(found) Cascaded programs-only menu - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

(edit) Quickmenu in english is out !
Hola amigos, since I don't use wisbar anymore I'd love to find such a launcher.
I want cascaded, direct access to the (initially submenu) programs list
I don't need to have recent apps or settings (builtin start menu already does the job quite well).
Cubes are useless to me (too slow, uncomplete lists, don't use the contacts fav. page)
Do you know something like that, or is it still to develop ?
Would you like it as well ?
And at last, does someone know how to make a shortcut that launch builtin start menu ?
Thanks for reading !

SmallMenu seems to be the perfect candidate for you. the start menu that SmallMenu uses is customizable, so you can take out the Recent Programs and Settings as you wish, as well as adding other items such as Running Tasks or Task Management Tools, among other things.

or WisBar Lite.

Thanks for your answers, I just tried both of them:
Wisbar lite is too slow at scrolling application list and can't directly display programs (one need to open the programs submenu).
SmallMenu is really cool. It's uglish, but it does its job well.
I may write another launcher to fit exactly what I need with a better look.
Meanwhile, thank you for the hint !

So, what you want is a pretty SmallMenu? How pretty you want it to be? I mean.. er.. care for a photoshopped of what you are having in mind?

Ok, I just played a bit more with SmallMenu & it's almost perfect.
Actually, I'm member of the Ban-The-Stylus association
Above all I want bigger buttons (I should have mentionned it before), for easy thumb operation.
Also a better look would be nice.
So I need a bigger font (that looks better), separators between each row and a gradient background for each row as well.
The ability to have running tasks displayed in a submenu is also great, and so would be the closing icon if it was, once more, bigger.
Or much better, if we could close the application with tap 'n hold !
I'd be glad to purchase if that wishlist is fulfilled, the problem is, I can't even find a Contact link on their homepage, while the development seems active. Weird.
Do you have an idea how to contact them ?

Small menu is great and all. But isnt there any program out there that can cascade the start menu and dosent give you all the extra stuff thats in small menu and wisebar lite?
I just want a program that cascades the start menu. no task manger, no soft reset, no battery meter and so on....

KidGixxer said:
Small menu is great and all. But isnt there any program out there that can cascade the start menu and dosent give you all the extra stuff thats in small menu ?
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You can disable them. I don't think your concern is about 20/30kb storage space ?

I've been using SmallMenuPlus for a few months and find it too useful to be without. Organize your programs into like directories and it's too easy.
With it being an execute file you can link it to a hard button, cube, shortcut or even a FTouchFlo launch swipe
Now I have no use for the default WM Start bar except to get into Settings (SmallMenu seems to forget where this is on every S/R).
I have no problem navigating and selecting with my thumb, although slightly larger icons wouldn't be rejected.
Taping the small icon in the top left corner can be hit-and-miss sometimes so I made my own larger one and select it with the 'Use external skin for start button' option. This way I can't miss it but still leave a little room to get the default Start bar if I need to. Make your icon 25 high and any width, mine is 42x25.

No one is aware how to contact Small Menu authors ?
Do we get an email address to contact them when we register ?
I'd like to see if they can do something about my requests before I register.... but no forum, no contact form, no email, too bad

alternatively you could try psw indibar 2.7.0 for cascading menus, (have tried the lot and to me, this one's the keeper), and it tops up by giving ram and or battery meters on the top bar, or anywhere you want.
Customization is a pain in the beginning, but once done you;ll be happy

lastnikita said:
No one is aware how to contact Small Menu authors ?
Do we get an email address to contact them when we register ?
I'd like to see if they can do something about my requests before I register.... but no forum, no contact form, no email, too bad
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Try [email protected]

how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
note: the latest version is 2.7 which was released on 22/10
by the way, this is his email address: [email protected] egg on him to release an english version if you like quick menu as i do^^

Thanks a lot for both suggestion and contact link, I'll give them a try later tonight !

I have sent a mail to that guy. His other software is in english so I think we have a chance.

iiiox said:
how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
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I'm giving up on trying it, too lazy ^^
Does it support font customization (size) ?

