just ordered my 02 exec, just a couple of questions - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hello, like the title says, iv just ordered my xda exec and i should have it in a couple of days, i was wondering can i use my exec to make and recieve skype calls? can i send and recieve faxes thru it on the o2 netweork and also if i flash jwrights rom to it, will it remove all of the crappy o2 software??
thankyou for your help

1. Yes, you can make/receive skype calls(provided you have fast internet connection)
2. Regarding fax, I m not on O2 network and I dont use mine for faxes(let somebody else answer your query)
3. O2 'crappy' software wont be installed if you do a soft-reset before the '3 sec customisation' screen appears.
note: you can do away with the 'crappy' customisation for ever by flashing some other ms.nbf file. Also, you have the option to unlock the extended rom and change the files over there(you can also 'cook' your own extended rom)

once iv downloaded the skype software, is it exxpensive to use? on my o2 contract i have a data bolt-on which gives me 5mb per month, will using skype use up my data pretty quick?
iv been reading about hacks and tweaks? should i experiment with these? or just install a new rom? i have very limited knowledge on this sort of stuff, i did upgrade the rom on my xda11i to pugs rom, but didnt really understand what it did! just wanted to try it out! what have most of you guys done with your universals?
if anyone on here is on the O2 network id love to know what you've done to your exec's and also if they can send/recieve faxes

Hi again!
For skype, you need fast internet connection. I m, unfortunately, unaware of the fact whether 3G,UMTS is avaliable in UK. You can use wifi too for skype(this is what I do)
AFA new ROMs are concerned, most of them come pre-tweaked with all enhancements(and some useful utilities too).
As you must be knowing, the 'pug's ROM which you had installed for HTC alpine(O2 IIi), it is basically the O2 ROM without O2 'crappy' apps. So, as I had said before, everything depends on what you have in extended ROM. If you flash with some other extended ROM file(these files are known as "ms.nbf" files) or you unlock+unhide it with extended rom unlocker tool, your device wont be customised after each hard reset

would anyone be able to give me a little breakdown on what unlocking the extended rom does? i have read a bit about it, but im not quite sure what this achieves!?
and yes we do have 3g over here, so in theory ill be able to make skype calls, how much data does it use if i use it over 3g??



Hi guys iam a bit new to all this pocket pc stuff but iam trying to find se for my m1000,it seems harder to find things for this than the p900s they were easy to find things for but pocket pc is alot harder,hope you guys can help my get my m1000 to be how it should be,email me or pm me with things you think i should have on it and where i get them.thanks in advance to you all
2003SE Upgrade for Orange M1000 (UK)
Hi fellow M1000er,
Just found out yesterday that the 2003se rom was available (Hadn't been on the web for a while) and decided to risk installing the beastie even though there has been a relatively large number of issues with it.
If you have read the 'Official 2003 SE Released' thread you will probably know that there are two or three main versions.
I got mine working with 'Mystery Man's 2.06 OS Rom version and Maimaich's 1.18 Radio version. djrm supplied the Orange Extended rom.
dcs supplied LOTS of helpful info too.
Many many thanks to all four of you!
I haven't fully tested it yet (got it working this morning at 4:30) but I checked the main complaints from other users (SD card works fine, Activesync over Bluetooth works fine, Send/Receive messages fine, Phone doesn't automatically go into speakerphone when answering, and a few more)
Really pleased with the result.
I have zipped up the whole bundle (FOR ORANGE UK ONLY) which I used to upgrade my M1000 and have attached it. (the 24 megger)
(***** NOTE This original file was corrupt - See my next post for proper version *****)
Just unzip this file to a dir - cradle the M1000, then run HimaUpgradeUt.exe and wait (for around an hour - at least you get progress bars!)
The only thing I'm not sure of is the Intellidialer - I have never come across this before, and the general opinion seems that it is good, but I must say it looks a bit naff compared to the default dialer. - I guess I'll persevere for a while, but if I don't like I'll prob cook another Extended Rom with the original dialer instead.
Also - you will have to enter the details for Orange GPRS (http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html) and for MMS you have to copy the attached i-mate_PPC_Orange_UK_Contract.CAB file to your PDA and run it. (If I had time I would have included it in the Extended Rom).
