Factory values in BT AudioGateway - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

I have been instalaling some BTroute and Jetaware aplications in my touch Dual- so now my \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\Bluetooth\audioGateway does not have the factory settins
Can someone send me the default settins?
Just check on the registry and write down here the Keys and Values
Thank you

Default setting from my Touch Dual 20keys
BTAGExtModule = OEMAGW.dll
BTAGPBModule = \Windows\BthAGPhonebook.dll
Capability = 0x65(101)
ConnectHFOnCall = 0x0(0)
NoRoleSwitch = 0x1(1)
SupportCLI = 0x0(0)
Hope this can help you.

My was
Capability 0x65
ConnectHFOnCall 0x0
MicVolume 0x8
NoRoleSwitch 0x1
PowerSave 0x0
SpkVolume 0x8
SupportCli 0x0
I'm going to try yours


accept data connection with HTC tornado (GSM/TAPI)

I have 2 HTC Tornado (T-Mobile SDA) smartphone and Visual Studio 2005. I want to connect them over a GSM data connection. For this risen, I write a little class "myTAPI".
If I use the "LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE" media mode, I can dial and answer speech calls. But if I change the mode to "LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM", something go wrong. If call the second smartphone with my application, I see for a half second 2 arrows in the right left corner. "lineGetLineDevStatus" returns one active call, for the moment. But I can't get the call over "lineGetMessage" . So I have no hCall Handle.
If I call to PSTN, my phone ring. If I answer by hand, I hear a modem tone.
Program calling phone
TAPIDev.dial(CString("01716597462"), LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM);//01716597462
Program waiting phone
for(i = 0; i < 60; ++i){
Can someone help me?
Or have someone sample code, that works on tornado.
My sourcecode:
- mytapi: my TAPI class
- open: open the connection
- dial: dial an number
- getMessage: lineGetMessage and answer if possible a call
- getStatus: lineGetLineDevStatus - output for debugging
answering a GSM datacall not work
I implement the same program ( connecting two gsm phones over a gsm data channel) with RIL instance of TAPI. But I have the same problem. The calling smartphone works, but den second smartphone not answer. I only see 2 small arrows in the right left corner for a second.
In an other forum, I read, I have to kill "cprog.exe" but the result is the same.
It down work!
Have somebody a idea?
my code for the calling phone
HRESULT result;
DWORD dwNotificationClasses = 0xFF0000;
HRIL g_hRIL = 0;
DWORD pdwVersion;
result = RIL_Initialize(1, ResultCallback, NotifyCallback, dwNotificationClasses, g_dwParam, &g_hRIL);
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Initialize: 0x%0X \n"), result);
result = RIL_GetDriverVersion(
g_hRIL, // @parm handle to RIL instance returned by <f RIL_Initialize>
&pdwVersion // @parm pointer to version. HIWORD is major version, LOWORD is minor version
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_GetDriverVersion 0x%0X \n"), pdwVersion);
result = RIL_Dial(
RIL_CALLTYPE_DATA, // @parm type of the call to establish (<def RIL_CALLTYPE_> constant)
RIL_DIALOPT_NONE // @parm dialing options (any combination of <def RIL_DIALOPT_> constants)
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Dial: %d\n"), result);
result = RIL_Hangup(
g_hRIL // @parm handle to RIL instance returned by <f RIL_Initialize>
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Hangup: 0x%0X \n"), result);
result = RIL_Deinitialize(g_hRIL);
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Deinitialize: 0x%0X \n"), result);
my code for the answering phone:
HRESULT result;
DWORD dwNotificationClasses = 0xFF0000;
HRIL g_hRIL = 0;
DWORD pdwVersion;
result = RIL_Initialize(1, ResultCallback, NotifyCallback, dwNotificationClasses, g_dwParam, &g_hRIL);
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Initialize: 0x%0X \n"), result);
result = RIL_GetDriverVersion(
g_hRIL, // @parm handle to RIL instance returned by <f RIL_Initialize>
&pdwVersion // @parm pointer to version. HIWORD is major version, LOWORD is minor version
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_GetDriverVersion 0x%0X \n"), pdwVersion);
result = RIL_Answer( g_hRIL );
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Answer: 0x%0X \n"), result);
result = RIL_Deinitialize(g_hRIL);
TRACE(TEXT("RIL_Deinitialize: 0x%0X \n"), result);
my output for the calling phone:
Load module: myRIL.exe
Load module: shellres.dll
Load module: shutil.dll
Load module: commctrl.dll
Load module: aygshell.dll
Load module: tshres.dll.0407.mui
Load module: tshres.dll
Load module: oleaut32.dll
Load module: ole32.dll
Load module: ossvcs.dll
Load module: ril.dll
Load module: coredll.dll
RIL_Initialize: 0x0
RIL_GetDriverVersion 0x10000
NotifyCallbackRIL_Dial: 468
notify: dwCode=0x800002 lpData=303BFE88, cbData=4
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
ResultCallbackresult: dwCode=5, hrCmdID=468 lpData=00000000, cbData=0
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=303BFD90, cbData=32
RIL_Hangup: 0x1D5
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x10005 lpData=00000000, cbData=0
ResultCallbackresult: dwCode=1, hrCmdID=469 lpData=00000000, cbData=0
The thread 0x2d266852 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
RIL_Deinitialize: 0x0
Load module: t9ime.dll
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
my output for the answering phone:
Load module: myRIL.exe
Load module: shellres.dll
Load module: shutil.dll
Load module: commctrl.dll
Load module: aygshell.dll
Load module: tshres.dll.0407.mui
Load module: tshres.dll
Load module: oleaut32.dll
Load module: ole32.dll
Load module: ossvcs.dll
Load module: ril.dll
Load module: coredll.dll
RIL_Initialize: 0x0
RIL_GetDriverVersion 0x10000
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x800002 lpData=2E3BFE88, cbData=4
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x10001 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x80001 lpData=00292810, cbData=1576
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x10005 lpData=00000000, cbData=0
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
RIL_Answer: 0x7E
ResultCallbackresult: dwCode=3, hrCmdID=126 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=4
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
NotifyCallbacknotify: dwCode=0x400005 lpData=2E3BFD90, cbData=32
The thread 0xccf055b6 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
RIL_Deinitialize: 0x0
Load module: t9ime.dll
Unload module: ril.dll
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for help
the registry hack don't work but signing the programm do it
I use two Dopod 900 to test my data call program,
when I register to PSTN and make first data call by my program, it failed...
