Programmatically cycle sound icon (sound/vibrate/mute) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

When you click on the sound icon, you get the two sliders and three radio buttons. Anyone know how to set those radio buttons through code (C++) so it gets reflected in the icon display (and actually changes the "profile")?. I'd like to change to vibrate/mute/sound at different times using something like alarmToday to run a small app.

I wrote a profiles app in .net and C++ here are some code snippets;
You can change the registry values for the volumes (I cant remember which as I wrote it a long time ago), then you need to call the following to have the values applied.
// ProfilesHelper.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ProfilesHelper.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <Soundfile.h>
void WINEXPORT SetSoundMode(int mode)
// Initialize an empty SNDFILEINFO structure
SNDFILEINFO sndfile = {0};
if (mode == 0)
sndfile.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE_ON;
if (mode == 1)
sndfile.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE_VIBRATE;
if (mode == 2)
sndfile.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE_NONE;
SndSetSound(SND_EVENT_ALL, &sndfile, false);
void AudioUpdateFromRegistry();
void WINEXPORT SetSystemVolume(long volume)
waveOutSetVolume(NULL, volume);
void AudioUpdateFromRegistry();

I have a similar need of programatically cycling the sound icon to MUTE VIBRATE and normal volume icon. I can do it successfully on Windows Mobile 5.0. I created a sample application with Visual Studio 2005 for WM 5.0 and I am able to set the icons as i want. But when i tried it for PPC2003 I was not able to compile that. Missing SoudFile.h. Can any one help me to find out how to do the same thing on PPC2003 specifically i-mate devices like PDA2 and PDA2K.
With Regards,
Bhagat Nirav K.

i know its a 2 ur old post..but i need help also now
how can i mute sounds using C# in .net 2.0 for WM6

Just forget about this header file...
Operate on HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\ShellOverrides\Mode value. It can have 3 states: 0 == normal, 1 == vibrate and 2 == silent. That's all
Probably you need to call AudioUpdateFromRegistry function from coredll.dll.

Or... another method
look at HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0:Sound, it takes 3 different values:
your ringtone name, taken from SavedSound value in the same key.

Firstly I know this post is way old, but I thought of responding to it since I was stuck on this topic for a couple of days and couldnt find a way to resolve it.
Also others having this problem will also be redirected here through various search results as I was. So to aid them
1. Meddling with the registry to change the sound profiles didnt work for me. I tried Changing the Mode inHKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\ShellOverrides\Mode but that didnt work on my phone.
2. What I currently have working is the following code - C# with Pinvoke
public enum SND_SOUNDTYPE
private enum SND_EVENT
private struct SNDFILEINFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
public string szPathName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
public string szDisplayName;
public SND_SOUNDTYPE sstType;
public static extern void AudioUpdateFromRegistry ();
[DllImport("aygshell.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint SndSetSound(SND_EVENT seSoundEvent, ref SNDFILEINFO pSoundFileInfo, bool fSuppressUI);
static void SetProfileNormal()
soundFileInfo.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE.On;
uint num = SndSetSound(SND_EVENT.All, ref soundFileInfo, true);
static void SetProfileVibrate()
soundFileInfo.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE.Vibrate;
uint num = SndSetSound(SND_EVENT.All, ref soundFileInfo, true);
static void SetProfileMuted()
soundFileInfo.sstType = SND_SOUNDTYPE.None;
uint num = SndSetSound(SND_EVENT.All, ref soundFileInfo, true);
Hope this helps


