T-Mobile Wing haet Touch-IT V1/V2 - Wing, P4350 General

Seems like my Wing hates to take the Touch-IT rom.. I've tried updating it several times (closely following the directions) and each time, it simply locks up and freezes while copying the data.. I've let it go for over an hour before giving up and reROMing to the T-Mo issued ROM.
Any advice?

I went back through the instructions, read everything (Hoping I missed a step) and I followed everything perfectly. I started with a clean RUU install, I copied and installed the cab, then soft reset. I ran the !_UPGRADE_ROM.bat file, and it hangs at "CopyFileToTFFS", forcing me to disconnect, boot into the ROM Loader mode, and reinstall the TMO Rom.
What in the world am I doing wrong? Do I need to CID unlock the phone first (Like the wizard)?
Edit: Is it normal to have a pop-up on the phone saying "Warning - Unknown Status"?
Maybe some more info might be of use..
IPL/SPL: 4.10.0000

Leave the "unknown status" popup alone. mine took about 12 minutes to complete. turn off any phone, data, wifi.

Takes me about 30 - 45 minutes. , but make sure to put the aregs.policies(sp?) zip file(open and installed) first, then do the flash. I've done it about 10 times on 3 different phones. It works!! One last note, make sure once your computer says successful (or something another blah blah blah), press and hold the two softkeys and then press the reset hole. do not let go of the soft keys until you see a screen that says "press green key to format", then your in business.

It took me like 3 hours to successfully get the touch it 2 on my phone...
THe CRUCIAL STEP TO GET IT ON THE PHONE IS TO HARD RESET AFTER DONE!!! I wasnt doing that and thats wat was messing me up! Hard reset by holding the two soft-keys (on top of talk,end buttons) and press in the little hole (under volume key) with your stylus...
should do the job!


Please Help!

Ive doing the touch it 2.3 mod, and its says it takes 6 -15 mins, mine has been on the copy file part for like 35 mins, and im afraid to touch it, can anyone help is it finished or not? please help ive got to go to work soon but im afraid to touch my phone lol.
Ok actually I jus unplugged it and it bricked, and ive done it now two times but it never gets passed copying the files or whatever, is there something that I am doing wrong, should i get like an app unlocking file or something before i try this, but I figure that since it is hard reset it wouldnt matter, anyways does anyone have any tips that can help Im really really getting frustrated.
Did you follow all the directions to the tee?
1. Copy Aserg's Policies.
2. Run Aserg's Policies.
3. POWER CYCLE the phone. (Press and hold the power button, NOT the softreset button.)
4. Place the phone into flight mode (or just kill the phone radio within your comm manager if you're using the stock comm manager.) Do this AFTER you have power cycled the mode. NOT before.
5. Run the flashing file.
Wait, don't press ANYTHING on the phone, even that error that WILL pop up.
When it tells you it's done, if it doesn't give you any errors, THEN hard reset by holding the two soft keys and pressing the softreset key, then pressing the send key. This are the directions. Follow them to a tee and it WILL work if you're using a ROM that corresponds to your device.
ive done everything to a tee, and still the same problem, i give
mine was doing the same thing, but eventually it worked... i bricked it a few times but then decided to leave it alone went to work came back and all was well
yea i think the same thing happened to me i decided to do it last night and when I woke up it was done but then i flubbed the hard reset, so i ont know if it truly worked its nice to know that someone else had the same problem, did u do it from the tylers kit, because in the kit he as to install aserg, cerp, and enablerapi all before installing touch.
You have to make sure that its in flight mode. If the phone is receiving or transmitting anything while the flash is in progress, its not going to finish and you'll be waiting there like a dummy. I have a fairly fast computer and it still took about 30 minutes. The only problem I can think of that is causing your flash to not finish is that its not in flight mode. There will be an error during this flash, just leave it be and let it finish. Once ready, perform a hard reset and the device will reset to your new rom. So if you ever decide in the future to do another hard reset, it will only reset to the new rom.
Finally success, it was wat IIDOM said, basically i just left on for about 3 hours woke up it was done, only quirks right now is that I cant setup my email accounts Im about to search now and see what i find, and i can access my wifi connections from comm manager, anyone know the work arounds for those two things atm>? Also really appreciate everyone's help

Out of the Ordinary! Stuck at G1 Screen. Cannot even factory reset!

