I’ve done it, I’ve just ordered a T-Mobile MDA Vario! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I’ve done it, I’ve just ordered a T-Mobile MDA Vario, it should be here tomorrow, I cant wait!!!
I’m new to this forum and new to the world of Windows Mobile Devices, however I am far from a novice with SmartPhones.
I have been a big fan of SonyEricsson for many years and am currently looking for a new phone, but lately have lost my feel for SE and have discovered then marvel that is the Wizard!!! Wow, I’m so much going to have one of them!!!
I’ve been reading through this forum and well what can I say, what a fantastic resource, well done!
But what I really want to know is: software? I know the MDA Vario is T-Mobile branded, but what restrictions do they impose on you?
I’m a great believer that hardware developers know what they are doing and Phone Network Operators should leave the software well alone. I have read about unlocking the phone and moving Cab files etc, but what I would really want is to flash it with its “pure” software, is this possible and easy to do and how do I then set up my MMS and GPRS setting?
And am I correct in understanding what I’ve read, that, an out the box MDA Vario wont run ActiveSync?
Thanks in advance

Nick, an excellent choice of name, and an excellent choice of device
The units ROMs all seem to be largely the same, it's the extended ROM which is different.
T-Mobile's extended ROM installs a load of customisations such as wallpapers, GPRS settings, etc... Nothing seems to hinder you particularly badly , however if you don't want it, hard reset then do a soft reset before it installs the customisations. You then have a virgin machine
The only lock is a simlock, which means that you have to use a T-Mobile SIM with the device. Lokiwiz, a free unlocker, gets around this nicely with thanks to Machinagod, and all those whose work he improved
Oh, and activesync works fine with it, providing you haven't got any weird firewalls running

Welcome to the world of windows mobile
I have had my Vario for about a week and a half now.
If you used the P910 like I did, you will miss the jog wheel utility desperately. A brilliant device that was only let down by the lack of symbian (UIQ) development (it's harder to program.
I used to have a compaq 2210 and ran Pocketinformant. I've just reloaded it on my unit. It's brilliant, you give up a lot for the jog wheel but you welcome back the world of 'drag and drop' and 'double tap'.
If you use a PIM then Pocketinformant cannot be beaten.
Incidently make sure you load activesync 4.1 on your pc, providing you set your catergories in your outlook master list to the same as your device, syncing is superb.
good luck :lol:

I've just switched to Vodafone with an expansys contrct deal after four years with T-Mobile. They (T-Mobile) told me six weeks ago, they'd no idea what a Vario was, and had no information that they were going to get them even though Germany had announced them to the press. Expansys had the 9100 on Voda so off I went. The Vodafone "data" bundle which is SMS or MMS or GPRS out of the same pot is better for me than T-Mobile who would only offer web'n'walk *and* a separate SMS/MMS bundle :-(
Vodafone have been fine, but the SMS voicemail alerts that don't activate the little "tape" message waiting icon really annoys me... ;-)

I have also gone from a P900 to XDA mini. Its a bit of a transition and can agree - the wheel on the P900 was a luxury I do miss but there are alot moe benefits
Now - just need to try and work out if I can change the whole ROM from the O2 one

Thanks for all the info fellas, cant wait for it to be delivered…
Excuse my ignorance, but, the ROM, is that the basic OS and the extender ROM is just the individual network customizations?
I will almost certainly, as a matter of principle, do the SIM unlock, but what is the purpose of the CID unlock?
And, if I do the Hard reset Soft reset trick how will I set up my GPRS and MMS?
Sorry about all the questions, but I’m very inquisitive.
Hopefully this will also be helping fellow novices.
Thanks again everyone.

You can enter the settings manually, which if you have them in front of you is fairly simple. If you need to know what they are (I've entered Vodafone's so often for people at work I can do them in my sleep, but don't know the T-Mobile ones), google is your friend. To simplify the whole thing, Raphael over at BeyondTheTech has the cab file with the settings in here for you to download and install as normal.
If you're not going to let the rest of the extended ROM install, put this on a memory card in case you want to run it again after a hard reset..

I too like to have a fiddle (I had an original O2 XDA and this site was fantastic for upgrading to later version OS) but so far I can't see any compelling reason not to use the T-Mobile UK custo ROM as shipped.
The only addition I've made is MS Voice with the associated Reg change to allow use with BT headset.
Obviously if there is a superior ROM out there please let us know what is recommended?

Nick, check out the wiki which has loads of info about roms, extended roms, radio roms and all that good stuff. Not a huge amount is specific to the Wizard yet, but the information applies all the same.
Has it arrived yet, or are you sitting by the front door like an eager puppy waiting for the postman or newspaper boy (or girl, thank you Stan)

Unfortunately I’m at work today and they would only deliver to my home address
AND they need a signature, so first thing tomorrow morning I’ll be stud outside my local Postal Depot waiting for it to open…..
Oh I hate waiting!!!

Welcome to Vario-ness !
Not coming from a previous PPC platform, you won't suffer the same way i did, by installing all the apps i used on my MDA Compadt some of which may not have been compatable with WM5. That ended up with me having a poor view on the Vario.
Fear not though, i've since seen the error of my ways, thanks to the fine folks on this forum...

I have an XDA II, and would like to update if there is a significant improvement.
I have read from the t-mobile site that the Vario does not have vibrate or voice dialling. Is this true, can Fonix be installed?
The most vital things I use are the outlook contacts, calender, isilo reader and avant go. I guess all standard apps that work on windows mobile 2003 work on 5 right?
How big is the screen?
Thanks for any help.

