Hi, I am clueless and i need some help with my (us) mda vaio - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am very new to this high tech stuff, I have a usa t-mobile mda vaio, which i paid to unlock. I know, i could have done it for free, but i could not figure it out. In doing some reading i think i want to unlock my cid, and i want to turn my omapclock speed up to 240. And what about updating my Rom. And how do i back up my file, if necessary. And please easy directions if possible. My phone is off, because of a $4000 dollar internet bill, because they would not give me the code, when i went overseas and used the internet for 7 days. What a surprise. But my wifi still works. Help please.
Rom version: wwe
Rom date: 12/10/05
Radio version: 01.09.10
Protocal vers:
ExtRom vers:
I dont have a clue as to what this means, but it looks old, compared to everyone else.

wow, what a great forum. I have a million responses. I want to say thank you for all who helped.

this has all has been covered elsewhere, ad nauseum, over and over and over again right here on this very site. Spending a little time looking for things like "omapclock" and then reading them will answer all your questions and then some. For the-universe-revolves-around-me service, they take paypal.

MDA Vaio? So you're saying that Sony and HTC teamed up to build a laptop/Pocket PC hybrid? I'd like to know where I can get my hands on one of these.

Re: wow
crusher11590 said:
wow, what a great forum. I have a million responses. I want to say thank you for all who helped.
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People won't help you because its already been said. Your just a waste of bandwidth. You sound like a little kid, i want this, i want that.
You want to OC' 240, then keep reading that thread noob.
AND THE SARCASM WAS NECCESARY, maybe that's why no body is helping. No one is your slave to check every minute and answer your post. :evil:

people here seem to think that lazy people should die, when in all reality theyre just as lazy.
to cid unlock it you need ot get lokiwiz software. if youve already upgraded to 2.26, its too late to cid unlock it. to overclock, get omapclock.exe. i use that program in conjunction with smartskeys personally, because the smartskeys.ini file has customizable overclock settings.
thats a start partner, but youll hafta do the legwork yourself cuz im lazy too haha

Thank you. For the response. The only other thing that i have done is down load skype which i think is great. I can admit i am not a computer geek, but I am great in my field. Mortgage financing. So yes i am clueless, and could maybe use a little extra help. And if there is someone out there who could use some mortgage help. I am here. I just dont want to fry my mda.

Search Search Search
Read Read Read
Doesn't matter if you're clueless. As long as you can use the search functions, and bother to take some time to read thru the endless amount of information in these forums. Then you too can be as logical as I have become in the past few months when I originally didn't know a damn thing.

Thanks again. This is the program i used to unlock the phone. http://www.imei-check.co.uk/m3000unlock.php. Did this also unlock the cid? And if yes, how can i tell? And what about backing up the program. So based on the spec's i have listed on my phone, what should i up grade, beside's the omapclock i think to 240.

Well you ddint' need to waste your money. You can unlock your phone for free if you would have bothered to search and read through the results.
Search -> CID Unlock -> Choose wizard forum to search through
Search -> Backup -> Choose wizard forum to search through
You either seem to be lacking common sense or need your hand held through every step.


crusher11590 said:
Thank you. For the response. The only other thing that i have done is down load skype which i think is great. I can admit i am not a computer geek, but I am great in my field. Mortgage financing. So yes i am clueless, and could maybe use a little extra help. And if there is someone out there who could use some mortgage help. I am here. I just dont want to fry my mda.
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yah im a scientist, and im in a similar boat... to my fortune, my roommate is computer programmer hah
and mpIII man, rome is dead go get in your ****in time machine if ya want buttsex :lol: ****in dillhole

guys take in mind some people (like my Dad for example which 65 yrs old) is courious 'bout new stuff but is slow to understand internet and Mobile hacking upgrading and so on...
sometimes because we dnt know who's hidden behind a nickname I would invite you to be more polite and nice; on the other hand I know its boring to answer always to same question...
so just check case by case and if you really feel like its frustrating t oanswer...dnt answer at all...isnt wasting of time to type a reply blaming this and blaming that?
just IMHO

How on earth did you rack up $4000 internet bill?

[email protected] said:
How on earth did you rack up $4000 internet bill?
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Have you not read all this, he is clueless! Sorry i am in the look and you will findout. I come on here everyday and I find something new. But i started from not knowing a thing!! but now I can show my friends these cool things. IT's not hard to look and learn.

