Word Mobile unable to open word documents - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

For some strange reasons, now I'm unable to open word document unless the file size is real small like less than 10KB in size. I was once able to open files up to 110kB in size (although it seems to take ages for the spinning colored pie to render the vertical scroll bar).
The error message that I get is "A problem with the document was encountered and it cannot be opened."
I've googled this. Some suggest that it is due to missing template, which is certainly not so in my case. My template folder and files are sitting nicely in the my document folder in the device memory. Some also suggested that word mobile is unable to read desktop document files and that we need to save it as RTF file. I tried this, but it does not solve the problem. In fact, the document was created with word mobile originally.
Is anyone of you having this problem too?

Oh dear, this is a problem known to microsoft. This is no good.
I had seen the same error message mentioned in this article appearing on my device before but I dismissed it as it came and went too quickly.
In this support note, microsoft thinks that it happens if the document is in SD card. But I have the same problem even if the document is on microdrive and device memory.
I transferred my document from SD card to the device memory and tried to load it in, and still have the same problem.

hrmm ive never had trouble opening any size word doc. Although conceivably I didnt start opening word docs much until I had TextMaker 2006 installed. But in all my times on WM ive never come across I doc I wasnt unable to open, except for word 2007 docx files, but thats due to compatibility so.

I was once able to open any size document too. Although I has seen thoses error messages, I was able to open with repeated trying. Then now it becomes very predictable - no problem withbreal tiny files, but errors if the files are big.
May be time for hard reset again?

eaglesteve said:
I was once able to open any size document too. Although I has seen thoses error messages, I was able to open with repeated trying. Then now it becomes very predictable - no problem withbreal tiny files, but errors if the files are big.
May be time for hard reset again?
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I also experienced a lot of problems after Textmaker installed.

I have no such problems with Textmaker and Planmaker installed...

jlingo said:
I also experienced a lot of problems after Textmaker installed.
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what's the nature of your problem? is it with text maker or word? Is it the same or different problem?

This is wierd. All of a sudden I am able to open all files regardless of size again. Did'nt have to do any hard reset.


Unwanted screen reset

I've got a strange problem all of a sudden:
When i'm using for example ClearVue Pdf to read a document and scroll a little downwards the screen resets itself to the original position. This way i can't read the document This happens also in an excel document when i try to input something in a cell the screen resets itself and the text i was writing is wiped away. If i do it really fast, between screen resets in, i can manage to input data but this is no way of working!
Anyone experienced the same thing and found a solution?
macrobody said:
I've got a strange problem all of a sudden:
When i'm using for example ClearVue Pdf to read a document and scroll a little downwards the screen resets itself to the original position. This way i can't read the document This happens also in an excel document when i try to input something in a cell the screen resets itself and the text i was writing is wiped away. If i do it really fast, between screen resets in, i can manage to input data but this is no way of working!
Anyone experienced the same thing and found a solution?
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I have had problems with clearvue pdf too (especially with big files, but also small files like transaction slips from my internet bank just turned up as empty in clearvue).
I don't have a solution, but a suggestion
Try Adobe Reader for PPC. It does a much better job at displaying pdf files on my K-jam than clearvue pdf does.
Ok, thanks. I will try that.
Leaves me with the excel problem...