Okay, so to start off, my G1 was rooted RC33 with JF 1.42. Being a complete idiot, I left my G1 in my pocket and did the laundry.
Since that incident, my g1 was stuck at the G1/tmobile logo. I tried getting a new G1 but I didn't know they had a water sensor .
I did the multitouch hack so when I hold home + power, it shows lines of code and eventually to JF's recovery screen.
Any help?
Edit: Oh I also tried flashing my phone with different things several times but it says "Finding update package, opening update package, Can't open /sdcard/update.zip (bad), installation aborted. EVERY TIME!!
Factory reset isnt working either. OH! Okay, So factory reset does work but I can't tell since it's forever stuck at the G1 screen.
Idc if i lose my apps, i just want my G1 back. I'm willing to lose everything on my G1.
I tried making the update folder an actual zip and tried just renaming it. neither worked.
I think you might be a little off on the way you are doing the flashing. You are supposed to leave it zipped and just rename it to update. Do not unzip it by any means, just rename it update and transfer it to your sd card. Boot up into recovery by holding home + power, once in recovery press and hold alt and press W then press and hold alt and press S. Good luck.

DREA100 and the infamous Triangle of death?

Ok.. So a friend of mine suddenly got a triangle with the exclamation mark picture on his phone. That's all it boots up to. So, he took it to T-mobile, they told him it's FUBAR, and sold him a new phone.
The fact that the thing boots to a recovery mode tells me that there's SOME way to un-FUBAR this phone. My friend is too technologically inadiquate to attempt to do any modifying, so I'm going to assume he was at whatever firmware level would hve been blasted out to T-mobile as of last Friday 01/15/2010.
If I boot the phone normally, it gives me the TriAngle. I pop open the keyboard and hit alt-L and the I get the Android System Recovery menu. at the bottom I get "E:CAn't open /cache/recovery/command"
I've spent all day bouncing around this forum, and many like it, downloaded all sorts of G1 fimwares trying to go back to RC29, RC28, 30, 33.. gah! The latest one I'm trying to update to is "signed-kila-ota-116143-prereq.TC4-RC19+RC28+RC29.zip" Which i rename to update.zip . I hit alt-L, select 'update from SD card' It goes through:
--Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update package....
Installation aborted.
That's it... no more log than that.
I've done the Alt-W, and Alt-S.. wiped cache partition. I think playing around with the recent firmwares might be fun, but I'd like to get this bad boy reset back to factory defaults. I've read the forums here on how to do that.. but all of the procedures fail.
I can get Windows 7 to recognize the phone, but I cannot access the sd card while it is in the phone. I've been transfering data to it by taking the sdcard out, and putting it into a known good SD card reader. I've formatted the sdcard to FAT16, and FAT32 quick and not quick.
Seriously.. why is this so complicated? Now I need some serious digging assistance. Is there an interface that will allow me to directly talk to this phone via the USB cable? How can I force an firmware onto it? Clearly something is functional, or I would get no I/O. How can I get this silly thing back to where it was? I know this thread seems like a redundant one, but as far as I can tell, its not. The typical procedures posted here don't seem to work, but I'll be happy to run through any steps y'all suggest. I'll resign that it's been bricked if that's really whats happened.. but I'm not ready to throw this unit away yet.
Ask questions.. let me answer them. I know this team can get this phone working again.
Thanks y'all.
--Rob aka The Austin Slacker.
Have you tried the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh file?
Roadmasta01 said:
Have you tried the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh file?
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bingo !
sounds like your friend tried to flash something he shouldn't have. or messed around with stuff he shouldn't.
as far as taking it to the store, and accepting their suggestion to "GIVE US YOUR MONEY!" that was a mistake.
