HELP ! Bluetooth Serious Problem On My Mini.. - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi Guys..
Does anyone can help me with this annoying problems ? since the first day i'am buying my XDA Mini, i can't sending file from my mini to other device via Bluetooth.
Here is the condition :
ROM version : 1.11.00 WWE
ROM Date : 03/14/05
Radio Version : 1.11.00
Protocol version : 1337.42
ExtROM version : 1.11.922 WWE
I use standard file explorer to sending , but it doesn't work. I follow my friends idea to use Resco Explorer v.5.15 to sending, but it doesn't work too.
I already activated my Bluetooth Device, paired with my Nokia 7610 Phone and also activated receive all incoming beam, and so on in my Nokia phone bluetooth already activated. But the problem is still the same.
Last time I try to 10Kb file from my mini to Nokia phone, it only stuck in sending progress so i cancel it because i have wait more than 15 minutes !! for sending 10kb file. :x
Does anyone have solution for this problem ?
Thanx anyway.. :wink:

With Bluetooth on... using built-in file explorer just tap-hold and beam. Be sure to check the receiving device and accept the file (this step can be skipped if the receiving device is paired and the sending device--your mini is set to authorized).
With Bluetooth on... Using Resco Explorer check under settings General Options this must be unchecked Use IrDA via OBEX.
I can send files via BT to N7610, N6600, N6630, N3230 etc.

I already follow that, but still gott the problem..

I wouldn't know why it doesn't work as my device could send even when it was still v1.01. try to soft-reset your mini and restart your nokia mobile. then turn on the BT on both and try again... be sure you accept the file transfer on the nokia.
BTW have you installed any BT related application on your mini? Maybe this is causing a conflict?

No. i haven't installed any program or patch related to bluetooth technology. I already perform soft reset and hard reset but the problem is still the same.
I believe the problem not in my Nokia, because i laready test it with sony ericcson T610 and they both work perfectly.
So i think the problem is in my Mini.

then maybe you could take it to a service center and have them take a look at it. good luck.

Thanx Bro.. but bthe procedure in service center takes very long time, perhaps i could find the answer before i bring to them.. Thanx anyway fur ur help ..

you are correct of course... hopefully someone who knows more will come along and help you with your prob.