Slow opening windows folder

I tried to do a search about this, but nothing came up. For some reason, whenever I tried to open my Windows folder using Resco, it takes about 8-10 seconds before it opens up. I don't know what program I've installed that can be causing this. In fact, I even hard resetted and restored using one of my latest backups. The folder opens up normally and quickly, but then a few syncs later, it goes back to taking 8 sec to open the folder (so, only the Windows is affected). I'm thinking maybe it's some dll file that resco or the built-in file explorer are trying to read, but just a conjecture. Please advise if you have any suggestions.
is resco installed in the main memory or storage card?
Opening the windows folder is always slow - it has to gather info on every file, from ROM (which is slow anyway) and then gather icons for every .exe. Disable showing icons for rom files in your settings (I use gsfinder, but I'm sure Resco does this too).
I have resco installed in the main memory. I can try disabling the icon display. The only thing disappointing here is it was opening the Windows folder fine, until suddenly it slowed down (overnight). I tried to figure out what program I installed in the interim, but couldn't find anything. This has happened before, but was corrected with a previous backup restored. Then happened again after a few weeks. I just wish there is an answer, instead of me blaming it on software incompatibility. B/c if that's the case, I have to be careful about installing every program in the future. And with WM5, you can't always uninstall programs cleanly.
ganglion5 said:
I tried to do a search about this, but nothing came up. For some reason, whenever I tried to open my Windows folder using Resco, it takes about 8-10 seconds before it opens up.
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One way - overclock your PDA.
Speaking of overclock. Where can I find the omap overclocker? Excuse my ignorance, but I did a search on the net, it links from one site to another, but I can never find the actual site for the download. Does anyone know?
I too have noticed this problem with opening the Windows folder. I have the following observations:
1: Normally when I tap the windows folder it opens up before the spinning coloured wheel has completed one full turn.
2: When the slow down occurs it takes about 4 spins of the colured wheel before the windows folder opens up.
3: Once the slow down has occurred it can be noticed both in Resco file explorer as well as the original windows file explorer.
4: I have noticed that this slow down in opening the Windows folder is also accompanied with a slow down of the boot up time. In my case when things are working nromally a boot up takes 1 Minute and 30 Seconds. (this is the time between when I press the reset button to the time when the today screen has fully redrawn). Once the problem has occurred the boot time increased to 2 Minute and 5 seconds.
5: In my case this problem has occurrred most of the time when I have installed a new software after installing NetFront 3.3. In my case the solution that has worked is to uninstall Netfront 3.3 and then again reinstall it. In other words if I install any new software I first have to remove Netfront 3.3, install the new software and then reinstall Netfront 3.3.
By the way my device is an i-mate Jasjar but the observations are quite similar to the prophet.
Kind Regards
same here guys.. It is obvious that slow down accure after active sync or new application install. Then it makes me think it has to do with registry modification, once windows folder has been modified? Forgive me my ignorance, I’m not a programmer.. And this is just observation in an effort to find a couse and solution. Any ideas? Anybody? Cuz this is really getting on my nerves. This prophet is disappointing me a big time I have magician and prophet and when I compare two phones, with prophet over clocked to 240 (this is optimal speed before it crashes) and magician with its normal speed, both phones have same applications running and the difference is like driving the porche and old opel! Where magician is a porche! I can watch high quality, full 600 mb movie on magician without a flinch! And prophet is barely moving!! I got to tell you, I love the design and everything, but by putting an OMAP processor with WM 5 (which is slow as it is) HTC really screwed up! First they try to make a PDA out of phone, and then they are taking it back from PDA to a phone.. I’m selling it I guess Atom is the next thing for me. It’s just to darn expensive 
Smrz, I think you pretty much hit it on the nose with netfront. I noticed that on my old dopod 818pro and now the jamin, the slow down occurred after netfront was installed. But I dismissed that it was due to netfront b/c I think I reinstalled it, and then it was back to normal. But I didn't think about netfront causing a conflict only IF YOU INSTALL NEW APPLICATIONS. I think I'll try reinstalling netfront again, and see if it works. What's frustrating with wm5 is I can't cleanly uninstall applications anymore. Is this unique to my machine, to prophet, or to WM5 in general. Everytime I uninstall, it says it can't do it, but it'll remove the application name from the Add/Remove menu. Meanwhile, I have to go delete the folder in program files manually. And who knows what happened to my registry and dll files during all this. BTW, anyone know where I can get that overclocker?
Windows folder
any solution found to this problem? My normal time of opening the Windows folder is about 4 secs. After installing of any application which copies its files to Windows folder the time grows. I've tried to uninstall the application, the files are gone, free space is as before, number of files in Windows folder is the same as before, but the slowdown persists.
After installing Manila 2D for example my Windows folder takes up to 40 secs to open and everything slowed down (boot, opening apps from Windows).
Anything I can think of now is maybe a filesystem problem? (\Windows inode corrupted somehow, probably relayed to the fact that it is linked to ROM files)
P.S. I have SPV M3100 (TyTN) with WM6.
Thanks for any advice except hard reset

