IPL imate - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I guys I would like to have the original ipl version, cause I have to bring my prophet to assistance, I downgrade the rom to the original version, but I didn't find the ipl version necessary somethig like ipl 2.07 with IMATE logo ....
Can anyone help me?

i own a imate jamin and before the upgrade my IPL was 1.000 And the SPL wa 2.13.000...wish this will help you..


Is this a new IPL version?

Hi, I have a Prophet (Neo), I found that the IPL & SPL are 2.15.0001, does your Neo also has the .0001 at the end of IPL/ SPL?
IPL version
Mine's a Qtek S200 flash to Dopod 818pro ROM, but my IPL is still 0.49 ??
Any advise?
Is your S200 in Simplified Chinese? I think your qtek s200 originally has a IPL 2.13 or similar, because this high version of IPL cannot be flash into Chinese, they downgrade the IPL into 0.49, then they can flash the new language.
What is the SPL & OS version?

IPL Version does not upgrade?

I'm gonna show my newbie colours here, despite the fact I've had my Prophet for a couple of months now...
I recently upgraded the ROM with the latest DOPOD (RUU_Prophet_2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship-NoVendorID.zip) From your FTP Site - THANK YOU!!) and found that my soft came up as:
IPL: 2.09.0001
SPL: 2.15.0001
GSM: 02.19.21
Thus, my IPL did not upgrade. I unlocked my CID (or so I whought...). Is this normal? Should it not upgrade? Am I doing something wrong?
For those looking for refs on the upgrade, the ROM seems more stable than the latest JAMin (2.13....) and is visibly faster than ever before.
Thanks for your help!!
anyone has an answer to this question?
I upgraded my Qtek S200 to the latest qtek french rom available on the ftp... my spl is 2.15.0000... but ipl is still 2.09.
is it a problem?
when you use a normal Rom Update do not change the RadioRom version !!!
here find you the last RadioRom v2.30.21 from PDAMobiz install and enjoy !!!
(donĀ“t need to Backup the Prophet !!!)
the radio was updated to the latest version with my last rom update... only IPL was not updated... so I do not really need this...
the only thing we have to know is if it's "normal" that IPL was not updated with a rom update...
no one has an answer to this (why ipl does not upgrade) ?

NVID wm5

Can please, some body tell me where i can find NVID wm5, i need it because my JAMin is stuck on bootscreen.
IPL 2.09
SPL 2.09
Please help
take this link
thank you for the help

magician problem

i flash a rom on my magician,and now stuck in bootscreen.
i think is wrong g3 or g4.
now my info is:
IPL 3.08
SPL 3.08.0000
GSM 02.69.21
the IPL and the SPL is allways the same after i flash any rom.
how can i fix this.
anyone can help me please?
many thanks.Paris
am sorry my phone is the charmer and not the magician.

Upgrade IPL 1.10 to higher for Prophet

Hi all of u, I'm using Prophet with IPL 1.10.
Could anybody explain to me how to upgrade to IPL 2.20?

