A few questions. Please answer them :) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Im looking at upgrading from the Magician to the Wizard on T-Mobile.
Please answer these Q's for me:
1) Is the Remote assistance any good over WIFI?
This function would be really good for me so please post your experiences with it.
2) Is it easy to unlock?
I done searching but cant find much.
3) What ROM should I install on it?
I put the IMATE Jam one on my Magician, but what is the best one to use on the Wizard?
Thanks alot.
Greatly appreciated/

Even if you can only answer one Question please reply.
I would like a reply asap
Thanks alot.

I'm not much help for you but I will say I never could get WinVNC to work on my phone. I haven't tried any other method.

WinVNC isnt the defualt that comes on the phone is it?

Unlocking is easy as long as you don't have the latest ROM installed. Some people have apparently downgraded their ROM to an older version, unlokced the phone (SIM and CID) and then you're free to upgrade to any ROM you like. Check out the big threads on Lokiwiz for more info.
As for what ROM to choose, I've just installed Mr Clean ROM and am very happy with it (see current threads in the Wizard Upgrading topic). He's also done a T-Mobile variant, if you want the T-Mobile stuff added (inc skins) but I personally put in the really clean version and then added just the MMS/GPRS/etc T-Mobile setup stuff, as I never liked T-Mobile's colours much.
One hint - if you want more replies, use a topic subject that's a bit more specific than "I need help", or peole just won't read the thread. Let us know what you actually want to know!

andrewilley said:
Unlocking is easy as long as you don't have the latest ROM installed. Some people have apparently downgraded their ROM to an older version, unlokced the phone (SIM and CID) and then you're free to upgrade to any ROM you like. Check out the big threads on Lokiwiz for more info.
As for what ROM to choose, I've just installed Mr Clean ROM and am very happy with it (see current threads in the Wizard Upgrading topic). He's also done a T-Mobile variant, if you want the T-Mobile stuff added (inc skins) but I personally put in the really clean version and then added just the MMS/GPRS/etc T-Mobile setup stuff, as I never liked T-Mobile's colours much.
One hint - if you want more replies, use a topic subject that's a bit more specific than "I need help", or peole just won't read the thread. Let us know what you actually want to know!
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Ah ok, Cheers.
So if I unlock it, then change the ROM it will be good?
And does anyone have a specific one I should get?
Thanks alot people.

Mr bob - if you are getting a brand new t-mobile vario chances are it will have the new G4 chip which can only be cid unlocked via http://www.imei-check.co.uk/ for a cost of approx £30 or so. You can tell if it has a G4 chip by looking at the ipl/spl numbers when it boots up. If it has a number ending in .001 then it has a G4 chip.
There is a free way to upgrade your rom that does not update your ipl/spl see here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=56088
You can sim unlock (but not cid unlock) a G4 chip enabled device with lokiwiz 0.3a
Why not wait a short while and get the varioII aka hermes\tytn? Better specs than the wizard.

meschle said:
Mr bob - if you are getting a brand new t-mobile vario chances are it will have the new G4 chip which can only be cid unlocked via http://www.imei-check.co.uk/ for a cost of approx £30 or so. You can tell if it has a G4 chip by looking at the ipl/spl numbers when it boots up. If it has a number ending in .001 then it has a G4 chip.
There is a free way to upgrade your rom that does not update your ipl/spl see here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=56088
You can sim unlock (but not cid unlock) a G4 chip enabled device with lokiwiz 0.3a
Why not wait a short while and get the varioII aka hermes\tytn? Better specs than the wizard.
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Is there anything I can do to get rid of the Tmobile crap though?
A new theme wont do it will it?
Ill see what heppens when I get it.

mc_bob said:
Is there anything I can do to get rid of the Tmobile crap though?
A new theme wont do it will it?
Ill see what heppens when I get it.
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I've avoided the custom ROM's because there seem to be too many issues reported, and I haven't found the standard U.S. T-Mo ROM to be a problem for me. Doing some tweaking, including overclocking, has made this device very useful.
Follow the instructions here to bypass loading the T-Mo extended ROM:
You can then add each CAB individually to your taste. This author suggested that you must load the items in red, but I only added four of these and my device works fine. In fact, for a while I didn't have any of these CAB's loaded, and the only thing I missed was SmartDialer.
I don't use any internet features except wifi (freebies, not T-Mo hotspots), so I left most of it out.

