Bluetooth Headsetss - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Right, Universal users...I'm after a Bluetooth Headset.
If you wouldn't mind, simply state what headset you use with your universal, how far away you can use it before it is crap, how comfortable it is (I have small ears), and should I buy one..
Looking at the BT800, JX10 or HBH 660 at the moment, but any considered...

I use a cheap o2 brand blue tooth headset, came free with my universal, quality is fine, I never used an expensive one, so cannot comment on the quality to one of those. but I can use it within 10 meters when fully charged, when uncharged for a few days, it looses the range.
all in all, cheap is good, spending lots of money is better, but they all do pretty much the same, so don't spend too much, oh and it works with voice dial and can pair up to 5 devices.....

Universal owners should try Nokia HS12 W :lol:

I use a Jabra BT 800. Its only ok really. Quite chunky and doesnt exactly hug the ear, so dont go jogging with it in.
Reception is ok but I have to hold the universal rather than leaving it in my pocket otherwise it goes all crackly.
A good point to note is that the BT 800 was quite expensive. Im on my 3rd headsest (previous was belkin and an o2 one, belkin was crap, o2 was ok) as they always fall off and break. If i was to buy again i would pay a tenner and leave it at that.
Hope that helps

I use the HBH660 & have no problems with it fits well to the ear & is quite strong droped it several times no damage.
Colin Bate

Couldn't get any to work with mine correctly.
Tried both a motorola H3 and a Jabra. Both were flakey when trying to initiate a voice call using the voice recog software.
Sometimes they would work with one press, othertimes two. I never knew if it had worked or not. So took it back.

Got an I-tech connect 'clip' model, doesn't look ridiculous thanks to the standard earbud, but obviously not as compact as the 'all in one' models. Works fine with the Universal, meaning just as well but not better as it did on my two previous phones.

Motorola HS850
small, good, cheap, long talk time, works with voice dial.