Just Maybe.................
Just a quick suggestion to any moderators or site managers
These "Why dont you use the search function" threads come up time and time again.
The problem for noobs doing a search is the (sometimes) many many pages of post to wade through.
Even if you happen to chance on the exact answer, how do you know you have found it when one thread may contain 3,4 or 5 examples of how to solve a problem??? I give an example, Tomtom 6, or any gps related problem.
I spent a total of 4hrs 10mins on MSN with one user who was having problems with his GPS and TT. I didn't mind in the least, but after lots of hair tearing, we found the problem was his GPS wasnt in a place to recieve a decent GPS signal, i.e. a window cill. :shock:
Joking aside, is there any way of having either locked stickies or a seperate forum for each device to have HOW TO's??
There are many people on here that could easily write a guide, post it and then have it locked so the thread doesn't spiral out of control.
Maybe some of them would be happy to recieve PM's if there was a legitimate problem with either that guide or for the varying device configurations?
And before I get flamed, Its just a suggestion. :wink:

Jerry I agree 100%. This is the one of the forums I have found that does NOT have stickies for often asked about topics.
I also feel that this site needs a kick in the ass with a little patience.
You can tell none of these people work in customer service. THink of it this way...if you are spending 4 or more hours on here a day you are passionate about this topic and you would think you want others to become passionate too which will advance the demand for more of these type of sites and products. You really think giving these noobs as you call them a hard time when they first try and learn about this stuff will help anyone? Except save you precious time to search something else or maybe give you a chance to bust another noobs dreams of learning something about his/her new gadget.
This is the only reason I do not visit this site. Not that I need it but none the less. A real bunch of asses here if you ask me.....

Guys and Girls
The use search is a true pain in the ass if you dont understand what you are doing. It has its own laws and also words that it will never find. I have been here for a year and I still cant work it out. But I agree its a start. Nothing will change untill we move to new software for the fixxing is just to costly.
Sure the same post and answer comes up on this forum, over and over agian. There are still people that spend the time to point people in the right direction.
Stickys, well we have them and still they are not read, more we have more time it takes to move down the list for some meat.
Solution. WIKI, edit the pages and the information and point people to it.
And please, lets see if we can use some nice language, I am all for free speach but we all diserve a bit of respect.

xxpinballxx said:
...You can tell none of these people work in customer service.{/quote]
perhaps they do work in customer serice - for orange :lol:
sorry, i tried to stop myself...
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Can the abuse be toned down please?

