Vodafone internet problems - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

went to use my O2 xda exec (with pay and go vodafone 3g aim inserted) to go on msn messenger but it wouldn't connect the previous day the same internet settings worked (pp.vodafone.co.uk for access point name and wap for both password and user). I tried using a few other connections i found by searching google but still no luck and i've tried using internet explorer to surf internet and again to connection.
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
Could this be vodafone are not allowing pay and go internet services for universals in the uk like o2 well that was what i was told by staff at my local o2 shop reasoning for my switch to vodafone as this worked.


o2 payg gprs not working

hi i have enetered the o2 payg settings which are available in many messages on this forum, and have also tried the ones given to me by o2, both connect to gprs although when i try and veiw a website or use msn it just doesnt download any pages or connect to msn, has anyone got any ideas, if this was a pc i would say it was a dns error, has anyone got any ideas or any settings that theyve tried recently on o2payg?

ISP for XDA Exec?

Hi, got a new XDA Exec on 02 and am trying to work out how to get connected to the internet and email. Anyone got any recommendations for a good ISP? What is everyone else using?
Thanks for any help and happy new year!
happy new year to you too!
your ISP is actually your mobile carrier.... in your case, if you bought the exec from o2, then o2 are the isp
on an o2 exec, they are pre-configured for gprs or 3g internet access out of the box on the o2 network......providing you have used a sim that has data facilities enabled.....just click on the internet explorer icon and it should connect automatically
if you are using someone else's sim (i think the exec comes sim unlocked) then you will need to maually create the connections for that mobile provider (start, settings, connections, add new connection)
www.filesaveas.com/gprs.htm is a good source for all the major mobile providers settings
if you are connecting via wifi, then that is governed by the wifi device.....in hotspots it generally is pay as you go (btopenzone, tzones etc) but obvioulsy a home it is just picking up your home wifi connection
hope this helps!
Thanks for your help! I can now connect to the internet! I used the 02 settings. Also discovered the joy of there being Wifi at the station when the trains were cancelled but wasn't able to log on as it didn't accept the phone number it asked for when selecting O2 as the provider for some reason. Haven't worked out how to get email yet either but that's my next challenge!
Thanks again


Hi all
Im using agile messenger beta version, it works perfect using wifi connection. But wont connect using GPRS.
Im using O2 sim and the universal is setup ok, i can browse websites using GPRS with no problems.
Anyone had this problem or have a solution?
arrrg. Anyone help? this is driving me mad lol
Are you using a o2 payandgo sim? if so, o2 block most data ports, including msn, email etc, you can only brouse the internet on o2 payandgo.
no its contract O2
ummm.. What country you from,I've just seen the us flag
oops im from UK
errr o2 contract settings should let it connect, i know you say the settings are correct, but i'd check them again against http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html#o2 and contact o2 to see if mobile web has been activated and that there are no restrictions on your account if all that checks out then the problem resides with the program, and it may need reinstalling, failing that contact the developer to see if they have a solution, unless anyone here has any other solutions
Checked settings there all fine. Could the ROM version affect it? I have recently installed radio verion 0 for unlocking purposes.
rifitintaken said:
Checked settings there all fine. Could the ROM version affect it? I have recently installed radio verion 0 for unlocking purposes.
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don't think so, as long as you using the mobile web settins it should work
I forgot to mention MSN messenger wont sign in either via wifi or gprs, has anyone else had these problems?
you can only use web/wap access with o2 payandgo no other ports will work! Try agile with use secure connection box unticked. should work. as far as i know it uses port 80 to connect to it's server

universal Blackberries - Help

Hi I have an O2 XDA Exec (personal contract) with the BB Connect software up and running. I also have a Blackberry 8700 that connects to BES at work on the O2 network (BT Mobile I think). I can get BB Connect to work with regards to email, and everything works well
However, when I use the blackberry I can use Opera Mini to surf the web and Google Maps Mobile, so I know I have access to data.
When I put the SIM card in the XDA I can't seem to get the data connection working. I have tried several APNs - o2.wap.co.uk; mobile.o2.co.uk and blackberry.net, but none seem to give me access.
I am aware that my compnay may well have blocked some ports/protocols, but as I can access Opera Mini and Google Maps from the blackberry there must be data there somewhere. Anyone got any ideas as to how I could do it?
Guru Meditation said:
Hi I have an O2 XDA Exec (personal contract) with the BB Connect software up and running. I also have a Blackberry 8700 that connects to BES at work on the O2 network (BT Mobile I think). I can get BB Connect to work with regards to email, and everything works well
However, when I use the blackberry I can use Opera Mini to surf the web and Google Maps Mobile, so I know I have access to data.
When I put the SIM card in the XDA I can't seem to get the data connection working. I have tried several APNs - o2.wap.co.uk; mobile.o2.co.uk and blackberry.net, but none seem to give me access.
I am aware that my compnay may well have blocked some ports/protocols, but as I can access Opera Mini and Google Maps from the blackberry there must be data there somewhere. Anyone got any ideas as to how I could do it?
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As far as I know blackberry and internet are two different connections. As you can use blackberry on your universal you need to get the internet connection setting from your provider (It should be here in the forum as well) and manually create a connecting setting and you should be able to view the web pages as well.
When you use the internet connection your BB connection will be disconnected as you cannot have two connections at the same time.
Hope this helps.
Right, it's taken me a while, but I've got a bit further with this. The reason my blackberry can access data, but using the same SIM in my Universal it can't is all to do with the blackberry connect client.
As my companies SIM won't enable 'data' (ie the WAP or internet APN) the data is coming via the Balckberry BES MDS service. This allows the BES to act as a kind of proxy for data.
The bad news is that the Blackberry connect client on WM5 doesn't support MDS. The good news is that the Blackberry Suite for WM6 that has just been announced http://www.techatplay.com/2007/04/24/blackberry-to-run-on-windows-mobile-6/ should.
Bring it on!

Using another phones bluetooth web link

Dunno if this has been mentioned before but:
I have an o2 xdaII with an o2 payandgo sim- apparently o2 block web access to payandgo customers so the pda will not access the web or any data service except MMS's. My normal phone has web access from a contract o2 sim. Is it possible to connect via bluetooth from the pda to the other phone and use this for web access on the pda. I could just swap the sims but I wanted to avoid this.
Read this link, i 'm on O2 payandgo and get full internet access.
4th post down
Thanks for that,
I can get onto pda.o2.co.uk and nothing else but at least the web is working to some degree.
My main reason for getting it working was to enable live traffic in Tomtom- It can now do that so thanks a lot