but after dial video phone by default dialer, I can make a data call and transfer data through ReadFile/WriteFile, does somebody know about that?
i have the same problem when using TAPI on WM 2003
dose any one of you know why this could happen ??
i drop the cprog.exe with the function kill_cprog
void kill_cprog()
HANDLE Proc, ProcTree;
BOOL ret_val;
/* Get processes tree */
ProcTree = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
/* Search for cprog process in a process tree */
for(ret_val = Process32First(ProcTree, &pe); ret_val; ret_val = Process32Next(ProcTree, &pe))
/* Terminate cprog */
Proc = OpenProcess(0, 0, pe.th32ProcessID);
TerminateProcess(Proc, 0);
and open the line on this mode
nRetCode = ::lineOpen(m_LineHandle, i, &m_hLine, TAPI_API_HIGH_VERSION,0, (DWORD)m_hWnd, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER , LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM , CallParams);
i used the callback
nRetCode = lineInitializeEx( &m_LineHandle, 0, (LINECALLBACK)lineCallbackFunc, (LPCWSTR)"MSM TAPI", &m_dwLines, &MaxTAPIVersion, Params );
and i cant get any callback while in create a call
please help me with this cuz it's make me so confusion
ittaym said:
dose any one of you know why this could happen ??
i drop the cprog.exe with the function kill_cprog
void kill_cprog()
HANDLE Proc, ProcTree;
BOOL ret_val;
/* Get processes tree */
ProcTree = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
/* Search for cprog process in a process tree */
for(ret_val = Process32First(ProcTree, &pe); ret_val; ret_val = Process32Next(ProcTree, &pe))
/* Terminate cprog */
Proc = OpenProcess(0, 0, pe.th32ProcessID);
TerminateProcess(Proc, 0);
and open the line on this mode
nRetCode = ::lineOpen(m_LineHandle, i, &m_hLine, TAPI_API_HIGH_VERSION,0, (DWORD)m_hWnd, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER , LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM , CallParams);
i used the callback
nRetCode = lineInitializeEx( &m_LineHandle, 0, (LINECALLBACK)lineCallbackFunc, (LPCWSTR)"MSM TAPI", &m_dwLines, &MaxTAPIVersion, Params );
and i cant get any callback while in create a call
please help me with this cuz it's make me so confusion
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just a thought, but isn't a data subscrription/number required to receive data calls, like e.g. fax?

Android, help me

I try to run android on HTC Touch
default.txt this:
set MTYPE 6666
set RAMSIZE 0x01900000
set KERNEL zImage
set initrd initrd
set CMDLINE "root = / dev/ram0 init = / linuxrc"
Log log.txt
Here's a log:
HaRET (9) # bootlinux
boot KERNEL = zImage INITRD = initrd
Opening file zImage
Opening file initrd
boot params: RAMADDR = 10000000 RAMSIZE = 01900000 MTYPE = 6666 CMDLINE = 'root = / dev/ram0 init = / linuxrc'
Boot FB feedback: 1
Built virtual to physical page mapping
Allocated 796 pages (tags = 46000000/11af0000 kernel = 46001000/11b19000 initrd = 460F2000/1340d000 index = 46318000/136b7000)
Built kernel tags area
Built page index
Video buffer at 4C000020 sx = 240 sy = 320 mx = 60 my = 53
Video Phys FB = 20001020 Fonts = 136b9064
preload = 2264 @ 4631B000/136ba000 sj = 4631B000 stack = 46319000/136b8000 data = 4631A000/136b9000 exec = 136ba128
Reading 987124 bytes ...
Read complete
Reading 2252800 bytes ...
Read complete
Launching to physical address 136ba010
Trampoline setup (tram = 136 @ 000241C0/160241c0/104c21c0)
MMU setup: mmu = AC390000/10390000
Go Go Go ...
Further cursor blinks =) and the set is not, what next?
files here: http://vovacraft.com/android.zip
Sorry for my English ...

Some words about bluetooth....

i know there are a lot of threads about all this stuff already and i also know that the hero is not the latest gadget anymore.
Anyway, a few days ago i started investigating on the bluetooth sub-system running on my HTC Hero. I tried to find out how things work out on latest stock ROM 3.32.405.2 compared to some of latest nightly ROM builds based on cyanogen.
I just wanted to post what i found out in the meantime and what might be worth discussing. Here we go
The chipset:
Th Hero in fact uses a BRF6350 from Texas Intruments which is a successor of the BRF6300. This chip definitely has FM capabilites, but there's no access to this function per default.
It is yet unknown if the hardware connections would basically support this option, if set up correctly.
Again, there is some basic information at TI's website:
I also found a very interesting document in the web, that gives a more detailed block diagram of the BRF6350 chipset (see attachment).
The firmware:
In stock ROM there's only a BRF6300 firmware file, though a BRF6350 is used one the mainboard.
On the latest cyanogen nightly builds there's also a BRF6350 firmware file.
See this thread for more: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=704976
I could not find out what is the origin of this file, maybe it was extracted form a WM-ROM...
Who ever knows more about it please post it here!
Anyway the firmware get's loaded during boot up, using a service call in init.hero.rc. This one is common in stock and AOSP ROM's:
service hciattach /system/bin/hciattach \
-n -s 115200 /dev/ttyHS0 texasalt 4000000 flow
user bluetooth
group bluetooth net_bt_admin
On stock ROM there's an additonal service started in init.hero.rc:
#btips - 2.22
service btips /system/bin/btipsd --logfile /data/btips/btips_log.txt -no_android_log
socket bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
socket dbus_bluetooth stream 660 bluetooth bluetooth
group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc
disabled # the MCP monitor service is responsible for bringing up the daemon
AFAIK, this service is needed to start the TI bluetooth stack and does a more specific setup of the chipset.
Also it might be possible, that on stock ROMs hciattach is obsolete and btipsd in fact loads the BRF6300 firmware to the BRF6350 chipset. Some further investigation is required here...
There'd also been some discussions early this year in the IRC channel about btipsd.
By stepping through the binary, i found out that btipsd also includes some hard coded start-up scripts (*.bts).
These are similar to the scripts located in /etc/firmware.
