sending double sms/ text messages ???? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

ehh ive got a weird problem (arent they all )
when i sent 1 texmessage/sms the otherside receives 2 messages (2 of the same )..
any ideas ?? what dit i do wrong ?? wrong configuration ??
plz help
greetz jason

This used to happen to me before upgrading to the AUK2 firmware, I think its to do with the phone losing the UTMS signel before comfermation that the message is sent and falling back to using the 2/2.5G network.
I could be wrong but thats what I seemed to notice when it was happening to me.

Yeah I used to only see one sms go but mates told me they were getting 2.
The latest rom updates (xdx exec one in my case) solved the isuse for me too!

Hi, I had the same problem with Orange UK. I've updated to their latest ROM version and it all seems fine now.

sounds about right..
this forum is just great.. you can find every awnser of every question here ..
i simunlocked my T-mobile mda pro and put in my orange sim..
and guess what i couldnt send MMS (it uses UMTS i think ?)
an my girlfriend said that she gets al my smsses double ..
so i think when my T-mobile account activates (11-july )
the probs will go away. (keeps fingers crossed )
OR ....
is there an easy an safe way to change te umts settings so my mda pro will pick up the signal and stuff..
SAFE AND EASY is the key
greetz and thanx a lot.

Dutch subroute, me dutch to.
Do you use the dutch word "wel", like "test eens of hij het nu wel doet"
On all my versions from XDA-I to qtec9090 with several roms, eacht time I type "wel", the PDA will "autocorrect" this to the english verb "we'll"
The added quotes cuts the sms message in two.
on the bottomline of your screen you can see how many characters your message is and how many messages it will send.
I'm curious if this problem happens on your device as well.

yep same here..
LOL with the word 'wel' hehe i had the same problems.
gues only english spelling check available..
but xdaradar
do you also have the double sending sms problem
i have my t-mobile mda pro but its in use with an orange sim
enlighten me.

njet, never encountered that problem, not on my old XDA-I and not on my current qtec9090 with original ROM or tuma 1.3 ROM.
i'm using vodafone GPRS with six (!) inboxes without any problem
- email inbox for exchange mail
- three pop3 email accounts
- MMS inbox
- SMS inbox
they all sync and work arround the clock sending and receiving email
so I have no idea. did you try your simcard in an normal cellphone and what happens then?

hey xdaradar do you have a work around the we'll problem..
its kinda annoying

If this is what I think it is, ensure that you turn off Unicode support in the text options of POutlook.

subroutine said:
hey xdaradar do you have a work around the we'll problem..
its kinda annoying
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nop, what i do is typing the message, go back to in between the two ll and then twice backspace

coercri said:
If this is what I think it is, ensure that you turn off Unicode support in the text options of POutlook.
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i don't have the double sms thing, but turning off unicode doesn't help me with the autocorrect of wel to we'll

I used to have this problem with SPB pocket. When you hit the close button the messaging application terminates.
I was advised to add "tmail.exe" to the exclusion list in the spb pocket "Close button" properties.

okay, can I start crying now...?
I got the double SMS sent issue, but I also got the latest
T-Mobile ROM... (
Anyone got another idea...?
Sometimes friends even tell me they got the same messag 3 times!
costing a lot... hoping for a solution !

Do you use a task closer like HTC X, MagicButton etc?

I had the same problem. Found it was becuase I was closing the SMS app before receiving the SMS sent confirmation...

allrighty, so being inpatient, as caused by nature, is being punished ...
Thanks for your reply...
Just wondering how you found thát out...


text messages get split randomly into 3 ???