the phone is likely fine, and maybe you'll buy it from him for cheap, then fix, resell/use.
good luck, should be easy.
The "press camera and power to get to bootloader" procedure. I've tried holding the Camera while pressing power over and over and all I get is the triangle. However if I press power and the "back" button (swooping arrow to the left), I'll get the bars screen, and a Gray screen telling me to press send to restore.... Which is all good, but there's no progress or any thing to indicate that i've done something by pressing the send button.(based on cell phone standards, I'm assuming "send" is the green "call" button.
Is this normal?
No yeah.. he gave me the G1.. its mine. I just need to fix the little bugger.. .. well.. then laugh at him
Ok.. one more day (well ok.. couple hours) of fiddling with this thing, and i'm begining to wonder if Microsoft was involved. I'm not able to get this poor G1 to do anything new. I tried using a different SD card, hoping perhaps the one I got with it was bad... no dice. camera + power doesn't do anything useful.
I can connect it to the PC.. but i can't see the data card that way. adb devices reads no output, so its not correctly attaching to the PC (tried Windows 7 32bit, and Windows XP 64bit).. There's gotta be a good way to force a known good image onto this silly thing.
Is it probable that the internal memory has gotten corrupt somehow? I know someone out there's got the golden suggestion, please do tell if you do. I'd really like to use this phone.
If you can get into fast boot (the tri color screen) there are ways to flash it... try getting into your tri color, then plugging in the USB cable and see if it switches from Serial 0 to USB at the bottom, if so you are golden to flash using the fast boot method.
There are guides around on how exactly to do that, as well a couple places that you can download the official RUU that will do all the hard work for you!
gah.. nothing doing. I can hit Back and Home, and end up with the tri-color screen for about 1/5th of a second, then a gray screen saying:
This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press Send to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel.
At this point, the unit is dead. I can remove the battery, and continue on my little quest.. but hitting *any* key at all (including the Send key) will not produce any sort of output. I've tried pressing Send one time, then setting the phone down for a full hour (watched a netflix show) nothing. I can't power it off either w/o removing the battery.
I would throw in the towel.. but from all the research i've been doing, it seems as if this one is behaving in a manner in which other forum users havne't posted. Maybe by continuing to try options and post results, a positive outcome will come out, and someone else who has a G1 behaving this way will have an easier time.
... or y'all can tell me that its toast and to bugger off.. ha ha.. either way.. I continue to google. If you can think of anything, please toss it out.
OH!.. tried an RUU.. found one called. RhodiumSPLRelocker Looks promising.. but can't see the device when attached to the PC... yeah.. guess the phone has to have a functioning OS before that will happen...
You would want a Dream RUU... I looked around a bit and couldn't find one. Maybe someone has a quick link?
Double check that your SD card is formatted FAT32 and see if you can get ADB to see it when on that greay screen.
I've formatted the SD card in FAT32 multiple times.. I even questioned if my Windows 7 32bit would do it, and formatted it on a laptop running XP 64bit. adb doesn't seem to see it ever.
I don't get why I can't get it into fast boot. I've been looking on ebay for dream G1s with broken screens.. heh.. I guess i'm preparing for the worst. really sad, becasue this G1 was actually pretty well taken care of. My friend didn't do anything he shouldn't. HE woke up one morning and it was like this. He lives out in the country.. so he gets pretty spotty signal. I'm wondering if T-Mobile didn't push out an update, and it got interrupted by signal loss.
By the by... I've been doing all this work w/o a SIM card. Does that matter?