This is something I am very interested in, if that gives you any motivation.
I too used to use Wisbar but it was far too hit and miss for my liking. Sometimes it would load in, sometimes not. It all depended on teh theme in use at the time as it was sensitive to some, not sensitive to others. In the end I pulled it.
Will keep a watching brief on this thread to see how you get on.

iiiox said:
how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
note: the latest version is 2.7 which was released on 22/10
by the way, this is his email address: [email protected] egg on him to release an english version if you like quick menu as i do^^
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Oh yea this program rocks. I searched around for QuickMenu 2.6. from what i found out, he is working on an english version but having problems.

wacky.banana said:
I too used to use Wisbar but it was far too hit and miss for my liking. Sometimes it would load in, sometimes not. It all depended on teh theme in use at the time as it was sensitive to some, not sensitive to others. In the end I pulled it.
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Not to sound like a commercial but if plain old vanilla cascading start menu is what you want then why not use WA3 with the default theme which looks pretty much like the WM6 default and disable all the bells and whistles?
I've never heard of a case where the default theme wouldn't load -- it was usually the fancy aftermarket themes that added all of the extra graphics and sounds that caused the loading problems.

can't you just use wm5newmenu?


[2008-02-03] FTouchSL released! (former FTouchFlo)

Dear friends,
We are very happy to announce that FTouchSL (former FTouchFlo) officially released!
You can find it at the FTouchSL web-site: www.ftouchsl.com
At the moment FTouchSL available in 2 versions: trial and full. Yes, you understand right - it is not a freeware application anymore. We had to choose this way because otherwise we would need to stop development.
FTouchSL development team worked hard last few months and we believe you will like new Product available on the xDA software market.
With best regards,
FTouchSL development team.
WOW..so cool thanx alot..will try first
If anybody deserves to make money off software its efrost. What does the 'F' in FTouchFlo stand for? Ive always been curious,the possibilities are endless.....
Just ordered my copy. A note: maybe include in the website how we get it once we pay, I'm not sure if you're e-mailing it, or do I receive a key? Thanks.
Also note: I would suggest to you Efrost, maybe upload some of those videos here, that's what convinced me to buy, they look amazing.
My little review
I found the trial version very difficult to use between the popups. I was having a problem where *I think* then when I would set Up-Down to "minimize" it would freeze up and disable the "the Enable FTouchSL" checkbox and I couldn't find a way (using keyboard and hardkeys) to re-check the box (since windows touch was disabled): I think there needs to be a way to check and uncheck this using hardkeys.
with that being said:
I love the plugins. "Slide to lock" works great - You can assign Down-Up to lock, Updown to Minimize, Left-right to rotate screeen
It is a little harder to scroll a few lines at a top, you need to "chop" more, little chops with your finger otherwise teh kinetic scroll takes over and it scrolls too much, it's just a matter of getting used to it. Great product ,I recommend.
Thank you for your order!
Please provide us (by e-mail) with your device identifier which you can find in the About box in the FTouchSL configuration utility.
You'll get your license key immediately by e-mail!
Best regards,
elgreek84 said:
Just ordered my copy. A note: maybe include in the website how we get it once we pay, I'm not sure if you're e-mailing it, or do I receive a key? Thanks.
Also note: I would suggest to you Efrost, maybe upload some of those videos here, that's what convinced me to buy, they look amazing.
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I somewhat had a feeling it will go commercial. And since it was a very good program I am not surprised. If you need help localizing it/or product webpage into Czech (just kidding ) or Slovak language, let me know.
first view, on the videos, it seems nicer than ftouchflo...is there any exclude config file for Apps you dont want FtouchSL to scroll ?