Dunno what people's beef is on here ?
Yes there are new members and so on, but some of the foul mouthed attacks I have seen here is disgraceful.
If your mother/wife/daughter or whatever logged on here would you want her to be subjected to such abuse ? No? Thought so!
Tone it down please - if you don't have anything constructive to add to a post, don't bother.
If it makes you feel better about yourself because you feel superior as you know more about HTC/Windows mobile etc. than other people - go back to your ZX81 or whatever but please stop the swearing and nastiness.
Sorry, just never seen such animosity on a forum in my life!
I wish I could say I feel your pain man, but I am a noob as well however I feel the more seasoned vets on here are just tired of the same stupid repetitive questions typically posted by none other than us new guys. I am not saying its right but the way I see it, its kinda like having a little brother or sister that keeps asking the same question over and over and over again while your trying to get something done. My occupation is sales and has been for almost a decade and the first thing I always try and do is look at something from all sides. In doing this it A) Makes me do a search before asking and B) Not feel as bad if I get checked by someone. Just my .42. Additionally I have found if I really cannot find something then I will pm someone I feel is approachable and let them educate me.
From what I have seen lately, the "abuse" has toned down big time around here, were you recently flamed or something, that made you think this?
donzx6 said:
If your mother/wife/daughter or whatever logged on here would you want her to be subjected to such abuse ? No? Thought so!
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bit sexist
ChaoticDruid said:
From what I have seen lately, the "abuse" has toned down big time around here, were you recently flamed or something, that made you think this?
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I agree. The replies on this site have become MUCH more mature, helpful, and professional in the last few weeks.
I hope you're not referring to 'now' ... or maybe you're reading through the historical posts to avoid getting flamed.
This is another reason why, no matter how many times a question's been asked, the old-timers should carefully think about the legacy their words will leave behind on these forums.
I find the repeated questions unbearable sometimes, too. But the historical traces of the blatant abusive and immature replies will live with these boards for a very long time, making it unlikely that anyone will like to search for an answer before posting the same question over and over and over and....
swtaltima said:
I wish I could say I feel your pain man, but I am a noob as well however I feel the more seasoned vets on here are just tired of the same stupid repetitive questions typically posted by none other than us new guys.
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They make the choice to read the questions then respond in an abusive manor. Its not like a brother or sister who hunt you down to annoy you. I have tried searching for a good tutorial on how to build packages and what not to build my own ROM but the usual thread I see is, "Google It and learn it the way I did." It almost like no one really wants to share their knowledge on certain areas of ROM building. I've tried googling etc. But I have still not run across a decent tutorial. I'd be willing to help make a tutorial if I knew the complete process. I've seen others claim this forum is for XDA "developers" and if you are not a developer you should look elsewhere for "help." The only way to become a developer is to learn. Most people learn by reading and asking questions. I just don't understand why people insist on berating others for asking innocent questions. I have searched for answers before and not found it. Then later I am reading a thread and I do see the answer to my question but it was not worded the way I say things possible because of language differences. So it slipped throught the cracks of the search. Should I be verbally abused for asking my question? Probably not, especially seeing as how the diversity on this forum is great. Many different primary languages and knowledge levels. It seems like before ROM cooking for Hermes was possible people were all fine and cordial with each other. Then boom, cooked ROMs became possible and it turned into if you cant help me finish my ROM and let me put the donte link in my signature I don't want to help you.
Well thats my take.
PS- if someone helps me grasp the art of ROM building I will make a tutorial and do my best to make it simple to understand for everybody.
There are still a few bad apples around thou & most of us know them but just keep to our selfs, too much of that n00b flame go read wiki or search google, they can tell you to read the wiki but too lazy to type a quick fast reply to a simple question....
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
jokinawa said:
They make the choice to read the questions then respond in an abusive manor. Its not like a brother or sister who hunt you down to annoy you. I have tried searching for a good tutorial on how to build packages and what not to build my own ROM but the usual thread I see is, "Google It and learn it the way I did." It almost like no one really wants to share their knowledge on certain areas of ROM building. I've tried googling etc. But I have still not run across a decent tutorial. I'd be willing to help make a tutorial if I knew the complete process. I've seen others claim this forum is for XDA "developers" and if you are not a developer you should look elsewhere for "help." The only way to become a developer is to learn. Most people learn by reading and asking questions. I just don't understand why people insist on berating others for asking innocent questions. I have searched for answers before and not found it. Then later I am reading a thread and I do see the answer to my question but it was not worded the way I say things possible because of language differences. So it slipped throught the cracks of the search. Should I be verbally abused for asking my question? Probably not, especially seeing as how the diversity on this forum is great. Many different primary languages and knowledge levels. It seems like before ROM cooking for Hermes was possible people were all fine and cordial with each other. Then boom, cooked ROMs became possible and it turned into if you cant help me finish my ROM and let me put the donte link in my signature I don't want to help you.