RIL - Telepfone

here my second problem :?
Has someone of you an idea how to Answer a call automaticly? I tried RIL_Answer and it seams to work, but i can't talk because the speaker and micro seems to be off.
Also I tried to dial with RIL_Dial - but there seems nothing to go on.
Greetings from hanovre again and
many many thanks for every idea
Andreas )
PS: Is there somewhere a RIL-Command to send AT-Commands directly (in text, not in HEX)?
PS: Is there somewhere a RIL-Command to send AT-Commands directly (in text, not in HEX)?
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unfortunately there is not.
to make auto answer of phone call, just simulate the hardware key is pressed. not too hard to write in mVC+.
the question is: what next?
auto-answer works fine when you can switch to the speakerphone mode automatically right after the software did pick-up the call
I cannot do that, I tried in several ways but it is not working.
I cannot simulate "longer-press" of hardware buttons as you know you can turn on/off the speakerphone mode
I'm also trying to use RIL_Dial. The way I'm running this function is:
My XDA seems to accept and try to establish the call since it opens the phone interface (without displaying the passed number). But then I get this answer back from the phone: UNKNOWN APPLICATION
Anyone knows how I can establish a call with this function?
To answer a call using RIL_Answer do this:
- Call RIL_Answer
- Sleep(100)
- Send a VK_F4 down
- Sleep(100)
- Send a VK_F4 Up
You can then talk.
does not works
you dream,
keybd_event(VK_F4, MapVirtualKey(VK_F4, 0), 0, 0);
return one shot of button down emulation
no matter how long you are awaiting for the next
keybd_event(VK_F4, MapVirtualKey(VK_F4, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP | KEYEVENTF_SILENT, 0);
so, in this way we cannot emulate tap-and-hold of the green phone button to turn on the speakerphone mode
can you explain or just post how you managed to initialize RIL ?? i dont seem to figure it out !!
Use Search
In Last Time
callback for result of async functions
void CALLBACK ril_result_callback(DWORD dwCode, HRESULT hrCmdID, const void* lpData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwParam)
callback for phony notifications (like incoming call)
void CALLBACK ril_notify_callback(DWORD dwCode, const void* lpData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwParam)
HRIL ril = NULL;
1 - for RIL1: device
RIL1: device for COM2: device
if (RIL_Initialize(1, ril_result_callback, ril_notify_callback, RIL_NCLASS_CALLCTRL | RIL_NCLASS_NETWORK | RIL_NCLASS_SUPSERVICE | RIL_NCLASS_RADIOSTATE, 0, &ril) < 0)
ok i kinda got the whole idea of it now, this is my implementation to try to initialize RIL however i get the following error :
error C2660: 'RIL_Initialize' : function does not take 6 parameters
Anybody can help me here ? i'm guessing maybe gotta do something with the RIL header file or lib or exp ?
// Global Variables
HRESULT result;
DWORD dwNotificationClasses = 0xFF0000;
DWORD g_dwParam = 0x55AA55AA;
HRIL g_hRil = NULL;
// RL initilize
void CTerminalDlg::RIL_Initialize()
result = RIL_Initialize(1, ril_result_callback, ril_notify_callback, dwNotificationClasses, g_dwParam, &g_hRil);
// Global Variables
HRESULT result;
DWORD dwNotificationClasses = 0xFF0000;
DWORD g_dwParam = 0x55AA55AA;
HRIL g_hRil = NULL;
// RL initilize
void CTerminalDlg::RIL_Initialize()
result = ::RIL_Initialize(1, ril_result_callback, ril_notify_callback, dwNotificationClasses, g_dwParam, &g_hRil);
learn C++