cAnArdtichAud said:
first view, on the videos, it seems nicer than ftouchflo...is there any exclude config file for Apps you dont want FtouchSL to scroll ?
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Please look at the "Product info" page. It is possible to configure FTouchSL for particular applications: you can completely turn off FTouchSL, disable scrolling, disable launching, disable active corners or set up different actions.
Best regards,
KarhU said:
If you need help localizing it/or product webpage into Czech (just kidding ) or Slovak language, let me know.
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Hello! Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Hello, guys! I need an answer! This aplication will be change the default TouchFlo app on HTC Touch, won't it?
Beaumont said:
Hello, guys! I need an answer! This aplication will be change the default TouchFlo app on HTC Touch, won't it?
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There are options: you can disable original TouchFLO if you want or you can disable FTouchSL scrolling function and use original TouchFLO.
Best regards,
Just downloaded the trial... Latter I´m going to install and play with it!
I never tried this before so I loaded FTouchFlo on my att 8925. Original ROM on the phone. It locks up randomly and never did that before. Does FTouchSL work differently? I disabled TouchFlo to run FTouchFlo.
By the way, props to you for this, whether or not it works on my phone.
Eric29 said:
I never tried this before so I loaded FTouchFlo on my att 8925. Original ROM on the phone. It locks up randomly and never did that before. Does FTouchSL work differently? I disabled TouchFlo to run FTouchFlo.
By the way, props to you for this, whether or not it works on my phone.
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Last few months we were improving the engine and fixing bugs. I hope you'll not have locks!
Best regards,
What I think about this...
Think I'm one of the few privileged 'early bird' who get to test out this greatly improved version of FTouchFlo by efrost! Most of us here at xda-developers are no stranger to FTouchFlo, as well as EfrostMinimize, two great programs which made our experience in using our PPC a much pleasant one.
For those who don't quite know about FTouchFlo, in essence, FTouchFlo allows PPC users to perform scrolling without using the default tiny scroll bar that comes with WM OS. It also allows user to append different programme (for the 4 directions - up, down left & right) which will be launched by the swiping gesture of one's finger on the PPC screen.
FTouchSL has brought the above functions to yet another level. Check their official website - www.ftouchsl.com for the details. As I was greatly 'blessed' by this application, I thought I should share with all my take of & experience in using this software. Hopefully for those who are still wondering what this is or contemplating on getting it will find my 'sharing' helpful.
Quick Start Tutorial
I find the 'Quick Start Tutorial', put together by efrost and team to guide users (especially those who are totally new) through all the functions of FTouchSL, was very well done and useful. It will launch after the installation. Try not to skip it.
The scrolling under FTouchSL is much better than FTouchFlo, especially with the newly added kinetic function (like the one in PocketCM and iContact), which is a nice touch to the scrolling effect, and making scrolling through long pages (e.g. Contact listing) a breeze.
In addition, you can freely roam about a big page (e.g. web page) by keeping your finger on the screen and just move around in the direction you want, horizontally, diagonally etc.
Instead of just launching application/files, now user can also launch plug-in (e.g. Minimize, Suspend, Soft reset, etc) and send keys (feature that simulate key press of D-Pad) for the four directions!
Active Corners
This is something new, not found in FTouchFlo. Basically, one can assign applications/functions to be launched at the 4 corners, just like gesture.
Setting Panel
Setting Penal has all the features clearly listed, with nicely drawn icons which makes it clear which feature it is, at one glance. A picture does speak a thousand words!
