Hard reset - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

when we hard reset the phone, is that some files still remains or registry in the phone. because from last 2 3 days my phone is not working properly and i hard reseted it but the thing continues like it freezes for sometime.

Is it possible

Usually a hard reset clears all the user installed programs and data and registry settings, recreating your fresh ROM. If you had a failed ROM update, the effects of a hard reset may be corrupted. I've never heard of a corrupted hard reset, however. Did you install anything after the hard reset? Reinstall programs and data from a backup?

Yes i installed opera, batterystatus.
My wizard was showing strange memory the program was 26mb even after running opera.
But then again i hardreseted and its working properly.
Thanks for the reply.


MSVC 1.6 Installation Unsuccessful

Does anyone have any idea why I keep getting this message:
"Installation of Microsoft Voice Command US SP 1.60 M2M.CAB was unsuccessful"
I've tried installing this on my MDA several different ways, from main memory via the cab, no luck, From the storage card, no luck, and from add/remove programs in AS, no luck. I'm almost positive it's a user error, (or as I like to say, an ID10T error), but I'm stumped?
Any help would be great.
that used to happen to me a lot because I flash roms a lot and vc usually gives problems reinstalling. I think its a ms issue. keep trying to uninstall and soft resetting. if it doesn't work just keep resetting and uninstalling until it does. it'll work.
good luck
Tried a dozen or so times, still no luck. I've even tried a different ROM and got the same message.
oh oops. i forgot to tell you to reinstall it from the desktop installer. then don't uninstall it from the phone. use activesync to uninstall. when that happens keep soft resetting. try to install after a bunch of soft resets. when you soft reset don't use the soft reset button. power the unit off and then on.
that should work
I just noticed...I'm not trying to UNinstall, I'm trying to Install
Well, Proof it's Monday. It was an ID10T Error
The wizard is a PPC, not a Smartphone, Once I used the right version, it worked fine.

Skype uninstall

I installed Skype 2.1 Beta on my Trion, but I decided to get rid and unistalled it. However my device keeps resetting itself (minor reset, not a full soft or hard reset). Any idea if a daemon process is still kicking around and if so what it is called so I can blat it ?
Thanks in advance, DBo.

Cant install programs

I own a TyTN and since recently i can't install nothing from the device itself.
I downloaded Picsel Browser(CAB), Opera Browser(JAVA) as well as some others, but i just cant install.
I also cant delete anything out of the explorer nor can i cut or paste.
i havent done weird stuff to the phone so i dont know whats causing it.
anyone know anything?
have you tried soft resetting? if you have and you still have the same problem, suggest you HARD RESET if all fails, then i would think youd have to reFLASH..
id suggest what bapski said, i had this problem and i hard-reset and solved
be sure to backup contacts etc
Me too.... just Hard reset n all the problem solved!
k it worked, just a hard reset
thx for the help

Hard reset with just rebooting after a backup?

im am using CRC 13.0 rom and when i back up and install the backup to a new install (hard reset) it will lag and cause me to reset it and it just hangs at the windows mobile screen and then i would have to start the process all over with a hard reset.. what causes this?
If the reason you did a hard reset at the start was because of this issue, then it may be something that you backed up causing the problem. Backing up the registry and the os is a good idea when its working fine, BUT, if there is some problem with the phone, backing up may just save the problem for the next install. Its best in these circumstances to just back up contacts and sms's and do a clean install...
My experiences taught me this.....

Settings are gone!!!

well that's it!!, I can see start/settings, but when I press it jsut go back to the home screen in manila!!
any idea how to restore it?
sorry for the UP, but any one? this is really annoying
Have you tried soft reset?
If that doesn't work i Suppose there's no solution but backing up your stuff with SPB backup/PIM backup and performing a hard reset...
thanks and yes, I did it, but still the same problem!!
You've done a hard reset and it's the same?
Check if windows\startmenu\settings is still there (don`t worry - it`s supposed to be empty). If not, just create that folder, soft reset and you should be good. If not, then I have no idea...
thanks mate!!! you made my day!!