Once this has been run - you have to go into MMS settings, click on servers and edit Orange MMSC by simply adding / to the server address so that it looks like:
(Can't remember who posted this fix - but thanx whoever you are!)
Let me know if you have any problems.
(p.s. if you use Microsoft Reader much - you will have to download the installer from http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/ppc.asp)
The only bugs I have noticed so far is the Headset Profile on the Today screen, and the Bluetooth Icon on the taskbar have a habit of going invisible (but are still clickable).
The zip attached seems to be corrupt
Sorry about that - Didn't realise the file hadn't fully uploaded when I attached it. (Chopped off at 14Meg - that's what happens when you have been up all night tinkering with technology, feeling a little spaced from lack of sleep!)
THIS is the file to use. Unzip this - run the HimaUpgradeUt.exe file.
If you are interested in MMS - install the CAB attached in the last post AFTER upgrading, then make the tweak to the settings I mentioned above.
Best of Luck & Enjoy!
Knight Mayor
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Out of interest, how have you found the mystery man ROM? I used it for about a week and it seemed really buggy, so I installed the dcs version 2.02t and I have found it flawless for nearly a month now. The handsfree option works brilliantly with my Bluetrek G2 and the phone overall just seems more stable than any other ROM I have tried. What are everyone else's opnions on this, I have read the posts on 2.02 vs 2.06 but it would be interesting to hear views from Orange UK M1000 users specifically!
M1000 rom
Is it possible to reset your original rom in the case of needing to return the phone to Orange?
Yeah, just reflash the phone with their crappy 1.66 ROM from the Orange website and all will be restored. You might possibly have a country code error unless the headers have been changed properly on the SE ROM files. That can be easily fixed though, search the forum and there are loads of posts on it, the best one is dcs's guide.
2.06 or not 2.06, that is the question.....
Hi Fin,
Thanks for your post - My SE install is only a day old so I haven't fully experienced it yet. Did seem to stick a little at times, but I thought that maybe had something to do with the fact I have slapped Wisbar Advance 2 on top and skinned it up to the max. Will try running it bare for a while - see how I get on.
I did notice, however, that when I tried to make a call this morning that it said the phone was off and did I want to switch it on. (And it wasn't in flight mode - weird).
Can you let me know which issues you had with 2.06, and which ones were resolved in 2.02? (Also, any problems with 2.02? - I don't imagine any of these roms are without their own little nig's)
This is my first flash and was just chuffed to get SE working on it, but I appreciate the advice of people with more experience in these things.
I have DCS's 2.02t - if you can def recommend then I will def switch over.
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Personally I found fewer problems with 2.02 but i have heard people who think 2.06 is better. The only problem i have had with 2.02 is that the bluetooth profile disappears but you don't need it on 2.02 as when a headset is connected it connects automatically if it is set to a handsfree device.
I also get the impression that a lot of the problems people have had with either ROM is to do with their extended ROM, people seem to be putting all kinds of incompatible stuff in there. I am using a slightly modified version of the ROM found in the following post
BTW it was me who solved the MMS issue for Orange UK, you know what they say, if you don't blow your own trumpet then no one else will
Aha - so it was you, eh Fin?
Well - thanks V much for that!
If you don't mind me asking - what was the slight modification you made to the Extended ROM (That's the one I'm using too, but made no changes).
Anything major? Some apps specific to you or just a splash screen change? :wink:
I'll prob see how this 2.06 goes for a week, and if anything bugs me too much - I'll try the 2.02.
(Don't think I'm gonna touch the 2.20 Chinese ROM which is doing the rounds at the mo - my oriental is a little rusty! :lol: )
Keep up the good work!
512Meg SD
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
All I added was IIWPO and a couple of other little applications like Soft Reset and the Ext ROM unlocker tools, nothing special!
Thanks for this I will try it out and let you know how it goes
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
NeCrOpHiLiCaT said:
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
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xbackup will not work properly if you flash your phone, so yes, you will have to reinstall all your apps again, but why not put some of them in the extended rom so it's not such a hassle next time you hard reset!
I have been using this build for about a week now, and all seems to work quite well, there are some problems mainly with the Today page having items disappear......I personally do not find that very annoying and everything else seems to work well, seems very stable ......I really like the intellidialer and feel thats a big improvement.
