INPUT KEYBOARD pop , how to stop automatic popping up - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

INPUT KEYBOARD pop , how to stop automatic popping up
I have some software that requires and User and password input, and the WM5 INPUT keyboard pop up tool automatically pops up when I go to this screen.
How can I turn this Wm5 input tool off, or to manual, or just not to pop up, whenever a text entry is required in a software form.
Any ideas ?

look here

look for "Make the SIP stop coming up" under Pocket PC Specific

Check this freeware solution out:
PHM Power Toys.
Scroll down to the bottom for the external keyboard.
Select this from the SIP panel and the popup is gone.
There are a few other good utilities in this package, but that one solves a big problem.

All the above solutions dont work for Wm5, any more ideas ?

I found this solution for WM5 and nullkeyboard (84kB) Windows Mobile 2003 y Windows Mobile 5, QVGA y VGA.

I'm using this Nullkeyboard since 4 months, works fine.

I've been using the method described in the MSblog linked to by mrandery. Just click in a text input box, ignore the on screen keyboard (i.e. don't close it) and type with the universal's built in keyboard. The onscreen keyboard will go away and won't come back unless you click on it again, unless you use some badly written software that explictily calls for it to appear.


Onscreen pop-up keyboard

Is there any way to disable the pop-up keyboard? I have no need for it, I have a keyboard on my exec :roll:
Install phm tools and use the external keyboard SIP.
dullard said:
Is there any way to disable the pop-up keyboard? I have no need for it, I have a keyboard on my exec :roll:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You could follow vijay's suggestion, but you should also find that in normal use (i.e. if you're using the hardware keyboard) the SIP input thing never appears unless you tap its icon on the screen.
The system is smart: if the SIP keyboard appears when your cursor enters a text input field then just ignore it and use the hardware keyboard. (Don't tap the screen to clear the SIP!) Once you've started using the hardware KB the SIP KB won't appear again until you tap the SIP icon to raise it.
If you tap the SIP icon to hide the SIP before you start typing on the hardware KB, the SIP will still appear next time you enter a text field.
The SIP on my Exec hasn't appeared on screen in days. This behaviour is perfect IMHO, so well done Microsoft!

annoying software keyboard popup in landscape mode

with my german MDA Pro I experience a very annoying behavior of the software keybord (the one displayed on the screen). Whenver I focus an textfield (i.e. pocketIE adressbar, or when renaming a file in total commander etc.) that software keyboard pops up. Now as long as I am in portrait mode that MIGHT be a helpful feature. But when I am in landscape mode and I have the hardwarekeyboard available this is useless and annoying. So is there a way to surpress this? I seems that this popup does nto happen always. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't - I just was not able to find out what it depends on.
Same Prob too.
It sucks !
Someone can help ?
PHM PowerToys has an "Extended Keyboard SIP" bundled in with all its other goodies. No keyboard pops up when you select that as your default input method.
I found a "ripped" version of just the keyboard SIP without having to install all the other stuff. (watch for popups)
Let me know if this works for you.
what does this keyboard tool actually do? does it just set some registry setting ? can I uninstall it after I have run it ? Or must this App raun ALL THE TIME to make it work ? (the latter would suck since eats ressources)
It just add another SIP into your other one
But this time, it will show nothing so you can use your keyboard freely
And no, it should not take up any resource, if any, it will be very very very little
Fear not chaps, I posted about this and just use the hard keyboard and it 'learns' not to pop up in landscape mode.
Hope it helps
it does learn, but i think it learned by selecting an alternative input as the default.

Suppress Keyboard

Whenever I am browsing the net, the onscreen keyboard pops up automatically whenever a page has a text input box on it. This is becoming particularly annoying to minimize the keyboard when it is not needed. Is there a way to suppress the keyboard from automatically popping up and only have it appear when needed by pressing on it's icon in the bottom of the screen?
Many Thanks
some ppl have suggested nullKB, however it doesn't work on the Wizard...infact, it requires a hard reset to fix an error that the program causes.
NOt sure what version of nullkeyboard you installed but my Tmobile MDA runs nullkeyboard just fine and it's just another variant of the wizard.
My SPV M3000 also worked fine with the NullKB programm

HTC Phone Pad - Problem on 8525

Hello all. Sorry if this is a repeat. I installed the "" on my Cingular 8525. Installation went fine...and I do have the "Phone Pad" as an option now under "Input Methods" in Message. However, whenever I click on it to select it as the method - nothing happens. I even go into the Options and set the Phone Pad as my Input method - still nothing. It allows me to select "Phone Pad" as my option - but the little virtual Keyboard on the screen still stays there and the phone pad never comes up. Then I go back in and check my settings - and Keyboard is still seletcted.
Did I miss something when installing? Is there something special I need to do? Also - important note - I do have the PALM SMS Thread CAB installed (and working VERY well might I add) - could that be part of the problem? (Although - I tried enabling the Phone Pad from within Outlook directly - and still no good).
I would REALLY appreciate your help...thanks!
i think you should try this..another software for virtual phonepad
Thanks - worked great. Once question - besides hitting the space there another way to "accept" a letter or word? I.e. if I end up having to manually spell a word that isn't in the T9 dictionary. The only way I found to accept a word (or single character) is to hit the Space bar.
Thanks again.

