Come on, give me some credit.
I don't try to be "smart", I try to be resonable.
I think it's not just me that is somewhat annoyed with your attitude.
Because it's against the basic idea.
It's not development related, so I posted it here. You don't want my oppinion. Don't read it.
So better stop flaming innocent people, start reading the forum rules (you obviosly need to, no matter your post count or position inside the community) and then work on your kernel or whatever.
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your work and am looking forward to it, but I don't like your "policy".
The persons involved arent complaining, dont come here and troll with other peoples stuff
If the people involved want to complain fine, but you dont have nothing to do with it
Go find something else to do
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot this is your topic.
It's not primarily about your guys work being leaked (believe it or not: you're not the most important parts of my life), I was merely intending to make you guys think about this "freedom of knowledge", "sharing" and "community" thing.
I don't know why you start to insult me.
If you don't want to discuss, don't discuss. It's really that simple.
If noone wants to comment on this thread, noone will and it will be on page 2 tomorrow.
I don't think it's trolling at all.
Flaming on the other hand is defenitly what you guys are doing.
I repeat the same to you. why are you reading and overposting. You are acting smarter now. If you have problem go complain to mods and let them take action if some thing is wrong. Who the hell are you to remind us. If you dont like shut u r as. No big deal. You are breaking forum rules by posting nonsense and wasting our time.
I think only one thing, we must be grateful to this guys for their free work. Here many of us can search on internet and copy the work of others but few know how to do it.
I'm waiting for yours rom since I have seen the announce of Apocalypse.
Then good work and thank you ARMV team.
Edit: sorry for my bad english
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk
warning to all
a warning to ALL no flaming this thread is closed if any more of this is happens them some one is gona get a Ban pls dont force me to do so

