MMS and WAP Settings for vodafone qtek 9100 - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I am sure the answer to this might be somewhere on this forum, but i have looked for the past hour without finding it.
The problem: My qtek won't get connected to the internet. It keeps coming up with error messages no matter what configurations I put in. Also, although I can receive mms, I can not have it downloaded. I am on vodafone contract.
Can a kind heart out there kindly take me through the steps to get thiese applications working again?
Thanks in advance


GPRS wont connect

All of a sudden, my GPRS wont connect now. I get the message "the answering modem has disconnected".
I haven't changed any settings, so wondering if anyone else is having the same trouble? Maybe it's a network thing. If not, could someone post their settings please so I can check them. (for O2 UK)
^ bump
At least ONE of you must be on O2? Since the phone is EXCLUSIVE to O2 :lol:
I've recently had a similar problem myself and today have used the settings here which seem to work
I got it working. I changed it to Class 10 instead of Class 8, which did the job. Dunno why it stopped working in the first place though.
I've got another problem now. MMS doesn't work. It won't let me send, and when I receive I get a web link rather than the actual message. What am I doing wrong? A couple of years ago I heard there was a problem with O2 Online contracts which meant you could only use either GRPS internet OR MMS, but not both. Is this what I'm encountering?
I think that normally happens when you can't recv mms messages because gprs and mms aren't available on an account at the same time. The new MobileWeb service does support both - but you have to ring to activate it.

Can't receive MMS from T-Mobile phone

My wife has a T-Mobile 6230 and my Jam can't receive the MMS she sends me.
It has a download button but never manages.
MMS sent from myself is fine.
Arcsoft version
Any ideas? Is this a known problem?
i had this problam after i upgraded the rom from I Mate -
all i had to do was install the T-mobile setting from my old rom...
Try it
If you are getting the file and can not read it.. maybe the picture is in a different format,
I think there is another reason for that. Unless you have not send at least one MMS by yourself, you are not registered as "MMS capable" by T-Mobile. So try to send on MMS from your Jam and have a retry if you can receive MMS then.
Is it only MMS to yourself that don't work, or to other people's hansets? Have you tried the SIMs in other handsets to narrow down the possible problems. I work in a T-Mobile store and that's what I'd try to establish first. Do you have a local store, lots of staff have Compacts so should be able to help (I hope!)
Thanks for the replies BUT, the problem is that i can't RECEIVE from a T-Mobile Phone!!
My Jam is an Orange device and I can receive OK if I send it myself. However, a T-Mobile 6230 MMS is received but cannot be downloaded by my Orange JAM
That's why I suggested trying the SIMs in different handsets, to try and establish whether it's an issue just between your two phones or a bigger one between the two numbers.
For example, if you put your Orange SIM in another handset and can receive the MMS then it's an issue with your M500, if not the issue may be at the other end. You'll probably have to try a number of combinations to narrow down where the problem is (4 by my reckoning), but trial and error is often the best (if not quickest) way. It may not seem like sense but in my experience of trying to diagnose problems it's the best start. At least you know which part of the whole system you're looking at. Let us know if you give it a go.
I've got the exact same issue on my Qtek S100 running the 1.12 ROM (MMS ver I'm not receiving MMS's from other people even if they're on Orange (same as me) but if I send an MMS to myself I receive it.
My phone has the keylock turned on, as with an SMS the phone screen comes on when someone sends an MMS but the phone doesn't download it. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I unlock my phone beforehand either :/
Bump, anyone else with this issue/a fix?

MMS problem on Vodafone UK - please help!

Hi guys,
I consider myself a pretty good with these devices but this one's got me...even the good ol' search facility aint giving me what I need.
Basically I got an unlocked Orange SPV M3100 with a Voda UK contract SIM.
I setup all the connection details and MMS server as i've found on web but also the HTC utility which sets it all up for you. I get the internet ok but no MMS!
'Error synchorizing' or similar is what I get - it doesnt even try to fire up the data connection - immediate response and i've triple-checked the settings for the MMS server. Anyone point me in a better direction?
Much appreciated.
My bet would be the MMS port is wrong, it should be 9201. Has the same problem after using a vodafone settings cab, everything else worked, just no MMS.
Double check your settings against the 2nd post in the thread below, i have used this setup many times and these settings are all 100% right.
Hi mate,
thanks so much for your reply. Still not working but I suspect it's something to do with the new WM6 (LWVS) rom i've doesn't seem to be happy with it.
I've never had a problem before with any other version...weird.
Try Black, ive had no problems on vodafone and im flashing 3.01 as i type. I also find radio works very well on vodafone, get it from the wiki if you havnt already
Just tried Black 3.01 as well and same problem...i must be doing something stupid..i've found several sets of instructions (all the same) and used the HTC utility which installs the settings for you (you select your country and operator) and I still get the same issue.
The thing I find really weird is that the MMS application doesn't seem to even attempt to initiate a data connection - just errors straight away.
I've not flashed back to LWVS Rom as it's my preferred flavour but i've got to be doing something wrong or missing something.
My radio ROM is - not related to that is it? I'm about to try the version our mate has suggested above but if anyone has any other ideas...please do let me know.
It appears i'm a turnip!
It works - now that i've had a test sent to me! But if i manually press send/recieve it errors so probably was working all along! stupid error messages.
Thanks for your help though James - much appreciated.
im having this same problem on tmobile usa. any pointers guys. ever since the first version on wm6 i haven't been able to send or recieve a mms

Vodafone Mms

hi guys, im at my wits end. i have a orange spv m600 unlocked to work with a voda sim. i downloaded a for the internet setting ect which self installed. problem is i cannot for the life in me get the mms working. im using the settings that self installed from the cab file and i have the notifications in my inbox but they just wont download. has anyone else got this problem or has anyone been able to solve it and get mms working. im almost ready to give up. any help would be great.
its ok people i rung vodafone and they sent me the settings and it worked first time. wish id have just done that in the first place. if anyone else needs the mms settings for voda uk contract pm me and ill will forward the settings
Would be interested in your offer as I have just bought an o2 xda but i'm with vodafone! Many thanks
SPV M600 and Vodafone MMS settings
I'm going crazy trying to get MMS to work but everything I've tried has failed so far.
I know GPRS is working because I can setup a GPRS connection that I can happily use to browse the internet using pocket IE and also send and receive emails from several POP accounts I've setup in the email app. Also, the Vodafone contract SIM I have came straight out of a Nokia N70 that had no problem sending and receiving picture messages and is actually 3G enabled.
I've followed just about every forum 'try this' instruction I've found but nothing. Calling Vodafone customer service was about as much use as a chocolate teacup as they wanted me to give them a make and model so they could send me a service message but for obvious reasons, the Orange SPV M600 was not one of them. How did you get anything useful out of them?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
also waiting
have pm u m8 and still no reply? Anybody got a cab for this or can direct me to one? Have installed a cab thta I found somewhere but phone still has orange settings on it?

o2 MMS problem on MDA touch

I can't send and receive MMS messages correctly on my unlocked MDA touch.
When trying to send an MMS it gets to 99% then seems like it fails and the message is put in my drafts folder. The message is actually received on the other phone though.
When a message is sent to my phone it again gets to 99% then seems to stop doing anything.
I've used a few network settings cabs to try and sort the problem but none have helped the mms problem. The last one I used was the HTC network wizard version 1. Which sets everything up so that I have no problems accessing the internet.
I have an o2 simplicity contract with the unlimited web bolt on.
Is this likely to be an o2 issue or a phone one?
Any Ideas?
Managed to solve the problem by installing ArcsoftMMSComposer from here:
then running the network wizard again.

