SPV M3100 (SPL2.10 - Black Satin Rom WM6) - WIFI Issues - Networking

Hi People,
first of thanks for taking a moment to read this, i have searched every where and found bits and bobs but still no luck. Basically before upgrading to WM6 i had no problems with wi-fi, since upgrading i find it difficult to connect to my secured network.
My network uses a 64bit wep key (10 character key).. it picks up the network, but when setting up it won't connect and says unavailable. I have reset router, set the router up again and even new rommed the phone. Still no luck - i then tried an unsecure neighbours network wiht his permission, and it connected fine :S
any ideas?
or what to do?


XDA2ii can't connect to WIFI at home

Before I start tese are my current system info:
XDA2ii (O2) - UK
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date:24/12/2004
Radio ver: 1.00.00
Protocol version: 1337.39
ExtROM version: 1.10.124 WWE
OS: Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition
Version 4.21.1088 (build 14235.2.0.0)
I am trying to connect to my home WIFI network but I can't seem to connect. It is indeed picking up the server (name appears) in list but just stops at connection to network. It can't seem to get any connection at all. My wireless router (Linksys WRT54G) can't seem to detect it as well.
I have tried connection to WIFI at an airport and it seems to work but not at home. I have set my Linksys to Mixed mode (B and G) but still can't get it to work.
Any advice?
Thank you!!!
XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
Got the exact same (everything) XDA IIi model (also O2/UK). I'm also having problems with WLAN/WIFI connectivity both at work and home. Both cases it's a 3COM OfficeConnect WAP (office one not setup by me). I thought I validated that the XDA seems to be OK by being able to connect to a neighbours WAP (some BT-Voyager thing) with no apparent problems. And so was thinking that the problem is with the 3COM WAP. However, your post raises doubts on my conclusion ...
The search goes on ...
Re: XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
My case is even worse, it can not detect any wifi signal at any of the hotspot in my city. Go to wireless Lan Manager, under WLAN button (red status) there is alwayls a sentence: "no connection in use". Clicking to it, the device seem to search but found nothing.
Try softreset, hardreset but the problem remains.
In addition, I try to turn off the phone (turn on flight mode) then it don't allow to turn on bluetooth and wifi too.
Maybe it is due to hardware error.
Really disappoint with O2 UK
WiFi connection problems with XDA2i
I have exactly the same O2 xda2i build as Johnnyboy, and precisely the same problem with WiFi as Blackwolf and Johnnyboy. I have a netgear WiFi access point at home, and have disabled the attach restriction and removed WEP. However, although the XDA can see the network name, it cannot connect to the network (just displays connecting...) nor does it show anything on the signal bar. Needless to say, it does not display SSID, Tx rate, Channel, IP address or any information from the network.
I have bought this device specifically for wifi access, and it is somewhat disappointing. Anyone have any idea how this can be fixed? (if at all :? )
XDA Wi-Fi Successful Connection!!!
I'm new to the forum and new to XDA2i....
I too had many frustrations connecting the wi-fi...but now I've cracked it, here's how.......
On first very first use (or following a hard re-set) device users are prompted to choose “What do you want WLAN to connect to?” The option bullets are ‘Internet’ or ‘Work’….’Work’ should be selected, this will connect them to the nearest WLAN (if this network is WEP encrypted it should be switched to ‘Open’ rather than ‘shared’ as is often the case).
Next prompt asks for any WEP Encryption ‘Pass Key’ to be input, when doing so omit any ‘-‘ between character pairs. Normal start-up should then be completed. Once device is up and running…..
