I got VoiceCmd to not Hang after call with some BT Headsets! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Was playing around with a way to get my Motorola H700 to not hang after the first use. I don't know how to code (at all) but I wrote a little VB app that Monitored the State and Notification PhoneCallTalking to see when a call was initiated, then monitored to see when the call ended at which point I executed BTAudioOn.Exe from BTUtils causing the channel to open again so I push the button and that's it, I could make call after call just like my old HS850. This will probably work with any headset that hangs after the first call.
Only problem, like I was saying, I can't program, I did all this in Do While Loops so it's pretty unusable since it kills the processor. I don't know how to work with Events or Registering for notifications.
Anyways, if there is anyone who can code and is looking for something to do, maybe you could make something similar (this way or a better way) that can run resident and monitor for the end of a phone conversation and then execute BTAudioON.exe or I guess if you know how to program the MS Bluetooth Stack, open the channel again.
If not, I guess I'll keep learning and try to figure out how to do it properly by handling the notification trigger and wait for it without killing the CPU

I've been looking for something like this! Keep us updated if you find a way to do it without putting too much of a load on the CPU.. I'm getting into WM programming but I have no idea how to capture call/notification states yet.

Re: I got VoiceCmd to not Hang after call with some BT Heads
shoey5 said:
Was playing around with a way to get my Motorola H700 to not hang after the first use. I don't know how to code (at all) but I wrote a little VB app that Monitored the State and Notification PhoneCallTalking to see when a call was initiated, then monitored to see when the call ended at which point I executed BTAudioOn.Exe from BTUtils causing the channel to open again so I push the button and that's it, I could make call after call just like my old HS850. This will probably work with any headset that hangs after the first call.
Only problem, like I was saying, I can't program, I did all this in Do While Loops so it's pretty unusable since it kills the processor. I don't know how to work with Events or Registering for notifications.
Anyways, if there is anyone who can code and is looking for something to do, maybe you could make something similar (this way or a better way) that can run resident and monitor for the end of a phone conversation and then execute BTAudioON.exe or I guess if you know how to program the MS Bluetooth Stack, open the channel again.
If not, I guess I'll keep learning and try to figure out how to do it properly by handling the notification trigger and wait for it without killing the CPU
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Good luck and keep us posted. One "use case" to keep in mind is if you initiate VC which doesn't lead to a phone call since VC supports other commands.
I tried something similar to what you are trying to do and it's just too complex because of the different outcomes of initiating VC

I think it'd probably be best to just fix the dialing part - I don't really care about the launching of the apps, etc.
Some of the voice commands, like "What day is it" didn't seem to break the voice channel anyway.
I hate to say it, but it's probably best to just fix the simple stuff and wait for a BT enabled version from Microsoft to fix the rest.

VCBTFixer - My First Attempt
Hey guys here's what I came up with so far. It's not much but it works, been using it all day without ever taking my Wizard out to reset the headset
When running in the background, it will monitor for a hangup (the point where your headset usually crashes after the first call) It will wait a second and then open the BT Audio Gateway, just press the BT headset again to turn it off, and then press it one more time and you'll hear VoiceCommand waiting for you again
Ok remember this is my first attempt at programming so use it at your own risk And remember it's not 100%, I still have to check for a failed call or if you terminate before the call actually starts, check to see if the headset is being used before trying to turn on the audio gateway ect.
I'll probably get rid of the dialog or keep it, I don't know, I was thinking it could be useful to configure a sound that can be played when the audio gateway opens again, this way you get reminded to press the headset button again to turn off the BT Audio Gateway Maybe display and allow you to select which headsets (if you have more than one) this program should work with if some work and some don't, all that kind of crap.
Anyways, let me know if it works.

