New Prophet comming - What do I need to do? - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I have a new Dopod 818 Pro coming... it currently has WM5.0.
So, I want to know what things I need to do, to get this phone up to snuff.
I do like the TouchFLO interface i have seen on the HTC Touch, so, what recommendations do you all have for me, regarding software and ROM to load.
Also, any tips / tricks would be helpful. I have been out of the XDA market for a couple of years(2003 i guess) and so I need to catch up.
Thanks in advance!

My personal recommendation:
Do not do anything to the phone for a week or two.
Just see how it runs in its natural state, then decide what you like and don't like, what features you need and don't need etc.
Come back and tell us and we may be able to recommend software / ROM to improve your user experience.
Alternatively, you might find that you like it as is and in this case "don't fix it if its not broken" is a good advice since once you change ROM you will void all warranty and you may find you have a hardware fault later on.


Exec runs too slow..

exec sooo slooow! I have searched the forum looking for an answer but unable to find specific or too many that are similar, just like to know if there is a simple way to get my exec running faster..!
makes me want to trade it in for something that moves..!
I have nothing else installed other than tomtom5, it has always seemed to be an effort with most jobs even after a hard reset.
any advice or methods someone can point me in the direction of?
There is no magical solution as Exec is bit slower then other devices. hardreset & Skipp the extended ROM perhaps that may help to give extra performance.
Not to mention you are using a official ROM. If you want speed, try and research customized ROMs, definitely AKU 3 up. Try to research how to increase the ROMs pagepool.
thank you for the advice will look into it
press reset before the 'customising' option link pops up
this will stop the network branding to install, o2 rubbish in my case
which ROM to take??
If you're using WM5, remove the HTC phone dialler. It reduces functionality, but improves speed significantly. (Disable the "skin" in the registry. Read wiki or hunt around the old threads)

hermes help

new here would like to know if any one could help me find a program to take out the useless programs on my cingular 8525 and if any one knows how to change the splash screens
Welcome to the forum. There is alot of useful information here. The first thing is to get to know where and how to use the phone from front to back. You should start by reading the wiki. Everything you would ever want to know is there. As for changing things around on your phone, you should learn about it first. Last thing you would want to do is mess up your phone by not knowing and understanding what your doing. When in doubt dont do anything unless your sure of it. Also use the search button, it will be your best friend in time of need.
Welcome on board bubba433.
nyc_medic's advice is good. Particularly as removing pre-packaged applications from your phone is not as straightforward as it sounds as it requires changes to be made to the extended rom - that's quite a learning curve.

HTC-progs without rom-exchange, cid?

I'd like to upgrade my Artemis without flashing my device with some more or less experimental rom. (Especially as there also is the question of using the right language).
HTC-progs like bio settings, cube, streaming etc must be available as standalone progs too, don't they?
So my set of questions goes like this:
1. where to get those progs?
2. do they slower the device more than the integated tool in some rom?
3. one reason not to flash at first was hardly no information about 'CID'. Can anyone provide? As this question arose in different places but got no real response (or didn't I get it as a newby?), I dare to ask myself.
Could someone please help me?
I even was about to get some, but obviously all these progs can do, can be obtaine 'for free', only by the cost of investing time and interest. I'm willing to do so, so let me hear from you...

Artemis upgrading.

