How do I remove from Program list? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi I installed a program that did not work with WM5, I subsequently removed it using the Remove Program amplet.
However it still shows on the Program page.
How do I remove it from there?

Don't install non-WM5 compatible apps - it could seriously harm your blood pressure when you find you machine no longer works!
Look here for apps that should work:

Thanks for the help?
The program was reported as working on wm5.
The list does answer the question does it

Try a soft reset.
I had to do a hard reset once because I found apps were removed from the Programs list but were not really removed from the device.

Soft reset does not clear it
So will have to 2wait until I completly mess it up and have to do a Hard reset :lol:

Have you tried:
open file explorer
windows - start menu - programs
and deleted the shortcut from there?
this has happened to me when I have removed some apps and it has left the shortcut in programs

Codiac said:
Have you tried:
open file explorer
windows - start menu - programs
and deleted the shortcut from there?
this has happened to me when I have removed some apps and it has left the shortcut in programs
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New there had to be a simple way!!!
Work ok


Uninstalling the O2 UI of XDA II

I have from O2 the device XDA II. I want to uninstall the O2 UI called
V2R o2ActiveUI. When I try to uninstall it, I get the error, that the
program is used. How can I uninstall it?
Best regards,
Volkan Arslan
try removing it from autostart dir and softreset
Rudegar said:
try removing it from autostart dir and softreset
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Thanks for the hint, but in the autostart directory, there is no file called o2ActiveUI.exe or Connections.exe.
but there is a link called Active ;-)
that's it...
Deleting the link will not delete the program but will stop it loading when you reset your device.
Depending on how you use your device it may be better to keep it installed but not running. I occasionally find I have to run it to reestablish my settings for WAP and GPRS when they give me grief.
To remove the program completely, you would have to hard reset, stop the auto-setup from running, install extended_rom cab and then open the config.txt file from the extended rom. Then one, by one chose the programs you want to install but avoid the o2 active one.
I just clicked remove programs on mine and it worked no problem. Certainly didn't require a hard reset. A friend of mine had a problem with the program saying that certain files were in use. He renamed the files that were supposed to be in use, soft reset, then remove, then delete the renamed files.
Hope that helps.
isnt it a today plugin? if so maybe it's just a matter of disabling it then uninstalling.
if not then i'd go with the startup folder and take out the lnk or whatever that makes it run on a soft reset . . . THEN uninstall.
I dont think you have to resort to a hard reset just yet since the issue is simply not being able to delete a locked (running) file, so if you figure the way to NOT make it run, then uninstalling should be easy.

Help: can't uninstall programs from jasjar

I am unable to uninstall programs from my jasjar. When I try to remove programs from activesyn there is no response. When I try to remove programs directly from jasjar with "remove programs" I get the response that the program was not removed and would I like to remove the name of the program from the list of installed programs. Either way my programs cannot be removed. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Softreset first then uninstall... Some times you can not uninstall two apps after each other. You have to softreset before each removal...
I tried your suggestions several times but it does not work for me. Any other thoughts?
WM5 doesn't flush the registry until the device is powered off. You should either use a software based reset button - such as from SPB PocketPlus, or turn the device off (this is better), wait 10 seconds and then press the reset button.
Still no luck
I tried resetting after leaving the jasjar shut for more than 10 seconds and still I have no luck removing programs either directly or via activesync. I would still appreciate any suggestions otherwise it looks like a hard reset is unavoidable.
Thanks, a
Other way to remove programs?
Is it possible to effectively remove programs by using resco explorer? And if so, how can you ensure a clean remove?
I have the same problem, I always have to remove manually. I can not install overwrite any software, and when I want to upgrade a new version, I have to find its old cab files to see the list of files to find them and delete. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Still no solution to removing programs
I was wondering if anyone has found a solution to our problem of not being able to remove programs.
Also, as we cannot remove programs via activesync or the standard remove programs from the pocket pc (Jasjar), what are the steps to thoroughly remove files manually?
I found some beta WM5 apps cannot be removed even using Remove apps from the control panel or even the "delete" function from the File explorer! In the end I had to hard reset my JJ to get rid off two apps. I have also been told to use the Resco Explorer to delete programs from the directory directly.
Thanks. When you delete with Resco is it enough to remove folder with application or should you also clear things from registry?

Removing Applications???