Calling all XDa IIi owners...OPINIONS PLEASE

I had my XDA II stolen at gatwick airport last week (sniff sniff) and am now looking to replace it.
From the complete range of HTC PDA's the XDA IIi seems to be tickling my fancy the most but I haven't really come across a single comprehensive review.
So are people who have purchased it happy?
Whilst I am aware that there are problems with the camera I can live with it as long as it is not worse than the XDA II .
So what say you O Ye owners of the IIi?
I got mine last week and I'm honestly torn...
The camera is CR*P, completely so! But as I never used the one on the XDA2 for more than the odd picture message and photo record I'm not particularly bothered - though it's a cheek for O2 to pronounce it as a major step forward when in many ways it's a regressive one.
My major headache is the IR and Bluetooth...IR seems even worse now than on the XDA2 - unless I'm missing something - and the BT stack currently on my phone means I cannot use the O2 BT clip headset (made by iTech) due to this (in my opinion) stupid handsfree obsession. Surely it would be a good idea to have a headset AND a handsfree option that WORKS. I understand on some headsets it works a treat, but given I've got one being sold by O2 on their website I would normally assume it would work.
That said, the 2i is a great phone in itself and if I weren't already spoilt having had the XDA and XDA2 before it, I would be in absolute amazment.
They've finally managed to get the o2activeui thing in a state which isn't too bad and I may even consider keeping it - though it's harder to remove than in the past.
If you have to upgrade which it sounds as though you do given your circumstances, I'd choose the 2i over the least the 2i is a better phone spec wise though without the keyboard (gimmick if you ask me).
Hope this helps (helped me to have the rant, anyway).
Thanks for the feedback Anthony. One thing that's slightly irritating me is a few places i've visited on the net state how previews often have some of the specs wrong on the O2 site it states that the IIi has 128MB SDRam and 128MB this accurate?
Have you tried out the Wifi and if so what d'you reckon?
Does the faster processor make a noticeable difference? e.g on my XDA II I was running loads of today plug ins as well as several applications by default I'd do a soft re-set at least once a day
As for the IIs even though when I compare the II and the IIs side by side it doen't appear that much bigger it still has a bulky-ish look about it and I just don't find it appealing enough to contemplate a purchase.
Your feedback on the above would be appreciated
This is on the box...
I have tried out the Wi-Fi and it seems OK to me, certainly it's a welcome feature. However I don't have a Wi-Fi card that I can compare experiences on...all I know is I didn't have one before and now I have a wi-fi connection. That can't be bad.
I don't have enough stuff loaded onto the phone to make a judgment on the processor. With the 2 I had lots of things running such as WeatherPanel and KitaraGenesis - also at one point Pocket Plus. From what I've seen so far the 2i does feel a bit faster...there's also a Turbo feature which does seem to further increase performance.
The 2i is exactly the same size I think, perhaps a smidge heavier. Having said that, if you compare most mobiles these days, the XDA series is no longer heavier than the majority. Besides, if you've got a PDA phone you're not expecting it to be light as a feather.
As I said previously, now you've got no option I would definitely go to the 2i...
As to theWiFii hadaXDA2 witha SandiskWiFi Card, then changed to the XDA2s, then after 4 replacements i now have a XDA2i, ifind the XDA2i range and speed of reconnecting to WiFi very very good, the XDA2s worked as well asthe XDA2 + SD WiFi Card.
I like the 2ivery much, only problem is i gave away all my XDA2 bits when i got the 2s, so now i have lots of bits for a phone i dont have and a 2i with no spair bits, got i wish i haddent got rid of my old XDA2 bits
i still soft rest a few times aday, but i am used to donigthis now and dont have a problem doing it, The Bluetooth for headsets (jabbra 250) works as well on the 2i as it did on the old XDA2, where as the 2s was total crap
4 replacements???!!! care to elaborate?
Applecom, how do you find the camera?
Has the bluetooth improved at all? With my XDA II I also has a Jabra BT250 whilst I found it excellent at close range as soon as the device was in (or out) the metal proporta case and in my pocket I got alot of static...also can you now hear the different ringtones in your bluetooth headset or is it still the same generic one?
Finally, if I get the phone from O2 with their minimum line rental fee it works out to about 407 quid in total....anyone know of any cheaper places?
Thanks for the feedback once again guys.
After hearing about the new XDA2s i purchased a sim free PDA2k, but the microphone on it was crap and the bluetooth (headset) range was like 6 inches after that it sounded terrible.
So as soon as we could get a UK XDA2s we did ( we are a small phone shop) i got it sim free, This was just as crap as the PDA2k, Sothen i did a upgrade to a XDA2s with o2 Select, and of corse this was crap as well
(by crap i mean the mic was terrible people had problems hearing me, and the bluetooth headset only worked if you held the phone next to it, as a PDA it was sort of alright)
so after speaking to o2 about its problems and the fact the keybopard soon comes loose, it was changed probley every 2-3 weeks, never any better for phopne calls but of corse a new one the keyboard is still tight (for a while)
anyway after the 6th phone (4th o2 replacement) i changed it to a XDA2i
The camera in the XDA2i just gives a bigger crap picture, but at leat i can make phone calls on this one and people can hear me, and i dont have to drive down the road with my bluetooth ear piece in and have to hold the phone to the ear piece to use it
dear oh dear.....thats the strongest case i've EVER heard for NOT buying a phone... :shock:
Not to get on your nelly but can you now hear the different ringtones in your bluetooth headset or is it still the same generic one?
my jabra 250 just makes the ring sound, just like on the old XDA2, no personalised ring tones, despite using IA Caller 1.2
Thank you all for the info
Does the movie function work better?
I know the camera makes a bigger "crap" photo but how is the video? On my XDAII, with all the today plug in's, the thing records crap even at the best settings. With a fresh ROM and nothing installed, I can get a decent video if I set the refresh rate and set it to daylight, (even for night shots), but after I install some programs, no settings can keep it from being choppy and slow or keep the sound in sync with the video.
Believe it or not, the video function, as bad as it is, actually saved my ass from going to jail.. If the XDA2i has better video performance, and it sounds like the BT is better, I want one... Is there any place besides eBay and O2?
Could someone tell us what version of the BT stack it is?
Any body try it with two serial ports yet? (One for a GPS and one for a Printer or POS device (like from
Thank you for your time.
the bt stack on my xda2i is
Mine is also 1.0.3900 and I can't use o2's bt clip headset with it....refuses to play ball yet others work fine.
Need an update to sort this out.
By clip do you mean the earpiece, with a foot of wire then a clip on bluetooth reciever? If you do O2 sent one of them out to me but as i use a jabra 250 i never tried the clip thing.
Would you like me to try it with my XDA2i (also version 3900)
Have you made a decision on a purchase yet?
I have both an XDAII and an XDAIIi and would be willing to give some comparitive information regarding them. Or try to answer any specific questions you have about them.
On another note, what alternatives do we have here with regard to a Windows Mobile device?

TomTom: Worth it?

