Cloning the O2 sim for use in another phone - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

A little off topic, I know, but has anybody been able to use something like this --> to make a copy of their Exec's O2 sim for us in another phone for situations where the exec isn't appropriate?
It would be handy to have a second phone for use when I don't want to take the Exec without having to keep swapping the sim.

these wont work for the exec, because you will receive a 3g card from o2. this package looks like it will only take standard gsm sims ie 2 and 2.5g. also, i think the new sims in general are not "crackable" at this point.

Doesn't O2 offer this as a LEGAL service?
The SIM in your phone is probably legally defined as O2 property, and they've probably not agreed to copying of their product.
If you read all of the fine print, you'll probably see some stuff about this.
But, yes: It's nice..

2 sims - one number
They're working on it.
The ebay item doesn't claim to be able to actually clone a SIM card though, just backup up or consolidate if you have multiple SIMs.

Re: 2 sims - one number
davebo said:
They're working on it.
The ebay item doesn't claim to be able to actually clone a SIM card though, just backup up or consolidate if you have multiple SIMs.
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No, but if you can select between 16 numbers to use, then surely, it's like copying 16 sims into 1? Even if I were to only copy 1 sim, if it could act as if it were that sim in another phone, then that would do the job.

There is a slight problem in all of this. You cannot have to sims logged on using the same MISDN . So all that would happen is the operator would be alerted to the fact that 2 sims were trying to usre the same MISDN and you would be put into the fraud management system and the phone might be disconnected.
When people scan and clone phones they do not use the phone on standby for long periods of time they simply make a few calls and switch off. Unless they time it when the real user is logged on and tries to make a call it is unlikely to be picked up.
Also it will vconfuse the HLR in the gsm network .
So all in all onot a good idea.

Hm? Back home in the Netherlands we used to be able to get two SIMs with the same number from our providers... The idea was, you had one in your built-in car phone, and one in your portable handset; when you got out of the car, switch that phone off, and the other one on, and it'll register the other SIM, and hey presto! You could not use both SIMs at the same time, ofcourse.

I bought one, THEN read up on the facts (doh!)
There is no de-cryption algorithm for any SIM cards supplied in the UK over the last 2-4 years. True, the old SIMs could be copied, but the v.2 system cannot.
Still, it is a nice piece of kit for reading your SIM contacts over USB, and didn't cost a fortune.
I'm actually quite pleased that SIMs are this secure, 'cos I wouldn't want them easily copyable by the bad guys.

I bought one, THEN read up on the facts (doh!)
There is no de-cryption algorithm for any SIM cards supplied in the UK over the last 2-4 years. True, the old SIMs could be copied, but the v.2 system cannot.
Still, it is a nice piece of kit for reading your SIM contacts over USB, and didn't cost a fortune.
I'm actually quite pleased that SIMs are this secure, 'cos I wouldn't want them easily copyable by the bad guys.

In the Nehterlands I know that KPN and t-Mobile offer dual sims, the problem is as mentioned here already that you can not use them both at the same time. Also if you have 3G sim the second sim you get is not 3G. those are the rules by KPN.
I used to live in Israel and there Orange gives out dua sims where you can keep both phones on. On the incoming call both phones ring at the same time and you can decide which to pick up. The SMS trafic thought goes to the phone which was turned on first. The way they are doing this is by giving both sims an extra GHOST number which used to start with a Zero. then what they did was simply forward the calls between two sims. They had a huge blunder though: Forwarding officially costs money but in this case it has to be free, so they by mistake on their first couple of bill specifications posted the forwarding calls with Zero as charge, thus I was able to know what are the ghost numbers and call between the phones completely for free. It did mean that the you could call the the ghost numbers only from those 2 phones and not any other phone, kind of internal cirquit. So we enjoyed it very much since my wife and me just used those two phones and comunications between these two was free of charge.
So as you see technicaly it is possible to make both phones ring at the same time....