Well, that just goes to show that T-Mobile don't have a clue, really, doesn't it? I thought you must be mistaken, but sure enough it says that it doesn't support voice dial, and doesn't vibrate either.
It does. On both counts. The vibrate is a lot better than the xda2s in that it almost dislocates a hip when it goes off, and voice dialing works very well. With a quick registry hack, voice dialing works with bluetooth headsets too
Some have found the vario sluggish in comparison to the xda 2; i find it to be comparable to the blue angel (2s) that I had running wm2005 - bear in mind you're reading/writing all files from flash rather than RAM, and that explains the performance.
The screen is 2.8 inches diagonal.

Have any of you got vibrate working on M3000 (Orange)?
I have an M3000 from Orange Switzerland, and cannot get my vibrate to work at all.

Not to get 'off topic' but T-Mobile Czech republic were about to sell me a MDA Vario and at the last moment I noticed a sticker on the box saying it doesn't support character recognizer or transcriber .. anyone know if this FOR ME huge negative can be reversed so I can handwrite sms as MDA II let me .. (perfect solution for me)

kgary said:
Not to get 'off topic' but T-Mobile Czech republic were about to sell me a MDA Vario and at the last moment I noticed a sticker on the box saying it doesn't support character recognizer or transcriber .. anyone know if this FOR ME huge negative can be reversed so I can handwrite sms as MDA II let me .. (perfect solution for me)
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Both work fine for me on a UK MDA Vario, I don't know why the czech would be different. I must say however that I rarely use them because the slide out keyboard is SO sweet.
On a side note, my brother just picked up the same phone on O2 and personally I like the O2 customisations a lot better than the T-mobile ones. Especially the multiple today screen functionality.
Is it possible to install O2 extended rom and keep t-mobile comms settings? I've only just started to look into this so does anyone with any experience with this have any tips?



