XDA2 fell in water Please help!!!! - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

i ve a xda2 it fell in water and after that i got it dried n cleansed from a dealer but now the problem is that it only works upto the "align screen" intial setup and downt move any further i also tried to ugrade with WM5 bt same thing, Please help me. I shall be thankfull to all to you.
Kindly help

try to clean board with isopropyl alcohol or in ultrasonic cleaner. Maybe it can help you.

Is it really dry? It can take some time...
See this:

Replace the battery
I had the same problem after my mda ii went through the washing machine. Replacing the battery fixed the problem.

thanks guys for the replies , further my XDA had been properly dried and cleaned but now the problem is that the machine doesnt operate further than the "ALIGN SCREEN" setup where one has to tap the screen at four corners and the center one I tap the screen i return to the same screen as ask to tap the screen again.
Will flashing the rom serve any purpose or is it aa hardware problem, rest of the device seem to be ok even the bluetooth light flashes when i turn the XDA ok. But not able to get i any further from there.
So what do the experts have to say, Please reply.
thanks again

well, mine had very hot coffee poured all over it.
my suggestion to you would be, dont turn it on or place the battery for at least 3 days if under normal drying conditions only.
or if you know how to take it apart, spray everything with contact cleaner, it will dry up immediately,
then cross your fingers and hope nothing shorted out when it first went inot the water.
strategy is - wait - dry- wait - test - dry some more - spray contact cleaner - dry - test - until such time it works. coz some moisture might still be present and causing a little bit of short circuit.

It sounds more of a hardware issue than a software issue and you may have to take is apart to fix it.
Try two things, Number 1: (You need to use some latex or vinyl gloves if you need to take your unit apart). You are going to need to check your digitizer connection to the motherbaord, make sure you don't have any mosture trapped in the ribbon lock and make sure the entire front part of the digitizer is flush against the inside case edge. Number 2: Have you seperated the digitizer from the LCD yet? If this thing was in water the slightest spot of moisture will disrupt the very small electrical field between the digitizer and the LCD that recognizes the stylus taps. Abosolutly nothing should be present between the two and also around the white or grey strip on the inside of the digitizer for it is also a contact strip. You can use a lens cleaning cloth to clean any dust and moisture from the inside of the digitizer before you put it back together with the LCD. Being I worked on about 150 toshiba e750's that suffered sprinker damage in a fire, I learned quite bit on what makes a Pocket PC tick. Good luck with getting it working.

the same
I had the same problem 3 or 4 years ago with a HP Jornada 680 (handledPC). I must unfortunately say that I could never get my touchscreen working back again. Perhaps if you could change your screen for a new one, or at least one that always worked (some are sold around the www, even a few by members here if i remember).
Good luck

the stylus is working as the sceen responds to the tabs, but the process of calibarating the screen doesnt finish and keeps on repeating. and it asks to align the screen again.
The digitiser is working but the software doesnt seem to be working...
what do you have to say?
and thanks for the reply

guys thanks for the reply
but no luck... is there any sofware that can check if the components are working and ok, or simply what should i do. The info about the problem in a nut shell is
First the loading happpens with the O2 screen then the "Windows mobile screen says Tap the screen to setup the pocket pc" Then when i tap the screen next screen comes saying "ALIGN SCREEN" with a crosshair in the middle of the screen when i tap it with the stylus it moves till all four corners are tapped which crosshair point to. But now the problem begins.
The same screen repeats and asks for the same procedure again and again and again And the Xda processing doesnt move further.
i even flashed the ROM but same thing........
no luck

Have you bought a new battery yet?
Like I said above, my MDAII went through the wash. Just like you, i got the align screen process followed by a spontaneous hard reset. I bought a new battery, charged it up in the cradle overnight, then popped it into my machine. Good as new.
Don't mess with the software until you try a brand new battery.
Cheap and effective.

Hmm, the touch screen is responding to taps, but maybe its a bit 'offset'.. I mean maybe when you tap exactly center, it will receive your tap to be a lot more offset to right, left, up or, down.. Cos that's what making the 'align screen' asks you to realign again and again..

