TotalCommander for WM6? - Mogul, XV6800 General

I'm not liking the fact that I can't see filename extensions while browsing in File Explorer, so I searched this forum, and quickly learned of the freeware app called TotalCommander. Everyone on this forum that's using it seems to love this powerful app, which sounds like it will do what I want plus much more.
So I found the 2.5 version (which is the latest version I can find), downloaded it onto my HTC-PPC6800, and executed it. I immediately got a message that the program was not for portable PC devices. What gives? Is it that this version is only for WM5? Is there a later version out there that I just haven't found yet?
If I'm just not able to use TotalCommander, is there another similar app that I could install? I truly would like to accomplish two things...first, as I mentioned earlier, I would like to see filename extensions. Second, I would like for there to be a way for me to see the entire filename (or at the very least, a lot more than the dozen or so characters I can see now). I have many files that the first 15 or 20 characters are the same, and I can't tell the difference between them when I look them up on File Explorer!
Once again, I very much appreciate the help!

Try CE FileCommander 1.0.

there are a few versions of the 2.5 beta 3 they made
try the first one on this list, the others are for other processor types or older versions of win ce and

Thanks so much for the reply...but unfortunately, that's the exact one I used! I removed it and re-copied it back to the phone (I created a folder called TotalCommander under the Program Files folder, and pasted it in there), and tried to install it again, but I got the same error message.
Any more ideas???

gsfinder works good....It shows the filename and the extentions...

I got Total Commander/CE v2.5 PB3 from here:
It's been working fine on my Mogul. I used the ActiveSync install.
If you're downloading the .exe, you have to run it on your PC, not your 6800.

yeah the reason you get that error could be because you are trying to run an activesync install pc exe on a pocketpc

No way! I said...I'm a newbie to this!
Okay then...I ran the .exe on my PC and it said that it installed it on my portable PC device via ActiveSync, but there were no messages on my PPC6800, nor can I find any sign of TotalCommander.
I'm sure I've missed something...can someone tell me what it is???

You've installed the Activesync software that came with the phone, right?
You run the .exe
You sync your phone.
Then it installs when you sync.
Not sure how it works with Vista, but that's how it works with XP.

That was it!
I swear...there's like twenty different ways to install stuff on these WM devices, huh?
But it's in there and working like a champ!
Thanks to you and everyone else for your help with this!
(Whatever did we do before we had forums? Read the manual???)

