auto keypad lock? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I want to phone to keypad lock itself automatically as a normal mobile do. There must be a setting for this? As for now I have the lock thing in my today screen and have to press it. I often miss and hit something else and the phone calls people all afternoon while in my pocket. Somewhat anoying.

Would be nice to have a device lock that didnt take up so much space on the today screen.

knowsleyroader said:
Would be nice to have a device lock that didnt take up so much space on the today screen.
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Then look for the DeviceLock CAB file and assign it to a hardware button so you can remove it from the Today Screen (just like I did last week ).

Did a search for that cab file, but didnt find it. Where is it supposed to be?

i used vjkeypress with the link -133 which will lock the device and assined it to my comm butten because i don´t use it that often and have it in my tray also

I cant seem to install the on my Blue Angel ... is it because it wont run on WM2003 or some other reason maybe.
Does anybody know about another program for key locking the BA?

xdjneo said:
I cant seem to install the on my Blue Angel ... is it because it wont run on WM2003 or some other reason maybe.
Does anybody know about another program for key locking the BA?
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You might want to ask that in one of the BA forums, this is a Wizard Forum...

Frezzor: How do you assing the shortcut to the comm button? I can only choose installed program when assigning the buttons.


How to stop screen on when new sms arrives?

Hi every one.
So i set "button lock" and also disable mainly all notifications but every time a new sms arrives,the screen goes on.I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
I been checking every thing i could check but i can´t find the answer about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Third party software Pocket Zen Phone or phoneAlarm.
Ok i´ll check it and see what i can do.
Cheers mate.
User22 said:
I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
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There are many occasions the Magician turns on its screen. Rather than trying to find and disable all these, I copied TPDisable.exe and TPEnable.exe from the original Extended ROM into my Program Files folder, and then assigned them to a hardware key (using Hotbutton, so that I can use the same key for both).
As the name implies, TPDisable disables the touchscreen (not the display!), and TPEnable re-enables it. So, before I put my Magician into my pocket, I now disable the touchscreen (one press of a button). That still leaves the keys active, true, but I found that normally the touchscreen is much more likely to be the culprit when strange things happen on your Magician while it's in the pocket, and turned itself on.
@ tadzio
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe
or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if you hold down power button for 2 seconds to switch off backlight? Does the light still illuminate on receipt of sms?
@ cruisin-thru
I can´t see the point of your question,mainly because the thing i am looking for is to "switch off" my Qtek like a normal mobile phone,i mince buttons locks and screen off when a new sms or incoming call arrives and when you push power button for example,then screen go on and also release the lock of the buttons.
Any one can say that then i can use deltalock.I did it but the battery live is going down very quick.
Screenlock is not working properly also,i will say that Deltalock is 95% a lot better than Screenlock.
And finally,why microsoft is developing this OS without fully screen off selectable option???. Who knows!!!
User22 said:
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you Daniel.
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Both programs are in the Extended ROM. Most users have made this visible (though not writable) by performing a Hard Reset, and immediately after completing the initial screen adjustment and mini-tutorial and before the device starts installing programs, a Soft Reset.
If you do not want to do a Hard Reset, search this site's FTP server for Magician Extended ROM downloads. There were a few there last time I looked.
Well,after config hotbutton to TPDisable and TPEnable i can´t enable the screen and hardware buttons.
TPDisable is disablind the screen but also all the hardware buttons ( with and without button lock at settins),even the power button.
I use same hardware button for TPDisable and TPEnable ,is that correct or i am doing silly things?
If I arrive an sms the screen is switching on and after a few seconds switching off again if I don't press any key or tap the screen!
It's a changeable registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Power /
WakeupPowerOff =12 (the default is 180)
DisableGwesPowerOff=0 (the default is 1)
If you switch on the Jam (power button) need to press some other key too, because it switches off after 12 seconds!!!
by Avers
Well that is another solution but i insist that there should be an easiest way to keep the screen fully off when a new sms or what ever arrives,including hardware buttons off ofcourse.
Any suggestion more?, perhaps at the end and betwen all of us ,we can find the solution.
I think the best solution is third party software like PHONEALARM,
it's easiest way to get main tweaks of Pocket Windows.
get it there
Well my friends,pocketzenphone is not doing what i am looking for.
Next step is to try phonealarm,but probably will work the same way as pocketzenphone,leting the screen to go on every time a new sms arrives.
Sorry for my languaje but F... microsoft and F... devil gates.
As you can read on this post ,phonealarm IS NOT doing it.
phonealarm has option named "Don't activate backlight on alarm"
ALARM there means any event, that needs notification.
now i am understanding, that it is some differ that you need.
also i advice you make some registry tweaks to make a very short backlite time when sms arrives.:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\WakeupPowerOff = 10
this timeout in seconds. is used when our device self power on, when SMS arrives or we push the POWER button and do nothing anymore
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\DisableGwesPowerOff = 0
this key is enables this power control system (necessarily change it, or first key will not work)
after the editing registry you need to reboot PDA.
sorry for poor english, i translate text from russian.
if you want to use online translator i can give you original URL
Thank you for your reply i will try like you and others point out and also will keep looking for that utopic soft.
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
bnycastro said:
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
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If you read one of my post ,you will see that i allready said that Deltalock is working but it is KILLING the battery live very fast and when i say VERY FAST it mince that you will get almost 6hours against the normal live (more than 15hours).
Cheers mate.
I think if you keep your ppc on all the time you will get this battery life. Anyway I think deltaLock is for keeping your PPC on and having screen and button lock, not having it in suspend mode and not allowing the screen to power up. Sorry about that, seem to have misunderstood your post.
Don´t worry mate, at the end we are all together trying to find a solution to this microsoft silly programing, any comment and any new idea is wellcome.