Thanks once again for releasing this
I haven't yet tried the update, but would like to know if somebody has tried Sprite backup and Tomtom Navigator 3 on W2003SE. I would like to update my M1000 with this version of W2003SE. Any feedback on this will be much appreciated.
Hi all you fellow Orange users, we need to get together on MSN Messsenger and have a good old chat..
My personal experiences are as follows :-
Tried 2.02 first, this was great and worked a treat with the orange ext_rom, had this for a while until i got my BT headset, then the problems started...
This ROM doesn't have headset profile and thus the mic on the BT headset would not work so i went back to 1.66 for a while.
Tried 2.20.07CHS Translated, this was better, everything worked but the fonts were a bit dodgy and some of the translation wasn't complete, so back to 1.66
Finally settled on 2.06 with a customised ext_rom with my own additions personal to me ! (all available here), this has a great BT headset mode wear my BT headset works fine, the BT activesync (a must once you've had it) works fine, you can even access the internet over it) thus doing away with my wifi card.... and with my customisations, everything is as near perfect as we'll get.
The only problem i have is that the BT headset today plugin tends to play hide and seek occationally.
Hope these options are of use to people, i love this M1000, even better now that we have WM2003SE.
Oh and hello to all the Orange users out there.
Hi guys,
First off, let me say thanks for this. I was getting a headache reading all the threads on the subject.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with GPRS after the update? I have checked all the settings against the website suggested in the original post and even another phone. Everything looks identical to what it should be but it just will not connect.
Anyone got any ideas?
O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
Re: O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Viper_148 said:
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
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There are quite a few people I have spoken to who have done what you want to do, and in principle it will be absolutely fine- XDA2 and M1000 are exactly the same device. The only issue will be a country code error- if you don't know what that is, it's an operator code that will not allow an upgrade of new software from a different network. To get round this you need to use a piece of software (xda2nbftool)which will set the country code on the upgrade to O2 (your current operator setting I assume) so that you can install the Orange version of the ROM which is floating about this forum. If you need any help with this, let me know and I will help you as much as I can. The only Orange customisation stuff is in the Extended ROM, and there are just a few CAB files that add all the Orange crap like settings,Orange Update/Backup etc.

Cingular 8125 - upgrade to latest KJAM ROM - issues/gotchas?

I've tried following the main upgrade thread and think I've found a lot of these, but wanted to hear from 8125 users who have upgraded on their experiences. Are there any gotchas? Is this a worthwhile upgrade? Is there anything that I should know before attempting the upgrade?
Thanks for all of your help.
-Pete Schott
I upgraded a device, and immediately went back to the Cingular rom. The only thing worth using (in theory) was the push mail and the updated radio rom. The radio rom 2.07 worked great with the 8125, but push mail did not work even after tweaking. Also, WIFI did not work. I would advise to wait until April when CIngular says it is releasing the push mail update for the 8125.
How did you go back from the IMATE ROM to the original CINGULAR ROM?
Thank you
There are some people who have had problems with wifi, but I have not had any network I can't connect to thus far and Ihave been using since the night it was found over a week ago. I have had no issues except when I installed some of Cingular's EXTRom cab files. I have not tried push mail, but everything is responsive and working.
urologyhealth said:
How did you go back from the IMATE ROM to the original CINGULAR ROM?
Thank you
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Use the aWizard Tool.. I've switched Roms several times and even restored the splash screen.
Only thing I can't o is change the IPL/SPL.
Is it possible for you to outline detailed steps? I have the Cingular ROM and external ROM only from the XDA DEVELOPERS site, I did not back up my original ROM and I now have latest IMATE ROM
I can't believe the difference in the ROMs. The cingular rom was dog slow. Even with all the registry hacks and processor boost. The Imate rom is MUCH faster and I haven't even pimped my ppc yet. I was ready to get rid of the cingular device until now. Push works, just follow the directions in the forum!
Re: Cingular 8125 - upgrade to latest KJAM ROM - issues/gotc
I guess i have to share my experiance here. I bought Cingular 8125 a month ago and this is my first PPC phone. I liked the features a lot and was generally happy with my purchase.
