Recording a phone call - is it possible? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I have tried to record a phone call convesation. I want to record both sides. For some reason, it only records my voice.
Is it a bug?
Is it possible at all?
Is there a softare that does that?

saariko: there are quite a number of threads on this subject. All appear to be futile, and little reason to start a new thread. But there was one report of one program that supposedly can record both sides of a call. I think it was Resco something or other. Please report on one of the other threads if you have any success!

Should be able to do it with Resco or ProTone
(1) Once the call is connected at both ends, click on the Notes icon on bottom bar and press the record button
(2) Both sides of the call should be recorded
Assume with Resco you do the same thing
(1) Once the call is connected at both ends, run Resco and press the record button

O2mini_noob said:
Should be able to do it with Resco or ProTone
(1) Once the call is connected at both ends, click on the Notes icon on bottom bar and press the record button
(2) Both sides of the call should be recorded
Assume with Resco you do the same thing
(1) Once the call is connected at both ends, run Resco and press the record button
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
saariko: Steps 1 and 2 work great for me (using the standard phone app) on my Qtek S110. I did not have mine on speakerphone when I tested it - maybe that makes a difference. Or, maybe this a firmware issue? I noticed your radio version is different to mine. Thing is, if you change your radio firmware to 1.12 you may find that you can no longer activate bluetooth whilst the radio is off.

I hope it's not a bug. I find another disturbing isssue, when I have a call on, and after the screen goes off (1 minute) if I turn it on again to search or do anything, the call gets disconnected.
I might go to Orange, see if it's somehting they are familiar with.
Thanks all,


The Record Button didnt record Phone conversation ?

I've used the Record button a few times and it is handy for taking notes.
But when I pressed it while I was on a phone call I was surprised that It only recorded my end of the conversation.. Ie using the normal Microphone...
Why did they not put some Logic into thuis button ? - Ie if on a call then record the other end too !
Damn stupid mistake if you ask me..
Because most countries do not allow recording of telephone calls. You have to obtain a permit from the other side, or issue a clear warning that indicate that the call will be taped/recorded. Not easy to do that on a PDA. I know that some phones will do this, but as said, it's normally not allowed.
Have you tried instead of hitting the record button, tapping the notes icon and then record within that in a phone call?
I' ve seen that I-mate record all two ends of calls both.
I' m not able to find the registry value for set on this function.

Record Phone Conversation

Actually I have mapped my record button to the record function but I have to press the record button on the PDA screen to begin recording
I would like to map my record button as it begins recording immediately and press a second time to stop it.
Is there a mean to do this or an application that record phone conversation automatically ?
Thank You
This will be very helpfull.
Help is definitely appreciated.
Hi people
You can use Vito sound Explorer and map the record button to the soundexplorer application. You'll see its very nice.
You can use Vito sound Explorer and map the record button to the soundexplorer application.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes that's very useful ! You map the button in Start > Parameters > Buttons
And after to record you press this button twice (one to launch SoundExplorer and the second to start recording)
To stop recording you just have to press again the button
recording phone calls
But it doesnt record both sides of the conversation.
No it works well for me and I can easily record both voices.
What device are you using? you dont have a profile set up to tell anyone what you are using?? :?
Sorry for that but in the profile you've got only the choice between Wallaby and Himalaya and I have a Magician :?
So I've just put it in my signature...
on v1.11 rom it works fine recording convos i just hold the record button down while incall and it records both voices
if you start recording before doing the call, only the other side's voice will be recorded, but if you start the recording after the number being dialed, then both sides of the conversation will be recorded :wink:
This happens with me on my Wallaby..
I donno about other devices!
I have an xda2, do you guys alll have the same??
On my T-Mobile MDA compact with Fonix VoiceDial mapped to the record button, I just have to press the record button more than two seconds and the device automatically starts the notes app and records as long as the button is pressed. Both sides are recorded - works fine for me.
i can't seem to get it to work either... is there any special software that u need to use to record or just the plain old notes will do?
What's the steps? I tried to call before and after recording also to no avail. The only sound i can record is the feedback from my speaker to my mic and it's rather soft.
Hi all
i just installed Vito sound Explorer and it not record in both sides.
I have magician ... maybe is a problem with audio driver of magician incompatibility.
Please let us know if solve the problem.
No, as I wrote before in this thread, I'm recording easily both sides of a conversation with SoundExplorer on my Magician.
I begin the conversation and after launch SounExplorer via a button and record (I press the button twice)
Of course it can't work with BT Headphones...
I think the question is, does Sound Explorer record both sides directly or does it "only" record the remote person via mike via loud speaker? This should be easily to confirm when setting the phone volume to minimum setting and recording a call.
SoundExplorer records the sound in general and have no option to record a phone call.
When I record a conversation I heard my voice, the person who calls me (but the voice is less strong) and all noises around me (so I call in a noiseless place).
That's why you can't record with a BT headphone for example because the Magician microphone can record only your voice
SoundExplorer does record conversations on two ways!
It works great with me..
Just start recording only AFTER the number has been dialed, and you'll be able to record both ways :wink:
Ok, so can anyone confirm if there is a software that records both sides of a phone call when using a bluetooth headset?
No, to my knowledge, it's impossible on Magician...