Cheers, phone come this morning and im in the process of doing this stuff


2.26 Rom Rocks!!!!!!!!!

Last Night I made a clean install of the 2.26 rom on my wizard and I have to say, overall peformance is way better than the previous roms ive used. On my previous roms, the highest speed I got up to when surfing the net was 79 kbps, with the 2.26 rom, ive got true edge speed going up to 155kbps. Service never drops, and its much much faster. Although I excluded all t-mobile customizations since they are really no use at all. I get 4 bars almost everywhere I go. Streaming radio audio never drops. So, for me this has been the best rom that Ive used. Finally T-mobile has done something appreciative.
I agree, having had two issues with the 1.08 ROM. First, Voice Speed Dial would lose its list about every five days and Speed Dial's list would become simultaneously corrupted, some items being recoverable, some not. I got so tired of re-creating the list I just quit using VSD. MS Voice Command is on order. Second, the handset speaker volume was too low even when at max volume.
I won't be using VSD again, but so far (two days) SD has not become corrupted. I'll be satisfied when a week passes without an incident. The handset speaker volume is improved, and I can now hear conversations in noisy atmospheres without as much straining.
I've also noticed that it is more stable, and faster. Overclocking at 240 makes the MDA run like my old Ipaq running at 400 mhz., and menus zip in and out, with programs loading faster. Soft resets are also faster.
In the past I've resisted loading new ROM's, but this time it seemed like the right time, especially with the hope those two issues would be fixed. I'd say I'm happy so far.
I just don't understand. I was using the old, custom 2.08 or something ROM and was doing just fine (other than it disconnecting sometimes)... and after upgrading to the 2.26 ROM, I can barely get any signal anywhere at all. I used to have four bars at home, now I'm lucky to get two and usually get one. Sometimes, I get zero and have to wait before making calls. This NEVER happened before.
Is there something I'm supposed to reset after upgrading my ROM? This just doesn't make any sense.
I will never learn. Everything was fine, except of course MS Voice Command & Bluetooth, on the ROM version my Wizard shipped with earlier in the year.
Friday I installed the T-Mobile 2.26 update, then reinstalled Goodlink. Fine, then Smartskey & RegistryWizard. Looking good, then Goodlink errored out. On a soft-reset, the Wizard hung at a Windows splash screen. Hard-reset, reinstalled Goodlink and Smartskey. Seeming fine for a while, installed MS Voice Command (skipping past the message about Microsoft being an unknown developer). Still ok, then a day later errored out again. A soft reset hangs the Wizard again at the Windows splash screen.
I'll try it now with just Goodlink.
is there anybody know how to install the rom only without the extended rom, as i need to keep my extended rom as it is.
ROM 2.26 on Dutch T-mobile MDA Vario
Hi people,
I wanted to know is it possible to install the 2.26 ROM on my Vario.
If I'm not mistaken the 2.26 ROM is the US version of the MDA Vario.
I'm currently using the MDA Vario Dutch OS. But would like to have the English OS.
Do I need to CID unlock and/or SIM unlock my device before attempting to install this ROM?
Is there any risk in attempting to install it without CID/SIM unlocking it.
Thanks in advance.
you probably can. im not really sure, but if its still the same phone provider, i dont think you have to cid/sim unlock the phone.
the US version should be fine...its runnig on my UK Vario
if you are running a v1 ROM (no push function) its worth CID and SIM unlocking now..cos at the moment there is no tool to do it on a v2 rom.