austinslacker said:
(based on cell phone standards, I'm assuming "send" is the green "call" button.
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its not the green send button -- its the red end button
see below extracted from http://theunlockr.com/2009/07/05/how-to-unroot-your-t-mobile-g1/
Load the DreaIMG.nbh File
1. Download the Original DreaIMG.nbh file:
2. If the file downloaded above downloads as a .Zip file, please unzip it first then put the DreamIMG.nbh file that is inside on the SD card, NOT in any folder. (If you did Section I the phone is off still, take out the memory card, put it in the MicroSD adapter and plug it into your computer to transfer the file over, since your G1 won’t turn on right now if you did Section I above. Otherwise if you did not need to do Section I above, then you can just put it on the SD card normally using the usb cable and the phone).
3. Turn the phone off if it is on.
4. Turn on the phone by holding the Camera button and the End key until the bootloader screen turns on.
5. Hit the End key to start the update. DO NOT INTERUPT THIS PROCESS.
6. Once it is done, hit the trackball to restart the phone. You now are on the stock firmware RC29
austinslacker said:
The "press camera and power to get to bootloader" procedure. I've tried holding the Camera while pressing power over and over and all I get is the triangle. However if I press power and the "back" button (swooping arrow to the left), I'll get the bars screen, and a Gray screen telling me to press send to restore.... Which is all good, but there's no progress or any thing to indicate that i've done something by pressing the send button.(based on cell phone standards, I'm assuming "send" is the green "call" button.
Is this normal?
No yeah.. he gave me the G1.. its mine. I just need to fix the little bugger.. .. well.. then laugh at him
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You mention that you can access fastboot by pressing the back button while turning it on, isn't that how the hero gets into fastboot? maybe your friend tried flashing a rom that was meant for the hero. if you have access to fastboot you should be able to flash a new image from there, just place the image file in the root of your card and follow the fastboot instructions
Also if fastboot isn't doing it for you have you tried adb? if you don't know what that is look it up I've seen a couple guides on how to do it and they are really detailed.
Im having the same problem, Im stuck in the recover triangle of death. Ive done the alt+w and reboot, the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh , the update.zip, camera+power, I cant get the gray screen to pop. Nothing, its brickkkkeeeddddd, FUBAR. There has got to be someway I can reload this G1. I wasnt trying to root it or anything. I was bowling and then it triangled on me. Anyone have any ideas at all on how to fix it?
Triangle of Death
I'm from Brazil, I can't take it to t-mobile to fix...
when i tried to root my G1 did the downgrade perfectly, the screen was just as it was suposed to be.
But in the recovery mode boot, appeared this triangle with an exclamation...
what do i do now???? help plz!
deftoneage12 said:
Im having the same problem, Im stuck in the recover triangle of death. Ive done the alt+w and reboot, the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh , the update.zip, camera+power, I cant get the gray screen to pop. Nothing, its brickkkkeeeddddd, FUBAR. There has got to be someway I can reload this G1. I wasnt trying to root it or anything. I was bowling and then it triangled on me. Anyone have any ideas at all on how to fix it?
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Any one have any ideas? hell ill pay someone to fix it for me
The only idea I have is make'ing an goldcard so your sure your phone accepts the update (dreaimg)... other than that...
Sent from my HTC Dream G1 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Any chance the home button is stuck? I'm not 100%, but I think if you were to hold home, camera and power, the recovery would come out on top.
Home button is not stuck, and cant seem to figure out the CID of my SD card since my phone is unaccessable.