Im no WM programmer but cant u open the BT channel then close it again pro grammatically, or will that cause the same type of "crash"? I would love to see this work because I WANT my damn H700 back, till then I'm stuck with this hs850.
Thanx; Lew

lewcamino: Tried that but it still hung, only way I could get it to work is to open the chanel and then close it. Anyways I tried this program with my H700 and it worked, give it a try, you have to be logged in to see it.
I'm no programmer either, maybe someone could write a much better version. I think the best way (if it's possible) would be to close the BT Audio Gateway just before VoiceCommand started dialing (the phone should open the Audio Gateway when the call starts and then it should be good (I think) but I don't know if that's even possible to detect.
So for now, until someone figures out a better way or Microsoft releases a new version with BT support, I guess this works. Used it all day with my H700 didn't have to push any buttons on the device between calls which is what I wanted.

Thanks shoey5! Your program works great with my H700.
Do you have any updates? Also, how did you create the .exe? What tools did you use? Are you willing to give up your source code? I would love to dig into it, modify it, upgrade it.
Again, thanks for the great program.

Congrats on getting something to work. What happens if you close the boom of the H700 after a call? What if you use VC to check your battery signal or ask what time it is?
Looking forward to seeing future versions - once it's good and ready I can go back to my H700. Using the HS850 for now.

Ok Second Attempt, if learning VB.Net for the first attempt wasn't bad enough, had to start learning C++ for the second
This one is a lot better though it's late so I haven't been able to test and it needs some error checking but it's much more useable. Ported it to C++ so now only takes 3.90K as apposed to the 200K VB.Net (Sucks) version was taking so it's acceptible to have it running in the background. Also uses a different method of refreshing BTAG after a call though I'd like to find a better way. Also got rid of the UI so you can throw it into \Windows\Startup to have it running when device loads.
Let me know how well or how bad it works.

Cool - thanks a lot! This seems to work!

Doesnt work with german rom... are there any paths hardcoded which may be named different in other languages? (Programs for example)

Hi Shoey5,
Just for your information I have a O2 XDA Mini S WM5 and it does not work as intended, works once after that it needs a soft reset.
I send you a PM with contact details.

your little app works really well! Only occasionaly will there be some kind of hiccup between the MDA and the headset, and I will have to reset the MDA.
It also seems that you have to be alittle patiend between calls to give the headset/MDA time to be ready to respond.
I can make repeated voice commands and even activate redial with a double tap on the headset button.
I would encourage you to keep working on this program so the VCBT functionality can be made even more stable!

your little app works really well! Only occasionaly will there be some kind of hiccup between the MDA and the headset, and I will have to reset the MDA.
It also seems that you have to be alittle patiend between calls to give the headset/MDA time to be ready to respond.
I can make repeated voice commands and even activate redial with a double tap on the headset button.
I would encourage you to keep working on this program so the VCBT functionality can be made even more stable!