Turn ON/OFF BT/Widcomm on BA with eVc

Does anyone know how to turn on and off the Widcomm bluetooth on a Blue Angel from within C/eVc? :?:
The only official way to turn off the radio is to destroy the last of the BT objects using the stack (the stack is object orientated, creating an object turns it on, destroying the lst object turns it off, this assumes you have the widcomm SDK). The problem is that the BT app that runs in the system tray (and shows you that bluetooth icon in the bottom left) owns a stack object that you cant properly destroy, hence you can't turn the radio off.
If the tray app wasn't running, theres a function in the wbtapiCE.dll called UnloadStack ([email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]) which should force the stack to unload and probably turn off the radio.
So we might be able to turn it OFF this way. And how do we turn in ON again ;-)
Theres a corrasponding LoadStack ([email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]) which would do the job.
Each of these accept two parameters, the first appears to be a pointer to a class, the second a numeric value.
For the class pointer, it appears that you can define an 8 byte array and call the constructor ( [email protected]@[email protected] ) on it, remember to call the destructor ( [email protected]@[email protected] ) when your done. The hex value appears to be 0x123456 for LoadStack and 0x654321 for UnloadStack.
I really don't know how successfull you would be starting the stack yourself, spinning up the BT tray app, then killing it and shutting down the stack, you may find you have to replace all the functionality of the tray app yourself.
Complicated stuff. I might be easier off doing FindWindow on the BtApp and find the ON and OFF buttons and programatically press them.
Hello All.
I call wbtapiCE.dll functions for on/off BT on dell axim x30.
I use, two dll metods
[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected] == public: enum WBtRc __cdecl CWBtAPI::UnloadStack(unsigned int)
>> [email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected] == public: enum WBtRc __cdecl CWBtAPI::LoadStack(unsigned int)
But no positive effect.
Anybody know what i doing wrong?
Sample code below:
CString szDllPath = _T("wbtapiCE.dll");
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
AfxMessageBox(_T("LoadLibrary Failed !!!"));
//__cdecl CWBtAPI::CWBtAPI(void)
typedef void (CWBtAPI::*PFNCreateCWBt)();
typedef void (CWBtAPI::*PFNDestructorOfCWBt)();
typedef int (CWBtAPI::*PFNLoadCWBt)(unsigned int);
typedef int (CWBtAPI::*PFNUnLoadCWBt)(unsigned int);
//>> >> [email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected] == public: enum WBtRc __cdecl CWBtAPI::UnloadStack(unsigned int)
CWBtAPI* a1 = (CWBtAPI*)_alloca(sizeof(CWBtAPI));
PFNCreateCWBt pfnCreateWBt = force_cast<PFNCreateCWBt>(GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("[email protected]@[email protected]")));
PFNUnLoadCWBt pfnUnLoadA = force_cast<PFNUnLoadCWBt>(GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]")));
AfxMessageBox(_T("Started pfnUnLoadA"));
int result = (a1->*pfnUnLoadA)( 0x654321);
CString err = _T("Done pfnUnLoadA");
AfxMessageBox(err );
PFNLoadCWBt pfnLoadA = force_cast<PFNLoadCWBt>(GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]")));
AfxMessageBox(_T("Started pfnLoadA"));
result = (a1->*pfnLoadA)(0x123456);
AfxMessageBox(_T("Done pfnLoadA"));
PFNDestructorOfCWBt pfnDestA = force_cast<PFNDestructorOfCWBt>(GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("[email protected]@[email protected]")));
could some kind soul maybe write a script to do someth like that...
I make it BT on/off
Jn dell axim X30 exist btpwr.dll.
This dll export some interesting methods.
1 0 0000128C PowerDeInit
2 1 00001284 PowerInit
3 2 00001258 PowerOff
4 3 0000121C PowerOn
I call this methods directly from dll, and i turn on turn off bt !!
Sample code below:
void DoTrayOn()
CString szDllPath = _T("btpwr.dll");
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
AfxMessageBox(_T("LoadLibrary Failed !!!"));
typedef int (*BTPowerOn)();
BTPowerOn bton = (BTPowerOn) GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("PowerOn"));
if (NULL != bton)
// AfxMessageBox(_T("Start DoTrayOn"));
(bton) ();
// AfxMessageBox(_T("Error NULL DoTrayOn pointer"));
void DoTrayOff()
CString szDllPath = _T("btpwr.dll");
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(szDllPath);
AfxMessageBox(_T("LoadLibrary Failed !!!"));
typedef int (*BTPowerOff)();
BTPowerOff bton = (BTPowerOff) GetProcAddress(hMod, TEXT("PowerOff"));
if (NULL != bton)
// AfxMessageBox(_T("Start DoTrayOn"));
(bton) ();
// AfxMessageBox(_T("Error NULL DoTrayOn pointer"));
Bluetooth turn on/turn off
Have you a solution for turn on and turn off bluetooth by code?
I have a widcomm stack and I use c# .net
i'm searching for a solution for my Touch Pro 2 with Widcomm BT Stack.
i can turn on BT by creating an object of CBtIf, but can't turn of BT by deleting the object.
someone has an idea?