One thing i hate about my phone and was driving me nuts was that i was not able to connect to WiFi easily, even if i was standing beside my rounter it usually take literaly 4-8 mins to connect to it and even after connect it keep on losing it. I was hating it so i started looking on internet to search a cure for my problem. Then i saw some sites with ROM upgrades for these phones. It seemed interesting to me so i started researching this. After a week or so i stumbeled upon this site and started reading all these threads about upgrading.
I was hesitent to actually go ahead and flash my device since i knew that these ROMs are not for my phone model. So i started with trying some tweaks which are scattered all over the place. I must admit they all help in improving my machine.
Well reading on and on for about 2 weeks i had enough information and courage to actually try the ROM flashing. By this time I know all the backup mathods listed here, so to make sure i have everything backed up i wanted to use all those mathods. For one of them i needed to have a miniSD card so i started research on it and finally ordered ATP ProMax 1GB miniSD Card, i seleted this because to my knowladge this is the fastest 1GB miniSD card available. Okay now i was ready for the ROM flashing. First i took the backup to SD card using wizBackup. Then i unlocked my phone using aWizard which also took the backup. Then i went ahead and installed the i-mate ROM.
Keeping all the research in mind i did not installed the Ext ROM and soft reset my phone as soon as the Select Carrier screen came up. After my machine came back on again, and i started using it and man i said WOW when it connected to WiFi is less than 5 seconds!!! It was very quick on connecting to it and seemed a lot faster while browsing. My whole experiance of using the phone was very pleasent. Also one more significant thing i noticed was my phone has better signal strength.
While i was playing with the new version for 2-3 days the Qtek version came out. Without spending even a minute i flashed to that rom and again i did not installed the Ext ROM and i soft reset my phone when the message came up that your phone will be customized in 3 sec.
Well now i have this ROM for about 2 weeks and i'm very happy with it. I think this is the best thing i have done to my phone. I have no lock ups, perfectly working WiFi and GPRS. Oh i forgot, i configured my GPRS manually after both flashing. I only ran the cab file from the orginal Cingular backup which changed the GPRS icon from G to E.
Well, anyone out there waiting to upgrade their phone, my advice is go ahead, you will love it!
Just so people know, I'm using the stock Cingular 8125 ROM and have NEVER had a lock-up, have perfectly working WiFi and GPRS, battery life is great, the thing comes from soft-reset to ready to use in 45 seconds flat, everything works 110%.
I don't have push email but I also don't need push email.
You can definitely upgrade if you want but I just can't figure out why I would want to! :lol: 8)
Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this topic.
I felt the same way as mobilehavoc at first. The original Cingular ROM worked great, but I am the type of person who likes to have the latest and greatest. So I got the courage one afternoon and did the upgrade to the I-Mate ROM.
The I-Mate ROM has worked amazing to say the least on my 8125. Probably the biggest improvement for me is the interference with speakers is completely gone. With the cingular rom there would always be a buzz on my speakers at work and in the car when data was sent/received but with the new radio rom this is completely gone. Also the windows media player actually remembers the last song you were on. The battery life and speed of the device has probably doubled as well.
Its your decision to upgrade, but I am completely happy with upgrading my 8125. And as for mobilehavoc, if you think your 8125 is working great now wait till you upgrade.
kjason said:
Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this topic.
I felt the same way as mobilehavoc at first. The original Cingular ROM worked great, but I am the type of person who likes to have the latest and greatest. So I got the courage one afternoon and did the upgrade to the I-Mate ROM.
The I-Mate ROM has worked amazing to say the least on my 8125. Probably the biggest improvement for me is the interference with speakers is completely gone. With the cingular rom there would always be a buzz on my speakers at work and in the car when data was sent/received but with the new radio rom this is completely gone. Also the windows media player actually remembers the last song you were on. The battery life and speed of the device has probably doubled as well.
Its your decision to upgrade, but I am completely happy with upgrading my 8125. And as for mobilehavoc, if you think your 8125 is working great now wait till you upgrade.
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Good to hear. I'm a techno-geek as well so I love having the latest and greatest but I also don't want to mess with something that works perfectly.
I'm also lazy don't want to have to resync everything, reinstall everything, retweak, recustomize. I think my laziness is apparent everywhere - my desktop PC is running Windows XP which was originally installed 4 years ago and is running *knock on wood* perfectly...I know several people like to reload XP regularly.
Guess I'm just different.