New application: Talk Button Detector 0.3

I've written a basic application that detects when you press the talk button on the wired headsets and runs Microsoft Voice Command (if installed) or Voice Speed Dialing (otherwise).
To ease the button press detection when you are listening music, you should slide down the hardware volume control to the minimum.
It can take up to 2 seconds to detect the button press, and doesn't work when the device is sleeping.
If you run the application twice, it shows a window with the energy readings and you will be able to stop it. If the application doesn't work, please, report you energy readings when the button is pressed and released and the environment type (noisy, quiet, ...)
- Prevent the audio subsystem to be suspendend by the power manager.
- Suspend the button state polling when the headset is unplugged.
- Suspend the button state polling when Microsoft Voice Command is listening.
New release 0.3
New release 0.3:
- Prevents the system from suspending
- Powers on the system before launching the voice recognition program
To save energy, I recommend to enable the UserIdle power state (which turns off the screen and several other periphicals), changing in the registry key [\HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeouts] the value of "BattUserIdle" to "120" (seconds).
I'm waiting feedback.
Thanks, I have been looking for an application like this since I got my Wizard. (not everyone has a bluetooth headset) Seems to work well. Will do more testing over the next few days in different environments.
will dis work on the mini-magician..if not cud u make it possible really wud love that
Vijay wats wit da URL?
It's a Windows Mobile 2003 application because it's developed with Microsoft Embeed Visual C++ 4, and I can't find a way to install the Windows Mobile 2005 SDK (it needs Visual Studio 2005; a bunch of pounds).
But it actually needs Windows Mobile 5 to run properly, since it uses state notifications to know when the headset is plugged/unplugged and if the voice recognizer is running. Last is very important; otherwise the recording is distorted and doesn't recognize anything.
Otherwise, it should be pretty easy to adapt to any hardware. I just need to know where the headset state is stored in the registry. In Wizard, it's in [HKLM\System\State\Hardware], in the value "Headset".
Okay then it shud work for the Mini cause it runs 2003se right? i installed it nothing happens..wat do i do? really love the concept...
It doesn't seem to work with the 8125. I thought the 8125 was really a Wizzard? It detects the button in about 1.5 seconds, but an error window pops up. It doesn't seem to be able to initiate the Voice Command aplication.
Could this be..
what i've been looking for?
I'll let you know.
WOW!!!:shock: this stuff is really working!!!.. Wired headset is much better than that bluetooth headset coz it's stereo! I have a question tho, is there anyway to automaticly start the exe (program) after softreset or shutdown?
WOW!!!:shock: this stuff is really working!!!.. Wired headset is much better than that bluetooth headset coz it's stereo! I have a question tho, is there anyway to automaticly start the exe (program) after softreset or shutdown?
This looks excellent. I will check back once I install voice command!
Tried this on Prophet
Finally someone came up with a solution for this HTC error in construction!
I tried this out on my Prophet, in a quiet environment (sitting in bed).
Energy readings when idle are around 250-350 (averaging 310) and exactely 27 when the button is pressed (no matter where the manual volume slider is at that time).
Are those numbers about the same on the Wizard? How can the button-is-now-pressed-threshold be adapted to the Prophet?
P.S.: It obviously doesn't work so far...otherwise I would not have posted these numbers...I press the button and nothing happens.
Talk Button Detector 0.3 is not working on QTek 9100
Hi there,
I have cimply copied the Talk Button Detector on my device and launched it. But when I press the "Talk" button on my headset. It says: "unable to launch talk application".
The "Speed Deal Application" is installed and workng fine when I press the button on the device.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Does not work on T-mobile SDA. But, it detects the button! But give me an error - "Unable to launch speech application"
Please, let us know, what could be done to make it working.
Tried it on my 6700- I only get a -1 reading regardless if I am hitting the bottom or not. I really hope this gets ported to work- people would pay for this functionality.
nice work. but i dun use voice dial myself except with bluetooth headset. i was wondering if you can make use of the wired headset button to launch other application for example say windows media player and play the next song on it when u press it while inside windows media player. that would be useful as i dont like taking out the fone that much to change song when im listening to music.
I would LOVE for this to work on a T-Mobile MDA Vario with a dutch (NL) windows mobile 5
somehow the program works, it even boots out of standby, but it keeps giving me the error "unable to launch talk application"
i do not have windows voice command installed (i tried it, hated it) and use the standard voice control (dutch name: "Gesproken Snelkeuze")
perhaps the translation is the problem here.. could you or anyone else modify the program to enable it to use different application names
i would give you my first unborn child in return
Anyone, Please ? or anyone that could adapt it to make it so you can choose the program yourself ?
the program DOES respond to me pressing the button, it just doesnt load the right program (prob due to language)

Voice Commands - Make It Even More Awesome?