Just got a new XDA2 and I'm having a strange problem with text messages. I send a text as a single message ( less than 160 characters ) but at the other end it arrives as three seperate texts. The message appears to be broken up randomly, often broken in mid word. This has happened with messages sent to several different people including one on O2 like me so it seems its not a cross network problem. I've tried changing the phone for a new one and that didint solve it and if I use the same sim card in my old T68i everything is fine... Anyone else experieneced this ?? Any advice very welcome as O2 dont seem to have a clue...
gavin :?
actionphoto said:
Just got a new XDA2 and I'm having a strange problem with text messages. I send a text as a single message ( less than 160 characters ) but at the other end it arrives as three seperate texts. The message appears to be broken up randomly, often broken in mid word. This has happened with messages sent to several different people including one on O2 like me so it seems its not a cross network problem. I've tried changing the phone for a new one and that didint solve it and if I use the same sim card in my old T68i everything is fine... Anyone else experieneced this ?? Any advice very welcome as O2 dont seem to have a clue...
gavin :?
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Hi Gavin!
Same problem here , what extras are you running? I have battery pack 2004, MS voice, Games pack 2. then in my inbox 112 sms, sent items 107. also running check notifications. Sound more like an O2 problem :evil: . Anyway let me know if you managed to resolve the problem!
MerryXmas & Happy New Year! :lol:
Kind regards :wink: Jim.
I also had this problem with my MDA II, but only once. Since then, (and even after at least 6 Hard Resets) everything seems to work out fine.
Don't know what causes this problem, but maybe it helps you to know that I had this one in spite of using t-mobile.
I dont know if this is related but when I use ' even at less than 160 the messages become split into 2 or more. But when i remove the ' it goes back to the original unsplit form, so I avoid using ' in my sms.
It IS related, as that is the fault. If you do a search on these forums you'll find lots of posts about this...I've posted a few times myself.
You say you bought a new XDA2, I'd be interested in knowing whether this is NEW or new to either case does the phone have IntelliPad and IntelliDialer installed? If so, then that would further back up my theory that it's the dictionary that IntelliPad, in particular, uses and causes the old unicode problem.
As advised before on these forums, try going to Inbox > Accounts > Accounts - SMS > "Send SMS messages using UniCode when necessary", and choose No on this option.
See if that helps.
hey guys
I had this problem for sooo long and really annoyed my girlfriend, lol!
But the solution is: Goto Settings => input => Wod Completion and turn of ' Replace text as you type'. It splits the message beacause as you type a word like "Im" it automaticlly changes it to "I'm" however the apostrophe in the middle is the curly kind n for some reason isnt supported by SMS. So as long as you send txts with striaght instead of curly apostrophes you should be fine. (well it worked for me! )

Sending multiple SMS messages instead of one

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem as me.
Every now and again I'll send a text message to someone (or sometimes a few people) and then I'll get a text back from them saying that I only needed to send it once as they'd received it twice.
Now, as far as I can tell, this is gonna be eating into my text bundle (which I'm not too happy about!) and wondered if anyone else has experienced this with their device?
I had this last night.... I sent an SMS to my Dad the day before... and last night he rang me up asking why I sent it again..... I had no idea!! Nothing to do with Orange is it??
Nope, nothing to do with the Orange network as a mate of mine has just bought an O2 XDA II and he's sent a few texts which I've received twice.
Dears, I guess you have Sbp Pocket Plus 2.0 or 2.1 installed in your xda, it creats the problem of sending doublicate messages.
The Solution???
In the options, do not use the "close" feature in Pocket Plus, simply take out the tick in the "Close" feature, then try to send SMS. Your imate, or xda, or wshatever, will work ok afterthen!!!
Ahhh, right...
I'll try adding an exclusion to the list for "tmail.exe" (which is what PocketPlus identifies it as) and see if I get any more problems...
Cheers for that
NinjaDonkey said:
Ahhh, right...
I'll try adding an exclusion to the list for "tmail.exe" (which is what PocketPlus identifies it as) and see if I get any more problems...
Cheers for that
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I will give that a go myself... see if that sorts the problem.
I don't have it (SPB Plus) but I have the same problems! ITS A CON Back in the days of free texts on Pay as u go on o2 I noticed this.... MY SMSC (Text Message Service Centre Number) had changed because I was investigating why my friends where recieving multiple copys of messages on seeing that the smsc number had changed once i had added (Whats now called a 'bolt on') to my number I changed it back to the original once that was done I STILL Recieved my free messages and the multiple copys had stopped
this used to happen with me , i tried this solution and it worked with me
when u send any message, DO NOT exit the sms program until u get a sent message confirmation and that won't happen.
sheeshadevil said:
this used to happen with me , i tried this solution and it worked with me
when u send any message, DO NOT exit the sms program until u get a sent message confirmation and that won't happen.
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That seems to have done the trick...
Yep, adding tmail.exe to the exceptions list works like a charm - nice-1
Mine started doing this to-day ahh!!
Have added the tmail.exe to exception list hope this works