Hi guys iam a bit new to all this pocket pc stuff but iam trying to find se for my m1000,it seems harder to find things for this than the p900s they were easy to find things for but pocket pc is alot harder,hope you guys can help my get my m1000 to be how it should be,email me or pm me with things you think i should have on it and where i get them.thanks in advance to you all
2003SE Upgrade for Orange M1000 (UK)
Hi fellow M1000er,
Just found out yesterday that the 2003se rom was available (Hadn't been on the web for a while) and decided to risk installing the beastie even though there has been a relatively large number of issues with it.
If you have read the 'Official 2003 SE Released' thread you will probably know that there are two or three main versions.
I got mine working with 'Mystery Man's 2.06 OS Rom version and Maimaich's 1.18 Radio version. djrm supplied the Orange Extended rom.
dcs supplied LOTS of helpful info too.
Many many thanks to all four of you!
I haven't fully tested it yet (got it working this morning at 4:30) but I checked the main complaints from other users (SD card works fine, Activesync over Bluetooth works fine, Send/Receive messages fine, Phone doesn't automatically go into speakerphone when answering, and a few more)
Really pleased with the result.
I have zipped up the whole bundle (FOR ORANGE UK ONLY) which I used to upgrade my M1000 and have attached it. (the 24 megger)
(***** NOTE This original file was corrupt - See my next post for proper version *****)
Just unzip this file to a dir - cradle the M1000, then run HimaUpgradeUt.exe and wait (for around an hour - at least you get progress bars!)
The only thing I'm not sure of is the Intellidialer - I have never come across this before, and the general opinion seems that it is good, but I must say it looks a bit naff compared to the default dialer. - I guess I'll persevere for a while, but if I don't like I'll prob cook another Extended Rom with the original dialer instead.
Also - you will have to enter the details for Orange GPRS (http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html) and for MMS you have to copy the attached i-mate_PPC_Orange_UK_Contract.CAB file to your PDA and run it. (If I had time I would have included it in the Extended Rom).
Once this has been run - you have to go into MMS settings, click on servers and edit Orange MMSC by simply adding / to the server address so that it looks like:
(Can't remember who posted this fix - but thanx whoever you are!)
Let me know if you have any problems.
(p.s. if you use Microsoft Reader much - you will have to download the installer from http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/ppc.asp)
The only bugs I have noticed so far is the Headset Profile on the Today screen, and the Bluetooth Icon on the taskbar have a habit of going invisible (but are still clickable).
The zip attached seems to be corrupt
Sorry about that - Didn't realise the file hadn't fully uploaded when I attached it. (Chopped off at 14Meg - that's what happens when you have been up all night tinkering with technology, feeling a little spaced from lack of sleep!)
THIS is the file to use. Unzip this - run the HimaUpgradeUt.exe file.
If you are interested in MMS - install the CAB attached in the last post AFTER upgrading, then make the tweak to the settings I mentioned above.
Best of Luck & Enjoy!
Knight Mayor
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Out of interest, how have you found the mystery man ROM? I used it for about a week and it seemed really buggy, so I installed the dcs version 2.02t and I have found it flawless for nearly a month now. The handsfree option works brilliantly with my Bluetrek G2 and the phone overall just seems more stable than any other ROM I have tried. What are everyone else's opnions on this, I have read the posts on 2.02 vs 2.06 but it would be interesting to hear views from Orange UK M1000 users specifically!
M1000 rom
Is it possible to reset your original rom in the case of needing to return the phone to Orange?
Yeah, just reflash the phone with their crappy 1.66 ROM from the Orange website and all will be restored. You might possibly have a country code error unless the headers have been changed properly on the SE ROM files. That can be easily fixed though, search the forum and there are loads of posts on it, the best one is dcs's guide.
2.06 or not 2.06, that is the question.....
Hi Fin,
Thanks for your post - My SE install is only a day old so I haven't fully experienced it yet. Did seem to stick a little at times, but I thought that maybe had something to do with the fact I have slapped Wisbar Advance 2 on top and skinned it up to the max. Will try running it bare for a while - see how I get on.
I did notice, however, that when I tried to make a call this morning that it said the phone was off and did I want to switch it on. (And it wasn't in flight mode - weird).
Can you let me know which issues you had with 2.06, and which ones were resolved in 2.02? (Also, any problems with 2.02? - I don't imagine any of these roms are without their own little nig's)
This is my first flash and was just chuffed to get SE working on it, but I appreciate the advice of people with more experience in these things.
I have DCS's 2.02t - if you can def recommend then I will def switch over.
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Personally I found fewer problems with 2.02 but i have heard people who think 2.06 is better. The only problem i have had with 2.02 is that the bluetooth profile disappears but you don't need it on 2.02 as when a headset is connected it connects automatically if it is set to a handsfree device.
I also get the impression that a lot of the problems people have had with either ROM is to do with their extended ROM, people seem to be putting all kinds of incompatible stuff in there. I am using a slightly modified version of the ROM found in the following post
BTW it was me who solved the MMS issue for Orange UK, you know what they say, if you don't blow your own trumpet then no one else will
Aha - so it was you, eh Fin?
Well - thanks V much for that!
If you don't mind me asking - what was the slight modification you made to the Extended ROM (That's the one I'm using too, but made no changes).
Anything major? Some apps specific to you or just a splash screen change? :wink:
I'll prob see how this 2.06 goes for a week, and if anything bugs me too much - I'll try the 2.02.
(Don't think I'm gonna touch the 2.20 Chinese ROM which is doing the rounds at the mo - my oriental is a little rusty! :lol: )
Keep up the good work!
512Meg SD
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
All I added was IIWPO and a couple of other little applications like Soft Reset and the Ext ROM unlocker tools, nothing special!
Thanks for this I will try it out and let you know how it goes
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
NeCrOpHiLiCaT said:
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
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xbackup will not work properly if you flash your phone, so yes, you will have to reinstall all your apps again, but why not put some of them in the extended rom so it's not such a hassle next time you hard reset!
I have been using this build for about a week now, and all seems to work quite well, there are some problems mainly with the Today page having items disappear......I personally do not find that very annoying and everything else seems to work well, seems very stable ......I really like the intellidialer and feel thats a big improvement.
Thanks once again for releasing this
I haven't yet tried the update, but would like to know if somebody has tried Sprite backup and Tomtom Navigator 3 on W2003SE. I would like to update my M1000 with this version of W2003SE. Any feedback on this will be much appreciated.
Hi all you fellow Orange users, we need to get together on MSN Messsenger and have a good old chat..
My personal experiences are as follows :-
Tried 2.02 first, this was great and worked a treat with the orange ext_rom, had this for a while until i got my BT headset, then the problems started...
This ROM doesn't have headset profile and thus the mic on the BT headset would not work so i went back to 1.66 for a while.
Tried 2.20.07CHS Translated, this was better, everything worked but the fonts were a bit dodgy and some of the translation wasn't complete, so back to 1.66
Finally settled on 2.06 with a customised ext_rom with my own additions personal to me ! (all available here), this has a great BT headset mode wear my BT headset works fine, the BT activesync (a must once you've had it) works fine, you can even access the internet over it) thus doing away with my wifi card.... and with my customisations, everything is as near perfect as we'll get.
The only problem i have is that the BT headset today plugin tends to play hide and seek occationally.
Hope these options are of use to people, i love this M1000, even better now that we have WM2003SE.
Oh and hello to all the Orange users out there.
Hi guys,
First off, let me say thanks for this. I was getting a headache reading all the threads on the subject.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with GPRS after the update? I have checked all the settings against the website suggested in the original post and even another phone. Everything looks identical to what it should be but it just will not connect.
Anyone got any ideas?
O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
Re: O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Viper_148 said:
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
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There are quite a few people I have spoken to who have done what you want to do, and in principle it will be absolutely fine- XDA2 and M1000 are exactly the same device. The only issue will be a country code error- if you don't know what that is, it's an operator code that will not allow an upgrade of new software from a different network. To get round this you need to use a piece of software (xda2nbftool)which will set the country code on the upgrade to O2 (your current operator setting I assume) so that you can install the Orange version of the ROM which is floating about this forum. If you need any help with this, let me know and I will help you as much as I can. The only Orange customisation stuff is in the Extended ROM, and there are just a few CAB files that add all the Orange crap like settings,Orange Update/Backup etc.