Well thats my take.
PS- if someone helps me grasp the art of ROM building I will make a tutorial and do my best to make it simple to understand for everybody.
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By the way, they do hunt people down with PM, e-mail, IM, etc...
Here my take
The Art of ROM building does not happen overnight and it is not for everyone. You are also correct there are no A-Z tutorials on how to do it. Nonetheless, there is a lot of information on how to get your feet wet. It requires certain skill set in order to develop good cooked ROM.
Skill set: Search and Read both threads and wiki, Development (someone with a development background is preferred), Cab (building and extracting) PPC registry, Windows Mobile OS (understanding how things work), device infrastructure (understanding how things work with that particular device, because they are not all made equal), understanding you could brick your expensive device with the one wrong turn. Most important patience and keep you changes to a minimum until you get the hang of it.
The list of requirements can go on but I figure with the above information you should have an idea. It takes months of reading, searching, and trying things out in order to understand how to cook. While you are researching you also want to keep with new findings, that means you have to stay on top of up coming new threads. It is a crazy cycle and some of us can keep up with it but I assure you it is not for a lot PPL.
Oh, I forgot one more thing, you also have keep up with your full time job (you know, the one you get paid for).
Thank You
lpsi2000: Thank you. I almost have it down. The only issue I had was one of my apps did not make the start menu icon and I posted it in a thread directed towards one of the kitchens and thus far has been ignored for a week or so. I posted what I put in the initflashfiles.dat etc. It makes a shortcut but appears as a folder link to the /Windows directory and not a shortcut to the EXE. I will get it eventually though.
DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread.
mrvanx: Yes, you are always very helpful.
Thank You all.
<polish>Shines his new Senior Member badge.</polish>
I agree that is has gotten much better in the past few weeks. I also use the ignore list to block out a couple of folks who repeatedly belittle others with their uneducated and profane flaming.
Here is my take. WTF cares
you want a bucket to catch those tears?
jokinawa said:
lpsi2000: Thank you. I almost have it down. The only issue I had was one of my apps did not make the start menu icon and I posted it in a thread directed towards one of the kitchens and thus far has been ignored for a week or so. I posted what I put in the initflashfiles.dat etc. It makes a shortcut but appears as a folder link to the /Windows directory and not a shortcut to the EXE. I will get it eventually though.
DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread.
mrvanx: Yes, you are always very helpful.
Thank You all.
<polish>Shines his new Senior Member badge.</polish>
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The way I get around some of the issues with applications not working properly, I flashed the ROM, take a copy of device registry and files then install the app on the device and then compare it to see what was changed. From there I normally address it with my cooked ROM.
I must disagree with this comment " DAFTEK: I totally agree. Why say use search or the wiki when you could post a link to the search results or the exact thread." although I have done it at time when the search is not obvious.
If you spoon feed the search every time, then the person will never learn how to search. I have seen PPL on this board expecting other people to do search for them and also provide the answers. Trust me there are a lot of lazy people on this forum.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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Exteremely, MrVanx... EXTREMELY! Only to be outdone by your wonderful guides...easy to follow and up to date. You provide a wonderful service to these forums, and I always look forward to your posts.
Sorry I haven't yet made a donation in your direction. It will be coming soon.
All the best,
austinsnyc said:
Here is my take. WTF cares
you want a bucket to catch those tears?
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Easy there bro... that kinda attitude got the elf kicked out of the house...
You know I would go easy just everytime my faith is restored in the people here the stupid bug seems to bite again. like asking questions that where answerd in a post right above or someone wanting to be spoon fed its almost to the point where no one wants to do anything for themselves. that's pretty sad if you ask me im sure most of the cooks here did not receive the amount of help that has been given in just the past month. I understand helping people but I also understand earning respect and until that's done give me a reason why I should spoon feed when there is a search button and google.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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pretty obvious answer(s)
why create another thread in 'Hermes Mobile 6', this should be put in the 'General Section'
and as far as i have seen it the abuse has been dramatically in the past few weeks
Sometimes the abuse is (IMHO) justified.
This post generally makes my blood boil http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311698 - the asshole keeps appearing in many guises, doesn't want to help but only make money. If this is the first post you see when you log on you get pissed off, then get carried away with the 'Flashing LSVW bricked my V3' type of threads.
In my opinion, ronfin44 was perfectly justified in (mildly) flaming this guy.
mrvanx said:
I just wanna know but have my replies been helpful?? :s
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Awww fishing for praise now? ahhahah!
Of course it's been helpful.. Honestly, I'm pretty impressed with the impartial, well thought replies that you always give.
[mumbles]Wish I could say the same for me hee hee![/mumbles]


