Dropped Magician. Sound stopped working! - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I dropped my magician when i stepped out of my car. :shock:
The problem now it that my sound isn't working anymore. The back speaker as well as the ear speaker are both dead. I disassembled the phone, cleaned all the contacts with alcohol and bend the ear speaker contacts a little bit up, but still nothing. When i connect the headset i can hear sound and make a phonecall.
Another thing is that i hear a high frequenty sound coming from the screen. I only hear it when my ear is near the screen. Never had that before.
Maybe you can help me! I want my baby back working again. So if you have any suggestion i can try.. :idea:

Jewcookie said:
Another thing is that i hear a high frequenty sound coming from the screen. I only hear it when my ear is near the screen. Never had that before.
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My refurbished MDA does that [t-mobile replacement after my one 'went wrong [see below]']. I dont remember the previous out of box one doing it though.
Cant help with the sound problem - everyone seems to drop the magician though.. even me once[belt clip sucks]! and then my 2 other friends.
Tom - www.mouselike.org

Since disasembling my phone, cleaning everything and putting it back together not fixed my problem I put the phone on my desk. It just layed there not working. Till this morning... i picked it up again and knowing it is not working but out of frustration I just try again. And to my suprise. It Works again! :shock: My sound is back?? How the hell is that possible... I tried shaking the device to see if there was maybe a lose contact. But how hard i shake the damn thing. It keeps working. 8)
Anyway, I'm happy again Only thing left is the strange sound coming from my screen, but I can live with that.