T-mobile MDA vs. Cingular 8125

I'm looking to purchase one of these devices but not sure which one. I belong to Cingular but I like the look of the T-mobile MDA. Is there anything majorly different from a hardware/software point between these two?
If I get the t-mobile mda will I have any issues using it with Cingular? I know I need to sim unlock it first. My main use of this phone is for calls and text messgs. I rarely use the internet but may do so more later on. Just want to make sure the T-mobile softeware will not interfere with cingular settings. Can someone enlighten me? How about flashing it to a non branded rom? Or a cingular rom if thats possible. lol
Great forum my da way!!!
i bought a tmobile mda for use on cingular because of the keyboard design and general asthetics od the thing. i did unlock it then flashed it to the 217.7.2wwe cingular rom found on this sites ftp section. it works great with text, internet, has great rf reception. only thing i havent tried with it is mms.
rest easy; it works. if you have more questions there are people here much more experienced than i.
hardwares deep inside, they are the same machine. Once you have it (either 8125 or MDA) you can do SIM & CID unlock and put in any ROM for wizard you'd like; if you get MDA you can put 8125 rom on it and has all the cingular settings (which you can set it up manually also with other ROMs)
The main concern is the warranty. You are with Cingular and if you get 8125, whenever you have problem with it within 1 year of purchase, you can get warranty exchange (cingular will send you a new one, and you send the bad one back to them after you recieve the new one, all free)
But if you have MDA, you will have to send it to HTC for repair which might take a long time to come back.
jdub71 said:
i bought a tmobile mda for use on cingular because of the keyboard design and general asthetics od the thing. i did unlock it then flashed it to the 217.7.2wwe cingular rom found on this sites ftp section. it works great with text, internet, has great rf reception. only thing i havent tried with it is mms.
rest easy; it works. if you have more questions there are people here much more experienced than i.
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Great! just what I was looking for. I did not know you could install a cingular rom over another brand. soo cool. Did you use the lokiwiz program (which version??) to unlock both the sim and cid? Or another program? Same here I like the rounded corners and two tone keyboard. I wish t-mobile online would sell w/o contract since its a decent price. At the store its almost 100 more.
New to PPC coming from the Motorola camp....
Know to search for a MDA....
Be Careful
Be careful, some of the newer Wizards (MDAs & 8125s) have a newer chip inside referred to as the G4 chip. It is my understanding that lokiwiz will SIM unlock the device which will allow you to use your Cingular SIM card. However, lokiwiz won't CID unlock the MDA with the new chip. So you won't be able to use all the new custom ROMs on ths site.
It is pretty easy to manually configure the setting so the MDA will work fully on Cingular. I have the 8125 and am using T-mobile. The internet, text messanging, and MMS work great.
Check out the threads on the Wizard Upgrading forum for more info. on how to tell which chip your phone has.
Thanks for the tip. I've read some threads about the dreaded G4 chip. Hopefully someone will crack it soon. There is a website that can unlock the G4 chip both sim and cid but it costs like 40 bucks. Worst case I can send it to them.
jdub71: How is the ear piece sound level on the MDA when on a call? how do you rate it? loud, med. or could be louder despite on full volume.
rambo6: Same question. How is you're ear piece volume level on the 8125?
PC mag suggested that the MDA had a lower ear piece volume than the 8125. I wanted to hear from actual users. Louder the better for me. Is there a reg. hack to make the ear piece volume louder? Thanks
I'm running an MDA on Cingular with no problems. Got it a week ago with every intention of flashing to 8125 cingular, but it seems to have figured out most Cingular settings automatically.No problems.... yet.
I don't see how one Wizard could be louder than another.
Have turn it down on both my plantronics bluetooth and wired earphones.
Couple of other quality control concerns with the MDA versus the 8125, I've heard that the MDA is more prone to having the paint come off the keys and that they are also more prone to having the stylus come loose after prolonged usage.
Don't have a MDA, only a 8125, but that's what I have gathered from reading the forums.
[double post]
How do you go about finding out what ROM version you have and also how do you tell if you have successfully unlocked your MDA?
Also how do you tell if you have the "G4" chip?
Good question. I want a custom rom too.
8125ppc (and htc just updated)
You can go to the thread below to learn how to tell which chip is in your Wizard.
Also, I have great sound through the 8125's earpiece. Sometimes I have to turn it down.
My suggestion is buy whichever phone you want. The MDA has keys that are a little closer together. I'd suggest you look at both in person. You can buy either in the US through letstalk.com without a contract but the phone will be set up for either Cingular or T-mobile and you'll need to unlock it to use another carrier.
If you can hold off a few months, the TyTN or some UMTS form thereof should be offered in the U.S.
T-mobile is great but it will be at least a year before they get a 3G network going. Cingular is the only carrier in the U.S. with a 3G UMTS network in major cities. It's significantly faster than Edge but not as fast as Verizon's evdo.
I hope that HTC offers some phone to work on both the US and European UMTS/HSDPA networks soon. Some form of TyTN or the Trion would do it.
Once you start surfing the web and texting with a Wizard, you'll get addicted and want more speed. Verizion's evdo is so damn fast. I miss verizon's speed but love my Wizard and hope to have the newest HTC phone soon
After read many many threads on these it does seem like the 8125 has a better build quality than the MDA. Sound quality may also be superior since alot of MDA owners are complaing about sound issues. I was going to get the MDA but now I'm leaning on the 8125. Main reason is availability. Its easier for me to get the 8125 since I'm on cingular. I'm just worried about the sound volume being too low. I've read about the slider not working and such.....many requests to boost the sound but no real answer.
Hmm. New phone called the TyTN? Made also by HTC? May look into that also.
My friend has a T-Mobile MDA and I have the Cingular 8125. He has the original rom that came with the phone and I have the latest one 2.25. We were at my friends basement he had 3-4 bars of connection while I had non or 1 bar. He always has better connection then me.
ZzFDKzZ said:
My friend has a T-Mobile MDA and I have the Cingular 8125. He has the original rom that came with the phone and I have the latest one 2.25. We were at my friends basement he had 3-4 bars of connection while I had non or 1 bar. He always has better connection then me.
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Okay,let's see here.....
1) Are you both using the same carriers ?
If yes to above, it is a Rom issue.
If no to above, then it is pretty obvious as to the reason for the different signal levels!
I have a Qtek 9100 Wizard with the summiter custom Cingular 2.24 rom and can tell you for a fact that different roms DO act differently.Even roms from the same carriers, I might add! LOL
Yeah like I said he has T-Mobile and I have Cingular. He has the original rom and I have that new one http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=54726 Even with summiter 2.24 rom that I had last month he still had way better connection in my friends basement.
ZzFDKzZ said:
Yeah like I said he has T-Mobile and I have Cingular. He has the original rom and I have that new one http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=54726 Even with summiter 2.24 rom that I had last month he still had way better connection in my friends basement.
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That's just to compare Cingular v.s. Tmobile signal, NOT 8125 v.s. MDA.
If your 8125 is SIM unlocked, try put in your friend's SIM card and see how is the signal on your phone; should be much better than your SIM.
.....Like I said, different carriers= different towers =different signal strength. As was said above, if sim unlocked, swap sims and see what happens.
I never tought about that, I'll try the sim change next time.

