Active Sync 4.1 and VPN - PLEASE HELP!!!!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi All,
Same ole Active Sync Error message problems that others have complained about:
"Support Code 85010014"
I am using Active Sync 4.1 and Outlook 2003. I am using my company's laptop so uninstalling/installing Outlook was not an option. I do think the error is appearing b/c I am trying to sync while Outlook is off-line. Common sense says just put it on-line. Tried that! My Outlook will only work online when our VPN is connected but is appears that Active Sync and our VPN are not compatable. Connect device - VPN gets disconnected. Connect VPN - then device is no longer connected. Our VPN is by Nortel. Any suggestions??
edit: added Active Sync version

bump....I really need help with this one. Without being able to sync with my Outlook it almost makes the device useles.... Thanks.

Have you tried moving your storage to your computer? I did it on my corp laptop and I think it was part of the fix for me. I believe it is called remote store if you do a search in help you should find the directions. If not then post back and I will post the ones our it folks set out.
Or perhaps you need the usbswitch.exe program to change the connection to usb serial then it might not knock off your vpn connection.

Where else to try??? I got it that no one can figure out a solution to this problem. Can someone please suggest some place for me to go? I tried searching Microsofts website for a forum/newsgroup I can post this question to but I came up with nothing. Any suggestions would be really beneficial!!!!

Re: Where else to try???
ms_guy99 said: I got it that no one can figure out a solution to this problem. Can someone please suggest some place for me to go? I tried searching Microsofts website for a forum/newsgroup I can post this question to but I came up with nothing. Any suggestions would be really beneficial!!!!
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How are you connecting your device? Bluetooth,USB, WiFi...? Maybe some more details.

You shouldn't need to reinstall Outlook. Try the following:
Right Click on "Mailbox - Person Name".
Choose Properties.
Click on Advanced.
Click on Advanced.
Tick "Use Cached Exchange Mode" (make a note of the old setting).
Click on General.
Select "Manually control connection state" (make a note of the old setting).
Tick "Choose the connection type when starting" (make a note of the old setting).
Tick "Connect with the network" (make a note...).
Close the dialogue with "OK", then all other dialogues.
Close Outlook.
Re-open Outlook.
Choose "Connect".
Allow Outlook to synchronise.
Close Outlook.
Re-open Outlook.
Choose "Work Offline".
Disconnect your VPN.
Plug in your phone.
Jon "The Nice Guy".

Another tip???
Thanks. I just tried that and still got the error message. I followed every strep you wrote, one-by-one!! But the error message still came back up. :?
Also, I am trying to do this via USB. The laptop is not BT capable and I broke the IR window during one of the many drops it suffered from.

ALAS!!! A solution has been found. I found the link to the site below in the Microsoft ActiveSync newsgroup.
Basically they suggest removing a script blocking of an antivirus program via the Windows Registry Editor.
It worked like a charm. It took a few minutes and I still haven't tested to see if it can be done while Outlook is on-line but I can deal with syncing while it is off-line.