I'm really tired of all the complaining and bickering going on in this forum lately.
It's getting out of hand.
Especially from **** heads that didn't show their faces until after the hard work was done. Those that don't show up when the forum needs something but only show up when they need something.
Where were you when we were collecting money?
Instead of complaining, did you ever think to ask some of the leaders in the forum, what you could do to give back?
Where were you when we were testing? All we needed was $5 from a few people but all I see is more cheap bastards that want free stuff and expect it to be PERFECT. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think of it this way...if you bricked your device after 20 other people have successfully "patched" it, then something else is wrong. Work with people in the forum to figure out what. Keep a cool head. We know how tough it is to spend high dollar on a device then have it not work...but you use solutions here at your own risk so it's not the developers fault IT IS YOUR FAULT. Learn to post based on other postings. Don't yell and start complaining. I'm not a developer myself but contribute in other ways. If I was a developer I would leave this forum because of the verbal abuse. STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY!
Read the forum. Most of the **** has already been done. I'm not upset because people are asking questions due to not understanding something along your research. Don't get me wrong, the forum is here to help people and it's helped me a lot. I'm upset because of all the bashing going on lately. It's getting out of hand. I'm also upset because many of you that are actually benefitting from these solutions didn't show your faces until all the hard work was done. Don't tell me you couldn't afford a measly $5 or to contribute your time in some way or ask the people involved...what can I do to give back to the community I leech from.....you get my point.
Note, I'm not going to respond to ANYONE regarding this thread. Just chill the out and let's work together. If your device breaks, READ and try to educate yourself first instead of blaming the developer who took time to contribute their knowledge and provided us with a solution we needed or wanted. If you don't like how things are going....GET INVOLVED WHEN YOU NEED TO...DON'T COMPLAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE USING A SOLUTION SOMEONE WROTE ON THEIR FREE TIME TO HELP YOU OUT! MY GOD PEOPLE!
If you think you might get upset, mess your phone up, or otherwise...JUST DON'T USE THE SOLUTIONS POSTED ON THIS FORUM PERIOD.
If the above doesn't make sense...oh well. Needed to get that off my chest. I'm not a writer either so if it's all mashed together, oh well. If you're smart enough you'll get my point. If not, then just ignore the thread and go on.
Well Said ltxda. If only people would listen could curb their emotions a bit and apply logic sometimes....but then we are emotional beings.
Well I agree anyway. Everything is done at your own risk in these forums...and while we are at it...you know complaining about complainers and so forth...
..has anyone actually bricked their device (rendered it 'dead' or incapable of being restored somehow)...you know killed it?
I don't recall anyone having had that experience since... say...Olipro's unlocker. Point being...it's safe for all...and that was the intention of the SPL patch in the first place..whether simple to use or not.
C'mon friends...let's close the divide eat some humble pie together and get back to the business of progress and development...I'll leave that last bit to the devs.lol
If it helps I'll go first...Sorry if I offended anyone of late.
I meant that BTW. If it it's not good enough..sorry the offense ran so deep...sorry again.
OK...back to business
Developer Midget_1990 should be getting his X7500 within the next few days hopefully. We wanted different variants of the Athena to ensure there any and all solutions would definitely work across the board.
Custom ROMs coming soon.
Why don't we put our heads together to finalize/agree on the wish list of software that should be incorporated into the ROM/Vanilla ROM?
Has anyone found any VGA converted files for the Kaiser plug-in .cabs? That would be nice.
well said lt.. well said...
Agree with all these comments and want to add my take on the situation. All of us were newbies at some point (except for Oli I guess), and we have all been there. I remember sweating the first time I made a registry change.
1. We need to be a little patient with newbies. We want them to become a part of the community, not drive them away.
2. Saying "Just use search" or "See the Wiki" isn't always helpful. Sometimes relevant threads are 20+ pages, hard to sift through all that and figure out what is really the **** and what is some lame-ass crap from some poor soul who is as clueless as me. And have you actually looked at the Athena Wiki lately. Not much there. I would feel more sympathetic to the dismissive tone if the Wiki were more up to date. (I know, that's me too!)
** Tip for newbies, go to Advanced Search, select just the Athena forum, and search by post not thread. That may help narrow things down.
3. I'm pretty cautious in making major changes. Flashed my Wizard ROM probably 4 times in over a year... and still waiting to flash my Advantage. I appreciate the brave souls who will flash weekly or more, I learn a lot from you guys. But I don't have the time to constantly set things back up over and over, so I wait for an upgrade that I feel confident will do what I want. Plus I know my limitations, if something really terrible happens I'm not smart enough to quickly recover. I read everything there is to read before doing anything major.
SO WHY IS IT THAT SOME PEOPLE TAKE HOME A NEW DEVICE AND FLASH AWAY WITHOUT READING A DAMN THING? Then cry that they bricked their phone? (probably not) How can we get the message of BE CAREFUL across? Look before you leap, etc. Maybe there needs to be a sticky at the very top explaining who should be messing with what. Maybe every link to a ROM should have a warning label. Something.
Sorry to go on. I really appreciate the expertise on this forum and enjoy being able to contribute in some small ways. But we need a more civil tone. I hate to see things deteriorate.
"I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not...."
Cat Stevens...
I think XDA-DEV is the best forum I ever seen about HTC devices. So many
thoroughbred horses here, and everybody involved in management knows how hard is to keep them working together ... Forget Customer Relationship Management
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
jwzg said:
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
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Agreed. Sorry I lost it again.
thx for cleaning up the unlocker threat.
It took a while before the Hermes forum to start getting crazy. I don't have my device for a week yet and there is already a lot sh*t among members already. For the Athena, I thought this would not happen until WM7. Anyway, let's get along people.
Bickering and namecalling
I think some of the newer guys should also look in the historie of things. The hermes forum had simmilar issues with jasjamming. For lot of the developers it not just someone asking a question, but another one asking the same thing. It's can be very frustrating, and some handle it better than others. I think it's safe to say that Olipro doesn't hadle it very well, and vents his frustration at the one asking the question. Wether i agree with him or not i do understand him.
As for the people asking questions. First search if your question hasn't been asked before... If you can't find it search again.
Give as much information as you can. Be specific about versions you use. Give the output of the software you get.If you're aked to give information you have given before, just give it again. Remember you are the one wanting help, so make it easy to help you, don't make the other one search for information.
And remember one thing: Free software is often provided "as is". No guarantees and no support. Assume that if it goes wrong, that you are on your own. Any support given is a bonus. Having said that, you'll find that there are enough people willing to help as long as you are patient and polite (or at least civil).