New Word Docs

Hi Folks
I've broken something. I know, it had to happen. All this "playing around" with my new toy (No, not like that! )
Going to PocketWord and it'll open something that I don't recall putting in there. This turns out to be a file in the "My Documents" called "CONFIG" that had loads of characters that are not letters, you know, like symbols and the like?
If I goto Menu / File / New it gives the message
"A problem with the document was encountered and it cannot be opened".
I suspect I've deleted something I shouldn't have Help?!
Elwyn M3100 said:
Hi Folks
I've broken something. I know, it had to happen. All this "playing around" with my new toy (No, not like that! )
Going to PocketWord and it'll open something that I don't recall putting in there. This turns out to be a file in the "My Documents" called "CONFIG" that had loads of characters that are not letters, you know, like symbols and the like?
If I goto Menu / File / New it gives the message
"A problem with the document was encountered and it cannot be opened".
I suspect I've deleted something I shouldn't have Help?!
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Ok... First I don't think the config file in my documents is vital and I would delete it. (if your concerned about it then copy it somewhere-else and then delete.
On a PC Word uses a template for blank documents called normal.dot but on Pocket Word it uses blank.dot This file should be present in the windows folder in main memory.
After deleting the config file, I would try word again.
If it still fails to open a new wod doc, then look to make sure the template file blank.dot is present.
Hi Mike
I checked and there wasn't a blank.dot file in the windows folder, so I managed to open an word doc I already had, blanked it and saved it as blank.dot where you suggested. I closed word and tried again only to find the same error message.
So does this rule out an error with that side of word, and otherwise what would you suggest?
Elwyn M3100 said:
Hi Mike
I checked and there wasn't a blank.dot file in the windows folder, so I managed to open an word doc I already had, blanked it and saved it as blank.dot where you suggested. I closed word and tried again only to find the same error message.
So does this rule out an error with that side of word, and otherwise what would you suggest?
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This is a little mysterious! Firstly because the original blank .dot is protected and should not be able to be removed normally. I suspect it's become corrupted. Still the replacement should have been ok. However, lets hope all your templates are not corrupted. Open a doc in word and go to menu>tools>options>default template and choose another, say memo. Close out of word and reenter. It should open and when you press new a memo should appear. A bit of a pain but until a better solution comes along you can always delete the memo lines and treat as a blank doc.
Will check around to see if there is another way to replace blank.dot
Thanks, I've had a look in the options and for "Templates" it is blank. There are NO templates at all on the machine
Elwyn M3100 said:
Thanks, I've had a look in the options and for "Templates" it is blank. There are NO templates at all on the machine
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Good grief what have you been upto - thought I was the only one who manged that sort of thing!!.
Perhaps you could PM POF and see if he knows a way of reinstalling Word or using the ROM cab files to re-install without having to do a full hard reset. Failing this all you could do would be to create your own blank template but it would not automatically open when you tap new because I think New can only be set to one of the four standard templates - Blank, Memo, Metting Notes and one other I forget. Certainly when I created a template and put it in the templates folder it listed the official four but not mine in the drop down list for the new document default template. (i.e the list that's now empty for you)
