XDA trion -> HSDPA upgrade possible w/o O2? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

i am thinking about buying an XDA trion device in Germany - so far O2 Germany has disabled the HSDPA feature. The company wants to enable it through a later firmware upgrade once their service is available.
Now, since i am not using the O2 network and want to use the device on the vodafone network i would like to know if i can enable HSDPA on my own. what do i have to do? is it possible without major risk? can i keep my german language settings?
Please let me know,
Thanks, smarks

Read the wiki

great help, i havent found anything reading wiki or searching the forum. i am not a techie, just want to make a purchase decision and was wondering if i can get a quick reposnse here: yes/no and if yes where can i find a upgrade description incluidng required files.

FFS, you say you've read the wiki. So you must have read http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_Utils or are you just a little slow ?

thanks, thats what i was looking for. we wasted 2 posts while you could have posted the response immediately
thx, smarks

My first post was sufficient. I only bothered to post the direct link to highlight your lazyness.


Downloadable manual?

I have been interested to read about this, I am planning to go for a Universal when my current mobile phone contract expires.
To whet my appetite, does anyone know if a manual for the Universal is available online?
Many thanks,
Search the archives - there's a kind of interactivey thing on T Mobile's website.
Many thanks... unfotunately they won't let me download it as a guest...
Never mind, I'll just be patient... my contract doesn't have that long to run!
Came on-line today. The phone is only available in German and French but the manual (as always) is in English.
Perfect - thank you.

hello, i'm new here

today i got my MDA pro.
Now i'd like to knew all about my new "pda".
I upgraded my mda to the Firmware from 12/2005 wich i found on the t-mobile-germany website.
I knew, all the questions i ask here are somewhere answered in this forum, but i think a link-list will help newbies.
My questions:
1. can i really use another firmware from the another provider (o2, orange ...)
2. wich is the "best" firmware?
3. I search some good internetpages about the mda pro/universal where i can find a lot of software. Du you know some pages?
4. Do you have some advices for me (hints, must-have-software...)?
Thanks a lot
Read This:
Particularly point 2.
Then read this:
Which is now a bit old and redundant.
Both of the above are always at the top of this forum.
To answer your questions.
1. Yes, lots are available on the Wiki FTP site. Make sure you follow the process and understand if you have a locked phone. I personally dont cross upgrade, and am happy with the imate latest ROM with Push Email. Another is due out soon that will provide bluetooth headsets.
2. "best"!!! sometimes the one with with most functionality is not the most stable. I havent tried the others, and have stayed with Imate. I used to have the O2 XDAII and again stayed with O2, up until we got some hacked Roms that went above and beyond the only supported releases.
3. www.handango.com www.ppcfreewares.com www.buzzdev.net www.lakeridge.com www.spbsoftwarehouse.com
It really depends on what software you want. Just make sure that they are WM5 compatible. There are various forums here that discuss various software and its functionality on the devices.
is a detailed forum.
4. good advice, monitor these forums daily, make friends with buzz and vijay, be nice to people be good to your mum


TyTN goes wiki
A wiki page has been opened for the TyTN
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.
A bit of a old news to anyone who has half a brain.
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
jeezus said:
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
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But it wouldn't be possible without the contributions of all the Hermes users! knowledge is power, don't be shy to EDIT
pof said:
jeezus said:
pof has been taking good care of the wiki for a while now.
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But it wouldn't be possible without the contributions of all the Hermes users! knowledge is power, don't be shy to EDIT
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Heh, would if I was faster.
But yes, if anyone spots an error, fix it.
jeezus said:
Heh, would if I was faster.
But yes, if anyone spots an error, fix it.
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Hi - just klicked throught the wiki and there are many links/downloads not working: page not found and so on...
Yes a lot of things screwed after the forum migrations. I already asked the site admins if there's a way to fix it, so they are aware of it and I hope will fix it soon.
Maybe nice to add to the WIKI: I've got me a brand new Vario II sr 642F, so far problem free, stylus feels perfect when pulling out, keybord is smooth yet firm and tidly around all corners... no problems yet... knock on wood
one question though guys that i wouldnt mind answered... Im in australia and looking at buying a TyTn but obviously HTC arent supplying them directly, so its IMATE or DOPOD, now DOPOD are saying their model is Bluetooth 2.0 and IMATE says theirs is 1.2, but arent these the same devices the JASJAM and 838Pro??
thank you.......
Linux & hermes
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
Heya guys,
can we get a sticky to the wiki back on the Hermes Upgrade page?
Hey guys thanks for the wiki and all the great information on the forum. It's all been great in helping me change from my Blackjack to the Hermes! Thanks all!
Hi all...
I'm about to get the Dopod 838Pro, and am very grateful that this sort of a forum exists... I am very scared, i don't particularly want to stuff it up... but knowing what sorts of updates and tweaks exist is GREAT
Keep up the good work, and hopefully I will be able to contribute
I have a french SPV M3100.
I've seen on wiki page ( http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_ExtendedRoms ) that it was missing french SPV M3100 extended rom.
I don't know if that can be of any help, but I've retrieved these files out of the SPV.
Would it be interesting for anyone to have these files uploaded to the xda ftp ?
Unfortunatly, I can't get access to the ftp (timeout), might be because, at work, I have a proxy that might block ftp access.
But tell me, I should be able to do it @ home.
Cheers from France.
Is there a way of saving the wiki to my local hdd and reading it there? I'm frequently away from home and it would be handy to have the resource to hand
Elwyn M3100 said:
Is there a way of saving the wiki to my local hdd and reading it there? I'm frequently away from home and it would be handy to have the resource to hand
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There may be freeware ways of doing this but I have used this and I've just tested it on the Hermes wiki with a link depth of 2 and it worked fine. It has a trial period and a free download so nothing lost if it's not what you're looking for:
The wiki page for Hermes is empty???!
monsieur said:
The wiki page for Hermes is empty???!
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First off, Welcome to The Forum
And for you're question, I can see it here no problem. Is it just the wiki that's not loading? If you're running Firefox and have NoScript or any other "Security" tool then check that it is not blocking anything?!
Let us know of you're progress, though.
hi guys i am new to this forum can somebody please help me out
I am using a jasjam while sending or receiveing data from bluetooth my phone get hot what to do
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
Ashraf Khan said:
I am using a jasjam while sending or receiveing data from bluetooth my phone get hot what to do
Is not possible to run Linux yet on HTC TyTN. I`ll must wait for a release??
If I must wait is there a roadmap for the linux port??
I hate M$
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Hi Ashraf, and welcome to the forum
I don't see what this has to do with the missing wiki. You'd get a better response from the board if you put this in a new thread.
If you go back to the main HERMES thread (which is where this message is at and click on the
button you will be able to create a new thread.