I still use my old XDA 1 (Himilaya) for sat nav (running TomTom5 - haven't upgraded to 6 yet) with a wired GPS mouse, so both the GPS receiver and XDA are always charging when the ignition is on/engine running. I leave all that kit in the car all the time. I've also got an MDA Pro (Universal) and am thinking of using that for TomTom instead because:
a) Take advantage of the data tariff on it and subscribe to Traffic Plus (or whatever TomTom call it)
b) I also intend to get a Parrot CK bluetooth add on for the car (allow the car speakers to be part of a speakerphone) so I can make/receive calls and also listen to WMAs whilst driving (I hate all headphones)
So, questions.
1) TomTom5 works really well on the original XDA 1 (no crashes, smooth scrolling, very responsive, etc). Will it work just as well on my Universal?
2) If using the traffic service (over GPRS/UMTS), will voice calls still come through OK? T Mobile UK
3) Would pretty much any BT GPS unit off ebay be OK?
4) How long do the batteries last before needing a charge on these BT units?
5) Are there any wired solutions, so I don't need batteries and the Universal could also be on charge? I'd much prefer that.
6) Is the traffic service good? I mean, does it warn/reroute you sufficiently in advance? Does it know, for instance, that some roads are always slow and avoid them?
7) Anything in TomTom6 worth the ugprade over 5?
Or should I forget the traffic (and still rely on the radio) and just stick to the satus quo, or maybe still get the BT thing for MP3/WMAs? Anyone got any experience of a similar setup to report? TomTom5 on the XDA is one of very few tech products with which I'm completely and utterly happy.
Can no one help on any of the questions?
Hi Xiasma,
I sell a Car Kit for £40, which sounds like it should do what you want.
It'll charge your phone and GPS at the same time, amplify the voice, etc. and comes with 3 different mounts to attach to your car. I haven't sold many and one person is complaining about people not hearing him when he makes recieves a call, although we've proved that the microphone is working correctly. See this thread for an in depth discussion on pro's, con's, etc.
I have no experiance of other solutions, but I think that as you have problems with loudspeaker, you'll have the same trouble as the guy in the thread. The thread goes on a bit, but I think you'll find it usefull.
Any bluetooth GPS reciever should work well with your phone, but I'd advise going for one with a Sirf III chipset, people seem to find them much better than sirf II. I have some new ones due in next week around the £50 mark, which sound a better deal than any others I sell at the minute.
That's great, Dave, thanks. It's got a built in microphone, but does it have line out so I could have the sound going through my car speakers (ie for MP3 and the like)? That would be perfect. Well, almost, I'd prefer to mount the MDA Pro open with the keyboard underneath - I guess this won't allow that, will it?
How many hours use does a good BT GPS unit last between charges?
Hi Xiasma,
unfortunately it doesn't have a line out, but I've seen Y-adapters around for a few pence which could well serve the purpose you require.
As you wish to plug it into your stereo anyway, you don't neccessarily need an amplified mount. Herbert Richter make several suitable mounts and a body which will hold your device with the keyboard open. (Laptop Style) It has cutouts for most buttons, sockets, etc. So you could easily plug your phone in to charge and connect it to your stereo.
Heres a good GPS reciever, the manufacturer claims the battery will last 11 hours. I honestly haven't tested one myself, so I don't know how accurate this info is.