How to programatically turn Bluetooth ON and OFF in Rhodium

I cannot get BT toggled in Rhodium using the usual method for Widcomm/Broadcom:
HWND bt_hwnd = FindWindow(L"WCE_BTTRAY", 0);
DWORD resultget = SendMessage(bt_hwnd, COMMANDGET, 0, 0);
if(resultget > 0)
COMMAND = RegisterWindowMessage(L"WIDCOMM_WM_BTRADIO_ON");
resultset = SendMessage(bt_hwnd, COMMAND, 0, 0);
I've seen that the new Broadcom stack has many more messages, but cannot figure how to use them for turning BT ON and OFF. Does anybody know how to do this?
beemerTPPC said:
I cannot get BT toggled in Rhodium using the usual method for Widcomm/Broadcom...
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From what I've found on the web, you can't toggle anymore. The function calls are still implemented but the have no effect.
For beeing able to turn BT off / on, the procedure (afair) is:
- unload stack
- set registry entry
- load stack
I simply even didn't find out how to unload the stack programmatically, so I gave up for the moment.
However, you might be able to figure out by debugging the function the commmgr is using. Just an idea.
can't you just use 32Feet? BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio.Mode = RadioMode.Connectable
grzegorzaksamit said:
can't you just use 32Feet? BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio.Mode = RadioMode.Connectable
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Broadcom stack is not supported by 32feet.
According to this info it's supported now
Not sure if this at all still relevant, but to me it was today. I loaded up IDA on CommManager and it turned out very simple:
#include <windows.h>
#include <BtSdkCE.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
HWND bt_hwnd = FindWindow(L"WCE_BTTRAY", 0);
DWORD radio_enabled = SendMessage(bt_hwnd, WIDCOMM_WM_GETSTACKSTATUS, 0, 0);
if (!radio_enabled)
SendMessage(bt_hwnd, WIDCOMM_WM_SETSTACKCONFIG, 1, 1);
SendMessage(bt_hwnd, WIDCOMM_WM_SETSTACKCONFIG, 0, 0);
return 0;
I tested this on 4 different widcomm stack carrying device (rhodium, leo, hp214, hp hx4100) and it seems to work fine. Hopefully this will save someone a bit of time, as it took my quite a while to figure it out, but then again I'm not really used to reverse engineering.
works it too for the wizard
No idea, afaik wizard uses microsoft stack so it's not an issue anyway. I do believe u can use the widcomm stack on the wizard, in that case this would work.
bluetooth toggler
try this the attached zip file. unzip and copy to your device in \windows\start menu\programs
vanilaguy said:
try this the attached zip file. unzip and copy to your device in \windows\start menu\programs
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old bluetooth switcher wont work with Leo
Figured I might as well compile it. Should work on every widcomm enabled stack.
Also added a managed C# class to enable and disable radios on both microsoft and widcomm stack enabled devices. Creating a native one for both stacks shouldn't be hard either, but I have no need for it at all, so I didn't.
public static class BthRadio {
/// <summary>
/// Whether the device is equipped with a Widcomm bluetooth stack
/// </summary>
public static bool IsWidcomm;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the device is equipped with a Microsoft bluetooth stack
/// </summary>
public static bool IsMicrosoft;
/// <summary>
/// Determines stack properties
/// </summary>
static BthRadio() {
// determine stack type used on this device
IsWidcomm = OpenNETCF.NativeMethods.NativeLibraryExists("BtSdkCE50.dll") ||
IsMicrosoft = !IsWidcomm;
/// <summary>
/// Toggles bluetooth radio enabledness
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Whether the action was performed successfully</returns>
public static bool ToggleRadio() {
if (IsEnabled()) return DisableRadio();