I recently installed 'Kick off slot machine' game on my XDA mini s and when i go to 'remove programs' it wont remove it. I've tried soft reseting.
How can i get rid of it?
Can i just go into file explorer and delete the files in its program folder?
yes but u would be better off removing the reg entries aswell allthough it wont cause harm.
tried removing using active sync , add remove programs , as sometimes that works for me where the one on the device does not work.
I have found that quite often uninstalls just don't work. For example, before I resorted to a recent hard reset, I had only a few megs of RAM available. Turns out it was because although it "appeared" that such things had been uninstalled, they had in fact not been uninstalled.
The way I do it now, and I reckon this is the only way to do it, is to go to Add/Remove programs in Activesync and uncheck the box of the app/game to be removed. This seems to work (even on apps installed by CAB or on other machines).
Ok thanks.
By the way, how do you find and delete reg entries? Which folder are they stored in?
Use SK Tools, it is the best soft for cleaning and everything
You'll need something like PHM Regedit, or I use Total Commander. I'm no expert but you'll be able to get help with registry keys etc here.
Alternatively, purchase MemMaid which (I think) removes redundant registry entries.
Oh ok, thanks very much.
Just one more quick question, if you install something, remove it, then decide you want it installed again does it just overwrite the previously created reg entries?
does it just overwrite the previously created reg entries
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Yes, if it is the same version of software.
fresh123breeze said:
Use SK Tools, it is the best soft for cleaning and everything
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I was using this amazing application but after it's installation i was unable to uninstall any program from "Add/Remove Programs". Not even S-K Tools. The only solution was a hard reset. Do you have anything on mind for this issue?
P.S: The version i was using: 2.2.10
Yes, developer knows about this, he said, new version fixed.
I have ver. and tested, good things, Backup is working in WM5.
fresh123breeze said:
Yes, developer knows about this, he said, new version fixed.
I have ver. and tested, good things, Backup is working in WM5.
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Hi, was wondering does it backup contacts and have you tried restoring after hard reset?
Yes, I did. The only one problem, SK Tools made funny records about
installed software, so in the list, You have only what was installed after
You installed SK Tools. I think it was already fixed, but didn't test it.
thanks fresh123breeze,
think i'll go for it. its not a lot to pay for what it claims it can do.

prob uninstalling software

hey guys. i seem to be havin a wierd problem. when ever i try to uninstall a program from my exec i get a msg that it could not be completely removed. i tried to uninstall the o2 active interface and a pocket divx player and both gave the same prob. any suggestions on wat i might be doin wrong? also can u suggest sme place i can get good games for my exec
i have had this problem, nothing I could do about it, exept to manually delete the stuff, but obviously registry is still a problem.
also, it appears if you restore from a backup, then the remove programs doesnt work, something to do with the installed apps in windows directory and the registries
sorry, no help, only confirmation and acknowledgement of the problem....
Worth looking into SKTools....It properly uninstalls things where the installer fails...I have found it invaluable when trying out software that is 'not quite' WM5 compatible!
This generally works for me:
- Uninstall program.
- If it complains about being unable to uninstall, click "No" when you're asked if you want to remove from Remove Programs list.
- Now do a soft reset with a utility such as Tweaks2k2
- When pda is ready to be used, try to run Uninstall Program again.
This should work for all but the most tenacious of programs. If this still doesn't work, check if the program has a stub running in the Windows\Startup folder. Remove it, and then try the above again.
Things that work for me.
1) Do not have a shortcut on the today screen to a program you wish to un-install, remove it first from here and the Start (menu). Make sure that part of it is not started automatically in /Windows/StartUp folder, if it is delete it.
2) Do a soft reset.
3) Do not go to Start (menu) | Programs. (Do not display it's icon in anyway. See step 1 above.
4) Go at once to Start (menu) | Settings | System | Remove Programs and un-install it.
This generally works for me. Hope it helps.
i agree with dah54 and snorbaard. That usually works for me almost everytime. If it doesn't check running processes and stop the one you are trying to uninstall and then follow their instructions and if all else fails, use SKTools or something similar.

Reinstalling programs after hard reset.

Yesterday my phone locked me out, after charging it wouldn't accept my password & I had to do a hard reset.
Most of my utils/progs etc were installed to my memory card & I can use file manager to locate them & run them by running the exe file.
Is there any way of getting them onto the main screen without having to delete & then reinstall them - it looks like it's just the program shortcuts which haved been deleted.
Is it possibe to make new shortcuts & place them on the 'start' screen?
I read in a similar post that pocket mechanic might do something like this - would it, or is there another way?
miffy93 said:
Yesterday my phone locked me out, after charging it wouldn't accept my password & I had to do a hard reset.
Most of my utils/progs etc were installed to my memory card & I can use file manager to locate them & run them by running the exe file.
Is there any way of getting them onto the main screen without having to delete & then reinstall them - it looks like it's just the program shortcuts which haved been deleted.
Is it possibe to make new shortcuts & place them on the 'start' screen?
I read in a similar post that pocket mechanic might do something like this - would it, or is there another way?
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just use resco file explorer...go into your memory card directory and copy the exe, then go to my device>windows>start menu>programs...then press right soft key menu>edit>paste shortcut
miffy93 said:
Yesterday my phone locked me out, after charging it wouldn't accept my password & I had to do a hard reset.
Most of my utils/progs etc were installed to my memory card & I can use file manager to locate them & run them by running the exe file.
Is there any way of getting them onto the main screen without having to delete & then reinstall them - it looks like it's just the program shortcuts which haved been deleted.
Is it possibe to make new shortcuts & place them on the 'start' screen?
I read in a similar post that pocket mechanic might do something like this - would it, or is there another way?
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future tip:
get spb backup application, and back everything up every week or so.
Nice one, thanks for the help both of you.
Search the net for a free program called shortcutcreator i think i got it from one of the pocket pc freeware sites. It does what your looking for scans your card for applications then creates shortcuts in your program folder.