As long as your phone is a T-mobile, you dont need to CID unlock before upgrade, but if you wanted to use a QTEK/Imate rom, then you would
good luck..the upgrade is worth it
Thanks people for the quick response.
I will consider upgrading to the new rom.
But one last question is the language issue a problem for a ROM upgrade? I just want to be postive before going through with this venture.
Because T-mobile Netherlands give a 2 year warranty on the Vario, but if I install the new ROM even if it is the T-mobile (other country) ROM
my warranty will void (really stupid T-mobile)
and if the update fails for any reason. I will need to do some extra work for nothing.
Update on Uk T-mobile Vario.
I cant get it to work on my vario. Comes up with "wrong vendor" error.
Please post a link or info for UK version please.
Thanks .
Re: Update on Uk T-mobile Vario.
Stu308 said:
I cant get it to work on my vario. Comes up with "wrong vendor" error.
Please post a link or info for UK version please.
Thanks .
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You cannot install on a UK t-mobile wizard a USA t-mobile rom, even if they're both from t-mobile.
You must either:
- CID unlock your device if you're still using a 1.x rom (use lokiwiz 0.2b for the unlocking)
- follow my tutorial to install the rom if you've got a 2.x rom (the tutorial is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=56088 )
Thanks risidoro,
I will then try to unlock my 1.x ROM first and then update my ROM. I have interestingly followed other threads in this forum.
But I couldn't find any answer to the queston: When CID unlock in ROM 1.x is the device still unlocked when installing newer ROM 2.x?
In my case installing the US ROM 2.26 is it still unlocked??
EDIT: Reason is to find out if it might be possible to install or try other ROMs if I want to lateron.
Thanks in advance.
Shah2 said:
Thanks risidoro,
I will then try to unlock my 1.x ROM first and then update my ROM. I have interestingly followed other threads in this forum.
But I couldn't find any answer to the queston: When CID unlock in ROM 1.x is the device still unlocked when installing newer ROM 2.x?
In my case installing the US ROM 2.26 is it still unlocked??
EDIT: Reason is to find out if it might be possible to install or try other ROMs if I want to lateron.
Thanks in advance.
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CID unlock is like death: you can have only one
[yes, CID unlock is sticky. Do it only once and it'll last forever, even if you go to 2.x]
Thanks Risidoro,
I'm gonna try the unlocking one of these days.
Just hope the US rom also corrects the errors in the ETEN dialer of PaulyA.
I think other language ROM aren't that compatible with the ETEN dialer.
Just love the phone dialer, only those stupid buttons (End button) that never becomes a Talk button.
Once again risidoro a lot of thanks.
lsnizzle said:
On my previous roms, the highest speed I got up to when surfing the net was 79 kbps, with the 2.26 rom, ive got true edge speed going up to 155kbps.
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What are u using to test your edge speeds? i'm on 2.24 and would like to know what i'm surfing at. I tried a couple sites but they were giving me resulst of 6kbps and crap like that which is not true.
I use SPB GPRS Monitor to check the data rate. It works great, but it's not a freebie.
fone_fanatic said:
lsnizzle said:
On my previous roms, the highest speed I got up to when surfing the net was 79 kbps, with the 2.26 rom, ive got true edge speed going up to 155kbps.
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What are u using to test your edge speeds? i'm on 2.24 and would like to know what i'm surfing at. I tried a couple sites but they were giving me resulst of 6kbps and crap like that which is not true.
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I use this,
And this,