I've recently been having a play with the Voice Tag function on my Wizard. I can call any of my contacts by voice, and I can perform a plethora of functions on my phone by voice (helped by the added hardware button functions that Pocket+ provides). Now i'm wondering if I can do even MORE by voice, i.e. a spoken password, dialing by saying each number, that kind of thing?
Dump the cheezy Cyberon Voice Dial and get Microsoft Voice Command or Cyberon Voice Commander.
Both allow you to access PDA functions such as launch programs, access calander etc.
Additionally they allow "Dial 444 555-1234"
In my opinion MS Voice Command is better.
I've played with Cyberon Voice Commander because it will read e-mail and text messages but I've found it to be useless. Also Cyberon has too much of a delay from activation to ready for voice input for my tastes.
Oh yeah, neither of these requires "Voice Tags", they work by recgonizing your spoken voice!
Cyberon Voice Commander costs about $20,
MS Voice Command is about $40.
Both can be purchased at Handango.com
Now ... call me silly, but wouldnt it be a slight security risk shouting your password at your device to unlock it ?
Danny-B- said:
Now ... call me silly, but wouldnt it be a slight security risk shouting your password at your device to unlock it ?
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Maybe that's why none of these products supports it!!
I have given up on MS Voice Command. It works well, as long as you dont use it with Bluetooth.
It dials once or twice, but then stops responding to the Bluetooth command button. The only way I can get it to work is to press the bluetooth button twice to redial the last call, quickly hit the button again to cancel the call, and then, sometimes, the long press will initiate voice command again.
Jumping through hoops like this make the program pretty worthless to me. To dial numbers in the car is all I need if for, and that is where it doesnt work. I will stick with the voice tags.
jimmyhauser said:
I have given up on MS Voice Command. It works well, as long as you dont use it with Bluetooth.
It dials once or twice, but then stops responding to the Bluetooth command button. The only way I can get it to work is to press the bluetooth button twice to redial the last call, quickly hit the button again to cancel the call, and then, sometimes, the long press will initiate voice command again.
Jumping through hoops like this make the program pretty worthless to me. To dial numbers in the car is all I need if for, and that is where it doesnt work. I will stick with the voice tags.
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That's not VC's issue, it's your BT stack issue. On my K-JAM I press once to activate the BT audiogateway, press again to issue the VC. Works every time.
JNGold said:
That's not VC's issue, it's your BT stack issue. On my K-JAM I press once to activate the BT audiogateway, press again to issue the VC. Works every time.
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Press once activates the phone over bluetooth (sometimes anyway, sometimes nothing happens at all), pressing again does nothing. Believe me, I have tried EVERYTHING. I was messing with it for two hours doing every combination I could think of. The only thing that works is a double press for redial, end the call right away, then I can activate VC again(sometimes). And the cycle repeats.
On the other hand, built-in voicetag dial works everytime, and I dont have to activate the bluetooth first. One long press prompts for voice dial EVERY TIME.
So I beg to differ, it is an issue with voice command.
JNGold said:
That's not VC's issue, it's your BT stack issue. On my K-JAM I press once to activate the BT audiogateway, press again to issue the VC. Works every time.
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Same for me. Sometimes the recgonition isn't the same over bluetooth, but I never have to try more than twice. I use my VC for everything.
jimmyhauser said:
JNGold said:
That's not VC's issue, it's your BT stack issue. On my K-JAM I press once to activate the BT audiogateway, press again to issue the VC. Works every time.