Hi Tanvir,
I want some of the others to advise on what I am suggeting. On my xda I ( which I own as well as a Blue Angel) we are able to put it into boot mode and press the "action" or was it the "contact" button to get it into test mode. Being I don't own a Himalaya but I would guess that they would have that function too, and in that function it has a test for the aligment screen which it might be able to align in the test mode away from the OS running. If someone has the tip for helping Tanvir of getting his unit in to test mode, Please someone post it for him. Also being I don't own the XDA 2 if anyone has anything to add on my suggestions, the floor is open. let me know how it's going Tanvir. Cheers.

I'm sure Tanvir's digitizer is no more...
Go to www.ppctechs.com and purchase a new one... not that expensive!
Good luck!

Hi shane,
thanks for the help and time i ll try the process u suggested and lets see what happens, i ll inform you if any luck,
An thanks to all the guys for helping,

hi jamil
ive guessed that posibility too, but the question is there is no way to fid out if it s he reason...


Help! Stuck on Align Screen!

Guys, I hope you can help me!
I was using my Imate Jasjar when it was accidentally bumped by another person. the Jasjar fell but it wasn't that high and the floor was carpetted. However, I noticed that whenever i try to tap on the Start button on landscape mode, the calendar application opens up! And when I try to tap V-Bar on the other corner opposite the Start button, the Contacts application opens up. Basically, the soft keys on the bottom screen are the one opening up even if I'm tapping the ones on top! If I tap the bottom soft keys, I thought the Start button or my V-bar would come out but still the Calendar and Contacts applications were the ones that opened. Basically the everything on top cannot be tapped!
On Portrait mode, I can tap the start button but when the V-Bar was tapped it still opens the Contacts application.
I went to Settings then Screen to re-align the screen. I thought it would solve the problem but apparently it didn't! I was trapped in the Align Screen section giving me an endless loop to tap the 5 areas of the screen.
I now did a Hard Reset, and now I'm forever got stucked to the Align Screen part.
What am I supposed to do??? Please help!!!
Seen the same problem... Try to guess the error margin of the alignment...
for example instead of tapping in the center of the cross try tapping on left or right... Since your screen isn't aligned you can't press on the center...
Now the problem is hardware, not the MB but the LCD...
After tou figure out the margin error, the Universal will resume and then you ca align the screen via Start->Settings->System, align screen
I'll try to know more about this problem asking my friend.
Best of luck
thanks for your reply!
i also believe that it has something to do with the LCD. there are no cracks whatsoever. problem with the aligning is i have to keep on guessing. and if ever i do align the screen successfully, i'm not sure if re-aligning the screen in Settings would solve the problem.
i would appreciate though if your friend or anybody else can shed light to a solution.
This is a simple problem to solve ;-)
When the allign screen is ON and you have to make the first tap on the crosshair (just before you start clicking away to allign your screen), twist your display from landscape to portrait mode...
Now continue to allign it as usual, and you should finish successfully!
unfortunately, after following your instructions, i still went on an endless loop on aligning the screen. i'll try to reflash the rom and see if it would work. i hope it does...
i updated my ROM. still stuck on the alignment screen!
any more ideas?
To be honest, sounds like your screen is broke. Even if you got it to align, I doubt it would be very usable. I think you are looking at repair - if there's no visible sign of damage, you might get away with a warranty repair.
Few months back i've got exactly the same problems (odd LCD behavior, impossible alignment, etc...) with an HP4700. I went to the service center and they had to replace the LCD screen. They did not charge me and take it under warranty. In my case the unit did not drop and i made it clear to them. I would suggest you go back to the service center and forget about the drop in your problem description .
I had the same thing happen on a HP 3700, I did not even drop it all i did was install the Quake game for it and after a few days the screen alignment went a bit out. It was usable but definately out by about 1 cm in each direction. The unit had not been dropped. I went into the allign screen utillity and ended up in the infinite loop. The only way to fix was a new screen. But unforunately it was no longer under warranty. The screen consists of 2 separate parts the lcd and the touch screen bit. In my case the lcd had no issues just the touch screen. Very annoying but there you go.
Search your soul and do what you feel comfortable with.
Good luck
thanks for all your replies!
i've made several searches yesterday with similar problems (even if they're using different PPC models) and they all ended up sending back their units for repair. there's even one who posted in expansys with the same exact problem!