dont think there are 20 5 maybe


CAB file version issues

Hi everybody!
(hi doctor nick)
I'm having a few little issues with CAB files on my pda2k.
maybe this should be in the blue angel thread, but it's to do with application development, so i put it here. I also tried the forum search, with no results.
i'm wanting to use all my customised cab files that i made for my XDA2, and use them on my new device, the PDA2K.
all of the cabs work, and all of my applications run.
however, upon installing the cab, a message comes up on my pda and says "the program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of windows mobile software"
i've checked the version nifo in all my .inf files.
i've compared them to newer cab files that don't give me that message.
the inf files look fine.
is this a registry setting perhaps, that i could change?
like i said, all the apps work, i just want to stop it from giving me that warning.
does anyone have any ideas?
thanks !
The warning is just about what it says: You are trying to run older (ie now specifically designed for SE) software.
Noithing to worry about when thing work as supposed.
You can get rid of the message by setting the OS verion inse the CAB files higher (but you need ie. WinCE Cab Manager by OCP Software for that) .
i know there isn't anything to worry about. the apps work.
it's just that for the purpose of creating an SOE, i don't want customers to have to click "ok" everytime they reset their device, all apps must install without prompt from beginning to end.
I have winCE cab manager, and have set the version and build number higher in the inf file, yet i can't seem to get rid of the message.
any other ideas ?
you have to set the lower version number to th version of WinCE youre using now.
Set some 'very high' value to the higher version number
There is another thread on this somewhere . . .thats where I got this info from
yeah, tried that too
i sset my version details like this:
still no good.
anyways, i'll keep searching for the related thread. i new there would be such a discussion in here, just a matter of finding it.
I think it was versionMin=4.21
M4io said:
I think it was versionMin=4.21
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thanks M4io,
that's the link i was looking for
ok, there seems to be something wrong here.
either that, or i'm doing it wrong (highly unlikely :lol: )hahha.
anyway, i've tried all different versions, i've tried all different build's.nothing. still won't work.
so i downloaded the latest operator settings for my device.
that cab ran no problems, so i extracted the inf, then i copied all the version info from that one, and dumped it into the inf that i'm trying to package. ran the cab on the device, and i still get that error !!
how can that be?
there must be something else in my cab, that governs version conflicts.
Hi Twinair,
please try to set it as follows:
I've tried with the above settings buzz, but it still doesn't work.
does the CEsetup.dll, or setup.dll have anything to do with version control perhaps ?
could be, that you should use your own setup.dll
I really don't know now... I've never made a cab which was not complaining about the older version... (
Looked for it also in internet, but found nothing...
But if you download the trial ver of OCP CabManager, you can unpack cabs for SE and take a look there... my trial period is expired now...
Maybe you can try to use setup.dll out of such cab...
damn, still not getting anywhere.
i've put in the correct version info, i've used a setup.dll file from a known working cab file, i have the latest full version of cab manager.
i'm fresh out of ideas
back to the drawing board.
if i figure it out, i'll let you know.
This is what MSDN says at
Installation Warning Messages
When a legacy application is installed on a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC capable of screen rotation, the warning message will appear
This dialog is to advise the user that the application they are about to use may not be aware of square screens or screen rotation, and may not display properly in landscape mode. This dialog will only appear if the VersionMin value (which specifies the lowest OS revision number your app supports) file is less than 4.21.
Since setting VersionMin to 4.21 will prevent your application from installing on older Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, it is recommend that you disable this warning message by setting the BuildMax value (which is typically unused) equal to the following values:
BuildMax values
0xA0000000 Application supports square screens (240x240 pixels).
0xC0000000 Application supports screen rotation.
0xE0000000 Application supports square screens and screen rotation.
These parameters can be changed by editing the [CEDevice] section of the INF file which cabwiz uses to generate your CAB file.
Should do the trick[/b]
...perfect man, let me test it... )))
GREAT!!! it works!!!

Get Google Local (GLM) Satellite Images on Cingular 8125

EDIT 11/1/06 Satellite images don't work on the new version of IBM and GMM. However, using IBM version ibm-weme-wm50-arm-midp20_6.1.0.20060727-102926 and GMM 1.3.2 it works really well. Quick, no freezing like with the default midlet manager. The 20060727 version of the IBM manager adds the softkey buttons, so it's way better.
EDIT: 8/18/06, process works with IBM Software 6.1 and GMM version 1.3.0!
Been looking for a while and haven't seen a step by step, so here goes:
- Basically you need to install a second Midlet Manager onto you 8125. It's made by IBM and can be downloaded here.
You'll have to sign up for an account. Then download this exe: CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0 for Windows Mobile 5.0/ARM
- Once you've installed the exe on your computer, browse to:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WEME\runtimes\61\wm50-arm-midp20\
There is a cab file there-> weme-wm50-arm-midp20_6.1.0.20060317-111429
- Extract the cab file and transfer its contents to your device. I suggest either: a) \Storage Card\Program Files\J9\MIDP20\ or b) \Program Files\J9\MIDP20\
- After copying the cab files contents to your device, run the "emulator" file in the bin folder.
- While it's running, use your web brower and navigate to Pick Generic -> Advanced MIDP2. it should ask you where you want to save the ".jad" file. Save it to "My Device" NOT "My Documents" on your device. Name it something simple, like "glm".
- Go back to Midlet HQ and choose "install". Type in the file name like shown here
but replace "a" with glm if you named the file that.
- It will connect to the internet and install the Google GLM midlet. Tada!
To get sat images, you'll just have to run GLM through this new midlet manager, and not the one that comes with the device. no bigy. Enjoy.
thanks for the links... But could you clarify some things. What are you talking about replacing "a" replace what "a" where?
Also I get an error when I try to Save to My device from explorer. Don't know if that is normal or not. Could you explain this a little better?
Why do you need the second midlet manager? Java installs fine on my KJam
For some reason, the default midlet manager of the wizard (8125) will not allow you to view the satellite images from GLM, hence this big ordeal.
hbkdinobot: Replace "a" with "x" just refers to renaming the file so it's easy to find it later. When you download the file it wants to name it something extremely large. I'm just suggesting you rename the file to something simple and easy to type in and remember.
I'm not sure why you're not able to save the file. keep trying!
McHale said:
Why do you need the second midlet manager? Java installs fine on my KJam
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Why not just use "Virtual Earth Mobile"? One install for SP and PPC and has Sat and Maps.
juiceppc said:
Why not just use "Virtual Earth Mobile"? One install for SP and PPC and has Sat and Maps.
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The fact that it's neither very stable (had it lock up several times) nor as usable as GLM may have something to do with it. I tried VEM, hoping that it would be a good substitute on my Javaless T-Mobile USA MDA, but promptly uninstalled it after much frustration. Instead, I flashed the MDA with the new Imate ROM that has Java in it, and Google Local Mobile now runs on my MDA just fine. It may not display the satellite images with the Intent JVM, but it's perfectly stable and usability is much better.
I installed the VEM on juiceppc's recommendation, we'll see how it works out.
VEM seems to have very old image data compared to GLM...
try this
On my t-mobile MDA (with the 2.17 custom ROM) the IBM midlet manager doesn't seem to work with glm (asks me if permission to use airtime but then gives me a blank screen).
The midlet manager that comes with the custom ROM can run both glm and mgmaps, but neither show satellite imagery.
I'm having the same problem as Sorcerer and I am running the WWE ROM..anyone know what the issue is?
Works perfectly on my 8125. Thanks Jizzay1!