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Press once activates the phone over bluetooth (sometimes anyway, sometimes nothing happens at all), pressing again does nothing. Believe me, I have tried EVERYTHING. I was messing with it for two hours doing every combination I could think of. The only thing that works is a double press for redial, end the call right away, then I can activate VC again(sometimes). And the cycle repeats.
On the other hand, built-in voicetag dial works everytime, and I dont have to activate the bluetooth first. One long press prompts for voice dial EVERY TIME.
So I beg to differ, it is an issue with voice command.
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So how do you account for it working consistantly fine for some, and others not?
BTW, my VC is loaded on the device, not on a storage card.
VC Usage Vs. VS VC Memory Usage
I've had VC on and off of my 8125 since I bought it in April.
The main problem I have with MSVC is whether its use (or lack there of) validates the amount of memory it uses.
For someone that makes calls primarily off of his recent call list, I find that the usability benefit does not outweigh the memory usage.
Wish there was a way to disable / enable the functionality, as to release that memory for other applications.
JNGold said:
So how do you account for it working consistantly fine for some, and others not?
BTW, my VC is loaded on the device, not on a storage card.
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Believe me, I am not an expert on this, I am just trying to figure things logically. But I would bet it has to do with the fact that you are probably using a different bluetooth handsfree device than I am. Maybe that was what you were referring to when you said it was a bluetooth issue. Or maybe it is the fact that you have a different model of phone.
What I am saying is that it cant be the bluetooth software on my phone, because the cyberon voice dial works fine over bluetooth, where the MS voice command does not.
And I have voice command on the phone also. All my programs are. I only keep music and videos on the storage card.
And voice command works great when using on the phone itself. I am amazed at how well and how quickly the recognition works. It just doesnt respond well to my Nokia car kit. And maybe that is the problem.
My wife's car has the same bluetooth kit as my car, I am going to try it in her car one of these days to see if I have the same problems there. She has a Nokia 6682, and her bluetooth voice dialling works great.
And also, does VC really use that much memory? If so, I think may take it off the phone. (I use it a little when not in the car) But if it is considerable, then I agree that it is not worth it.
the problem is that without any BT headset i can't get the microsoft voice command to work.
i installed it, dedicate the button. the problem is that when i press it the mic sign appers, i hear the bip and if i say "HELP " it does absolutly nothing.
it just stands there, then another bip comes and the mic sign disappears .
what should i do?
did you turn your mic auto-gain off like the instructions said?
problem solved.
don't know how ...soft reset and bam ! it worked.
the problem is that it hardly recognizes 0 ( zero )
well...i think the old voice dial would do the trick for me...
Keys to success:
1. Load in main memory. (Yes, it's a hog, but to me it's worth it.)
2. Be patient. Sometimes it takes a moment or two to activate.
3. Make sure your volume is not muted. (I admit it, I often walk out of a meeting and get frustrated with why it isn't working... oh, volume is off.)
4. Experiment. Watch the phone while you are playing.
Here are my results with Motorla hs850 .
1. Usually I push once to open the gateway and a second time to activate VC. (Note, I only wear my headset when I need it.)
2. Sometimes the gateway is open for whatever reason and I'll get an immediate bong. So after the first press, I give it a second to see if it will come up.
3. Otherwise, I may get into three presses. One which I think is opening the gateway but is actually opening VC before the bong sounds. A second which I think is activating VC but apparently is closing it. The third press usually then does the trick, but sometimes I'll even have to go to number 4.
So my strategy is:
1. Push button.
2. Wait a slow count for response.
3. Go back to #1 until success is achieved.