How good (or bad) is the Trinity

OK I see that some of you already got the device. My wife wants to replace her Nokia N80 for the white version. Now I previously had an Orange SPV M3100 (HTC Hermes) & had no end of problems with that sold it & now happily using an Asus P525. So how about the the Trinity.
-Is it stable?
-Does A2DP & AVCRP work properly as in having proper stereo output?
-Does the A2DP reconnect automatically to WMP after receiving a call (the -Hermes never did, had to restart everything).
-How's wifi reception (the Hermes was crap). She uses wifi a lot as we have 250mins free BTOpenzone minutes a month.
-I looked at the HTC website but it seems they do not supply firmware upgrade support for their devices. So where can you get them officially?
Fill me in guys. Thanks
Is it stable?
I don't feel it's very stable when coming to the phone part. If I've used the device for a while, I often have to hard-reboot it for the phone part to work again(it just stands "calling", and nothing happends)
-How's wifi reception (the Hermes was crap). She uses wifi a lot as we have 250mins free BTOpenzone minutes a month.
The WiFI reception on my phone is very good. I've actually managed to connect to hot-spots which my laptop didn't manage to connect... *me like*
-I looked at the HTC website but it seems they do not supply firmware upgrade support for their devices. So where can you get them officially?
In Norway you get the official firmware updates/rom from the local distributor.(Dangaard and Brightpoint)
What about other features, like those related to the cameras?
How is visiophony with the front camera?
How is the picture quality of the back camera? Most of the reviews are made with good light conditions. What about the pictures in low light condition?
Movies? Are they correct?
Battery life with that 400 MHz processor compared to Prophet?
Could anyone post pictures/movies made with Trinity?
The wifes P3600 arrived this morning. Been playing with it all for a while & here's my 1st impressions.
Looks nice & shiny
Small size
Excellent loud clear external speaker
Nice & responsive
Phone reception & general operation is fine
3G works well
Shiny surface = fingerprint magnet
MS bluetooth stack, better than before but still lacking
A2DP implementation. Not real stereo, only mono out from each channel
Also when disconnectd from WMP it doesn't auto reconnect.
In summary if you used previous HTC devices before then you'll be familiar with this one. When used as a pda & phone it does most things as expected, the menus & general operation are same as before.
But its going back, one of the main reasons being the crap A2DP. Wifey uses music player a lot on her 1 hour daily commute & the fact that sound quality is rubbish (low volume & no stereo) & no option to connect a wired headphones as theres no headphone jack. The same problem as the Hermes in that once disconnected from WMP it doesn't auto reconnect. Have to go into Bluetooth manger to re establish the connection.
Also comparing it to my Asus P525 other than the smaller size, 3G, louder external speaker & looks a bit nicer, in all other depts the Asus is as good & some areas much much better.
Well, my opinion is that the camera sucks... Was on a party this weekend _with_ good lighting, all the picutures came out blurry *argh* (could be it was too much light tough?...)
The videotelephony-part on the other hands is quite good(for videotelephone, NOT for taking still-pictures).
And I also don't like the 2-7 sec. delay when you try to call someone... *argh*
neofix said:
Well, my opinion is that the camera sucks... Was on a party this weekend _with_ good lighting, all the picutures came out blurry *argh* (could be it was too much light tough?...)
The videotelephony-part on the other hands is quite good(for videotelephone, NOT for taking still-pictures).
And I also don't like the 2-7 sec. delay when you try to call someone... *argh*
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2 to 7 second delay? It sounds like a ROM upgrade will probably be coming to fix these issues...same story different cover.
zen123 said:
A2DP implementation. Not real stereo, only mono out from each channel
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This sounds new to me. I am using a SonyEricsson stereo BT thingy with my Qtek S200 (with A2DP hack) and as far as I can hear the output is stereo not mono from each channel.
I love mine compared to my Exec! Quicker and sleeker.
And got my 4GB miniSD this morning and it works fine
anonimo said:
This sounds new to me. I am using a SonyEricsson stereo BT thingy with my Qtek S200 (with A2DP hack) and as far as I can hear the output is stereo not mono from each channel.
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Yes, proper stereo could be possible with a registry hack but how many end users are to know that? Only the hardcore users frequent forums such as this & get to learn a lot about their devices. Assuming it can be done then why didn't HTC enable it in the first place? Mention a registry hack to the vast majority of users out there & I'm pretty sure you'll be met with a lot of blank expressions & ??????
With the aesthetic design of the trinity I think HTC are trying to market it to more mainstream audience, thats why my wife likes the look of it, but in all honesty how many of these new users will know how to exploit the device to the full. My wife never visits these forums & even her 8 month old Nokia N80 is still out of the box stock.
zen123 said:
Yes, proper stereo could be possible with a registry hack but how many end users are to know that?
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I thought the registry hack was only to enable A2DP on those devices where the manufacturer had disabled it and the end result of a hacked S200 would be the same of a standard TyTn or a standard P3600... Are you sure the P3600 output is not stereo?
anonimo said:
I thought the registry hack was only to enable A2DP on those devices where the manufacturer had disabled it and the end result of a hacked S200 would be the same of a standard TyTn or a standard P3600... Are you sure the P3600 output is not stereo?
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Pretty sure its not stereo, either that or the stereo separation is really poor because it sounded like mon to me. In saying that though when I paired my iTech R35 stereo bluetooth clip with it there was the option to tick headset mode & stereo mode but its too late now I've sent it back today.
The only dislike on my new P3600 is the position of penon the bottom! . I've used many pda, and the pen was on top! But for the rest I love it!!!!
zen123 said:
Pretty sure its not stereo, either that or the stereo separation is really poor because it sounded like mon to me. In saying that though when I paired my iTech R35 stereo bluetooth clip with it there was the option to tick headset mode & stereo mode but its too late now I've sent it back today.
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You are right the stereo bluetooth output is not stereo. This is ridiculous. I hope this can be fixed with some registry hacking otherwise HTC has really screwed this device big time.
One more thing, the smooth black coating is comming of from the bottom where the stylus is placed.... That's s REAL bad thing, since this will eventually tear up more and more of the coating... And I've only had it for two weeks
default A2DP registry settings for Trinity is:
UseJointStereo = 1
please change to:
UseJointStereo = 0
that will fix the "mono sound" issue.
So far what i read, the software for this phone 3600 is not fully stable,
Camera still delay..
Some bugs
additional question following,
Delay of standard programs opening?
How about the sounds quality (loudness and clearness) is it very good?
which one is really better if compare 3600 and 3300(GPS enabled), which should i buy... -_-"
Thank you in advance..
fantastic device
Got my Trinity since yesterday. I had several phones and pda before (Dell Axim x51v was the last one) but the Trinity is the best until now. small enough, fast enough... if I only could get MMS to work for vodafone germany...
saminegm said:
Got my Trinity since yesterday. I had several phones and pda before (Dell Axim x51v was the last one) but the Trinity is the best until now. small enough, fast enough... if I only could get MMS to work for vodafone germany...
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Did you try these (manual entry and cab for Vodafone):
Tytn and Trinity 3G/UMTS should be the same
So far...the trinity is my new favorite thing..very stable (have had to soft reset twice to get the Wifi signal running after a sync while wifi was on) and lots of fun. Phone is great and signal with one bar or less is still usable - where my old motorola was no good with a weak signal...and i can now make and take calls from my office - where previously there was no chance with the motorola. This device does everything I bought it for -combine my PDA and phone into one device...
where to buy
DaveUK said:
I love mine compared to my Exec! Quicker and sleeker.
And got my 4GB miniSD this morning and it works fine
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Can you please said where did you buy the miniSD? Thanks