Installing .cab files (New to WM5)

Sorry for this stupid question but this is my third day of having a windows mobile 5 xda (the cingular 8125) and I'm having problems installing .cab files. I started with the "DJVW HTC Wizard Optimizer". I moved the cab to the root directory of the device, tapped on it, and it went through the progress bar, told me that it had installed, but then when I went to look for the newly installed program, i couldn't find it anywhere. I also tried this with a few games and other apps. What am I doing wrong that it keeps telling me that it installed fine, but I can't find the programs. Thanks for your help in this.
You may have tried but have you used explorer to check if the files have installed under "Programs"? I've often seen cab files install but the shortcuts not get installed though the programs are there. If you find them then connect to your PC and use explore from Activesync, create shortcust and drop them in the windows\start menu folder.
Yeah, I have tried that... I even tried to a search for the files to no avail. Any other ideas? I really appriciate the help.
You've got me stumped. Personally I always drop the cabs on the SD card and install from there thats the only thing I can see different. Maybe it's a problem with dropping it in the root directory - have you tried dropping it under the programs folder and then installing?
correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't the wizard optimizer cab just tweak a few settings/registey values? a cab of this nature will not show up in your programs list because it isn't a program, it just changes stuff. this is normal, the same thing happened when i installed some camera tweaking cabs. so the cab has worked fine, done its job, there is nothing else you need to do.

What did you change/mod when you first got your diamond?