You can really tell efrost and team put in a lot of effort to make the Setting Panel user-friendly. You can actually see the 'zone' (colored) which you can customize for gesture and active corners, and not just trying to second guess how big 40 x 40 pixels is!!
Personally, I find the ability to configure (in depth!) the various features display how much improvements was done to FTouchSL as compared to FTouchFlo.
You can customize the delay time for scrolling, gesture and active corners i.e. how long your finger need to be in contact with the screen for 'scrolling/ gesture/active corners' function to kick in. I prefer 300 milliseconds (ms) for gesture instead of the 500ms, and a shorter 600 or 800ms for active corner, rather than 1000ms. Then again, this is really individual preference.
As mentioned earlier, you can also customize how big the 'zone' for gesture and active corners. For users with bigger fingers like me, we may want to increase from 40 pixels to say 50. Oh yes, the zone need not be symmetrical.
Ok, here's the most exciting bit - Exclusion. While FTouchFlo allows you to exclude applications from using FTouchFlo, FTouchSL allows more than that. You can actually customize, for those applications which may not require FTouchSL (thus you want to include them in Exclusion list), which feature to be excluded. Meaning, do you want to exclude everything, or just the scrolling, with gesture and active corners enabled, etc. Interesting right!? Wait, there is more!
You can actually choose which gesture and corner to be enabled!! And you can also customize a different set (from the main one) of actions/applications to be activated by gesture/active corners for each and every application!! So, FTouchSL can be set to launch different applications for the Down-Up swipe gesture for Inbox, ereader etc. just an example!
efrost has shared a good one - customize left and right gesture to activate send key 'left' and 'right' in tmail. When you are in your Inbox, you can switch to from SMS to MMS to Outlook, etc by just swiping left and right!
Think the possibilities are only constrained by one's imagination. Do share with us if you find some combinations to be really good!
Some Possible Enhancements
I also notice some possible enhancements (mostly cosmetic and presentation, rather than functionality) which efrost and team can consider.
1) The Setting Panel is a bit too small for my rather big finger. Making it bigger would be nice. My preference goes to something like the Config Panel for S2U2.
2) Also, the inverted triangle for the drop down list panel for customizing actions for gesture and active corner is a bit too close to the right edge for comfort use.
3) More write-up/description for each item in the Setting Panel would be helpful I think, especially for new users.
E.g. Instead of just a word 'Delay', how about a short line saying 'The time you need to press on the screen'.
4) Personally, I would like to see a 'cooler' icon for this product.
So far I have no problem using this application on my Trinity. Doesn't lock up my device nor causing it any problem after using it for days. If you're still hesitant or doubtful about how good this application is, just give it a try and I believe most of us will not regret paying a small sum for such a great improvement FTouchSL does to our experience in using our PPC!
thanks so much for developing such a good s/w for us.
going for trial fisrt!!!
Much respect for your hard work efrost! I will definitely purchase a copy.
Paid for and happy I did!
Here's my support mate!
Receipt ID: 2VG90842GH7292327
Many Thanks!
Here is my thanks to efrost for having me appreciate authors more on maintaining freeware through all stages of developement and final builds. I LOVE YOU ALL PointUI team, and especially Tene for pocketCM you are truely the support of XDA community.
Edit: BTW before any flames start, I thought I would point out that this is not to be taken in a negative view. Just awed on how they are able to maintaine thier life to something with keeping a finacial status a float?? Maybe someone can put these in better words.
efrost said:
Last few months we were improving the engine and fixing bugs. I hope you'll not have locks!
Best regards,
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Well, it didn't work for my Trinity! Ftouchflo was super stable. FTouchSL freezes it every minute. Had to disable FTouchSL after 5 frustrating minutes...