Cingular 8525 Remote IMEI Unlocking?

Hi Folks
I was wondering if someone know if the IMEI Unlocking services offered in many websites really work:
For example: http://www.gsmphonesource.com/reunbyimforc.html
It make the kind of unlocking like the unlocking software posted on this forum?
Thanks to all!!
We have a FREE SIM unlocker which does the same, and more:
Ours keeps SuperCID forever, theirs not
Hi Pof
I have seen your great job. Thanks for that!
since I am just starting on this XDA world I dont want to mess with rom upgrading and stuff. So I felt that just entering an unlock code is 'safer' for now, but I wanted to know if that remote IMEI solution really works for using the phone with other SIM cards
Yes, it works. It has the same effect on the phone, but I really encourage you to try my solution instead, it's not that hard, but the warnings are there for you to be cautious
The IMEI is not used at all for unlocking, it's just to make sure you don't buy an unlocker from them and use it in two different devices: if you want to unlock two devices you have to pay twice
If you want to technically understand what their unlocker does, and what does mine, have a look at this post (comments #54 to #57):
My understanding is that the Cingular 8525 use BootLoader 1.06, which means that in order to unlock the phone, the BootLoader need to be downgraded to 1.04 (by installing older ROM), SIM unlock it, and then upgrade to new ROM with BootLoader 1.6.
This may seems complicated.
I used pof's method and had my phone up and running in less than an hour and it was FREE!
Call Cingular tell then u r going to europe
Call Cingular tell them you are going out of conutry and they will send you unlock caode for free in 5 days.
lanwarrior said:
My understanding is that the Cingular 8525 use BootLoader 1.06, which means that in order to unlock the phone, the BootLoader need to be downgraded to 1.04 (by installing older ROM), SIM unlock it, and then upgrade to new ROM with BootLoader 1.6.
This may seems complicated.
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That's not true..
Grab pof's exe, and run the bat file. There's nothing else to do. Just sit, be patient and follow the instructions.
It's really brainlessly easy. That means, that even those without brains should be able to handle it...
LegolasTheElf said:
That's not true..
Grab pof's exe, and run the bat file. There's nothing else to do. Just sit, be patient and follow the instructions.
It's really brainlessly easy. That means, that even those without brains should be able to handle it...
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So i am waiting my cingular 8525 in the mail, so all i need to do to get the phone sim unlocked and cid unlock is to follow the directions? no need to downgrade if i have 1.06
jemx33 said:
So i am waiting my cingular 8525 in the mail, so all i need to do to get the phone sim unlocked and cid unlock is to follow the directions? no need to downgrade if i have 1.06
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It's easy. READ, READ some more, then READ till you puke. Then, follow the directions TO THE LETTER, and you'll be just fine. Nothing else to do. THEN, once it's unlocked, you'll want to flash a normal radio and a new OS.
As a newbie, I suggest you pay close attention to POF and Legolas; this stuff is EASY, but only because I've read the WIKI, lots of threads, then re-read the WIKI 2 or 3 more times.....then followed the instructions to the letter. And then go back to the WIKI just to stay sharp.
Reading the threads will give you an idea of just how many people do stupid things like NOT reading the WIKI, try flashing a new ROM or radio on a whim, follow only the directions they feel like, and turn a wonderful PDA/Phone into a useless brick. I've been around here only about 2 months but am now flashing ROM's on my CID/SIM Unlocked Cingular 8525 at will and having a ball. Will be joining the ROM Flasher's 12-step program soon.
So, read, pay attention, follow the instructions fully, read some more and read the threads so you can appreciate what happens when someone doesn't read, follow the instructions fully, etc.
Why Pay????
There's no sense in paying when POF's provided a great unlocking program here that's easy to use and works GREAT!!! This IS a no brainer.....
If you don't plan on going out of the country and wanting to change cell phone service provider, what is the benifit if unlocking the phone. I have been flashing my phone to different ROM's since the day I've had it.
I don't really see the added benifit of unlocking the phone...but then again I am a newb at this stuff.
If you have no plans on changing SIM cards, i.e. changing providers or travelling out of the country where you might want to use a local SIM to save $$, there's no need to SIM unlock your phone. If your phone is CID unlocked, then you are able to flash cooked ROMs' and ROMs' belonging to other carriers, i.e. flash a T-Mobile ROM to a Cingular phone. Unlocking also gives you access to the Extended ROM and several MB of storage space not otherwise avail to unlocked phones
Question, what difference if any is there between me getting the Unlock Code from ATT (just did it for some old V551's of mine with an email to them) and this Unlock tool of Pof's? I do plan to unlock it soon, planned on going the ATT route because I know it works. If your tool does something over and above I'd like to know.
Thank you!
i'm wondering....im about to buy a 8525 tilt...i want to know:confused if i called cingular and asked for a unlock code would it cost me...also if i mess up and did it myself whats the worse that could happen to the phone......
b4mytime1 said:
i'm wondering....im about to buy a 8525 tilt...i want to know:confused if i called cingular and asked for a unlock code would it cost me...also if i mess up and did it myself whats the worse that could happen to the phone......
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at&t would provide you with the unlock code for free. the worst of course is your phone turning into a brick, but if you are smart enough to follow instructions it will be fine.
and one more thing........which device are you getting......8525 tilt????? if its the 8925/tilt you are in the wrong subforum, you should be looking at the kaiser section. the 8525 does belong here
ok so i just got sent an att 8525. I am planning on unlocking this phone.
I havent been on these boards in forever but has anything changed? Is there anything in these rebranded att phones that may not let me unlock? is there a newer tutorial?
thanks guys
I just wanted to share that I unlocked my 8525 with HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a on Vista. It went through with not one issue or hiccup.