Did a search for SD cards and it came up with a SIM EMU post on this site. So going off topic, whats SIM EMU, what can it do for me, where can i get it (tried the link, that didn't work, tried a search and most of the sites aren'ti n english)
Seems like you can put more than one number on a card and switch without having to turn the phone off. Any further input, sounds like it could be good.
Will not work in UK, I found to my cost after destroying 2 sim cards. There is another twin sim holder that works with xda2 though, you just switch off and on when you wish to change sims.
Simemu is indeed a very good way to have up to eight numbers/accounts on one sim card. You select which one to use by pin number, so no more swapping cards over. It works fine in the XDA and just about any other unlocked phone.
The hard part is getting the needed info out of your original sim card. This is called the "Ki" and needs to be extracted. In the UK this has only been possible with all Orange and some O2 cards, never with Vodafone.
In the last year or so, some sims have appeared with a limit on the number of cycles they will run before self destructing, so attempting to extract the Ki can harm the card.
So it all depends on what networks you want to use and how old your sims are.
So can this be done with orange UK sims? My sims are about 4 years old, i have one thats much older, but i cancelled the contract on that so presumably disabled. Also have a couple of active PAYG sims.
I'd be interested to merge the new contract i have with an old number on the same card, would be useful.
I'm currently using everyphone divert, but it diverts all the time, even when my new [hone is off and old one is on. Annoying.
Other pain is it doesn't divert SMS, so i quite often miss them.
Yes, UK Orange cards of this age should be easy to extract the Ki from, payg or contract.
Also if you manage to get the Ki from the de-activated card, you should be able to get Orange to turn it back on as a payg or something.
Remember that only one number can be active at any one time, and you must never have the original sim turned on in another phone while using the copy of it in the multi sim.
Thanks for your replys kerr.
Have you done this yourself? Do you have any links of where i can find out information on how to effeectively try it and get it done?
All i'm looking for is that i have a sim with a great number. Its on orange no monthly tariff (i just pay for calls and just get a bill when i use it) Thats great for me as i hardly use it.
Then i got a new phone on contract (as it was way cheaper than upgrade). I've set up an everyphone divert from my old number to this one, but that annoys me as even with new one off and old one on, it still diverts. Shame.
So if i could get both numbers on the same sim that would be great, in principal! I get my number that i like, and i can quickly swith to new number to make calls (as its got free minutes). After the year contract is up i'll dump the new number anyway.
Whay can't you have the original sim on if its cloned?
If you have the original sim switched on at the same time as the clone the system will know about it and you will probaly end up with a zapped sim courtesy of your provider.
there has to be a way around that :wink:
Have you done this yourself?
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Yes, I made a card about 2 1/2 years ago which contains:-
1X O2 Anytime account
1X O2 Offpeak account
1X Genie PAYT
3X Orange PAYT with different off peak times chosen
1X Spanish PAYT
1X Greek PAYT
It has worked fine in every phone I have tried it in.
Whay can't you have the original sim on if its cloned?
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You must not have them both on at the same time because they will both log onto the network and appear to be some kind of fraud attempt. (Somone else trying to use your account)
You really need to programme the card yourself rather than get it done because the last thing you would want is anyone else knowing your Ki.
To do this you would need a phoenix, a pic programmer and a blank silver card. All the software is free.
That sounds like one action packed card!
It would be useful just to have a couple of numbers on there, but you seem to be making the most of it!
Where can the exquipment be bought, borrowed? Is it readily available and cheap?
I see what you mean about someone else having the details. Could be a bit dodgy.
So this method is a bit like having a double sim car thing, but instead of having to turn the machine on and off, you can just put in a pin number.
With the XDA II tho, would the double sim card thing work if you turned flight mode off then on, would that switch the sims? Where can a double sim holder be got from
If you know anyone who is into Satellite Television, they will almost certainly have everything you need to do the job.
If you need to buy take a look at or You could also look in the sat section on ebay.
If you go for a multi programmer like a Mastera, it would be all that is needed in one. See
When you change between numbers the phone does a soft reset, so I imagine flight mode on/off would have the same effect on a twin sim.
Using Supersim
i read somewere that's impossible with new sim to read the Ki code of the sim because this code is read-protected.
Tring to read this you can destroy the sim.
It's correct?
I have an italian sim by vodafone!
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, that's right. Most of the newest SIM cards has a newer algorithm, so u cannot clone it. I don't know about your SIM card, maybe you have an old one. However, if U have 250 entry names in your phonebook, than it's probably new one and it could not be read, but do not be afraid to destroy it..., that will happen if U'l try to read it a few hours again and again....hope this helps!
All backUp function support A3A8 COMP128V1 SIM Card only.
This SIM Card Back-UP device doesn't support newest SIM Card that uses COMP128V2 algorythm to code KI key.
Some GSM SIM Cards from 2001 (COMP128V1) are Scan-Limited. It has limited running scan 65536 times. If the scan is over 65536, the SIM Card will be locked. This SIM Card will not work any more.
All backUp function support A3A8 COMP128V1 SIM Card only.
This SIM Card Back-UP device doesn't support newest SIM Card that uses COMP128V2 algorythm to code KI key.
Some GSM SIM Cards from 2001 (COMP128V1) are Scan-Limited. It has limited running scan 65536 times. If the scan is over 65536, the SIM Card will be locked. This SIM Card will not work any more.
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i read somewere that's impossible with new sim to read the Ki code of the sim because this code is read-protected.
Tring to read this you can destroy the sim.
It's correct?
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Ki is stored in SIM card like CHV in respective file, but in Ki file's header all permission bytes are FF, e. g. it is impossible to read/write etc. with this file from external. From internal (COS) it is possible to read... the SIM do this when it calculate SRES+Kc