Red Led of Death

After upgrading to new ROM I performed hard reset on my vx6900. At the last screen during hard reset pocedure I press Send button as requested and it was a last time I ever saw something on my screen. Device is not waking up anymore when I plug power it always the red led is switching on (with or withoout batery). I took a 100% charged batery from another device, but it's not helping. I'm out of options I think I tried evrething: Hard reset combination, bootloader combination, keep it on charge for hours, then without battery for hours - no luck.
Could anybody help me?
fofan said:
After upgrading to new ROM I performed hard reset on my vx6900. At the last screen during hard reset pocedure I press Send button as requested and it was a last time I ever saw something on my screen. Device is not waking up anymore when I plug power it always the red led is switching on (with or withoout batery). I took a 100% charged batery from another device, but it's not helping. I'm out of options I think I tried evrething: Hard reset combination, bootloader combination, keep it on charge for hours, then without battery for hours - no luck.
Could anybody help me?
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Had you been switching to Android (NAND Flash)?
No, I performed hard reset after succefully loading NFSFAN's WM6.5 1.00 FINAL ROM.
Before NFSFAN's WM6.5 1.00 I loaded Vogue_unlocker_MFG-2.31 (initial attempt to load NFSFAN's WM6.5 without unlocker didn't work).
Is there any way to revive it after Red Led?
If you cannot put your device in bootloader, then you are toast
How are you trying to put the device in bootloader?
I guess it dead then Not waking up into boot mode after Pwr-snd-reset.
Also I tried any combination of buttons with reset. It is not waking up. And it is strange to me because I was just performing hard reset and following the screen prompt. Now I don't see any activities except this stupid red led. I though there is some sort of reincarnation procedure some "hard hard" reset?
To enter the Boot Loader mode....
Press and hold the following buttons:
Power (on top left of device) + Camera (on right of device, near the bottom) + Reset (small hole on bottom right of device, just right of the USB port. You can press this with the tip of your device's stylus).
It can be tricky to press all 3 of thes buttons at the same time, and you will probably need to use both hands.
You should see an odd rainbow on screen, indicating that you are in the Boot Loader mode. The device does not need to be connected to a computer of charger in order to enter Boot Loader mode.
If this does not work you may actually have the 1st bricked vogue I've ever seen...
(It didn't get wet, did it...?)
antinerd said:
Press and hold the following buttons:
Power (on top left of device) + Camera (on right of device, near the bottom) + Reset (small hole on bottom right of device, just right of the USB port. You can press this with the tip of your device's stylus).
It can be tricky to press all 3 of thes buttons at the same time, and you will probably need to use both hands.
You should see an odd rainbow on screen, indicating that you are in the Boot Loader mode. The device does not need to be connected to a computer of charger in order to enter Boot Loader mode.
If this does not work you may actually have the 1st bricked vogue I've ever seen...
(It didn't get wet, did it...?)
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That is exactly why I was asking. What you are doing with power +vol keys is for the TP and not for the Vogue.
I used boot loader sequence already (pwr + camera + reset) between all other sequences it doesn't help, device is no show any vital signs the only thing that works is a red led.
I also noticed that when I power it up without batery and then insert the battery the red led is going away. Then Red led is blinking every time I press the reset.
It sounds that you may have fried your NAND...
Just to be sure, you didn't bump it, throw it, or sent it for a swim... have you?
Have you tried this?
May not work, but it is worth a shot.
Guys, when you get a red LED, it means your battery is fried. It's near summer so are you sure you didn't charge it in the car or something? Replace your battery and you'll be fine.
atoz350 said:
Guys, when you get a red LED, it means your battery is fried. It's near summer so are you sure you didn't charge it in the car or something? Replace your battery and you'll be fine.
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The OP already stated that he tried a 100% charged battery from another Vogue and nothing.
No, I didn't do anything brutal to that device, as i said it was absolutely responsive when I started the hard reset sequence and it had not history of stuck buttons, anyways I'm going to doublecheck all buttons to make sure nothing stuck and preventing it from boot (looks like it my last hope )
If that doesn't work. open it up and clean the dust and debris out of there with a can of spray air. There might be a spec of dust that is causing a short circuit. That actually happened to me during the 80386 days when I was putting together a computer and it wouldn't get past the post screen. Turned out, there was a spec of dust lying across 2 pins on the CPU.
I keep my phone in my pocket and every now and again I take the back cover off and there is a ton of dust in there.
