Can You Imagine the 22nd Century? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can you even Imagine a time when all this **** we're trying to do now will actually work?
Like turning on a Casio TV -- instant TV on our cell phones? No ****in Streaming?

Actually, I am pretty sure that by 22nd century there won't be any cell phones. Not the way we know them.
Chances are (not that anyone can really predict such things) people will be getting all their info (TV / phone / email / whatever) through one little implant in their heads. No screen, no keyboard no wires.
And if you flash the wrong ROM - no worries, its straight to the morgue...

levenum said:
Actually, I am pretty sure that by 22nd century there won't be any cell phones. Not the way we know them.
Chances are (not that anyone can really predict such things) people will be getting all their info (TV / phone / email / whatever) through one little implant in their heads. No screen, no keyboard no wires.
And if you flash the wrong ROM - no worries, its straight to the morgue...
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Haha.. You sure Hard-SPL wont prevent bricks? Olipro would have to go into the medical field.
The things that we are doing now can be done on a pc.. Hence the name POCKETPC.
But yo, I await the next technologies so we can make them better.

nothing wrong with streaming
it's basicly what normal tv does too just in a broadCast kinda way
if it's fast enough it's ok
nothing is instant in this world not light not anything
the future will be the collection of most financial plausible idears and projects
standing on the shoulders of the most financial plausible idears from the age before
thats the thing about predicting it's hard because what people are willing to throw money at tomorrow and the day after that could have great impact

22nd century?
omap processors in all pdas.
no buttonson top of pdas.
64 mb ram.
absurdally unoptimised, heavy "touch" software.

after the third world war, people go back to origin and live in caves, no electricity, not phones, no tvs, no cars, no planes, etc...
zcink said:
Can you even Imagine a time when all this **** we're trying to do now will actually work?
Like turning on a Casio TV -- instant TV on our cell phones? No ****in Streaming?
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xxza said:
after the third world war, people go back to origin and live in caves, no electricity, not phones, no tvs, no cars, no planes, etc...
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Like Albert Einstein said..."I know not what weapons the 3rd world war will be fought with by the 4th world world war will be fought with sticks and stones"


It could be worse, you might have an iPhone

Here is a list of features for the iPhone,
* The mobile version of OS X or whatever it is the iPhone runs takes up 700MB
* There's no way to cut, copy, or paste text!
* No A2DP support.
* Sorry, music can't be used as a ringtone
* On a PC the iPhone syncs with Outlook for calendars AND addresses
* It supports Exchange 'in some capacity'
* Document file reading -- but not editing -- for PDF, Word, and Excel (only).
* Adobe Flash support is officially out. It's just not in the browser.
* No kind of embedded video support.
* It will take snaps, but won't record video.
* Oh, and no MMS.
* No voice dialing, either.
* Contact groups can't be emailed as contact lists.
* Apple says between 300-400 charges the iPhone will lose battery capacity -- you'll send it in and get the cell replaced for a fee.
* Apple will be rolling out periodic updates
* Voice quality is said to be good -- not great.
Aren't you glad you bought an Athena not an iPhone?
I look forward to laughing at iPhone owners. Now I have nothing against apple, but this thing costs a bomb and has half the features.
Athena owner meets iPhone owner,
"hey, thats a pretty phone. Can you do blah with it?"
"No the iPhone wont do blah. Ooh, thats a huge 5"screen you've got, wow! I wish my iPhone could do that! AND that, and that! Hold on, battery is dead. No I cant replace it, no spare. I have to post it back to apple now."
I think you might have missed out:
"Wow a touchflow screen - shame the resolution is so low....."
It could be worse
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Absolutely. And it would be hard to make the Athena better...
Of course, there's always something that could have been better, but compared to other phones or the iPhone, the Athena is miles ahead.
Moskus said:
Absolutely. And it would be hard to make the Athena better...
Of course, there's always something that could have been better, but compared to other phones or the iPhone, the Athena is miles ahead.
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And only twice as expensive, too...
Give the Athena OS and hardware the sort of R&D Apple put into making their stuff work - but instead of cutting back on what it does, make it ALL work properly
Its an interesting first attempt, but they've got a fair way to go before it becomes a 'smart' device, rather than just a sexy phone. No 3G, unable to update OTA from Itunes, a fairly 'closed' platform (until people defeat that ) puts me off this 1st generation phone. I read today of rumors that 3G will be fixed for the European Release (via Yodafone), but the extended contract lifetimes with Mobile providers is very offputting.
I'm gonna wait till gen2 or even gen3 to see if the phone becomes 'smart' enough to warrant the screen size and how it pans out with the apple-chefs or the true apple upgrades. And I've never bought into the apple form over function that they've adopted since imac days.
Im afraid a stylish device with eye candy transition effects, just doesn't justify the large costs, restrictions and appaling array of non supported features for me.
I blame Microsoft and the manufactuers who make windows Mobile devices for their distinct lack of advertising, the cost of which is an array of people happy to call this the "god phone" despite much better and affordable and vastly less restricted technology being out there. With the exception of its multitouch interface its comparatively using the technology specs of a Windows 2003SE device.
To Apples credit though millions of people getting ready to sign up for two years to get one of these and tolerate an "activation fee" so I don't know what category to give them the thumbs up in, but they have obviously done something right.
Although I am still shocked that such a media driven device lacks the capacity to set mp3 ringtones, that should be on the top of apples first update to fix.
I think us geeks tend to forget that most people don't care of what is going on behind the eye candy. They want to use a stylish and easy-to-use phone.
For instance, go and show your parents, or any people in their forties-fifties who are not technology freaks, the iPhone and a Windows Mobile device, let them "play" with it for their use (i.e., place and receive calls, and maybe some SMS), and in the end ask them to choose one of the devices. I can already guess their choice....
In my opinion most of use are too much technology-centered, and find it hard to believe that Apple tries to center the device on its users...
Why did the first iPod have such a great success, when many competitors offered a screen for viewing videos, an FM tuner and voice recording for a lesser price?
Just my two cents (and anyway this is an eternal debate, so please don't start the usual flame war )
RichardKAthena said:
And only twice as expensive, too...
Give the Athena OS and hardware the sort of R&D Apple put into making their stuff work - but instead of cutting back on what it does, make it ALL work properly
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Yes it's twice as expensive, but you should compare the iPhone to the HTC Hermes or the new HTC Kaiser.
Does iPhone support UMTS/HSDPA? Nope
Does iPhone support Exchange/Push Email? Nope
Does iPhone support any Remote Desktop apps? Nope
Does iPhone support user-created apps? Nope
Does iPhone support any 3. party software at all? Nope (at least not yet)
Can I then even use this phone? Nope...
Moskus said:
Yes it's twice as expensive, but you should compare the iPhone to the HTC Hermes or the new HTC Kaiser.
Does iPhone support UMTS/HSDPA? Nope
Does iPhone support Exchange/Push Email? Nope
Does iPhone support any Remote Desktop apps? Nope
Does iPhone support user-created apps? Nope
Does iPhone support any 3. party software at all? Nope (at least not yet)
Can I then even use this phone? Nope...