ActiveSync 4.1 with WIN XP Professional SP2

Can someone help me? I recently bought iMate JASJAR. I have no trouble to connect with Desktop with ActiveSync 4.1 and WIN XP Home SP2. However, I have troubles to connect with the PC at work running ActiveSync 4.1 and WIN XP Professional SP2. The PC detect USB and Mobile Device but has error message saying not connected probably and may not work properly......
The ActiveSync never get connected. Please help. Thanks.
I used to have the same problem, but I discovered, as did others on this forum, that plugging the USB connecter into the Universal while the Universal is off works best.
1. Push the power button on the Universal to turn it off.
2. Connect the USB cable.
3. The Universal turns itself on, and
4. ActiveSync connects and syncs.
I think there are issues with firewalls and anti virus applications that also prevent Active Sync from working correctly, maybe that's where your problem lies?
Take a view your Windows firewall, then, open the exceptions and look about the ActiveSync and fix it.
Hi, Everyone: Thanks for the advise. However, I tried all you mentioned but still not working. My problem is the PC did not recognize the device from USB connection. I did try the windows firewall and make sure the check mark shown on all "ActiveSync" items. But it is still not getting recognized. I have no troubles for Win XP Home Editions w/SP2 at home PC. I am having the same AntiVirus and Internet Security (All from Symantec) on Home and Work PCs.
Please advise.
Wel, Be sure you have the last ActiveSync 4.1 version?
What do you think if you erase the program (in the PC that you have the problem) and install it again.
I had have the same problem and I did the way I share with you. Let me know if it works!
I had same problem.
I fixed it by plugging my ppc into my laptop once that connected i then plugged it back into my main pc and bingo
I did reinstall the ActiveSync 4.1. Then, the other finally recognize the device now. However, I have two other problems now:
(1) The Sync did not get completed. I always got Erroe Emssage saying "The ActiveSync encounters problems from desktop. Support Code: 85010014.
(2) Then, I tried to connect to the old machine which I Sync no problem before, now it processing the Sync forever.
It appeared that I cannot really Syn for both machines now.
Please advise.
Try to soft reset your ppc.
I have been struggling with a similar (perhaps the same) issue which I have just found the fix for.
The environment is Exchange2003 SP2, ISA2004, XP PRO SP2 laptop running Activesync 4.1, Win Mobile 5.0 phone edition PDA (Qtek 9000).
The PDA synchronises with Exchange Activesync Server via a cellular (GPRS) connection no problem.
The problem we had is when the PDA was attached to the laptop via the USB cable (or Bluetooth) - the error we got was " Your account in Microsoft Exchange Server does not have permission to synchronise with your current settings. Contact your Exchange Server Administrator. Support Code 85010001 " which is clearly cobblers because it syncs fine over a GPRS internet link. Also the PDA takes between 2-3 minutes to error out and I have seen some posts in other topics that interprett this delay as a failure.
The above symptoms occur after a hard reset of the PDA and a de-install / re-install of Activesync 4.1 on the Win XP Pro laptop.
The clue to the fix was that another domain user, using the same Win Mobile 5.0 device, and the same Win XP Pro laptop, had no problems via a USB connection and I could not see what was different about their AD / Exchange permissions.
It turns out that new domain users using Win Mob 5.0 PDAs have no problems whereas existing (older) users (possibly those who used PPC 2003) have got something in their domain profile that causes the problem. Solution is to delete the domain profile (a copy first would be wise) and recreate it - bingo problem solved.
Hi, Waltzing:
Thank you very very much about your comments. You are very correct. My case is with Notebook running XP Pro SP2 which I used at work and was connected to iMate PDA2K w/WM 2003 2nd Edition before. I wait for almost 2 hrs to complete the Sync at home computer. I am kind of concern I have to wait so long everytime. Any advise?
