How can an appication detect a MDA is MDAI or MDA III? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

with which information can an application use to do it?


Is there Bluetooth Msngr for MDA Compact

is there a bluetooth messaging program for the MDA Compact? if yes can someone please point one out. cheers

No working Intellipad for Wizard

Hello, i cannot find a working intellipad for my mda vario II (wizard) with wm5.
The intellipad cab from the mda compact (magician) do not work.
Can you help me, please?

MDA Vario II unlock?

Is there any tool to unlock the MDA Vario II netlock? like lokiwiz for the MDA Vario?
I´ve used the search function but found noch information about that.
Is it possible to use lokiwiz also for the MDA Vario II ?
Thanks in advance
can't believe you've used the search function....

MDA awaken from Standby

Hi Experts!
I have a MDA Vario II (HTC Hermes) with Schaps 3.57 Rom, and it works great
Is it possible to MDA from the standby with another key as the ON / OFF awaken?
It would be fine if there is a button would be easily accessible.
To know who is a tool or solution?
Many Thanks!
Did not really a solution to the MDA from the standby otherwise than by the ON / OFF button to awaken
Please help me

MDA Compact

Hello! I have a question
plese am look for ROM MDA Compact PM10A
Your device is a magician, not a charmer.

