TomTom 6 with BT Rikaline 6033 GPS - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I would appreciate any help offered,
I have searched the threads but have not found much applicable
My problem is that I cannot get My Universal to talk consistantly to the Rikaline 6033 GPS the BT link will not stay up.
I am using a T-Mobile Universal with the excelent
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The only way I have found of getting the GPS to talk to the Universal BT
is to install "Virtual Earth Mobile",
get it to pair with the Rikaline GPS
and then run TOMTOM 6
TT 6 will then recognise the GPS on COM0
Every time I switch it off and back on I loose the conection and have to go through the whole rigmarole to get it to go again.
I have tried opening the other comms with WM5GPSfix but it doesn't seem to help
If someone has managed it and can let me know I would be very grateful
A side issue,
What is the reason that the first connection with AS 4.2 takes so long?


XDAII & Leadtek GPS Receiver (Not COM1 Error)

Hi everyone.
I am hoping someone will be kind enough (or able enough) to help me with a problem I seem to be experiencing on my XDAIIs and a Leadtek 9531 GPS receiver.
I bought the receiver from Ebay, supposedly new, and it certainly looks new.
I plug the receiver into my XDA, and power it all from the cigarrette lighter. I am using Winfast Navigator software to test the connection as I am still waiting for the Tomtom software to arrive.
The first lot of errors received were for COM1 not being available, so I have done as suggested and disabled BEAM for the device... and now the problem is that I start the winfast software, and click connect and it just stays there attempting to connect for minutes... It just doesnt seem to be able to connect to the device.
I have the device set to NMEA 4800 Baud on COM1, so presumably I have done all that I need to be able to pick up a satellite signal, but there is still nothing.
Can anyone suggest something?
Thanks in Advance.
I got this GPS receiver a while ago bundled with Destinator GPS software. This receiver can take quite a while to get its first fix (up to 20mins in my experience). Leave it turned on for a while to see if it connects. Once it has a fix, it will re-connect next time almost instantly.
I don't know if this is true, but someone told me that the unit memorizes its last known position. When you re-connect it, if it's moved a significant distance (ie just bought it), it takes a while to find the satelites because it is getting conflicting data about where it is on the planet.
Hi xda-rocks,
Thanks for posting back.
Im not sure that leaving it for 20 mins is going to work. I downloaded a GPS viewer program from and it refuses to acknowledge that there is anything GPS related on COM1, or any of the other COM ports for that matter.
From reading other posts it seems like maybe this is a keyboard problem (slideout model XDA IIs) which apparantely also uses COM1, but I am unsure how to disable the keyboard or even if i want to. My guess would be that I would have to disable the keyboard everytime i wanted to use GPS and that would just be too much for something that I really just want to plug in and go.
So, I have ordered a BT GPS receiver now, and am awaiting delivery of that... hopefully thats not as much bother as this one has been to setup... also hopefully the person I bought the leadtek receiver from will accept a return for refund.
I got my gps with an original XDA, then upgraded to XDAII in Sept 2003 and it worked fine, then upgraded to MDAIII (XDAIIs) in October 2004 and it still works fine - no problem with keyboard.
Works fine with Destinator and Tomtom even has it listed as one of its options.
I also have Holux BT GPS receiver, but prefer wired system when in car - less hassle with connecting, charging, headsets, etc.

Bluetooth GPS, T-Mobile MDA... May God Make This Thing Work

Ok I've pretty much tried everything, been browsing the boards for over 6 hours for solutions. I've tried everything and just flat out can not get my Bluetooth GPS to work with preetty much any software I've tried. Using the T-Mobile MDA USA model here with Windows Mobile 5.0.
I did the registry tweak and managed to get the GPS Icon in my connections section. Messed with all the settings there, no luck.
I'm using a Ambicom BT-GPS that I used to use with my IPAQ 6315. Worked flawlessly with IGuidance but no luck. The MDA see's the device, successfully pairs the device. But no matter what settings I try to use I just can't get anything good to happen here. Should I abandon the Ambicom GPS? Is it just not going to work with the MDA? Should I try other software? I'm not all about shelling out bucks for software that I'm not sure is going to work.
Is anybody out there using a working bluetooth GPS setup with the USA T-Mobile MDA? What are you using, what are you running and what hoops did you have to jump through to get it working? I don't mind spending a little bit of money if I know it's going to work.
You did not state which model ambicom gps receiver you have but have you tried the updated drivers here for wm5?
hope this helps
Sorry bout that, it's the basic 1.0 version, BT-GPS...
Apparantly they don't let me download it because I don't send them enough money. That only works with their version of the navigator which is basically the IGuidance software re-branded. I do however have the 2.1 version of IGuidance.
That may be your problem then - try to get wm5 drivers for your device - not sure where from.
I am not a gps expert but few of the readers have praised the holux 236 gps and works with the wizard - and has the new gps chip
see here
For some reason, my first Holux GPSlim 236 did the same thing (Mapopolis this time). Surprisingly, an exchange did the trick. If you have a friend with a PDA, I'd suggest he try it too and see if it isn't a bad unit. That's the way I found out.
I have had a huge problem with getting GPS software to work with my MDA... the only marginal success I had was when i got Tomtom Navigator working with my Holux GPSlim 236. At first it didnt work, and I thought I hit a road block. But I switched the outgoing Com ports and got it working. But then I realized that I only had the Great Britain maps, so i downloaded the California maps, but the software wont work. I gave up on Tomtom and am going another route. I really cant get it working. Here is the link where I got the software for Tomtom. All other programs wouldnt work because there is an incompatability with Windows Mobile 5.0. This file works. Good luck.
Going a bit off topic (and not very helpful), but i was amazed to find out the BT Handsfree and BT GPS works at the same time
I'm dead happy to be able to talk and use TomTom at the same time. Everyone i asked said you cant use to BT devices at the same time. Great stuff.
Yes I do enjoy the fact that BT handsfree and BT GPS work in conjunction on my Wizard... really nice.
As for the original poster's issues. I use iGuidance with my Wizard (8125) and it was a bit confusing to get going at first. This is what I had to do.
1. Pair the GPS and the Wizard
2. Select the Com Ports tab and set up a new OUTGOING port, it should default to com6. I would uncheck the secure connection box as I don't think you have to have a secure connection to your GPS, but thats just me. If it doesn't work try checking it.
3. In IGuidance select the tools, GPS options, COM Port, and set it to com 6 just like it defaulted to com 6 in the settings above.
4. Tap the GPS icon and see if you have data streaming over the BT GPS connection. Hopefully you do!
I find that iGuidance is a bit strange in that it wants to hit the GPS on the port so it actively goes to the GPS it just does not sit there and wait so that makes things a bit strange. Also you most likely need the version on your MDA. All other 2.1.3 versions have an issue and won't display the 3D view at all on QVGA devices... its a known issue that they have fixed in this version. Annoying as the DVD did not have this version on it and I ran into the problem and was annoyed until I went to their site and found the issue fixed.