Can you tell me how to delete the previous Domain as you indicated in your reply. I try not to hard reset the PDA. I already re-install the ActiveSync 4.1 and it can connected now. However, the Support Code is still there. I tried to Sync individually, but I always have the same problems for Calendar and Contact which are the most critical items for me.
Another issue for Contact. I found that I have several contacts has a lot of info in Note in PC but got truncated to the PDA JASJAR after Sync. Is that normal? Is there anything can be done to keep those lenghty note in the contact?
Please advise the procedures.
I really appreciate.
Hello Williamchu, I have done some more testing and I have to make a correction - I have solved this problem but for me it was NOT a profile issue. It is likely to be to do with your work proxy server.
As I am sure you know - in order for a WM 5.0 device to sync with Exchange Server via a GPRS cellphone connection you have to tell WM 5.0 the Internet URL of the Exchange Server - typically something like
When you connect your PDA to your PC via a cable - Activesync (on your PC) will search for the Exchange Server via it's name e.g. - the problem is that, in many local area networks, Activesync cannot resolve to the IP address of the Exchange server except via a proxy server (in our case an ISA server). This is why Activesync appears to hang - it spends all it's time looking for an Exchange Server it cannot find (I have also seen it throw up sys errors 85020006 and 85010001 at this point).
Connect your PDA to your PC (via a USB cable) after you have logged the PC onto your work domain.
On the PDA go to Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Under "My Work Network" you will see either "Edit my proxy server" or "Set up my proxy server" depending on wether a work proxy server has been configured or not. You need to know what your proxy server name is and check both check boxes. Your IT guys will tell you what your
proxy server name is.
My apoligies for the bum steer about profiles - I have a complex test environment and changed 2 things simultaneously (without realising it) to try to fix this problem one of which was a new profile - which as it turns out has nothing to do with the problem. I hope this fixeds it for you.
Hi, Waltzing: Thank you for the info. However, what if I did not even select the Exchange Server to start with ActiveSync. I don't need to Sync the server. I just need to Sync the local machine Outlook Personnel Folders not the Public Folders. I skip the setup part when ActiveSync asked me. I still get the same error message.
Another issue, How can I delete files from "Storage Memory", somehow, it is 97% full. I installed most of the program in Storage Card which I have 4GB and I have plenty room left. I don't know why the "Storage Memory" got so full. After I uninstall some programs, I only free up Program Memory but not the Storage Memory. Any idea?
Do you have any idea about the Contact Note got truncated?
Thank you for all your kindness and advise.
Williamchu, I will contact you about this.
williamchu said:
I did reinstall the ActiveSync 4.1. Then, the other finally recognize the device now. However, I have two other problems now:
(1) The Sync did not get completed. I always got Erroe Emssage saying "The ActiveSync encounters problems from desktop. Support Code: 85010014.
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Well this problem gets solved when u open Outlook on ur PC and then Help --> Detect and Repair.
williamchu said:
Hi, Waltzing: Thank you for the info. However, what if I did not even select the Exchange Server to start with ActiveSync. I don't need to Sync the server. I just need to Sync the local machine Outlook Personnel Folders not the Public Folders. I skip the setup part when ActiveSync asked me. I still get the same error message.
Another issue, How can I delete files from "Storage Memory", somehow, it is 97% full. I installed most of the program in Storage Card which I have 4GB and I have plenty room left. I don't know why the "Storage Memory" got so full. After I uninstall some programs, I only free up Program Memory but not the Storage Memory. Any idea?
Do you have any idea about the Contact Note got truncated?
Thank you for all your kindness and advise.
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William did u manage to finally solve the problem??