Enlarged start menu - tips and help!

Hi, I'm in need of a working "enlarged start menu"-application on my SE X1. The thing is that I really much need it to be freeware, and I suppose that "XDA-Team Enlarged Start Menu" isn't (correct?). I'm thinking about developing the application myself, but I would like to know if anyone here has any information about where to start? Is is just a matter of changing some registry keys? XML-files? Thankful for all the help i can get!
as far as i understand, the XDA Enlarged Start Menu is just taken from one of the other HTC devices and is not "payware" or anything like that.
if anyone was developing an enlarged Start Menu, i'd love to see a kinda fullscreen version, this would make it much easier to navigate. kinda in the style of iContact or the latest volume control taken from Diamond. i don't really se why the start menu needs to be only a percentage of the screen size anyway, just seems like bad design, they've made it look like the Start Menu on a Windows Desktop PC so that we all know it's Windows, but have not actually thought about the interface being user friendly for a handheld device. for drunk people with fat fingers. like me.
Dr J said:
if anyone was developing an enlarged Start Menu, i'd love to see a kinda fullscreen version, this would make it much easier to navigate. kinda in the style of iContact or the latest volume control taken from Diamond. i don't really se why the start menu needs to be only a percentage of the screen size anyway, just seems like bad design, they've made it look like the Start Menu on a Windows Desktop PC so that we all know it's Windows, but have not actually thought about the interface being user friendly for a handheld device. for drunk people with fat fingers. like me.
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yes man, I absolutely agree !!! It´s funny, I never really thought about start menu, but now when I read your suggestion it just seems really crazy how much possibilities for improvement there are.
I thought about a completely customizable start menu, fullscreen.
Maybe with a kind of plugin system, volume / vib toggle, backlight strength slider, power off+soft-reset buttons....*sigh* THAT would be cool !
What about Touch Launcher http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=433862
It´s a normal app, but I was talking about a REAL replacement. It should hide when I tap "Start" again, and, as I said, it should be really customizable.
To all devs out there: Is anyone interested in coding such an app ? I think this is desperatly needed to make WM a bit more usable, although there are already tons of good software out there.
m.schmidler said:
It´s a normal app, but I was talking about a REAL replacement. It should hide when I tap "Start" again, and, as I said, it should be really customizable.
To all devs out there: Is anyone interested in coding such an app ? I think this is desperatly needed to make WM a bit more usable, although there are already tons of good software out there.
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Did u try Quickmenu 2.7?
Mikulec said:
Did u try Quickmenu 2.7?
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hmmm, main thing i want is fullscreen. that one seems nice feature-wise, but it's not what i'm after.
devs, do any of you know how they changed the size of the Start Menu from the old style to the new enlarged one?
if we know how to do this then maybe we can hack the existing app to at least lengthen right across the width of the screen... or if it was hacked with a config we could pick how many items we wanted...
this could be a great project for the coders!
Mikulec said:
Did u try Quickmenu 2.7?
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Well, quickmenu is _almost_ perfect. If it only was more finger-friendly. Being able to scroll trough menus like in icontact and all so many other apps would be great for it, but at least having twice as big menu entries would be enough in most cases. It has all the features needed, it just mimicks the original start menu a bit too much
Touch menu from touch commander suite is exactly what you want,and it has and application menu enlarged. Unfortunaly its not freeware.
Here is little something about system fonts:
By changing some registry values you can change size of start menu (including font size etc.) and popup menu as well.
Andreal said:
Here is little something about system fonts:
By changing some registry values you can change size of start menu (including font size etc.) and popup menu as well.
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Ohh thankyou! But, using PHM Regedit I've tried changing the Ht-value for BarFnt, which didn't do anything. Perhaps you have some pointers to what I should try?
nelshh said:
Ohh thankyou! But, using PHM Regedit I've tried changing the Ht-value for BarFnt, which didn't do anything. Perhaps you have some pointers to what I should try?
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BarFnt values are for menu bars (for example: bottom bar in total commander).
is for popup menu (screen 1 shows Ht value of 1200)
Truly, I don't know how to change start menu font size via registry.
If you want to have full screen menu try mort buttons
can you launch mort buttons by tapping Start on the screen?
maybe by editing the registry ?
If anyone can duplicate the Touch Commander one it would be perfect. I have touchcommander but do not use it anymore, unfortunately you have to install the whole program to be able to use the Large menu option.
The great thing about it is it enlarges menus in all programs.
Sorry for bringing up an older thread, but I think this is still unsolved!
I also would like to have a fullscreen start menu. I tried quickmenu 2.8,but it just isnt what Im looking for. For me it would be fine if clicking on the start menu would bring up a dialog like when you click startmenu -- programs.
Hope that someone has an idea!
QUICKMENU 2.8 for me too... ^_^
I'd only add that scroll movement and ability to customize the start icon (it already does this, but only with one icon).