YAY i may have to do this when i get mine tommorow hopefully fedex doesn't let me down from what i heard they have
First Post
I have had my 8125 for a week - and have been nothing but impressed. The speed, call quality, functionality have all been great. Just upgraded the rom (I am never satisfied and am always *?^&ing around with things that work fine), and from what I have seen the past 2 hours, things only get better.
is there an app or something where i can just back up all my contacts and put them back on the phone after i flash with a different rom?
MMS working?
To anybody who has loaded a new ROM on a Cingular 8125, did you get MMS working with the new ROM? That (and the seemingly random occurence of Wifi not working for some) is the only thing stopping me upgrading mine when it arrives in the next week or so.
WiFi works great as long as you do not install a particularly nasty cab from the original Cingular EXT rom. That cab disables WiFi due to an incompatable DLL and is called Singed_gprsstall_1228.sa.cab. As far as MMS goes, the Qtek rom installs MMS but you will need to go in and add Cingular specific server information to get it up and running. Sorry, but I don't use MMS so I don't know that information. Also, you will want to install Signed_Edge_Icon.sa.CAB if you want the GPRS indicator to change to a large "E" when its edge connected.
Sleuth255 said:
WiFi works great as long as you do not install a particularly nasty cab from the original Cingular EXT rom. That cab disables WiFi due to an incompatable DLL and is called Singed_gprsstall_1228.sa.cab. As far as MMS goes, the Qtek rom installs MMS but you will need to go in and add Cingular specific server information to get it up and running. Sorry, but I don't use MMS so I don't know that information. Also, you will want to install Signed_Edge_Icon.sa.CAB if you want the GPRS indicator to change to a large "E" when its edge connected.
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Thanks - out of interest, which ROM build are you running?
I've got the production Qtek AKU2 rom installed:
ROM version WWE
Radio version: 2.07.10
After installing, I simply let the builtin extended rom cabs run then installed the Edge Icon fix cab from the original Cingular ext rom. Qtek installs a minimum set of cabs including MMS support. The Edge enable cab from the Cingular ext rom can be found in the Qtek thread in the Wizard updating etc. forum. I posted it there as an attachment.
I have 8125 running Qtek's AKU2 ROM ( WWE) that was just released. No problem at all so far. Everything works perfectly. Speed and reliability of the device have improved since then. I stored a lot of calendar items and contacts plus emails syncs. I do recommend the upgrade. Original Cingular ROM isn't fast enough with all the contents that I have.
Agreed. It's pretty much a must-do upgrade IMO. However...
I just wish I could find a way to set the default SIP to the block recognizer... The original reghack is no longer effective.
Then there's that damn battery icon..... :evil:

When not using the Orange Extended Rom

How does one setup GPRS and anything else that isn't installed????
I've just received a new unit (dropped the old one and the screen broke) and thought I'd save some memory by not allowing the Orange extended installation to install.
So what exactly am I now missing??
GPRS settings??
Video Call ability??
I use GPRS maybe 3 times a week and it's handy, so would be pissed if I have to reinstall EVERYTHING again just to get it.
Has anyone split out the cabs on the Orange ExtRom so they can be installed individually?? Is this even possible???
I'm sure all this is in the forum somewhere, but what with a new job (yay!) I'm loathe to annoy the new boss by using all my time browsing the forum.

SPV M5000 newbie - advice please

Hi everyone, I've just purchased an SPV M5000 off ebay and it should be with me on Wednesday. I've been reading up on this for a few hours but still have some questions which I'd appreciate some help with if you can.
I understand the Orange SPVM5000 is sim locked, is this true and how easy is it to unlock. I will be using this with an iBook and The Missing Sync software. I can use virtual PC if need be to flash the rom, but would I be better off going to a shop / market stall and paying a tenner?
My first question is: is the Orange branding as slow as the O2 Active branding? I'd hate it to be as slow as some reviews are saying.
I have read a lot about the corporate install option on the O2 XDA Exec, I presume this is available on the SPV M5000 as well - can someone please confirm? I have read that you need to enter the O2 connection settings on the Exec when you enter corporate mode, do you have to do this on the M5000 as well? If so can someone please post the settings?
If I flash the rom or debrand the phone, will I need to contact Orange to get GPRS & MMS re-enabled? They told me that they won't help me directly as I did not register the phone.