From ‘Start’ pull-down on the ‘Today Screen’ select…. ‘settings’>’connections tab’>’connections icon’>’advanced tab’>’Select Networks’> pull-down ‘My Work Network’ > ‘OK’ out of selections to save and exit.
Go to ‘Wireless Manager’ in programs, select WLAN icon from main screen (which should turn green to show active), then select mini ‘WLAN’ icon from lower toolbar to see the status of the connection, quality of signal etc.
That did it for me......
Finally cracked it! As I never had any problems with my Netgear MR814 wireless router, I assumed the issue was with the XDA2i. Instead, a router firmware upgrade did the trick! Should have thought of that earlier.
Cheers, S.
When i first got my XDA 2i home from the shop the first thing it tried was the wireless lan, and the same thing happend to me also..... everything fine in the router but still unable to connect the xda.
anyway after few hours of going over every single setting time and time again , it finally worked !!
i left the Wlan enabled and after a period of a few minutes it connected to my network.
So i think the XDA 2i is quite tempremental with Wlan, as i know my settings were correct.
having said that, i have had no problems with Wlan t all since then, it will now even connect to other Wlan hotspots with no problems whatsoever.
The only problem i have now is recieving a decent O2 Cellphone signal i my area
Well I have a XDA IIi and it connects fine and allways has to Citi Hotspots, TMO hotspots and my own Linksys WRT54GS. Netgear is the biggest piece of crap ever sold. If you have one I suggest you soak it in gas and burn it.
I had a problem with my XDA IIi connecting to a home Wi-Fi network with a Linksys WRT54GC router: a signal showed in the Wireless LAN Manager, including an IP address, but the WI-Fi icon at the top of the Today screen had no connection bars. After days of this I went to the Linksys settings for an unrelated reason and disabled Wireless SSID Broadcast. Inexplicably this appeared to cure the WiFi problem with the XDA IIi, and I can now connect with ease.
Ok, I might as well add my question to this thread, as it's relevant.
I have an O2 UK XDA2i, and I've also experienced similar problems connecting the wifi and managing to get it to work properly.
I'm at Uni in Birmingham, and at some of my faculties there's wifi for students and staff to use - they give the broadcast SSID UCEOpenAccess, and you use your system logon (in my case STUDENTS\F05310011 and my password (secret ).
I have these details set in the LEAP tab of my wireless lan config (in the WLAN settings) - I have an entry named UCEOpenAccess, and I have my username and password (and domain) set correctly, and the auth type set to Open System (as opposed to EAP, doesn't seem to make any difference whatever I set it to)...
... I just can't connect to any wifi network! I can't even _SEE_ the wifi network, and I know it's there, I can pick up other wifi networks and detect them using Wifi Graph and Hitchiker. I just, bizarrely, can't see the one wifi network I'm trying to connect to.
It's incredibly frustrating. I have my network adapter set to connect to Work (as I've seen advised on these forums), and my IP is assigned via DHCP (they use a weird class b subnet for their network), and the proxy to connect to the Internet is also setup correctly in my Network (This network connects to the Internet checked, This network uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, and proxy is specified in the box), and as the proxy is a SOCKS 5 authenticating proxy, all the relevant details and username+password are in place in the Advanced settings.
Still doesn't work!
Is it due to my original (and decrepit, from the looks of things) firmware and software versions? I'm running original radio, is that a problem maybe? I've scouted about quickly for updates from O2 for my XDA, but I don't want to install a Japanese update as I don't reallllly want to have to read Japanese (and I can't, etc) - I don't want to make a brick out of this brand new phone, but the resources for total xda newbs is somewhat lacking. Can someone just poke me in the right direction with a stick?
Cheers all.