Dual Sim Cards

Did anyone try these dual simcard adapter in a wizard, I got one and maybe the software will not fit to windows mobile 5 but the changing between the two providers last endless, sometimes it needs a softreset to get a connection... need help
I do use a dualsim adapter without problems. Changing between te two SIM's never lasts longer then 3 to 5 seconds.
Have you tried the adapter in a non WM5 phone?
where did you guys get these dual sim adapters? didnt even know they existed, quite interested to have one!
They have got all kinds of solutions. I tried the MagicSim16 (16 SIM's on one SIM) but that didn't work, so I had to fall back to a DUAL SIM adapter.
Could you post some more references of the dual sim you bought? even a pic to let us identifiy the correct sim in ebay? Thank you
I bought the 7th Era Dual SIM adapter. It's the one where you need to cut your sims. I figured the 8th Era solution wouldn't fit in the Wizard without doing harm to the case. I also tried the 9th era but I couldn't crack the encryption from my Orange SIM, the T-Mobile SIM however wasn't a problem at all.
A warning: If at all possible buy a duo SIM from your provider and cut that to pieces. I cut up my TMO SIM and it doesn't make a good connection with the SIM adapter. Luckely I still had the 9th Era card that I cut up with no problems so I'm using that inside the 7th Era adapter.
B.w.t. the 9th Era SIM card also worked with the Wizard. It's the best solution imho, but you need to be able to crack the encryption of your original SIM and as I understand it Vodafone and Orange SIM use a newer encryption that can't be cracked.
Hopes this helps,
Hopes this helps.
I also have a Wizard and use the MagicSim. I found that the problem is the Radio version. I have the MDA Vario by T-Mobile Germany. The shipped Radio version is 1.40.10 and have no problems with the DualSim.
Yesterday, I tested a newer OS Version shiped: (T-Mobile) new Version: And then I flashed the Radio from 1.40.10 to 1.12.10. I tested my dualsim and nothing was happend, only i restart my wizard.
Than i tested another OS with Radio 1.13.10 and 1.12.10 with the same problem. Than i restore the Radio to 1.40.10 and the dualsim works perfekt.
i hope u understand my bad english
Good luck...
dual sim card
now everything works fine, i don´t know if this comes from changing the network-choice of the handy: I had been in Austria and changed this item into manual ( from automatic). now I put back the old "automatic" modus and the simcard (or the wizard) finds a net in about 15sec... so changing from one card to the other is no problem..
But the backpart (Idon´t know the englisch word) will no longer fit perfectly, but it is only 2mm higher on one side.
I ordered a dual Sim from Ebay a month ago and received it a week later. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work. It just doesn't fit right, the stress on the battery cover is quite heavy, since the cover is under stresss from sticking out so much. I am afraid the plastic bits will break and the cover will become useless. The stress is caused by the thick little black chip in the adapter, that does not fit into the sim slot. Also I cannot get the adapter to work, the Vario reports an invalid Sim. This can be due to a defective adapter ( caused by me twisting it while trying to fit it without the battery cover being stressed) or by my ROM version or even the T-Mobile Simcards, which have been reported not to work with dual sims in some threads. I previously tried a cut-out dual sim in my Magician, but no dice, the wretched thing would not work. my simcards still worked, but the Magician kept seeing invalid sims. Probably also a case of my destroying the little bugger ( I am not very carefull I guess, but of an impatient guy who cannot handle those cheap ass fragile things).
Ok, my question is: can someone post some pictures of the way they fitted the adapter and how much the battery cover is sticking out?
It would help me big time in deciding if I will try a third time to get it right. thanks people!
I recently bought a MagicSIM from a German eBay seller ( including cutting service. Three days after sending him my two SIMs, I received it back yesterday and it works great in my Wizard!
What I like especially is, that you don't have to enter your PIN each time when switching the SIM.
I still fear those cut-up job ones... even if they do it for you; one wrong move and *snip* goes your SIM - have fun explaining that to your operator :/
I see they now offer a no-cutting-involved version as well. Has anybody tried this type ? It seems like it'd at least double-up in thickness, and there's a chippy bit that goes outside of the area where the SIM goes which definitely looks like it'd get smushed by the battery.. so I'm sceptic
what is the main purpose you guys use a dual sim adaptor? is it because u need to travel from country to country all the time? Another question is, once u have fitted two SIMs in your phone, can they BOTH receive calls at all times if someone called u on either number?
toneslee - yes, dual SIMs auto-switch the active SIM from time to time, and you should be able to receive calls, text messages, etc. on both.
My main reason to do this would be so that I can drop both my vodafone and lebara sims into the thing. Lebara is nice and cheap for my international calls (work, girlie, etc.), but is stupid-expensive for national calls - so I'd like to use my Vodafone for that.
Right now that means I have to keep two phones Which isn't tooooo bad.. but if at all possible, I'd rather just keep the one.
@ toneslee: You CANNOT receive calls on both Sims simultaneously. Your device has only one GSM radio and can handle connection to the GSM towers,data and voice from only one SIM at a time. What the dual sim adapter that ZeBoxx uses can do, is automatically switch which SIM is in use every 1 to 30 minutes, thereby trying to catch as much calls in both numbers as possible. But true simultaneous reception on both SIM cards is not possible. They cannot be active at the same time, so when one Sim is registered in the network the other is not connected and people calling that number get the same thing like your phone is off, e.g. voice mail.
correct Though I thought they switched a little faster than 1 minute >_<
I'm using a cut sim in my magician, although the "technology" is so basic, there's no reason why it shouldn't work with any phone. Cutting was fine, just do it carefully and use thin scissors. In my experience, there's still enough "space" to make a mistake and for it to still work. You have to be quite unsteady to screw it up and slice right through the middle of the "chip" in the mini-sim.
The only problem I had was that the sim was now too thin so I slid some slivers of paper between the metal sleeve and the mini-sims, and it works fine.
I have two numbers, one contract and one historic PAYG that I keep in case old friends don't have the new number.
Thanks for the explanations, guy. I understand now.
Anyone tried those
has anyone tried one of those multi super 16 in 1 sim card thingys..
basically a sim card that you can load with 16 identities...
+ a usb dongle thing to program it..
i was thinking about cloning my sim card so i can keep it in 2 phones one for work and one for when on the lash.
Supersim 16in1
yes, it works fine. I have 5 phone-numbers on it. but you're able to clone only the (old) v1 simcards.
ermm how do i tell ?
How do i tell what version the simcards are ?