Bad sound quality

There was a thread here about that the voice from the earpiece is distorted. I experienced to have a similar problem. From the first day the sound was excellent but in 2 months it changed to distorted and then become very-very weak. At the same time the sound was good if a loudspeaker is on or if the hands-free is connected. Thus, I supposed that the contact becomes bad. To fix it, I disassembled the device. The *.pdf-file how to do that is included (33 megs). When the contacts were formed so they touch firmly the corresponding places on the printed board and the device was assembled, I heard nice voice from the earpiece.
So, in some cases the problem with the sound may be due to weak contacts. I suppose the contacts may become poor because the material for the outputs on the earpiece is not so elastic plus influence of vibration from the vibromotor plus influence of humidity.
Backup the system before disassembly because during this the backup battery may discharge completely!
Sorry wasn't logged on...
Thanks a lot I got this problem long time ago but I don't know how to disassemble it so I always try to shake it to fix ......
Great ! Very useful
thanks for the guide..... very useful
Where can I find the 33meg pdf? I need to disassemble the device too...
That is what I thought th first time I opened my MDA Compact! Believe me I am the very first one I did when the device first came out! After lots of research let me tell you this:
IT IS NOT THE CONTACTS! IT IS THE SPEAKER! The membrane is of low quality when you open the device and "fixing" the contacts it will only make it to work for a few phone calls up to a couple of days at most! The speaker is burnt by the high amount of volume the motherboard of JAM gives to the speaker! If you want to solve your problem then you ll have to find a Nokia Center and buy a speaker for a Nokia 6610! Nokia 6610 and HTC Magician have exactly the same speaker! The only thing you have to do is to change nokia's black cloth ribbon on the top of the speaker with HTC's black rubber get it into your magician and there you are! You have a perfect sound again! My only advise is to use the call volume just a click less than the maximum volume so you won't blow away your new speaker!
I dissasembled and reassembled my MDA compact more than 11 times trying fixing the contacts with no permanent result! After replacing the speaker with a Nokias's 6610 speaker everything seems to work like a dream for at least a month now! :wink:
Its much more easier to get Nokia's spare parts than HTC's! The speaker cost me 18euros!
any chances you could post us nice pictures of these manipulations ?
I would love to do that but please I don't think that my magician could survive one more disassembly! :twisted: In case of replacing a friend's speaker next week who has the same problem I will make sure I get those pics! Magician is extremely easy to be taken apart! The only hard parts in the removing process are the upper backplate which has to be removed very carefully in order to be fitted back in its place afterwards and the front faceplate where you will need something very thin like a thin knife or even better a razor to take it away from the black plastic on the sides! :wink:
where is the link to the pdf
Hey guys,
I cannot see the link to the pdf. I need to disassemble my Jam too.
Thanx, Martido
Sorry, I found it. Just woke up....
Oh, thank god, I'm not the only one, with this problem. But first i have two questions? Will i loose my warrenty when i open the device? Can O² discover that i opened it?
Did this contact fix solve the problem entirely, or not? Because katsj says the problem is the speaker!
Thank you in advance, such a great community!
I read the PDF File and i have to say .. this is simlply impossible! You can cause so much damage .... i dont know where to begin. One small mistake and you can't forget your PDA. I think this is highly to dangerous. Is there no easier way to solve the problem ... some ideas??
Or do the pictures lie and it isnt that complicated??
My sound disappears during call...
Strange, during a call after a few minutes my sound disappears. I can hear the other caller, the other calleer can't hear me anymore...
But now I found a strange solution: when I pull up the volume button n the left a few times (it was already at maximum!) my sound is back!
Has anyone the same experience or a better solution?
I think when you pull up the volume there is this small tone and you hear this tone from the loudspeaker.
After you hear the tone, you cant here anything again, right?
I'm driving really crazy, i loved this XDA Mini since this prob occured and i want to find a solution as soon as possible ! I really dont know what to do
When i push against sd-card slot from inside, i hear everything .. again, so this is just a really small prob ..
I hope sb. find a solution quickly otherwise ... i dont know
JackBauer said:
I think when you pull up the volume there is this small tone and you hear this tone from the loudspeaker.
After you hear the tone, you cant here anything again, right?
I'm driving really crazy, i loved this XDA Mini since this prob occured and i want to find a solution as soon as possible ! I really dont know what to do
When i push against sd-card slot from inside, i hear everything .. again, so this is just a really small prob ..
I hope sb. find a solution quickly otherwise ... i dont know
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I think it's a contact problem, so maybe the problem isn't that small... I don't want to open my device.
I don't think it has anything to do with the ROM or with the software.
(I wish it would, then there would be a solution in the end)
I had this problem too and found a fix:
I assume that while you are making a call, there is no audio from the earpiece. While on the call, adjust the volume up or down with the volume slider button. if you hear faint beeps and faint audio right after the beeps, your earpiece is working but there is a software glitch caused by the headphone jack.
Reset your device. Make a call (i.e. to your voicemail) and make sure there is audio incoming. Connect the (wired) headset. Disconnect the headset and you shoud now hear audio from the earpiece. You may have to reconnect/disconnect the headset a few times.
thanks for the pdf. ill check it right away!
THX GUYS>>>U ROCK...........I was soo worried.....
thx again..
Thanx dudes for the nokiaspeaker tip!
Just received my on ebay ordered nokia speaker and within a few minutes I fixed mine magician thanx to the pdf & already gainted knowledge on this page!
I bought this phone a year ago for a very nice price because of the damaged speaker and now at last I repeared it just for €3,- (instead of sending it to Orange risking over €100; I`m Dutch ya know )
hi guys...pulling this one out from the past....my magician has all the symptoms above, but with no luck, the replacement speaker did not do the trick...any other ideas/details/downloads....anything to get the audio back???\
BTW, i can hear glitches of sound if i play with the volume tab. That is to say, if i push it up, i hear the tone "ding" and i can hear the voice on the other end for a split second! So i must be close, no????


Am using a Jasjar. One fine morning the phone stopped ringing. No sound from the speakers at all. Though I could hear the other side on recieving or making calls. My voice does not go.
I sent it for repairs to I mate service center in Dubai (am in mumbai), Got back the machine working today.After making 5-6 calls ,the same problem has started again.
Please advice.
thanks ,
sounds like they didnt fix it, my 5.1 amp has just done similar, well not similar, but similar issue lol, grrrr
amp stopped doing video, sent to yamaha for repairs, got it back !!!AFTER 2 MONTHS WAITING!!! 2 weeks later its doing it again.
Back to Dubai it goes then! This time, try to shout enough so that they actually fix it. :lol:
A quick suggestion: (just in case)
In some cases people have had problems with sound loss from their Universals caused by the headphone jack. The sensor that identifies whether a headphone is plugged in is faulty and cuts out the speaker sound.
You could try putting a headphone jack into the socket and wiggling it, or plugging it in and out a few times. That might fix it.
I've had the same problem too a couple of times. I found that it was something weird with the battery actually. It always seemed to happen when I switched batteries. Everything would work fine except the audio. I could make a call but the other side couldn't hear me. When I would "click" on anything like Start all I would hear is a small popping sound. I found that if I took the battery back out, and then put it back in and made sure it was securely set in place & locked it the sound would work again. Sometimes I would have to do that twice before it would work again. I'm not sure if it really is a battery thing or something else that gets jiggled when I put a new battery in/out but that's what's worked for me. Hope that helps.

