best firmware for orange m5000 - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

just got one off ebay and wont be using it on orange so will be unlocking it using the software from buzzdev. next, will I need to get rid of the orange branding and whats the best firmware to use - I will be using o2, 3UK and possibly T Mobile.
I am a moderator on the 3G forum but this pda/xda stuff is new to me but willing to learn.

Hi Cyberkid,
I am no expert on these things myself but I have found the general consensus for O2/Orange/T mobile owners wanting to get rid of the operator branding is to upgrade the ROM to the Qtek or Imate roms as these are operator neutral.
I have a T Mobile MDA Vario which I have upgraded to the latest Qtek ROM. Got a much faster more stable rom and lost the pink t mobile branding!
Hope this helps.


Poor Reception on XDA I in Sydney Australia on Optus -

Dear All,
I currently have an XDA I
ROM Version: 4.00.05 ENG
ROM Date: 06/05/03
Radio Version: 4.21.00
Protocol Version: 32S554
Using the Optus Service in Sydney Australia I am having dramas with the phone loosing signal but more importantly not restablishing a network connection when I am in areas that have excellent coverage. My questions are:
1. Am I using the best radio/rom etc?
2. Is there any tweeks etc I can perform on the XDA I to improve performance.
Many thanks, Andrew
PS hanging out for Optus to release the XDA II on a good price 8)
Where did you get that ROM version from?
My XDA I used to suffer from similar problems on both Optus and Tel$tra until I upgraded to ROM 3.20.06 ENG with Radio 4.21.00 (from MYXDA.COM official release).
I'm now on Vodafone which is significantly cheaper for my usage level, and although it still generally has less signal than a normal GSM phone, it rarely if ever fails to reconnect quickly.
If you have the technical nouse to do so, you might consider downgrading to this ROM. Since your'e in Oz too, I'd happily send you a CD copy of the ROM.
I downloaded the ROM from Yorks Kitchen. I can't remember the URL but it's here on XDA Developers. I did this so that I could run the Windows Mobile 2003 on my XDA 1. The phone windows software is better but the reception is crappy. We'll it's ok but I think it could be better. On another note I rang Optus sales today and asked about the XDA II, their reply "er.........I really don't know.........sorry". What a shame. I guess ebay is the best option.
Was the phone reception better prior to upgrading the ROM?
BTW - Telstra Shop have the i-mate for $1329 for 1 (or $1289 or similar for 2) if you purchase outright. This is the same device as the XDA II.
Thanks for your reply mate. The reception was better before I upgraded to WM2003. The reception I have now is not that bad but It's definitely not excellent. It's when the signal drops and it has to re-connect that the problem arises. I don't really want an Imate and I wanna stay with Optus to avoid the hassles and keep using the feel time after 8pm etc. Thanks,
i had similar problem with this radio stack & was a pain in the ass since i couldn't change its version, i finally downloaded version 3.25 which was in all cases better, the signal indicator doesn't show much but it is much much much better than the version 4.21 since it doesn't disconnect & picksup signal easly

O2 XDA II vs T-Mobile MDA II

I need some opinions. I'm currently using a mobile phone on a t-mobile network. I want a XDA II, but, it will mean ditching my current t-mobile contract and starting with O2. Is this right?
Can I not get a T-Mobile MDA II instead and continue the T-mobile contract? Are they the same? Are they even available here in the UK
I have only ever seen the MDA II being sold in Germany. So does it only work there.
Help me out, please.
check forums for xda2 codes you should be able to make it network free
all networks but keep it to your self we are getting 250 uk pounds to open them to all networks
Smiffy, the phone can be unlocked for free thanks to the guys that run this site, just download xda2unlock, all you need is usb cable or cradle, it is a very simple process and at the end of it you will have the unlock code, all xda2/mda2 are triband so will work in UK.

HTC P3300 simunlock

Hello everybody out there,
I have recently purchased a T-mobile bundled MDA Compact III (3) alias O2 Orbit, HTC P3300, and Artetimes. I have been going through this forum to see how I can unlock the simlock: However, I did not find a specific answer. Some people have luck using xdadev_all_unlock-v1[1].6_138.exe but it seems like these people are living life dangerously – I.e. I can’t see if the developers behind the tool says that it supports the P3300. What are your suggestions for having this cell phone simunlocked freely?
Another question: Is there any difference at all between the MDA Compact III and the HTC P3300 at all? Some say the T-mobile unit does not have WiFi, is this true?
Niklas Laugesen

T-Mobile UK ROMs

hey guys,
I just upgraded from a Prophet to a MDA compact III and was just wondering where to look for upgraded T-Mobile UK ROMs. I mainly ask this out of curiosity, not because theres a problem, it's just upgrades for my previous Pociet PC devices which I had through orange (SPV m2000, M5000, M600) were always on one of the orange sites but t-mobile seem to be quite eluseive as far as handset upgrades are concerned.
Help would be appreciated.
there is nothing available as yet, you can check here for updates -

Wizard 3G

I have an XDA Mini s, i have noticed that one of the guys in the office has an orange SPV which is exactly the same, his has 3G however. Is this a hardware difference or software (eg ROM) upgrade, and if its either , how do i do it.
The guy is mostly likely to have a Orange SPV M3100 (a.k.a htc Hermes), which is a 3G phone. The whole hardware is different.
bobsa said:
I have an XDA Mini s, i have noticed that one of the guys in the office has an orange SPV which is exactly the same, his has 3G however. Is this a hardware difference or software (eg ROM) upgrade, and if its either , how do i do it.
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Hermes/TyTn is very similar, though not 'exactly the same'. Hermes is 3G. May be your colleague has a Hermes...
Thanks starkwong,
Just new to this so wasn't sure. Iv'e managed to unlock the phone today and install a new radio ROM and WM6, thought if i could upgrade to 3G that would be the icing on the cake.
Out of interest if i was to but a M3100, could i flash it to use my T-Mobile card etc

