upside down screen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Ok everybody, grab your phone and TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN. notice how easy it is to use the joystick/thumb navigation button. in fact, this works nicely for any bar-style phone or device. the screen remains visible next to your palm and thumb. this is such an obvious idea once you think of it. I once wanted to patent this. but somebody already had a similar idea. please, if you use this idea, try to give me credit. call it the Bessler upside down phone or something. anyway, can someone make a program that will flip my screen upside down? wm5 only has two landscapes and a portrait. Thanks


here there's a program that flips the screen upside down when you click on it multiple times. only problem is the buttons don't switch direction.

And here's one that rotates 180 degrees in one go:
There's three readily identifyable problems with holding the device up side down, though.
1. I'm not sure how ergonomic it really is. I've attached pictures of me holding the device up side down, and upright. You'll notice that in the first up side down picture, my thumb is relaxed, but as a result obscures the screen. To make it not obscure the screen, I actually have to bend my thumb which, other than eventually inducing pain, leaves you with less control as you're navigating with the top of the side of your thumb. Maybe I'm holding it entirely wrong though
2. The buttons issue. 'nuff said. This probably a programmatical error, though - must me some manner of telling the operating system that you rotated the screen, and that the buttons should follow suit.
3. ClearType. ClearType assumes the ordering of your LCD is RGB. If you rotate the screen, the ordering is BGR - but ClearType still assumes RGB. The result is that your screen becomes very difficult to read when using ClearType. The solution here is to disable ClearType, but who would want to do that? %) Images of what this looks like are attached as well. Note that I actually had to cheat the images, because if you rotate the 'up side down' wrong order screenshot back to normal, the ordering becomes RGB again and it looks fine. You can try it for yourself to make sure my screenshot isn't bogus, though


upper part is shaky when keyboard is opened. Normal?

The part where the display is becomes shaky a bit when you slide open the keyboard
Is that something that I should be concerned about or is it normal?
I think it's normal. I've examined four X1a's and they all had a small amount of play in the top part of the slider when open.
Mine has also a slight play to it (back and forth). Noticed this on the Raphael as well.
Keep in mind though, that the slider is only supported by two metal hooks situated (when keyboard out) at one end of the screen. So guess it's normal.
The play will also increase as the phone gets older (wear and tear). As long as the screen doesn't fall off I guess it's ok.
To prolong the life though, I try to be gentle when opening and support the screen when it's open (to reduce the wear and tear).
Mine's shaky when closed. Went to the service centre thrice and everytime they said it was normal.
Mine is a bit shaky as well. even when closed, but afer giving it some thought, i guess it impossible to make it totaly solid, at least with this form. i annoyes me, though. pressing the keys and you feel how it bends a little. when opened, I am afraid to press the little x or soething else on top of the screen, at least without supporting the lower side with my other hand.
Jabe said:
Mine is a bit shaky as well. even when closed, but afer giving it some thought, i guess it impossible to make it totaly solid, at least with this form. i annoyes me, though. pressing the keys and you feel how it bends a little. when opened, I am afraid to press the little x or soething else on top of the screen, at least without supporting the lower side with my other hand.
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I support it when open, cause it's impossible to make it solid (@least not in this form factor). It's easy enough for me though.. cause the phone fits in my palm so easy (and way easier than other phones I've had - But I do miss the tilting screen from Kaiser though..then again, that needed major support when tilted)
I am new to this board, hello everybody!
I have my X1 for a week now. On mine the top part is shaky when closed, it moves ~1mm up/down opposite of the slider hinges. Anyone else?
It annoys me, but I hope it is okay and won't get worse.
Greets and have Fun with Your X1s!
i think it's normal. I noticed that as soon as I took it out of the box and was very worried. it's my first slider phone and i didn't know what was normal and what was not. reading threads like this was very reassuring for me. I just hope it won't get loose, if it stays like that, then i'm happy.
It seems really solid to me. No movement at all unless I push on it. I’m guessing it will loosen up over time.
same here, closed and opened. When I press gently in opposite corners when closed, it waggles slightly. I got annoyed/worried about this after purchasing the phone few months ago and went to the store to ask about it. I got to test three different X1s and they were all similar, so it's not a problem (or at least it's by the design
A bit annoying still though, especially when using touchscreen with your fingers. Mostly when pressing on the right side of the screen (down-right being the worst), it waggles slightly under your fingers.
Same here too. About 1mm up and down when closed, and when open, same.
And yes Jent, it does waggle a bit. Try using the phone when you're lying in bed, and hold the phone upside down... every press will move the screen about 1mm and it gets annoying very quickly.
i also have the problem with the upper corner^^