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So, in fact, you want a mobile computer, not a mobile telephone
There's a very big clue in the name - iPhone. phone. Not iReallytinycomputerthatevenpeoplethatdon'tlikeAppleseemobsessedwithbecausedeepdowntheyknowApple'scomputershavethebestuserexperienceandtheyallwantitinapocketsizeddevice.
Sure, Apple could make a device like the Athena. And like the Athena, it would cost more than a MacBook, and like most UMPCs, it would sell in tiny amounts compared to the easy to engineer, wide-market appeal MacBook.
RichardKAthena said:
So, in fact, you want a mobile computer, not a mobile telephone
There's a very big clue in the name - iPhone. phone. Not iReallytinycomputerthatevenpeoplethatdon'tlikeAppleseemobsessedwithbecausedeepdowntheyknowApple'scomputershavethebestuserexperienceandtheyallwantitinapocketsizeddevice.
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Well I get along with my other devices as the Qtek 9100, HTC TyTN, S620 and MTeoR.
The Pocket PCs support most of the points I specified, and the smartphones does at least support Push Email and 3. party software.
So, to me and I guess other users that likes how Smartphones powered by either Windows Mobile or Symbian, the iPhone won't do it. If you're a "standard users" that actually like those "simple" phones from Nokia or Sony Ericsson, the iPhone might suit you.
Digital.Diablo said:
Its an interesting first attempt, but they've got a fair way to go before it becomes a 'smart' device, rather than just a sexy phone. No 3G, unable to update OTA from Itunes, a fairly 'closed' platform (until people defeat that ) puts me off this 1st generation phone. I read today of rumors that 3G will be fixed for the European Release (via Yodafone), but the extended contract lifetimes with Mobile providers is very offputting.
I'm gonna wait till gen2 or even gen3 to see if the phone becomes 'smart' enough to warrant the screen size and how it pans out with the apple-chefs or the true apple upgrades. And I've never bought into the apple form over function that they've adopted since imac days.
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Apple stuff never gets good until third generation.
Apple II - 4K-16K typical, upper case only.
Apple II Plus - 48K, shift-key mod...
Apple //e - lower case, better keyboard, 128K with extended 80 column card.
Macintosh - 128K RAM, 400K floppy - essentially useless.
Macintosh 512K/e - 400 or 800K floppy, still not upgradeable at all.
Macintosh Plus - 1-4Mb via SIMM expansion, 800K Floppy, SCSI.
iMac - first gen, I'd argue, was the 233MHz Bondi range. Unreliable and slow.
Then we got the SE types and colours. They were better.
And then I consider the eMac to be the true 3rd gen iMac - G4, flat CRT - and they were pretty good. I used one as my main office machine for a couple of years, but I've now got a 24" Intel iMac which is near silent and has a beautiful screen for the money. (My G5 runs dual 20" cinema displays).
iPod has been a little different, but I think the 3rd gen iPod got it right - I don't like the click wheel as much as the scroll wheel and 4 button layout. Harder to use in the car and not illuminated.
I really hope Vodafone don't get the iPhone deal. Their current data plans are useless.
Moskus said:
Well I get along with my other devices as the Qtek 9100, HTC TyTN, S620 and MTeoR.
The Pocket PCs support most of the points I specified, and the smartphones does at least support Push Email and 3. party software.
So, to me and I guess other users that likes how Smartphones powered by either Windows Mobile or Symbian, the iPhone won't do it. If you're a "standard users" that actually like those "simple" phones from Nokia or Sony Ericsson, the iPhone might suit you.
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Bingo! That's precisely the market Jobs wants. This is "simple phone" with balls, not smartphone. This is "SE Walkman phone" with a UI that doesn't make you want to smash the handset and enough storage to actually hold some music out of the box.
Look at my signature. What do I use? I choose to use WM devices and have done for a decade; I was using smartphones whilst most of the people on here were still in nappies figuratively speaking (I used to use a lashup of datacard and Windows CE handheld, then the Nokia 9000 came out). I love these devices; my Ameo is nicknamed "The Guide" because it really is like the Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy - connected to the sub-ether net, access to all the information you can imagine, entertaining, communicative - it's a great device.
iPhone doesn't suit me. But I'm fully aware of the market that it is aiming for and I think that constantly harping on about how it isn't a good competitor to WM devices, or lacks x features, is really silly; if the iPhone doesn't do what you want, don't buy one, especially if an existing product does do what you want. It really does seem to be that everyone WANTS an iPhone, but can't justify it and feels the need to complain
Which for Apple, is fantastic. OMGWANT! is exactly what they want people to do with their products, and that people feel compelled to post about what it doesn't have and why it is no good for them is a clear indication that they really wish it DID do all these things, so they could have one.
I think I own about 100 computers currently and 5 or 6 phones. If I want iPhone I'll have one anyway, but since it's only got 8GB, it won't replace my 80GB iPod as a music player - it'd be a whole extra device with a frustrating inability to cart all my music, thus ensuring I have to choose some to keep on it, and with no reason to use it instead of my Ameo.
And that's just fine by me, because the Ameo, flawed as it is, is still pretty damn good.
I'm intrigued to see how the OMGIWO (Oh my Gawd, I want one) effect lasts with iphone. Initially when the pod launched, it had this effect, but these days, every joe and his mate's got one, so there's nothing interesting to see when you get it out in public.
However, I suspect my Ameo will be pulling the crowds for a couple of years to come! Only today did I have a fella asking me all about it, and when I went through the spec's he nearly wet himself. HTC/T-mobile can probably chalk up another sale!
Digital.Diablo said:
I'm intrigued to see how the OMGIWO (Oh my Gawd, I want one) effect lasts with iphone. Initially when the pod launched, it had this effect, but these days, every joe and his mate's got one, so there's nothing interesting to see when you get it out in public.
However, I suspect my Ameo will be pulling the crowds for a couple of years to come! Only today did I have a fella asking me all about it, and when I went through the spec's he nearly wet himself. HTC/T-mobile can probably chalk up another sale!
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When I got my Ameo, I ended up with my girlfriend buying one, two mates getting them, and about four more wanting them but not having the cash/being stuck on contract.
iPods are still good, but they're a commodity device now. I replace mine every year as long as there is a significant/useful upgrade; I pass the old one on to someone, though my 20GB one needed a new battery (and was then killed by a third-party USB/Firewire charging lead that also blew the Firewire bus on my G5 >_<)
Phones always attract more attention as a lekking device (look it up ). iPhone will do well for that, I think, and the tactile user interface will go a long way.
RichardKAthena said:
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A lek is a gathering of males, of certain animal species, for the purposes of competitive mating display.
Sounds like Scottish version of what we say (In Jest) "Right, lets all get our c..ks out and start waving them around." Your's is more 'polite' though.
The one thing that the WM5 needs is better out of the box skins. I've installed a black one (ying/yang I think) from this forum and it pee's all over the out of the box ones from MicroT-Mobilesoft. I'm not buying into the hype I'm afraid. And I think there does need to be a better explanation of the iphone NOT being a PDA/smartphone, just a smart-looking phone. Just out of interest, am I correct in remembering that my Ex's pink ipod-mini had a basic personal organiser function - A calendar with reminders?