I am really looking forward to getting this but want to get it running at a good speed, so any assistance would be gratefull received.
First I would like to say you made a great choice going with Windows Mobile. After my first device I considered myself a spokesperson for WM.
I also had an Orange SPV M5000 in the past and if you call them up they will give you the unlock code. The free way would be to get Buzz_Lightyears sim unlock tool available from his website buzzdev.net
If you feel confident enough you can do everything to the phone yourself, but as it is a very expensive unit you have think twice about doing any flashing to the phone.
My o2 active UI was very slow, and only got slower as more programs were open. The orange one responds a bit faster, but I dont know many people who keep the original stuff on there anyway. There are so many programs out there that can do alot more.
I do not believe there is a corporate mode install on the Orange version but you dont need any connection settings anyway.
Once you get the phone you will have to configure the network settings for MMS and GPRS yourself. I notice that u have are with fido as I am, but am pretty sure the settings will be different since you are in the states.
You can try these setting for GPRS and see if they work:
APN: wap.fido.ca (or mayb .com)
USER: fido
PASS: fido
Your last question about speed is that there are so many programs out there that enable you to do what you want but you have to keep in mind that each open program slows the phone down so you have to make a compromise somewhere.
Hope this helps
Thank you very much for your help. I set my profile up wrong initially when I registered on here, I am actually in the UK and will probably use an Orange SIM for the phone, so I don't really need to unlock it I guess.
I would like to change the software though, could you tell me what settings I will need to enter and where (I will find the actual values for Orange UK)?
Many thanks
Luciferslux said:
I would like to change the software though
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What kind of softwares u r considering ?
debrand SPV M5000
Hi there
I was wondering is the anyway to debrand Orange SPV M5000
If yes, is it complicated process?
Please advice
Kind regards,
if you do a little research on this forum and its wiki it's not hard to find the methods to reflash your Universal with another provider ROM. If this is what you mean by debrand
Take a look here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/inde...tion On How To Upgrade with Bootloader method
If you find any error it's quite possible you'll find its solution in the forum already
Good luck!
mrblack said:
I was wondering is the anyway to debrand Orange SPV M5000
If yes, is it complicated process?
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Yes it is possible to have ROM of ur choice to ne same model , and it is not at all a complicated process its just a same procedure as u upgrade ur device with ur official ROM with some added 2-3 steps and thats it .

HTC Touch 3G "Orange Unique"

Hi , I recently got a HTC Touch 3G from Orange as i had the HTC TyII and love that phone with the wifi and now i have this new phone that seems quite good however has been changed with the Orange Unique that allows you to connect to wifi but not use it , why would they do this? (money making). The Unique technology don't do any thing that it clams to do i don't seem to get better coverage or any thing, just high data costs and a low batter.
I want to use the wifi on my phone for the internet and google maps etc, is the only way around this to flash my phone to a ROM on this site ? If so i understand that is voids my warranty , but want to know if any one has done this successfully (Hope Orange hasn't put a block on Flashing etc)so that i can do the same because i do miss my wifi and may just go back to my HTC TyII .
hi mate i got mine about 2 weeks ago.. n hacked the ass out of it... it too was Orange UK
i was disgusted when i got it to fined it would not use the wifi as a net connection! but it sure does now and i love it!
i will get you some links in a bit
I seriously suggest using a an XP pc... i have vista on my laptop and i found it didnt work as it should... you alos dont see the files of the actual phone on vista u just see the memory card!
with xp you see everything!
first go here and modifiy the SPL to HPSL this bascially unlocks the phone to allow you to flash new roms (but its not sim unlock etc) you need to do this or flashing another rom will not work!!!
next you need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=441865
and you then put that in the same folder as the rom file you wish to flash!
i go for this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524102 as recommended by Flub..
i really love it!
im sure others will correct me if i have missed anything but this is basically what i did!!
Thanks alot
thanks for your help
Wifi doesn't work at all
Hello there,
I am completely new to HTC world. Recently I bought Touch 3g locked to Orange and am currently using it with O2 after unlocking. Could never use its wifi until now with the Unique even on Orange.
I had only seen some web pages when connected through the Orange 3G.
Could you please let me know how can I remove the Unique and use it as non-Orange HTC?