Question about using the Advantage as a phone.

Hi I am sooo tempted to get the Advantage but the fact it doesn't have an earpiece really kind of kills it for me. I don't voice talk that much so if it had a earpiece I wouldn't mind holding it up to my ear and looking like a dork for the total of 5 or 10 mins a day I'm on the phone talking. Most of it I do in my car anyway which could be on speaker. But,... the times I may only have it on me and I don't want anyone to hear my conversation I'd like to talk. Bluetooth headsets are very annoying to me. It's something else I have to carry around try not to lose and keep charged. Another device to babysit. So I don't want to go that route.
Some people said if you put the volume way down to maybe one notch that it might work. Does anyone do this or have another alternative... That screen is awesome. And I think I could even front pocket it in cargo pants. But the voice talking is an issue for me. Carrying around a uber small voice phone isn't an option either as I'll need another plan because I'd like to take advantage(pun not really intended) of the 3G.
juiceppc said:
Hi I am sooo tempted to get the Advantage but the fact it doesn't have an earpiece really kind of kills it for me. I don't voice talk that much so if it had a earpiece I wouldn't mind holding it up to my ear and looking like a dork for the total of 5 or 10 mins a day I'm on the phone talking. Most of it I do in my car anyway which could be on speaker. But,... the times I may only have it on me and I don't want anyone to hear my conversation I'd like to talk. Bluetooth headsets are very annoying to me. It's something else I have to carry around try not to lose and keep charged. Another device to babysit. So I don't want to go that route.
Some people said if you put the volume way down to maybe one notch that it might work. Does anyone do this or have another alternative... That screen is awesome. And I think I could even front pocket it in cargo pants. But the voice talking is an issue for me. Carrying around a uber small voice phone isn't an option either as I'll need another plan because I'd like to take advantage(pun not really intended) of the 3G.
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Unfortunately, even if you adjust the volume to the lowest, your conversation could still be overheard by those around you, especially in quite environment.
Another factor to consider is that because it is a speaker phone, when making VOIP calls, the voice of the other party coming out of the speaker will feed back to him again, hence creating the echo on the other side.
I overcome both of these problem without using blue tooth. I use wired headset, which I need for music anyway. It needs no charging.
I know that you have stated that you don't want to carry around another device. Personally, I don't like the 'wired' headset option. I too, think that the BT headset is uncomfortable, akward and most of the time annoying as it isn't right wearing it for 8 hours during a normal work day and to use it for 15 or 20 minutes of that time (or even for an hour).
I have been using the Dopod U1000 (aka Athena) since it became available in the US in April. I had the Plantronics 640, and the JawBone headsets but have since put them away. I use the Lg Style I during the day and leave the Athena docked at my desk uless I need to move out of BT Range, then I move the Athena with me but keep the Style-I at hand. It is smaller than a typical highlighter pen, shows caller ID numbers, has its own dial pad and holds its own for call quality, privacy and function as a 'micro-phone' handset extension for the Athena or any other PDA 'brick' phone. By the way, I also use JetWare Mobile BT extension to help the functionality with various BT car and hands free kits.
I will not hold the Athena up next to my ear.
BT Headset is the only way to go with the Athena
Just my 2 cents worth, but for me, a wired headset is far more cumbersome than sticking a BT Headset in my ear!
It really isn't that bad. Especially if you spend very little time per day making/receiving phonecalls.
I use the Plantronics 640 with vibrate mode, so never miss a call and only put it in my ear when I get a phonecall, or when I'm driving.
I don't get it. How is sticking a little BT device more cumbersome to stick in your ear for the duration of a call than holding a much larger mobile phone to your ear, for which you also constantly loose the use of your left/right hand?
Also, my BT headpiece lasts 3 days without needing a recharge when I make/receive limited calls, plus it has an additional lighter-like extention that keeps it charged for up to 15 hours, if your a heavy user. I've never even had to use it to date.
As for listening to music on the go, I quite like using the earpiece to route sound to it, as I have at least one ear free to be aware of what's going on around me.
Each to their own I guess, but IMHO if your not willing to use BT earpiece, the Athena is not for you.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm still tempted. If I do get it I will probably either end up caving in and using a Jabra jx10 I have or just not take calls in public...