For anyone having problems with activesync - my solution...

Okay - I was having no end of problems connecting to Activesync and syncing to Exchange (local desktop would work ok), sometimes activesync on the desktop pc would stay at 'connecting' other times it would try to connect, but fail with error code 80072efd or 0x85002003. I also kept getting the error message on the PDA - unable to connect with your network settings (or something like it...).
After a couple of days trying to get it working (and occasionally succeeding after hard resets etc) I started investigating...
So, I checked a few things... Activesync 4.X uses a Remote-NDIS host on the PDA to make an IP based lan-type connection to your pc. Check your settings in
Settings > Connections > Network Cards > Network Adapters
for the 'Remote-NDIS Host'.
Mine had been set on 'Use Specific IP Address'. Change this to 'Use Server-Assigned IP Address'
Now check that it says ' My network card connects to' and that work is selected.
Now check Settings > Connections > Network Cards > Connections'
and check that the proxy server states - This network connects to the Internet' and that there is no proxy server specified.
I don't know if this will sort any issues out for anyone else - but it worked a treat with mine, so having spend days trying to get it working I thought I would share my horribly annonying experiences!!!
Hope it helps,
on secoind thoughts - this has caused me more problems... grr I hate activesync - ignore my babbeling....
If I sort it properly I will post again..
i'm off to eat some apple-humble pie.
so I uninstalled version 4.1 of activestink and installed the latest version 4.2. I created the pairing and hey presto - it's synching again.
Yup - it's great fun.
ohh, I also hard-reset in between 'cause I was annoyed!!!
this worked for me.
i too faced the 'spinning wheel' problem with active sync.
i figured out that it was the configuration of the desktop or laptop and not the wizard as such.
1. after connecting the USB, i cud see messages like RNDIS device ready and all.
2. after this click on the lan icon in the taskbar of desktop. it displays all the lan connections. select the one that is for windows based mobile device.
3. in the properties for this lan connection, in general tab, check the box for Internet protocol.
4. In the advanced tab, click on settings for windows firewall.
5. check if activesync is added to the exceptions list. if not, check the box for activesync. click ok.
this should solve the problem. i sometimes have to do each time i connect thru usb.
hope this works.
hey guy i also had the same problem and although the first post was somewhat helpful, i still had to take an extra step in order for activesync to connect properly.
1. after changing to " Use Server-Assigned IP Address" in the connections tab i then had to:
2.go to the "usb to pc" interface and uncheck "enable advanced network funciotnality"
thanks for this post - i couldnt get my activesync to woork for the past 5 days
Activestink 4.2 won't even start on my computer :lol:
I don't really need it anyway :roll:
Anyone got stuck when Activesync keeps "Retrieving Settings" endlessly ???
moedinha said:
Anyone got stuck when Activesync keeps "Retrieving Settings" endlessly ???
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You should make the activesync on the phone a serial connection instead of a ndis connection, this cab helped me:
great man! i tried everything and this really works. thanks a lot
mrjay said:
great man! i tried everything and this really works. thanks a lot
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You're welcome
It was driving me crazy the first day I had my wizard.
you can also use a registery hack:
use your favourite regeditor;
do a Soft-Reset.
check after the reset if a:
HKCU\Comm\RasBook\’USB\“Entry“ key has been made for serial communication otherwise it won't work.
the-equinoxe said:
moedinha said:
Anyone got stuck when Activesync keeps "Retrieving Settings" endlessly ???
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You should make the activesync on the phone a serial connection instead of a ndis connection, this cab helped me:
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How can I run this cab if I can't use Activesync? (My PPC (MDA Pro) is in a vanilla state)
in my case was easier because i was able to copy on the ppc but i couldn't copy from it. trry to load it somewhere where you can take it from with your phone.
I've tried d/ling it from here but It doesn't save as a cab file.
Slave1 said:
the-equinoxe said:
moedinha said:
Anyone got stuck when Activesync keeps "Retrieving Settings" endlessly ???
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You should make the activesync on the phone a serial connection instead of a ndis connection, this cab helped me:
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How can I run this cab if I can't use Activesync? (My PPC (MDA Pro) is in a vanilla state)
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This is the trick I found out:
Connect your phone, wait till activesync starts.
Run taskmanager on your pc and kill:
WCESMgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
Go to your explorer (again PC) and doubleclick:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe
Activesync will run now without errors (but doesn't sync!).
click on explore, copy the cab to the phone.
Disconnect the usb-cable, start the cab on the phone.
Reboot the pc, reconnect the usb-cable and activesync will sync again
the-equinoxe said:
mrjay said:
great man! i tried everything and this really works. thanks a lot
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You're welcome
It was driving me crazy the first day I had my wizard.
you can also use a registery hack:
use your favourite regeditor;
do a Soft-Reset.
check after the reset if a:
HKCU\Comm\RasBook\’USB\“Entry“ key has been made for serial communication otherwise it won't work.
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I've make the registry changes but after soft resetting, no HKCU\Comm\RasBook\’USB\“Entry“ key has been created. Can you please post the contents of that reg key so I can put in manually otherwise is there something else I need to do to get the key created?
I have also had a similar problem with my computer and my Qtek 9100 not "finding each other" properly for a sync over USB ince the day I bought it over a year ago. Haven't been too bothered with it, as I've synced via BT instead (which works perfectly).
Still, technology that doensn't work properly seriously anoys me. Having tried all other available and suggested solutions I stumbled across the-equinoxe's recepie of reg-changes. After following the instructions I also ended upp with no HKCU\Comm\RasBook\’USB\“Entry“ for serial communication.
Therefore, I would like to repeat sunseakers call for help... Could anyone tell me what the contents of that entry is supposed to be?
Thanks for any help!
...i don't know if this will work for you, but i attached mine usbreg...
Thanks Krinkie.
ActiveSync must be one of the most frustrating applications out there. I have tried all recommended fixes and still cannot get ActiveSync to recognize my MDA. The last time I did a sync was 9/06. Too much BS using this application. I have searched all over the web and cannot find any application that will allow me to update my PIM file without ActiveSync. So, I guess I will finally give up on this. Thanks to all of you who have tried to help me. Thank You!!
I've been trying for days to connect to my laptop and the file above 'rndis to serial' finally did the trick... I'd read elsewhere about turning off your firewall etc, in the end I'd uninstalled all my firewall, anti spyware and antivirus programs...
Thank god for everyone here at XDA-developers... there wasn't anything useful on the Microsoft site.