Palm -> MDA -> Palm

I'm literally at the end of my fuse here. :doh: I really wanted to give the MDA a chance, but I'm sitting next to a pile of old fashioned index cards that have served as my PIM since I got my MDA. Here's my rant:
1. MDA is SLOW. When I want to call someone, the default software's call list takes forever to pull someone's name up. While I'm driving, this makes me 10x more likely to have an accident just waiting for the thing to pull up. I overclocked my MDA with Smartskey and did a simple registry change that speeds things up, but it's still SLOW. When you type a letter for a contact's name, it should pull up, even my 6 year old Palm Vx is quicker.
2. I tried Pocket Informant, and it's damn complicated and slow too. I would consider myself a pretty tech savvy guy, but I stil prefer Palm's Agendus, simple but does the job.
3. I hate Outlook! I'm not a corporate slave, but an entrepreneur that doesn't want to get tied to some ugly, generic Microsoft product that spreads viruses. I want my Palm Desktop back!
4. Internet with T-mobile is SLOW!!! I got this phone because I wanted to use google outdoors, then I'd have the world in my hands. I thought that EDGE would have bearable speeds, but it's worse than AOL 33.6k dial-up. I live in the Los Angeles area where EDGE is supposed to be active, but it just seems like a waste of $30/month.
So I've thought about this a lot, and was wondering your opinions...
I think I want to go back to the Palm. Windows Mobile sucks!! I thought WM5.0 would be the latest and greatest, but it's the same old Microsoft s**t.
I would really like to get the Treo 700p, but I have 9 more months of my T-mobile contract. I wish I could get out and try Verizon's EVDO.
Thanks for listening,
Hanguo Laohu
At a guess I'd say you're using the stock T-mobile rom then.
Stock MDA rom
You are correct. Does the newer ROM make that much difference? I mean, if my 6 year old Palm Vx can instantly go from contacts to calendar, I was assuming that the MDA could do the same.
The new ROM is much stabler and quicker than its predecessor.
I owned a treo 650 for several months then I moved to the wizard. the wizard is hands down the better pda/phone than the treo.
if you have such hatred towards the wizard, then go back to the treo, no one is stopping you.
I used to have a treo 600 and then the 650. I then moved to the MDA, and I have to agree that the MDA is much better. I also agree that you should upgrade to the latest rom before giving up on the mda.
I think from your feelings about Microsoft, and this device, you would be far better suited to a Mac as your main PC, and a Palm as your PDA, and enjoy the simplistic no frills use from them.
I'm not going to bash Palm or defend MS products, merely state my opinion..
Palm seems to work fine for many people. In my experience these are people who prefer an "out-of-the-box" solution. Open it, put batteries in and go. That's fine, I can't knock that.
WM appears to be a platform more suited to "tweakers" who like a customized solutions and don't mind the effort of assembling the pieces. I really believe that if you're only using the preinstalled apps in WM then you are on the wrong device.
Using a cellphone whilst driving
Please don't take this the wrong way, you could do everybody a favour and not use your phone will driving?
I like you moved from a Treo 600 to the MDA and hated it at first. It's slow, kind of like running XP on a 386 and almost impossible to use one handed although you can. But since I sold the Treo (& I've been a palm man since the pilot days) I thought I'd tweak the MDA to see what it could do. Here's what I suggest,
1 - update to the new ROM, just do it that solves a host of issues
2- Overclock it, I don't know why they dont do this out of the box but it makes the thing run almost normally
3- Careful about what you install, if you think it runs slow now, try maxing out memory
4- Use a Bluetooth headset
5- Keep reading this forum, many great ideas & programmers
After the above I like it, maybe not better than the Treo but it's every bit as good just a little different. I actually like Activesync better than Palms, really why push a button, it should just do it.
hanguolaohu said:
1. MDA is SLOW. When I want to call someone, the default software's call list takes forever to pull someone's name up. While I'm driving, this makes me 10x more likely to have an accident just waiting for the thing to pull up.
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Use MS Voice Command. I use it while driving and I never even have to play with my MDA. I just push the button on the side that I assigned to the MS Voice command program, then I say, Call So and So and work....or home...or cell. It repeats it back, you either say YES if it got it right or NO, if it was a NO, you just repeat it again. It's really a very easy way to make phone calls while you are driving.
update to the T-Mobile 2.26 (if you have MDA T-Mobile). Or install cleaned rom, then install OMAP Plus to overclock you device.
I would know if palm is better than WM5. Windows hands down, i've used all the treos stopping at the 650. Horrible compare to any XDA. And i have used all the palm devices such as nx90 uh series. all of them cuz i sell them. Not great
hanguolaohu said:
I would really like to get the Treo 700p, but I have 9 more months of my T-mobile contract. I wish I could get out and try Verizon's EVDO
Hanguo Laohu
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I use a air card EVDO adapter for my laptop for Verizon's EVDO. You will not get half the speed on any PPC/Palm because of their processors. Your best using your laptop for EVDO.
On my phone I just use Wi-Fi.
With BlueTooth headset and MS Voice Command, I do not even have to touch my MDA to make a phone call. 8)
to really see the difference between WM5 and Palm one should use the exchange activesync or the blackberry connect options on WM5 over the Palm ... i've configured so many palms but i would say WM5 is a much better OS than Palm when it comes to what it could possibly do.
When it comes to stability, both of them are the same. Out of 10 Palm Treo users, the one who decided on getting the Treo 700w was the only who hasn't really complained about anything.
if i were you, i would get a third party exchange hosting account which would cost around 12USD a month and see how different it is. With this service, you can have you email, contacts, calendar, and tasks (PIM) synchronized over the air to your mobile, laptop, desktop, pc or Mac ... no more bluetooth or usb activesyncing ....
choosing between GSM and CDMA is another issue ... if you choose CDMA over GSM then that means that you are stuck in the US, Japan (in some parts) and Korea and maybe another handful countries ... while if you decide on going GSM, you have the option of going to almost any country in the world since GSM is the global standard. ... even verizon's mother company, Vodafone is one of the biggest GSM service providers in the world (tell that to the government which made Vodafone use CDMA here in the US)
As far as the MDA, it has been known that the HTC Wizard (T-Mobile MDA Vario / MDA) is underpowered but having like a Universal or Blue Angel you would see the difference in performance.
Currently, i'm using a Qtek 8500 and it's quite snappy and it uses the same CPU as the T-Mobile MDA (Vario) ... it kinda slows down whenever i run PocketStreets 2006 (yes 2006!) with my GPS... i'll hold off until i could get the MDA Vario II or Cingular 8525 here locally stateside ... been buying all my gadgets in the UK just because the damn US is so behind in mobile technology ... he he he

