My dinosaur Treo 700w - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I know many are rolling their eyes at the mention of this phone. Sorry but I need to ask the forum a simple lil question. In your day of messing with this outdated phone, did you by chance come across an issue about not recieving voicemail notifications once you changed the dailer back to the default wm5 dialer? If so did anyone get past the point of "It's not worth messing with"


Phone mode makes me type numbers!

Arrrgh! So frusterating. I just searched for info on this for a while, and I know its simple and everyone probably knows how to fix this so here it is.
When I am using the phone (connected to someone) the 10 letters with numbers on them are stuck as numbers. No way can I type the letter j for instance. Its like the blue dot shift is pressed. If i press it then the letter, I STILL get the number.
When does this suck? Say i am talking on phone and the person on the other end want to give me some info, say a shopping list. I can put it on speakerphone then hit note and type as they talk.....would be sweet for me cause i do crazy work but I cant cause i am missing 10 letters. I have to use the on screen keyboard but booo.
And I know this is a feature, probably to make it easier to dial numbers or something.
BTW i have a hermes with wm6 (non att, i think schap 4.20)
Thanks guys~~!
This has been discussed numerous times and cannot be fixed by the lay person... You have to install a rom that has the numlock on call fix already cooked in.. there are quite a few of them out there... The fix has to be cooked into the rom, as far as I know, there isn't any way to replace the system file that is necessary while the rom is in use...
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, but you may want to take a look in the Wiki as well... It'll help you with answers to questions that you don't know you have yet...
Great... I have flashed with a couple different rom now trying to find one I like before settling on schaps 4.20. So your saying all I have to do is find another custom rom out there that includes this fix. Thank You very much. Is there a rom package out there with this that you can reccomend? If not do you know the name of this fix or what phrase they use to describe this as I couldn't really find anything about it and never noticed in the descriptions of different custom roms.
Thank You again so much, getting this "feature" fixed will be a great boon to my productivity. It is such a "sounded like a good idea at the time" thing, if they would have thought it out would have know it was bad. It doesn't even help you dial numbers when you call because it doesnt take effect until you hit send, so you have to hold in the blue button anyway. It would be really great if I took notes while on the phone that consisted of only numbers, but even phone numbers need a name.
All you wonderful chefs out there please smile upon the masses of technically proficient but not quite good enough to cook roms and start including whatever this fix is to get rid of this ultra dumb super-numlock-when-in-phonemode phenomenon.
Or do I have to do something to the custom rom I download before I flash it?

Hi, new guy to the forums with a question or two.

Hello everyone. Awesome website, was referred here by one of the lieutenants at work. T-mobile Wing owner. I've owned this thing for going on a month now. I've installed Home Screen/Battery Status and overclocked to 260. I've got PocketSNES and a hundred or so games. Installed one of the registry editors so I could tweak it to access ring tones from the sd card. And a new black colored theme I found while browsing through the forums. Nothing too crazy yet...I'm active duty Army, so I don't have much time for tweaking. I'm working up the courage to start experimenting with new roms.
Anyways, I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid of the fuzzy/whitewashed look that pictures get when you set them as background/wall papers images. I think I remember reading something about that somewhere on these forums, but for the life of me I cant find it again. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Ok, I figured out the picture thing. Guess I shoulda looked around before I asked the question. Just open the picture, "right click" it, set as background, then the transparency menu thingy pops up. I'm sooo glad I figured this out. lol!

App to stop accidental touch answer

I don't know if anybody else has this problem with their diamond... but I was sitting at my desk the other day, with my diamond on the desk in it's case.
Then i heard voices, I thought I was going mad at first but I think I've found a small design flaw with the case that's provided... There's a piece of elasticated fabric inside the case which stops the phone from dropping out the other end. This was pressing on my screen exactly in the right place to answer a call. I didn't touch it and the phone was screen-up in it's case on my desk.
The question has been posed before, "How can I disable the incoming call notification on the screen?". And so far, as far as I can tell, it's not been answered. So here I am, determined to do something about it.
If anybody has any ideas regarding this... including in the development of some software to solve the problem, please post them here. I am a software developer myself and I intend to write an application to solve this problem and share it with you all.
My initial ideas are:
Find the notification/message/service responsible for popping up the Incoming Call window
or... Subclass the Incoming Call window when it appears to disable the answer button
er... that's about it so far actually.
So guys any help would be great
optionj said:
And so far, as far as I can tell, it's not been answered.
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I don't know if you are looking for that I'm thinking of, but search the Forum for
[APP][Oct 11th, 2008] Answerkeys Disabler (v0.5.1)
I think that is what you are looking for!
Works fine on my device (MDA Compact IV) with original ROM.
And of course touchlockpro...
Are you telling me I spent all that time writing this thread and there's already an application.... ..... .. . .... damn.
Thanks for the reply though guys, I'll check those out.