we'll be sending it back through expansys (we got the unit from them) and hopefully get it back before the end of the month. and yes, i won't tell them that it was dropped, he he :twisted: and they won't find evidence either on the outside because there are no physical damages. what a start of the new year for me <sigh>
right now i'm back using my XDA IIi.
thanks for all your support! this is my first thread/topic in this site and it's so unfortunate that it had to be sort of a negative one. looking forward to be active more here!
Hello there
This might help (I am currently wrking with 200 PDAs so have had this a few times)
THere may be a iece of dust/biscuit crumb etc, under the edge of the casing above the screen, try using a post it note or paper and go around the casing/edge of screen, this should clear the screen of anything that may be causing this problem.
THis worked for me on the majority of non-aligning screens
My story was, one day when I needed to twist the screen, it was a bit stuck so I twisted a bit harder, yes it went back. Then few days later, the mis-alignment started and since then I have been keeping to do re-alignment my screen.
My screen is mis-aligned once every 2 or 3 days or even few minutes then I have to re-align by using WM5's alignment program. It sometimes takes me 2 or 3 times or even one time.
The most anoying thing is it keeps forget after aligned screen.
Now, certainty, I don't think it is a screen problem because after running alignment app, it correctly pointed into the right spot but then it forgot where the right position was.
I have done the upgraded ROM ( even tried Ivan AKU 3.2 ROM ) but problem still persisted.
I just tried clean up the edge of screen, finger cross, hope it fixes my problem.
Bad thing is, I bought my device from UK and I am living in Australia so therefore, my warranty is definately invalid. I don't want to spend 200 AUD for the new screen ( unless I am 100% sure that LCD is faulty ).
Anyone has any idea or even a better suggestion because I don't see many people having this problem.
I suspects that maybe the flex cable got ripped but not totally ripped. Don't know , please help me out on this one
Best regards
Anyone has any idea about my problem ??
One question :
I know that the flex cable has 2 connectors ( one is for LCD display and another is for LCD function ). Now does LCD function relate to the touch screen function ? and if one tiny wire of the function cable got cracked, but not totally cracked, will it affect the touch screen function ?
Other thing, does WM5 store any setting relating to screen alignment setting ? If yes, where is it ?
Hi, from another forum, it only help to bypass the alignement loop:
"here you go theses are simple steps to bypass the touchscreen alignment.
Install you activesyn blah blah blah when it finds it go on my computer and go into your PDA device
go to windows startup and delete the Welcome file
after that give your PPC a soft reset and BAM u by passed the screen now get a free desktop program liek pocket controller from the internet it will automatically install on your pda and BAM you can control your pda add music and whatever
but now if you want to click stuff on the road get pen irazu just search on google and send it to your PDA then go to file explorer and double click it and you got a cute little mouse program that you can use like a stylus"
also try this little soft:
Hope it helps.
Hi godtakeit!
I've had the same problem a few weeks ago (and still having it from time to time) and for me a slight (very careful) bending of the screen makes it work again. It seems to me that there are connector behind or near the display which has some loose contacts.
Did you notice any other problems which came in conjuction with the alignment problem (e.g. speaker not working)?
Hi oxident
No, I don't have problem with speaker ( it was not working before but it is because of the jack plug problem - it solved ). Yeah, I did notice if I bend the screen carefully, the problem is gone. The funny thing is when I aligned the screen, it worked but if I closed it off and left it over night, it started again when I opened the lid.
You may right about the connector between LCD screen and mainboard. Well, I have no choice but openning the device and check it up.
Also, I read the thread somewhere in this forum and somebody advised this problem maybe relates to magnet around device. My brother aslo advised me that LCD charged and reserved negative electrons. Wierd but I am experiment it at the moment ( taking off battery and leave the device for a few days so that it can release the negative electrons ).
Hope it fixes
please help
i have an imate jas jam that i i got from my father he used it for like 3 years and it is pretty banged up so i cant use the warranty and repairs cost a lot, any who i got it yesterday and it was very slow so i reset the settings and now im stuck on the align screen it keeps going on for ever and ever if any one knows any thing plzzzz help
Welcome aboard
You have one of the best HTC devices ever made!
Have a look here to locate the solution to your prob:
Post number 2
Good luck,

Screen Alignment Problem Fixed 100% Working (WithOut Voiding ur Warranty!!!!)