Curious, how many of you are running skype? Try this

This is just something I stumbled across a while ago but haven't had the time to post it. I'm not making any promises so this is just a head's up.
If anyone remembers my last post on skype here, you'll recall me saying that there's a Disable Codecs key in the registry. Well I didn't know the codecs but SkypeSmart over at Skype forums posted this tweak for his iPaq and it works a treat.
I'm running my Mini S with the original ROM and skype with my key reading: ILBC G729 EG711U
As a result it only uses the EG711A codec and guess what, it works, at stock speed too. My phone is an utter mess but it works at an acceptable level that is to say both parties can hear the conversation without any hiccups. Tested over a WiFi link but be warned you'll lose connectivity with echo123 and it also seems to me that Skype Linux doesn't have the EG711A or EG711U or even the G729 codecs so you won't be able to chat with them unless you enable ILBC.
One thing worth testing is to see what happens in a conference call (with a Windows machine as host and a Linux machine and the wizard with some of the codecs disabled) but I don't have the time to test so be my guest and post the results if you do test it.
By the way, I use Skype v2 Feb 14 release. If anyone wants to post their overclocked results or anything, great.
Indeed it does work and VERY well. I just called across a very sketchy broadband connection and audio in BOTH ways was clear. Before, I could be heard by the other party but could not hear them in return. Once I overclocked, I could actually have a couple of pragrams running in the background and still have acceptable resources left. Bravo to whoever came up with this tweak.
How far did you overclock? Also, I know a lot of people are viewing this thread but only one response so far...does that mean the rest of you are enjoying Skype? :shock:
i use skype with my wizard very well and i can use skypeout as well.
i installed for the high cpu usage, not low cpu usage. but i also use omapoverclock.
what i did, just installed skype, then change the content of d shortcut using total commander in windows/start menu/programs/skype.lnk with this one:
46#"\program files\omapclock.exe" -clock 240 -launch "\Program Files\Skype for Pocket PC\Skype.exe" -restore?Program Files\Skype for Pocket PC\Skype.exe,
in this case, i put omapclock file in 'program files' folder, and don't forget to use "," sign in the last content of skype. because it gives u back d skype icon, otherwise u'll see omapclock icon.
Gut luck!!! and i hope this can be useful 4 u...
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i remember trying this on my wizard...i placed a call to a land phone and i could not hear the other phone ring or anything.. but t did call..
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks Ricky, that trick with Omapoverclock works a treat. By the way not sure if it is my imagination but sounds like the I am getting the call playing through my handsfree speaker and not the ear piece. Does anyone else get this or am I going mad????
jt_armstrong said:
Thanks Ricky, that trick with Omapoverclock works a treat. By the way not sure if it is my imagination but sounds like the I am getting the call playing through my handsfree speaker and not the ear piece. Does anyone else get this or am I going mad????
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You're not. Apparently the M600 is the only phone which might support non-speakerphone chat on skype. I heard that its latest ROM does exactly what you want it do. I don't know if its a Skype specific issue or whether it's ROM specific but I have not seen any apps other than the phone app itself take advantage of the earpiece.
If you're referring to the tweak I listed, what does it do when you call PCs? I made a skype out call actually 3 of them and I could hear all of them clearly - 1 to Guam , 2 to HK and I'm in the UK.
Does 240MHz eat away at the battery life, especially with WiFi on?
I just spent the last few days setting up a Linksys NSLU2 with DebianSlug and it works great; Samba works with the phone too 8). A little tempted to get a bluetooth dongle to stick to the slug so that I can connect to the net over bluetooth when possible but the BT stack on the mobile doesn't support BT networking does it?
ok.. so does this only work with speakerphone on?? i didnt hear anything through the actual phone ear reciever
guyver2077 said:
ok.. so does this only work with speakerphone on?? i didnt hear anything through the actual phone ear reciever
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When I said speakerphone I meant simply that the sound is coming out at the same volume as media player, etc if that makes sense. There's no reason for you not to be able to hear a thing though. :?
Thanks AsGF2MX, It works great with the headfones I just don't normally use them.
guyver2077 said:
ok.. so does this only work with speakerphone on?? i didnt hear anything through the actual phone ear reciever