User interface yrgo 2.3 beta 5

Hi guys,
I have released new yrgo 2.3 beta 5 so you can check it out on my forum here.
If you are new in yrgo - yrgo is highly customizable User Interface Shell written for Windows Mobile 5/6 Professional devices. It allows much more that any other Shell and goes more deep into the system - the memory footprint is also held low.
I highly recommend to see the presentation video (the video was recorded with older version - doesn't have as nice graphic as it is there now and it has much less functionality, but it is good to understand yrgo's concept).
So let me know what do you think .
UPDATED: There's a bug in the version I linked to my forum - it has only Czech version. Please scroll down the thread there, download English.zip a follow the instructions in the post to get the English version working. Sorry for that.
Oh yes,
the gadgets for almost all resolutions are not arranged properly - it is still the beta version and I will work on this this week.
But you can of course easily re-arrange it however you want very easily (just check the video I have mentioned above).
it is really nice and fast. on start up there was too much gadgets on screen, I would say try to make the desktop really clean aligned properly on startup. but it's a good work you're doing.
I'm not sure if this is a bug: using the file manager to explore my windows directory seems to hang the app, or maybe my windows directory is just really big. after it hanged and I terminated it manually, the app still populated my top and bottom bar, and half my screen, I had to soft reset.
plus how to change background?
thanks for your feedback. I'll check out the problem with Windows folder.
To change the background image, just find such image in the yrgo's file explorer and use Context menu and scroll down to get ability to use such image as a desktop background.
I really like your app. your design mode is very innovative, resizeable icons, etc.
*why the "hide" button? after going deep in the settings and want to go back to the home screen I had to click back button all the way back to home. it is possible to make the hide button "home" button so one click will bring me back to home? I know I can click on an empty spot and it will bring me to home, but I don't think everyone will know that.
*when not in full screen mode some of the icons/info is cut off at the bottom because the icons\layout doesn't resize accordingly.
*is it possible to add the "running applications" button as a gadget?
*also could there be some transition effect from desktop to desktop?
know I'm asking for a lot but I wouldn't be saying anything if I didn't like the app.
thanks for your feedback. It's ok, your questions are really relevant and helpful for me.
Yes, you're right. It makes more sense to have button "Home" instead of "Hide". I'll change it.
I know about the problem when switching off the full screen mode. The previous version had auto-rearraning the gadgets but it made a big mess when you switched from landscape/portrait mode so I temporarily removed it.
Yes, running appliactions can be add to the desktop easily - as any other item in yrgo - just 'tap and hold' on the Running application icon a use "Add to desktop"
Yep, some transition effect would be nice - but at this moment it is not my priority. I need to release current 2.3 as soon as possible. After that I'll start to think about new feature.
Again, thanks a lot for your feedback- it was very helpful.

Am I the only one that I like the window today screen??