serious effort for WM6 on iphone

serious effort for WM6 on iphone
hello all!
i was recently gifted an first generation iphone, i hacked it and unlocked it and played around with it. i was not very impressed, the hardware is awsome but the software, i find to be lacking.
at any rate it has sat in a desk drawer for a month or 2 and then i read about that faked video with wm6 on an iphone. i thought to my self why not give it a try? its not like i will be able to buy that touch hd from htc that i wanted...
so i have been doing some research and it looks like there is an arm processor in this thing, which gives me hope. i plan to use a few open source utilities such as ibooter to get an environment on this thing for wm6.
i am wondering what advice people can give me, who have hacked newer versions of WM onto an older device, what to research, what to expect or useful utilities; i have little experience with the bowels of WM.
this will be my first attempt at something this grandiose, but i have surmounted greater challenges in the past. i am not asking for help, however i am more than willing to work with anyone else who is interested.
please keep non-constructive criticisms to yourself, if people didn't try things every time there was doubt we would still be living in caves.
Good luck! I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile. If I were you I'd maybe try and contact some of the ROM cookers in the older device threads like the Blue Angel forum.
sschrupp said:
Good luck! I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile. If I were you I'd maybe try and contact some of the ROM cookers in the older device threads like the Blue Angel forum.
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thank you so much, i was honnestly beginning to wonder if i was the only person who thought this might be a good idea (especialy when i can show it to a macfanboi and ask "wheres your god now?!!")
OMFG !!, not another thread..if you dont wish to be made a fool out of you, i suggest please edit your title and post
I've got to say the iPhone would be WAY more appealing to me if it ran Windows Mobile
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ather90 said:
OMFG !!, not another thread..if you dont wish to be made a fool out of you, i suggest please edit your title and post
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im guessing that there is no one here that actualy does anything more than just develop applications for WM or troll arround the fourms?
like i said im looking for peoples who have worked with the os itself.
I saw somewhere that a Norwegian hacker did it some time ago, it is quite sad, but it is sexy to see WM running on wide screen
Here is where i saw it:
Anyway, good luck with your progress, i want to see it running :3
Samuelgames said:
I saw somewhere that a Norwegian hacker did it some time ago, it is quite sad, but it is sexy to see WM running on wide screen
Here is where i saw it:
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I saw it too in some other place.. that's amazing!
I just saw the video...that was cool. Looks like you got your answer there ashrond.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that video is fake,look at the very begining he manages to turn his i-phone on by just tapping on the screen. sadly it's propably just some kind of slideshow presentatio. too bad would have been nice.
Stupid Fake Video!
Threads like this makes me sad, users making threads on this subject to be taken serious and fail to provide any type of commitment to achieve any goal to this subject. what im trying to say simply is... let the god damn roms chefs make threads like this and not the "omg i need WM6, on a toyphone"... i wanted wm6 so i got a phone with wm6 on it. not a god damn phone with ipod crap on it.
smokeingit said:
Threads like this makes me sad, users making threads on this subject to be taken serious and fail to provide any type of commitment to achieve any goal to this subject. what im trying to say simply is... let the god damn roms chefs make threads like this and not the "omg i need WM6, on a toyphone"... i wanted wm6 so i got a phone with wm6 on it. not a god damn phone with ipod crap on it.
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wow another jackass who cant read!
like i said i am looking to do this myself, i was simply looking to get a hold of one of these "romcookers" as you ignorantly call them. i swear its people like you that make me wish for the good ol days before all the
""31337 AOL users"" got access and started ****ing things up. do everyone a favor and keep your opinion to yourself.
ps thats the video that i was talking about being fake and giving me the idea to attempt this.
Well if ure serious about this, u could get a piece of advice from users such xplode, mamaich, bepe, tuatara and many many others (speaking as Blue Angel user).
Also, u might rather look in some iphone hacking forum. Furthermore, mind that iphone is quite a closed platform, so it doesnt have any documentation, besides some rev-eng done.
Anyway, there is little chance u will achieve this, and the amount work what is in front of you is more than u might expect. No man could do it alone, in one life.
Srsly, only way to do it, is to steal iphone blueprints form apple, and u will......
w8, didnt u say ur name is Bond?
People may flame you because they are 'die hard' WM fans, and anti-mac or w/e, but I must say that I wish you the best! If somebody were to do this, I would probably end up getting an iPhone. The only thing is, I don't like not having a QWERTY keyboard.
I most likely will have a WM phone for the remainder of my life / cell phone using (unless something really awesome comes out), but I love how smooth and 'error free' the iPhone is. It's just not for me w/ the current OS because you can't easily expand the iPhone as easily as you can a WM phone.
Dear dip****,
Clearly your lack of understanding about the real related undertaking about what you asking is beyond your grasp. its like hopping on a BBS and asking for some guidance on how to do heart surgery, sounds simple... open the chest cavity and do some poking. its not as simple as just droping an app, if it were that simple as to dropping ibooter... then all the 100x groups would have already done it and taken credit for it. i really wish scrubs like you never used the internet, clearly your terrible propaganda on trying to make people believe you would be elite enough to carry such under taking. as i reflect...
ROFL "ibooter to get an environment on this thing for wm6." while you are at it, try using a bios disk to start up the MAC OS on your computer...
you have no ****ing clue what your even up against... at least i am a hardware hacker. what the **** have you done other then post. "i has a dream for WM6 on ipod" thread? Ill learn to read if you learn to stop being a dip****.
Love Smokey
Xbox hacking crew
ashrond said:
wow another jackass who cant read!
like i said i am looking to do this myself, i was simply looking to get a hold of one of these "romcookers" as you ignorantly call them. i swear its people like you that make me wish for the good ol days before all the
""31337 AOL users"" got access and started ****ing things up. do everyone a favor and keep your opinion to yourself.
ps thats the video that i was talking about being fake and giving me the idea to attempt this.
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Unless it absolutely cannot be done and it is proven that it cannot be done, why not let people keep on trying. Let them learn what they need to learn to give it a valid attempt. It would be a really intersting to see done; however, I fear that there may be some legal iussues if you are flashing WM to an IPhone - You will have to ensure that you are using a legal registered copy of WM wouldn't you? When we are flashing our current devices we already have WM on them so it is kind of a grey area since we already paid for WM however, putting WM on an IPhone which never had WM????? I don't know.
I say keep searching for your answers though until you can prove or find proof that it cannot be done. GOOD LUCK with your efforts. It may be an incredibly difficult thing to do, or who knows - Maybe it won't be that difficult if you have some kind of breakthrough.
I really can't stand it when people start assuming that they know other people and their "Qualifications" when they don't know a thing about them really. None of us really know anything about each other except for what we may publish in our profiles. Gotta have some faith in people sometimes and stop making assumptions.
Closed this thread.
This is getting out of hand!
The ONLY way to port WM6 is by writing new drivers for the iPhone.
It's not impossible, but it is a monstrous task.
A new thread is only allowed when serious steps are taken regarding (re)writing the drivers.
(So do some investigating on platform-builder!)

Just upgraded, what's first?