Need Help With Wizard!!! Pls Read

Hi, I'm going to be getting a SIM unlocked t-mobile MDA soon, and was wondering if I should put a custom ROM on it. I understand I have to CID unlock it first. I'm new the custom ROM thing, but I've been intalling custom homebrew firmwares on my psp all the time, so I know about the risks. People have told me that I shouldn't do it because the mda is desgined for windows mobile 5, and should be left at that, and custom ROMs are very buggy, and freeze a lot. Is this true? and can someone help me to CID unlock my MDA. Also, how can I tell if its a G3 or G4? and what's the difference between them? and there are so many custom ROMS out there, which one is the best? I heard it was the core 2 by xplore, but im not sure. What do you think? Please answer with something! I'm very frustrated right now, THNAKS!!!
In the section called wizard upgrading is a sticky by Dr. P...in it it explains how to unlock your device. Read it, then read it again, follow the directions explicitly.
As for rom...I have a Tmo MDA running a WM6 custon rom...Jaguar 3.1
Each rom is different, it depends on what you want in a rom. If you want bells and whistles go with a TNT rom. If you want a zero calorie rom go with a Core rom and customize as you need by installing 3rd party apps. If you want something in between, go with Jaguar or a Faria...there are so many amazing chef's at work here at xda, that in truth, you just gotta try each kitchen out until you find the one that meets your tastes. Be warned...you may turn into a flashing junkie and need to join the xda 12-step program!!!
Ok, thanks. You've helped me a lot. I think ill go with the faria or jaguar, I like the sound of them, but ill look up more info on them first. Thanks again.
waleed786 said:
Hi, I'm going to be getting a SIM unlocked t-mobile MDA soon, and was wondering if I should put a custom ROM on it. I understand I have to CID unlock it first. I'm new the custom ROM thing, but I've been intalling custom homebrew firmwares on my psp all the time, so I know about the risks. People have told me that I shouldn't do it because the mda is desgined for windows mobile 5, and should be left at that, and custom ROMs are very buggy, and freeze a lot. Is this true? and can someone help me to CID unlock my MDA. Also, how can I tell if its a G3 or G4? and what's the difference between them? and there are so many custom ROMS out there, which one is the best? I heard it was the core 2 by xplore, but im not sure. What do you think? Please answer with something! I'm very frustrated right now, THNAKS!!!
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It all depends on your taste...i always like to cook my own ROM...pick the one you like, dump and add packages you like and enjoy...but READ (I mean READ...) wiki and stickies before you flash...dont just flash anything and brick your device...
PS: Stick with OS version ending .318 for better wifi connections
Ok, thanks. I should be getting my MDA tomorrow (thursday) so Ill probably start installing custom ROM's on friday, because I want to get to know the MDA a little bit before I install customs ROM's. Also, how can I check if it's a G3 or G4? I know it has something to do with the numbers that show up when the device is turned on, but I'm not sure, can anyone help? Also, hat do u mean "add packages" can I customize my custom ROM however I want? I can add whatever apps I want on the ROM? Also, are all custom ROM's windows mobile 6? are there such things as windows mobile 5 custom ROM's? its not that I want it, just curious. Is there a such thing as jaguar.318? (you said .318 has better wifi)
waleed786 said:
Ok, thanks. I should be getting my MDA tomorrow (thursday) so Ill probably start installing custom ROM's on friday, because I want to get to know the MDA a little bit before I install customs ROM's. Also, how can I check if it's a G3 or G4? I know it has something to do with the numbers that show up when the device is turned on, but I'm not sure, can anyone help? Also, hat do u mean "add packages" can I customize my custom ROM however I want? I can add whatever apps I want on the ROM? Also, are all custom ROM's windows mobile 6? are there such things as windows mobile 5 custom ROM's? its not that I want it, just curious. Is there a such thing as jaguar.318? (you said .318 has better wifi)
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All you need is in here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Wizard. Jaguar is .318 OS, if you flash that you should be good to go...read wiki before you do anything with your MDA. Good luck.
waleed786 said:
Hi, I'm going to be getting a SIM unlocked t-mobile MDA soon, and was wondering if I should put a custom ROM on it. I understand I have to CID unlock it first. I'm new the custom ROM thing, but I've been intalling custom homebrew firmwares on my psp all the time, so I know about the risks. People have told me that I shouldn't do it because the mda is desgined for windows mobile 5, and should be left at that, and custom ROMs are very buggy, and freeze a lot. Is this true? and can someone help me to CID unlock my MDA. Also, how can I tell if its a G3 or G4? and what's the difference between them? and there are so many custom ROMS out there, which one is the best? I heard it was the core 2 by xplore, but im not sure. What do you think? Please answer with something! I'm very frustrated right now, THNAKS!!!
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Hmmm, Take my advise,as you are getting a new device,it wud probably will be with wm5 T-Mobile Rom.why don't you just use it for sometimes,enjoy the new device,get to know all the features and applications and really get to know your device and when you are fully comfortable then go for an upgrade to wm6 version Rom. In the meanwhile, READ 'n' READ all about CID unlocking and upgrading,so that when you are actually going to do it,you have the whole procedure done successfully and effortless