Help!!! bought HTC Trinity Black - Tottenham court road!

Hiya guys, my first post and a relatively simple one at that.
I have the Trinity in black bit of a impulse buy but I coudn't resist when it made eyes me got a Holux BT GPS module (sirf star 3) TomTom 6 all workin lovely with Ozzie Osbournes foul mouth directions guiding me to each destination.
I have one big issue I am on Vodafone UK and I want a cab file to install all the wap, internet, MMS and streaming settings etc would one of you be able to oblige pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
PAYG or Contract?
Ok, so you are fairly new to this forum. So I wont respond as harshly as I intended to. Why don´t you put a description of what you are looking for in your topic title, and do not make it look like a cry for serious help? A clear topic title will help us to ignore a topic for which we have no interest or answer.
CutePinkSox said:
I have one big issue I am on Vodafone UK and I want a cab file to install all the wap, internet, MMS and streaming settings etc would one of you be able to oblige pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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I have done that manually, so with some little effort I am sure you too can.... pleaseeeeeee
Need Vodafone UK Contract settings - Apologies gentlemen
Okay guys, sorry for not making the title clear in the first post I am relatively new to forums in general. I need the Vodafone UK contract (MMS, Internet, WAP settings). I have searched for hours but to no avail; I can just about get WAP settings but not internet or MMS settings working. I did get all this right on my Sony Ericcsson P990i but finding it really hard for a complete setup on the Trinity, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering if somebody may have unlocked the extended ROM on the Tytn (qtek 9100 i think?) and maybe pulled the CAB file and whether this would work on the Trinity?
Even a good manual setup guide would be fantastic - perhaps if we collated all the available info then we construct a good guide for most UK networks?
Try this attachment.
Copy to your PPC and run it. Hopefully it will contain all your required settings.
Many Thanks
Thank you very much it works a treat. I just just need to change some registry settings so I can use Vodafone Live, seen thread somewhere so will check it out, looking forward to installing PVplayer and streaming away.
Tottenham Court Road
Would you mind letting me know how much you paid. I am looking for one and wondered if I should have a look down TCR?
I got mine in TCR last week for £419.
TCR Price
I got the Trinity in Black, Holux BT GPS Module, 2GB Sandisk MiniSD. All for 525 with some haggling.
Hi Dave, I downloaded your "Vodafone zip" but when I ran it on my P3600 I got error msg .... "The central directory was not found in the archive" what does thsi mean ? Rgs Vekin69

Changing the OS language

I have been using a Wizard for about a year now but last week i dropped it really hard and its having some problems. So, I was thinking about getting the Hermes.
I live in Taiwan and the Hermes that I can get through the phone company (unlocked. No phones here are locked) has a chinese version of WM5 on it. I was wondering how easy it is to change this. Is the ROM actually WM itself? Meaning that I could just download a ROM?
That's my main question.
Another question I'd like to pose to yuio guys is how you feel abuot the Hermes in general especially as compares to the Wizard (if yuo were a past user).
Thanks in Advance.
Basically Im just wondering if a ROM is a whole new OS.
Would really appreciate a response.
Read the wiki:
Hi Marlz, I'm with you.
I have a XDA II since about 3 years and I'm pretty sure I was amongst the first who got the Language changed from German to English.
It worked nice until now. Today my PDA is acting up, the phone "hangs" a lot lately. I missed several calls due to that. Also, every time I want to send an MMS it does a hard reset...
Now, why am I telling this?
I'm in the process of buying a french Hermes (TYTN). So I said to myself, no big deal, just hop on the Forum and look for some info like I did some years ago and change it in English.
Well, in the mean time there is so much information on this site that I really can't see the wood through the trees, if you know what I mean.
If been surfing for a while now but I can't find a clear and simple guide or information in order to change the language.
Did you manage to do it?
Anyone with a clear guideline or link... feel free.
Thanks and greetings from Belgium
Yes i managed to do it with no problems. After reading the wiki i pieced together the needed steps whichn outlined here:
I think the step depend on what version of bootloader you have.
Good Luck.
Thanks but I kinda circumnavigated the problem, I bought a new UK one.
Thanks for the tip though.

