idea for making a very simple battery life drainer - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

now I know there are many software out there that measures battery life, but non of them works very well on wizard
so Im thinking about making a program that runs on background and quickly drain the battery
we can then time the battery drain and post it on xda developers to compair
this way we can have a good measurement of how healthy the battery really is, and can have a good measurement on how much battery does todays plug-in or oampclock really consume
OR if anyone knows a good way to measure battery life, please tell me.


Improving battery life - underclocking?

I was doing a bit of light reading in relation to overclocking these units, a lot of complaints about increased battery usage. I was wondering is it likewise possible to underclock to improve battery? I only really use mine for the calander and phone functions, and would love longer battery life.
There are experiments done on some other phone ( Wizard, I think. Definately not an Atom) on underclocking. On the clock low enough to be functional, the improvements in battery life is too little to be significant
read this 2 links it will help a lot
Cheers guys, I'll do some reading.

Can acbPowerMeter be trusted?

I have had my Tytn for roughly 2.5 years. This autumn/winter the battery time I could get out of my Tytn was really ridicilousley low, so I bought a new "non original" 1500 mAh battery. It got better but not much, I started to think that perhaps the battery time was never better than this.
The other day I skimmed through this forum about battery problems and found this little program for meassuring battery consumption. I have now had it on since I removed my phone from the charger this morning and now, 4 hours later I'm down to ~30% battery power and acbPowerMeter tells me that the phone has used 90 mAh all together.
I have made 1 shorter phone call and made a couple of synchs with turbo 3G during this period.
Does 90 mAh sound at all right? That would mean that the battery was crap to begin with....or is it possible that acbPowerMeter isn't giving me even "close to correct values"?
Does anyone have any comments or ideas around this issue?
Best Regards,
Don't know anything about your abcpowermeter. What I do know, is that when I've had a new battery, or when I flash a new ROM, I often have problems with low battery. I just run the battery down like three times in a row, and my battery always improves.
So before making any determinations or using a program, I always run the battery down.
I've got acbpowermeter on my phone, and I don't think it's much good to be honest. If I remember correctly, the last time I left it running, it severely drained my battery - not exactly what you want a power meter app to do.
I find it far more reliable by using BatteryStatus from and just seeing what the momentary power usage is. (it sits on your Today screen). Yeah, it's not a comprehensive breakdown of your power usage over time, but it doesn't run the battery down like acbPowerMeter does
Like you though, I'm still curious as to what exactly my device consumes in terms of power over the course of a single charge, and I'm on the look out for a decent app which just ticks away in the background measuring power drain...
Regardless of Acbpower I just bought a new HTC Original battery and now I have the "normal" battery life I was used to during the first year of my device. As it has allready been discussed in other threads: These non-original batteries are far from always a safe purchase...
Br, Olleman
I recommend Lion Batteries. I have had a great experience with their 3000mAh battery for over a year and a half. Use that 3G on my Hermes and music all the time -- serious user-- and the battery still last me over day. Mind you I am constantly on the internet and always using push email and other data-centric services.
As far as Battery Status, for general purposes is great as I find the more complicated the app the more drain on the system it is trying to read. A simple app that you can just keep an eye over a period of time I think works best.
As far as batteries I was concerned where to buy one. Since my brand new battery died over just a year. Mind you a tethered a lot and I think that tends to kill the battery life faster.

Run the battery down?

To help improve battery life, should EVO 4G owners run the battery to empty when they first get the phone? Anyone have a definitive answer on this?
I got my EVO 4G from the Google IO conference. I am not trying to make commentary on the battery. I simply want to know for certain if running the battery down is a good idea.
- Greymarch
I write about technology, especially the Android OS at my website.
Running the battery down does not improve battery life. What it does do is calibrate the battery meter in the phone so you get a more accurate indication of battery life.

Battery longevity

My phone has an autonomy less than 24 hours.
What is the best Rom,app or tips to increase the longevity of the battery?
this question is a bit too general, take a look in battery usage and see what is using your battery the most... this way we can see what the problem is and how to help

Battery thread

How is the battery holding up for most folks?
I've been using Atrix for a few hours tonight (perhaps a bit more than normal use was on my Nexus) and I've already used 50%. Thats pretty crappy for whats proclaimed to be a large, long-lasting battery.
What should I be doing to improve battery life on this device?
I've seen the same poor battery performance. I'm hoping after being on the charger all night I'll see the battery performance that I've read about.
nexusonemeover said:
How is the battery holding up for most folks?
I've been using Atrix for a few hours tonight (perhaps a bit more than normal use was on my Nexus) and I've already used 50%. Thats pretty crappy for whats proclaimed to be a large, long-lasting battery.
What should I be doing to improve battery life on this device?
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It's called "New Battery Syndrome give it a week, you will settle into your normal usage pattern and you will really see fantastic battery life.
Pretty much, you have a new toy, you want to play with it as much as possible, thus you run it more than you may have used your previous devices thus effectively running the battery down faster.
Mine seems to be pretty great. Have had the display on for about two hours straight and it only drained 20%
naturefreak probably nailed it. most batteries seem to last longer after they've been discharged and recharged a few times.... on top of playing with it for probably just about the entire day..... BOUND to see less-than-expected battery life.