Secondly, it's very very important to know the correct DOC chip version on your device ( G3 or G4) cuz both the devices have all together different method for upgrading,if you do a G3 method to unlock or upgrade to a G4 device,it'll "Brick" the phone,so first determine the version of the device. Download the WST Tool and install,run it and check the report it generates to verify the DOC chip version,whether it's a G3 or G4 device.
Good luck
Yeah, your right, I got my MDA yesterday, and I'm pretty happy with wm5 right now. Ill put a custom ROM on later, no point in risking a birck already, but I still want to CID unlock it now, so I don't have to do it later. Thanks for your advice. I found a lot of things to on the net make a wm5 look like wm6, i got a theme, and media player skin. Do you know any other ways I can make my wm5 look like wm6? Icons? buttons? sounds? is there anything like this on this website? i'm going to check anyways.
Search in the xda wizard forums. A while back someone posted WM^ themes, ringtones, icons etc...if it isn't in the wizard section, then I saw it in the general topics section. Sorry I cannot remember which, but I DO remember seeing it posted here at xda, so just search WM6 themes.
What do you guys think of this rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=310864 is it a .318? does it have good wifi? please give me a short review or something
waleed786 said:
What do you guys think of this rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=310864 is it a .318? does it have good wifi? please give me a short review or something
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Well,this one is an old cooked Rom on an older Base Rom,there are at present many latest cooked custom Roms on newer Base Roms,I'll suggest you to consider those,it wud be more beneficial and enjoyable with better and advanced features.Like TNT 1437,TNT 1933,NBD 9.2,they all are excellent build Roms.
You can check out all the latest wm6 Roms on 'Wizard Mobile 6' forum
ok thanks, also i used the lokiwiz program to CID unlock wizard, but I am not sure if it worked, is there any way to tell if my mda is really CID unlocked??? Also, can I upgrade the ROM witgh Vitsa? it didnt work, then I tried the activesync driver, I found the instructions on this website, bit it still didn't work, i followed all directions, and tried 10 times. I try to update, but right when it says verifying device info, i get the message "ROMupdateutility MFC Application has stopped working" PLEASE HELP, ANYONE.....
waleed786 said:
ok thanks, also i used the lokiwiz program to CID unlock wizard, but I am not sure if it worked, is there any way to tell if my mda is really CID unlocked??? Also, can I upgrade the ROM witgh Vitsa? it didnt work, then I tried the activesync driver, I found the instructions on this website, bit it still didn't work, i followed all directions, and tried 10 times. I try to update, but right when it says verifying device info, i get the message "ROMupdateutility MFC Application has stopped working" PLEASE HELP, ANYONE.....
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To verify the CID lock/unlock status,download the WST tool and run,check the button "CID Action" written on it,this will give the report to verify if you device is CID locked or unlocked.
Secondly,don't use Win Vista as it has many problems yet.Flashing is always easy and recommended with WinXP SP2,ok
zabardast_1 said:
Well,this one is an old cooked Rom on an older Base Rom,there are at present many latest cooked custom Roms on newer Base Roms,I'll suggest you to consider those,it wud be more beneficial and enjoyable with better and advanced features.Like TNT 1437,TNT 1933,NBD 9.2,they all are excellent build Roms.
You can check out all the latest wm6 Roms on 'Wizard Mobile 6' forum
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Not always an old OS is bad
Maybe you'd like to give my ROM a go
ok thanks for all your help. I guess ill have to go to the library to put a custom ROM on, the have xp there. What is your ROM? Can you tell me more about it?
ok thanks for all ur help. I go to the library to out a ROM on it, they have xp there. What is you ROM dferreira? can you tell me more about it? is it wm6,? is it the one in your signature? I kind of like that one, even though its not wm6, you have a good reason of keeping it at wm5. Another thing is can I use shelltool to put a custom ROM on my mda? does it work with every ROM? if it does, why doesn't everyone use it? what's the use of CID-unlocking it when shelltool is easier and faster? is there a catch?
waleed786 said:
What is you ROM dferreira? can you tell me more about it? is it wm6,? is it the one in your signature? I kind of like that one, even though its not wm6, you have a good reason of keeping it at wm5. Another thing is can I use shelltool to put a custom ROM on my mda? does it work with every ROM? if it does, why doesn't everyone use it? what's the use of CID-unlocking it when shelltool is easier and faster? is there a catch?
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My ROM is WM5, based on the old AKU 2.3 (rev 4 is, rev 5 which is gonna be released soon will be the latest WM5 OS build). You should not use shelltools to change to my ROM, since I've got some fixes/updates done by extendedRom, which shelltools doesn't update! Also, WM5SE is G3/G4 safe, so you can use SoftSPL or HardSPL to flash it so its safe for every Wizard PDA. Why doesn't everyone use it? Its the freedom of choise, everyone is free to use whatever ROM satisfy his/her needs. ShellTools takes about 30 minutes to flash. A CID Unlocked device can be flashed using the official RUU upgrading program, that takes about 6 minutes... also its safer.
Just make sure you have read all the stickies on WIzard Upgrading forums, before ever flashing!
You said you took out windows live, where can I download it if I want to put it back on?
one last question, do I need to downgrade my SPL to CID unlock my phone? I have a G3 T-mobile MDA runnig the latest t-mobile 2.26 ROM. How can I downgrade to CID unlock my phone? LET ME KNOW ASAP, I'm in a rush....thanks!
CID unlocking is only possible through 'lokiwiz02b' Tool and it only works in IPL/SPL 1.xx,so to unlock you'll have to downgrade to IPL/SPL 1.xx.To CID unlock read this Sticky :-
Good luck