Wizard and Belkin Pre-N: Incompatible?

I have a new Wizard (O2 XDA Mini S) which refuses to connect to my Belkin Pre-N router.
Despite trying all I can think of, including Encrypt On/Off; WEP, WPA; b/g mixed access; changing Channel and SSID, reset to defaults etc, etc I still get no joy.
I even suspected a hardware fault with the Mini, so had it changed, but the new one is the same.
When I start WiFi, the Mini finds the Router, and requests the WPA key. Once supplied, it just goes back to "Available" in the list of connections; forcing a "connect" shows it trying to connect, but it just returs to "Availabe" again. The network properties shows no connection (no SSID or Channel) and no signal strength.
All my other WiFi clients connect fine- O2 XDA Exec, Toshiba Laptop and another PC client. Even my old Ipaq with jacket connects, so its not a b/g problem.
I've even tried using the 802.11g registry hack cited in another thread to no avail.
The Mini did connect to a BT Openzone Access point this morning, so the capability is there.
Connection settings for the connection are for "The Internet" and the overall network card settings (above the Network adapter list) to "Work", though I did try this with "The Internet" out of frustration.
Any ideas guys?
I have had the same problem. As soon as I put the hack in I cant connect.
Take the hack off and it connects. Belkin pren adsl router
dalewinterstein said:
I have had the same problem. As soon as I put the hack in I cant connect.
Take the hack off and it connects. Belkin pren adsl router
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Thanks for the advice, but I tried it without the hack first- no go, and have now done a hard reset (I've done so many hard resets I've lost count!)
Everything I try fails. Just about to try the firmware update for the Router.
Sorted- the router firmware update fixed it!
NeilM said:
Sorted- the router firmware update fixed it!
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So you are saying that the router was the one causing the issues, you think, and not the Wizard (MDA)? I have the same issue. Have the hack (g) installed. I was only able to connect once to the my Belkin pre-n...but for some reason cannot get an IP address...ever...
I think it was a combination of the 2 things:
The G HAck on its own did not work, and the firmware update on its own didn't work, but updating the firmware, and using the G hack allowed my Wizard (O2 Mini S ) to connect and it has been fine since.
In fact I've now applied the "Linksys Hack" to my Pre-N Router, so it now thinks its a Linksys and is much more stable generally. If you try it, make sure you reset the Belkin to factory settings before applying the hacked Linksys firmware. Read the relevant forum entries carefully!
yeah. I did the linksys hack as well. I must say that I'm happy about that. it went really well. didn't need to do the factory reset and I only had issues with my dhcp range. but I fixed that.
still no love with the wizard though. do I need to set up a separate connection setting on my wizard? do I have to turn off the phone and the enable wifi? I also have the hack were I have gprs always on....could that be conflicting?
The Wizard does seem to have more connecton problems than the Exec (I've had both) as its WiFi hardware is less advanced (based on an older SDIO design rather than fully integrated)
You should not need to turn the phone radio or GPRS off when connecting WiFi, though it might help troubleshooting if you do for establishing the initial connection.
I assume you are using WPA encryption? WEP is a royal pain on WM devices as you have to enter the full 26 character hex encryption key in the WiFi settings control panel- WM2003 and WM5 won't accept WEP passphrases.
If you are using WPA, I'd suggest removing the connection settings for your router on the Wizard, then turning WiFi on again and allowing it to try & connect. If that fails, you need to recheck your network settings.
If you are still having problems, you might like to look at my answer to a simiar query on 4WinMobile Here which worked for that user.
Thanks NeilM. I do have the old school WEP. It IS a pain entering in the Hex string (grumble). I need to check to see if my networked-tivo's can handle WPA...
I will check your other post as well.
Read through your other post. I think it was a "dumb" thing that I did. I changed the "connect to" item on the wireless card from "The Internet" to "Work" and it picked up an IP immediately. Duh...that would make sense if both my GRPS connection and my wifi were going to "the internet"...and thus conflicting, right?
My knowledge of Networking protocols etc is sadly lacking, so I don't know the answer to why this is how things need to be! I suspect all the network cards need to be connected to "Work" because the device has no direct link to "The Internet", and once connected via "Work", the TCP/IP settings take over and route packet calls to "The Internet" via the IP address settings.
Most important thing is that you are now connected!
Hope you can find time to visit 4WinMobile more often now you've found it. It's not intended to be as technically upfront as XDA-Devs, but is a very good inter-personal site with a great spirit, and some pretty good insider knowledge
Belkin pre-n
My MDA Vario would not connect with the original Rom. I was hoping this ROM update (CUSTOM_RUU_Prodigy_2170702_217_20710_TMO_US.exe) found here forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=44631&highlight=mda+vario would allow it to connect but it will still not. I used registry wizard to update the registry settings for Wifi G, but it still will not connect successfully. It seems some roms will work with the Belkin Pre-n. Does any one know which specific rom works with this particular router.
I'm getting desperate here- I can't get my MDA to connect to my Belkin Pre-N. Nothing works. I've got the latest firmware on the router, and I've enabled the "G" hack on the phone.
Anyone have any ideas? I've tried removing all encryption and security and still nothing. I can easily connect to my old Dell TruMobile router, but I don't want to use it because the range is so poor.
Is there anyway to ensure 100% that I've enabled the G hack?
Belkin Pre-n
I finally have my Belkin Pre-n (or linksys SRX clone now) working with my MDA Vario. It would not work with any Belkin firmware or variety of settings, but since its harware is the same as the Linksys SRX you are able to flash the unit to a Linksys clone. As a Linksys clone the Mda Vario connects flawlessly with no trouble. The first Belkin Pre-n I flashed to a linksys bricked the router, so be careful with this. To successfully reflash you must have a version 1 Belkin pre-n not v2 a hex edited version of linksys firmware found here http://www.streamload.com/Nodes/Node.asp?cxInstID=86340166&nodeID=672194467
IMPORTANT Have the Belkin pre-flash set to the default linksys IP, the default password 'admin', and the dhcp server turned off. These are the default settings for the linksys firmware and and if they are pre -set result in a easy flash. If these settings are not followed pre-flash you stand to brick your router, or have a difficult time ressurecting it. You must manually assign your computer an IP within the -255 feild as you will have dhcp turned off. at the fierst login dont be alarmed it will not work. Restart your browser and type 'admin' in the username as well as in the password field. Now you can upgrade your router to the newest linksys firmware 1.02.10_USA found on the linksys website. Congratulations you now will enjoy flawless wifi on your linksys flashed Belkin pre-n.
Wizard with Belkin pre-N wifi router
I had the same problem. Turned off QoS and it connects without any problem. Try it.

