Punctuation Order - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

is there a way to rearrange the order of the punctuations when you press the punctuation key?i find it really weird that i get the "@" first instead of the traditional period w/c is used more often.there must be a registry hack to do this...


Autocompletion/Autocorrection solved

For those of you frustrated with the autocorrect/autocompletion method of the Touch HD (who want the old Windows style back) here is the solution. It lets you still use the Diamond Keyboard and real autocorrection/autocompletion like the good old days. It was written for the Fuze but they have the same keyboard and software issues.
The complete solution with hyperlinks is located here: http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=1527
Here is the text (the hyperlinks and photos were lost):
Many of you have seen my rants about the lack of traditional autocorrect and autocomplete on the Touch Pro (see here where I did it in a posting on editing the T9 dictionary, or here where I did it in our forums, and here where I did it at XDA (I’m BugsyKoosh)). Why was I so angry? For anyone who used an older Windows Mobile phone knows, the old method of autocompletion was far better than what the Fuze has. First off, when entering a contact the old method provided for a longer list of names that you can click on (whereas the Fuze guesses the single closest one and almost forces you into it). Then when actually typing words the Fuze gives you a few words but I always found it very finicky and ultimately turned it off because the space bar caused the word to complete and the spacing was off. Also, the Fuze wasn’t good at correcting mispelled words. It gave you a dictionary that would complete the words but if you spelled it wrong (because you didn’t use autocompletion and just kept typing) that meant you had a typo. The old style was a list of words as you typed in a drop down (you choose starting from 3 words) and it was both autocomplete and autocorrection so anytime I spelled the word ’spelled’ as ’spellde’ it will change it for me and it works a lot smoother. Also, the old style permits for word replacement using autocorrect so when I type the letters "pcm’ in the old style I edited it so it was replaced with ‘please call me if you have any questions’ and ‘tx’ was replaced with ‘thanks’. In fact I wrote a posting here on TiltMobility describing methods of changing the autocorrect files thinking I would port it over here just to get burned realizing that the Fuze simply wouldn’t do it…until now.
[Warning, this is a little long and filled with detail but I think the payoff is gigantic so please bear with me]
For definitional purposes, autocorrection is the ability to change a typo whereas autocompletion is guessing what I’m typing before or while I type. I cannot change the autocompletion dictionary at this time (the one that guesses as you type). This does propagate itself over time and it will get to know you. It also cannot be transferred from older devices. See this article for more information on why it is so hard but until DictMgr is updated we may be SOL (TVDinner was told by the author that an upgrade is in the works so lets all cross our fingers).
So the first step is to disable T9 (this is the method of autocompletion/correction I hate). The cab is posted here in our forums (I was provided this cab from a member at another forum). Don’t worry because you can uninstall this application and revert back (it’s a simply a single registry change actually). Once installed restart your phone for it to take effect. Then, go to Settings - Input and make sure all of the options for Word Completion are checked (you can change the number of words it suggests - I use three). OK now there’s one little glitch. My problem from the start was that the autocomplete method I like did not work with the Full QWERTY Keyboard (you know, the shiny onscreen keyboard that our Fuze comes installed with and is in the photo). It seemed like it would work and then stop and ultimately I was thinking I would be forced to install another keyboard (more on that later). After messing around with the keyboard I realized that I can get the Full QWERTY Keyboard to work with the old method. You have to make sure that the ABC-T9 toggle is set to T9 (look at the photo and you’ll see T9 is selected even though we disabled T9 entry). If you try to toggle it and it will not let you then try this: press the ABC-T9 button and try to toggle it, then hit the .,123 button and try that a few times until it flips over (if that doesn’t work do the same thing after going into portrait mode and toggle T9 and ABC). Have patience - it will toggle and once it does it stays that way. Now here’s the one flaw - the autocompletion with this keyboard only appears when there’s an odd number of letters (ex on the first, third, fifth) [note: autocorrection happens after you misspell a word so it works with this and any of the other keyboards]. Again, we can correct this with a different keyboard but we’ll get to that. What you’ll notice is that completion of contacts and words is instantly different and I think a lot better. Also, the library will build over time as it knows you and aside from correcting the words you type wrong it will get to know you and start to guess the next word before you even type it (it may even guess a few words at a time and by the time you make it to ‘tha’ it will give you an autocompletion option of ‘thank you very much’).
If you do not use the onscreen keyboard because you’re a physical keyboard kinda person then you’re in luck. Simply set the onscreen keyboard to the keyboard named ‘keyboard’ (it’s the crappy Windows default one) and you’re set. That one works like a charm with no nuances (but is miserable as an onscreen keyboard).