A number of general questions/ideas/issues

I apologise for starting what is, in many ways, an 'I'm a noob, help me!' thread but I have put some effort into researching each of these topics but I'm still left with questions, so I thought I'd just lay everything out there and see if anyone can help me.
Firstly, sometimes when I start to write a text message, the first character disappears. It shows on-screen for maybe half a second, then it's as if I've hit backspace and it gets deleted.
It's really odd, it only happens from time-to-time and so far I've not been able to discern any sort of pattern to this behaviour - it doesn't seem to be specific to certain contacts, nor does it seem to matter whether it's a new text or a reply that I'm writing. It's just completely random.
I've searched on this forum, checked HTC's hotfixes and kept an eye out on other fora I frequent that have anything to do with the Touch HD but so far I haven't seen anything about this.
Secondly, I've been trying to find a calender application that will allow me to enter 'rules'.
Basically, the hours I work depend on the day of the week but I work different days week-to-week. So what I was hoping for was to be able to program in a 'rule' that defines what constitutes 'work', depending on which day of the week it is and have it so that an alarm or multiple alarms go off a set period before the time I start work each day (to wake me up). Anyway, by having this pre-set rule, I was hoping that when a new rota becomes available at work, I would just be able to mark which days I was working and the calendar would automatically work out the hours etc.
I'm not sure if this is something most calendar apps are capable of or if it's a feature that just doesn't exist but so far my attempts to search for this have been fruitless, though maybe that's down to my choice of keywords or something...
In third place, what is, in all probability a fairly common question about syncing text/SMS messages to your PC. I have looked into this, I swear but there seems to be a lot of contradictory information out there, not to mention when I search the site, I seem to end up reading a lot of threads that are 2, 3 or even 5 years old.
This might sound a little sad but this plave is one of few fora where I can have a question and when I look or ask for an answer, I feel completely lost. So I suppose what I'm hoping for is for someone to come along, take me by the metaphorical hand and show me the solution suitable for half-blind, retarded chimpanzees, as I might just about be able to follow that...
Last up, I was wondering if anyone was aware of any Shoogle-like programs for the HD.
I've come across 'VibraNotify' by way of this thread, which I will be testing out soon but in case it doesn't quite do what I want, if there's anything similar out there that anyone's aware of, I'd appreciate the heads-up.
I really am sorry to waste people's time with questions like these.
I wish I could find all the necessary answers myself but, as I say, for some of them I can't seem to find any information and for others, I've found far too much.
I will be extremely grateful towards anyone who takes pity on me and is able to help out in any way, no matter how small.
Addressing your second question.
I am a long time user of Pocket Informant currently in version 8 and available for purchase or download a time limited trial at
You can set up different "work" times for each day of the week.
for the first point of your question, I also had some problems too with keyboard input so that maybe sometimes I wanted to type m and it actually pressed a (not exactly a common typo!)
I noticed that after a screen calibration problems were solved
start/settings/system/screen/Align screen button
hope it helps
alternatively, I can confirm that with Davideuck's v-5 and dutty's xtreme v1.9 ROMs I have never had typing problems
Step666 said:
I apologise for starting what is, in many ways, an 'I'm a noob, help me!' thread...
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don't feel too bad, these are pretty advanced topics that i have not seen covered here
Regarding point 3;
as far as i know you can't sync SMS, tho you can back it up with PIM Backup
there is also MyPhone currently Beta

HowTo get rid of useless HTC_* Icons on Desktop

Hello Folks,
The HD2 is a hard Mistress to fall in love with.
It just takes soooo much customizing to unlock the true potential of this phone (why, oh why do the HTC folks keep pushing superior HW phones with castrated SW design onto the market???)
As part of my customizing I'm desperately trying to clean up HTC's desktop icon layout (by the way, after I flashed Tom's ROM many of the problems I kept getting [slow response times, missed responses, programs not starting,...] as soon as I had installed many a programs just went away like nothing).
Now there is that group of HTC_* icons on the Desktops for YouTube and other crap that is I really, really don't need.
But whenever I move them somewhere else, bang they're back as soon as I reboot - albeit now they are just "blank icons".
How can I get rid of them for good and save myself some screen space in the process?
Any hint appreciated.
Look in here...
Thankx, found it myself just 5 minutes ago.
Someone, please, force HTC to consult with XDA when they design their units...
It is pathetic that almost all the solutions to HTC problems & issues are to be found here, rather than in any official HTC help forum...