Cingular 8125 and which ROM

I have Cingular 8125, I used one of your methord and unlocked the Sim, I could used T-Mobile SIM and it works. Also I ran CID umlockd.
Here is my question for grat experts.
I see many many Rom upgrade, don't know which one to start with . I do not want to make 8125 as Door step.
I try with one of ROM, I get error 262
Any link or direction would be realy helpfull and appreciate all your hard work.
Thank you
ACI007 said:
I have Cingular 8125, I used one of your methord and unlocked the Sim, I could used T-Mobile SIM and it works. Also I ran CID umlockd.
Here is my question for grat experts.
I see many many Rom upgrade, don't know which one to start with . I do not want to make 8125 as Door step.
I try with one of ROM, I get error 262
Any link or direction would be realy helpfull and appreciate all your hard work.
Thank you
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Did you mean 8525? I hope so. If you really mean 8125, then you need to get yourself over to the WIZARD forum. You will have a brick if you flash 8525 ROM onto your 8125.
ACI007 said:
I have Cingular 8125, I used one of your methord and unlocked the Sim, I could used T-Mobile SIM and it works. Also I ran CID umlockd.
Here is my question for grat experts.
I see many many Rom upgrade, don't know which one to start with . I do not want to make 8125 as Door step.
I try with one of ROM, I get error 262
Any link or direction would be realy helpfull and appreciate all your hard work.
Thank you
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you can consider yourself lucky you only got an error and not a paperweight....
go to the wizard forum and in my opinion, as a 8125 owner until 2 days ago, flash the TNT 1933 rom.
good luck!
Ditto, the TNT Rom's for the Wizard are amazingly fast and stable!
Yes it's 8125. I guess I'm lucky.
I also have 8525, could I unlock and apply any latest ROM ?
Thanks for any information.
ACI007 said:
Yes it's 8125. I guess I'm lucky.
I also have 8525, could I unlock and apply any latest ROM ?
Thanks for any information.
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Yeah. Lots of good ROMs to choose from... vp3G, Schaps, Custel (has a new one), you really cannot go wrong with the last batch. Haven't really tried any of the other new ones, but they are all very stable now.
Check THESE GUIDES for upgrade assistance.
Do I need to unlock AT&T 8525 or simply load new ROM ?
Sorry for trouble. New to this stuff.
ACI007 said:
Do I need to unlock AT&T 8525 or simply load new ROM ?
Sorry for trouble. New to this stuff.
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You shouldn't HAVE to unlock it - the updater will do all the work. Check out the guides I linked in my previous post - it wil make the process easier, more clear and safer.
Do U have 8125 or 8525?
I have both. I just load tnt-1933 fro 8125, look cool.
I also have 8525, I need clear instruction for that, I do not like to messed up.
Thank you