Before I let you all go on your editing ways, lets talk about one solution that gets rid of the nuance of only getting autocompletion on odd numbers (so it works on each letter you type) and that is by using a different onscreen keyboard (sorry, but I believe PocketCM uses T9 so it won’t work). If you use the onscreen keyboard and want to get past this nuisance then simply install freeware Happy Tapping Keyboard. In the attached photo I changed the skin to the iPhone skin (it is in that link provided - use the VGA skin). If you set Happy Tapping as your default keyboard it will not survive a soft reset even if you set it as the default input method. To do this install the Default IM cab and set it as the default keyboard (Settings - Input) and set it as the default keyboard in Default IM and it will stay with you. Happy Tapping is a great keyboard but personally I like the layout of the Full QWERTY Keyboard better, especially the shadowing of the buttons so you know its second function. And I learned that Happy Tapping is missing a ‘\’ key which was a burn when I was using Total Commander but I bet for the rest of you it’s meaningless. I will confess I used Happy Tapping for all of my 8525 and Tilt years and it is really very good.
So, in either event, lets change the dictionary so that typos are corrected (or in my case quick text can be created). You don’t need to do this but it’s a nice perk of using this method. There are two ways to do this - the application method and the Total Commander method. The first one is highly recommended for those of you who want simplicity. Simply install freeware DictMgr and go to the "word correction’ tab and you can begin to add words. The downside is that I only see the first few series of words (I don’t even get out of the A letters) but this doesn’t impact adding new words regardless of their first letter. If you use this method it make sense to use freeware MyMobiler so you can use your PC’s keyboard for ease. For those of you that want to see your entire dictionary and don’t mind a little Total Commander action then all you need to do is navigate to Windows and find a file named autocorrect.04…. You can open this in Total Commander (hit the pen/paper at the bottom) or move this file to your computer, edit it there and then move it back to your Fuze (change the settings to take it out of hidden/system). In either case, if you’re willing to use Total Commander there’s another benefit if you’re a former Windows Mobile user since you can get the file from your old phone and move it to your Fuze (I moved mine from my Tilt) but you can do both (move the old file using Total Commander and then edit it using DictMgr). For a step by step set of instructions on using Total Commander to modify the autocorrect file read the article I wrote here on TiltMobilty. In either case you MUST reset your phone for the changes to take effect (the file is read into ROM at startup). Be careful with autocorrection words (obviously you can change it later) but if you change ‘tx’ to ‘thanks’ that means in a text message you cannot use tx (it will correct itself to thanks) so think of variables like ‘thx’ changes to ‘thanks’ for emailing and ‘tx’ stays uncorrected for texting.
This will work for all versions of the Touch Pro, the Diamond and presumably the Touch HD as they all use the same keyboard configuration.
Wow, I feel like we’ve done a lot. I’m drained but relieved that my single biggest complaint is gone. A special thanks is owed to SCDavis who was the first person to try my disableT9 cab even though I warned him of a possible hard reset since I wasn’t sure what it would do and if it was uninstallable and of course to TVDinner who was with me for the autocorrection ride both in our forums and on XDA’s and brought DictMgr to my attention.
Thanks for the write-up. I must admit I tried the word completion for the full QWERTY keyboard and spotted a few bugs so I haven't used it since. Last night I decided to try the phone keypad as an alternative to the full QWERTY so I'm back in the world of T9 and word completion. If I have too many problems with it then I'll try your solution.
T9 is very very painful in my experience. The correction is poor and you don't have control over it and there's no autocorrect (spellcheck). I'm a fan of the old style a lot more... hope it helps - good luck
what is your post for? is there ia cab or file to autocorrect/autocompletion?
thank you.
Here's the cab and the quick version of what is needed. This all works tog et you back to the old style of autocorrection and autocomplete that Windows has and is much better than T9:
1) Disable T9 by cab and soft reset
2) either use the Windows keyboard (which is poor for onscreen use) or Happy Tapping (which requires the Default IM cab to be your default input) OR to use the Full QWERTY Keypad (the preset default keyboard) you need to toggle T9 to on (even though T9 was disabled) and to do this toggle it, hit the 123/abc button a few times until it sticks and you’ll get the old style completion/correction with that keyboard
3) to change the autocorrect dictionary find the autocorrect file in your Windows directory and change it using Total Commander (or other registry editor even though this is not in your registry) or DictMgr
it's interesting. But it seems that T9 use another dictionary that you can choose. Once T9 is disabled, the autocomplete dictionary is back to english, and I don't find the way to change it
any idea to do this ?
Sorry for OT, but I found touchpal to be much better.
It is commercial though, and does not support landscape properly as of version 3.5.