Maybe I'll look into finding the flattest/smallest BT headset I can find and adding on a little compartment for it on the Advantage.
mackaby007 said:
Just my 2 cents worth, but for me, a wired headset is far more cumbersome than sticking a BT Headset in my ear!
It really isn't that bad. Especially if you spend very little time per day making/receiving phonecalls.
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It does seem that a BT headset is the way to go, but battery life does concern me - what kind of hit is there on the Advantage battery as a result of having the headset on and connected the whole time? Do you get through a whole day with it connected but only light/moderate use (say 20 min of calls)?
FWIW I've had the Advantage x7500 for a couple months and routinely use it as a phone, although my call volume is low. In my car I have a BT setup so whenever I'm in the car the Advantage is automatically linked and I can control my "phone" from my steering wheel. But in the office or at home, I just use it as a speaker phone -- I move away from other folks so I'm not a nuisance, but it's really not much different from other folks using their cellphones, except if someone is close to me (2-3 feet) they could hear my caller. I've even received and made calls while outside and, surprisingly, no problem hearing the call or being heard. It's a really well-designed device.
Just buy an LG Style I.
It's the only way to go.
Ameo upgrade coming
My tmobile upgrade is coming up, (ive had the MDA vario and now using orange SPV m3100 a.k.a hermes) i am very much hoping to get a Ameo upgrade for free /average spend £38 p.m/ (or might end up paying supplement). But what is worrying me is the size of the ameo. I am convinced about the screen advantage and gps, but its just the size when voice call are concerned. However i would like to hear a bit more from folk using the LG i style solution and have stuck around with it for a while!. Ideally a manufacturer should create a mini phone like a bluetooth headset flip phone or small candy bar form factor!! am i just dreaming!
Had my Style-i for months now and i LOVEe it - very useful - plus there's a safety feature too... if you're walking along and you get your 'phone' snatched, all they'll get is a £30 bluetooth gizmo that is useless.... you Ameo will be safe. They'll assume the Style-i is your phone and wont mug you for the actual one so you can get away!​
Here's the ultimate solution. IMHO .
A BT headset that fits inside the bigger device. Like it docks in or something. And charges while the host device is charging. That way you don't really have another devicer to carry around per se and/or worry about charging. I mean you do but you don't have to do it seperately. And you kind of dont' have to worry about carrying it around or wearing it when you not taking calls. Advantage rings, pick out head set, talk, hang up, put headset back in Advantage, done. I like that. I like that a lot.
You hearing this HTC?
Or just put the dang earpiece in there and let me look like a dork and call it a day. Sheesh.
adamelphick said:
Had my Style-i for months now and i LOVEe it - very useful - plus there's a safety feature too... if you're walking along and you get your 'phone' snatched, all they'll get is a £30 bluetooth gizmo that is useless.... you Ameo will be safe. They'll assume the Style-i is your phone and wont mug you for the actual one so you can get away!​
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Cheers, your response did make me feel better, although i still have some reservations on living with an ameo (read travelling)(p.s. gona be moving to London). Perhaps at some point the I style solution info+tweaks could be added to the wiki. Ive been following many athena posts (although im only a hermey for now(hermes) and reading the Tmobile business users thread makes me feel they might discontinue the phone by oct-nov 07; its out of stock on their uk website since over 10 days.
Update: Ok the Ameo is now in stock on the Tmobile uk website (just checked after posting)
juiceppc said:
Here's the ultimate solution. IMHO .
A BT headset that fits inside the bigger device. Like it docks in or something. And charges while the host device is charging. That way you don't really have another devicer to carry around per se and/or worry about charging. I mean you do but you don't have to do it seperately. And you kind of dont' have to worry about carrying it around or wearing it when you not taking calls. Advantage rings, pick out head set, talk, hang up, put headset back in Advantage, done. I like that. I like that a lot.
You hearing this HTC?
Or just put the dang earpiece in there and let me look like a dork and call it a day. Sheesh.
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stryker1355 said:
My tmobile upgrade is coming up, (ive had the MDA vario and now using orange SPV m3100 a.k.a hermes) i am very much hoping to get a Ameo upgrade for free /average spend £38 p.m/ (or might end up paying supplement). But what is worrying me is the size of the ameo. I am convinced about the screen advantage and gps, but its just the size when voice call are concerned. However i would like to hear a bit more from folk using the LG i style solution and have stuck around with it for a while!. Ideally a manufacturer should create a mini phone like a bluetooth headset flip phone or small candy bar form factor!! am i just dreaming!