Hi Everybody!
I should receive my 2nd hand HTC Diamond Touch today.
With all the mods, hacks and apps on this here forum, I was wondering what was the first thing you changed on your handset?
For me I will be unlocking the device and hoopefully the ROM.
Any suggestions as to what to mod/hack next?
The ROM because the retail ROM sucks!
My New (to me) Diamond
Changed the ROM to shaks 4.30 topaz, installed touch HD weather app, Background4all, Transparent slider and Glass Clock V2. Oh yeah, and the changescreen rotation application for landscape mode.
Look around and experiment with what you like and works best for you. The forum's a wealth of information if you take the time to search!
tried all the newer roms out there, and so far, the quickest bug free ROM ive used is duttys v4....its quick, with loads of memory left...(see ROM link in my sig to go straight to the ROM)
then, i normally change the clock, the top curtain, and then the slider.
I'm currently on
BsB 6.5F Black (
I love it,
Windows Mobile 6.5 is awesome.
It's super finger friendly!
Freckle said:
I'm currently on
BsB 6.5F Black (
I love it,
Windows Mobile 6.5 is awesome.
It's super finger friendly!
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yeah, been lookin at the 6.5 ROM`s, but im still a bit unsure whether to switch yet...just how stable are they??
gizmolisa2006 said:
yeah, been lookin at the 6.5 ROM`s, but im still a bit unsure whether to switch yet...just how stable are they??
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Very stable, I haven't had a problem yet. I've been heavily using it since yesterday and I haven't been able to find a bug or anything that bothers me yet.
You should try it, you will be amazed of how finger friendly it is!
Don't even get me started on how smooth it goes with scrolling!
Thanks for your replies so far!
I didn't get much time to play with my phone today. However, I have managed to de-brand and do a sim unlock. So for now, my spec reads:
ROM VERSION 1.37.405.1 WWE
I have tried to install a few apps, but failed. The "set up" files are all .XML and seem to open up in my browser????
I think you didn't notice the .xml files are actually within the setup file.
The setups are .CAB files, you simply move them onto the internal storage and execute them within your mobile phone.
Have fun!
Thanks for your reply.
Not sure what I am doing here?
I transfered the programs to the internal storage (my docs). However, there is no .cab file.
When I click on the program file, it either shows me a blank screen with the program name at the top or other folders e.g. open sensors or open GLES.
The programs I am trying to install are:
air horn
Diamond beer
WiFi monster
Many Thanks
scutter said:
Thanks for your reply.
Not sure what I am doing here?
I transfered the programs to the internal storage (my docs). However, there is no .cab file.
When I click on the program file, it either shows me a blank screen with the program name at the top or other folders e.g. open sensors or open GLES.
The programs I am trying to install are:
air horn
Diamond beer
WiFi monster
Many Thanks
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When you download a program for example Diamond Beer (
You will download a file called
That is a CAB file. When you see that you copy it to the internal storage and run it from your mobile phone.
But sometimes (usually when it's made by real developers) you get a executable. Those are either to be run from your pc and with ur mobile phone hooked up using activesync. Or if it gives you an error when trying to execute it from your pc then most likely it's telling you that you aren't running windows mobile (means you're not running it from your mobile phone while you're supposed to), then it's the program itself (the actual and final .exe) and you will have to make a directory on your internal storage yourself and copy the .exe in there (No automated installation involved).
Sorry for the long and maybe senseless story but it's late here and I'm in a hurry.
Hello again and thanks for your patience!
I have downloaded said file. I used winzip to extract, then cut and paste the folder in my "internal storage" on my device.
Inside there are three folders:
_setup (which is the .xml file I was talking about earlier)
When I click on the setup file, me device just goes to IE:
scutter said:
Hello again and thanks for your patience!
I have downloaded said file. I used winzip to extract, then cut and paste the folder in my "internal storage" on my device.
Inside there are three folders:
_setup (which is the .xml file I was talking about earlier)
When I click on the setup file, me device just goes to IE:
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don't extract the file but cut and past on your phone
go to the file on your phone and you wil see that its a cab click on it to install.
Many, Many Thanks

Advanced Configuration Tool Install Help

I've searched and searched for ways to install this program, but all I can come up with is to sync the folder to my storage card. I can do this just fine, but I can't run the setup in the phone. The setup file opens into Opera. Could someone please help?
and I do already have the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 successfully installed.
It sounds like you're extracting the cab file instead of installing it, and then opening _setup.xml (which opens with Opera by default). Just download the 3.3 cab install version from here, put it on your device one way or another (without extracting it), and open it (from the device) with File Explorer Mobile or Total Commander for Windows Mobile.
Sweet Zombie Jesus that was easy... Thank you so much Dave. Best wishes to you sir.
Your question was actually "how do I install a cab file". This did not require a new thread. It has been asked a million times and is part of mobile hacking 101. I really wish people would do a little reading before posting.
Thanks ****. I spent about 4 hours hunting down how to install that where I went to told me exactly how to do it. And they're not all the same. Sometimes you have to unzip them on the computer and sometimes they go straight on the phone. I'm TRULY sorry I wasn't born with a mobile device in my hand. Please grace me with more of your bountiful intellect. I could totally use it.
Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you a ****. But i think it sucks you got offended that i had to ask for help for a problem I wasn't able to answer on my own.
I also think it sucks that i let your response bother me.