I agree with much of what has been said - the Ifyyphone is aimed at a different market. Therefore...
Moskus said:
Does iPhone support Exchange/Push Email? Nope
Does iPhone support any Remote Desktop apps? Nope
Does iPhone support user-created apps? Nope
Does iPhone support any 3. party software at all? Nope (at least not yet)
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...these are all fine - an Iphoney doesn't care about these things
Moskus said:
Does iPhone support UMTS/HSDPA? Nope
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That is unforgivable these days.
Digital.Diablo said:
A lek is a gathering of males, of certain animal species, for the purposes of competitive mating display.
Sounds like Scottish version of what we say (In Jest) "Right, lets all get our c..ks out and start waving them around." Your's is more 'polite' though.
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It's true, though - you see how people are with their mobiles. Showing them around, having the latest models, the best features. Sometimes the most bizarre models get to be desirable - that unremarkable thing Panasonic/someone else sold that was the "Beckham Phone" for example. The Ameo is one HELL of a lekking device, but it suffers the same problem as my car does - gotta explain it. If I wanted to pull 'birds' as my normal peer group goes for (filthy goffick type here, I'm afraid), then the RX8 doesn't get a look in compared to a Focus ST, because the ST is loud, familiar and known to be quick. The RX8 has a bloody Wankel FFS. Sure, when someone gets in it and you boot it, there's this look of comprehension that kicks in, but on the road, it's a vaguely flash, odd sounding car.
Can't use it to pull if you have to get nerdy. Unless you like nerdy girls. In which case, well, my gf bought herself an Ameo after seeing mine. Says it all, I think
(also, oddly enough, she's in Birmingham. I'm going to have to listen out for that phrase now )
The one thing that the WM5 needs is better out of the box skins. I've installed a black one (ying/yang I think) from this forum and it pee's all over the out of the box ones from MicroT-Mobilesoft. I'm not buying into the hype I'm afraid. And I think there does need to be a better explanation of the iphone NOT being a PDA/smartphone, just a smart-looking phone. Just out of interest, am I correct in remembering that my Ex's pink ipod-mini had a basic personal organiser function - A calendar with reminders?
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I think the messaging app (at least the one on the Ameo, as they're apparently different on other devices like the Treo 750w) needs a lot of work, and the preferences panels are horrid, they look like they were drawn in Visual Basic by an NC Computing Student. A bad one. But yes, better skins go a long way towards fixing the crude look and feel.
iPods-with-displays have address book and calendar synchronisation, no editing (I think, the key to the PDA paradigm), and of course read-only notes.
As someone who works in the school system here in the US, I've used many Apple products over the years. One thing all of the Apple devices have in common that I have used is that they are too restrictive. They are all closed systems. I want to make choices, not have them made for me. I'm not some simple idiot that can't make my own decisions. This is the main reason I won't be buying an iPhone. Frankly I'm not that happy with Windows either (it's heading too much in this direction as well). I prefer Linux and I would like to see it show up on more phones.
There are some really nice things about the iPhone, but as long as Apple keeps being restrictive, I won't be using their products.
Actually I don't care what you think, I have all the different devices that I wish, so its just another " mobile experience". And you don't have base to judge that (only specs to compare)
For me it's better have an Iphone that a lot of Windows Mobile Devices (most of them are EQUAL) I'm saying that because I have both...
It's very sad limited people without curiosity and criteria to evaluate other platforms, It just like Linux (opensource) people that ignore Microsoft innovation products, just like You do with Apple.
Thanks god I have money to spend in shinny new gadgets...

MUST SEE, I SEEN wm6iPhone

Ok gentleman. The guy that made the post about the dual OS iPh**e is not lying! I own a Computer Prog. Company in Kingsport TN that doe sub contract work for Sony Inc. The guys actually called and told my assistant to give me a message about it but I blew it off. They came to my office four times and I finally met with them. This things real. Three of my techs here checked it out and its no joke. Everything the kid said holds up. Weve had it three days now and still dont know alot. Not used to PPC's. We specialize in programming for Sony products, Laptops, Playstation etc. The kid told me about this sight and said some gelp may be available. Heres what weve got so far. On startup it brings up a dual bootloader screen. The htc versions is running amazing. Its running overclocked at 623mhz while the radio still runs at normal rate. This is strange because there is no type of over clocking software anywhere on the device. Also accelerometer is inactive on htc rom. Screen/light sensors work on both. iPhone side. Safari is somehow flash and java enabled. itunes is not here anymore. Its actually registered thru apple for warranty which im sure is void. works on gsm network as well as cdma like it says. now internal time. remember my techs are not ppc specialists. It appears ro have two processors tied into each other. one is original one appears to be custom. also there is some extra wiring tied into the screen running off an unknown circuit board which was def placed there aftermarket style. Also the everything seems to be somehow tied into this circuit board & and the board is a phenomenal custom job. Like I said, we do hot specialize in programming for ppc. I am willing and have rights to send this to an experienced and I mean GENIUS, programmer to work with this. Only condition is you must reside in the US OR CANADA, and you must sign a predrawn contract which you may print off, sign, and scan and email or fax back. It just says you will send it back, working or not. By the way, I contacted the creator of this & the reason it wasnt online or advertised is due to apples long arm. If there pulling hair over icons then theyd draw blood for this. Which brings me to this. NO PICS WILL BE PUBLICLY POSTED. I will email detailed video to any senior member only who honestly believes they can help make this widely available and rip off App** short leash. Im sorry to any non senior member but i dont wana email a video to an apple attorney. So post your thoughts but only serious requests for Photos.
can u email them to me
is it me? or does this person write awfully similar to the other person who started this whole wm6 iphone stuff
Yes. PM your email add to me & Ill do by Monday, possibly tonight. One of my techs is working on a few extremely detailed vids of External & Internal , pics are to easy to fake & I want no misconceptions about how phenomenal this thing is. I also do not want it released to anyone after I send it to you. So please dont redistribute the vids.
Small Minds or Jealousy
WOW man. I think your right! The T's in both posts are identical! Are you just jealous or to small minded to think someones smart enough to do this? Just because your not talented enough to conceive this idea, doesn't mean it's not possible. Email me the videos ASAP and we'll take a look at it over here at TechRev. Try to get it done by tomorrow please.
If this works. I will get my iphone this week!
THis is a hoax. Don't buy it.
TechRev_Admin86 said:
WOW man. I think your right! The T's in both posts are identical! Are you just jealous or to small minded to think someones smart enough to do this? Just because your not talented enough to conceive this idea, doesn't mean it's not possible. Email me the videos ASAP and we'll take a look at it over here at TechRev. Try to get it done by tomorrow please.
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take a look at the posts by "technology" in the smartphone threads somewhere. Seems to be the same spammer.
And do you think your 2 posts are what he was looking for in a "senior member"?