Brand New Unopened MDA (T-Mobile USA)

I'm getting a new t-mobile mda usa phone this week and was wondering what are the first steps expert gurus like yourselves would do?
I've never used MDA before, but I'm a quick learner and have upgraded firmware and whatnot for other things in the past.
So, what would be the first step?
Test it out, see if it works...bla bla bla
Then? Would I upgrade the firmware? Which firmware should I use?
If I upgrade to a firmware that voids the warranty, could I flash the firmware back to stock T-mobile firmware and they would never know the difference (not that i would do that, just wondering)?
What programs/tweaks would you install?
If i get the 5.99 or whatever T-Zones, could I view any website and send/receive email through gmail...or would there be additional charges? Could I also use AIM, or would that cost extra?
I bought 5 MDA's for $250 total from amazon. However, it required me to select the data internet plan which is like $30/mo for each phone. But i was told I could cancel it within 14 days for all the phones, and instead get t-zones for $5.99?
Also...could you guys recommend some good accessories w/links or prices?
Screenprotectors, BT headsets...etc?
I'm also looking for a good, but cheap MiniSD 2gb card.
http://www.outpost.com/product/4922971 <-- Would this work for me, or is there a better one I should look at?
Sorry for asking so many questions, it's just that my MDA is coming this week and I'm really excited and want to be prepared for it.
Thanks guys!
THAT KINGSTON mini sd is the roxs!! works really well!
thou it might not read on ur card reader thru teh mini sd adapter, but hey for that price you can't go wrong!!
there are a ton of progs out there.. i would carefully breeze thru the wiki and other sticky's and then mod/add prog
if you have 1.80 ver firm.. unlock sim and CID then upgrade to 2.26!!
then programs and stuff is your liking.
enjoy.. sorry im in a rush, but you'll get plenty of help!
well .. MDA's cool but if you could wait a couple of weeks or maybe just get it's current version which is the MDA II (Vario II) which should be coming out soon here in the US ... In Europe, it's been out for at least a month or so... The MDA II (Vario II), aka XDA Trion, HTC TyTN, Orange SPVM3100, and the soon to be released Cingular 8525 is available online... just my two cents worth .... the new version has a lot more power and newer / current features which would work on HSPDA/UMTS ....
I got my MDA in July or August, I believe. I got it from T-Mobile, not one of their distributers, because I could control the family plan better, that we already had, and could request the area code I wanted (Also got a Samsung t-809 slide--a really cool phone).
Coming from an HP IPAQ 6315, I am VERY pleased with the MDA. However, I did not synch it with my Jensen B/T headphones because the driver wasn't compatible with WM5. More importantly, no matter what I tried I couldn't hook it up to my Garmin GPS 10--a B/T GPS unit that works AMAZINGLY well at finding your location--Both the headset and the Garmin work with the HP.
So I followed T-Mobile's directions to upgrade the MDA firmware to the ROM version and I am SO glad I did!
The new version has its own A2DP driver, so the Jensens immediately synched beautifully.
The Garmin was trickier. I had to buy a registry editor--I went for Kilmist which works very nicely. You need to hack the registry to reveal the GPS Icon in the System tray.
The tree is:
Pocket PC\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings.
You delete ALL the keys under GPS Settings, especially the REDIRECT key.
I've read that you can switch the HIDE key from 1 to 0, but I couldn't get that to work--when I cleared the REDIRECT it worked.
Reboot, and the GPS Icon should appear. This allows you to tailor the device's COM port to match the GPS software from Garmin.
I'm not really crazy about the Windows Media Player--it's a pain to use, a pain to set up, and I have NO idea what MS was thinking. Instead, I use something called BetaPlayer both for movies and music. It's simple, clear, obvious, and you don't have to go through stupid gyrations to get either music or movies to it (it plays AVIs). When we travel, I'll rip movies using Pocket PC DVD (an nice, inexpensive pgm) to AVIs in the 15-225 meg range, and dump them to the Mini-SD card. BetaPlayer allows me to play them without any problem and rotates to landscape mode with a tap.
BetaPlayer is a free download, that Pocket PC DVD sets you up with. I THINK they have replaced it with an upgrade.
I can use it with AIM, but the return key on the keyboard doesn't "send"--so far I've had to tap the Send icon with the stylus--Is there a way around this?
eMail works very nicely--I route to my own account, not T-Mobile's, so I can get and send my mail. But it ALWAYS truncates the mail, forces you to click on it and re-download. Again, anybody have a way to fix this?
Compared to the HP IPAQ 6315, there's really no comparison. The HP has a bigger screen, but it's a bigger, bulkier unit and I don't notice a difference. It does just about everything better than the HP, and I don't have to soft-boot it every single day!
BIG plus on the MDA/Wizard--the antenna doesn't stick out so you can't break it off (I actually broke off the cover of the antenna on the HP in an airport--Had to replace the entire antenna assembly to replace the cover!)