mikechannon said:
Good grief what have you been upto - thought I was the only one who manged that sort of thing!!.
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Nope, no chance of that....
There are plenty of "us" around
One shall, er, carefully dig
Ah ha!
I have found that I do actually have some files in the windows directory that are templates.
blank meeting memo phone todo
These did momentarily have Word Template icons moments ago, and tried to go in via Word again but now the icons match up with notes.
blank 0b
meeting 1.55k
memo 2.06k
phone 1.96k
todo 3.02k
Right clicking over "blank" reveals that it is read only. I have tried but I cannot remove the RO flag. I am hoping that because the file is zero bytes then this is causing the problems, which are still there
Onwards eh!
Edit: The 0 byte file is actually a memo file. The Word templates are 7kb apart from Todo which is 14k...
Elwyn M3100 said:
Ah ha!
I have found that I do actually have some files in the windows directory that are templates.
blank meeting memo phone todo
These did momentarily have Word Template icons moments ago, and tried to go in via Word again but now the icons match up with notes.
blank 0b
meeting 1.55k
memo 2.06k
phone 1.96k
todo 3.02k
Right clicking over "blank" reveals that it is read only. I have tried but I cannot remove the RO flag. I am hoping that because the file is zero bytes then this is causing the problems, which are still there
Onwards eh!
Edit: The 0 byte file is actually a memo file. The Word templates are 7kb apart from Todo which is 14k...
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Those file sizes look fine apart from blank.dot which should also be 7kb.
On mine I just checked the templates and they should open directly from the windows directly. They all have word icons.
I have the notes templates and the word templates. Alas late night scrolling across the PDA got me confused.
Do you know of a way to make the files non read only? I don't seem to be able to change that at all? I've tried in Windows and on the PDA.
Although, I have now fixed the ActivSync issue so it doesn't keep disconnecting Grr Hubs Grr.
Elwyn M3100 said:
I have the notes templates and the word templates. Alas late night scrolling across the PDA got me confused.
Do you know of a way to make the files non read only? I don't seem to be able to change that at all? I've tried in Windows and on the PDA.
Although, I have now fixed the ActivSync issue so it doesn't keep disconnecting Grr Hubs Grr.
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Nope, I tried reseting read only tag on both PDA and PC as well, no joy. I have posted a thread asking if anyone knows how to re-install an application without hard re-set. I believe it is possible if you have extended rom cabs showing but which cabs as I do not see one clearly marked Word.cab or something similar. The joys!!!
Thank you Mike for all your help.
I've not even breached the option of ROMs yet or even dabbled in it, and I don't think I've got the guts to juuuuuust yet
If all else then I shall do a reset, a hard reset.
I seem to have this problem also, interestingly. Today when I tried to open the word mobile program, I got this prompt saying that I can't open a new word document due to some error and brings me to my storage card wif all the word documents which I can open wif ease. What seems to be the problem? Any way I can reinstall this program again without hard resetting? I am pretty sure it's not some software conflicts, maybe I accidentally removed some shared files with memmaid.
YES!! Finally I got it. I shifted my documents folder with the sub folder 'templates' to the storage card before so now I just placed back the templates subfolder to the device's My Documents folder and that basically solved my problem!