As said, I'm expecting my HD2 tomorrrow and was just going to leave it boxed and sell it to buy a Nokia N900, however.......
The more i read, the more I'm intrigued!
What would you suggest are absolute essentials to get the best out of the phone? I gather all windows mobile apps are downloadable and able to put on the phone?
How about unlocking, easy enough? (Will be coming on O2 UK)
What's your top 5 things to do?
I'm coming from from the Iphone side, and have been jailbreaking etc for quite a while!
First I would just take your time getting to know the phone and to work with it. Read the manual end to end (you would be surprised how many people don't, then come on here asking where the On/Off switch is!!).
Once you have played around with it for a week at your leisure then start to read the threads on here. Start with this one.....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=583638 which gives you some useful hint that you could try.
Next search around for similar threads to yours on here which have asked exactly the same questions as you have and see what the responses are. Searching on XDA is a bit hit and miss so use this...http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:http://forum.xda-developers.com&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all to help you.
You will always get help if you let people know what you have done to help yourself first, what searches you have done , before you post a new thread.
This device is quite different to an iphone so DO take your time getting used to it. The beauty of winmobile is that you can change almost anything on it you don't like. Also the device is more akin to a mini laptop than a phone so bear that in mind.
Finally you may find this of interest...http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/
Appstores don't exist in the windows world; however there are thousands of apps out there, a lot of them free and a lot here on XDA (make a contribution to the developers if you use anything on here although you are not obliged to do so).
Good luck with your device; enjoy and welcome aboard!
What a warm welcome and fantasic reply WB, thank you
I don't want to get infractions by talking about things i shouldn't be (i.e. cracked apps etc) but I'm assuming that should a user wish to go down that route then it's perfectly possible?!
I guess I might have a play with it when i get it, see whats what!
It is a beast of a monster though!
Absolutely NO talk of cracked apps or warez is allowed here. Quickest way to get your backend kicked.
There are enough bona fide free apps out there to do what you want. Besides warez is a kick in the teeth of hard working developers on here.
If you need any further info, just shout.
wacky.banana said:
Absolutely NO talk of cracked apps or warez is allowed here. Quickest way to get your backend kicked.
There are enough bona fide free apps out there to do what you want. Besides warez is a kick in the teeth of hard working developers on here.
If you need any further info, just shout.
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That's what i thought, cheers for the heads up!
And don't worry, if i find an app on here that I like, use and feel is worthy, I'll donate! I don't expect anything for free!

wm7 on HD2, can it work?