The scripts:
After the firmware has been transferred to the chipset, a basic setup has to be made. So that's what these scripts are doing.
The firmware uses some binary command mode to communicate at this point.
Also some tweaks might be injected to match the current API.
These are the basic scripts located in /etc/firmware (stock ROM and AOSP):
avpr.bts (Description: BRF6450 AVPR FW Initialization Script, Compatibility: BRF6450 PG1 ROM)
fm_rx_init_1273.2.bts (Description: This script could be used to put the FM IP in RCV mode)
fmc_init_1273.2.bts (Description : FM Firmware Patch - v2.140, Compatibility : BL6450 2.1, BL6450 3.0, WL127x 2.0, NL55xx 2.0 ROM)
tiinit_5.3.53.bts (Description : BRF6350 2.11 ROM Initialization Script, Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM)
It seems that these scripts are generic and are used on other platforms as well. By extracting the debug messages of these scripts, if found out, that on stock ROM none of them is matching to the given firmware (BRF6300.bin).
In other words they seem to be useless!
By integrating BRF6350.bin into the AOSP ROMs, there's only one that maybe used: tiinit_5.3.53.bts
Some cross referals....
E.g. the Xperia X1 (also uses BRF6350 chipset) got a couple init scripts to match different firmware versions:
TIInit_5_3_53.bts (Description : BRF6350 2.11 ROM Initialization Script, Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM)
TIInit_5_2_34.bts (Description : BRF6350 2.34 ROM Initialization Script, Compatibility: BRF6350 2.34 ROM)
TIInit_4_2_38.bts (Description : BRF6300 1.31 ROM Initialization Script, Compatibility: BRF6300 1.31 ROM)
Inside Xperia X1 ROMs there are also some scripts to activate FM radio on a BRF6530 chipset
Fm_on_2_1.bts (Description : BRF6350 2.11 FM Initialization, Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM)
FMInit_2.bts (Description : BRF6350 2.0 FW 2.34 FM Initialization, Compatibility: BRF6350 2.0 ROM w/ 2.0.34 Firmware)
There's also a package called HTC tools for the WM phones (HTC Diamond, HTC Raphel, etc) including similar scripts for FM.
So maybe it will be possible some day to tweak Hero ROMs and make use of these scripts. This would probably solve this issue: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=533780
The stack:
HTC Hero stock ROM's use TI proprietary bluetooth stack.
The HCI communication to the chipset is mainly done through btipsd, which is also closed source.
There's also some nice command line interface (btipsd_cli) to gather some low level information.
Some proprietary libraries might be in use for the stack as well...
The firmware file is BRF6300.bin.
On the AOSP ROMs the bluetooth framework is little more open.
AFAIK the BlueZ stack is used on these ROMs.
The HCI communication seems to rely entirely on hci toolset (e.g. hciattach, hciconfig, hcitool...)
The latest cyanogen nightly ROMs make use of BRF6350.bin.
As already stated, i just started to investigate a few days ago...
... still many secrets and still little confusing, but i just wanted to start collecting some information and give it out to the community.
Another nice thread at G1 sub-forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=527027
Please post your knowledge here or correct me, if i pointed out something wrong!
Best regards,
extended info about *.bts files
Init files from HTC Hero...
Debug strings in fm_rx_init_1273.2.bts:
0x24 0x4F # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0x78 0x1B # RCV Power On - v0.8
0x9E 0x4A # Description: This script could be used to put the FM IP in RCV mode
0xED 0x19 # Author: Manav
0x010B 0x17 # Date: Dec 29, 2007
0x0127 0x14 # Changes:
0x0147 0x20 # 0] Dec'29 2007 - Initial Edits
0x016C 0x43 # 1] Jan'31 2008 - Clean up - Moved register settings to code patch
0x01B4 0x1C # 2] Mar'15 2008 - No Change
0x01DB 0x2E # Notes: Use this script after running FM Init
0x020E 0x50 # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0x026D 0x22 # Putting the Synth in Closed Loop
0x02BD 0x57 # Select if RDS is needed (Make fm_rcv_mode =3 for RDS and FM and =1 for only FM Audio)
0x0319 0x10 #fm_rcv_mode = 3
0x033C 0x52 # RCV POWER ON API (Arg = 3 for both FM Audio and RDS / Arg = 1 for only FM Audio)
0x03B8 0x0E #Audio Enable.
0x03CB 0x31 #Send_HCI_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM 0xFD35, 0x1D, 0x0002
0x0401 0x4C #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd35, 0x00
Debug Strings in fmc_init_1273.2.bts:
0x29 0x53 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x81 0x2D # Description : FM Firmware Patch - v2.140
0xBA 0x21 # Author : Sumeer Bhatara
0xE8 0x46 # Compatibility : BL6450 2.1, BL6450 3.0, WL127x 2.0, NL55xx 2.0 ROM
0x013B 0x1D # Last Updated : 02/06/2009
0x0165 0x3C # Notes : Please refer to the SP2.22 RN for details
0x01A6 0x53 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x020D 0x39 # FM ON Command - This would activate the I2C co-relator
0x0250 0x29 #Send_HCI_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE 0xFD37, 1
0x027E 0x60 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE, 0x00
0x02E8 0x1F #time needed for APLL to lock
0x030C 0x0A #sleep 30
0x0345 0x0D #Data patch
0x08A1 0x35 #Program the g_tCapAdjTable[5] = {-2, -1 ,0 ,2 ,4 }
0x08DB 0x32 # g_tCapAdjTable[1] = -1 , g_tCapAdjTable[0] = -2
0x093B 0x30 # g_tCapAdjTable[3] =2 , g_tCapAdjTable[2] = 0
0x0999 0x28 # g_tgLow[0] =2 , g_tCapAdjTable[4] =4
0x09EF 0x1F # g_tCapValTable TABLE CHANGE
0x0A13 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[0]
0x0A61 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[1]
0x0AAF 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[2]
0x0AFD 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[3]
0x0B4B 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[4]
0x0B99 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[5]
0x0BE7 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[6]
0x0C35 0x20 # Program the g_tCapValTable[7]
0x0C8D 0x0C #Code Patch
0x4BD7 0x4F # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0x4C2B 0x1B # RCV Power On - v0.8
0x4C51 0x4A # Description: This script could be used to put the FM IP in RCV mode
0x4CA0 0x19 # Author: Manav
0x4CBE 0x17 # Date: Dec 29, 2007
0x4CDA 0x14 # Changes:
0x4CFA 0x20 # 0] Dec'29 2007 - Initial Edits
0x4D1F 0x43 # 1] Jan'31 2008 - Clean up - Moved register settings to code patch
0x4D67 0x1C # 2] Mar'15 2008 - No Change
0x4D8E 0x2E # Notes: Use this script after running FM Init
0x4DC1 0x50 # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0x4E20 0x22 # Putting the Synth in Closed Loop
0x4E70 0x57 # Select if RDS is needed (Make fm_rcv_mode =3 for RDS and FM and =1 for only FM Audio)
0x4ECC 0x10 #fm_rcv_mode = 3
0x4EEF 0x52 # RCV POWER ON API (Arg = 3 for both FM Audio and RDS / Arg = 1 for only FM Audio)
0x4F6B 0x0E #Audio Enable.