To be honest, I tried the touch flo 3d, the home 2, but the only thing I like is the normal, clean windows mobile today screen i like it, its neat , organized, and the xperia wallpaper gives it an elegant look. I alos modified the left menu key to initiate a new sms
what do u think?
I like it's neat clean look, but I prefer using the SE Today Panel.
trezegol87 said:
To be honest, I tried the touch flo 3d, the home 2, but the only thing I like is the normal, clean windows mobile today screen i like it, its neat , organized, and the xperia wallpaper gives it an elegant look.
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Same here, a big fan of Winmo Today screen. When I jumped ship from Palm OS to Winmo, the Today screen really makes me forget I ever had a Palm OS device... Although the fond memories of rock hard stability creeps out now and then.
Currently Using itje's incredible Touch-IT v4.5 ROM. The Touchflo is nice, but more of a gimmick then anything else... Give me plain old Today screen anytime.
It just seems easier on the Today screen, that's why I have a lite rom installed, along with TF3d and panels.
I tend to always end up back at the default today screen. Something just nice about it.
Yeah I use it all the time now as it seems to be the most customisable without being fiddley and does all I want it too... I would like a today that is a combination of several of the panels but so far have found nothing that I like more than the normal today...
i use the today screen as my default screen when at work as i like to be in control of how many appointments are displayed, reminders, etc. it's nice to be able to switch to another panel for the weekends though ...
i'm a bit concerned about some of the screenshots for wm 6.5. does the today screen still exist ?
The standard Today just works. Give you access to what a PDA is for, PIM. There is a plugin called TodayAgenda which makes it perfect though.
glad you guys think the same way
btw, any idea how to make a shortcut for the start button? I downloaded a program, H button, that enables me to long press a key and a program comes up... but i want to access the start menu that way
trezegol87 said:
glad you guys think the same way
btw, any idea how to make a shortcut for the start button? I downloaded a program, H button, that enables me to long press a key and a program comes up... but i want to access the start menu that way
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Are you trying to assign a hardware key to Start Menu? If so, go to Start>Settings>Buttons
All this talk is making me want to use the Today panel more! I just tweaked it a little bit and I'm going to give it a try next week.
Does anybody know of a way to get more programs on it? Skype is on the list, and I think TomTom is, but I'd like a couple others.
I need to use the today screen to see the G-Alarm plugin, how much Internet traffic I had this month (SPB Wireless). Also I find it very convenient to use Elecont Dialer (a scrollable row of contacts to call or sms) and Elecont Launcher (a scrollable row of apps).
So I usually end up using it, even if SPB Shell is more touch-friendly. It just doesn't display all the information I need in one screen.
I always seem to go back to the spb panel as my default. its simple and looks clean i think compared with tf3d and point ui. im hopeing that when the new 3.0 shell comes out that it wont replace the spb x1 panel (although i know it will).
I've tried all the panels, shells etc. You name them, I've tried them. As said before, the Touch-IT v4.5 ROM is nice, but gimmicky. I admit I've installed it, but only to get GPS tagging of photos. I untick it in Start -> Settings -> Today -> Items immediately after it's installed.
I appreciate all the work that's gone into developing it, but its way too busy for me
My preferred interface is iFonz 2. The interface can be as simple or as 'busy' as you like. I prefer to have just a few icons of the programs I use regularly on screen as well as icons for the frequently called contacts. Also its very finger friendly.
For the programs that I use infrequently, it's no hassle to find them in Start -> Programs, and contacts are easy to find in iContacts
Hart and soul of my machine.
without it, I had never changed to a winmo device.
Maby it's time to start a thread : "show of your real todayscreen"
talbas said:
Hart and soul of my machine.
without it, I had never changed to a winmo device.
Maby it's time to start a thread : "show of your real todayscreen"
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Can you post your skin and the programs used ?
Thx alot !
fotoingo said:
Can you post your skin and the programs used ?
Thx alot !
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PDC_clock http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-pocket-digital-clock.html
SpbWeather2 http://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/pocketpc-software/weather/
Inesoft Phonehttp://www.inesoft.com/eng/index.php?in=phone.html
PDAStatusFull http://corner-a.com/page.php?3---http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3289885
good place to say thank you to the developers
some questions........
sorry made this post in the wrong damn thread!!!!
on the subject of todays screen check out
wisebar desktop is really amazing if you want to pimp out your today screen!!! (hit there fourms for free and custom skins!!!)
example of skins
Hey friends, I'm with you. I think the today screen is one of the best inventions of Microsoft and is really underrated. It just makes sense to have active plugins share the most precious place on a mobile - the information screen after switching the device on. I think the iPhone is ridiculous in this regardö - just showing icons of the programs that can be launched is lame. Also, there are really powerful plugins available for Windows Mobile. I'm personally using the built in date/time and messages plugin together with PocketBreeze for all the organizer stuff and PocketPlus for system status (battery, memory), finger friendly app launcher and additional plugins as tab (spb weather actuall). Then I use the system tray as quicklaunch and for showing the currently selected phone profile from PhoneWeaver and my softkeys start Contacts and WM5NewMenu, with which I can very quickly place a new appointment, SMS, Email, Note and so on. With this setup, I can really use the device, not only play. Everything is just one or two clicks/actions away and I always have a good overview of what's going on.
I really don't understand why so many people want a better iPhone instead of a good Windows Mobile device. Windows Mobile has drawbacks but also strong points, of which the today screen is one of the strongest I think.
I am also a big fan of the Windows today page. I think it's the only one that can be entirely adapted to everyone's need, all other software are nice graphically, but not as effective as a well prepared today page.