What is needed to be able to sync?

Hi all, i hope this is the right forum.
I have problems with ActiveSync... i dont get it, i have a HTC Touch Cruise with Windows Mobile 6, ActiveSync 4.5, Outlook 2007. Windows XP Pro (SP2) and the HTC connect, but the only thing I'm able to do is to browse the file system on the HTC, i cannot sync. The sync-action in the menus are disabled and cannot even be selected/pressed on either of the machine. Still they are connected, and i can, as i said, browse the HTC:s file system without any problems.
I have read something about "partnership" between Windows and the telephone on several forums on internet, but i have never been given the opportunity to set anything like "partnership", and following the guides to do so does not work. Also, ActiveSync says i'm connected as "Guest".
I have performed uninstall of ActiveSync and cold start on the computer along with reset of the HTC several times. I have also tried to perform the above procedure with the Anti-virus/Firewall software (F-Secure) deactivated all network traffic allowed. Still no luck.
What have i missed to be able to sync?
I gave up, installed Funambol instead, it's benefits over ActiveSync is that it actually works.
i posted a comment to this last night, but for some reason,it hasn't shown up!
basically if you right click on the active sync icon ,you can create a partnership.
But what i would do is unnstall active sync then restart the pc , then reinstall it from the download link i have provided at the bottom of this text.
Make sure also that you disconnect your phone from the pc and click start > programs > active sync
then click menu > options. If you have no partnerships in the phone then you need to do nothing. If you have partnerships then that is probably why you cannot create a new one as you can only have two partnerships on the phone.
before deleteing the partnerships ensure that you have backed up all your contacts etc in your phone as deleting any partnerships will also delete the info it is syncing to the pc i.e. contacts,appointments,tasks etc.
I would also click menu > connections and make sure that syncronise all pc's using this connection is ticked and that 'USB is displayed in the box underneath, then when that is done ,click ok.
use ppcpimbackup on your phone(not the pc) to back up all the important info so that you can restore it if anything goes wrong. Just unzip the following file then copy it to your storage card and use file explorer to open it.
download the latest version of active sync here
delete this post
scousemartin said:
basically if you right click on the active sync icon ,you can create a partnership.
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Problem is that that option has never existed for me, as soon as i plug in the HTC it is always connected as "Guest" (and has always been like that from the very first time) and there has never been any possibility for me to create or delete any partnership. When i right click on the ActiveSync icon only three (3) options are available, these are "Open Microsoft ActiveSync", "Connection Settings..." and "Explore", all other options are greyed out. And option to create partnership does not exist at all, neither selectable or greyed out.
Also, i do have the correct version (4.5) of ActiveSync, i did even try the English version instead of the Swedish to rule out any impossible "possibilities" for the reason of my problems with ActiveSync.
I have written further on the subject (what procedures i have gone through in my desperate quest to get a partnership between my PC and the HTC) on this link.
scousemartin said:
if you are using Funambol ,does that mean you are using a mac?
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No, i'm using a PC, Windows XP Pro (SP2), installed the complete Funabol server bundle and Outlook client plugin on the PC, and installed the Funambol client on the HTC TC. Set up the Server to my needs and everything that did not work with ActiveSync, now works with Funambol -- and all my base are now belong to me.
did you try the settings on the phone to see if you have the sync partnerships setup already? also did you check the sync connections were set to allow all pc connections to usb? I know you have it sorted out now , but just curious with what the problem is, especially as you can connect as a guest. Is there any other software on the phone that is stopping the active sync connection. Or is the firewall on the pc blocking it?
I have just read the forum link you posted.
The reason most of the options are faded out when you try to select them on the pc and ppc is that you have the device connected when you try you need to unplug the device and then the partnership options will be enabled.
P.S. I love sweden, i worked over there for 8 months and Norway. Mainly in the north of sweden. Your beer is too expensive though
scousemartin said:
did you try the settings on the phone to see if you have the sync partnerships setup already?
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Cannot find any partnerships on the phone, not even in the registry.
scousemartin said:
also did you check the sync connections were set to allow all pc connections to usb?
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This i have done. I can only do it when i'm disconnected, but i'm guessing that is normal.
scousemartin said:
I know you have it sorted out now , but just curious with what the problem is, especially as you can connect as a guest. Is there any other software on the phone that is stopping the active sync connection. Or is the firewall on the pc blocking it?
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Well, to be honest, the solution, using Funambo, is a last resort option (gee, i really come close to write "final solution" here. ), and i would still prefer to get it to work with ActiveSync. With Funambo, since i want to have full control over where the information goes, i have to run a pretty heavy server on my computer, and it does feels a bit overkill for just syncing Outlook with a PDA.
Anyway, i have tried to disable the firewall and Anti Virus software (F-Secure bundle) and allow all traffic, uninstalled AS, removed the AS aplication drawer, reboot, installed AS, soft reset my HTC, and connect it. It feels like i have tried everything. I even tried to do the complete reinstall process with my network cable to the FiberLAN disconnected to exclude the possibility of failure because of some security restriction reasons in AS, since i have WAN (internet) straight into my computer without a modem, switch, router or anything else in between (part from i do not even have a local IP address, only a public WAN IP).
scousemartin said:
I have just read the forum link you posted.
The reason most of the options are faded out when you try to select them on the pc and ppc is that you have the device connected when you try you need to unplug the device and then the partnership options will be enabled.
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When the phone is disconnected, the ActiveSync window says "No partnership" and if i right click the ActiveSync-icon in the task manager only two options are available for selection ("Open Microsoft ActiveSync" and "Connection Settings...").
So, neither the PC or the phone has any partnership, still, when i connect them it immediately connects as guest and leave me no option to set up any partnership (neither disconnected or connected). Something is fishy.
scousemartin said:
P.S. I love sweden, i worked over there for 8 months and Norway. Mainly in the north of sweden. Your beer is too expensive though
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*lol* Thanks! I'm no patriot or nationalist so i cannot take pride in being swedish, but i do appreciate our nature and so on... Indeed beer is expensive here, very expensive... But prize must also be put in perspective as it's a part of our still pretty successful national alcohol and drugs policy. It's a small price to pay for the sake of decent public health, and even with our high alcohol and tobacco taxes, the tax incomes from these products does not even close to cover the costs for the damage they indirectly cause.
Also, as i'm a "far left extremist", high taxes is a kind of a turn-on for me.