Sim Clone?

I love my XDA Exec to bits, but find it a bit of a pain to take out and about at evenings and weekends. I have a Jabra bluetooth headset, which works a treat, but still means finding a bag or massive pocket to store the brick in.
What I’d love to be able to do is use another, much smaller, ‘normal’ handset, using the same number, but without having to faff about changing the SIM from one to the other. I believe that some providers offer a second SIM, but I don’t think that O2 do. I’ve heard about SIM cloning, but I suspect that’s a rocky road to go down, legally.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
contact your carrier's service center and order a second sim for the same number, it should be as simple as that.
I wish it was as simple. Unfortunately, O2 won't allow me to have two SIM cards with the same number.
Vodafone has this...
What you are looking is called on Vodafone network Multicard, here in Spain Multitarjeta. I am using this with my JJ, primary card, (GSM works with data GPRS,3G and SMS) and secondary card is in my Nokia 6600 (can’t do data nor SMS). This option gives me the freedom to pickup a call on any of these two and they are on at the same time.
There is another solution, called Vodafone Nexus which is similar thing, you can have GSM+DATA+SMS on both terminals but not at the same time, one of them needs to be off.
As far as I know, only Vodafone is giving these options and it costs me 3€ per month…

Possible to run two phone accounts (on different carriers) on my Wing?

