Displaying Contact Name when receiving SMS from Operator! - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I was searching all over the net about an application to deal with SMS issues, but did not find any, then thought if it would be a good idea to develop it. I am not a programmer, so thought to share the idea with you here.
Here are my thoughts; which is developing one application to do the following:
1- Every time you receive an SMS confirmation (that your SMS was received by the other party), his phone number appears (not his name) while it is stored in your Imate. The problem is that some times you send the same message to a lot of friends (at the same time), then u start receiving SMS confirmations but you do not know who did not yet received it! Some time due to their mobile was off or out of signal. It would be nice to have a program that dispayes the Contact name instead of the mobile number when you receive the SMS from the operator!
2- Same problem!! when you divert your mobile to the Service Center (to pretend it is turned off), people calls you and find your mobile is off. But you usually receive SMS notification about those who call you in this time (I do not know what this service is called??)!
Any way, when you receive SMS from the service center, it display the mobile numbers not the Contact name! Again the idea is to develop a software to display the Contact name instead of the mobile number.
Please let me know if the idea is not clear, and I got other ideas to add up to this application or other applications.


SMS From is strange

I just found your forum and have bee reading throught it for the past few days.
I think this is a great forum as I just purchased an Imate Jam and have resolved several problems from the forum members.
I have one strange occurance on my Jam that I do not know how to fix.
I received SMS's from my service which I do not have the contact number in my address book.
The sms message put's a name from my contacts that is not associtaed with teh SMS. When I deleted teh contact it showed another (The next time I received an SMS).
How to fix this?
It is not a problem...
You mean u got a message from your Service Provider right?
It is possible to send messages without a number in the from field instead it comes with a name. Providers usually send messages like that for conveniance...
It is also possible to do through a software in my Sony Ericsson p910i called iSMS maybe it's one of your friends playing a prank on you...
Let me explain a little bit more.
The message I received is from my service provider 100%.
However, in the SMS inbox it seems to list a name in the from field which belongs to one of my contacts.
Now What I did is remove that contact and waited fro another SMS from my service provoder.
What happened is the from field nows shows some other name that is in my contacts.
My question is, how does the SMS application detrmine the from?
When I had a nokia 6600 it just displayed a number.
Try to find some commonality in the contact like perhaps the first few digits or the last few digits are the same in that case what the provider is doing is that he's sending a message from a special number such as 646, 501 etc... in that case if your numers are not in the international format the phone picks up the nearest alternative name to the number and displays it.. if u save your contact details in international format it does not happen...
e.g +91 ..... in case of numbers from india...
Ok I will give that a Try.
How can you tell what number the SMS is from.
When I open it, it just shows the name it has choosen but no number.

On incoming call send SMS to other number

I want to develop the following app:
I have two mobiles with Windows. One for business and one private. When somebody calls on my business phone (which I leave at home) I want to divert them to the voicemail (maybe after one ring) so they can leave a message. At the same time I want this mobile to send a SMS to my private phone with the number of the caller (caller-id?). So I can phone them back after listening to the voicemail.
Can anybody direct me in the right direction to develop this? Is it possible to develop this?
If you have VStudio with WM5 SDK, I think it won't be difficult (I think. I dont have WM5 SDK, as I'm cheapo and using evc). There is this thing call.. State and Notification Broker thing that WM5 has which check on the state of the phone and do something about it. Probably a good place to start.
a software MagiCall ..has such feature..not sure if its sms includes the callers number..but custom sms can be set when incoming call comes..
google for MagiCall

Inquiring about SMS blocking

Hi all
Sorry for my poor english. I'm from China. Need for some help ,thanks!
I am searching one software for my smartphone which could achieve this function as below:
It can detect the send out SMS which is un-authorizated by myself .
those SMSs always sent at background that I can not noticed it and not find the recording in sent out log. It is stealthy.
Because I download some mediaplayer sofwares by internet, when I run the Application, it sent the specifically code to some number at background which means ordering some service,and will cost money.
I hope it can give the tooltips when the sms (which is not listed in allow list) auto sent at background and ask me to allow or block it.
I known there are many block tools for call and sms, but all of them block the incoming messages and calls ,not outcoming SMSs and calls.
Do you known whether there is the software? Please let me known.
Thanks again.
I found that the SMS send is failure if changed the Number of SMS Center from system setting(e.g from +8613800210050 to +8613800880050 which is an invalid number.)
I don not know whether it would block all the SMSs (including the SMS sent by stealthily) after changing the number of SMS Center?
Anybody could advise ? Thanks!

Question about a program (hide sms)

Someone told me that there is a program for wm that hide's your number when you send an sms.is it true?and if it is,where can i find this program?
thank you for your time
As far as I know, this isn't related to software in any way.
The SMS protocol requires sending the sender's number.
Even your cell operator cannot hide its number while sending SMS.
Well there is a program "Hush SMS" which sends flash sms ...it sometimes doesnt display number of the sender. however it doesnt work with all the recieptent devices. I have seen that if i send sms from my HTC Touch Diamond to the person having nokia cell phone the number gets displayed. While sending to someone having Samsung phone it doesnt display the number. Hence its not 100% working software. but u can try ur luck.

Unanswered call is always set to wrong person.

Let's say my wife is calling me with her iPhone.
But i am busy or have no network. So my wife decides to hang uop without a speaking a voice mail.
I will get a notification that i have an unanswered call. However... thic call is always logged to the wrong (same) person.
So I get the green 1 in my Favorite Contacts Widget but with the wrong person ?
Is there anybody who knows what i am talking about ? or even better has a cure ?
I had similar problem, at least I think it is similar, because I did not understand you completly.
When you have a missed call while you are unaviable you normaly recieve a text message from your service operator.
Are you trying to say that, every text message you get from your service operator is displayed as if you have recieved it from one (always the same one) contact in your adress book?
i never knew what the green "1" is, i never linked it with missed calls because for me its completely random. for me anyways.
@ bookworm...
That,s exactly what i mean
Does the contact have something stupid in the phone number field on facebook? If you turn off Facebook contact syncing, sign out of facebook and friend stream, restart, sign back in (This is optional), the problem should be solved.
TheOriginalKi is correct. Exactly same thing happened to me.
One of my friends, lets say "Contact A" added "xxx/xxx-xxx" to facebook phone number field. After I linked Contact A from phone to Contact A facebook account, every service message I recieved from my operator was display as if I recieved it from Contact A. After canceling Phone->Facebook link for Contact A, all service messages were adressed correctly.
So your best option is to ask your friend (the one whose name appears in service messages) to edit his facebook phone field correctly, or simply cancel phone-facebook link for that specific contact.
Hope that this helps you with solving your problem.
Well now that you mention it.. This person had something weird in his contact. I deleted it (he had a weird telephone number. it was set to unknown) and now everything is fine...
Great phone this desire....
Love it really !/ Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than WM....
Wish i could alter my signature here at xda .... ( but for some reason i cant)