Infinity v0.2.8 review

Just tried Infinity v 0.2.8, I should say it feels better than old version and it feels much lighter than SPB Mobile Shell.
I love Infinity’s looking!
Infinity will be definitely my next UI I will use for my mobile devices if developers can add the following modifications:
1. please do not totally replace original WM top taskbar.
1% battery indicator, Phoneweaver profile’s indicator etc etc are all displayed in WM top taskbar, after launch Infintiy,they are gone,this means Infinity completely replaces original WM top taskbar.
If you cannot change this,at least design a nice 1% battery indicator. We cant live without this.
2. to continue point No 1, Infinity also replaces other program’s toolbars, for example, Resco Photo Viewer v6.33,the toolbar is gone! This toolbar (contains zoom button etc) is very important for me, allowing me to zoom pictures accurately and quickly, that’s why I will not use Resco Photo Viewer v7.0 or higher,because they don’t have this convenient toolbar. Resco Photo Viewer v6.33 is best for viewing pictures; Now Infinity takes away its toolbar, I doubt I can use Infinity like this.[IMPORTANT]
3. Infinity also replaces original “X” tap, in WM you can go to settings/system/task manager/button/enable the "X" button to end running/end programs by tapping "X". Yes, I want program to quit immediately after I hit “X”, but Infinity disables this,the program is still running in the background after you hit “X”,there is no option for you to choose as to end program or minimize program. [IMPORTANT]
4. pls design a nice task manager widget with the option to assign it to the right soft key. [IMPORTANT]
5. pls add an option to make the desktop only one page. With now 3 pages, you can slide to left or right,it’s fun,but if you accidentally slide the page to left or right,you have to slide to find out the right page where you put all the shortcuts, this is not productive, for most of people,one page of desktop is optimal.
6. cannot we just use any picture to be desktop background? This is a easy script for programmer to write,isn’t it? So pls add this option. [IMPORTANT]
7. at last, I think it’s nice if Infinity can backup all the settings. Adding a program’s shortcut to the desktop is not straightforward, for example, I want to place Phoneweaver in desktop, the procedure goes like this: tap the desktop for 3 seconds>click right corner + button>Shortcut>click this new shortcut icon in the desktop>Show widget options>Path>(find the Phoneweaver icon>ok> tap the desktop for 3 seconds to finish.
You can imagine how much pain and time you will go though if you reinstall Infinity,if you can backup all settings and restore in future, you can save lots of trouble.
These are not bugs,just improvements that one of users want our diligent Infinity programmers to consider. Thank you for this excellent software!
Please note Infinity is still under development, Infinity v0.2.8 is not yet a finished product.
A quote from the developer himself:
I've just uploaded v0.2.8
We have to be honest: we don't know when and if we can finish Infinity. You're right - there are only some small parts missing to make it more usable but we don't see a big future for it as WinMo 6.x dies and it definitely won't work on WP7 or any other platform.
That's why I just added some small functions (add/edit contacts) and fixed some bugs. I also removed the time limit as we really don't know if a new version will be released in a few weeks or in months.
I hope you understand that.
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I don't have high hopes for this shell.
Link please?
meanvulcan said:
Link please?
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Not very hard to locate -> http://forum.ageye.de/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1369
All you had to do was change forums to www in that url that was linked and knock off the bit after the first / that follows the ageye.de and you could have found it. Think people, think.
hitekredneck said:
Not very hard to locate -> http://forum.ageye.de/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1369
All you had to do was change forums to www in that url that was linked and knock off the bit after the first / that follows the ageye.de and you could have found it. Think people, think.
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I know right? It's like when someone creates a thread for a product and asks for opinions... yet they don't provide links or details....
annoying right?
but yes, it looks like it will be outdated very soon.
spb mobileshell/mobilesense looks to remain very promising.
plus we know they have support and will continue to update.
its not free, but its worth it if u can find it.
i use it and it is everything i need.
To the OP, your comments would be better suited on the developer's site. Ageye has stated that further development of Infinity is unlikely since the current WindowsPhone OS will soon be obsolete. Too bad. I really liked this shell.

