Set computer as wireless stereo - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Creating a bluetooth partnership between my computer and htc Tytn, I saw that I have the possibility "set as wireless stereo" on this partnership...
I guess the idea is to play sounds on my computer speakers, which would be nice, but it doesn't seem to work (nothing happens)...
I had some problem using active sync via bluetooth so maybe it's just my bluetooth drivers.
Has anyone tried that before? Does it work?

I too have tried this but it did not work. I set it up on a computer at work so that I can play music through the PC speakers and no joy. It seams to connect and I even get the stereo BT icon on the PPC, but no audio is heard. No sound comes out of the device or the PC. So it seams that the device is sending the sound, but the PC is not playing it.
I will add that this was on vista but I have a feeling that it does not work properly on XP either, do to the fact that its a widcomm stack.
Later, Lew


possibility of using magician as audio output?

i thought about these bt-adapters that are used to connect a notebook or pda to connect to a stereo.
isn't it possible to use the magician as a bt-audio adapter with that you can play your desktop sound on the stereo (eventually via a 2,5 to 2,5 klink adapter) via bt?
i looked already a little bit around but didn't find a possibility to connect the notebook to the pda and stream the sound to the pda.
any ideas?
I asked this question like a year ago and also didn't receive any answers.
Should be possible though with the a2dp supporting bt stack,
nevertheless I couldn't get it to work.
I dont know about BT, but it works with a phono cable, ive caned an 800watt sound system with my magician
jupp i used it already like this with mortplayer, but the question is if there is a way to use the pda as a bt-soundcard like a headset.
You could connect it using Bluesoleil -> PAN and
then just open a playlist on the "server".
afaik you can't use it as bluetooth headset because it just doesn't
have the proper bt profile.

Vista and Telephony Audio Gateway

I've installed Vista lately and finally managed to have Activesync and dialup working through Bluetooth.
I see however that I have "Telephony Audio Gatewat" and "Stereo Audio Player" options in Vista's bluetooth option's tab and it is listed under my Hermes device.
When I click and try to activate those serviers it shows 'connected' for less than a second and then immediately goes back to 'disconnected' state.
How can I use the Audio telephony through Bluetooth to my Vista laptop? Will be nice to have phone calls (especially conf. calls) through the laptop.
Also, how can I use the "Stereo Audio Player" option?
I am also encountering this issue. I own the HTC Rapheal and have synced my phone and laptop, succsessfully transfering files between the two, however the audio options "Stereo Audio Player" and "Telephony Audio Gateway" do not connect. When I press connect the dialog displays "connecting" briefly then seems to time out, as it then reads "disconnected". Any help would be appriciated. thanks in advance!
Same Issue
I am having the same problem while connecting my HTC Touch Diamond. The audio is not working.
Yesterday, I had it working and I was able to stream the Sprint Radio to my laptop multiple times during the day. But all day yesterday, I couldn't get the headset audio to come to my laptop.
Today, the reverse has happend. I can get the phone audio from calls to come to my laptop but I can't get the music to work.
When I click on the "Stereo Audio Player" service it briefly shows "connecting" and switches back to "disconnected"
I've tried restarting the phone, turning off/on bluetooth on both devices. Adding/Removing services....
... and I still can't get it to work.
anyone know how to fix this?

Streaming audio from Titan through Laptop Speakers

I managed to do this one time.. and like all great things it was purely by accident. well after reformating my laptop i was unable to reproduce the results.. I was able to get bluetooth audio streaming over my laptops speakers just as it would if it was a bluetooth headset. does anyone know how to reproduce this? i have had no success and ive been trying for a week. One thing i noticed is that i was never able to connect to windows mobile device center (activesync) after that happend.
Good news! Ive solved my own problem with much trial and error I manage to reproduce the results by removing the bluetooth partnership with my laptop, inserting the disk that came with the Mogul/Titan and reinstalling everything (user manuel, windows mobile device center) this must have reinstalled all drivers and some new ones, bc once it was completed i was able to pair the mogul and laptop again with activesync, the headset, and wireless stereo.
I also upgraded the drivers for my bluetooth chip in my laptop, but i believe that had no effect since i was unable to use the stereo bluetooth until i did the above ^

Sound via bluetooth to phone?

Searched around can find anything that lets you send sound via bluetooth to my phone, my headphone jack on my pc suddenly stopped working this is the only other way i can think of getting it to work.
if your pda show audiogateway as a available bluetooth profile when you add it to your pc as a bluetooth device you can do it if not your bluetooth stack dont support it
o right well mine doesn't damn, thought there might be some program to make it appear as an audio gateway.

Question: audio bt from pc to ppc?

hi friends, i've a question: is it possible ear on ppc speaker on air, using bt, the audio of a film (for example) from a pc?
I tryed but windows doesn't want see my TP2 as speacker... any ideas?!
thanks a lot to all!
see you
Try downloading drivers. I have not tried with my TP2 but my old Htc Wizard did.
My Touch Pro 2 streams audio plus other services. I included a screen shot of my Bluetooth services with Rhodium
Misread that doing inverse
BT device for PC is possible issue
The problem may be with the BT device connected to your PC. Some BT drivers provided with devices are limited and/or don't play well with the windows BT drivers. What services does your PC BT device provide? Can you create a pairing for an Audio Gateway between the PPC and PC?