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If you think about it, it makes sense. This is Skype for Pocket PC, most Pocket PCs don't have the phone built in.
Do you have a BT headset? If so open the audio gateway (either using the program posted in this forum or via Voice Command press BT button and just say "Open Skype", the Audio gate will stay open).
This should allow you to use your BT headset for Skype calls.
kyphur said:
guyver2077 said:
ok.. so does this only work with speakerphone on?? i didnt hear anything through the actual phone ear reciever
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If you think about it, it makes sense. This is Skype for Pocket PC, most Pocket PCs don't have the phone built in.
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I suppose you're right, that would explain things but is there an option to actually channel audio to the ear piece? If not, then it's definitely an issue with the way the device ROMs are designed (assuming that there is a way for software to utilize the ear piece).
Well, I'm glad a few people found it useful and I hope it's working for the rest of you as well. I might just pick-up OMAP clock a little later and try to see how well an overclock fares on my device but first, I'm going to try a few apps I've been wanting to try for a while.
Great tip!
I have previously tried Skype on my Qtek 9100 but have always found the audio quality quite bad, even when overclocking to 240.
After changing the DisableCodecs as suggested here, the audio quality is now really good, also when using SkypeOut to a Fixednet phone.
Thanks for the tip!
Yes Great tip, thanks
Can someone point me in the direction of the program that opens the audio gateway?
I don't have MS Voice Command, I only have the default "Voice Speed Dial".
Therez two actually. one is btAudio, and the other is VjVolubilis
After Skype Install - Alarm clock chaos
I have been reading this thread with interest. I own an old XDA (one with aerial) and now the XDA Mini S. Have had it now for about 6 months and sync up to 2 pc's, have multiple email accounts, use the Wifi/msn - so use pretty much all of functionality. Happy so far!
I installed the pocket pc version of Skype last night - and found that this morning my alarm went off - but with no options displayed on the screen to snooze/dismiss alarm! Consequently - the alarm/vibrate goes off every 5 minutes - and only thing i can do is remove the battery -so phone basically unusable. Soft reset does not help - and would rather not hard reset as then will have to redo email settings etc.
Anyone out there had this problem before? Your help would be appreciated (think you are calling the XDA mini a wizard)
OS Build: 5.1.70 (14406.1.1.1)
ROM date: 11/8/05
Radio: 01.09.10
Have you removed the Skype software already?
After Skype Install - Alarm clock chaos
Hi - Yes, I have removed Skype from the XDA Mini. Soft-reset again - no difference.
I had that alarm problem once.
I'd had my cingular 8125 (HTC wizard) for a week or two and had been putting apps on it and messing with the registry, then one morning my alarm went off, I reached over to silence it, pushed some random button accidentally, and the alarm kept on going. I opened my eyes and sat there for a minute waiting for my brain to boot up because I wasn't seeing the notice showing me which softkey to press. After awhile, I realized that I was completely awake, and there really was no way to turn the alarm off!
I messed around with that thing forever. Scrolling through menus, doing soft resets, etc. Nothing would silence the alarm. I tried reseting the time/date and doing a soft reset, but every time the device booted up, it would go nuts with alarm tones (they kept multiplying! Every time I would reset the time after having set it back, another alarm would go off and they started piling up!).
Boy, that really ruined my morning.
I ended up having to do a hard reset to fix the problem. And when I ran my latest backup, the problem came right back! So I had to do another hard reset and roll back to an earlier backup.
I really don't know what the problem was, but I think I might have a slight idea. I had downloaded some program called CheckNotifications by Scarybear software (I now know it's not meant for WM5) and I think I must have deleted that alarm notification from the "notification database". (No, I don't actually know what any of that means, I'm just regurgitating words I read online in a manner which seems to make a little sense). So some parte of the OS somewhere remembered the alarm, and turned it on at the right time, but the part of the OS responsible for giving you the facility to turn it off was screwed. But that's just a wild guess.
Maybe you also have some issue with your notification database.
Good luck! Of course, if you were anywhere near as annoyed as I was, you probably already said a few (dozen) choice curse words and did a hard reset.
(edit: clarified phone)