Why should it not be posible with dual boot. Apple did it with their computers and said it could not run Windows then someone figgured out how to and they released theire version. now the iphone maybe can do the same. Apple are prob just waiting for someone to do it for them before releasing their own version. Why they wait... well they might not wan't to be the once making it work as it might seam like an attack on MS. And by doing these dual boot they get costumers that are using MS products to swap to Apple because they can us the MS on Apple iPhone or computers. this way Apple gets a part of a market they would not gotten with only their OS running.
but yes I'd like to see some real prof of it working before I will be convinced... but it's possible that it's true. Because Jobs wants a bigger marked
I just find it strange that the videos aren't open not even on a private server and streamed to others...and the posts seem spammish I will point out some inaccuracies in grammar and spelling
Ok gentleman. The guy that made the post about the dual OS iPh**e is not lying! I own a Computer Prog. Company in Kingsport TN that doe sub contract work for Sony Inc. The guys actually called and told my assistant to give me a message about it but I blew it off. They came to my office four times and I finally met with them. This things real. Three of my techs here checked it out and its no joke. Everything the kid said holds up. Weve had it three days now and still dont know alot. Not used to PPC's. We specialize in programming for Sony products, Laptops, Playstation etc. The kid told me about this sight and said some gelp may be available. Heres what weve got so far. On startup it brings up a dual bootloader screen. The htc versions is running amazing. Its running overclocked at 623mhz while the radio still runs at normal rate. This is strange because there is no type of over clocking software anywhere on the device. Also accelerometer is inactive on htc rom. Screen/light sensors work on both. iPhone side. Safari is somehow flash and java enabled. itunes is not here anymore. Its actually registered thru apple for warranty which im sure is void. works on gsm network as well as cdma like it says. now internal time. remember my techs are not ppc specialists. It appears ro have two processors tied into each other. one is original one appears to be custom. also there is some extra wiring tied into the screen running off an unknown circuit board which was def placed there aftermarket style. Also the everything seems to be somehow tied into this circuit board & and the board is a phenomenal custom job. Like I said, we do hot specialize in programming for ppc. I am willing and have rights to send this to an experienced and I mean GENIUS, programmer to work with this. Only condition is you must reside in the US OR CANADA, and you must sign a predrawn contract which you may print off, sign, and scan and email or fax back. It just says you will send it back, working or not. By the way, I contacted the creator of this & the reason it wasnt online or advertised is due to apples long arm. If there pulling hair over icons then theyd draw blood for this. Which brings me to this. NO PICS WILL BE PUBLICLY POSTED. I will email detailed video to any senior member only who honestly believes they can help make this widely available and rip off App** short leash. Im sorry to any non senior member but i dont wana email a video to an apple attorney. So post your thoughts but only serious requests for Photos.
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on first glance its almost like the post was written from an iPhone or a touch screen winmo device. That said, the likelihood that it is a possible theme customization for the iphone is pretty high and not a modded htc device. Most developers, even the ones that develop themes for iphones, also display their pictures and such. So um...
This is highly suspicious if it is legit, prove it.
Not used to PPC's ????
Well I need some gelp to understand all this....
How could this be possible? He'd need to have the sources for WM6 to port it to the iPhones Samsung processor which is ARM11 unlike the present gen WM6 based Samsung processors which are ARM9. This seriously sounds like its a scam.
Also, why would an apple product NOT have iTunes which is one of the biggest selling points of the iPhone?
I'd be interested to see some pictures including a view of how thick it is, and how large the screen is/how much of the front of the device the screen takes up...
Make No Mistake
Phillips_technology said:
Ok gentleman. The guy that made the post about the dual OS iPh**e is not lying! I own a Computer Prog. Company in Kingsport TN that doe sub contract work for Sony Inc. The guys actually called and told my assistant to give me a message about it but I blew it off. They came to my office four times and I finally met with them. This things real. Three of my techs here checked it out and its no joke. Everything the kid said holds up. Weve had it three days now and still dont know alot. Not used to PPC's. We specialize in programming for Sony products, Laptops, Playstation etc. The kid told me about this sight and said some gelp may be available. Heres what weve got so far. On startup it brings up a dual bootloader screen. The htc versions is running amazing. Its running overclocked at 623mhz while the radio still runs at normal rate. This is strange because there is no type of over clocking software anywhere on the device. Also accelerometer is inactive on htc rom. Screen/light sensors work on both. iPhone side. Safari is somehow flash and java enabled. itunes is not here anymore. Its actually registered thru apple for warranty which im sure is void. works on gsm network as well as cdma like it says. now internal time. remember my techs are not ppc specialists. It appears ro have two processors tied into each other. one is original one appears to be custom. also there is some extra wiring tied into the screen running off an unknown circuit board which was def placed there aftermarket style. Also the everything seems to be somehow tied into this circuit board & and the board is a phenomenal custom job. Like I said, we do hot specialize in programming for ppc. I am willing and have rights to send this to an experienced and I mean GENIUS, programmer to work with this. Only condition is you must reside in the US OR CANADA, and you must sign a predrawn contract which you may print off, sign, and scan and email or fax back. It just says you will send it back, working or not. By the way, I contacted the creator of this & the reason it wasnt online or advertised is due to apples long arm. If there pulling hair over icons then theyd draw blood for this. Which brings me to this. NO PICS WILL BE PUBLICLY POSTED. I will email detailed video to any senior member only who honestly believes they can help make this widely available and rip off App** short leash. Im sorry to any non senior member but i dont wana email a video to an apple attorney. So post your thoughts but only serious requests for Photos.
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i do not know nor have i ever met this poster, and if he thinks my idea is plausible then i thanks him. now on to other matters; as for the guy who spoke of porting the WM6 ARM9 processor to the iphones ARM11 there has never been a time when a OS complained of having too much resources as i dont think that would be a problem. if you search the threads and read my original post you would see that i threw out a hypothetical and asked if it was possible and then asked if (and gave praises to the intelligence) anyone could do it. then i spoke of dual booting the iphone and provided links where the iphone has been partitioned, jailbreaked and running 2firmware, heck i even threw in a firmware builder link so if anyone just wanted to modify a iphone firmware to be WM6 then they could do that; again all i see you doing is swapping the system files, Mac HD for windows folder etc.
Make No Mistake
Phillips_technology said:
Ok gentleman. The guy that made the post about the dual OS iPh**e is not lying! I own a Computer Prog. Company in Kingsport TN that doe sub contract work for Sony Inc. The guys actually called and told my assistant to give me a message about it but I blew it off. They came to my office four times and I finally met with them. This things real. Three of my techs here checked it out and its no joke. Everything the kid said holds up. Weve had it three days now and still dont know alot. Not used to PPC's. We specialize in programming for Sony products, Laptops, Playstation etc. The kid told me about this sight and said some gelp may be available. Heres what weve got so far. On startup it brings up a dual bootloader screen. The htc versions is running amazing. Its running overclocked at 623mhz while the radio still runs at normal rate. This is strange because there is no type of over clocking software anywhere on the device. Also accelerometer is inactive on htc rom. Screen/light sensors work on both. iPhone side. Safari is somehow flash and java enabled. itunes is not here anymore. Its actually registered thru apple for warranty which im sure is void. works on gsm network as well as cdma like it says. now internal time. remember my techs are not ppc specialists. It appears ro have two processors tied into each other. one is original one appears to be custom. also there is some extra wiring tied into the screen running off an unknown circuit board which was def placed there aftermarket style. Also the everything seems to be somehow tied into this circuit board & and the board is a phenomenal custom job. Like I said, we do hot specialize in programming for ppc. I am willing and have rights to send this to an experienced and I mean GENIUS, programmer to work with this. Only condition is you must reside in the US OR CANADA, and you must sign a predrawn contract which you may print off, sign, and scan and email or fax back. It just says you will send it back, working or not. By the way, I contacted the creator of this & the reason it wasnt online or advertised is due to apples long arm. If there pulling hair over icons then theyd draw blood for this. Which brings me to this. NO PICS WILL BE PUBLICLY POSTED. I will email detailed video to any senior member only who honestly believes they can help make this widely available and rip off App** short leash. Im sorry to any non senior member but i dont wana email a video to an apple attorney. So post your thoughts but only serious requests for Photos.