Good luck.
So? Any news? Could you revive it?
Use this it will be fine as i have used it once!!!
Edited *This will help those that are stuck at the HTC welcome screen and cannot get past it to load IMCokeMan's Unlocker.**
Edit by ImCoKeMaN: If you are stuck in bootloader (3 color screen) use titanexitbl or mtty (set 16 0 then task first and try these steps only if that doesn't work.
Apparently you can not use SDHC cards with this method, please use the 512mb card that came with your phone.
I have successfully unbricked my phone due to updating the Alltel rom to a non Alltel Vogue, before IMCokeman had released his unlocker an also have downgraded to the previous SPL version. I will shortly update this post with the How to instructions. I just need to retrace my steps.
I would first like to thank IMCokeMan for his help and unlocker.
I currently have a Sprint Vogue but I assume this will work for all versions
For those that had loaded the Alltel rom without the unlocker and have bricked there phone try this procedure to unbrick your phone.
1. First download IMCokeMaN's 2.31 Unlocker. http://rapidshare.com/files/11019074...r_MFG_2.31.exe
2. Extract IMCokeMan's unlocker
Previous SPL version was 2.31 current SPL version is 0.36
Edit by ImCoKeMaN:
Note: Steps 3, 4 and 5 should not be necessary, but step 6 is critical that it is a signed rom from your carrier
3. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called VOGUIMAG2.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh
4. Copy the file to a fat32 memory card, and insert it back into your phone, and place it into bootloader mode.
5. The phone should display Loading... let it sit there for a minute or so. It will not go past this screen, now reboot the phone.
6. Extract your official rom (Must be a signed EXE from your carrier, check here)
7. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called ruu_signed.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh
8. Copy the file to your memory card (less than 2gb and formated fat32) and insert it back into the phone and place it back into bootloader mode, and install the your Carrier's Official ROM.
patelaquib said:
Edited *This will help those that are stuck at the HTC welcome screen and cannot get past it to load IMCokeMan's Unlocker.**
Edit by ImCoKeMaN: If you are stuck in bootloader (3 color screen) use titanexitbl or mtty (set 16 0 then task first and try these steps only if that doesn't work.
Apparently you can not use SDHC cards with this method, please use the 512mb card that came with your phone.
I have successfully unbricked my phone due to updating the Alltel rom to a non Alltel Vogue, before IMCokeman had released his unlocker an also have downgraded to the previous SPL version. I will shortly update this post with the How to instructions. I just need to retrace my steps.
I would first like to thank IMCokeMan for his help and unlocker.
I currently have a Sprint Vogue but I assume this will work for all versions
For those that had loaded the Alltel rom without the unlocker and have bricked there phone try this procedure to unbrick your phone.
1. First download IMCokeMaN's 2.31 Unlocker. http://rapidshare.com/files/11019074...r_MFG_2.31.exe
2. Extract IMCokeMan's unlocker
Previous SPL version was 2.31 current SPL version is 0.36
Edit by ImCoKeMaN:
Note: Steps 3, 4 and 5 should not be necessary, but step 6 is critical that it is a signed rom from your carrier
3. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called VOGUIMAG2.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh
4. Copy the file to a fat32 memory card, and insert it back into your phone, and place it into bootloader mode.
5. The phone should display Loading... let it sit there for a minute or so. It will not go past this screen, now reboot the phone.
6. Extract your official rom (Must be a signed EXE from your carrier, check here)
7. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called ruu_signed.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh
8. Copy the file to your memory card (less than 2gb and formated fat32) and insert it back into the phone and place it back into bootloader mode, and install the your Carrier's Official ROM.
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The OP is not stuck in bootloader. His device simply doesn't turn on.
Unfortunatelly nothing helps. I opened it up, even unscrewed completely and sprayed with dust remover. It's the same.
What I noticed is when I plug device to power without battery the red led goes on (it's normal behavior for all devices). Then I insert the battery while device is still plugged in (in my case to Laptop's USB). The red led goes away (also normal behavior for devices). Then I can hear USB connect sound from laptop and in few seccond message: "USB device not recognized".
Click on reset button causes device's Red Led to blink and I can hear USB re-connect sound from Laptop again. Any other buttons or combination of buttons on device don't do any diffrence.
You are only trying to charge via USB? You should have said this earlier. Get a charger (output of 1 A). I had the same thing happen to a Wizard once and I used a high output charger and it worked again (battery was brand new too).
USB cable was one of my desperate try-outs, before I was keeping it on stock HTC (1A) charger for days, with empty and full battery in and no luck