Reprogram Bluetooth headset button

I have a Cingular 8125 (2.17 ROM, I believe) and recently got a Motorola HS850 BT headset. It's setup and works great, but I want to know if there is a way to reprogram the call button on the headset so that when you hit it instead of opening the Voice Dial on the phone it can instead open Voice Command (which I use for everything else.) I tried poking around on the boards and didn't see anything specific, any help (or just knowing it's not possible) would be greatly appreciated!
Found it
I found the answer with a little more searching. It turns out to be a registry entry for Voice Command - and it DOES work with Bluetooth (even though MS' description says it does not.)
Just change this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path
change the value from \Windows\SDDialer.exe to \Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCMD.exe
Soft reset the phone and voice command will work when you hit the connect button on your phone.
Credit to HowardForums where I found it: http://wiki.howardforums.com/pocket...ice_Command_via_Bluetooth_(HTC_WM5.0_Devices)
I heard that it does not close the audio gateway however when you are done with the call...
is this true?
thanks a lot man, this was buggin the hell out of me! quick forum search and i found ur post. thx for doing the leg work
I placed a call with it and when the call was done used the button on the headset to terminate the call...it seemed to work okay.
i just tried it and it seemed to work just fine. the only thing i don't like, and it probably has to do with my headset, is how long i have to hold down the button for...but i can deal with that, so that i don't have to take out the phone!
I guess that the issue is with the regular voice dialer, you can just press the button to dial out, and when the caller hangs up, the audio gateway closes, you dont have to hit the button to close it.
I'm gonna give this a shot to see if I like it.
I did notice that it seems like I have to hit the call key twice in order for it to recognize the key press....maybe the first is to close the old channel and the second opens a new one? I don't have enough knowledge to say for sure, but there is no visual indication on the phone that the voice channel has not been closed.
That's probably what's happening. If you forget to close the voice channel after your call, you'll run down your headset's battery faster. I can tell that the channel is open because I can hear very faint hissing.
Of course, the point is moot for me because on my device (like many others) this trick only works until a call has been placed and ended. After that the button no longer triggers voice command. :-|

Streaming Audio To Bluetooth W/o A2DP

So I have been trying to figure this out for a while. But I figured maybe we could get some community involvment with it.
If you weren't aware:
In 1.5 you could dial ** on your dialer, hit Call and it would redirect all audio (music, games, notifications) to your paired BlueTooth headset.
This no longer works in 2.1 - if you dial ** you get the 'p' and then when you hit call it almost immediatiely disconnects. But you can hear the audio for a split second in the BT.
If anyone can figure this out - or maybe dig a little deeper into Dialer.apk?
Maybe just a few people typing random stuff into their dialer to see if anything will work.
Watching LOGCAT when I dial this it calls a SpecialCharSequenceMGR
This one is different than the 1.5 dialer - Maybe tonight I cna merge with success....we shall see. Unless someone else wants to take a look before then.
my question would be whether the dialer in 2.1 got an upgrade. i guess it did since this feature doesnt exist (obvs), so any reason you cant flash on a dialer from 1.5?
i dont know much about how the internals of them work otherwise id help in the search, well after i finish this semester in two weeks. yep yep.
pardon me if my reply was a bit simplistic and if you tried that already, then sorry :/
good luck!
Updated top post.
Looking forward to your results. Hope you succeed.
On my Hero, long clicking on the device in Bluetooth Settings (in both 1.5 and 2.1), allows me to change the settings of that bluetooth connection including turning on and off both Phone and Media audio.
My only problem is that they have never played well together. If I'm playing media and a phone call comes in, the media properly pauses, but the phone either switches in on the phone's speaker or is totally silent causing me to miss the call.
Bump for the hell of it and a question.
Does anyone know where Dialer is in a 1.5 rom? I downloaded a fresh 1.1 to grab the apk and its not in system/app...wtf???
Las_Vegas said:
On my Hero, long clicking on the device in Bluetooth Settings (in both 1.5 and 2.1), allows me to change the settings of that bluetooth connection including turning on and off both Phone and Media audio.
My only problem is that they have never played well together. If I'm playing media and a phone call comes in, the media properly pauses, but the phone either switches in on the phone's speaker or is totally silent causing me to miss the call.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think this might be because you have an A2DP capable headset. Mine doesn't give me this option.
Ive been looking
I also have been looking for somthing along these lines, as well as some other members. I started this thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=660519 earlier trying to get help, there are actually a few bounties out now....Check it out
Ok so if any one who knows more linux than I do can try to figure out how to pipe the audio from one output to another it would be cool.
I was thinking it would be something lile MediaPlaybackService | AudioHardwareMSM72XX
But I am not sure if that is even remotely close. It doesn't work for me, I guess we just need to get the right services.