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i do not know nor have i ever met this poster, and if he thinks my idea is plausible then i thank him. now on to other matters; as for the guy who spoke of porting the WM6 ARM9 processor to the iphones ARM11 there has never been a time when a OS complained of having too much resources as i dont think that would be a problem. if you search the threads and read my original post you would see that i threw out a hypothetical and asked if it was possible and then asked if (and gave praises to the intelligence) anyone could do it. then i spoke of dual booting the iphone and provided links where the iphone has been partitioned, jailbreaked and running 2firmware, heck i even threw in a firmware builder link so if anyone just wanted to modify a iphone firmware to be WM6 then they could do that; again all i see you doing is swapping the system files, Mac HD for windows folder etc.
i have to join the BS camp. the least this guy could do would be to put a vid on a private tracker then link to it via tinyurl or something like that. and we could pm him for the torrent info
frasbyte said:
as for the guy who spoke of porting the WM6 ARM9 processor to the iphones ARM11 there has never been a time when a OS complained of having too much resources as i dont think that would be a problem.
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I'm not going to comment either way on the plausibility of the topic of this thread, but I would like to point out that I can think of several legacy MS OS's that would not run on newer hardware without a patch or just would not run right at all.
i posted this a few days ago...
y'all just bastardizing my idea...
Read The Original
HostileJava said:
I'm not going to comment either way on the plausibility of the topic of this thread, but I would like to point out that I can think of several legacy MS OS's that would not run on newer hardware without a patch or just would not run right at all.
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as i said i was taking a shot in the dark when i proposed the idea, but i did provide research and said nothing of the validity of the subject in question
Perhaps I am just getting old and cynical, but in my experience most individuals who have risen to any kind of high office or have been successful in business to the degree that our friend suggests have actually mastered the basics of spelling and punctuation.
I have to remind my 11 year old son to remember paragraphs, capital letters and apostrophes - I would expect better from the owner of a 'Computer Prog. Company in Kingsport TN that doe sub contract work for Sony Inc.'

WOOOT Android will Leapfrog Iphone
Watch out, iPhone—Android's nipping at your heels.
Researchers at Gartner (via AppleInsider) are predicting that the global market share for Google's Android mobile OS could overtake the iPhone's in a little over two years, with Android poised to leapfrog Apple into the No. 2 spot.
That would leave the iPhone in the No. 3 position—right where it is now, behind BlackBerry and Nokia's Symbian OS, according to Gartner. The industry researchers believe that by 2012, Research in Motion (the company behind the BlackBerry) will have lost 7 percent of its market share, causing it to slip into fifth place (behind even Windows Mobile). Android, meanwhile, will get a 12.9-percent boost to become the No. 2 smartphone platform in the world, with Symbian still safe in the No. 1 spot (with a dominating, although dwindling, 39 percent of the global market).
Those are just analyst predictions, of course, and two years is an eternity in the wireless world; after all, two years ago today, we were still getting used to the first iPhone.
That said, I think the gist of Gartner's prediction—that Android is poised to take the wireless market by storm—is spot on, and we've seen evidence of that in the past few months and weeks.
Google's open-source Android platform—which boasts one of the finest touchscreen interfaces out there, iPhone included—came slow out of the gates in fall 2008 with the solid, if uninspiring T-Mobile G1. We had to wait almost a year for the next Android phone in the U.S., but we finally got one this past August with the G1's follow-up, the HTC-made myTouch 3G (also on T-Mobile).
Soon after, what started as a trickle quickly became a flood. Sprint trotted out its first Android phone, the eye-catching, touchscreen HTC Hero, and then T-Mobile followed suit with the Motorola Cliq, its third Android handset ... followed by the Samsung Behold II just a few days ago. On Tuesday, Verizon Wireless announced it would launch a pair of Android phones before the end of the year, while Sprint announced its second Android phone—the Samsung Moment—a day later. Oh, and now there's rumors that Dell wants in on the Android action, with a new handset possible slated for iPhone carrier AT&T.
Let's see, that's ... one, two, three, four ... five new Android phones in in the past few months, with two more—and possibly even a third—due by the end of the year, from two (or maybe three) different manufacturers and three (possibly four) carriers. Some will be better than others, but consumers will have plenty of models (and carriers) from which to choose.
Of course, a bunch of new phones on the market doesn't mean diddly unless someone buys them, and for now, Apple has a solid 10.8- versus 1.6-percent lead over Android in terms of global smartphone market share. But Apple is the only company making iPhones, while the open-source (and high-quality) Android platform is available to all manufacturers and carriers—and from what we've been seeing, they're taking the ball and running with it.
I phone killa!
never touched an iphone and probly never will.
phatmanxxl said:
never touched an iphone and probly never will.
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Cant bash it tell you try it. There really not bad if you have little ambition to MOD. They update all the time which is nice for an average joe user but that sucks if you MOD them because apple is always closing the holes that are hacked. I still have my 2g 16gb Itouch and its freaking SWEET!
unless android devices leap away from qualcomm chipset, i'm not sure about the end user satisfaction
i've tried quite a few qualcomm based devices, some non-smartphones as well, and i have to say they all suck compared to non-qualcomm based devices, sucky multimedia, sucky network performance!
try htc diamond & i-mate 8150 side by side, you'll will know what i'm talking about
X-i-phoner said:
Cant bash it tell you try it. There really not bad if you have little ambition to MOD. They update all the time which is nice for an average joe user but that sucks if you MOD them because apple is always closing the holes that are hacked. I still have my 2g 16gb Itouch and its freaking SWEET!
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I got nothing against iphones really. im sure if I got to use one for a day I'd probly like it. But being on T-mobile for over over 5 years I tend to only pay attention to T-mo and At&t phones.
I'm sure once android spreads among the other carriers it will be huge. I can easily see android being in the top 3 with RIM and symbian.
phatmanxxl said:
I'm sure once android spreads among the other carriers it will be huge. I can easily see android being in the top 3 with RIM and symbian.
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Agreed, I can also see android doing the same stuff apple is now too.
Back in the early days of the PC when it was Apple vs IBM, IBM won because they licensed their architecture to various manufactures which were then able to make 100% Compatible IBM clones. Apple on the other hand insisted that it keep manufacturing in house, and look what happened.