Dissasembly, screen rotate broken

I recently replaced the screen in my 6800 - (I'm out of insurance replacements, and I don't like the Touch Pro Verizon offered me very much.)
The dissasembly and re-assembly went swimmingly - except for the fact that my phone now reverts to Landscape every time it wakes up, as if the switch that detects the sliding motion is broken or disconnected.
Does anyone have any details of where this switch is and how it works? I have heard mention of it being a magnetic reed switch, but I also see a little tab of metal in the slide mechanism that looks like a contact closure point for this.
Any ideas or information?
I know this isn't probably the best answer, but have you looked into software that will rotate the screen? You could then assign that software to a button and rotate that way.
Yeah, I have "Screen Rotate" mapped to the messaging button, but it still reverts to landscape every time the phone goes to sleep, even if I set the screen mode to "portrait" in the settings.
I took it apart all the way again last night, I still can't find any sign of the mechanism it uses to detect open/close.
There are some metal ground clips on the lcd side that I think it uses to sense its location. If you slide the phone out you will see a gold colored clip in one of the slide groves.

Screen rotation only to the left?

Hello everyone.
I just got my X10 over the weekend and have started to play around with it. One thing I have noticed is that the screen will only rotate to landscape on one side (with the home buttons on the right in landscape mode). I've checked various videos on the net and they all seem to rotate in this direction, but don't show it going the other way. I checked my wife's Iphone and it rotates both ways. Can anyone let me know if this is an issue with the X10 in general, or just my phone. TIA.
Confirmed. the device only rotates on the left side. But i never thought about it before
Is there any reason why this would be a problem? must say I've not come across any occasion where I've thought that would be required.
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
It only rotates to the left, yeah. But I think it's great since I'm seriously annoyed with screen rotation at times. This way I can lie in my bed and write texts in portrait-mode with my phone on the side so to speak. And I don't want to turn it off completely since I use it when I look at pictures and browse the web. I just wish there was a way to disable screen rotation for different applications.
I believe this is the same for all droid phones. My buds Moto-DROID does the same thing and I do recal only being able to tilt the N1 in the same direction. On the DROID it makes sense to me, the physical keyboard only goes one way. However, my bud is left handed and he instinctively wanted to turn my x10 to the right so the hardware buttons are on the left and he coudltn. He immediately did not like the phone.
Thanks all,
this isn't really a problem for me, I just thought it was strange since I didn't really see a reason for it. This is my first Android phone, so I'm still getting used to the benefits and quirks of the system, and just thought it was odd. Well lets hope that we get an update to 2.1/2.2 or are able to root the heck out of this thing soon.
The N1 use to do this too but in 2.2 it gained the ability to be rotated into landscape either way.
I reckon 1 way landscape rotation is the best thing ever... esp. with the reading lying down thing... I used to have to hold my Diamond on a weird 45 degree angle in those situations...
I bet you can think of a million reasons why it's great it only rotates one way, but I bet you'd struggle finding a decent reason why you'd need it to rotate both:
I have a problem and can only rotate my phone clockwise, this means I have to rotate it 270 degrees instead of 90, just to get it into landscape
I prefer to press the camera button with my thumb holding underneath the phone. Now I have to do it with my index finger like a normal person
I'm lefthanded - everything works backwards for me.

S pen calibration

S pen is not accurate i mean it dosent start from the point of touch is everovody facing this problem or is it device specific
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
i experience this. It's annoying when trying to be serious with drawing. Accuracy just isn't there. Forget going over places you've already drawn on.
I updated to 2.3.6 and now is perfect
Just did some quick test, and found why some may notice this inaccuracy and others dont. Cliffs: accuracy is factored by the angle you hold the pen, combined with the angle the phone things you're going to be writing or drawing on it.
Often times when writing, things look okay. Place the phone flat on a table, and attack a drawing at various angles and things go wacky.
I believe the setting where it asks you if you're right and left-handed, is just a setting for a pre-programmed x,y offset. If you're in portrait mode, and you hold the pen at an angle they think is proper (somewhere between 0 and 40 degrees on X and 0 to -45 for Y for right-handers) then things come out fairly right. This setting really messes things up when you want to draw from different angles without adjusting the offset. You can only change this offset (which it does automatically) when orienting the phone between landscape and portrait. But what happens if you want to draw at a different angle but not change the way the phone is oriented? Things go wacky.
If the phone is flat on a desk, no matter how you rotate the phone on its Z axis, the offset stays unchanged obviously unbeknownst to the phone. It is still under the assumption that your next stroke will be from the orientation it was last in before you placed it flat. This is when things appear inaccurate. You rotate the phone to landscape, but the phone (and pen offset) is still in portrait mode. Your next stroke is way off.
So to get accurate strokes, hold the pen the way they think you should be holding it, and also make sure you're doing so on a screen that is properly oriented.
Due to the way the tech of this digitizer works, it seems we're stuck with this "feature". If we can apply this offset in real-time and not just at 0 and +/-90 degrees, but to apply it in real time throughout the whole range using the gyro then we can make it slightly better when the phone is in-hand and writing at different rotation angles. This solution won't work obviously, when the phone is flat like on a table though.
Until then, solution is to mindfully draw/write at the "correct" angle RELATIVE to the screen orientation.
dobygot said:
Cliffs: accuracy is factored by the angle you hold the pen, combined with the angle the phone things you're going to be writing or drawing on it.
Often times when writing, things look okay. Place the phone flat on a table, and attack a drawing at various angles and things go wacky.
But what happens if you want to draw at a different angle but not change the way the phone is oriented? Things go wacky.
Until then, solution is to mindfully draw/write at the "correct" angle RELATIVE to the screen orientation.
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These are very good observations - good work.
So in short,
1) Make sure 'handedness' is set correctly in settings (left/right handed)
2) 'write' at a ~30-45 degree angle or so.
3) You can't rotate the phone when it's on a desk. You can, however, pick up the phone, rotate it to an arbitrary angle, and then set the phone down at that angle. (easier for you to just try).
- Frank
But obviously there is bit of lag too when you touch the pen on the screen. It is difficult to draw pricesly on the note this certainly put me off.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App