Many thanks.
Touch 3g Orange
Guys, I have a touch 3g branded from Orange. Used Hard SPL - ensure you have the correct version, and that it installs correctly - reaad the hard SPL posts on how to do this - carefully - and read them again toensure you have the correct version and it loads correctly, then flash whatever rom you require - I went with the standard one and it worked first time, perfectly.
Wifi is rock solid, and it has lost all the rubbish suppressions that Orange introduced in their rom.
Good luck - reading around these forum will solve your issues no problem
Thank you neilcbennett!
I will try to work out hard spl. Wish me gud luck i'm doing this for first time!
DJHicks said:
I seriously suggest using a an XP pc... i have vista on my laptop and i found it didnt work as it should... you alos dont see the files of the actual phone on vista u just see the memory card!
with xp you see everything!
first go here and modifiy the SPL to HPSL this bascially unlocks the phone to allow you to flash new roms (but its not sim unlock etc) you need to do this or flashing another rom will not work!!!
next you need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=441865
and you then put that in the same folder as the rom file you wish to flash!
i go for this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524102 as recommended by Flub..
i really love it!
im sure others will correct me if i have missed anything but this is basically what i did!!
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I did all of this but used the updated official ROM from HTC. I could not get the file from the HTC website because it says my S/N is not compatible, I can only assume that this is because HTC have agreed to not release the software to Orange units forcing us poor customers to pay to use 3G internet rather than free WI-FI. A bit of searching led me to an English version hoseted on another website:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gdoyj...1_Radio_Sign_12. 41.30.16_0.41.30.12_Ship.exe
Works a treat and i love it!
Cheers guys
Wifi & Orange on Touch 3G
Hi Guys,
I specifically asked in the shop that it run WiFi and was ,mis-informed by the sales guy. Not his fault he was brain washed.
Anyway, came here did Hardspl & Tommy34's rom. Its great solved a battery drain (auto off wans't working) & I'm now able to easily turn off 3g until I really need it or get an o2 eqivalant tariff. WiFi works perfectly.
sever155 said:
I did all of this but used the updated official ROM from HTC. I could not get the file from the HTC website because it says my S/N is not compatible, I can only assume that this is because HTC have agreed to not release the software to Orange units forcing us poor customers to pay to use 3G internet rather than free WI-FI. A bit of searching led me to an English version hoseted on another website:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gdoyj...1_Radio_Sign_12. 41.30.16_0.41.30.12_Ship.exe
Works a treat and i love it!
Cheers guys
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Used that myself and worked a treat - many thanks. Wasn't sure if it was for UK phones but it seemed to work ok. Now happily using Wifi.
Tessa1969 said:
Hi Guys,
I specifically asked in the shop that it run WiFi and was ,mis-informed by the sales guy. Not his fault he was brain washed.
Anyway, came here did Hardspl & Tommy34's rom. Its great solved a battery drain (auto off wans't working) & I'm now able to easily turn off 3g until I really need it or get an o2 eqivalant tariff. WiFi works perfectly.
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After updating the ROM, can you guys still use Orange 3G or do you have to use an alternative provider for internet access?
Those of you that still have the original orange UMA software, I think I have a fix for you that allows UMA to still work but uses your own wifi. Perhaps someone could roll it in to a cab or executable for me if it works.
Make sure you have disconnected any gprs connection that you may already have, change the registry key below and you can test whether it has worked or not by going to http://orangeworld.co.uk/ in a browser. If it is using your wifi you should get "The page you are trying to access is only available via your Orange phone, when connected via the Orange GPRS network. If you are a BlackBerry user trying to access via the BlackBerry Internet Service Browser please change your default Browser to OrangeWorld through which this portal is available."
there is a slight speed lag when resolving dns names I think, but maybe someone can refine the fix that I have come up with.
It has to be run each time the phone is booted:-
to restore the original value change DestID back to {4BECC613-31B8-4A62-80DC-893041D24D92}
Let me know how you get on.
I used sever155's link to the HK_WWE 2.33.721.1 Rom... and I too am very pleased with the transformation of my phone . thanks for sharing.
sever155 said:
i did all of this but used the updated official rom from htc. I could not get the file from the htc website because it says my s/n is not compatible, i can only assume that this is because htc have agreed to not release the software to orange units forcing us poor customers to pay to use 3g internet rather than free wi-fi. A bit of searching led me to an english version hoseted on another website:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gdoyj...1_radio_sign_12. 41.30.16_0.41.30.12_ship.exe
works a treat and i love it!