Solutions for HTC P4350

So, this must be my first post in this great forum so I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this in the right place.
I'm interested in unlocking my HTC P4350 and before I've posted this thread, I've already read most of the topics that talked about unlocking SIM or CID the Herald. Although, some questions remained and that's why I'm opening this thread.
First, I still can't get the difference between CID and SIM unlock and the way in which they both interact. Don't know if by CID unlocking the device I get SIM unlock, etc.
Secondly, I saw that most users tell people to follow this method, http://www.imei-check.co.uk/heraldunlock.php but I can't really judge it to say if it's safe for my money and device.
Another option was to contact Vodafone from Portugal directly and buy them a unlock code. Although I'm really not sure of this because I want a full device unlock option (CID and SIM unlock I guess) that allows me to work with other network SIM cards, to flash the device with new ROM's and to upgrade to any Windows Mobile I want. Doesn't matter if the solution is free or not. Just name one please !
PS: Also found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=433544 but I really don't know if it helps me in any way.
CID Unlock - CID stands for Country ID..if you get to CID Unlock your phone, it means you can flash any (officially released) ROMS released for Herald. I suggest you load Hard SPL on your phone, it gets CID Unlocked plus you're safe from bricking it from wrong/bad flashing. See here
SIM Unlock - Would unlock your phone from a specific carrier and be able to use all SIM cards
It doesn't necessarily mean that when you CID Unlock your phone, it gets network unlocked too, no... they are done separately... some utilities (well on other devices) get them integrated on a single program (none i think for the Herald)
On the case of www.imei-check.co.uk, after the payment, they will be providing you an unlock kit that would SIM and CID Unlock your phone..
CID Unlock ( free thru Hard SPL)
SIM Unlock - I guess you have to pay for it since there are still no other free solutions to SIM Unlock a Herald. Contact jockyw2001 for a good price for unlocking.
Thank you very much for the help !
I'm going to use this post to say that I'm very happy with the simple and easy way that jockyw2001 got to SIM unlock my Herald. After long research in a way to unlock my P4350, a member, in this thread told me to talk to him and I did. After a 20 minute e-mail talk, I've got my Herald SIM unlocked for a small fee of 25$ US.
Nice job jocky.
So, I'm going to use this thread to put my questions to avoid starting new ones.
I've already SIM unlocked my phone with jocky and now I've done the HardSPL method to CID unlock the device.
Now comes my really noobish part. If i'm not in mistake, a WM6 update came out to the Herald and I'd like to install it on my PDA. I've got already a different looking OS because the HardSPL method but my 2 questions are about the WM6 update and the TouchIT OS install. Are they both the same thing? Which do you advise to install on the Herald?
Maybe my question is out of the context but I can't explain myself any better :x.
Regards and thank you for reading.
jncunha said:
So, I'm going to use this thread to put my questions to avoid starting new ones.
I've already SIM unlocked my phone with jocky and now I've done the HardSPL method to CID unlock the device.
Now comes my really noobish part. If i'm not in mistake, a WM6 update came out to the Herald and I'd like to install it on my PDA. I've got already a different looking OS because the HardSPL method but my 2 questions are about the WM6 update and the TouchIT OS install. Are they both the same thing? Which do you advise to install on the Herald?
Maybe my question is out of the context but I can't explain myself any better :x.
Regards and thank you for reading.
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true in essence its actually the same but the toucht it roms are lot better it comes with a lot of reg edits so it runs stable/better/faster it comes with a custom theme wich imho looks pretty badass but also check out ttrans open touch its really good as well
ilikepu said:
true in essence its actually the same but the toucht it roms are lot better it comes with a lot of reg edits so it runs stable/better/faster it comes with a custom theme wich imho looks pretty badass but also check out ttrans open touch its really good as well
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But what ROM versio of TouchIT should I use? There are a ton of them in here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358030.
jncunha said:
But what ROM versio of TouchIT should I use? There are a ton of them in here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=358030.
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its best if you look through rom development but ill post a good one for u
I was thinking on the TouchIT WM6.1 Full. What do you think?
yep personally i like ttrans open touch 7.2 it has a very nice ui
I really can't find the link to download the ROM in the threads :x. Can anyone help me?
jncunha said:
I really can't find the link to download the ROM in the threads :x. Can anyone help me?
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jncunha said:
Secondly, I saw that most users tell people to follow this method, http://www.imei-check.co.uk/heraldunlock.php but I can't really judge it to say if it's safe for my money and device.
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I just used them to unlock a T-mobile Wing. Worked beautifully, was fast and easy (with the time difference, everything was ready by the time I woke up this morning after ordering it last night).
Edit: I see you already unlocked... Oh well, that'll teach me to read the whole thread before hitting the quick reply...