Problem with USBTOOL and windows firewall

Hello, maybe, someone can help? I tried to search here, but without sucess. Maybe because of my terrible englisch? So be patient with me, if i have not found the answer here.
1. I did liberate my shift . Very good.
But i can use the USBTOOL only, if the windows firewall is inactive.
If the firewall is active, I cant get connection. In the exception of firewall there is mobile device center allowed. But nothing works.
Maybe i have forgotten any settings? Or does USBTOOL not work with active firewall?
2. I have installed Microsoft Office 2000 with outlook.
If I have connection with USBTOOL ( without firewall ) i can syn data, but if i want sync calendar or adresses, i read: Outlook not installed
If I start Outlook, it always says, Outlook is not standard client, but i can not find, what i have to do. I always say " yes ", but after new start again the same....
I am a bit frustrated....
Thank you for your help.
t.brumm said:
Hello, maybe, someone can help? I tried to search here, but without sucess. Maybe because of my terrible englisch? So be patient with me, if i have not found the answer here.
1. I did liberate my shift . Very good.
But i can use the USBTOOL only, if the windows firewall is inactive.
If the firewall is active, I cant get connection. In the exception of firewall there is mobile device center allowed. But nothing works.
Maybe i have forgotten any settings? Or does USBTOOL not work with active firewall?
2. I have installed Microsoft Office 2000 with outlook.
If I have connection with USBTOOL ( without firewall ) i can syn data, but if i want sync calendar or adresses, i read: Outlook not installed
If I start Outlook, it always says, Outlook is not standard client, but i can not find, what i have to do. I always say " yes ", but after new start again the same....
I am a bit frustrated....
Thank you for your help.
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- are you using Vista, XP or 7 ? (I guess nothing else ^^)
- can you check in windows mobile : start -> settings -> connection -> usb to pc . tell me if the option is checked or unchecked !
I think the problem comes from the second point, it solves most of the issue with USBTOOL when unchecking the option of advanced network
I hope it solves the issue ! About Outlook, I don't know.
Thank you!
This is the perfect solution for my 1st question
Connection works with firewall too, without problems. after unchecking this, there was an installation of a htc-driver. now in the usbtool-window appears amessage, that it is connecting, and it is!
Thank you again.
But after new installing outlook, my 2nd problem is not solved. If anyone has an idea, i would be happy!
t.brumm said:
Thank you!
This is the perfect solution for my 1st question
Connection works with firewall too, without problems. after unchecking this, there was an installation of a htc-driver. now in the usbtool-window appears amessage, that it is connecting, and it is!
Thank you again.
But after new installing outlook, my 2nd problem is not solved. If anyone has an idea, i would be happy!
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i always get an error message saying "no mail application has been found on the computer"... or something like this everytime I sync the mobile with the window... I think that there is so issue at this level.
fine that you can sync all the time ! that's a good thing ;-)
" i always get an error message saying "no mail application has been found on the computer"... or something like this everytime I sync the mobile with the window.. "
same here by me.
it is a pitty. how can i get my contacts now to wm6 ?
t.brumm said:
" i always get an error message saying "no mail application has been found on the computer"... or something like this everytime I sync the mobile with the window.. "
same here by me.
it is a pitty. how can i get my contacts now to wm6 ?
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dunno sorry same here