Where does this keyboard come from?

I have the 16 key touch dual.
So on input options, you have the touch keypad, when I select that sometimes this comes out (please see attached)
I like it thought better than the 20 key touch keyboard.
Yeh... Where?
I second this, it works really well but there is no option to bring it up on the dual... it just randomly appears sometimes when you need to input text.
And whats more, why does text input seem to vary on web pages?
I've got some where it defaults to numeric input when it should be alpha numeric (ie. passwords), others where XT9 seems to be off (the subject on mails in facebook).
Its so stupidly all over the place and inconsistent! If I could just get this one to pop up all the time I'd be happy.
Doesn't that keyboard show when there's no text entry field?
And yes, i want it too, why would they disable it for normal usage?
Yeh I have found the keyboard to be all over the place when it comes to deciding if it will give you tx9, abc, 123, etc.... Anyone know a way to set one of the two alphanumerics as a default at least?
ok ive had this appear a few times now but couldnt figure out why, as you have been asking for it i have been playing around and think i know what is causing it. you may not need everything listed below but these are the settings on my device if you play around with them you should be able to narrow it down.
I'm running Toms rom, found here
i have disabled threaded sms by using the second setting here
i have enabled the favourite people button on the htc home screen by deleteing the key here
the only other app i have that may have changed a setting is the HTC home customiser.
After making these changes tick the enable xt9 setting in romsettings app, exit the app, then go back into it and untick the enable t9 setting, after closing romsettings you should have the keyboard shown in the second screen shot
as far as i can see this changes the keyboard in all applications
Thats great! Still albeit of a noob so you lost me somewhere there, is there a way to this on the stock ROM?
short answer is i dont know. try looking for an applcation called rom settings after installing it there is a t9 setting. untick it and closethe application if this makes no dfference you may want to try altering the other settings and then trying again until it works.
kerrance76 said:
short answer is i dont know. try looking for an applcation called rom settings after installing it there is a t9 setting. untick it and closethe application if this makes no dfference you may want to try altering the other settings and then trying again until it works.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok will try that thanks. On the side, when you untick "T9" does this make "abc" default text entry as well?
I have confirmed that this keyboard layout come out when no text entry is needed.
muzikfreakah said:
On the side, when you untick "T9" does this make "abc" default text entry as well?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I wish, this has been a problem since the phones release - theres 7 pages on it here
muzikfreakah said:
I have confirmed that this keyboard layout come out when no text entry is needed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thats the default action anyway, with the changes detailed the keyboard is available when entering text, if you look at the second image you will see that the cursor is actually in the message box, its the black line at the end of the word hello
muzikfreakah said:
I have confirmed that this keyboard layout come out when no text entry is needed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Eh? Maybe I overdosed on the thick pills last night, but that doesn't make any sense? If I click on a password field in IE, sometimes the main phone keypad always seems to default to numeric entry. But clicking in the field itself pops up this lovely keyboard.
It really does make no sense at all. There doesn't appear to be any standard/global keyboard settings.
And this is in v6 of WinMo, you would have thought they would have got the basics right by now, but the darned sent items has the useless option of "order by from" - when all the sent items are sent from the same person.
Its got plenty of potential, but it just seems like lots of separate teams were implementing it, doing their own thing without any centralised discussion/design.
Has anyone managed to get this to work with the standard T-Mobile [UK] ROM ?
any updates on this as well? it would be nice to just get an option for this
I got it to work, rather by chance, but thing is after that, I could switch to back to the touchpad type anymore.
I installed POCKETCM KEYBOARD. After doing that, somehow it locked this keyboard in when I choose touchpad.
Its rather a workaround, but for those who to use it premanently, you can do it
it also shows up at times when you are entering a password
Ouch ! I read to quickly and did'nt see the word "permanently" !
It does the same for me after installing pocketpc keyboard and even after uninstalling it !!!
Did you find a way to get the classic keyboard back ? This one is nice but there are some important keys missing as "." and a key to hide the keyboard !
EDIT : The installation of Resco Keyboard got all the original settings back + Resco Keyboard of course.
So if you need to use the famous "hidden HTC keyboard", simply install Resco Keyboard and then Pocketpc keyboard.
You will then have your classic "touch" keyboards replaced by the "hidden keyboard" (+Resco Keyboard installed of course).
But to my mind, Resco keyboard alone is better...

