HP iPAQ rx5720 - Sable

I Have a HP iPAQ rx5720 with WM 5 in Spanish language and I want to change to English language, How to do? Please Help me.

you never change a language
ha ha ha
are you from Karmannik.com? Mister...


Language Translation

Hi people, I have a problem with my pda. I have one HP Ipaq hw6915 but the I wanted to modify language (windows mobile) of French to Portuguese or English! It's possible?
Thanks and sorry for my English!
language is in the rom itself changing to a rom with another language change the language of the pda
language is in the rom itself changing to a rom with another language change the language of the pda
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How it is that I can make this? Where it is that I can find firmware of the ROM? Please help...
Thanks and sorry for my English!
donno maybe hp's site
WWE is world wide english
donno maybe hp's site
WWE is world wide english
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I already looked for in the site of the HP and I did not find... Somebody can help me? Exists some tutorial on as to make?
Thanks and sorry for my English!
In this ftp it has the ROM of HP ipaq hw6915?
Please help... Its urgent!
Thanks and sorry...

ipaq 614 french rom

I have an english ipaq 614 and I want to change the os to french.
Does anyone know how I can make please?

hp 910 english language

Does anyone have the english language pack for the hp 910?
If so, can you please share it with me

Hp Ipaq 614C italian Rom searching

Hello,I'm looking to find an italian rom for my Hp 614c also teh genuine will be ok for me,I0ve the english language and I wish to change to Italian.
Thanks to all for your help in avdance,
Do you want italian original rom 6.0? Ciao
Sure,if you have!!Certo se ce l'hai dimmi come puoi passarmela,grazie!!
Italian rom 6.0 hp 614c
Link to file: http://rapidshare.com/files/233404122/flash.rar

[Q] IPAQ 914c - How to translate ROM if there is no language pack for your language

I have HP iPaq 914c WM 6.5.5 ROM built 28011 by Montecristo and would like to translate the ROM in my own language, which is Slovenian (not Slovakia), but there's no language pack for this language. Is there any possibility/way to translate or create language pack?
How ? ? ?
Thank you
It's interest me too.
I have a iPAQ 914c too and has a bad language pack. I want to improve it. Any ideas?
bokinakoki said:
I have HP iPaq 914c WM 6.5.5 ROM built 28011 by Montecristo and would like to translate the ROM in my own language, which is Slovenian (not Slovakia), but there's no language pack for this language. Is there any possibility/way to translate or create language pack?
How ? ? ?
Thank you
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Hello Bokinakoki,
Of course you can do it, just following a tutorial I made some time ago. It is not easy, but you can understand easely everything involved into the operation reading carefully.
Go to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=621751&highlight=tutorial and do what you need