infuriating T9 issue

I'm wondering if anyone else has the same hair-tearing frustrations as me when using the T9 predictive text.
for example...
type in S U P P O (the start of suppose or purpose)
you get suppo and then after the last two letter to complete suppose...the options you get are
ptppmpd and purpose!!
surely suppose has to come before ptppmpd as a word??? and yes I've tried adding it, but still I get the two options above...and this happens for countless other words.
what good is predictive text if it's going to wrongly predict that I talk gibberish??
I think the first word it suggests is always the literal string of characters on the keys you pressed. I agree: it's of bugger-all use.
There are many bugs in the T9 dialler keyboard but it's still the quickest method of input for me.
SiliconS said:
I think the first word it suggests is always the literal string of characters on the keys you pressed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I may be wrong as I don't use T9 now but I didn't think it was. I'd try looking in the custom dictionary by running eT9MyWords.exe in the Windows directory. My guess is the random letters have accidentally been added as a word.

Keyhook for ä/ö/ü?

I don't know what English X1 keyboards look like, but on my Swiss X1 there are three keys for ä, ö and ü. I think these keys do their job in a different way than the other keys, because I have noticed that when I slide the keyboard out and start typing, the phone is too slow to show the text in the first few seconds, and if I write a word caontianing ä ö or ü, that letter will not appear at the position where it is supposed to be according to the typing order, but at the beginning of the phrase. I therefore think that those keys trigger a special function which passes the correct key to the system, and this function is obivously way faster than the normal IRQ. So, first I would like to know whether there is a solution of this problem and if my assumptions are right, and second if there is a way to apply this behaviour to other keys or change the existing one, so that maybe we could get a ctrl key.

phonepad texting doesn't remember words

has anyone noticed (or maybe not having the same problem as me) that when using phonepad in T9 mode and writing messages, it doesn't remember the words that you have selected.
for example HE uses the same letters as IF, now...on my old HD, if I typed HE and then selected HE from the list, then type HE again and selected it from the list, next time I typed the keys for HE, the phone would remember that I have used HE the most and HE wold be the fist option in the list....I've done this countless time, but HE is still 5th or 6th in the list of words (ID, which isn't even a word is always first)
as a side issue, one of the first things I always do is edit the T9 dictionary to add my name and other words etc following this..the T9 doesn't remember any new words that I add (I thought it as supposed to do this automatically?)
thanks for reading
Same here
I ve turned T9 of due to this
actually it does.
I had this problem before and only a bit of playing around worked.
Basically, you need to go in to text input settings (can be done from the keyboard pop up menu) and turn ALL the XT9 settings on (i think one or two are off by default)
then, when typing something new, simply turn off the t9, write in the new word then tap on it on the suggestions bit and it will save it to your XT9 dictionary.
Bare in mind that for shorter things, it doesnt for some reason.... only really 3 letter words like uni or bro. for these you need to find the xt9 program, open it and add it.
Hope all that makes sense?
Oh and the HE/ID/if thing sorts itself out after you've selected them about a million times. annoying i know but haven't found a workaround for that.
It does it for me. I've very happy with the way T9 learns from me, even to the point where it's suggesting things like usernames and email addresses when I start typing them.

Question: com.swype.android.inputmethod.apk Dictionary Edit?

I've searched for the answer to this with fail so will just put it out there: I've got this lovely Swype app for my htc incredible, very usable & lightyears ahead of the stock keyboard. But there are waaaay too many words in the dictionary it's using that aren't typically used in U.S. English (maybe another country's English, ok). Too often - even with autocorrect off - it will pick a word other than the word I think I've carefully swyped, and it won't even be a recognizable word...
I've read in the tutorial that you can highlight a word then hit the Swype button & it will popup dialogue asking if I want to delete that word, but it's never worked for me. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? If nothing else I'd happily go through that process of editing out unusable words.
Is there a way to go into Swype's dictionary, maybe even by accessing it via the SD card somehow, and using a text app to go through Swype's dictionary and edit it to my liking?
The answer to this is already on the Swype tech support forum.
There is no way to edit the stock dictionary or the user dictionary.
Highlight word and press Swype key only removes words which you have added to the dictionary. To add a word, simply type it letter by letter and press spacebar afterwards.
Swype works based on previously-chosen word frequencies. If you swipe a certain combination which could be several things and continually choose the one word, that word will become the most likely selection over time.