~20 years later we may see history repeat itself.
You can't assume that apple is going for world domination. Their past successes have been based entirely off the hippie/artsie/faggie crowd, which they are likely to hold on to no matter what anyone else does.
The reason for their *temporary* position in the smartphone business is simple; they happened to be in the right place at the right time... and very lucky. A few years ago, palm was in a position to dominate the smartphone market, but they dragged their feet and allowed ugly-as-the-1970's RIM to capture the business user market. Palm *used to* have the business market, and even had a (at the time) very slick and colorful UI with touch screen and more features than you could shake a stick at, and at a time when RIM had clunky black-and-white displays, no graphics to speak of, and that stupid roller wheel. So at a time when a smartphone only really made sense to a business user, palm had devices that were actually quite attractive to just about everybody, but they stagnated rather than taking advantage of what they had, which left them in a very weak state when apple showed up to take the *entire* non-business smartphone market -- right at the time when it started making sense for *everybody* to have a smartphone.
So right before 'droid showed up, the smartphone market was severely skewed... on one hand, you had RIM with all the business market, on the other hand, you had apple with all the pleasure market. Android though, has the potential to be everything for everybody, and by everybody I mean google and the OHA, phone manufacturers, carriers, and even users.
If their computer business is any indication, apple isn't about to drop their prices to anything sensible -- they're still sitting at about FOUR TIMES what it would cost for generic hardware. For whatever reason, this appeals to the hippie/artsie/faggie crowd, that, along with the shinyness... MEANING: there are going to be TONS of manufacturers wielding android, COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER regarding prices. Which is a great thing. It means that we can look forward to very inexpensive 'droid devices while the likes of apple price themselves out of the market. Even now, the current i-phony is about $200 CDN more than Dream or Magic -- and don't give any crap that its "better" -- it does, after all, run their crap software.
Somebody said symbian? The fact that the world's cheapest mobile phone manufacturer wants to call their crap proprietary firmware by some name doesn't make it a dominating factor in anyone's opinion. Its a simple matter... nokia phones are dirt cheap -- without exception (that I am aware of), every provider gives them away for FREE to anybody who signs up for a contract.... since many people already HAVE a phone that they want to use and the carrier forces them into the contract anyways, they get a free phone that may never even get removed from the box. In fact, I have a BOX full of them myself, more of them than any other phone, and yet not a single one of them has so much as been turned on. And yet it counts as a sale in favor of "symbian". So by my math, about half the mobile phones delivered are the "free" ones that come with the contract.
lbcoder said:
Its a simple matter... nokia phones are dirt cheap -- without exception (that I am aware of),.
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The n97 and n900 are sweet phones. Nokias market is dominating in china and japan. Many other places dont get to see all the cool stuff Noika puts out because Nokia doesnt need to advertise it anywhere else. My little bro got the N95 developer edition the day it came out, He still has it and it is still really advanced compared to most phones.
I doubt Android is gonna be used in the business market..the email client is wack, its gonna serious overhaul to compete. I went through a blackberry phase, its great as far a communication goes and by far the best damn keyboards ever. I see Android as more of a entertainment and social phone and I'm sure that's the market they're going for especially with the cliq. Ahem, move over sidekick and iphone.
phatmanxxl said:
I doubt Android is gonna be used in the business market..the email client is wack, its gonna serious overhaul to compete. I went through a blackberry phase, its great as far a communication goes and by far the best damn keyboards ever. I see Android as more of a entertainment and social phone and I'm sure that's the market they're going for especially with the cliq. Ahem, move over sidekick and iphone.
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Two things about your prediction...
1. Companies can have more input as to what goes into their business phones.
Imagine my company XYZ starts a contract for the carrier to provide a specific hardware/cellular platform. I can then take that hardware platform and load my customized Android platform onto it. What company wouldn't want that level of control over their business assets? You certainly can't get that with RIM.
2. The carriers, more than anyone, decide what functions a particular phone is marketed towards. From a financial and support perspective, what carrier wouldn't want to have a single OS for all device types and just load in specific apps to cater to specific functions? (Warning: Pie in the sky opinion follows.) Need a business phone? Here is our business suite on our business hardware. Want a gamer device? Here is our game hardware with our game suite. Support would be simplified because under the hood it all works very similarly.
And my prediction...
You will see business class Android devices much sooner than you think. Just because they have not been announced yet does not mean that they are not already in the works. It is a smart move for Google to market towards the prosumers first and businesses later. Let the prosumers work out the kinks and storm the business market later with your well tested and hardened OS. Basically, we (the devs here mainly) are doing most of the work for them... (Queue Adam Sandler) FOR FREEEEEEEE!
The only thing the iPhone has against the G1 is the fact that its thinner, but now we have the MyTouch which runs Android and is also thin...Suck it Apple!
phatmanxxl said:
...and by far the best damn keyboards ever.
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You actually *like* RIM keyboards? I have to use a couple of RIM devices for work (as a software developer -- they stay on my desk full time)... a 9000 (buttons) and a 9530 (retarded clicky-touchscreen). The keyboards on them both are absolute CRAP. EVERY button besides letters (that includes punctuation) require some extra button to be pressed, and that extra button is so close to the edge of the thing that you can hardly get to it. And their touchscreen keyboard? You have to touchscreen it once to highlight the "key", remove your finger to make sure that its selected, and go back to CLICK the screen -- usually need to click it 2 or 3 times before it actually "takes"... and no it isn't a hardware defect since the SIMULATOR does the exact same thing!
I see Android as more of a entertainment and social phone and I'm sure that's the market they're going for especially with the cliq. Ahem, move over sidekick and iphone.
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That may be YOUR USE/OBJECTIVE, and/or the use/objective of certain vendors *at the moment*, but android is an *operating system* and not just the crap software you have installed on it, nor is it restricted to the hardware you have it installed on.... for example, you can install X operating system on something you have plugged into the TV set in your living room and use it for games and videos, you can install the same X operating system on the computer you have on your desk at work, or, you can install the same X operating system on a server handling secure financial transactions within a major international bank's data center.... Android is great because it has the flexibility of being a general purpose operating system rather than a "feature" operating system as is the case for RIM (centered around their email client), or i-phony (centered around their music player).
Now with a general purpose operating system, you also have the flexibility of serving multiple needs. Take the guy who would need something that has the function of a RIM for work. Why would he want to have a second device for playing sudoku and listening to music on the subway ride home? And a third device for navigating on a road trip he and his family decide to take when they go on vacation? I see so many people holding BOTH a RIM and an i-phony and flipping between them because neither will do what the other does as well as it does it. Except now android can and *does* do what BOTH of them do *as well* as they BOTH do it.... and then some.
You need security/VPN? Work email/push IMAP? We've got that! You want music? Games? Navigation? A good web browsing experience?
What does RIM have on Android right now? Answer: nothing at all.
What does apple have on Android right now? Answer: nothing technical, there might be one or two applications you like that haven't been written for 'droid yet, but that's it.
