Universal USB connection dead - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi, i have a HTC universal, on which i succesfully flashed one of the newer firmware's with mobile6
other then some minor details that are constantly being fixed here with the good work of some ppl here, i had no problems.
But today, the MDA just won't do anything thru the USB bus anymore, except loading.
it will load thru the usb-pc connection, or with the wall plug, but no data connection at all anymore.
I had this once, in the very early beginning of my MDA and i reflashed the MDA with the original T-mobile firmware then, i thought it was from playing around with a lot of software. the MDA worked fine again after that.
But now i can't even flash the MDA anymore. I can start it into the bootloader (v1.01) but my laptop doesn't see the device, and can't flash it.
any one any idea's how to fix this ?
Thanx, steffie


XDA2 Socket SDIO Wifi causes a Freeze, then a hard reset???

Sometimes, when connected using the socket SDIO card, the XDA2 freezes, turning off causes the power to fade, then it will not turn on again unless i do a hard reset? Any ideas? I have the latest UK rom update.
What driver?
Hello mikeycollins13
Have you got the latest drivers? I bought my socket card a few days ago and got a driver version ending with a D whilst the one you can download ends with a C. I haven't had such bad freezes, but yes, it freezes sometimes for a short while.
I downloaded the latest ones from their site. Still happening, returning the xda for repairs, don't know what else to do
Try this driver
This is the latest "D" driver that is not yet published on Sockets site.
Good luck
may hold off on sending it back now, did you ever here of this? And how do you look for Ap's? With Netstsumbler or Pocket Winc?
Netstumbler won't work
I can't use netstumber because it will only find the network I am connected to. I go to the connection settings, choose networkcards, and there is a list of detected networks. It updates itself often. I am often on a network with hidden SSID. The first time I have to manualy enter the network data (SSID, WEP) with the "add new settings..." option.
By the way...
I have one issue on it posted elsewhere and that is when I turn off my PDA the card seldom wakes again, but I only have to do a softreset, which is much less painfull than a hard reset. I can live with that.
Sent in for repair, back with apparent NEW o2 ROM, 1.66
This problem kept on happening and I sent back to o2 uk for repairs. They are returning it tome tomorrow, apparently a software issue, so they have reflashed my rom with a new ROM that is unaivalble on their site, ROM 1.66xxx (didn't get the rest) Don't know how to make a copy of it for you if you guys want one. Best,
rom 1.66, o2 uk
It has a new Clear type tuner, radio stack 10, that's all I found so far.
Re: rom 1.66, o2 uk
mikeycollins13 said:
It has a new Clear type tuner, radio stack 10, that's all I found so far.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So it really is 1.66 - cool. I like the sound of the Cleartype tuner too.

MDA Pro - dead?

I've just tried to upgrade my MDA Pro to the new AKU2. I didn't get anywhere with the installation. It got as far as 'checking the device', blue screened and now my MDA Pro will not switch on. Note that I didn't click on anything to start an upgrade.
Does anybody have any suggestions to make?
Update ...
The BSOD was due to WCSEUSB.SYS (or something similar). I believe this is realted to the lovely ActiveSync ....
Plugged phone into mains without battery and the battery charge light is red. Plug it in with battery and nothing happens. Battery was FULLY charged before I started (I made sure of that).
did you put your universal on bootloader when you upgrade it ???
I followed the instructions which didn't tell me anything about that - told me to connect via ActiveSync and I would get various screens - only got to the 'checking device one' when PC BSOD.
Looks like everything is now working - went into bootloader mode and started the upgrade from there. From what I understood of the instructions you needed to connect via ActiveSync. I got the instructions from the T-Mobile site.
My question is what does the additional T-Mobile CABs that run actually provide? Is it anything that I couldn't install myself?!?

8525 Black 2.5 w/TomTom Go 910

After finally being able to get my Internet working through PDA connect I decided it was time to test out my Tomtom Go 910 with the new Black. When I was running the original cingular rom that came with the phone I was able to connect to TomTom Traffic and weather services only. Now after the upgrade it recognizes my phone but says that wireless data is not available? Is this due to the proxy issue with cingular or is it just that TomTom does not support WM6 at all yet? Or something else? I'm trying to decide if it would be better to revert back to a WM5 system because I really do like Black 2.5. Hopefully it may be a quick fix.
TomTom910 issue
hi buddy,
I'm in the same boat with my Vario II.
Went to WM6 (LVSW) on the phone and all of a sudden TomTom tells me the DUN connection is invalid (Data over Bluetooth I believe).
Same Problem Here with tomtom one V4, tried 7 different WM5 & WM6 Roms and 4 different radio roms, still same problem.
Trying to find the original roms to reflash, rather go back to WM5 than waste the 40 euros i paid for the plus services.
Original ROM
I've got a post out there asking where to find them, will pm you if anyone gets back to me mate.
Yet another device that doesn't support the silly PAN profile. Stupid MS developers thought they were doing us a favor by removing DUN.
At least they came to their senses and said they'll work on getting dun implemented again soon...
Anyone else have any luck with this?
sadly no luck, my spv took an unfortunate trip down 2 flights of stairs and replaced by insurance.
tomtom works on my new one ok, aslong as i dont flash it.
...not yet, still waiting for M$ to add DUN support back in from what I understand.
May be rolling back to WM5

O2 stock ROM issues, any advice?

I've recently got an XDA Exec from work that I'm having two issues with. Knowing how good XDA-Developers is when I'm doing all sorts of crazy stuff with my Wizard I thought I'd jump ship to the Universal forum.
Unfortunately as it's a work unit I'm stuck with official ROMs, which means I'm using the latest O2 ROM that is AKU 2.0 I believe.
Issue 1) ActiveSync seems to get stuck some times and when it's 'looking for changes' when connected to Exchange. It just sticks there and fails to either proceed or cancel. I have to disconnect GPRS, then ActiveSync times out and it's ok again. Is there any way to fix this?
Issue 2) When I open the device and it's unlocked the screen comes on automatically. Is there any way to do this when it is locked too?

Advanced network functionality & USB connection fails

To start with: I already posted my findings on USB connections with a mobile phone and windows XP in the thread that handles a USB utility
By Accident I just stumbled upon the next and I think it is worth posting.
As I connected my windows mobile 6.0 on an HTC MDA vario II today it suddenly failed to find my device.
To sync anyway, I connected it thrue Bluetooth and that worked fine.
Then: I wanted to sync some new tracks via my Windows Mediaplayer on the XPSP2 machine. As it seems it is unseen through bluetooth.
I considred that this time, the only difference between yesterday (when everything worked fine) and today, was changing my SIMcard from the WM6.1 HTC to this one.
SO I took it out.
And hey....my device (that I had already removed the USB devices) was seen; installed and started syncing like it was yesterday.
It seems T-mobile has some strange SIM-card that makes it impossible to use the USB - Activesync functionality when the SIM is in the phone.
This goes only for WM 6.0 because my WM 6.1 (HTC Vario IV) does not have that problem at all. Maybe there is some developer with any idea as to how this might happen. There are many issues on the net concerning the same symptoms.
It keeps us busy and does make you want to take your new WM 6.1 phone on holidays instead of taking the oldie and keep an eye on that one.
It is also not so very sustainable because I did not have this problem the first year. Before the T-mobile upgrade.....
PLease tell me we are not being scr**&$#@ for marketing and explain there is a perfictly logical reason for this unforseen behaviour. I'd love to sync without taking my SIM card out. Should I get in touch with T-mobile?
Good luck to everyone who stumbles upon this thread for a reason and let me know solutions if found.