Hello There everybody....
I have been using htc tytn sn ht628 from the begining of the september and the sa probs started to occure after 2 week or so....it generelly occure when the device got hot due to recharge or using for some time and also when i try to clean the screen with a soft cloth....so i tried all the methods discribed here like flashing particular rom or keeping 20 mb free on phone!!! or loosing the two screw on the back of keyboard...but nothing helped me...the sa probs do get back again and again due to hotness or pressure on screen when cleaning the screen....
then i tried the business card method.....and removed the fomes that was glued with the screen and casing....but alas it lasted for some hours only....i have to do the same thing again and again...so finally i got frustated and sold my tytn to one of my friend...(i could not go for warrenty easily as i brought it from usa and i live in south asia..) and then i brought a dopod 828pro with serial sn ht639 3 weeks ago when i was returning from malaysia after a business visit....
but the sa probs get back to that new device too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just after 2 days...but i have left malaysia within that time so i am unable to claim for warrenty now....
from my frustation i had been almost decided to open the set completely and use the method described in two japanise site where they mentioned to remove the foam and use some small sized foam...but that also instied me as it will void the warrenty and im not that of expert on opening set so anything might happen...
so finally i decided to apply my own method (actually not my own method but the combination of all the existing method...) and walla... i got wonderfull success now i have two perfectly working hermes (tytn and dopod 838pro) which where used to have sa probs....now they dont show any sa probs even due to excessive hotness of 3-4 hour use and charging not even for hard pressure on screen due to cleaning or so...i am using both set extencievely (one me and one my friend) for more then 13 days now after fixing it and they are working like angel.....i was thinking to share the methods here as you all helped me on many things over long time...i waited those ten days to make sure everythings working ok and sa probs dont came back....and for 100% confarmation....
now here goes the steps that i used to fix the two set.....
1)open the two (2) small screw located on the back of the keyboard...
2)Use a hard and sharp business card (i used prepaid scratch card i got when i do refill my mobile) to clean the foam and loose the screen from the casing...you will see a noticiable empty space between screen and casing if all the foam is clean....you will be needed to do this step a number of time to make sure everything is clean...you actually need to do this thing in both side of the screen (left and right)
3)Now the actual thing that i used from my own thoughts...i cut two piece of that business card i used in step two (in my case the prepaid plastic scratch card which is thin and hard ) and pushed them in the empty space of both side of the screen (left-right) that been created in step two....the size of the piece is small enough to get inside of the hole and hide its presence when you look straight to the screen you can only see its pressence when you will look from one side....also make sure the length is not two long mine size is like 10/1 size of the whole screen length and the wideness it also importent make sure to push it as far as it go to the end of the casing..so that its presence is unoticed...also make sure the tickness is not two much so that the screen and casong doesnt get two much presure....
4)now put those two screw again you can tight it up but dont tight too much...
This two piece stoped the screen from getting in touch of the casing body and as a result the sa probs is gone permenantly for good....i can assure you that this will work 10000% for sure i tested it in both of the hermes verient....
now if you got any more question then you can ask me or if you like me two take a picture of the procedure or the plastic piece i used then i will post it here...
I'd say: Show me the pictures ...
I've got a Vario 2 HTC635 and only had SA problem after i cleaned the screen to apply the screenprotector. After a reset/reallignment the problem was gone since so I think you're right about pressure to the screen.
Also i've done the business card trick just to be sure it wont happen in future.
I wonder how this does not void your warranty?
Just for opening up the device does that (tho no-one can tell if you had done it), but surely, if you remove foam or anything else from the phone.
I'd think that any kind of modification to the phone, will catch the eye of service guys and after they have done the repair, they will send a bill.
On the other hand, if the phone works without any issues during the warranty time with that modification, hell with the warranty.
picture please.
Well, you don't need to remove any of the tamper tags with this method so unless the device gets close scrutiny beyond that, the chances are that it'll go under the radar, especially if you remove the shims prior to sending it back.
If I understand this procedure correctly this is what you're saying.
1. Remove the screws.
2. Take a thin rigid card-like material and push it between the cover and screen on both the left and right sides of the Hermes screen (when held upright) to dislodge the adhesive.
3. Afterward, wedge a screen length piece of the thin card-like material between the screen and cover on both the left and right sides of the screen to prevent the screen from touching the case in the future causing the SA problem to come back.
If I have this correct I may try it this afternoon.
some pictures would be nice
what is the length of the card pieces that you placed between the screen and the body before tightening the screw? was it one tenth of the length of the screen?
as I said please post some pictures, it would help
yes the length is like 1 tenth of the screen size...i will post a picture of the plastic lateron that i used...
I've had serious SA issues, I just tried this.
Of course, I also lost one of the screws *grrr*
I'll let you know how it works, though!
edit: found the screw on the floor with the help of the tytn's camera LED .
Sounds true...
Actually I had the screen alignment issue and after applying a screen protection and therefore "pushing a bit" the display it is gone (hold thumbs)
Just thought I'd report that my screen has been fine (after doing this) for the past 24 hrs, a new record .
hey pkx glad to hear that my hack worked for you...im now on 15th day and im not having even a slight screen mis allignment after the hack even giving hard pressure on right side of the screen is not making any misallighment...so its now safe to say that god freed me from the sa problem curse....
I woke up this morning and my screen was misaligned .
So it's not a permanent problem for me, but it helped considerably.
1) what do you use to loosen the screws? mine looks like a 6-pointed star
2) pictures!
The screws in mine are Phillip yours are Torx based on your description. My guess would be a size thats between T-4 and T-6. I haven't done it yet so no pics.
ah torx! i knew it! i thought you only use torx on screws with messed up heads.
now where to get that screw
please,send me the pictures...
vampirello said:
please,send me the pictures...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok i am going to post a picture tomorroaw as my camera is not at my hand right now..
and to clearify one thing more u need to use a bit of fatty card to resist the screen to get in touch of the casing..mine is like 2 time thick then of the thickness of a standard sim card...i thing it will help..
Sajib: thanx a lot for trying to help us with this annoying problem. I removed the two screws that appear under the screen when I slide out the keyboard. But I couldn´t loose the screen from the casing since apparently there are two more screws hidden between the keyboard and the screen. I don´t understand how you did it. Can you please explain me with more details???? I am aligning the screen at least 6 times a day!!! Thanx!
I need some help..
If i understand correct, just relax the screws, put the plastic to the both sides (left and right) between the screen and the front panel(WITHOUT disassembling the whole case) and then tight the screws back to the original state.Is that correct?
Also i deleted some files to get more than 10mb free space and that helped me alot
But when i clean the screen there is small change in the screen position so i still may need to do the hax.
Thansks in advice and sry for my bad english