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You've got no chance of getting it for free mate, I can promise you that. I've got two accounts. I managed to wangle it for 120 quid on my first which is flext 35 web n walk plus, however my newest upgrade (6 days ago) would have meant a 290 quid supplement. I don't know how their upgrade policy works exactly but I know that there really is only so much that T-Mobile will do.
What I do know is that if you go through a store rather than online or over the phone you'll be able to do a little bit more negotiation, but I'd be surprised if you got it for less than 100.
As an aside, I never bought the Ameo to use as a phone - purely an office utility and multimedia device so I don't actually take any calls on it. I use an N95 as a bluetooth modem, or put the sim in the Ameo if I'm planning long periods browsing. I actually find this far more convenient and adaptable than using a headset, either wired or bluetooth.
stryker1355 said:
My tmobile upgrade is coming up, (ive had the MDA vario and now using orange SPV m3100 a.k.a hermes) i am very much hoping to get a Ameo upgrade for free /average spend £38 p.m/ (or might end up paying supplement). But what is worrying me is the size of the ameo. I am convinced about the screen advantage and gps, but its just the size when voice call are concerned. However i would like to hear a bit more from folk using the LG i style solution and have stuck around with it for a while!. Ideally a manufacturer should create a mini phone like a bluetooth headset flip phone or small candy bar form factor!! am i just dreaming!
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You've got no chance of getting it for free mate, I can promise you that. I've got two accounts. I managed to wangle it for 120 quid on my first which is flext 35 web n walk plus, however my newest upgrade (6 days ago) would have meant a 290 quid supplement. I don't know how their upgrade policy works exactly but I know that there really is only so much that T-Mobile will do.
What I do know is that if you go through a store rather than online or over the phone you'll be able to do a little bit more negotiation, but I'd be surprised if you got it for less than 100.
As an aside, I never bought the Ameo to use as a phone - purely an office utility and multimedia device so I don't actually take any calls on it. I use an N95 as a bluetooth modem, or put the sim in the Ameo if I'm planning long periods browsing. I actually find this far more convenient and adaptable than using a headset, either wired or bluetooth.
veethree said:
It does seem that a BT headset is the way to go, but battery life does concern me - what kind of hit is there on the Advantage battery as a result of having the headset on and connected the whole time? Do you get through a whole day with it connected but only light/moderate use (say 20 min of calls)?
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Take a look at the below link
leoni1980 said:
You've got no chance of getting it for free mate, I can promise you that. I've got two accounts. I managed to wangle it for 120 quid on my first which is flext 35 web n walk plus, however my newest upgrade (6 days ago) would have meant a 290 quid supplement. I don't know how their upgrade policy works exactly but I know that there really is only so much that T-Mobile will do.
What I do know is that if you go through a store rather than online or over the phone you'll be able to do a little bit more negotiation, but I'd be surprised if you got it for less than 100.
As an aside, I never bought the Ameo to use as a phone - purely an office utility and multimedia device so I don't actually take any calls on it. I use an N95 as a bluetooth modem, or put the sim in the Ameo if I'm planning long periods browsing. I actually find this far more convenient and adaptable than using a headset, either wired or bluetooth.
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Technically you are carrying to devices and that I definitely do not want to do.
lpsi2000 said:
Technically you are carrying two devices and that I definitely do not want to do.
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That's kind of why I don't want to carry a BT headset.
juiceppc said:
That's kind of why I don't want to carry a BT headset.
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The BT headset is different for me, it is an accessory needed for the phone. I have been using BT Headset for a least 4 years with every phone I had within that time frame.
lpsi2000 said:
The BT headset is different for me, it is an accessory needed for the phone. I have been using BT Headset for a least 4 years with every phone I had within that time frame.
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Not to mention that anyone not using a headset and calling while driving is certainly more prone to accidents holding and/or dialing from the phone.