I really like the SanDisk cards. I have 4 2-gig cards I bought on-line for about $40-$50 apiece (I forgot which). I THINK it was at Buy.com--not sure. I've never had a SanDisk card or flash drive fail or fail to connect. Yeah, 2g mini-SDs work just fine on this PDA.
The MDA is more like a thick cell phone than a PDA in size and feel. I hope to explore a lot more of its capabilities.
Hi, thanks for all the replies guys.
I've been trying to do as much research as possible before getting the phone.
Bigshoguns said:
unlock sim and CID then upgrade to 2.26
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Could you explain how to unlock SIM/CID? I tried following a sticky, but it seems some of these forum links are dead or different b/c of the new forum software. I think i have to use lokiwiz or something, but I cant seem to find it? If anyone can point that out plus give me instructions, I'd appreciate it.
Also, I'm a bit nervous about OC'ing the device. Do you do it in increments? How do you know when you've OC'd it too much, does it start to freeze or will it just not turn on or something?
Yanktar03 said:
I can use it with AIM, but the return key on the keyboard doesn't "send"--so far I've had to tap the Send icon with the stylus--Is there a way around this?
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I've been doing some reading and I think I found an answer for you.
Not sure if you can do it with the regular AIM, but with the hacked AIM you could go to options/preferences and under IM/Chat/Mobile make sure "Enter Key Inserts Return" is unchecked.
Sorry if this is incorrect, I dont have an MDA and have never used one but I'm just going by some stuff I read.
Oh yeah, does anyone know when MDA II (USA) is coming out..I would feel a bit of buyers remorse if it's coming out soon and will be offered at an attractive price for new contracts. Oh well....MDA is still good, right?
Anymore help/suggestions would be greatful!
chroniX said:
Hi, thanks for all the replies guys.
I've been trying to do as much research as possible before getting the phone.
Could you explain how to unlock SIM/CID? I tried following a sticky, but it seems some of these forum links are dead or different b/c of the new forum software. I think i have to use lokiwiz or something, but I cant seem to find it? If anyone can point that out plus give me instructions, I'd appreciate it.
Also, I'm a bit nervous about OC'ing the device. Do you do it in increments? How do you know when you've OC'd it too much, does it start to freeze or will it just not turn on or something?
I've been doing some reading and I think I found an answer for you.
Not sure if you can do it with the regular AIM, but with the hacked AIM you could go to options/preferences and under IM/Chat/Mobile make sure "Enter Key Inserts Return" is unchecked.
Sorry if this is incorrect, I dont have an MDA and have never used one but I'm just going by some stuff I read.
Oh yeah, does anyone know when MDA II (USA) is coming out..I would feel a bit of buyers remorse if it's coming out soon and will be offered at an attractive price for new contracts. Oh well....MDA is still good, right?
Anymore help/suggestions would be greatful!
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T-Mobile makes you wait 90 days before they will give you the unlock code and procedure for free. But if you already are a customer you may be able to bully them into it sooner. I did because I added my MDA and T-809 phone to our family plan.
I don't know about the CID, but if you get the T-Mobile unlock that's all you need. The upgrade of the ROM, via the T-Mobile procedure and software is very easy and does NOT void the warranty.
Thanks about the AIM--I found another thread here yesterday where there is a modified version of AIM 2.0 that is FAR better than T-Mobile's and gives you the "return" key back, and allows you to force the sign-on. Apparently you don't have to pay for messaging with it--it's via Internet!
Little by little the MDA is becoming the PDA I always wanted.
chroniX said:
Hi, thanks for all the replies guys.
Could you explain how to unlock SIM/CID? I tried following a sticky, but it seems some of these forum links are dead or different b/c of the new forum software. I think i have to use lokiwiz or something, but I cant seem to find it? If anyone can point that out plus give me instructions, I'd appreciate it.
Also, I'm a bit nervous about OC'ing the device. Do you do it in increments? How do you know when you've OC'd it too much, does it start to freeze or will it just not turn on or something?
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for unlocking use Lokiwiz02b.zip which is found in the Xda ftp:
dont worry about overclocking - im running mine @ 224 with the 2.26 rom
i was overclocking @ 240 with the custom 2.24 - really helps out performance
for overclocking someone recommended Batterystatus which is a small neat program, using very little resources to manage the battery and overclock and its free
Whatever you do don't buy ShieldZone Screen Protector.
ZzFDKzZ said:
Whatever you do don't buy ShieldZone Screen Protector.
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Is that the same as Invisible Shield? I thought those were supposed to be good.
What would you recommend then?
If you plan to upgrade to the Official Tmobile 2.26 rom you do not need to unlock. It will handle all of that for you. Just make sure your battery power is over the suggest amount (I think its 50%) I have seen some nightmare stories here from people who didn't.