MDA compact tomtom 5 cant see my GPS - please help

Have spent a long time trying to get my tomtom5 navigator working on my mda and now have it all going lovely - however I cant get my bluetooth reciever to be seen by tomtom. It is one of the BT-77 one that you see loads of on Ebay - did used to have it working with my old phone but not this one?
Any ideas - cant give up now!
I have the same problem with an xdalls with a BT338 bluetooth gps.
I can get it to pair up. Tomtom5 does not see it though. Been thru all the settings that i can thing of.... i have the blue light flashing fast and then just logs off.
I have the BT-77 (also from ebay) and it works perfectly with the TomTom 5.21 software...
I had trouble with it initially too- it's to do with setting the right COM ports.
To get things working, I downloaded and installed Pocket Bluetooth Tools: Download version
Delete any existing pair that you may have with the GPS receiver...
Re-pair the device with the above software installed, and now you will get an iconic menu, use the serial port option and select an available COM port. Complete pairing procedure as per on screen instruction.
Now start up TomTom and go to GPS options in preferences- select 'other bluetooth device' and now you should see the something called 'BT on COMx' x being the port you assigned earlier of course. Complete configuration.
Wait for the receiver to get a fix and you should be ready to go.
I've used the Pocket Bluetooth Tools many times on different variants of the Magician and has work everytime.
thanks for the info - but still nothing
cant cope anymore
will buy a whole new system i think!
Thanks anyway
Well at last it works - not really sure why?
But I dont care it works!
thanks for the help
Just registered to try and find out how to get my MDA II working with a bluetooth GPS and I find this thread. Thank you for the link to the bluetooth tools it seems to have worked a treat.
Cool. Glad it is working for you guys.
The software also works well with using Bluetooth and ActiveSync.

No GPS Device

I have an XDA Exec which is only a few months old. I have used it with TomTom6 and a bluetooth GPS receiver without any problems. I haven't used it for a few weeks and I have been tryng to set it up for a trip but I keep seeing "No GPS Devive" on the screen.
Now you may be thinking that it's the receiver which is faulty as I did at first. I tried the receiver with another device and it's working fine.
I haven't changed or installed anything since it was last working so I'm at a total loss.
I have a bluetooth headset which is still working so the bluetooth is okay. I have even tried a hard reset and reinstalled TomTom.
Anyone any ideas please?
You might try this:
I've had pretty good luck with it but I'm still learning about my Universal.
Good luck!
I would go to your Bluetooth manager page tap and hold on the GPS icon and select DELETE, next re-establish the bond/ pair between the device's and your application should start working again.
If you are unsure about setting up the device have a read through Which details setting up an Exec to work with the TomTom application - you should not need to use Fransons GPS Gate to get TomTom working, the utility from Franson is a great application when you find you have a need for it - Mike

TOMTOM Navigator 6 Bluetooth GPS problems

I have a new Orange SPV M3100. It is a replacement for one which was damaged. Prior to to exchange I was running navigator 6 on the old phone with a navicore bluetooth gps receiver fine. I have installed tomtom navigator 6 on my new phone but there is no way I can get a GPS signal. The gps receiver is connected. I then try to connect via tomtom and nothing. Have followed instructions on this link to no avail:
The problem is that when trying to select a port there are no bluetooth serial ports listed. I have spent 2 days trying to get this sorted to no avail. any help would be appreciated.
turn on bluetooth,make sure tomtom is not running,and go to bluetooth settings,search for devices and pair with the gps unit.
then assign the device a port,i always choose 9 and close.restart phone start tomtom and setup gps device as other etc and port 9 should show and hopefully the jobs oxo!
i hope this helps
great instructions...
only one thing to add, on a certain build of Tomtom (i forget which i have used every build since version 2 IIRC)
i had to tell tomtom that i was using "Other NMEA GPS Reciever"
On all other builds i have had to do the same steps to pare the BT GPS device, followed by making the OUTGOING Com port and then tell TomTom i was using "Other Bluetooth GPS Reciever" in order to get it working...
if your having problems see if one or the other device can make the difference ONCE YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS.