SMS sending with XDA II

ever since i've upgraded mine to WM2003SE, my friends are complaining about how they receive the same message twice every after 10 it the software? or my service provider? any help would be much appreciated...thanks. :lol:
i have te exact same problem....
Can anyone help.....
I gues you both are using "Pocket Plus" software, you have to disable the "close" feature, or at least, execlude "Outlook" from the the "close" feature so when you next time send SMS, it goes as one time, not dublicate!!
Hope this helps.
this thing also happens to me, my receipients complain that i send the message more than once (even up to 10x!)
i tried diabling the "close" function of SPB Pocket Plus. hope this works
what i did and works so far is i don't t tauch anything on the screen antil i ge the ''message send'' bubble, by doing anithing else the messages get to be send twice!
known bug...
What you experience is a well known bug in Windows' way to send SMSs:
The only "workaround" is to wait a few seconds after pressing the "send"-button until the bubble "message sent" comes up, just as chlouk wrote.
If you close the messages app before the bubble comes up, your SMS will be sent twice - only MS knows why...
Just exclude the tmail.exe from the close button feature of pocket plus. It'll fix the problem.
you are soooo right.....
it's fixed!
Thanx man... :lol:
no prob.. btw look for the tmail.exe in windows folder.
it's been nearly 2 months since i last posted this, n checked it only just now. :lol: my problem was solved a month ago by uninstalling SPB pocketplus...i'm reinstalling. thanks much for the help!
I have exactly the same problem only when I send a sms while I am talking on the phone.

A really nasty bug !!