Can 'droid handle the 'business use' case *right now*? Yes.
lbcoder said:
You actually *like* RIM keyboards? I have to use a couple of RIM devices for work (as a software developer -- they stay on my desk full time)... a 9000 (buttons) and a 9530 (retarded clicky-touchscreen). The keyboards on them both are absolute CRAP. EVERY button besides letters (that includes punctuation) require some extra button to be pressed, and that extra button is so close to the edge of the thing that you can hardly get to it. And their touchscreen keyboard? You have to touchscreen it once to highlight the "key", remove your finger to make sure that its selected, and go back to CLICK the screen -- usually need to click it 2 or 3 times before it actually "takes"... and no it isn't a hardware defect since the SIMULATOR does the exact same thing!
That may be YOUR USE/OBJECTIVE, and/or the use/objective of certain vendors *at the moment*, but android is an *operating system* and not just the crap software you have installed on it, nor is it restricted to the hardware you have it installed on.... for example, you can install X operating system on something you have plugged into the TV set in your living room and use it for games and videos, you can install the same X operating system on the computer you have on your desk at work, or, you can install the same X operating system on a server handling secure financial transactions within a major international bank's data center.... Android is great because it has the flexibility of being a general purpose operating system rather than a "feature" operating system as is the case for RIM (centered around their email client), or i-phony (centered around their music player).
Now with a general purpose operating system, you also have the flexibility of serving multiple needs. Take the guy who would need something that has the function of a RIM for work. Why would he want to have a second device for playing sudoku and listening to music on the subway ride home? And a third device for navigating on a road trip he and his family decide to take when they go on vacation? I see so many people holding BOTH a RIM and an i-phony and flipping between them because neither will do what the other does as well as it does it. Except now android can and *does* do what BOTH of them do *as well* as they BOTH do it.... and then some.
You need security/VPN? Work email/push IMAP? We've got that! You want music? Games? Navigation? A good web browsing experience?
What does RIM have on Android right now? Answer: nothing at all.
What does apple have on Android right now? Answer: nothing technical, there might be one or two applications you like that haven't been written for 'droid yet, but that's it.
Can 'droid handle the 'business use' case *right now*? Yes.
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lol u tell him
but IMO blackberry devices are very visually appealing. i think the sprint hero, samsung moment, moto cliq, LGs first android, samsung glaxy and lite version all look ugly.
and i like some of the apps apple have. i just want to see a completed multiplayer fps on android.
WM is following iPhone and Android is creating a new market. iPhone is too heavy with the iTune and paid apps as well.
Love my Android G2. Open platform is what we need
I really wish that people would learn how to discuss Android on its own merits instead of CONSTANTLY comparing it to iPhone.
So you think Android is going to do well, that's fantastic, why not talk about that instead of saying that it's going to be better than iPhone?
The reasoning is simple... pride. And money.
Android isn't just something that is *there to use*. Many of us have a lot of time invested in the platform and it not only feels good for it to be successful, it is also financially rewarding. i-phony is right now the most recognizable mobile phone, so it is naturally the target to BEAT.
chefgon said:
I really wish that people would learn how to discuss Android on its own merits instead of CONSTANTLY comparing it to iPhone.
So you think Android is going to do well, that's fantastic, why not talk about that instead of saying that it's going to be better than iPhone?
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I'm talking about the pearl, curve and curve 2. well, I really like those keyboards, just my opinion. I never had any problems using them. Microsoft/Danger abandoned project pink (supposed to be the new danger os) sidekicks are rumored to be phased out anyway. Also with the major data outage, they have no access to their contacts, t-mail and calender for almost a month now, a lot of those customers I'm sure will move to Android.
and until corporate and business owners start handing out Google phones instead of blackberrys, RIM does have one up over Android

Android...whats the big deal?

Hey Hero users, I have a HD2, its my first win mob phone, the phone itself is amazing, the os is...meh. Every person iv spoken to loves Android, i myself have never used an Android handset, whats it like? is it really that good? whats the big deal about it?
I was going to get the Hero, until i saw the HD2.
Anyways hope to hear your responses.
i'm a former Windows Mobile user who migrated to Android. I could write a long answer, but since i wrote a 6 part series about me switching from Windows Mobile to Android i might as well just give you a link. You can see my impressions there:
Switching from Windows Mobile to Android: Roundup
More complicated than you think - or is it ?
A key question here is wether or not the O/S in and of itself is exciting ? Many geeks, for inexplicable reasons, tend to find the O/S in and of itself perhaps overly interesting - let's pose a question: Is watching a decent film with good codec support that is abstracted from you by being already built in to the O/S more interesting than drilling three menu's deep to view I/P configuration ? For me being able to just get on with the film is more interesting. Does endlessly testing music playing software and moaning about the relative strengths and weaknesses of each appeal more to you than just listening to some good music ? A clock is a clock is a clock, right ? Not so here - in this bizzare world the relative merits have to be dissected ultimately ending in a non stop moaning about ... everything. Personally, I don't get too excited by O/S's - they are just what is says on the tin - a system allowing you operation - something which facilitates - it's the support for your hardware (i.e. good software) that's important. When buying a PC you're not too interested in what the O/S does, rather what it will allow - this is a combination of hardware and software - so, for a gamers a decent graphics adapter and drivers is important, for audiophiles, good sound card and software, for porn lovers - just a decent enough browser - horses for courses my son.
The naysayers and haters here (they are legion I'm afraid) will attempt to convince you it's incredibly important - like most things in life - it's only the case if you allow it. Android's fine - more intuitive, verbose and graphically 'clean' than Windows (fonts used, menus etc). Key questions should be - what can I do with it ? Perhaps that's the question you should have posed - the answer to that is - a lot - and even more when HTC pull their finger out of their arse and release the 2.1 Update to Android. I think they're just holding it back as a windup to all the small fools winding themselves up on here - I know I'd hold it back and it's given me no end of pleasure to see these insects moan - Ho Hum !!
Hope this is of service,
Simon xx
gabrieltit1 said:
A key question here is wether or not the O/S in and of itself is exciting ? Many geeks, for inexplicable reasons, tend to find the O/S in and of itself perhaps overly interesting - let's pose a question: Is watching a decent film with good codec support that is abstracted from you by being already built in to the O/S more interesting than drilling three menu's deep to view I/P configuration ? For me being able to just get on with the film is more interesting[...]
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go get an iphone.
no seriously, go get an iphone. you want something that just works, and you don't care that the manufacturer forces you to do everything his way. you are not a geek that wants to compile his own kernel and brew his own rom, you want a fancy multimedia device that does everything as promised. you will be lucky with an iphone. correct me if i am wrong, i am not trying to **** with you here.
kendong2 said:
go get an iphone.
no seriously, go get an iphone. you want something that just works, and you don't care that the manufacturer forces you to do everything his way. you are not a geek that wants to compile his own kernel and brew his own rom, you want a fancy multimedia device that does everything as promised. you will be lucky with an iphone. correct me if i am wrong, i am not trying to **** with you here.
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this guy is not interested in anything phone related. He has been banned for 4 times now on xda-devs, and keeps coming back to tell people how stupid it is that they waste their time waiting for 2.1 updates (which wouldn't be wrong, if there actually would be people which are not doing anything else than waiting for the update), and that they should look at the moon every night...which makes much more sense and has so much more value according to his logic. Still i don't understand why he keeps wasting HIS OWN time and OURS by registering again and starting the whole discussion all the time...that's really a waste of time.