else return EnableRadio();
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether primary radio is enabled
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsEnabled() {
int mode = -1;
if (IsMicrosoft) {
int success = BthGetMode(ref mode);
return success == 0 && mode >= 1;
else {
IntPtr bt_hwnd = Win32.FindWindow("WCE_BTTRAY", null);
int radio_enabled = Win32.SendMessage(bt_hwnd, WIDCOMM_WM_GETSTACKSTATUS, 0, 0) & 1;
return radio_enabled != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to enable the bluetooth radio.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if operation executed successfully, otherwise false</returns>
public static bool EnableRadio() {
if (IsMicrosoft) return BthSetMode(1) == 0;
else {
int result = Win32.SendMessage(Win32.FindWindow("WCE_BTTRAY", null), WIDCOMM_WM_SETSTACKCONFIG, 1, 1);
if (result == 0) return false;
// sleep at least 3 seconds, required before change can take effect
// now poll at most an additional 15 seconds to determine if the
// change was in fact effective
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (IsEnabled()) break;
return IsEnabled();
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to disable the bluetooth radio.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if operation executed successfully, otherwise false</returns>
public static bool DisableRadio() {
if (IsMicrosoft) return BthSetMode(0) == 0;
else {
int result = Win32.SendMessage(Win32.FindWindow("WCE_BTTRAY", null), WIDCOMM_WM_SETSTACKCONFIG, 0, 0);
if (result == 0) return false;
// sleep at least 3 seconds, required before change can take effect
// now poll at most an additional 15 seconds to determine if the
// change was in fact effective
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (!IsEnabled()) break;
return !IsEnabled();
#region Bluetooth P/Invoke declarations
[DllImport("BthUtil.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int BthSetMode(int dwMode);
[DllImport("BthUtil.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int BthGetMode(ref int pdwMode);
Wow, can you share the full code. I Just started developing and this is a bit to hard to implement for me
ajhvdb said:
Wow, can you share the full code. I Just started developing and this is a bit to hard to implement for me
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I did, right? What did I omit?
"togglebth.exe" test report: work great with Leo
great skill!
zzattack said:
I did, right? What did I omit?
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Wel i'm a starting developer... Could you share the project solution folder, including you function. This way I can debug/compile it.
ajhvdb said:
Wel i'm a starting developer... Could you share the project solution folder, including you function. This way I can debug/compile it.
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Well sure I can do that, but it doesn't get any simpler than this. You'll need Visual Studio 2008, the broadcom SDK installed (and VS point to it's include/library files), and the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK (or higher, I'd pick 6.0 and 6.5). Anyway, I attached the solution.
Thanks, and fast. I just wanted to see how you would use this class. (It's completely new to me).
Just looked at it. So your communicating whit this WCE_BTTRAY program and depending on the answer do something.
ajhvdb said:
Thanks, and fast. I just wanted to see how you would use this class. (It's completely new to me).
Just looked at it. So your communicating whit this WCE_BTTRAY program and depending on the answer do something.
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This isn't much of a class, just a few lines of code :S
It just looks for the current status, if it's currently enabled it tries to disable the stack, if it's disabled it tries to enable it and that's it ;/