Can you share your experiences with using Galaxy Tab as a phone?

Hi I'm from Brasil
Could you share the experience of using the Galaxy Tab as a phone?
The tablet will be released later this month in Brazil and I am strongly inclined to buy one. I have an HTC HD2, but I am attracted by a 7''screen Galaxy. But I really don't want to carry two gadgets in my bag and so I am wondering about using the tablet as a phone too.
In particular I'm not interested in hands-free calls or videoconferencing. I wonder how practical it is to use the bluetooth headset. It stays on all the time, paired with the phone? How well is the battery on the tablet in this configuration? If you take the headset away from the tablet lose the connection, it is restored automatically when it comes within range of bluetooth again?
And what about using it close to your face upside down like a normal phone, as someone suggested lowering the volume and using it close to your ear.
Sorry about my Englixh
Thanks in advance!
The Galaxy Tab works great as a "speaker phone". I've been using it for the past week and have realized that I don't need my N1 anymore. I'm going to pair my Bluetooth headset to it so that I don't look so stupid in public talking to a tablet. Reception on the Tab and speaker quality are both better than my N1.
Very happy using it as my work device. I still prefer to carry the N1 on the weekends because it fits in my pocket without bulging out.
The Tab battery lasts longer than my N1 battery, so I'm very happy carrying it all day with WIFI and Bluetooth on. The screen is what really kills battery life. I find myself using the Tab more than my cell phone because its actually taking usage time away from my laptop. I can carry the Tab and comfortably reply e-mail and read online content without being tied to a desk. So I still run out of battery at days end, however I'm getting much more use out of it than my N1.
Make sure you pickup a version that has the phone features. US models do not have Phone supported. I got a Asia version and it is working great on AT&T in US. I'm able to get online with the 2100 band.
Thanks for your answer! As I said, I'll try to use my Tab to make phone calls and leave my phone at home.
The sales suppose to begin next week here in Brasil. As soon as I put my hands in one I'll share my experiences. Of course being a woman and carrying a purse will help to use just the Tab!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I have been using the tab as a phone for over a week now I can say its a joy. On the other hand you will have to carry your bluetooth headset or ear phones with you at all times... If you forget them and need to make a 'private' call its not gonna happen with the speaker phone ha..
The size doesnt bother me as it slips in my back pocket when on the phone.. I would always have a spare phone thats worth about 20 quid just for weekend in the clubs and partying and stuff like that
I've been using Tab as my work phone a couple of weeks.
It fits in my trousers hip pocket, no problem. But it weights 380 g, which is something to notice. (If I carry my Galaxy S in my pocket, i don't feel it, it is so light and flat.)
I use also a Nokia BH-900 bluetooth headset, works well with Tab. However, if I walk away from the bluetooth range, I have to reboot headset or toggle bluetooth off/on from Tab to get pairing again.
Sometimes I use Tab as hands free speakerphone, it works too. I don't say better than other phones but ok. In fact Galaxy S has more volume and better voice quality, if compared.
The best thing about Tab is big screen, it is a delight to read emails. And battery lasts a couple of days.
I have been using the galaxy tab for the past week as a phone and it has been a great experience. Carrying a headset is a must for private calls. I use plantronics discover 975 headset and it works. Also 3g video call works great. Great work phone cause if u have paired it with a headset there is a button to switch it back to speaker phone and in a room the speaker is loud and clear for a small group to hear.
Skype on 3g does not work with bluetooth so to talk on skype privately u need the headset supplied with it. I tried using the headset that comes with iphone and there is sound but the mic does not work. The nexus one headset works well. I have also tried tango application and it does not work with the camera but there is sound for the galaxy tab.
Overall a good mobile device.
i've been using it for almost 2 weeks as a phone with the blueant q2 headset.
i come from the hd2 too and i cant say i regret the switch...
just need to get used to how u wanna deal with it on a everday basis, but to me it's a full replacement for a "normal" phone.
just a matter of gettin used to it
Hi, I am using my Tab for 2 weeks now as an everyday phone and all. I used the Giorgio Armani wm device before and I am very happy with the Tab.
I used to put the WM phone in a special pocket of my purse, but that doesn't work!
As a woman I had to shop for a new handbag because I can't put the Tab in any pocket! Just waiting for a nice case to arrive and then check whether my device will fit in the bag I have my eyes on. I am using a bluetooth Iqua slim (one of my male colleagues thought it looked "nerdy", so?) and am very happy with it. You really can't use it as a phone without a headset, because the sound is very loud. I work in a room with 8 other people, so I have to keep them in mind.
All in all very good reception, even with 3G where the Giorgio Armani could not keep the phone connection active at my work.
At home I don't use the bluetooth headset, but I leave the room when my partner is sitting next to me on the couch