a very big problem with "...tap the screen..."

after months of using my device, qtek s100, after a reinstall of windows (same that i'm installing everytime) when it tells me "tap the screen..." i tap, and ask me for calibrating. I'm calibrating him, and still ask for calibrating, with no end...the problem was manifested when the windows still worked and everywhere i was pressing, it was like i was pressing on Start everytime, even if i was pressing on clock for example. what should I do? pleaseeee
hello mate, why not try to upgrade your OS
hy. i've upgrade it to 1.13 which everytime worked. then i've upgrade it to 2.03 which has the same problem. does exists another OS to upgrade?
Ady_uaic, I also have that problem and FINALY i've figured it out...
above the LCD screen, there's a thin transparent glass screen (touchscreen), which has a small ribon that connects to your phone.
check this link for a picture of it: http://cgi.ebay.com/OEM-Dopod-818-i...ryZ41343QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem (*)
The thing is...once, when i was opening my phone, i did a small cut on the ribon by mistake and now the screen behaves like that...I've found that if i gently push that touchscreen to the right, the ribon will sometimes bend a little bit and will make a perfect contact which allows me to keep the phone aligned...unfortunately this is only temporarely since sometimes the ribon moves and of course, the alignment is lost...So, i would advice you to check if the ribon is intact and not broken somewhere...if it is broken, then you know what to do: Buy a new touchscreen and/or an LCD w/ touchscreen included.
Hope this helps...
(*) although similar, do note that this touchscreen AIN'T for the magician, so don't order this one!
hello..thank you for your quick answer..i will try and i'll let you know
Sound like a hardware problem ... try flushing a new rom, if not , take it to a lab.
open up the device and reconnect the display ribbon wire properly after cleaning with a soft cloth.
the ribbon may disalign after a fall or dismantling the device and certain other factors.this is the only possible fault.if it doesn't workout, you may have to get the lcd changed.