Bluetooth filesharing problems

I just recently tried to share photo's with my girlfriend's Sony Ericsson T610. I can set up the bond ok, I can send pictures from her phone to my XDAII, but I cant send pictures (or contacts) from mine to hers.
I go to "beam file" select her device, & tap to send........ then it states "sending file 1/1" but that's it, you can see that a transfer is beinng attempted on her phone's display, but the prompt to accept or reject the file never appears. It takes something like 10mins for the XDA to report the failure, and you cannot seem to cancel the transfer - the word cancelling comes up, but then the screen freezes (you can still get to other applications throught the start bar)
Has anyone lese had this problem - will it be fixed by the bluetooth update, or the o2 update..... or anything?
I have had exactly the same problem, same situation with a T610, 3 months ago on original ROM.
Haven't tried it after the ROM upgrade though. I'm anxious to know too. too..
it freeezes when i try to send files over BT to other phones!
Hmm..And I can't install BT Tools because it disable ActiveSync via Bluetooth..hmm..
Will try other thirdy part software..
Might have a POTENTIALLY useful piece of info for you here folks...
You see, I'm originally an Orange E200 SPV Smartphone user.
Sad as it might sound, there is NO inbuilt functionality in the phone (Windows Mobile 2003 based) for sending files by BT.
So some clever people who write a third party software File Manager app - Smart Explorer I think it is, decided to include there own support for Bluetooth sending of files in the program.
BUT - this is where things may start getting interesting...
What they found was that with the first beta, phones just like the SE T610 for example, could not receive files.
Testing by them, found that this was because certain types of phones could not receive files via BT, when sent at full transmit protocol speed, and no facility existed for them to simply 'drop down' to lowest common speed.
How they got around this, was by including an option, in the next version of their program, to include a little tick box, to "Send at full speed".
Thus, by default, lower speed is used, so as to ensure full compatibility.
But if you KNOW the device you were sending to supports full speed, you can just check the "Full speed" box as it is sending, at it switches to faster speed.
Relating all that babble and background info to the XDA2 etc, it isn't too far a leap of knowledge, to wonder if the same problem applies, whereby the XDA2 defaults to sending files by BT at FULL transmit protocol speeds, and of course, certain phones, such as the T610, can't receive at this speed, and simply sit there confused.
A guess, nothing more. But based on my experiences of the E200 smartphone, and what the problem was then, I can't help but suspect that the problem of certain phones not being able to negotiate full speed BT transfer, is what might be the issue here too.
Just a thought...
..And so..For transfer Files via BT we Must wait for WM2k3 SE?
..Ehm,Maybe u will find it useful:
I tryed transfer files to Nokia 3650,6600 (Symbian 60 and 70 phones) and sometimes the phones receive the files (but my XDA2 freezes and contiunue show me Sending...) and sometimes freezes at all and don't send nothing.
So, it means that if sending files from/to another bluetooth pocket pc, then it shouldnt has problem?
I'm the main developer of Smart Explorer for Smartphone 2002/2003. You're right Shadamehr. It seems that the Microsoft BT stack on SP 2002/2003 does not handle correctly the max packet size the remote device accepts. This happens with different devices, such as T68i or T610. I can't confirm yet that this problem also occures with XDA II (I don't have any T610 at the office).