0x4F7E 0x31 #Send_HCI_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM 0xFD35, 0x1D, 0x0002
0x4FB4 0x4C #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd35, 0x00
In fact these inits are for WiLink 6.0 mobile platform WL1271/WL1273 (WLAN 802.11 a/b/g/, Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR, FM)
Debug strings in tiinit_5.3.53.bts:
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x37 # Description : BRF6350 2.11 ROM Initialization Script
0xBE 0x22 # Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM
0xEC 0x29 # Last Updated: 14-Dec-2009 15:39:50.51
0x0121 0x1D # Version : TI_P2_11.158
0x014A 0x4D # Notes : Use this script on BRF6350 2.11 ROM device only (FW v3.0.53)
0x019C 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x36C6 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x3730 0x65 ############## BEGIN POWER TABLE SECTION ##########################################################
0x379A 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x3D07 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x3D71 0x65 ############## END POWER TABLE SECTION ############################################################
0x3DDB 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x3F63 0x3E ##############################################################
0x3FA6 0x3E #### This portion of the Init Script is for custom use. #####
0x3FE9 0x3E #### Enable/Disable as required for the actual platform. #####
0x402C 0x3E ##############################################################
0x4074 0x5C ############ Fast Clock Configuration - Disable Crystal ##############################
0x40DB 0x35 # When Crystal in use - please remove this command.
0x4115 0x4C # Please refer to BT-SW-0030 Vendor Specific document for more information.
0x419A 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x41EB 0x18 # Enable Protocol Viewer
0x4208 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x4270 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x42C1 0x1B # Initialize voice settings
0x42E1 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x436A 0x51 #Send_HCI_VS_Write_CODEC_Configuration 0xFF08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x01
0x43C0 0x56 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_CODEC_Configuration_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xff08, 0x00
0x4420 0x4D # Set inactivity timer to 320 frames - 400 msec (recommended for most hosts)
0x4472 0x6A # value may be reduced in accordance to host limitations for power saving (default: 80 frames - 100msec).
0x4506 0x2D # Accept PA_SD signaling from WLAN during TX
0x456F 0x15 # Enable co-existence
0x4589 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x45D0 0xAB #Send_HCI_VS_Write_Wlan_Configuration 0xFD1D, 0x04, 0x01, 0x05e9, 0x0000, 0x00, 0x00, "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00
0x4680 0x55 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Wlan_Configuration_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd1d, 0x00
0x46DA 0x26 #set IO17 to be the BT RF-Activity pin
0x473B 0x22 # 0x5e8 - remove SCO from Priority
0x4762 0xAB #Send_HCI_VS_Write_Wlan_Configuration 0xFD1D, 0x04, 0x01, 0x05e8, 0x0000, 0x00, 0x00, "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00
0x4812 0x55 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Wlan_Configuration_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd1d, 0x00
0x4876 0x18 # HCI_VS_Set_DDIP_Params
0x48BE 0x18 # Enable deep sleep mode
It seems this init could be used after brf6350.bin has been loaded on HTC Hero.
Debug Strings in avpr.bts:
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x37 # Description: BRF6450 AVPR FW Initialization Script
0xBE 0x21 # Compatibility: BRF6450 PG1 ROM
0xEB 0x2A # Last Updated: 30-Jun-2008 19:06:31.35
0x0121 0x15 # Version: 1.1
0x0142 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x019E 0x11 #Mask All domains
0x01DA 0x39 #Issue Switch On command (all domains - including wibree)
0x023E 0x29 #turn on COREX clock (should read 0xnnn9)
0x0292 0x31 # Cortex Reset (hold in reset while loading IMEM)
0x8FB4 0x15 #release Cortex Reset
This init is used for newer chipset BRF6450.
HTC Tools for WM (capable HTC Diamond, HTC Raphael, etc. to test FM radio) includes some FM init scripts.
Debug Strings in FMInit_2.bts:
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x35 # Description : BRF6350 2.0 FW 2.34 FM Initialization
0xBC 0x33 # Compatibility: BRF6350 2.0 ROM w/ 2.0.34 Firmware
0xFB 0x1C # Last Updated: 14-Feb-2007
0x0123 0x13 # Version : 2.2
0x0142 0x43 # Notes : Required after runnung BRF6350 Bluetooth Initscript
0x018A 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x01E6 0x07 # FM ON
Debug Strings in FM_on_2_0.bts:
0x24 0x1C #log "FM_ON" (default 32KHz)
0x66 0x1C #log "FM_ON" (Optional FREF)
0x87 0x28 #Send_HCI_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE 0xFD37, 1
0xB4 0x5F #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_I2C_FM_POWER_MODE, 0x00
0x0122 0x09 #SW patch
0x0130 0x20 # No FW patch defined for D2_11
0x015F 0x2D # Changes recommended by the AFE team - V0.1
0x01DF 0x0D #ADC settings
0x0297 0x15 #power on: FM and RDS
Debug Strings in FM_on_2_1.bts:
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x2E # Description : BRF6350 2.11 FM Initialization
0xB5 0x21 # Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM
0xE2 0x1C # Last Updated: Oct 10, 2007
0x010A 0x13 # Version : 3.7
0x0129 0x15 # Author : Manav
0x0149 0x45 # Notes : Required after runnung BRF6350 Bluetooth Initscript.