Cheers guys :d
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Like others - I've flashed a new ROM to replace the Orange one. It works great - but I need to return the phone to Orange for a replacement for another reason (found a defect in the case).
I dumped the original Orange ROM - and am all set to flash the device back to its original state.
But I forgot to make a note of the original ROM version number before dumping!
HTC Rom Tool allows me to enter anything but I assume when they get the phone back Orange will want to see an appropriate version number.
Anyone know what it should be for a new Orange branded HTC Touch 3G?
And the country ID for UK? And the model ID? Should it be Jade110 rather than Jade100?
DJHicks said:
I seriously suggest using a an XP pc... i have vista on my laptop and i found it didnt work as it should... you alos dont see the files of the actual phone on vista u just see the memory card!
with xp you see everything!
first go here and modifiy the SPL to HPSL this bascially unlocks the phone to allow you to flash new roms (but its not sim unlock etc) you need to do this or flashing another rom will not work!!!
next you need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=441865
and you then put that in the same folder as the rom file you wish to flash!
i go for this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524102 as recommended by Flub..
i really love it!
im sure others will correct me if i have missed anything but this is basically what i did!!
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Thx DJHicks for the info, got it to work on my Touch 3g on Orange UK.
DJHicks said:
I seriously suggest using a an XP pc... i have vista on my laptop and i found it didnt work as it should... you alos dont see the files of the actual phone on vista u just see the memory card!
with xp you see everything!
first go here and modifiy the SPL to HPSL this bascially unlocks the phone to allow you to flash new roms (but its not sim unlock etc) you need to do this or flashing another rom will not work!!!
next you need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=441865
and you then put that in the same folder as the rom file you wish to flash!
i go for this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524102 as recommended by Flub..
i really love it!
im sure others will correct me if i have missed anything but this is basically what i did!!
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Hey - a real big thanks to DJHICKS and all the others who his post on flashing a decent ROM on the HTC Touch 3G links to - I was going to ditch my new one from orange 'cus unique manager was so cr** - but he saved the day and taught me a whole lot of new stuff about PDAs!! Can't believe I'm now talking about flashing ROMs! THANKS
Unique service access to the internet
Hi All,
I have the orange touch 3g too and have been able to get on the net using the default rom without patches by using 2 steps.
First as the other post suggested stop the gprs (generic term for data access 3g or otherwise). I did this by changing the server name from "orangeinternet" to orangeinternet." this is done by manage connection from the connections tab on setting screen form the start menu. This stops any data connections.
Then once connected to your wifi at home got the unique manager and advanced setting, network adapter, there is a drop down list with work and internet on it. change it to work and then back to internet and ok it. Then you can get on the internet
The last step you have to repeat every time to you connect to the wifi as it forgets, I think the saved networks don't remember this, but if you don't used the saved networks and have the notification turned on it asks you if the network is internet or not which 'could' solve this problem, either way the steps above work reliably for me. I guess I should mention I have orange broadband too, so I get a unique connection too (the green house), this is the bit I hate the tariff is for orange to orange calls no other network, so I have to keep unique off unless I'm doing something on the internet as any call outside orange would be build as far as I can tell, I've not tried as I don't want the bill for it any info on this would be great.
I have a solution
I put in on youtube go have a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1RTX3F1bPk thanks BrooksE
I have been unable to download this file - I wonder if it has been removed from mediafire. Have tried several times from different PCs.
Does anyone know where else I can download it from?
I am trying to free myself from Unique but so far have not succeeded depsite trying to follow the instructions in this thread!
sever155 said:
I did all of this but used the updated official ROM from HTC. I could not get the file from the HTC website because it says my S/N is not compatible, I can only assume that this is because HTC have agreed to not release the software to Orange units forcing us poor customers to pay to use 3G internet rather than free WI-FI. A bit of searching led me to an English version hoseted on another website:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gdoyj...1_Radio_Sign_12. 41.30.16_0.41.30.12_Ship.exe
Works a treat and i love it!
Cheers guys
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