Please help! Unable to sync!

Hi everyone! When I connected my jade to my pc via usb, i got the usual screen asking me how i want to connect to the pc. Through activesync, internet sharing or disk drive. I chose internet sharing the last time to try this function out. However, the next time i connected via usb, the selection screen did not come out and it automatically went to internet sharing. Each time i connect via usb, this is what happens! Furthermore, i am now unable to sync! I tried going to activesync and pressing sync but to no avail! Could somebody help me please?!? Thank you in advance!!!
Try this...
1) Without connecting to PC.. on PC open ActiveSync. Select File - Delete Mobile Device - Confirm deletion.
2) On Jade, open active sync - options - delete all data
3) Now connect usb and configure connection again.
Hope that works.
Or on your Jade:
Click Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC...
Make sure that the checkbox at the bottom of the screen is checked.. That way it will always ask you what mode you want when connecting the device to USB...
izzyzc said:
Or on your Jade:
Click Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC...
Make sure that the checkbox at the bottom of the screen is checked.. That way it will always ask you what mode you want when connecting the device to USB...
Thanks izzyzc but it was checked at the time that's why i was puzzled as to when i connected it would go straight to the internet sharing screen instead of giving me a choice.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
azahidi said:
Try this...
1) Without connecting to PC.. on PC open ActiveSync. Select File - Delete Mobile Device - Confirm deletion.
2) On Jade, open active sync - options - delete all data
3) Now connect usb and configure connection again.
Hope that works.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It worked azahidi! Thanks millions!!! Appreciate your help!
I can confirm having this problem as well on the stock rom; sometimes internet connection sharing gets very attached to the USB connection
Have similar problem
Trying to transfer contacts from Outlook 2007 to Contacts in JADE Clone, it synchronizes all data except contacts what is a bit annoying.
Tried to do all mentioned above but no success.
Every time after opening ActiveSync settings, contacts are grey and impossible to mark them for Sync.
Could anybody advice pls?
Type approx 400 contacts again is nightmare.
Kajmaj said:
Trying to transfer contacts from Outlook 2007 to Contacts in JADE Clone, it synchronizes all data except contacts what is a bit annoying. Tried to do all mentioned above but no success.
Every time after opening ActiveSync settings, contacts are grey and impossible to mark them for Sync. Could anybody advice pls?
Type approx 400 contacts again is nightmare.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sometimes it's defaulted to "sync with PC". In Options, try uncheck that on PC contact folders, then check on server contact folders.
I have tried it, but no success.
Later on found (thanx to Google ) and installed Chapura Pocket Mirror Professional 1.0 trial and it went through and whole Outlook has been synchronized.
Now I works even w/o Chapura Pocket Mirror.