[WM6] Disabling taskbar, SIP and hardware keys (including green and red buttons)

Hello there!
I've seen a lot of questions on this topic, and just yesterday, my client asked for this feature implemented in the app that we are currently developing...
After a veeeery intensive and long night, i finally found how to disable all these things! The code is written in c# using .net CF 2.0, and has been tested successfully on a HTC Tynt device. The interesting thing is that it will also disable the End Call and Make Call hardware buttons (VK_TEND and VK_TTALK). If you intend to use this in a production environment you might consider improoving it a little bit.
private static extern bool UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers modifiers, int keyID);
[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, // handle to window
int id, // hot key identifier
KeyModifiers Modifiers, // key-modifier options
int key //virtual-key code
public enum KeyModifiers
None = 0,
Alt = 1,
Control = 2,
Shift = 4,
Windows = 8,
Modkeyup = 0x1000,
private void DeactivateUI()
// deactivate the SIP button
IntPtr hSip = FindWindow("MS_SIPBUTTON", "MS_SIPBUTTON");
EnableWindow(hSip, false);
// deactivate the SIP button
IntPtr hTaskBar = FindWindow("HHTaskBar", null);
EnableWindow(hTaskBar, false);
// deactivate the hardware keys
for (Int32 iCounter = 193; iCounter <= 207; iCounter++)
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.Windows, iCounter);
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, iCounter, KeyModifiers.Windows, iCounter);
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.None, 0x73); //VK_TEND
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 0x73, KeyModifiers.None, 0x73);
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.None, 0x72);
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 0x72, KeyModifiers.None, 0x72); //VK_TTALK
catch (Exception ex)
Log.WriteError(ex, false);
Very good, helped me a lot! But how do I unlock the keys again, without rebooting?
gciochina said:
Hello there!
I've seen a lot of questions on this topic, and just yesterday, my client asked for this feature implemented in the app that we are currently developing...
After a veeeery intensive and long night, i finally found how to disable all these things! The code is written in c# using .net CF 2.0, and has been tested successfully on a HTC Tynt device. The interesting thing is that it will also disable the End Call and Make Call hardware buttons (VK_TEND and VK_TTALK). If you intend to use this in a production environment you might consider improoving it a little bit.
private static extern bool UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers modifiers, int keyID);
[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, // handle to window
int id, // hot key identifier
KeyModifiers Modifiers, // key-modifier options
int key //virtual-key code
public enum KeyModifiers
None = 0,
Alt = 1,
Control = 2,
Shift = 4,
Windows = 8,
Modkeyup = 0x1000,
private void DeactivateUI()
// deactivate the SIP button
IntPtr hSip = FindWindow("MS_SIPBUTTON", "MS_SIPBUTTON");
EnableWindow(hSip, false);
// deactivate the SIP button
IntPtr hTaskBar = FindWindow("HHTaskBar", null);
EnableWindow(hTaskBar, false);
// deactivate the hardware keys
for (Int32 iCounter = 193; iCounter <= 207; iCounter++)
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.Windows, iCounter);
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, iCounter, KeyModifiers.Windows, iCounter);
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.None, 0x73); //VK_TEND
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 0x73, KeyModifiers.None, 0x73);
UnregisterFunc1(KeyModifiers.None, 0x72);
RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 0x72, KeyModifiers.None, 0x72); //VK_TTALK
catch (Exception ex)
Log.WriteError(ex, false);
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Can u provide the EnableWindow method.I am getting the error in this method
Implement code
I have created app to WM 5 - 6.5, but users can close it using END button. I see your code, but i can't implement ( i mean I don't have sufficient knowledge) it to visual studio 2008.
Could you tell me what should I do?
Error 1 'APP.Kiosk' does not contain a definition for 'Handle' and no extension method 'Handle' accepting a first argument of type 'APP.Kiosk' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Documents and Settings\lupag\Moje dokumenty\Pobieranie\CEKiosk\CEKiosk\Kiosk.cs 155 43 CEKiosk
Handle? wtf

Hide Soft Input Panel

Hi, I've searched the forum but cant find what i need.
I'm developing using VS2008, VB.Net.
All I want to do is on each form_activated to remove the SIP from my program, cant find a simple solution, can anyone help?
Have a look at :-
Thanks, I tried that and the button is made invisible but if you press on the area where the button was, it re-appears again.
Also, I cant get it to work on the form activated, only on a button click.
This approach is rather more brutal. It will get rid of it, but you won't see it again until you do a soft restart!
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestDevApp
public partial class Form1 : Form
[DllImport("COREDLL.DLL", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
[DllImport("COREDLL.DLL", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool DestroyWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
public Form1()
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
IntPtr hWndSipButton = FindWindow("MS_SIPBUTTON", "MS_SIPBUTTON");
if (hWndSipButton != null)
Hi stephj,
That works perfectly, but like you say it is a bit brutal, is there no way of rebuilding the button on application exit without having to do a device reset?
Or instead of destroying the button just make it invisible or make it so that when the user selects it it just doesn't pop up the keyboard?
It's so much that I dont want the button there, it's more a case of i dont want the user to be able to use it.
Looks like it is a bit of pain to do in .NET, as we do not have much control over the Command Bar, when it is created.
In Win32 C++ it is no problem, as we can hijack the code that responds to the WM_CREATE message, which actually creates the Command Bar
memset(&mbi, 0, sizeof(SHMENUBARINFO));
mbi.cbSize = sizeof(SHMENUBARINFO);
mbi.hwndParent = hWnd;
mbi.nToolBarId = IDR_MENU;
mbi.hInstRes = g_hInst;
if (!SHCreateMenuBar(&mbi))
g_hWndMenuBar = NULL;
g_hWndMenuBar = mbi.hwndMB;
// Initialize the shell activate info structure
memset(&s_sai, 0, sizeof (s_sai));
s_sai.cbSize = sizeof (s_sai);
Still trying a few things out, but don't hold your breath.

