I need a keypad mebrane (ribon) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi All. Some keys of hard keybord are now faulty. I opened the wizard and discover that the ribon cable that connects the keypad to the mother board is the problem. So, I need to find this part to recover my wizard. Perhaps someone with a dead one can help me. I already searched in ebay but no luck till now. Should you do anything for me and I would be very gratefull. Thank you all

HI, I have a keyboard from the broken screen 8125 that I bought locally but I think it wont fit in the mda or qtek 9100. PM me if interested.


bummer- my jasjar screen broken

hi there, does anyone knows were to get a new screen on the web for the jasjar?
Nigh on impossible at the moment. The device is so new that there are very few spares. Best bet is to send it to HTC and pay for them to fix it.
i need an english keyboard from a dummy MDA Pro . i'll pay for it.
If you will disassemble the Universal, please post the pictures. What LCD do you have ?
Is it Sony ACX526AKM ?

Damaged Prophet

I got an i-mate JAMin that was driven over by a car. The screen was wrecked. I tried to connect it and it sync OK. With Pocket Controller it obiously works quite well after all, exept thyat it cant connect to the network, guess something is wrong with te antenna. Could this be fixed? If so, I only need to replace the screen.
All I can say is WOW, the JAMin survived a run over. Sorry to hear about your misfortune tho...hope it can be fixed from the old O2 MINI parts or something.
Nobody know where I can get a new screen?
Any chance of a pic to show the damage?

How to change the front on a qtek s100

Can any1 plz help me. I need to change my front panel of my qtek s100.
And i have tryed to google it, but i cant find anything that can help me.
So i wil be verry gratefull, for any help i can get. THX
Oh you meant the front casing? i tink you can either buy it from qtek directly, or try in ebay. they might have it down there.
I bought mine from this site http://cnn.cn/shop/dopodo2-c-138.html. It should arrive in a few days. If you're looking for instructions on how to dismantle your Magician, there's a PDF file in this forums ftp.
But does any1 know how to remove the front casing?
Nevermind i saw your ftp

Wizard LCD replacement

Hi All,
I need to change the lcd and the housing on my wizard I have an lcd from a magician (imate jam) would that work with the Wizard (imate K-jam).
Also I can't find the service manual for the wizard in the ftp server can somebody help me find it.
well I ended up opening it up by myself it was straight forward but now I need to know if the LCD's are the same between Wizard and magician.
The magician is a end edition one...
I think they are diferent. But not sure.
Anyway. I need a wizard keyborad ribon for my faulty one. Have you this part?
Thank you
it turned out both LCD's are the same. But there are 2 kinds of LCD's for both the magician and the wizard (gen1 and gen2) in my case I was lucky that they were both the same gen.
And for your question, I am sorry but I don't have any spare parts.

I Am Buying A M3000 Qtek 9100 Or Alternatives

hello to all the people..i am in need of a pda m3000 or qtek 9100 or alternatives that has the mainboard intact...all i need is the mainboard...post the price for your phone (broken display) or other problems and we'll talk....or pm me....
the phone can enter the 3-coloured screen i don't need software on it...just bootloader....at least someone that has the DoC chip or can help me find one....i'm helping someone discover JTAG points....i have a dead wizard to...so help us
please delete this thread....no longer usefull...never was usefull...thank you