C'mon Samsung - need S-Pen calibration!

As a left-hander, the S-Pen SUCKS.
I've set the phone to left-handed, but that isn't the issue.
The phone expects the user to hold the pen at an angle away from the user, and that's where the screen registers.
However, many left handers hold their pens at an angle TOWARDS themselves, and the S-Pen is off by nearly HALF A CM!!
Unsinkable II said:
As a left-hander, the S-Pen SUCKS.
I've set the phone to left-handed, but that isn't the issue.
The phone expects the user to hod the pen at an angle away from the user, and that's where the screen registers.
However, many left handers hold their pens at an angle TOWARDS themselves, and the S-Pen is off by nearly HALF A CM!!
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Tell me about it...
It's so irritating
are you sure you got it in left hand mode? i have mine set to my left hand and tried writing with my right. was off like you said (to the right). tried again with my left hand and it seemed fine.
crazy talk said:
are you sure you got it in left hand mode? i have mine set to my left hand and tried writing with my right. was off like you said (to the right). tried again with my left hand and it seemed fine.
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I have it set to left handed.
When changing the settings to right-handed and using my right hand (I'm a little ambidextrous) it works fine. Nice and accurate. Mostly because with my right hand I hold the pen at a conventional angle.
However, many lefties don't hold their pens conventionally (habits picked up by the necessity of avoiding ring bindings, minimising smudging, etc). Look at how President Obama holds his pen:
See how the nib of the pen is angled TOWARDS him? The Note thinks it's angled away and puts down a line in totally the wrong place.
Even with my slightly less unconventional left-handed pen hold, it's WAY out (no matter whether the unit is set to left or right hand use, though left is slightly less awful).
How hard can it be for Samsung to provide a calibration app?
Right now, the Note is a phone unsuitable for a President!
Do you find any difference when you change the screen orientation then back again?
Beards said:
Do you find any difference when you change the screen orientation then back again?
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None at all, unfortunately.
I find that no matter what I do with the pen it always seems to write half a cm above where I have contact on the screen
Sent from my awesomely awesome Galaxy Note with XDA Premium
SPen uses autocalibration feature, which unfortunately goes off after some time. Which is a bug by itself but not the point..
Everyone complaining about pen being way off try this:
set it to whatever your hand preference. Please phone on flat surface like a table and reboot phone. Do not shake or touch it too much. Open SNote and try to draw around grid lines, you will see that pen works perfectly with tip being exactly as expected.
However more you use pen more it will deviate off until reboot is needed. It happens especially fast if you are using it walking, upside down etc.
vvs said:
SPen uses autocalibration feature, which unfortunately goes off after some time. Which is a bug by itself but not the point..
Everyone complaining about pen being way off try this:
set it to whatever your hand preference. Please phone on flat surface like a table and reboot phone. Do not shake or touch it too much. Open SNote and try to draw around grid lines, you will see that pen works perfectly with tip being exactly as expected.
However more you use pen more it will deviate off until reboot is needed. It happens especially fast if you are using it walking, upside down etc.
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Interesting (though it didn't help in my case)
But it the calibration goes off after time, then there is even more reason to add a calibration facility.
I reckon that only happens when you're using landscape orientation and then you turn off autorotation without first returning to portrait orientation. Try turning autorotation on, setting it to portrait and then turn it off. That should fix it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Thanks, but it really is nothing to do with orientation in my case.
It's ALL about the angle at which you hold the S-pen.
It expects the nib to be angled away from you, whereas I hold a pen with the nib angled towards me.