HELP! HD2 wont boot up after hard reset (or attempts to hard reset)

This is my third hard reset and the first 2 times I was not that peeved at all but this time around I am quite pissed at this phone! I was careful with what I am installing and it was after getting the latest TMO update. Btw, I have TMOUS and stock (newer one). Anyway, I was not even doing anything at all when my phone froze, I was simply going to turn off the alarm (I use SPB Time).
Anyway, I soft reseted and it is stuck at the Stick Together screen. Tried many times and no luck so I just thought, wth, just hard reset.
The first two times I hard reseted, it was automatic since I got a message on my phone but this time there was no message so I decided to use the volume buttons and the end key button. The first time I tried it, I ended up with the tricolor screen and nothing. No message about 'this will erase blah blah.' I tried again several hours later and it finally gave me the message about pressing the volUP button to proceed with hard reset so I did. And after just TWO seconds, I saw RESTORE COMPLETE, press volUP to boot so I did and NOTHING. I am still stuck at the Tmobile Stick Together screen after reboot!!! I did this three times (volUP, endkey, hard reset, volUP) and it was always fast. I don't remember it being that fast before.
Can someone please just tell me what I can do to just get it work again? Does this mean I just bricked this frickin' phone??? I have not flashed a ROM (except perhaps to do the TMOUS update). Can I still make this work?
(I don't know where to post this so I apologize if this is the wrong one. But I thought since a lot of people are flashing their roms in this thread, someone have seen something similar to mine and can help).
I love this phone but this is ridiculous.
things to try
k8sh said:
This is my third hard reset and the first 2 times I was not that peeved at all but this time around I am quite pissed at this phone! I was careful with what I am installing and it was after getting the latest TMO update. Btw, I have TMOUS and stock (newer one). Anyway, I was not even doing anything at all when my phone froze, I was simply going to turn off the alarm (I use SPB Time).
Anyway, I soft reseted and it is stuck at the Stick Together screen. Tried many times and no luck so I just thought, wth, just hard reset.
The first two times I hard reseted, it was automatic since I got a message on my phone but this time there was no message so I decided to use the volume buttons and the end key button. The first time I tried it, I ended up with the tricolor screen and nothing. No message about 'this will erase blah blah.' I tried again several hours later and it finally gave me the message about pressing the volUP button to proceed with hard reset so I did. And after just TWO seconds, I saw RESTORE COMPLETE, press volUP to boot so I did and NOTHING. I am still stuck at the Tmobile Stick Together screen after reboot!!! I did this three times (volUP, endkey, hard reset, volUP) and it was always fast. I don't remember it being that fast before.
Can someone please just tell me what I can do to just get it work again? Does this mean I just bricked this frickin' phone??? I have not flashed a ROM (except perhaps to do the TMOUS update). Can I still make this work?
(I don't know where to post this so I apologize if this is the wrong one. But I thought since a lot of people are flashing their roms in this thread, someone have seen something similar to mine and can help).
I love this phone but this is ridiculous.
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Try removing your memory card and doing hard reset. If that doesnt work try removing both memory card and your sim card and doing a hard reset. If that doesnt work try loading an original stock LEOIMG.nbh file onto your memory card and flashing from your memory card.
BTW, should be BOTH up and down volume keys and power button to get to hard reset screen. Then volume up to restore.
Hope that helps.
fhaines said:
Try removing your memory card and doing hard reset. If that doesnt work try removing both memory card and your sim card and doing a hard reset. If that doesnt work try loading an original stock LEOIMG.nbh file onto your memory card and flashing from your memory card.
BTW, should be BOTH up and down volume keys and power button to get to hard reset screen. Then volume up to restore.
Hope that helps.
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I did mean volume UP and DOWN. Anyway, I tried your suggestions but same result. Still stuck.
So I proceed as if I am updating to the newer T-Mobile version. I followed the steps posted here:
However, when it came to the part where I had to make sure I have active sync established, I actually could not tell as it shows on my PC that I am not connected but at this point I really have nothing to lose. However, that said, in bootloader mode on my phone I see USB when I connect the phone to PC and then it reverts to SERIAL when I disconnect. So I thought, what the heck, it seems to be connected. AND VOILA, I was able to flash using TMO's updated ROM (the one I had just before all these mishap). WHEW! As much as I hate hard resets, I'd take it over bricking.
Thank God for TMo's excellent instructions on that site. I tried reading the instructions for flashing here and I just could not understand all these SPL, HARDSPL2 crap.
If I have to do another hard reset after I set this all up again I am going to scream!!!