anyone know if you can lock the touchscreen ?

Hi all,
when you got the screen folded over and facing out, any way of locking the screen?
I was also woundering about that...
when you have the screen in phone mode, there must be some way of locking the screen!
well if nobody here knows, o2 won't know!
Not sure if this answers your question but mine is set up thus:
In 'Settings/Buttons/Lock' set 'When device is off' to 'Lock all buttons except Power Button'
I keep the screen outwards and use the power button to lock/unlock.
One snag is that the phone seems to unlock itself when receiving an incoming call. I therefore can accidently cancel it trying to get the damn thing out of my pocket.
I do believe it locks the screen during installation of the ext rom..
This is done by running tpdisable.exe from the windows directory..
A word of warning though: IT'S DISABLED!
Unless you bind tpenable.exe to a button FIRST, you're screwed..
(Ok, a soft reset should fix it..)
I think they are called tpenable and tpdisable...
I don't have the device yet, so I can't check right now.
When I was looking at the config file, there was no mention of an exe, it was like a command (unlock your ext rom and take a look at it).
I got the impression this function was now embedded in the OS hence no exe. Probably wring of course....
Then it should be possible to make such a program, and assign it to a button..
Tried this one?
could maybe work for your devicetype to
pimbo said:
Tried this one?
could maybe work for your devicetype to
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Any one work out what the key combination is to diactivate it on the Universal?
I guess it would be the equivalent keys of leftmost and rightmost keys on HTC Blue Angel ('Windows' and 'Ok' keys!?)
However you guys, should try MortSaver (freeware also)
At least you can set several parameter according your preferences.
I just found an issue related with Voice Speed Dial interworking.
Conchas said:
... However you guys, should try MortSaver (freeware also)...
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Many thanks, I like it!

wm5 ok and close button icon

could someone post the ok down and up and the close down and up button of wm5? I want to hack them into magic button
anyone? a way to get them from my phone will also do... thing is i cant copy the shel dlls cause they are locked...
If you've got the device, why not just screen grab them?