Hi there:
I am new to Mobile Phone upgrading, so please be patient if some questions seem to be "lame".
I have just obtained an O2 Orbit, (Artemis), for one of my boys. It is in it's original, purchased, state; WM5, etc.
I have been informed that there is an upgrade for the Windows Mobile that will change the O/S to WM 6 or 6.1. Is this true and if so where can this be obtained? Is it an easy task to upgrade?
The next question is slightly more adventurous, I have been told that the iPhone "front end" is available for this phone. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, how can this be obtained and is this a simple transition?
Thanks in advance for anyone that can spare the time to answer these queries.
The O/S upgrades you refer to are available in software downloads called ROMs. A ROM is basically Windows along with a suite of applications that the maker of the ROM has chosen to include with it. For example, the current ROM on your Orbit contains WM 5, Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer, etc etc... But someone making their own ROM may decide not to include Windows Media Player and add a different music player instead.
So basically, go through the Artemis forums looking for threads about ROMs. the best ones are the "Touch" and "Vanilla" series of ROMs by Meschle. Sadly he has left the forums but his ROMs can still be found.
Once you have downloaded a ROM, follow the instructions that will probably come with it, or can easily be found on here. Basically it's a 2 step process. You run one file which will remove the SIM lock (you may see the term USPL associated with this). and then another which will install the new ROM.
Just remember though, this will wipe your memory in the process, so make sure you've backed up anything you had on there that you want to keep.
As for the Iphone thing, it's not a complete front end, just several apps designed to make certain functions appear like the Iphone. Although I tried this and it seemed really buggy so I wouldn't recommend
Thanks for the help
Thanks for the speedy response and the info'.
I didn't expect a response for days; if at all.
Your info will be acted on ASAP and I will let you know what happens.
Thanks again
Hi Gaz:
Thanks a lot. I downloaded your recomended ROM's and I have updated the Orbit. It was just as easy as you said. My son is using the phone and finds it infinitely easier to use than his last phone. Once again; thanks for your help from me and my son.
I wonder, do you have knowledge of the Orbit 2 ROM's? I realy would like to alter my O2 Orbit 2 and install the HTC ROM's. This uses TOM TOM and I have used this fro years; I don't like the O2 supplied CoPilot.
I have asked for help on the Orbit 2 forums but I still cannot find the necessary ROM's.

ROM Questions

Hi There!
I am trying to decipher the massive amount of information about all the ROMS available, but I am confused.
I know I need to update my Radio, and I'll likely just grab the latest and see how it does. I know I need HSPL so I'll grab that and do that first.
There are SOOO many ROMS around, but I am struggling to correlate which OS versions are 6.5.5 (I presume this is the most preferable one) over 6.5.3 which is what I think is what ships with the device? Some ROMs say 6.5.x which I am not sure how to interpret?
Are there some newbie guidelines to particular modders being known for certain things? I don't care about twitter, facebook, or any other social networking crap, but I do want excellent call quality, blisteringly fast, and a good web browser.. I like things that make the phone more usable, such as the 4 column start menu, more accessible unlock screens etc (would be nice if the unlock part was middle of the screen), 1% battery life etc customizations.. I dislike the clock adjusting every time I unlock the phone and I know I can fix that with a cab, but are some roms shipping with these fixes?
Sorry I know some of these questions may have been answered in the other posts but there are so many and it's hard to correlate. I did read the FAQ.
With my thanks for any information anyone is prepared to supply...
Big on my list is anything that makes the keyboard faster to input text for and I prefer horizontal qwerty over the default portrait which I can't seem to input quickly for.
Anyone able to personally recommend something that meets some or all of these needs?
WinMo 6.5 ships with the HD2 from factory, WinMo 6.5.x is the latest release of WinMo which is on the HTC HD Mini. It has the start button at the bottom and large buttons for the 2 softkeys (which personally I think look terrible).
6.5.x is usually put as it's either or - don't worry about it.
Best thing is to just try some ROMs (if you're sure the stock ROM doesn't do what you want it to do). All the features you've said you want aren't in the original shipped ROMs hence why they are only in shipped ROMs (although you can just CAB a stock ROM to do most of what you asked).
If you want a FAST ROM then I'd say have a look at the one in my signature - CleanEx. It's pretty much stock but has performance tweaks you've mentioned and most of the 'crapware' removed from it so you have tonnes of memory left to install your own apps.
Welcome to the forum and make sure you understand what you're doing (and what to do should it go wrong) before you take the dive into cooked ROMs
Anyone else have any other ROMS to recommend or any other comments to make?
Hi Networkn,
Am afraid no one is going to recommend a rom for several reasons:
1) At the end of the day the rom that works best is the one that suits the initial criteria you set out or which comes closest to that criteria, i.e its a personal choice
2) We have clamped down on "Best ROM" threads like this one because of all the firestorms that they have raised on here and point 1 above.
My advice to you is to sit down with a simple spreadsheet, list what you are looking for in a rom then visit each rom on here in turn (you probably only have to read the first 2 posts of each) and map out what they offer on your sheet.
From that decide what comes closest, read that thread thoroughly, understand what you are doing and go for it.
Hope this helps a little. PM me if you need more help and I will see what I can do.
For now this is being closed.