We are actually porting Smart Explorer to Pocket PC (it was only an internal exercise and not planned to be made public). Actually, 95% of the job has been realized. I will try to find a T610 and test file transfer. I'll let you know the result. If there is some interest, we may think about putting this version on our web site.
from what i understand then many mobil phone makers block that
because background pictures and such are being sold
and if people could just share them they would not make as much money
my gf's nokia have a mmc card and i cant even put pictures on the it and choose them as background
if your xda2 can beam to other xda2's and to a pc then putting 2003SE on it is not likely to solve issues with other devices not being able to recieve from it
nice one jacoch - let me know when i can give it a whirl!!!
If its possible to send picuures from a T610 to another T610 and from a T610 to an XDA, it must be possible for a t610 to recieve pictures etc.
my XDA gone back for repairs but should be back with me soon 8)
cheers guys
Well I just tried with the T610 of a friend of mine. It seems that BT stack is even worst on XDA than it is on SPV. I have faced some hangs while shutting down the BT stack. The same appears when trying to send a file when the remote device ask to be bound first. The bounding dialog never appears and SE sit waiting from the answer of the OS. I'm not sure it's bugs as I tried on our development device that is not really fit :? (ROM 1.66)
Anyway, once the XDA II has been bound to the T610, transfer was fine (at slow speed only). I have sent successfully several 40Kb jpeg files. If we decide to make this version public, we will investigate and try to fix these troubles. :wink:
Pleeeeeease let me know if/when I can test it;
Is there any way that the Bluetooth application can be split from the bulk of the OS - to use as a patch for windows PPC? (as if you didn't have enough to do!)
:wink: cheers!
not only the T610
Yea, have tried even with the high end SE P900, still wont accept the transfer... but the PALM units were able to send from an to 7650 and other high end units...
It really sucks to thinks XDA2 is "HIGH END/TECH PHONE" but doesnt connect /file trans thru BT.
ok is bt but is maybe a pb with ir setting read this
Re: not only the T610
pidz111 said:
Yea, have tried even with the high end SE P900, still wont accept the transfer... but the PALM units were able to send from an to 7650 and other high end units...
It really sucks to thinks XDA2 is "HIGH END/TECH PHONE" but doesnt connect /file trans thru BT.
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I have no problems BT transfer to and receive from SE P800/900.
BT file transfer to mobile phones
I have I-mate running WM2003. As described above I can recieve files from SE T610/630/Z600 but i can't send files to these devices... it writes "Sending 1/1" and that's it... although on T610 the BT sign changes to the one indicating a transfer... nothing happens in fact... for half an hour it couldn't send a 20Kb picture... I have downloaded and installed Pocket Bluetooth Tools... but what I can't figure out is what is this software at all and how it works? If anyone knows how to make my I-mate (1.66.00WWE) send files to mobile phones, please explain it to me step-by-step.... THANK YOU!!!!
so can anyone tell me a program i can use for sending files over BT. i got HS messenger for texting over BT networks but it requires both devices to be bonded. is this true for all aps? im only looking to send files from my xda2 to another xda2 if it makes it any easier
Bluetooth problems
I have exactly the same problem as Rasputin. My gf has a t610 that I cant send images to.
Is there any development on that program that will allow users to send images to these phones?