Program to Turn Hand free On and Off for K-JAM?

While conversation I can chose in right menu to turn Hand-free On and Off. I looking for a program for that, a one that can assign to a button.
Check out VJPhoneShortcuts on my webpage.
10x for yours response - I'm already use yours great tools, but it allow to
-Enable Speaker Phone
-Jump to SpeedDialer
-Jump to CallHistory
-Load Inbox and check Pop Email
and Not to turn Hand-free On and Off (I need it for BT Hand-free )
below is ana pp to toggle bluetooth on/off which would do what you want.
this is it below, seems to work ok on my qtek9100 but not tested it in a conversation of mapped to hardware button.
Sorry, I confused myself! I've got another app that will do this, but use the one in the above post and if you have troubles, I'll try to get it out.
laich71 - this is very nice program to turn ON or OFF the BT, But It does not help me.
When I received a call by press the green button (with BT is ON), I can’t ear the conversation in my BT hand free I need to choose in right menu to turn Hand-free on.
When I received a call with the BT Hand-free, and like to redirect to the speaker. I need first to redirect the conversation to the device in order to speaker can be open.
I think Phonealarm can do it.
Pressing the green button during a conversation for a few seconds also turns on the speaker.
Carmi said:
.... need first to redirect the conversation to the device in order to speaker can be open.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Reprogram Bluetooth headset button

I have a Cingular 8125 (2.17 ROM, I believe) and recently got a Motorola HS850 BT headset. It's setup and works great, but I want to know if there is a way to reprogram the call button on the headset so that when you hit it instead of opening the Voice Dial on the phone it can instead open Voice Command (which I use for everything else.) I tried poking around on the boards and didn't see anything specific, any help (or just knowing it's not possible) would be greatly appreciated!
Found it
I found the answer with a little more searching. It turns out to be a registry entry for Voice Command - and it DOES work with Bluetooth (even though MS' description says it does not.)
Just change this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path
change the value from \Windows\SDDialer.exe to \Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCMD.exe
Soft reset the phone and voice command will work when you hit the connect button on your phone.
Credit to HowardForums where I found it:
I heard that it does not close the audio gateway however when you are done with the call...
is this true?
thanks a lot man, this was buggin the hell out of me! quick forum search and i found ur post. thx for doing the leg work
I placed a call with it and when the call was done used the button on the headset to terminate the seemed to work okay.
i just tried it and it seemed to work just fine. the only thing i don't like, and it probably has to do with my headset, is how long i have to hold down the button for...but i can deal with that, so that i don't have to take out the phone!
I guess that the issue is with the regular voice dialer, you can just press the button to dial out, and when the caller hangs up, the audio gateway closes, you dont have to hit the button to close it.
I'm gonna give this a shot to see if I like it.
I did notice that it seems like I have to hit the call key twice in order for it to recognize the key press....maybe the first is to close the old channel and the second opens a new one? I don't have enough knowledge to say for sure, but there is no visual indication on the phone that the voice channel has not been closed.
That's probably what's happening. If you forget to close the voice channel after your call, you'll run down your headset's battery faster. I can tell that the channel is open because I can hear very faint hissing.
Of course, the point is moot for me because on my device (like many others) this trick only works until a call has been placed and ended. After that the button no longer triggers voice command. :-|

Problem with Resco Audio Recorder

I've searched Google and the forums, and can't find a solution to this...
I need to make audio notes regularly with Resco Audio Recorder. So I usually make a note, minimize the app, and bring it up again to record a new note.
The problem occurs when someone calls- they can't hear me. It must be that the mic is being used by Resco AR, so can't be used for the call...?
If I receive a call, and shut down Resco AR during the call, the other person still can't hear me, until a few secs or so later... sometimes 30secs
Any ideas for a way around this if possible?
p.s. If I turn on the 'record all phone calls' option, the other person can hear me. This is pretty useless though for two reasons:
1. the app doesn't record their voice! (It's faint, but that's what the mic picks up from the speaker)
2. I don't want to fill up my storage with random phone calls!
I have the exact same pb!
I did not havethe time to find another replacement so maybe it's time?? ;-)
No offence but isn't it a better idea to post this question in the resco support forums?
none taken killer
i've posted on resco today too, but was on here at the time so posted it here. plus; from looking on the resco forums no-one seems to have this problem, so it's probably xperia specific.
i think either resco AR needs to release the mic when a call comes, or the xperia needs to takes over the mic (gives phonecall the priority).
but how to do this? if at all possible.....?