WiFi Problems on SPV M600

Hi, I hope someone can help me. I have a Belkin Wireless G router and an Orange SPV M600. I have tried to connect my SPV to the router with mixed results. If I disable my WPA-PSK I can connect with no problems in both B and G, as soon as I re-secure the router my SPV won't connect. I have ensured that the PSK is correct and tried the speeds at only B and only G. In the menu it says that my network is available then after 2 attempts to connect it then says that the network is unavailable. As you can appreciate I don't want to run my router unsecured.
All advise gratefully received
Do you have the same problem with an other device like a laptop ? You may have a problem with you router ?
try using wep or mac filtering or both, both are very reliable. i have had mixed results with WPA on mobile devices (and printers).
I have ran into this problem as well. I have a Netgear WNR834B router ("N" router). I have to set it to b/g in order for my 8525 to connect. Otherwise, it just sits there for awhile saying it's connecting and then gives the same unavailability error.
Hmm.did you find a solution?
I haven't resolved the problem with my router. The router works fine with laptops and only my phone won't connect. The interesting thing is, when I go to other peoples houses where they run wi-fi I don't have a problem connecting even with WPA. Thanks for the replies, hopefully someone will turn up with a solution.
in wizard
Others have had the same problem and solved here,
I have been unable to fix with my wanadoo router though.

