Does anyone know where text messages are stored. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Does anyone know which file text messages are stored in. i want to hard reset my phone but need to keep my text messages. i have tried jeyo's mobile extender 2 but it wouldn't connect to my phone for some reason. so i thought if i could find the file they are stored in i could copy it to my pc and put it back after resetting. would this work or is there any other free software that could do this for me.
also, has anyone replaced the 02 active stuff with pocket plus,is it any faster cos the 02 front end is real slow but i like some of the features and it looks like pocketplus would give me the same sort of thing but hopefully a bit faster ?


Sms message saving.

Has anyone found a way of saving sms messages to their pc? for both viewing or creating? I have 100s in my inbox and would like to keep them, but not sure how to do it.
Any info would be gratefully appreciated
There are some programs that apparently do this, such as SMSExport, though I've never got these to work.
The only way I've found to do it - though as the II has more memory I've not done anything with them in months now - is to use a db program such as dbExplorer to export them to a csv file. There are other posts that detail how you find the particular table the messages are in, there isn't one folder that applies across all devices.
Try Jeyo Mobile Companion. Through your pc, you can view all your past sms, all incoming sms, and reply to them. You could back up all or some of your sms, and restore them later (if you want). You could choose to make the backups in text format.
And not only that ...
You can view your call history and make backup of those.
You can make screen caps of your ppc screen.
Hope this helps.
Try this one
Jeyo's Mobile Companion is fantastic, exactly what I've been looking for since the first XDA came out.
Finally resetting your device (which I think is a good idea once every 6 months or so) doesn't mean you have to lose all your text messages.
Yes, I agree it is fantastic .... But it doesn't yet allow you to save SMS subfolders

Text Messages Being Stored

I hear that the text messages don't get stored on the phone IF the phone is reset using soft reset (or when crashes and restarted using soft reset).
Is there any workaround?
Can text messages be saved to memory card whenever they are recieved (like the option on a Symbian Smartphone to save the texts to Storage Card)?
Is this a HTC TyTN Firmware issue? OR a Global Windows Mobile Problem?
it depends how you reset - if you softreset using your stylus they indeed do not get stored. If you softreset using the off/on button (basically turning the phone off and then back on) they do get stored!
Thanks for the prompt reply
Is this just the way that the Windows Mobile OS Works ??
Or is it just a HTC TyTN issue ?
it was the same with the wizard so I assume it's the way WM works!
Interesting, on a side note.... does this happen in Windows Mobile OS Smartphone aswell ??
Does this refer to read or unread messages ?
On my v1605, I removed the battery this morning to try and loosen the screen to fix the alignment issues, and when I plugged the battery back in and switched the phone on, all my read text messages where still there.
I guess, by chance, your messages were stored to the memory correctly.
If you close the messaging application when your done, like with the task manager or something, does this store the messages correctly Regardless of crashing/soft reset.
I think the problem occurs only with unread messages. Once they are read they remain in the application regardless of resets (with the exception of a hard reset ).
I think even if you open the messages application without reading the message it might be saved im not sure though.
Seems odd, I hope there is more speculation about this, so we all have a good understanding how this works.

Whats this SMS message mean

Dear Group, i've only had the quickest of looks at my new Wizard cos its a xmas prezzy lol. Anyways, just to check it works i put my SIM from my mobile fone into it and sent myself a SMS message. Sure enough it worked, only a message popped up saying that it was full and i need to delete some messages (or words to that effect)
But from where? I find it a wee bit confusing to tell the truth. On my mobile i can save about 20 texts to the SIM and 200 to the phone memory, can i do the same thing with my Wizard?
The SIM that i put in has texts saved to it, but how would i access them in the Wizard.
And, while i hopefully have your attention, is there anyway to save texts from different contacts into different folders? And even better, is there a way to filter them out automagically?
All help gratefully received

Storing SMS to storage card, help needed

After my Vario II gradually slowed to a halt and stopped receiving calls or sending text messages, I finally had to admit defeat and do a hard reset (not bad going though, I managed 4 months without hard resetting)
I am now going through the long process of getting everything back the way I like it (I stupidly didn't have a backup program installed!). I am sure I found a registry tweak to store, by default, all of my SMS text messages to my storage card and looking at the contents of my card, I do have a folder which seems to agree with this as it does look like it is full of my most recent SMS messages, but I can not, despite searching for a few hours, find the tweak to do this again.
Can anyone help? I have found something about temporary internet files but nothing about SMS/text messages.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am just bumping this in the hopes that someone may be browsing who knows the answer .. I shall keep my fingers crossed. Thanks.
first post virgin
One I usually do when I want to preserve my SMS messages is use SPB backup, and select just the emails/messages to be backed up, this will back em up to the memory card as an exe.
when your happy with your new "build" on your phone simply run the exe and the messages are back.
Hope that helps?
Thanks for that Craig. I will give SPB Backup a go, it really would make sense for me to install a backup program, it would have made the recent hard reset less painful as far as reinstalling stuff was concerned
I am still interested in knowing where the registry entry is for the sms storage location because I would like to be able to access the various messages I appear to have on my storage card ... I can't for the life of me remember how I managed to change the location to get them on there in the first place, it was several months ago and I have't bothered to save the post/webpage I got the info from .. silly me!
Check out Jeyo mobile extender for outlook, everytime you sync with your ppc via activesync and outlook it will back up your sms to outlook.
Not quite the same, but efficasoft Mobile express will allow you to send messages from your PC through a connector when the PPC is connected to active sync.
You can see your messages in the softwares in box, and export them to a text file thus backing them up but you cant import them back into the phone unfortunatly

Need help recovering MMS/text messages from a dead wizard

Hi there
My xda mini has finally died after a long life. It actually still 'works' but the screen only shows white so i cant actually use it.
Anyway I was wondering if theres anyway to recover my text messages and multimedia messages from off the phone. I can still connect to active sync and have a poke around through the memory. I've found what looks like the MMS data in folders called MMS UA and MMS log. However the files are just .dat files. Any idea how i can turn these back into viewable files. Also i didnt find any obvious text message folders.
Thankyou in advance for any help.
ps im on o2 if thats important
Install Pocket Controller on your computer and then you will be able to see what is on your screen via the pc. You can download the trial version which works for free for four days from here
Then you can either send the mms's and text messages to another phone the usual way or you can back them up using pimbackup which i have attached to this post. This needs to be ran from on the phone just unzip and place it anywhere on your device or sd card and open it using file explorer by clicking on it
This will work only if the touch screen is still working though as you have to confirm the install of pocket controller
Just keep pressing the bottom left of the wizard screen once active sync has finished installing the device software
Good luck