Sometimes I lost BT hardware.. well the s100 belive I do ..

Hi .. anyone have an idea.. ??
Or have same problem ?
I got a message saying that no BT hardware is installed on the phone.. when trying to enable it ..
A soft reset fix it.. .. but even if I dont touch the s100 it get this after some time.. any clue..
Hardware or software glitch ??
Regards Carlis
mine sometimes does this i just click the bt icon again and it works? :?
gazzaman2k said:
mine sometimes does this i just click the bt icon again and it works? :?
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I notice that if I go in and remove klick in inbound BT port , shut down BT and restart it .. .. I can use BT again if I stop it ( well strange it was off.. ) and start it again ..
This got realy bad after the Qtek s100 update.. .. but was there before to..
Hope it not Hardware.. .. hate if I must send it away..
Well, I have the same problem. After updating with the new ROM-file my Qtek says: There is no BT hardware on this device. Strange!! Something wrong in the new ROM-file?
Before updating I had no problems whatsoever woth BT.
I only have this problem when calender+ 2.2 is install. have not try the 2.3.
cpes said:
Well, I have the same problem. After updating with the new ROM-file my Qtek says: There is no BT hardware on this device. Strange!! Something wrong in the new ROM-file?
Before updating I had no problems whatsoever woth BT.
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I have the same problem since updating. If I leave BT off for some time (hours?) and then try to reenable it I am told there is no bluetooth hardware. After a soft reset everything is ok.
Gonna call Brightpoint tomorrow.
thx.. guys... I even reflashed it to if it got bad under the upgrade... I will also call in the problem tomorrow... not to brightpoint.. as my was imported and uses Dangaard Telecom Swedens ver of the upgrade... same bug in both BT software...
bamse said:
cpes said:
Well, I have the same problem. After updating with the new ROM-file my Qtek says: There is no BT hardware on this device. Strange!! Something wrong in the new ROM-file?
Before updating I had no problems whatsoever woth BT.
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I have the same problem since updating. If I leave BT off for some time (hours?) and then try to reenable it I am told there is no bluetooth hardware. After a soft reset everything is ok.
Gonna call Brightpoint tomorrow.
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Sent a mail to Swe Qtek support about it.. let U know what they say..
I have the same problem..
I also have this problem (sometimes working, sometimes not working after soft reset), and also have Calendar+ 2.2.3 installed, now I removed it, let's see if it will happen again.
A way to get pass the new BT patch..
Softreset when Unit says its done after Screen align and timezone etc.... before the ExtRom load.
Install all cabs in the now visible External Rom folder exept the one named:
Default_Patch_bthusb.CAB .
You now have the old BT and all other is updated.
Or ..
Live with the new BT patch and do like this:
Start BT.. activate ... and unactivate .. shut down BT settings.
Start it and now it can be activated.
Works 90% for me.
I don't really understand what you are saying..
After upgrading (Dangaard update) I get the Error: "There is no Bluetooth hardware installed on this device." - as soon as I click the bottom icon in today-screen. Same if I try Bluetooth icon in Settings -> Connections -> Bluetooth.
How do I ;
"Start BT.. activate ... and unactivate .. shut down BT settings.
Start it and now it can be activated. "
All help is very appreciated!
5 soft-resets later and my BT-module is working again. Strange ****.
Same thing here sometimes...
Hi everyone,
my Austrian T-Mobile MDA compact (original firmware, no "cross-update" or whatever) also has this problem sometimes. There where some resets too, when switching on the device after using a BT headset (turned BT on -> connected BT headset -> made call -> endet call -> switched MDA off, while headset was still on -> switched MDA on -> imediate "auto-softreset"). By now I haven't realised, what's the reason for it, but I will take care.
My guess at this moment: Something's wrong with handling of bluetooth headset connections or/and suspend handling.
I'm really asking myself who the f*ck is responsible for the fact, this beautiful little device is stuck with this crappy MS bluetooth stack (missing profiles, buggy like hell, etc.)...
I got tired with the bug and now I leave my BT on 24/7. My old habits of keeping my phone charged makes this ok for me.
I occasionally got this bug both before and after the upgrade to 1.06.
I simply switch off the power and on again. The bluetooth is the back. It works every time for me.
In setting.. U have 2 BT settings.. one for PORTS and one for manage devices and turning bt on and off.
activate a bt inbound port or outbound port under settings... system .. bluetooth settings.. to get bt back..
I now use Bluetooth switch by buzz_lightyear to manage the bt.. ,no more bt hardware error
Love this little soft.. Thank U Buzz.. !!!
Its even a huge + to use it .. soooo easy to enable and disable bt.. both in discover and hidden mode..
It can be found in the forum.. Even using hes replacing BT icons.. realy well looking..
Thx again Buzz..
pell0 said:
I don't really understand what you are saying..
After upgrading (Dangaard update) I get the Error: "There is no Bluetooth hardware installed on this device." - as soon as I click the bottom icon in today-screen. Same if I try Bluetooth icon in Settings -> Connections -> Bluetooth.
How do I ;
"Start BT.. activate ... and unactivate .. shut down BT settings.
Start it and now it can be activated. "
All help is very appreciated!
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Is there a fix?
hey all,
I get this intermittant problem too... probably because I leave bluetooth off 95% of the time.
My XDA 11 is running ROm 1.60.00WWE, with ExtROM version 1.60.44
Soft resets seem to make little difference.
Does anyone have a easy and comprehsible solution to restore the 'missing' Bluetooth hardware?