Outgoing mails looses contet !
Semms that the mail is been cut of after 2-3 lines of basic text, written in the mail.
All other is fine, atachments and so on is working.
The really odd thing, the mail goes into the sendt box, and there is everything just fine, so there are no means to control what was sendt.
Using the imate JasJar to write a e-mail from a pop3 acount.
Using GPRS/UMTS for connection.
Any clues ??
Noone seen this?...
Hmm I cannot see any good reason for this either..
I also have this!
I just want to add that it does not happen all the time.
But the mails I send that get cut, get cut at the same place each time.
I have verified this by sending to my home PC the same mails that my collegues report having missing content.
This has got to be fixed.
Maybe we do things different in Norway ?
The use of "sym" caracters maybe ?
I'll have a look at the mails again...
Did you find anything...?
I tried to send email with 20 lines of text using 'SYM' chars, with my Qtek 9000, without any problem :wink:
To POP3 accounts, because in GMAIL, chars like "èüàä" are badly translated.... but no lines lost :?:
Honestly, I have not had time yet to have a look @ this, but it is def. weird
I have had this problem using my yahoo account to send mails. It seems to get cut after 2-3 lines yet in the sent folder it looks like it has sent it properly....
please help this is driving me crazy...
my emails didnt have any sym characters so I doubt the problem has to do with that.
This is not just a nasty bug!
This degenerates the universal into being nothing but a toy!
I have had several "semi-important" business emails being sent with only the "greetings" section intact!
If I cannot find a fix, I will not be able to use the device for emails, and as a combined phone/PDA, this would be quite stupid......
As it is now, I always have to send an SMS or make a call a while after sending a reply via email to check if the reciever got my whole message, or just three lines......
Weird, mate.. what kind of ROM are do you use :?:
I just tried to send a 50k email by UMTS, no problem with a Qtek 9000..
Could it be an upload limitation :?:
How do I know which ROM I have?
Ooopss, good question..
With Start -> Settings -> System -> Device information, you can know the version..
I know I've a Qtek ROM because it appears on the screen when I do a reset.... but I think it's possible to change these images in a ROM.. not 100% sure about that..
Maybe someone else can reply :?:
Im using a standard M5000 with the following ROM:
ROM: 1.13.49 WWE
Radio: 1.03.00
I will try and do some more tests today to see whether it was just a one off problem or consistent...
i will also try sending mails with another pop3 account to see whether it has something to do with the account.
I still cannot find any good reasons for this, I would assume this would be high on a priority list @ MS !
I whant to report another annoying bug, which makes it impossible to rely on my Qtek9000 with important mails.
If I compose the new mail in RUSSIAN, and scheldule it to be sent via MS Outlook on the next sync, this mail is sent as "????" signs.
English mails goes Ok.
Any suggestions how to fix it?
Have anybody face with the bug in different languages?
Is the WM5 fully unicode?
Thank you in advice.
i have the I-mate Jasjar and i use it all the time for emails since i do 90% of my work outside on the go. i never faced any issues sending emails through GPRS, no matter how big was it or what attachment do i put.
this is the rom i have:
rom: 1.13.53 WWE
radio: 1.03.01
extrom: 1.13.179WWE
i also checked with other people having the same device if they have this kind of problem, no one ever faced it, they all have the same rom as mine, or the arabic enabled rom for the Jasjar, which is the original rom shipped with the device.
it might be a rom issue as it's mentioned.

not even half of my sms get send

hey all,
i'm kinda new here so help me out if i go wrong !
ive got a problem with my sms: not even half of them get really send. it doesnt mather if its an reply or a new one..
please help me out with this trouble.. i really need sms else girlfriend gets mad lol
maybe there is a hotfix or something for it ?
What's your ROM version?
Did you try disabling unicode in message option?
ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol
Nakkie040 said:
ive got rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD
and bout the unicode thing.. will try if you tell me where its located lol
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You can find unicode setting from message tab, all messages-menu-settings-options.
If it's not working for u then try updating your ROM.
Now, you can download official ROM from htc site directly.
hey there,
the unicode thing is off and still im having those problems.. hope someone found a solution for it ??
This is a known issue and the sms hotfix has only worked for a small number of people - it's still an outstanding bug. There is a workround though, that works 100% of the time. You need to disable HTC messaging, and use the windows messaging app instead. Once there's a hotfix that actually works, you can go back to the much nicer HTC app.
The option to disable HTC messaging is available in BsB Tweaks. I'd recommend installing that, setting "SMS Mode" to use SMS "classic view", and soft reset your phone. If you have any messages stuck in your outbox, they still won't send, but any future ones will do.
BsB Tweaks is available here...
Good luck
SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !
Nakkie040 said:
SUPER !! thanks for the quick reply going to try that right now !
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It worked for me, but then I had success with the hotfix too, so I'm sorted now. I still keep an eye on the outbox though
Good luck mate - hope it solves it for you.
Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.
tomasz said:
Do the unsent messages remain in the outbox?
In that case, try setting sms mode to GSM instead of GPRS or wait a little while before putting the device in standy after pressing send.
When the device is suspended, it seems the gprs connection is sometimes deactivated and sms over gprs is not sent.
Worked for me; no more messages remaining in the outbox.
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Yeah, that's another known workround, but it's not been 100% succesful. Can't wait till HTC sort this proper.
Installing the hotfix worked for me.
What I mean is that I have been able to send and receive SMS but not MMS. Installing the hotfix sorted out sending MMS, but I cannot receive. It may be something to do with O2 who have been having problems.
Whoa! MMS just worked and downloaded the picture, so it must have been O2.