Wifi Problems with M3100 and Orange Livebox

I've been trying to connect to the internet through my Orange Livebox using a WiFi connection from my SPV 3100.
I tried all settings but couldnt connect to the Livebox at all.
I found a post about using a static IP to connect on another forum this actually had success in that it actually managed to connect to the Livebox and the internet but after a certain period the connection randomly seems to drop and after a while doesnt connect at all.
I havent changed any of the settings on the Livebox, I've tried almost everything on the M3100 but to no success.
If anyone has had success achieving this could they please let me know how they managed to do it.
All help appreciated and thanks in advance
Has you livebox got a button on it? If it has its the pairing buttonn... You need to hold that when pairing... I know you had to do that on the old wanadoo liveboxes...
Yes it has and i have been using it as per the instructions.
Thanks for your help
Has any1 else managed to use their SPV M3100 to access the web thru their Orange Unlimited Livebox if you have managed it can you please let me know how u managed it.
Thanks in advance again
I have managed to get my 3100 working with my Orange Livebox.
Make sure you have pressed the pairing button on the livebox.
I found that I had to change the settings on my phone in the 'Configure Network Authentication' section to :
Authentication - OPEN
Data Encryption: WEP
and then enter the WEP key found on your Livebox.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Mark
I've done that already to no avail
Was there by chance anything else you did to the settings?
barking_mad_mark said:
I have managed to get my 3100 working with my Orange Livebox.
Make sure you have pressed the pairing button on the livebox.
I found that I had to change the settings on my phone in the 'Configure Network Authentication' section to :
Authentication - OPEN
Data Encryption: WEP
and then enter the WEP key found on your Livebox.
Hope this helps,
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The above worked for me. I entered my key in capitals
Thanks everyone after some trial and error tests in a different environment i found the problem to be nothing more malicious than a simple Livebox wireless channel clash where i'm using the box is pretty densely residential and i think the sheer number of wireless networks made it impossible for my SPV 3100 to connect using the default wifi channel 1 after picking an ubscure channel (11 i think) i've had no problems and am actually posting this message using my 3100 through a wifi connection to my Livebox
Thanks again everyone

T-Mobile MDA Vario not connecting to WiFi

I just got a "new" T-Mobile MDA Vario (UK), and after starting it, everything seems to work fine.
But when trying to connect to wireless networks, it finds them okay, but never connects to them. It just alternates between "Connecting" and "Available" in the network list.
My laptop and the other PC in the house connects to our and other WiFi networks fine, so it must be a problem with the Vario.
I've tried a factory reset with the same results.
Any suggestions what might be wrong or what might fix it?
The OS is apparently if that helps.
Thanks in advance!
had this a couple of times. my work router here worked fine after i rebooted the router.
but some networks i havent been able to get on to.
What encryption is your wireless access point/router running? and what brand is it?
Thanks for the reply.
It's a Linksys router, using a WEP security pass, but it won't connect to other branded routers either (local unprotected neighbourhoods ones (A Belkin, for example) that the laptop and PC can connect to just fine).
With the old XDA Mini S I used to use, it connected to the network fine then asked for the WEP Key, but this one just never connects. I've tried going into the network info and putting in the WEP Key, and it stores it and gives no 'Wrong Password" error, but still never connects.
I've upgraded the ROM to the latest official T-Mobile one ( WWE) to see if that would help, but I still have the same issue.
Is switching to the I-Mate K-Jam or O2 XDA Mini S ROM simply a matter of installing it the same way I would a T-Mobile ROM update, or will that brick the phone?
My old XDA Mini S never had this issue, and I've read of a few people using the MDA Vario having the same problem, so I'm assuming it's a problem with the T-Mobile ROMs/software?
Anyone got any ideas/suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I am having the same problem. I downloaded the lastest upgrade from the T-mobile site and was still not able to connect to the internet with wifi.
And suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I tryed with T-mobile 2.26 ROM. I like to connect to my desktop pc, with ad-hoc mode. As I remember, I could connect, but the PDA didn't accept the IP address and other network settings, that provided the dhcp server. (WinXP internet connection sharing) I checked this with vxUTIL. Connection didn't work even if I setup the IP address, gateway, and DNS server manually.
I upgraded to WM6 and now the thing work well.
I've the same issue, but also noted that the device already connects to dlink routers, linksys ones's didn't work, previously with the original ROM from CINGULAR 8125 the linksys worked fine now they don't.... i recently upgraded my phone to wizard love for G4's so it's not only a tmobile issue.

