using the wizard to get internet on my computer (w/ WM5) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I was wondering if it was possible through some program hack or setup to use the HTC wizard as a wifi adapter for my computer. i've heard that WM6 has a program that does that but i'm very skeptical about upgrading.


Internet over BT @ laptop

Does anyone know how to connect my laptop to internet by Bluetooth at MDA Compact ? I had Bluesoleil drivers at laptop, and MDA.
"Wireless Modem" doesn't works at Bluesoleil drivers.
I'm using MDA Compact 2 (WM5), which I think ought to be the same. You don't need fancy stuff to have it connected. I did it before, and I have some instructions somewhere in this forum.
Anyway, when sync-ing your device (whatever method), try accessing internet on your device. If that is ok, you just need to use your bluetooth to sync your device to have internet connetion. Its an easy job.
It doesn't work. When I sync, my MDA try to access to Internet via laptop.
I need connect my laptop via MDA (GPRS), not MDA via laptop.
If U do a search on this forum, U should be able to find ActiveSync over BT discussion (for me, I use the stock BT driver.) After activesync, U got internet aceess thru activesync.

Qtek 9000 USB connection problem

I can't seem to connect my qtek9000 device to my IBM notebook via USB, well not exactly everything else works except Active sync ... are there any known limitations to this type of connection..
I also had some occasional connection issues with original ROM and Activesync 4.1. The following method worked fine for me:
- Upgrade to Activesync 4.1 if you haven't done so already.
- Unplug the Qtek and turn it off using the power button. Connect the USB cable. The Qtek should power on automatically and Activesync will detect it.
But anyway - I suggest you to upgrade to the latest Qtek ROM (UNI_QTEK_13077_176_10900_WWE_Ship.exe). I have no connection issues with the new ROM.
Does this ROM Update apply to the Qtek 9000 as sold by Mobitel d.d. in Slovenia..
Sure! The original Qtek ROM, which you are using now is UNI_Qtek_WWE_11364_151_10300_Ship.exe, so you can revert back at any time. You will only have to reenter GPRS & MMS settings, which is not a big deal. PM me, if you need the settings.
Until the HTC (QTEK) decided to publish the Official Upgrade I was running I-MATE JASJAR AKU2 ROM, without any problems whatsoever.
usb connection
Have you seen cardexport? A great little utility to make the sd card on your exec look like an external drive on your pc. Not a substitute for activesync but infinitely faster and more reliable method for file transfers to/from exec/pc. You can find it here:
Have you seen cardexport?
I think that much better and cheapeer ( because is free) is WM5torage.
Now you can find super soft for your Universal - "the most expensive card reader on the world"

Bluetooth, Vista No Services 8125

Hi, I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have faria's WM6 rom version 5.2.318 installed on my 8125. When I try to connect to my pc via the bluetooth, the pda doesn't see any services on my computer. The computer also does not see any services on my pda. The computer is running vista x64. I am using the default microsoft bluetooth stack with a silicon wave bt usb dongle. I was hoping to sync via the bluetooth and maybe use the pan features, but no services show up. My pc can see my 8125 and my 8125 can see my pc. They connect to one another, but like I said, there are no services... I tried going back to the t-mobile 2.26 rom and even back to my original cingular rom, but still no luck. I assume this issue is on my PC side, but I was hoping maybe one of you knew what the issue might be. If I posting in the wrong area, please delete my thread. Thanks for the Help!
I know it has been a long time but did you ever figure out your issues? Was it just with the ROM or did you ever get BT working with Vista and Sync?

Windows 98, Activesync & WM6. How?

Anyone has idea how to do activesync with WM6 and windows 98?
Or anyone has other alternative to solve the problem?
My office has windows 98 and i m using cingular 8525 with WM6.
I have tried to use bluetooth dongle, still not yet found the solution even though i have managed to connect the network access but failed to run internet from my pda by using the bluetooth.
Read this:
It is not possible to use Active Sync 4.x with Win98, but using wm5torage (and an usb driver proper, detailed in the page of Modaco) you can connect your pocket as an USB storage.
I hope you find this useful

Internet Sharing Hermes WM6

I'm trying to use my WM6 Black 8525 as either Bluetooth or USB modem. Cannot connect to my Thinkpad T60 laptop built-in Bluetooth as it only has Active Sync Bluetooth Service nor my Vista finds any devices that support PAN.
Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you in advance!
in vista do not try to get the modem over bluetooth working as pan. Do it as a dial up connection from the settings in internet explorer. On my hp I just partnered the bluetooth then went to add connection in ie. i found it with no trouble. I think it must be very dependant on the bluetooth stack on your pc. On my hp there is a process running called BTStackServer.exe that is doing it. On my dell this is not the case and it just will not work. In that case I use the wireless modem program built into the phone with a usb cable. following the instructions in help gets it to work fine.
I have also used the usb method on two xp desktops so it works just about everywhere.
With the pan, i think the problem with windows mobile devices is that they are acting in the same direction as a pc would. They are looking for a device, not acting as one. I bought a bluetooth dongle for one of my xp machines and installed the bluesolie software (stack?) and both ends showed the other as a pan device but both ends just waited for the other to expose their functionality until they timed out. i tried it with a hermes and a trinity.