8525 White Screen of Death - Is there Hope?

Ok so I have the fabled white screen issue on an 8525. When it first occurred I searched and read all the write ups, decided I had the ribbon cable issue. Took it apart and simply unplugged and replugged the ribbon cable with great results, no more white screen.
I repeated once when it came back after being bumped around, again with positive results...but this last(3rd)time instead of it working I now get white screen 95% of the time. I re-notched the sliders the first time, and last time.
During the 5% it works I noticed the charge light would correspond to it going white.This never happened before...
When OFF - Connect charger, Red light for 1 second, then nothing=White screen from power on
When OFF - Connect charger, Red light for 1 second, then orange charge indicator = normal startup
When ON and Working - Connect charger, no light, no charge - reboots to white screen
When ON and Working - Connect charger, orange charge indicator, reboots normally.
There is no heat or noticeable pressure on any parts, everything seems to fit normally.
It does boot normally with screen white.
Any ideas? I really don't want to give up on this thing, is there any hope? or just ebay it for parts?
same problems here, if someone could just tell me what parts to order, cause I have no warranty (ordered over ebay). I tried both the instruction that has chinese fonts on the page , and other from R&R, no luck, white screen all the way..
I had the WSOD and took it apart and reassembled a few time. The 3rd or 4th time the screem came back, but now it is shifter to the right around 1/4" or so. I mean there is just white along the left edge, then the normal screen/color starts and is cut off on the right.
Does anyone know how to correct that, is it related to the same flex cable or is there something else I disturbed?
mine will fade to white.. then i just push the power to put it in standby, then push power again to wake it back up and back to normal.. it rarely does it but still annoying...
If You Ordered From At&t
I had this problem about 2 weeks ago!!!!
I thought it was a fluke!
and they gave me the EXCHANGE HOTLINE for at&t.
I called them up, told them my screen is fading to WHITE and the lady sent me a new or referbished phone.. i dont even know.
Just so you know, i ordered my phone on AMAZON with a new activation. its covered under the MANUFACTURERS warentee for a full year from the date of purchase... so is the REPLACEMENT PHONE... but not from the date of replacement, just the date of purchase.
did anyone get deeper into this yet? I got a 8500 (need those without camera) from ebay USA, already with white screen. After reading here, that this is mostly an issue with connectors, I bought it, disassembled it and reassembled it, though still white. Should I give the contacts a treatment with contact-spray? (there's a tuner spray that doesn't leave residues) Or is there something broken within the ribbon cables? Seller said it has been dropped (but he also said, he didn't want to open it, while it clearly has been opened, one screw missing and warranty seal gone). It ssems to boot up normal otherwise, I hear a sound after the boot process, so probably this isn't a software issue?
Edit: another thing I noticed: When I run it without any keyboard connected at all, it's also white. I then connected the dpad again, and I could see a hint of the at&t logo in the lower part of the screen. When I pressed around on the back of the dpad a bit, all LEDs would go on/off... Sound to me like the dpad has gone bad, possible?
Edit II: Got it. Using a 20x eyeloupe I found that the PCB of the DPad is broken under the little chip on it. Now I just gotta find a dpad here in germany, but I assume those Hermes' are all equal...
where can I get manual (if there is one) for disassembling hermes. link in wiki does not work.
this worked good for me
Anyone know if this applies to the 8125 as well? I've got a flickering white screen. I had dropped my phone a few weeks back and cracked the LCD. Replaced it with an OEM LCD - it worked fine for about 2 weeks and then just suddenly went all white. Phone still works, I can still get calls - just can't see who is calling.
I don't recall that the wizard had the same problem... Though from a logical point, it seems that there is an issue behind white screens and the thumbpad being responsible for it, so it may well be the same thing. Perhaps just disassemble the wizard (there should be a howto too) and check if theres a similar connection from mainboard to thumbpad circuit.
Is there a disassembling manual for a imate k-jam that anyone knows about?
Here's a website with a video manual i found useful...
Figured out the problem...
The only reason I figured out the screen goes blank is because the motherboard loses connection with the screen when you slide the keyboard out...try this out and see if the screen comes back...
put the screen on sleep mode (no white screen)...then slide out the keyboard and tilt it a little hard after pressing on the screen and put the power on. if it doesnt work try again it might take some pressure and power to make it work...be careful not to put too much power but as far as I went, it's a very sturdy cell.
alternately, slide out the keyboard in sleep mode, and press all the buttons really hard and then try to press the power button (press more towards the space bar because that helps)...if any of this works and the screen comes back on even just for a second...follow the following
Go back to the person who gave the link to the site with opening the HTC instructions and follow through and clean the whole phone up from dirt around the screen and such...you dont need to put those rubber things or whatever it says to put on the screen...then when you are putting it back together, press hard on the wire connecting the touch screen to the motherboard. I suggest sealing it with a good tape...and then you are good to go! I did it but it had a few glitches...the screens contrast sometimes goes awry but it is still visible and responds to touch. Also, the physical buttons work as well!!
Good Luck and do it at your on risk.
Have any of you tried this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321163
hope the best
i tried this and it worked for me. i also pressed alil hard around the d-pad and heard a pop. i think it poped back into place.
razor rc said:
i tried this and it worked for me. i also pressed alil hard around the d-pad and heard a pop. i think it poped back into place.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i still have this problem.
fixed my wsod
I noticed a few days ago my 8525 screen went white, rebooted and it went away. Today it came back, but would only go away for a few seconds and then back to white. After reading some forums I decided to check the connector. I took the phone apart following this site as a guide. I removed the connector on the board side and cleaned the contacts with a qtip and denatured alcohol. Phone has been perfect for the last few hours, no more white screen of death. I didn't mess with the connector on the LCD side, just the board side. I'm a computer tech and I found it quite annoying to disassemble, but I managed without causing any damage, however, I'd rate the job at about a 8/10 as far as technical ability.
warped0202 said:
I noticed a few days ago my 8525 screen went white, rebooted and it went away. Today it came back, but would only go away for a few seconds and then back to white. After reading some forums I decided to check the connector. I took the phone apart following this site as a guide. I removed the connector on the board side and cleaned the contacts with a qtip and denatured alcohol. Phone has been perfect for the last few hours, no more white screen of death. I didn't mess with the connector on the LCD side, just the board side. I'm a computer tech and I found it quite annoying to disassemble, but I managed without causing any damage, however, I'd rate the job at about a 8/10 as far as technical ability.
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i agree that this is one of the first things to try in curing the white screen issue. Others may find their problem runs a little deeper and the contacts on the d/pad chip are broken. An improvised cure which may not be very permanent is to place a little padding on the surface of the chip as described here:
If you have appropriate heat gun equipment you can re-flow the solder on the d/pad daughter board - but remember to remove the sticky key pad layer or you'll cook it!!
I regret that I'm closing this thread because we have several "White Screen" threads and the questions and answers are being spread all over the place.
Please use this one for future posts:

Damaged digitiser?

Hi folks. I have damaged my topaz but I'm not sure if it's the digitiser or the lcd screen, so I'll describe what happens:
The touch screen will stop responding after I've been using it and if I turn off the screen I can see a small dark patch (where my finger last touched it) with some small tiny 'bumps' surrounding this dark area. If I gently rub the screen with a soft cloth or similar, this dark area disappears and the touch screen starts responding again. However, I am having to do this procedure a lot - I mean like every 10 or 20 seconds if I'm touching the screen a lot or dragging stuff around - heck, it's a 'touch' phone, I can't help but touch it !!!
A new screen is a lot more than a new digitiser, and I figured that since the digitiser sits on top (right ) then it may be this that is u/s ?
Any help, comments or diagnostic clues are much appreciated.
Cheers, peace
umm, can it be water between the screen and touch sensor layer? Have you brought the phone to highly humid places, or something like that?
Some photos will definitely help identifying the problem.
Sounds like this:
I had it, and my provider repaired it. Unfortunaly I have the problems again... but not that much. When its getting too extreme, I'll send it back once again
^ I'd say that's it, I did find another post with a photo of something similar too.
I think mine happened when my wee girl got a hold of the phone -
I'm still a little unsure as to what component is damaged tho. Maybe a little 'investigation' with a screwdriver is needed ...
Thanks for the replies so far
Using a screewdriver will defenetly kill your guarantee. Mine was repaired for 0€$ ... I would try this first, as you can still offer it back when they say u have to pay few 100€$.