HELLLPP!! Ear Phone Blow out?

This is the weirdest thing/worse thing that can happen to my wing so far....
I was on the phone talking like normal, everything ran fine, everything was perfect. The next phone call I get, I can't hear the other person...I'm yelling HELLO!?!? HELLO?!!...I thought it was their crappy flip phone. However, it was MY PHONE.
So everytime, I had to make a phone call or receive a phone call I have to put the person on speaker phone to hear them.
I did a hard reset and ERASED everything and that still didn't fix my problem.
So, I took a deep breath in and took apart the wing to check if there was a loose connection where the Ear Phone Speaker was connected to the board. Everything looked fine and un-plugged the speaker and used the Dust-Away Can on it and put it back in...and it still didnt work. I took disconnected the speaker again and just threw it against the table cause I got so mad. Connected it again. and Viola! It works again! I was extremely happy until....
Today during school it happened again, I couldn't hear the person, I did hard reset (thinking it was because of all the mods) but it wasn't. Then I took the speaker out again and did the same thing...but still doesn't work.
Any ideas guys? You think the speaker is just blown? I've only had the phone for 3 weeks. Any idea where I can buy a replacement speaker? (if you need a picture of the speaker, let me know and i'll post it)
Thanks for the help!
That happened to me... and it was because I was holding my Wing and a water bottle in the same hand, and apparently, I got some moisture in the speaker... and shortly after, the touchscreen stopped responding.. so I took it back and got a new one.
only thing i can suggest is if you figure out the part number for the speaker (either the HTC part number or the manufacturer part number) then search with that term on google and I am sure you will find atleast a few wholesalers and retailers from Hong Kong that sell that product. Did this on numerous occasions for lcds, antenae, and various parts for random electronics.
Did you try throwing it again?
yeah I did.
I guess the speaker is just blown. I went to a Cell Phone Repair place and they gave me a BlackJack speaker, its the same plugs but a little thicker, so theres a little bulge where the ear handset is.
How much did that cost ya?

Water damaged trinity

Please help i followed the usual steps. Opened up the phone and left to dry for five days. Then when i turned on the phone everything seemed to be working fine, Except when i am making a call i cannot hear anything. If i enable loud speaker the sound is routed the back speaker. So it seems the front speaker is faulty. Anyone know where i can buy a new speaker?
minz215 said:
Please help i followed the usual steps. Opened up the phone and left to dry for five days. Then when i turned on the phone everything seemed to be working fine, Except when i am making a call i cannot hear anything. If i enable loud speaker the sound is routed the back speaker. So it seems the front speaker is faulty. Anyone know where i can buy a new speaker?
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I just did a search for p3600 speaker on ebay and this came up. Good luck.
wow thanks i tried searching ebay before but came up with nothing specific for the trinity, so i purchased this one instead http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI....m=170185169760&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=007 not exactly for a trinity but hopefully should still work. If not i'll buy the one from the link you supplied. i'll let you know how i get on when it arrives.

Need ear piece speaker..story included...

hey guys my phone was having a slight problem with the ear piece speaker it would work properly but if i shook the phone a little ( such as walking) the sound would disappear , if i turned on the speaker phone the call was stil connected and if i again turned on the regular ear piece it wouldnt work unless i gave it another slight shake
This led me to belive tht the speaker might be slightly out of place and the contact werent touching properly so i ripped open my phone and dove thru its guts to get to the speaker (it was almost the last piece to come out damn it why couldnt it be easier to get out??) n on looking at it the 2 "prongs" that allow it to touch with the contacts on the flexi board were kind smooshed down so i gently pried them up and in the process was able to snap one off right at the base so theres no way to fix it
In short my wizard is an excellent pda now and an ok speaker phone but i still need the ear phone peice.
Im in NYC so if anyone knows where i can get it please help me cuz im getting alotta calls and no way to answer it with out using the speaker phoe which is annoying thanks for the help
Wizard earpiece
I have one from my old 8125. LMK if interested. I'm here in St. Louis, MO.
Definitely interested how much u want for it?