0x0193 0x2F # Includes FM Register Patch v0.5
0x01C7 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0223 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x026C 0x07 # FM ON
0x0278 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x02E7 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0330 0x3A # Note: Delay of 20ms is required in after FM Power ON API
0x036F 0x40 # Checksum command has been used to create required delay.
0x03B4 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x03FD 0x09 #sleep 20
0x3839 0x06 x *yx
0x3F61 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x3FAA 0x39 # Note: Delay of ~4ms is required in after RESET command.
0x3FE8 0x40 # Checksum command has been used to create required delay.
0x402D 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4076 0x09 #sleep 40
0x4586 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x45CF 0x42 # Un-mark SWITCH2FREF command below when working with FREF for FM
0x4616 0x2E # Default : FM on 32K (command below remarked)
0x4649 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4692 0x2B # Send_HCI_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM 0xFD35, 36, 1
0x46C2 0x5C # Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_I2C_Write_to_FM, 0x00
0x4728 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4771 0x18 # FM Register Patch v0.5
0x478E 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4872 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x48BB 0x1E # FM Register Patch v0.5 (End)
0x48DE 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4954 0x15 # Power on FM and RDS
0x4993 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x49DC 0x42 # Note: Delay of 30ms is required in after FM POWER ON RCV command
0x4A23 0x40 # Checksum command has been used to create required delay.
0x4A68 0x44 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
0x4AB1 0x0A # sleep 30
0x4AE2 0x20 # Enable Dynamic LNA mode switch
Stolen from Xperia X1 ROM this init is basically the same as on HTC Hero (tiinit_5.3.53.bts).
Debug strings in TIInit_5_3_53.bts (Xperia X1):
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x37 # Description : BRF6350 2.11 ROM Initialization Script
0xBE 0x22 # Compatibility: BRF6350 2.11 ROM
0xEC 0x29 # Last Updated: 04-Mar-2008 1:32:43.58
0x0121 0x1C # Version : TI_P2_11.34
0x0149 0x4D # Notes : Use this script on BRF6350 2.11 ROM device only (FW v3.0.53)
0x019B 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x01F7 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0257 0x24 # Update the Baudrate to 4000000 bps
0x0280 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0301 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x2A99 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x2B03 0x65 ############## BEGIN POWER TABLE SECTION ##########################################################
0x2B6D 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x3191 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x31FB 0x65 ############## END POWER TABLE SECTION ############################################################
0x3265 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x335E 0x5A # SW bypass for spikes on IOs - Leave HCI TX, RX, CTS, RTS and BT_Wakeup during deep sleep
0x3408 0x3E ##############################################################
0x344B 0x3E #### This portion of the Init Script is for custom use. #####
0x348E 0x3E #### Enable/Disable as required for the actual platform. #####
0x34D1 0x3E ##############################################################
0x3519 0x57 ############ Enable Protocol Viewer ###############################################
0x3596 0x54 ############ Change baudrate example ###############################################
0x35F5 0x3D # Example below changes baudrate to 921k (16mHz system clock)
0x3637 0x58 # For other baudrates and system frequencies please contact your support representative.
0x3694 0x49 # Please note that the VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3 has replaced the
0x36E2 0x3A # HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate vendor specific command.
0x372C 0x3E #Send_HCI_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3 0xFD38, 2, 17, 0, 7
0x376F 0x77 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3, 0x00
0x37F0 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x3841 0x1B # Initialize voice settings
0x3861 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x38EA 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x393B 0x15 # Enable co-existence
0x3955 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x39D7 0x56 ############ Sleep Mode Setup ##################################################
0x3A32 0x4D # Set inactivity timer to 320 frames - 400 msec (recommended for most hosts)
0x3A84 0x6A # value may be reduced in accordance to host limitations for power saving (default: 80 frames - 100msec).
0x3AF3 0x3A #Send_HCI_VS_hcill_parameters 0xFD2B, 0x0640, 0xffff, 0xff
0x3B32 0x4D #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_hcill_parameters_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd2b, 0x00
0x3B89 0x0F #deep sleep: 2s
0x3BC7 0x63 # Default Settling time of 15ms may be reduced in accordance to design requirments for power saving
0x3C2F 0x2C #Send_HCI_VS_Set_Settling_Time 0xFF79, 15000
0x3C60 0x5F #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Set_Settling_Time_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_Set_Settling_Time, 0x00
0x3CC9 0x2B # Enable deep sleep with default parameters
Debug strings in TIInit_5_2_34.bts (Xperia X1):
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x37 # Description : BRF6350 2.34 ROM Initialization Script
0xBE 0x22 # Compatibility: BRF6350 2.34 ROM
0xEC 0x29 # Last Updated: 08-Mar-2007 20:15:32.73
0x0121 0x17 # Version : P11.11
0x0144 0x2F # RAM consumption : 2892B used, 328B available
0x017F 0x25 # Patch entries : used 14 out of 24
0x01B0 0x4D # Notes : Use this script on BRF6350 2.34 ROM device only (FW v2.0.34)
0x0202 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x025E 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x02BE 0x24 # Update the Baudrate to 4000000 bps
0x02E7 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x0368 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x3511 0x57 ############ Enable Protocol Viewer ###############################################
0x356D 0x30 #Send_HCI_VS_Enable_Protocol_Viewer 0xFF68, 0x01
0x35A2 0x53 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Enable_Protocol_Viewer_Event 5000, 0x01, 0xff68, 0x00
0x35FF 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x3650 0x1B # Initialize voice settings
0x3670 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x36F9 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x374A 0x15 # Enable co-existence
0x3764 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x37E6 0x56 ############ Sleep Mode Setup ##################################################
0x3841 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x3892 0x18 # Enable Deep Sleep Mode
0x38AF 0x4D # Set inactivity timer to 320 frames - 400 msec (recommended for most hosts)
0x3901 0x6A # value may be reduced in accordance to host limitations for power saving (default: 80 frames - 100msec).
0x3970 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x39B7 0x3A #Send_HCI_VS_hcill_parameters 0xFD2B, 0x0140, 0xffff, 0xff
This is also included in Xperia stock ROM but used with a firmware for BRF6300 chipset. This chipset got no FM support.