Is it possible to somehow hack my phone/sim to include two different phone accounts, one being Tmobile and the other Cingular? I dont like carrying around two phones.
you dont need to hack ... it already exist ---- you can buy Sim card with 2 or more telephony provider ... (got 2 czech providers) -.-- when i want to got Vodafone, just a few click, and it will tell me new messages and missed calls, and after i switch to T-mobile and i can continue my work
Maximus-CZ said:
you dont need to hack ... it already exist ---- you can buy Sim card with 2 or more telephony provider ... (got 2 czech providers) -.-- when i want to got Vodafone, just a few click, and it will tell me new messages and missed calls, and after i switch to T-mobile and i can continue my work
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WoW, didn't know you could get a sim card with two providers on it. My friend got this knockoff iPhone a while ago. Was a really bad knockoff. So bad that the warning label on the back of the phone (where it stated that only apple can use THIS apple logo) was mispelt (lol) waring. Anways back to the original point, the cheap knockoff allowed you to put in two sim cards at once. I can't wait for someone to implement this feature into a windows phone so you can use 'em both at one time. Very useful for us canadians who don't want to shell out a thick wad of cash to use the internet, and would like to use a second sim card for a data connection.
dont mean to thread jack, but can do the reverse? get 2 sim cards with the same info? i love my wing, but for work i need a regular phone. one that is simple, and able to make calls asap.. instead of unlocking, entering a pw and pressing the grn button and than fumbling with the touch screen.. for work i need to be able to flip the phone open with one hand and call emergency numbers as fast as possible, so for work i take my sim card out and put it in a reg tmo phone.. would love to be able to use both phone with 2 diff sims.
any 1 know if its possible?
i know its possible in the netherlands (also t mobile) here its called something like "sim duo" better ask your provider
thewingzman said:
dont mean to thread jack, but can do the reverse? get 2 sim cards with the same info? i love my wing, but for work i need a regular phone. one that is simple, and able to make calls asap.. instead of unlocking, entering a pw and pressing the grn button and than fumbling with the touch screen.. for work i need to be able to flip the phone open with one hand and call emergency numbers as fast as possible, so for work i take my sim card out and put it in a reg tmo phone.. would love to be able to use both phone with 2 diff sims.
any 1 know if its possible?
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i believe that's illegal in the states, i know it is in canada
Tengis said:
Is it possible to somehow hack my phone/sim to include two different phone accounts, one being Tmobile and the other Cingular? I dont like carrying around two phones.
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Should be able to do it with no legal issues, I would think (if you're in the US).
Back in the day (12 - 15 years ago), phones were easily purchased with dual-nams (I had one from Motorola), which is how multiple phone numbers were assigned to a single device before the advent of SIM cards, device locking, long term contracts, etc.
You can get a dual-sim adapter from a couple of companies, but here's a link to one that has several types and lists their compatibility with various phones:
I used a dual sim adapter briefly in a QTEK. It sucked.
If memory serves network locking is about to become illegal here in UK so I imagine dual sim kit will really take off here shortly.

Dual sim card settings/ solution

Hello all,
I've ran into some troubles with my device, since I have it running with a unlimited data transfer flatrate, that sim is blocked for incomming and outgoing phonecalls.
Solution on this trouble should be one of the dual sim adapters, which leads me to another problem. Since it seems to be impossible on my HTC Uni to have two simultaneous active cards running, the data one would be the usual active one for my needs.
But how to get the device automatically activating that sim, while its sleeping on an incomming phone call? Preferably without any costs on the data sim and extra costs on the phone sim either for me nor for the calling party.
Call deflection an possible option?
Since its probably a common issue im ashamed that I couldnt find any solution. Would be nice if I could still get some reply.
Thanks in advance,
Also have a look on this thread please:
You can take a look at this thread :
Actually, I don't recall any dual SIM adaptor allowing 2 SIMs online at the same time. Looks like you need a phone able to handle that specific feature.
Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. Some Operators used to provide this type of plan. A plan, 2 different numbers ... But same Operator !
I've heard that ETEN will release a Dual SIM PDAPhone (DX900) :
Anyway, I've been looking for the answer ... But, nothing yet.
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
frav said:
Here is a workaround
Dual SIM WM Phone.
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here's my review
As first thanks for the replys!
frav said:
(...) Your phone is able to handle 2 different lines at the same time ... but on the same SIM card. (...)
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This really sounds interesting, since I've got both of my most frequently used sims at the same provider. (Telefone/- and Dataflat)
Maybe my provider is willing to attach them both sims into one, or else theres still the chance of "doing by self". Another point is that those contracts dont have such a long lifetime anymore, so most likely this will be pretty mutch possible.
Sounds way better than buying a new phone, with the possibility of using two sim cards simultaneously.
Only one thing troubles me, since I've wrote about the HTC Adv beeing the mentioned device while it is Universal. Does that one have that feature aswell? I hope and pray, since this seems to be my last chance of having it more user friendly.
Any reply mutch obliged,