Prepare for a correction, son
The clue was in the reference to Apple as crApple - they have mastered the art of illusion it would seem - but, as Hamlet said "Seems, I know not seems" -you are wrong on so many counts I don't know where to start - multitasking or lack of it is as good a place as any - proprietry ties everywhere - unbelievably overpriced - poor design (battery changing) - poor design - I for one don't physically like it both externally (body) and internally (overall designs, icons etc) - customer paying for their marketing - and the list goes on and on - itunes blah blah blah - not everyone wants to live in a world where the corporation cynically dupes the customer and what's worse - the customer colludes - no ta. Perhaps I didn't explain my sentiments as clearly as I could have (time and space constraints, but mainly effort or lack of it) - I like the Hero very much but see the flaws and feel they are relatively easily addressed. Of course, the more intelligent amongst you may have spotted the glaring fact that HTC colludes with Google who have provided Android as freeware which ultimatley will alllow them to cynically exploit you through their core business (advertising for the idiots) - ah the joys of the macro and micro views of modern business and the consumer.
I hope this goes someway to providing an answer. In short: Hero = Good but flawed, Iphone = Style but no substance - do you need it spelling out ? Apple may state over 100,00 apps available - do you know what percentage of these aren't used ? 96 % You're easily fooled my son
Simon xx
To the idiot above me, let's get one thing clear: there has been a MASSIVE amount of truly unimportant whingeing on here - how many posts in the 2.1 Update thread have told people to shut up and stop moaning. So I pointed out both your (you're a key moaner) and others folly crapping on all the time - its boring and not becoming of an 'adult' - I offered some alternatives along the lines of do something else, an example being have a look at the moon of a night (it is beautiful, it doesn't involve whingeing - when you've got three kids, son - maybe you'll appreciate pointing out nature's bounty etc etc) - I come on here for the same reasons as you - it's your actions as I have repeatedly pointed out that have ALLOWED me to both get to you (let it go son !) and caused much mirth - appologies for pointing out you're an idiot but - you're an idiot - feel better now ?
S xx
gabrieltit1 said:
To the idiot above me, let's get one thing clear: there has been a MASSIVE amount of truly unimportant whingeing on here - how many posts in the 2.1 Update thread have told people to shut up and stop moaning. So I pointed out both your (you're a key moaner) and others folly crapping on all the time - its boring and not becoming of an 'adult' - I offered some alternatives along the lines of do something else, an example being have a look at the moon of a night (it is beautiful, it doesn't involve whingeing - when you've got three kids, son - maybe you'll appreciate pointing out nature's bounty etc etc) - I come on here for the same reasons as you - it's your actions as I have repeatedly pointed out that have ALLOWED me to both get to you (let it go son !) and caused much mirth - appologies for pointing out you're an idiot but - you're an idiot - feel better now ?
S xx
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hmm...seems like we just found your soft spot with the whole 'moon' example....calm down...take a look at the moon tonight, and you'll feel better...i hope.
You've 'found' nothing chief - the puerile allusion to my 'soft' side etc etc - what's really got your goat is someone mercillessly pointed out the truth, that being :
You're not quite as bright as your own self image tells you
You're insights reveal .......... nothing
You are easily distracted and miss the point in a spectacular manner
There's plenty more but then we'd start getting into fees and perhaps 6 sessions of exploratory councelling - what with you living in the land of the Hun, that may prove difficult
I've let it go now, I suggest you do the same
S xx
gabrieltit1 said:
You've 'found' nothing chief - the puerile allusion to my 'soft' side etc etc - what's really got your goat is someone mercillessly pointed out the truth, that being :
You're not quite as bright as your own self image tells you
You're insights reveal .......... nothing
You are easily distracted and miss the point in a spectacular manner
There's plenty more but then we'd start getting into fees and perhaps 6 sessions of exploratory councelling - what with you living in the land of the Hun, that may prove difficult
I've let it go now, I suggest you do the same
S xx
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quod erat demonstrandum
I would say if you have to ask what's the big deal then your interest in phones is not strong enough to need to know!
gabrieltit1 said:
You've 'found' nothing chief - the puerile allusion to my 'soft' side etc etc - what's really got your goat is someone mercillessly pointed out the truth, that being :
You're not quite as bright as your own self image tells you
You're insights reveal .......... nothing
You are easily distracted and miss the point in a spectacular manner
There's plenty more but then we'd start getting into fees and perhaps 6 sessions of exploratory councelling - what with you living in the land of the Hun, that may prove difficult
I've let it go now, I suggest you do the same
S xx
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Wooooottt? No idea what gay Simon is talking about. I guess he's gone full retard.
I sometimes despair at this forum and the people who populate it. A noobie asks a simple and perfectly reasonable question and the next thing you know it all kicks off. Have you all been on the electronic equivalent of Newcastle Brown??
Why not lets get back to helping somebody (for those that are unclear of the definition look it up in the OED).
To rizla316. I much prefer Android because it is user friendly. As you have suggested WM is not. It is almost as user friendly as the iphone without all the problems - like being locked in tight to the great satan Apple. I also like the capacitive screen, which I think you have on the HD2. However Android really brings out how good that type of screen is.
Just my personal opinion, given in order to try to answer your original question. Now watch me getting flamed for having it and sharing it
BTW if you want a friendly Android forum try here

windows phone not top priority at microsoft

I kind of see this as kind of sad/bad news, with the continuos growth of the wp operating system now would seem to be a good time to "weld as the iron is hot" .. But it doesnt seem to be the case within Microsoft.. Seems like their living nokia/htc/samsung alone to fight for the future of Microsofts operating system..
Zdnet is probably the worst place to listen for stuff about Microsoft. They bash anything with windows in their name in just about 90% of their articles.
I honestly doubt WP is not their priority. WP has just as much of a fight(if not a harder fight) against Google just like tablets do.
Mary Jo Foley is usually *reasonably* accurate, though she does sometimes try and drop "pre-release" news without giving the full story. As that post itself points out, the real/actual list is going to be revealed today and expected to be a bit more controversial (the article was written yesterday). It's also focused on business customers; despite the addition of numerous business-focused features, WP8 is still largely a consumer device OS. Pushing consumerization of IT and a focus on MS technologies will naturally lead into WP8, but there is little chance of companies making WP8 the official-mobile-OS-every-employee-must-carry-one the way, say, Blackberries have been in the past and both Android and iOS are occasionally today. Even Microsoft doesn't do that for anybody except their sales teams.
j_tag said:
I kind of see this as kind of sad/bad news, with the continuos growth of the wp operating system now would seem to be a good time to "weld as the iron is hot" .. But it doesnt seem to be the case within Microsoft.. Seems like their living nokia/htc/samsung alone to fight for the future of Microsofts operating system..
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Well I don't see anything about xbox up there either. I think this is oriented more to enterprise. You can't tell me Xbox isn't a priority... considering within the next year the most important xbox event of the decade is going to happen.
Stop freaking out.