Debug strings in TIInit_4_2_38.bts (Xperia X1):
0x24 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x7B 0x37 # Description : BRF6300 1.31 ROM Initialization Script
0xBE 0x22 # Compatibility: BRF6300 1.31 ROM
0xEC 0x29 # Last Updated: 30-Sep-2007 18:14:28.93
0x0121 0x21 # Version : DVM_BOOST_P13.48
0x014E 0x4D # Notes : Use this script on BRF6300 1.31 ROM device only (FW v2.0.38)
0x01A0 0x52 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x01FC 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x025C 0x24 # Update the Baudrate to 4000000 bps
0x0285 0x51 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0x2921 0x5C ############# DEVM output power threshold. Please see release note for further information.
0x2A19 0x08 €€€€€€€€
0x2A4B 0x08 €€€€€€€€
0x2A7D 0x08 €€€€€€€€
0x2AAF 0x08 €€€€€€€€
0x2B0E 0x09 €€€€€€€€€
0x4745 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x47AF 0x65 ############## BEGIN POWER TABLE SECTION ##########################################################
0x4819 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x50C4 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x512E 0x65 ############## END POWER TABLE SECTION ############################################################
0x5198 0x65 #####################################################################################################
0x532C 0x3E ##############################################################
0x536F 0x3E #### This portion of the Init Script is for custom use. #####
0x53B2 0x3E #### Enable/Disable as required for the actual platform. #####
0x53F5 0x3E ##############################################################
0x543D 0x5C ############ Fast Clock Configuration - Disable Crystal ##############################
0x54A4 0x35 # When Crystal in use - please remove this command.
0x54DE 0x4C # Please refer to BT-SW-0030 Vendor Specific document for more information.
0x5563 0x57 ############ Enable Protocol Viewer ###############################################
0x55E0 0x54 ############ Change baudrate example ###############################################
0x563F 0x3D # Example below changes baudrate to 921k (16mHz system clock)
0x5681 0x41 # For other baudrates and system frequencies please use the UART
0x56C7 0x51 # Baudrate Calculator tool. Please note that the VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3
0x571D 0x4B # has replaced the HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate vendor specific command.
0x5778 0x3E #Send_HCI_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3 0xFD38, 2, 17, 0, 7
0x57BB 0x77 #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_Set_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Island3, 0x00
0x583C 0x56 ############ Sleep Mode Setup ##################################################
0x589C 0x4D # Set inactivity timer to 320 frames - 400 msec (recommended for most hosts)
0x58EE 0x6A # value may be reduced in accordance to host limitations for power saving (default: 80 frames - 100msec).
0x595D 0x3A #Send_HCI_VS_hcill_parameters 0xFD2B, 0x0140, 0xffff, 0xff
0x599C 0x4D #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_hcill_parameters_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd2b, 0x00
0x59F3 0x63 # Default Settling time of 15ms may be reduced in accordance to design requirments for power saving
0x5A5B 0x2C #Send_HCI_VS_Set_Settling_Time 0xFF79, 15000
0x5A8C 0x5F #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Set_Settling_Time_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_Set_Settling_Time, 0x00
0x5AF5 0x2B # Enable deep sleep with default parameters
0x5B25 0x53 #Send_HCI_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations 0xFD0C, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 100
0x5B7D 0x6F #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations_Event 5000, any, HCI_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations, 0x00
0x5BF6 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5C47 0x28 # Initialize voice settings for 7500 PCM
0x5C74 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5CFD 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5D4E 0x15 # Enable co-existence
0x5D68 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5E68 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5EB9 0x18 # Enable Deep Sleep Mode
0x5ED6 0x4D # Set inactivity timer to 320 frames - 400 msec (recommended for most hosts)
0x5F28 0x6A # value may be reduced in accordance to host limitations for power saving (default: 80 frames - 100msec).
0x5F97 0x42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
0x5FDE 0x3A #Send_HCI_VS_hcill_parameters 0xFD2B, 0x0140, 0xffff, 0xff
0x601D 0x3A #Send_HCI_VS_hcill_parameters 0xFD2B, 0x1f40, 0xffff, 0xff
0x605C 0x4D #Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_hcill_parameters_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xfd2b, 0x00
Sorry for this extensive post, but i wanted to put it down here for completeness

[Guide] Mate 9 Flash and DDR Info

A. Unlock bootloader and install TWRP 3.0.3-1.
B. Run TWRP and connect usb cable.
C. Download HWDev_2017042201.zip
D. Run "hwdev.bat" and it will use keyword search kernel log for Flash and DDR info
I got my mate 9 info
DDR: lpddr4
What kind of DDR info do you expect from the kernel ?
The most obvious one:
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /proc/ddr_rod
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /proc/ddr_info
And your method will report
ddr: current logic version is lpddr4 verison !!!
The lowlevel flash specs (SAMSUNG KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1):
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x0]: bLength = 0x40
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1]: bDescriptorType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x2]: bDevice = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x3]: bDeviceClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x4]: bDeviceSubClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x5]: bProtocol = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x6]: bNumberLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x7]: bNumberWLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x8]: bBootEnable = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x9]: bDescrAccessEn = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xa]: bInitPowerMode = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xb]: bHighPriorityLUN = 0x7f
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xc]: bSecureRemovalType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xd]: bSecurityLU = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xe]: Reserved = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xf]: bInitActiveICCLevel = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x10]: wSpecVersion = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x12]: wManufactureDate = 0x1610
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x14]: iManufactureName = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x15]: iProductName = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x16]: iSerialNumber = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x17]: iOemID = 0x3
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x18]: wManufactureID = 0xce01
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1a]: bUD0BaseOffset = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1b]: bUDConfigPLength = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1c]: bDeviceRTTCap = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1d]: wPeriodicRTCUpdate = 0x0
user4774 said:
What kind of DDR info do you expect from the kernel ?
The most obvious one:
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /proc/ddr_rod
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No, it's incorrect.
Someone post source code, if it don't specify ddr type and it return default value "lpddr3".
DDR source code
mankindtw said:
No, it's incorrect.
Someone post source code, if it don't specify ddr type and it return default value "lpddr3".
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OK. So this 'lpddr3' is printed based on the /proc/ddr_info value (DDR_TYPE_ADDR&0x00000FFF)
which is the "real" one. Do you have the same 0x401 value ? Our flash chips are obviously from different manufacturers.
current_bootloader_log: ddr info 0x00000401
While we are at the possible hardware variations: there are 5 LCD panels supported by the kernel:
I have LG_TD4322_6P0.
