Tytn Vs. 8525 - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

what is the difference between them..besides that the 8525 is locked to cingular? someone want to enlighten me on this?

the tytn has a front camera, so it can support video calling.

Actually, I think your mistaken. I have a HTC Tytn, one of my co-workers has the Cingular 8525. They are the same physical unit (the 8525, however, sports the Cingular logo instead of the HTC).
Both have the front camera. The difference? the 8525 is "locked" to the Cingular network, while the Tytn is generally "unlocked".

that's unusual - maybe your friend got a preproduction 8525, because all the retail units don't have the front camera because at the time their network didn't support video calling.

My 8525 has no front camera.

Yeah, the 8525 definitely does not have a front camera.

Yep... no front camera on the 8525. Looking forward to the Kaiser though


front camera question

can i use the front camera on my t mobile mda vario II without any 3G connection as i was in imate jasjar.
if yes then how?
I've been wondering about the front camera for a while. Surely it should be possible to use this, in conjunction with the screen, for a variety of useful features? To start with, it could function as a low res mirror...
Is there any software which can access it yet?
See this link

Hermes - Which Version is Best?

I think I'm ready to buy a Hermes. I live in a city where Cingular has UMTS up and running. I'm trying to decided if I should buy the 8525 or get one of the other versions of the Hermes.
Are there any benefits from buying a TyTn, Trion, or one of the other Hermes versions other than the forward facing video camera?
I know that some early TyTn's had screen alignment problems and there still exists some bluetooth A2DP, activation by MS VC, and other problems.
I currently own a Wizard and am running Farias AKU 3.3 on it. Everything works splendidly except that Edge internet speeds are driving me crazy.
I'm half wanting to wait until the issues are more fixed or until the Kaiser (xv6800) comes out.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciate.

Adding a camera to the 8500

Does anyone know where to get the ccd from the Cingular 8525, and how what all is envolved in putting it into a 8500?

Differences: Cingular Branded vs AT&T Branded 8525

As some of you know, I've been having problems with my Jawbone and my Cingular-branded 8525. Recently, I tested the Jawbone on an AT&T-branded 8525 and, guess what, it works on it. Which begs the question: Are there any differences (hardware/software-wise) between the two "models"? Any insight is welcomed...
No. There is not. It's just a superficial sticker change.
Check out some threads here on BT stack problems with Jawbone. I don't think your the only one that has had a problem with the Jawbone...

WTB the pcb behind the top front call/end call navigations buttons/scraped phone

Jasjam, 8525, Dopod 838 Pro, Dopod CHT 9000, SPV M3100, MDA Vario II, XDA trion
Looking to buy the pcb behind the top front call/end call navigations buttons.
I bought a new JasJam shell(said it was compatible with the hermes) for my HTC Tytn but the layout of the buttons and pcb are wider than what can fit in the JasJam shell. I figured other phone pcbs are compatible just in a different form?..
Can someone sell me the need pcb or scarped phone for a fair price?