Excel Saving problem

I've searched but cannot find any info about this.
I recently upgraded to a 8125 (WM5)from a iPAQ 2215 (Pocket PC 4.20). Now when editing most (not all) of my Excel files I get a "unsupported content" when I try to save it. It give me the option of saving as another name, discard or cancel.
It doesn't matter what I edit, whether it is text or a number. The files do not have any macros, just simple equations.
My desktop is running WinXP with Office 2003.
Thanks in advance.
Excel file save error
Sledutah said:
I've searched but cannot find any info about this.
I recently upgraded to a 8125 (WM5)from a iPAQ 2215 (Pocket PC 4.20). Now when editing most (not all) of my Excel files I get a "unsupported content" when I try to save it. It give me the option of saving as another name, discard or cancel.
It doesn't matter what I edit, whether it is text or a number. The files do not have any macros, just simple equations.
My desktop is running WinXP with Office 2003.
Thanks in advance.
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I get something similar: "An error occurred saving 'filename'", and then the file closes with no modifications.
I have to do a File Save As... and give the file a new, slightly different name if I want to save new data. This doesn't happen with every file I use, but it has happened with files imported via ActiveSync as well as with files I have created on the 8125 itself
Hmmm, I never had any problems! Can one of you post one if this mysterious files? But take off your personal information and critical data first from that file! Would be interesting to see if it happens on mine too ...
When I get the error, I can save it as another name with no problem. It is a hassle, because I edit the files on the desktop PC and the 8125. I have not done any upgrades to the 8125, it is the way I got it from Cingular, except for a few programs that I installed which are the same ones I had on my older iPAQ.
I uploaded one of the files that I have the problem with. I cleared all the data and left the equations. I checked it after I did this and it still will not save without making me change the filename.
Works fine on mine! Had no problems adding contents and saving it! Maybe you had the file open twice? This happens if you do not close Excel properly or if you open it by clicking on the file. Excel might have been already open with that file in the background and therefore you only would be able to save it under a different name since the file still would be in use.
Thanks for giving it a try. The problem is not that it's already open. If I do a soft reset, then open the file, modify it and then close I get the message.
Post your PDA specs.
I have had this problem when saving to the Memory card. When it does this I just save to main memory and copy over via Resco, not ideal...but it beats carrying a laptop.
kegobeer said:
Post your PDA specs.
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Cingular 8215
WM5 OS 5.1.195
IPL 2/25
SPL 2/25
GSM 02.25.11
I haven't updated anything, just installed a few programs, the same ones I used on my iPAQ.
Files are on the PDA, not SD card. I even tried removing the card, no change.
Has this always happened?
kegobeer said:
Has this always happened?
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Yes, but I've only had it for about 3 weeks. The files are all the same that I've used with my iPAQ with no problems.
Yes it happens....
Check this, http://softmaker.com/english/ofp_en.htm
It has to be a very good reason to have this company in business selling substitutes for pexcel and pword. According to what they advertise that reason is that pexcel and pword are not 100% compatible with the desktop versions, so whenever an xls or doc file made in desktop is modified and saved under the same name in a PPC is very likely that some formats, functions etc. will be affected or lost, so M$ PPC awares (probably not in the best way) the user that the files made in the desktop are going to change and will lost some features, formatting, etc.
I was having the same problem on an iPaq hx4700 running Windows Mobile 5. Some Excel Mobile files would only save changes when I used save as and gave them another name. I found the following link while trying to resolve the issue:
(g0lg0thaZA Feb 15, 2007 4:16 am)
I searched my device for Temp0FOO files and deleted them. After that I was able to make changes to spreadsheets and save them without changing the name.
Excel Mobile Save Fix!
XeonXeon said:
I was having the same problem on an iPaq hx4700 running Windows Mobile 5. Some Excel Mobile files would only save changes when I used save as and gave them another name. I found the following link while trying to resolve the issue:
(g0lg0thaZA Feb 15, 2007 4:16 am)
I searched my device for Temp0FOO files and deleted them. After that I was able to make changes to spreadsheets and save them without changing the name.
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Oh-my-gosh! This fixed my problem!
I read that link, I searched for that file, found 2 of them, deleted them, and now I can modify an Excel file, hit the X close button, and the file gets saved just like it shoulda!
A big note of thanks and sigh of relief for this fix!
I have tried to search for the mentioned file Temp0FOO but couldn't find it on my Omnia anyone can help me please

excel mobile on wm6 can't save to storage card

I recently installed WM6 on my dopod 818pro. I found an issue that I haven't been able to figure out.
I simply cannot save a changed excel document to the storage card. I get an error "An error occurred saving '<document name>'."
If I move the document to main memory, i have no probs editing and saving it.
Has anyone hit something like this? Word seems to be fine with saving/editing documents on the storage card. I haven't tried powerpoint mobile.
For the record, I had no probs with excel on wm5.
Any Ideas?
It seems to be related to the directory as well..
I moved an excel file fro my documents in the storage card to another random directory. I have no probs saving the file in the new location (but also on the storage card)
I'm very confused!
solution to old thread but ongoing problem
If you can't save an Excel mobile file, only 'save as' a new file name...
Solution is to find and delete a file named Temp0FOO
This could be on your main mem or storage card (depends on where the problem Excel Mobile file is saved). Delete the corrupt temp file and all is well.
Worked for me on my WM6 Xv6800.
Nice one Danny!
I had issues with files not opening as well as issues with not being able to save them.
Your solution seems to have fixed both my problems (so far anyway). Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Thanks Danny.. U solved my problem big time..
I glad google took me to the right answer. I have been doing 'Save As' filename_xx where xx equals running number for as long as I can remember.