This info is also visible on the kernel commandline
boardid=0x00001585 productid=0x3a001414 ufs_product_name=KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1 LCD_ID=0
user4774 said:
OK. So this 'lpddr3' is printed based on the /proc/ddr_info value (DDR_TYPE_ADDR&0x00000FFF)
which is the "real" one. Do you have the same 0x401 value ? Our flash chips are obviously from different manufacturers.
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I have same lpddr3 from /proc/ddr_rod, but couple of kernel log message show lpddr4.
1. Can you post command to get info about ROM type? Ufs and version or eMMC and version. I want stop hysteria about memory types and don't trust benchmarks.
2. It would be great if somebody will post command to get info about display. 5 different displays is interesting fact
5[Strogino] said:
1. Can you post command to get info about ROM type? Ufs and version or eMMC and version.
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The lsscsi command is not included in busybox, so you need to peek yourself in /sys/bus/scsi
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /sys/bus/scsi/devices/0:0:0:0/vendor
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /sys/bus/scsi/devices/0:0:0:0/model
HWMHA:/data/data # cat /proc/ddr_info
2. It would be great if somebody will post command to get info about display. 5 different displays is interesting fact
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This is more tricky. The grep panel_probe /splash2/kmsg_log provides such output:
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: hisilicon,mipi_lg_TD4322_6P0
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: lcd_bl_type=4!
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: pxl_clk_rate=146 M
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: lcd_bl_ic_name=LM36923YFFR!
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: v_back_porch=28
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: v_pulse_width=8
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: lcd-vddio-type=1
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: gpio_lcd_vddio = 67
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: lcd_support_dynamic_gamma = 1
display: [display]mipi_lg_panel_probe_TD4322: hisifb_write_gm_to_reserved_mem has some problem!
The framebuffer driver is buggy too, and needs some patching :crying: RGB565 and geometry are ok.
HWMHA:/data/data # fbset -fb /dev/graphics/fb0
mode "1080x1920-0"
# D: 0.007 MHz, H: 0.006 kHz, V: 0.003 Hz
geometry 1080 1920 1080 5760 16
timings 146000000 23 50 28 14 20 8
accel false
rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0
user4774 said:
The lsscsi command is not included in busybox, so you need to peek yourself in /sys/bus/scsi
This is more tricky. The grep panel_probe /splash2/kmsg_log provides such output:
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Thanks. I have same chip Samsung KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1
But display is different:
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: hisilicon,mipi_jdi_R63452_6P0
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: lcd_bl_type=4!
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: lcd_bl_ic_name=LM36923YFFR!
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: pxl_clk_rate=146 M
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: v_back_porch=28
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: v_pulse_width=8
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: lcd-vddio-type=1
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: gpio_lcd_vddio = 67
[display]mipi_jdi_panel_probe_R63452: lcd_support_dynamic_gamma = 1
DDR: lpddr4
sashimiyarou said:
DDR: lpddr4
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What's about display?
mankindtw said:
I got my mate 9 info
DDR: lpddr4
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I have a Toshiba also different model THGBF7G9L4LBATRC but can't find any information on it. How do we know if it's UFS 2.1 or 2.0?
EDIT: There a chart here https://www.gizmochina.com/2017/04/...-ufs-2-1-description-official-mate-9-website/
The Samgsung model at least has an info page on it. It's UFS 2.0.
So, is it already evidence that we were cheated and that Mate 9 exists with UFS 2.0? That's why they erased that specification from their website.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
XoanCarlos said:
So, is it already evidence that we were cheated and that Mate 9 exists with UFS 2.0? That's why they erased that specification from their website.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
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Yes. My Mate 9 has UFS 2.0 Toshiba flash.
Tikerz said:
Yes. My Mate 9 has UFS 2.0 Toshiba flash.
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One word: deception. Now I understand erasing this specification of your website, at least here, in Spain.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
Tikerz said:
I have a Toshiba also different model THGBF7G9L4LBATRC but can't find any information on it. How do we know if it's UFS 2.1 or 2.0?
EDIT: There a chart here https://www.gizmochina.com/2017/04/...-ufs-2-1-description-official-mate-9-website/
The Samgsung model at least has an info page on it. It's UFS 2.0.
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Maybe you didn't realize, but the Samsung model the other user posted is: KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1, and the one in your link is KLUDG8J1CB-B0B1. I tried to google the model number and google just automatically redirected to this different number.
mankindtw said:
A. Unlock bootloader and install TWRP 3.0.3-1.
B. Run TWRP and connect usb cable.
C. Download HWDev_2017042201.zip
D. Run "hwdev.bat" and it will use keyword search kernel log for Flash and DDR info
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toshiba UFS2.0
5[Strogino said:
;72030020]What's about display?
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They fit different ufs on our mate-thats a fact i have ifs 2.0 but i understand that other hardware like lcd is also different on some phones my lcd is JDI_R63452_6P0_LCD
I searched over other forums that many peoples have various touch screen isues regarding to model, so is that ufs big deal if we couldnt compare all phones with all hardware combinations? Better ufs, but worse lcd, worse lcd but better ufs or all things best/worst ;p
sashimiyarou said:
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Is it enough to run?
find /sys/devices/platform -type d -name "panel_lcd*"

[Discussion] Check flash memory UFS version (rooting needed)

Hi there,
After rooting your phone, lowlevel information is available e.g. UFS memory version. Use Code (Superuser): "cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc" (a space needed after "cat").
Then you will get *:
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x0]: bLength = 0x40
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1]: bDescriptorType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x2]: bDevice = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x3]: bDeviceClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x4]: bDeviceSubClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x5]: bProtocol = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x6]: bNumberLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x7]: bNumberWLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x8]: bBootEnable = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x9]: bDescrAccessEn = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xa]: bInitPowerMode = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xb]: bHighPriorityLUN = 0x7f
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xc]: bSecureRemovalType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xd]: bSecurityLU = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xe]: Reserved = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xf]: bInitActiveICCLevel = 0x0
[B]Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x10]: wSpecVersion = 0x2[/B]
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x12]: wManufactureDate = 0x1610
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x14]: iManufactureName = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x15]: iProductName = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x16]: iSerialNumber = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x17]: iOemID = 0x3
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x18]: wManufactureID = 0xce01
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1a]: bUD0BaseOffset = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1b]: bUDConfigPLength = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1c]: bDeviceRTTCap = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1d]: wPeriodicRTCUpdate = 0x0
(* From Mate 9 with KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1 Samsung UFS2.0 flash memory)
'Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x10]: wSpecVersion = 0x2' is a parameter in Device Descriptor defined in JESD220 to indicate the version of UFS flash memory. It is readable from the flash memory IC, but it is not configurable by user. wSpecVersion = 0200h represents UFS2.0, and wSpecVersion = 0210h represents UFS2.1.