Spb as default today screen

I am using HTC touch can anyone please help me to make spb mobile shell as the default today screen i went to the posts of spb mobile shell but they are soooo big that i couldnt find anything.........all i want that spb interface to be my default today screen.... thanks in advance
You mean the 3 sided one where you can flip through?
You can't really have it as a today screen. You can however set it to display on wakeup so every time you turn on your phone it's there. And when you lock your phone it is also there.
no all i want is the first one the analog clock one with the weather and all plugins i dont need the spb menu and the speed dial contacts
DaveShaw said:
You mean the 3 sided one where you can flip through?
You can't really have it as a today screen. You can however set it to display on wakeup so every time you turn on your phone it's there. And when you lock your phone it is also there.
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This can be happen and after soft reset. Just edit the mobile shell's shortcut in the windows\startup folder with a file manager(I use total commander) and remove the "-noshow" option. If there is not exist an spb mobile shell shortcut, just create one from the executable.
The problem is that starts in launcher screen and not in Now, and I didn't find until now how to change this. Maybe there is a command line parameter but I don't know which is.
please sum1 only tell me how to bring the now screen (the analog clock one only) as the today screen i dont want anything else...........
sourav_cool35 said:
please sum1 only tell me how to bring the now screen (the analog clock one only) as the today screen i dont want anything else...........
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you cant. search through the millions of mobile shell 2.0 threads. the closest thing you can do is that reg hack, or go to mobile shell settings and set the now screen to appear on device wake up. it cant be set as your today screen.
There is a shortcut to the Now screen. If you look where you can assign buttons it allows you to choose the Now screen. I am not sure where it is as an exucatable.
You can go to the Now screen with the "\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\Menulauncher.exe -now" command. You can assign it to a button, or a FTouchFlo gesture.
1.) Copy the "MobileShell.exe" application from \Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell, and
2.) create a shortcut "Shortcut to MobileShell.lnk" in \windows\StartUp, then
3.) Perform a Soft reset.
Now the Mobile Shell Spb Menu (Application) screen auto loads after the soft reset. No Reg edit required for this...
I have not seen or heard of a Now Screen edit as of yet but I'm sure one of these great Programmer / Chefs has one in the works... Have you seen what they are doing so far?
The above mention instructions does not replace the Today Screen but only bypasses it after a reset. If you close MS2.0 at any time, it will take you back to the Today Screen. As far as I know, you can not totally replace your Today Screen.
Good luck and keep on reading... The XDA Google search function can do wonders....
ghal said:
You can go to the Now screen with the "\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\Menulauncher.exe -now" command. You can assign it to a button, or a FTouchFlo gesture.
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Thanks for this! With this I achieve to make the device starts in now screen after soft reset with the help of mortscript.
I made a shortcut with above command, and after I write this script:
run ("\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\MobileShell.exe")
Sleep( 10000 )
Run ("\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\MenuLauncher.lnk")
I put a shortcut of the script file in windows\startup folder and reset the device.
Now I have the now screen after every soft reset.
I modified the memwatcher sdk sample to launch spb now screen whenever user gets to today screen. Install the CAB file and every time when you return to today screen it'll quickly put you back at spb now screen.
thedumbkid said:
I modified the memwatcher sdk sample to launch spb now screen whenever user gets to today screen. Install the CAB file and every time when you return to today screen it'll quickly put you back at spb now screen.
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is mortscript required to use this file? thx.
WB reminder to track this thread...
thanks guys thanks a lot.....i installed the cab file provided by thedumbkid and it works like magic .... once again thanks everyone
thedumbkid said:
I modified the memwatcher sdk sample to launch spb now screen whenever user gets to today screen. Install the CAB file and every time when you return to today screen it'll quickly put you back at spb now screen.
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I knew it wouldn't be long before someone made this happen... Good work....
That's What I Have Been Waiting For!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Job!
Be careful when using this cab.
I installed this tool on my german htc touch and now the device freezes all the time.
There is an error message saying " can`t open file MenuLauncher. Perhaps this file is not signed or one of its component is missing".
Then my device is showing the rotating icon for searching and doesn`t accept any input. How can i get rid of this without having to hardreset my htc ? After soft reset the device is still running in this error message, and active sync will not recognize my ppc to uninstall from there, so I need some help please.......
got the same problem on my german device.
any ideas to fix it?
perform a softreset and boot in "safe-mode"... deinstallieren fertig...
Thank YOU!
thedumbkid said:
I modified the memwatcher sdk sample to launch spb now screen whenever user gets to today screen. Install the CAB file and every time when you return to today screen it'll quickly put you back at spb now screen.
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Great job -- I know lot of people were looking for this.
parabolon said:
got the same problem on my german device.
any ideas to fix it?
perform a softreset and boot in "safe-mode"... deinstallieren fertig...
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I didn`t know there is a way to boot in "safe-mode", can you please tell me how it can be done ? Many thanx in advance

Turn off light with another button?

Does anybody know if it's possible to turn off the phonelight with the button to the right?
You usually use the on-button on the top of the phone but I think it would've been easier to use the button you hang up a conversation with. (just as you are with HTC HD2).
Hoping on a .cab or a positive answer
VistaX said:
Does anybody know if it's possible to turn off the phonelight with the button to the right?
You usually use the on-button on the top of the phone but I think it would've been easier to use the button you hang up a conversation with. (just as you are with HTC HD2).
Hoping on a .cab or a positive answer
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You can use TD2 Tools that has program called boot manager and assign to a key with Keyboard controller.
Bruce Inman said:
You can use TD2 Tools that has program called boot manager and assign to a key with Keyboard controller.
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Thanks for a quick answer, Bruce Inman Do you know where to find a description on how to do it?
Is this what you meant; ?
VistaX said:
Thanks for a quick answer, Bruce Inman Do you know where to find a description on how to do it?
Is this what you meant; ?
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Yes, that is the TD2 Tool to install.
Then install the enclosed Kbd controll program. Its pretty intuitive, just keep short press as default and set your long or double press to Boot manager.
or..... you can use SSMaHo to map a shortcut from manila home screen.
As far as instructions, you'll have to read as it is too hard to explain in brief.
One thing you will find is that the left soft key is locked for editing in most ROMs.
You can also set it to a softkey in the registry in HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila;
LSK, RSK (left and right soft key path and text)