bluetooth drops when ppc auto off while phone call connected

HELP! i've spent an hour looking thru bluetooth posts for someone having the same problem but no luck. here is what happens: i'll be on the phone, using my motorola HS810 bluetooth headset, and 5 minutes into the call the ppc will auto-power off. the phone call stays connected and i can hear the caller on the bluetooth headset but they can't hear me.
so, when the ppc auto powers off the phone works fine (as it should) but bluetooth drops. the only solution i have is set the ppc to not auto powe off, but then a calender reminder pops up, i don't see it, and my battery drains.
is there a way to set the ppc to not power off while a phone call is connected?
any ideas?
used to happend to me..
updated the rom which solved the problem.
great to hear, i've been reading up on upgrading my rom. all the posts i've followed say i will require 'romupdate.exe'. becasuse the read me file is in german for the mda rom upgrade i found on the site i cannot tell if ths file is inclueded in the zip or not. do you know if i need to download rom upgrade software to perform this operation or is it part of the zip package?
I'm using ROM version 1.03.00 WWE on my I-mate Jam. Which rom is required to avoid the 8 minute bluetooth mic loss?

I can't receive any files via bluetooth

As the topic says, I can't receive any files using bluetooth from another device. I can send any files to another devices with my o2 mini. My phone name is found on another device, but when I tried to send the file, it failed.
I just got my 2nd hand o2 mini, so I'm clueless. I've tried to install new ms bluetooth stack found in this forum, but still doesn't work.
And I'm also got a problem using activesync via bluetooth, using usb cable the active sync works fine.
I also have this problem, I can't receive files from other phones either! And like you I have installed the new bluetooth stack (aka bluetooth stock) from on this forum.
Yesterday somehow I managed to receive files via bluetooth from other phone (In this case it was nokia N70). But I need to pair the phone first.
I can't receive any files from BT equipped computer, altough I managed to get it succesfully paired. Very strange, my phone can receive files from N70 but not from my PC
Good news, now I can receive any files from any paired devices. I just upgrade the ROM & Radio to version 13 from 12, and now it works.
Hmm.. now it's time to search on how to remove i-mobile branding
goto Settings-> Connections -> Beam
and check if the "Receive all incoming beams" is marked...
Thanks a lot pal, this has resolved my problems.
Thanks a lot pal, this has resolved my problems.
Thank you so much

Bluetooth Freeeeze

Hi to all.
Do someone have problems with the activation of the bluetooth feature on this pda?
For example when I try to enable it on comm manager, my hd2 simply freeze, and the only solution is to reset the equipment. What is strange is that when it comes back the bluetooth is on.
I don't have tomtom installed, the rom is 1.48 wwe htc and I have this problem with 1.43 rom also.
Please can someone help me with this subject.
Best regards,
Someone ??
same thing happen to me
and i have another problem
i cant send files via bluetooth using resco explorer ??
but by using the normal file exlporer no problem
anyone have the same problem ?
im using miri 1.2 rom
Up Up .. Someone with similar problems ...
I had a similar problem with my HD2.
Activate BT took a very long time and failed with an error message, I can't remember it but it says that it wasn't able to activate BT.
I did a HARD reset and everything went ok !
same problem here. I use bluetooth for the carkit in my car. But since bluetooth is a huge battery drain, i turn off bluetooth the moment i get out of my car again. And turn it on when i get into my car. All via the comm manager. Here on miri 2.0 based on the 1.61 rom the problem is also present. The only way to fix the bluetooth freeze/malfunction is to softreset the device. At startup of the device bluetooth is indeed turned on....
Me too having the same problem
It got struck when I've tried sending files to my friend's phone via Bluetooth. I restarted my phone to get it up (luckily it got up with Bluetooth on)
today the bluetooth freezed when im trying to turn it on via comm manager
softreset solve it
im using miri 1.2 rom
in this time the sms get stuck in outbox...
its the same problem.
try pinch2zoom in doesnt work, and alarm doesnt ring too...
me too
I have the same problem and still do :-(
My HD2 freezes when I connect to my PC through comm manager/ActiveSync. The only solution is soft-reset!!
I have latest ROM 1.66.403.1 DAN
I can't figure out why and how to fix it... anyone?
Active Syn BT Freeze
I have the same Active Sync / BT freeze problem. I use Miri V.22 6.5.x. Believe having this problem since V 17.x. I don't remember having this when I first flashed ROMs in March.
Any update on the issue?
Possible solution
This seems to have solved my problem.
I could not delete/rename BtCoreIf, but just deleting BtSdkCE30.dll and making BTTrayCE.exe as a shortcut in startup is working so far. Two long syncs with no freezes.
I hope this helps others.
It froze after an hour connected. Better but not great.
Finally managed to delete BtCoreIf.dll. Trying the next few days to see if it solves the BT problem.
I found out that my BT was freezing because of third party application which I have installed in my phone. I uninstall it and never froze since
Fixed as well
Thanks. Yes, this seems to be the case here as well. I managed to follow the instructions I provided above, deleting the two files TomTom had changed, and now I'm back to having my BT Active Sync working well again.