JESD220C (UFS2.1 Standard) has also added/changed the following parameters to Device Descriptor, which not defined in JESD220B (UFS2.0 Standard):
(offset 0x1f) bUFSFeaturesSupport
(offset 0x20) bFFUTimeout
(offset 0x21) bQueueDepth
(offset 0x22) wDeviceVersion
(offset 0x24) bNumSecureWPArea
(offset 0x25) dPSAMaxDataSize
(offset 0x29) bPSAStateTimeout
(offset 0x2A) iProductRevisionLevel
If you get 'wSpecVersion = 0x21', then the flash memory in your phone is definitely UFS2.1!
'B.1.3 Changes in features already defined in UFS 2.0' Page-360 of JESD220C
'Table 14-4 — Device Descriptor' Page-319 of JESD220C
'Table 14.4 — Device Descriptor' Page-306 of JESD220B
xlgssss said:
Hi there,
After rooting your phone, lowlevel information is available e.g. UFS memory version. Use Code (Superuser): "cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc" (a space needed after "cat").
Then you will get *:
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x0]: bLength = 0x40
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1]: bDescriptorType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x2]: bDevice = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x3]: bDeviceClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x4]: bDeviceSubClass = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x5]: bProtocol = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x6]: bNumberLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x7]: bNumberWLU = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x8]: bBootEnable = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x9]: bDescrAccessEn = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xa]: bInitPowerMode = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xb]: bHighPriorityLUN = 0x7f
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xc]: bSecureRemovalType = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xd]: bSecurityLU = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xe]: Reserved = 0x4
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0xf]: bInitActiveICCLevel = 0x0
[B]Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x10]: wSpecVersion = 0x2[/B]
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x12]: wManufactureDate = 0x1610
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x14]: iManufactureName = 0x0
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x15]: iProductName = 0x1
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x16]: iSerialNumber = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x17]: iOemID = 0x3
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x18]: wManufactureID = 0xce01
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1a]: bUD0BaseOffset = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1b]: bUDConfigPLength = 0x10
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1c]: bDeviceRTTCap = 0x2
Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x1d]: wPeriodicRTCUpdate = 0x0
(* From Mate 9 with KLUCG4J1EB-B0B1 Samsung UFS2.0 flash memory)
'Device Descriptor[Byte offset 0x10]: wSpecVersion = 0x2' is a parameter in Device Descriptor defined in JESD220 to indicate the version of UFS flash memory. It is readable from the flash memory IC, but it is not configurable by user. wSpecVersion = 0200h represents UFS2.0, and wSpecVersion = 0210h represents UFS2.1.
JESD220C (UFS2.1 Standard) has also added/changed the following parameters to Device Descriptor, which not defined in JESD220B (UFS2.0 Standard):
(offset 0x1f) bUFSFeaturesSupport
(offset 0x20) bFFUTimeout
(offset 0x21) bQueueDepth
(offset 0x22) wDeviceVersion
(offset 0x24) bNumSecureWPArea
(offset 0x25) dPSAMaxDataSize
(offset 0x29) bPSAStateTimeout
(offset 0x2A) iProductRevisionLevel
If you get 'wSpecVersion = 0x21', then the flash memory in your phone is definitely UFS2.1!
'B.1.3 Changes in features already defined in UFS 2.0' Page-360 of JESD220C
'Table 14-4 — Device Descriptor' Page-319 of JESD220C
'Table 14.4 — Device Descriptor' Page-306 of JESD220B
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Samsung UFS 2.0?
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Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
add grep to make it even easier:
cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc | grep wSpecVersion
Mines 2.0.
Although Toshiba, but I guess it's the same result.
Thank you for the code! :good:
Actually, I am now very curious about how the whole "device descriptor" looks like with an UFS2.1 flash memory when typing "cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc".
ante0 said:
add grep to make it even easier:
cat /sys/kernel/debug/ufs/dump_device_desc | grep wSpecVersion
Mines 2.0.
Although Toshiba, but I guess it's the same result.
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The public television of Thailand opens its informative with the false publicity of the flash memories in the Huawei Mate 9. Surprising but true.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
XoanCarlos said:
The public television of Thailand opens its informative with the false publicity of the flash memories in the Huawei Mate 9. Surprising but true.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
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Thanks for the information. Do you think it was a good indication or not?
xlgssss said:
Thanks for the information Do you think it was a good indication or not?
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It's a small step ... Here, in Spain, the sellers have reimbursed three Mate 9 for the false memories. Even so, to date, most sellers are reluctant to return, especially the telephone operators that sold Mate 9.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
All Mate 9 tested bring UFS 2.0 memories from Samsung and Toshiba brands. Consumers claim to Huawei, the manufacturer offers as an official response that Mate 9 "support UFS 2.1." Consumers file official claims with consumer authorities against Huawei and sellers without ruling out the court.
Excellent report:http://www.dappsandphones.com/2017/05/as...
Twitter people affected:https://twitter.com/AsiNoHuawei?s=09
Channel Telegram of people affected.https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAER5ehLbg2WX8k...
Not that way, Huawei!
A greeting.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
XoanCarlos said:
All Mate 9 tested bring UFS 2.0 memories from Samsung and Toshiba brands. Consumers claim to Huawei, the manufacturer offers as an official response that Mate 9 "support UFS 2.1." Consumers file official claims with consumer authorities against Huawei and sellers without ruling out the court.
Excellent report:http://www.dappsandphones.com/2017/05/as...
Twitter people affected:https://twitter.com/AsiNoHuawei?s=09
Channel Telegram of people affected.https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAER5ehLbg2WX8k...
Not that way, Huawei!
A greeting.
Enviado desde mi MHA-L09 mediante Tapatalk
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You are publishing same post on four differents threads ( copy paste) .
Please choose one. Its the best way to follow the information. 4/4