HELP! Dash or MDA? Pocket Office on Dash? (for editing capabilities) Hack or Downloa

HELP! Dash or MDA? Pocket Office on Dash? (for editing capabilities) Hack or Download (or Doea the Hermes also work with T-Mobile???)
I've talked to everyone when considering choosing between the MDA and the newer Dash?
Is it possible to get a free version of Pocket Office to put on the Dash so I can have the editing option for Microsoft Documents?
MDA or Dash? Which is more versitile, faster, and good for work & networking on the fly?
Does the MDA have WiFi like the Dash? for free wifi connections.
After too many T-Mobile reps, HTC reps, and other users...I'm exhausted with beating around the bush form the simple, and exact answers I'm looking for. You advice and expertise would truly be appreciated. Help! Thanks.
Tough call, Ryan... both are great devices in their own rights. However, Dash is Smartphone platform and MDA is Pocket PC platform. Pocket PC is going to give you more functionality and customization. Smartphone is going to give you more convenience and smoother performance (assuming the ROM is stable and current).
Both MDA and Dash have Wi-Fi.
Based on your other questions and desires, I think Pocket PC platform is probably more what you're looking for.
Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback.
I have been leaning towards the MDA, but didn't want to take a step back in technology advantage, given that I'll have this phone for a while and I'll want to get the most from the device. OR Should I go with DASH in hope of getting an app to edit documents? Is there anytihng coming out soon, or where should i go to find out where to get it? Can I use either device with google's new word and excel editting, without being connected to a free wifi?
Are both devices able to use Skype?
The MDA glitches and complaints do worry me about dependability. Do you believe the MDA is stable, and is the HTC Hermes able to be used with T-Mobile?
The phone I have (Nokia 3660) just died (only shows Nokia when booting up, in a continuous loop). Therefore i have just lost 600 numbers which weren't sync to the new laptop i had ot buy because my old one was stolen 2 months ago. If you have any advice on retreaving these numbers let me know.
Also, do you recommend getting the MDA from T-Mobile for $250 or from eBay? or other cell phone sites you recommend for purchases?
I am unsure of the Dash's abilities to edit documents. I believe that there are apps out there for the Smartphone platform that allow you to do it.
As far as Skype goes... minimum requirements to run Skype on a mobile device are 400mhz or higher processor and Wifi or 3G network. That pretty much leaves you with Hermes if you are wanting to go the route of the MDA line of devices. Yes the HTC Hermes can be used on T-Mobile.
The only advice I could offer for extracting your contacts from your old phone is to get it to an authorized Nokia repairman and have them get it out. If your phone can go into bootloader mode, you should be able to rescue the data.
I can't recommend one way or the other on where to buy your phone from other than saying that if you don't buy it from T-Mobile, check around on Ebay.
Savior Pete
Thanks again.
I'm glad your active on here today.
So are you saying the Dash is the only T-mobile provided phone that will work with Skype? I don't believe you can buy the Hermes from T-mobile (just the wizard) Unless you know otherwise.
I don't see a tremendous savings on eBay (maybe $50) which leads me to buy from T-mobile simply for the support and warrantees.
I will be checking back frequently. [email protected] if you like Thanks again.
No the Dash will NOT work with Skype, and neither will the MDA II aka Wizard. Sorry, I was thinking before that maybe you were in the UK where the MDA Vario II is available on T-Mobile... that is the Hermes. I think your only choice if you are definitely wanting to run Skype is to get a Hermes, probably off of E-bay. Just make sure you get it unlocked... most of them will be. Do searches for Tytn and Jasjam. The Jasjam will on average run you $100-200 more than the Tytn.