have anyone tried this?
have you tried searching (as per forum RULES)?
ASCIIker said:
have you tried searching (as per forum RULES)?
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Obviously they didnt, and its their first post, perhaps we could be a bit nicer? you know, not scare everyone new away. This whole website has become very draconian in the last few years perhaps its users could at least try and maintain some politeness and common sense
dazza9075 said:
Obviously they didnt, and its their first post, perhaps we could be a bit nicer? you know, not scare everyone new away. This whole website has become very draconian in the last few years perhaps its users could at least try and maintain some politeness and common sense
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I don't know... if we are too nice to everyone, every noobie will post whatever they want without a second thought or searching... at least if they are worried about being flamed they may do a better job searching before posting. This forum seems to be attracting more and more noobies every day who post ridiculous things without searching first. This forum is suppose to be for developers and advanced users... at least that was what I though when I first joined and that's what attracted me to this site. I didn't post anything for years after joining because I didn't feel I had anything important to offer, and any information I needed I was able to find by searching and reading. I read these forums everyday. It seems, though, since I got a HD2 and started browsing the HD2 forums, there has seemed to be a flood of noobies and a lower quality of posts on average.
Sorry for the rant... it's just been getting irritating with all the noobie who just joined posting countless threads asking the same questions over and over because they can't spend 5 minutes to search and read.
zarathustrax said:
I don't know... if we are too nice to everyone, every noobie will post whatever they want without a second thought or searching... at least if they are worried about being flamed they may do a better job searching before posting. This forum seems to be attracting more and more noobies every day who post ridiculous things without searching first. This forum is suppose to be for developers and advanced users... at least that was what I though when I first joined and that's what attracted me to this site. I didn't post anything for years after joining because I didn't feel I had anything important to offer, and any information I needed I was able to find by searching and reading. I read these forums everyday. It seems, though, since I got a HD2 and started browsing the HD2 forums, there has seemed to be a flood of noobies and a lower quality of posts on average.
Sorry for the rant... it's just been getting irritating with all the noobie who just joined posting countless threads asking the same questions over and over because they can't spend 5 minutes to search and read.
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i understand where your coming from but look at it this way, there will always be people posting comments like this, its human nature, no one reads "signs" you could have it blinking in red neon at the top of the page and still one one would see it, the polite way to deal with it rather than slag people off for asking a question that they have already asked is to answer it then tell them to search, wiki etc next time, if the user has had several posts then there is no excuse, but first time posters or even very new posters shouldnt have their heads bitten off because regardless of "rules" they do not know any better.
Think of them as children, most kids learn through doing, telling them its hot doesnt always work!
and regards to your point about every noob posting, well yes they will, you wont stop it unless like yourself they have some common sence, most do not, for many on here english is not their first language, all im saying is
they ask a stupid question, its their first question/post, politely either tell them the answer or point them too it then explain how to do it next time.
They have already created the thread, you will post a reply anyway, you may as well make it a useful reply
ironically none of us has answered him! lol
ok, go to the forum lists and look near the top you will see WP7 development, the HD2 is the most likely piece of current hardware to support the software so its mostly related to HD2
and search next time, as you can see it gets peoples backs up!
zarathustrax said:
I don't know... if we are too nice to everyone, every noobie will post whatever they want without a second thought or searching... at least if they are worried about being flamed they may do a better job searching before posting. This forum seems to be attracting more and more noobies every day who post ridiculous things without searching first. This forum is suppose to be for developers and advanced users... at least that was what I though when I first joined and that's what attracted me to this site. I didn't post anything for years after joining because I didn't feel I had anything important to offer, and any information I needed I was able to find by searching and reading. I read these forums everyday. It seems, though, since I got a HD2 and started browsing the HD2 forums, there has seemed to be a flood of noobies and a lower quality of posts on average.
Sorry for the rant... it's just been getting irritating with all the noobie who just joined posting countless threads asking the same questions over and over because they can't spend 5 minutes to search and read.
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I have been using WinMo since O2 Mini days. That is at least 8 years ago (if my memory serves me right). However, I still consider myself a newbie as there are so many new things each day.
And yes, I do search the forums before posting questions. But sometimes, even searches generate so much results that filtering them one by one would take a long time.
So please, have mercy on newbies like us and give us the chance to learn, and maybe we can contribute better later.
dazza9075 said:
Obviously they didnt, and its their first post, perhaps we could be a bit nicer? you know, not scare everyone new away. This whole website has become very draconian in the last few years perhaps its users could at least try and maintain some politeness and common sense
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I searched all formums before I posted.
I even searched this forum before I posted when I was only 14!
So why cant other people do the same.
i think a newbie section should done or a block on until u have looked at post info for newcomers then give people a quick guide of where to look etc
zarathustrax said:
I didn't post anything for years after joining because I didn't feel I had anything important to offer, and any information I needed I was able to find by searching and reading.
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Well I too haven't posted because I haven't had anything to add, but I think that when you bear in mind the increasing popularity of smartphones as well as this site you are bound to come across more questions from the inexperienced.
Just remember that the search methods and site structure may not be apparent to everyone at first, as such feel free to chided them for their inexperience but at least help point them in the right direction. After all the times I have been helped by someone else asking a simple question.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
No, WM7 will NEVER work in an HD2. Here is why. Each WM7 capable phone has a unique hardware ID number spacific too WM7 phones. This is for XBL Live intergration, as its a way to lock out cheaters phones from XBL and keeping the playing field even. No ID, no WM7, and only WM7 spacific phones have this ID system.
Gibbage said:
No, WM7 will NEVER work in an HD2. Here is why. Each WM7 capable phone has a unique hardware ID number spacific too WM7 phones. This is for XBL Live intergration, as its a way to lock out cheaters phones from XBL and keeping the playing field even. No ID, no WM7, and only WM7 spacific phones have this ID system.
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Your making one huge assumption, and that is that they can not find away to get around the block of running native code and having direct access to the APIs
i see what your saying about the online cloud intigration with live and yes that may prove to be an issue but only if your using the live software, i believe the idea would be to get the OS running with the hardware (which is a huge take in its self perhaps impossible) then Native code to allow execution ofwhatever we want, then the modding can start bypassing live intigration, remember android has heavy ties with google which has been largely stiripped out.
all im saying is dont knock it just yet, the xbox and xbox360 has been "tweeked" to work, fair enough zune HD wasnt but that had little intrest. getting drivers will be the biggest issue
lonelykatana said:
I searched all formums before I posted.
I even searched this forum before I posted when I was only 14!
So why cant other people do the same.
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you speak english i assume, many many people on here do not speak it as their first language, that makes it tricky to search for things, try searching for something in google thats french, you should have had basic french at school but i bet you'll not find things so easy then
Just because you know something and find it easy doesnt mean others do too, the world does not revolve around English and your abilities.
All im saying is we shouldnt shout at new people, its rude, you are replying anyway so why not make it constructive by either giving the answer or showing them where to find it, THEN politely slap their wrists and correct them on the error of their ways
What Wiki says....
Wiki says, " Windows Phone 7 was thought to have been unofficially ported to the HD2, but it was later demonstrated as easy to fake with the use of a Remote Terminal connection. [9]"
What the heck?? "If it walks like a duck......"
Search for Wiki HD2. Interesting.
Junior Member???
What is this Junior Member stuff anyway. Twenty four hours ago I **** evn spel noob.
Please list me as "Second Assistant to a Junior Apprentice to a Junior Noob".
Thank You.

