XDA 2 Bluetooth Error - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi i just started getting this error message when i start to use bluetooth on my xda2 the error message is "There is no bluetooth hardware installed on this device" and i cannot use my bluettoh no more keep getting the same error could anyone please help me with trying to solve this problem i check around on the internet but did not find anything that could help me solve the problem.

Take a look at
It appears that a Hard Reset and re-installation is in your future. Please read the thread - it reinforces the important idea that HR and restore will not solve your problem, since it restores whatever caused the problem in the first place.

I had the exact same problem yesterday. After a HR bluetooth worked again. After restoring a backup, it quit again.
Had to install all my applications from scratch. Joy!

I keep different copies from backup with different dates. If restore does not solve the problem I use a file with more older date.


Flashlighte Problem

HI everybody,
please help me, I have a problem with my camera flashlight , when I turn it on, it just flash and get off again, I also tried flashlight program and the same problem it gets on then off , I can't take picture with it or keeps it on
I tried many windows ver. , but the same problem is still exist
Can anybody help please, am I the only one who face this problem?
Not sure whether that is a hardware or software issue - in theory it could be either.
One way to rule out a software issue would be to do a full backup and then a hard reset to get back to factory settings. Before restoring the backup try the camera / flashlight. If it works correctly then it was a software issue.
You can then restore the backup, but the problem MAY return.
If you do not have a full backup program then you would have to re-load any software and settings you have installed since getting the phone.

HD2? CreateDirectory() Error!!

Hi there,
I'm getting an error - "CreateDirectory() Error!!" every time when I reset my phone. I'm not sure which program is failing and causing this error. I'm still on Tmobile US stock ROM, got my HD2 last week. I've loads of apps/games installed.
Not sure if anyone else have this problem, so just checking.. I couldn't find anything in XDA search & google search as well..
Thanks in advance
I have not heard of this issue, but the only thing I can think of is to reinstall a ROM, then install things one at a time and try it out for a while then you will see what the problem is ...
OR... think about when you first started seeing the error, around that time what app did you install last ? ...remove that one then work your way back down until you fix it/remove the error or app with the error...
hope this helps!
thanks. I'll try that. So far, it's not causing any problem, as soon as I close the message box, everything seems to work fine.

Market issues? This might help

I have been having the "Starting Download/Download Unsuccessful" market issue for the last month. It just did not work, no matter what I tried (I had tried every solution)
Finally today, I managed to fix the issue.
The issue was *NOT* related to market or google for that matter.
I checked the system logs on my galaxy s using *#9900# (dumped it to sdcard) and searched for vending, I noticed the error "D/DownloadManager( 3220): download aborted - not enough free space in internal storage"
I had enough storage space on the internal storage as well as the external SD card.
The problem was, my partitions were messed up. When flashing a galaxy s using ODIN, its possible to specify a partition file (.pit file). If u supply the wrong file with the wrong firmware, the partitions are messed up.
I also noticed the error "cant mount /dev/block/stl11 " in my 2e recovery bootloader, which clearly indicated something was amiss with the partition scheme. The phone worked, so I just ignored the error. stupid me!
To fix I downloaded the original firmware (from https://www.wuala.com/Samsung Galax...and Odin/Original Firmwares/?key=AfzUZSU4SpKU) and refrashed using the pit in the firmware archive. Market works now .
I have since upgraded to custom roms and market continues to work.
So in short, I would recomend you guys check if you are seeing any errors in recovery 2e. If you are seeing errors, maybe google's not to blame.
Well just wanted to say that even though I haven't used this fix - my market works fine - I appreciate your posting this solution.
I flash a lot on my SGS and SGTab, and if I ever get the market download bug, then I know I flashed the wrong PIT and will fix it with this knowledge
Thanks again.
There is another fix that I discovered after searching a lot.
Before losing all hope and reflashing(if you aren't getting the error described above), try clearing the cache for Download Manager, Market, Media Storage.
Then reboot. It should work. It's worked many times for me.
I was also able to solve my market problem a month ago when I did what the OP did... Thanks for posting this to help others!!!
I don't think it has anything to do with pit files or whatever. I have the market problem too and when I connect to my University WIFI I can't download a **** (I don't have a data plan on the phone).
But when I connect to an open network available around my work place, downloads start as they should.
So the solution for me is - connect to another hot-spot.
To sum it all up - in the last month I've read about 30 different "solutions" and they don't work for everyone. Android Market in its current form is full of **** and Google better start working on it if they don't want to be laughing stock for the ifanboys.
I don't have any error message on my recovery screen, but every once in a while I still get download problems (even on the same wifi network). I can't think of any explanation except for an error on Google's side.
I believe this is only ONE of the reasons. Many times I encountered the downloading problem, I just ignore it and wait for some while then I try again and it works.
BTW, the most time I have the problem is the indicator shows downloading reached 100% but "Installation" never start. Then I have to click "Cancel" and try again later.
I have this issue with 1 rom only! Axura... any other the market works fine!
I was having the same problem (even the 2e recovery message) and my downloads in market wouldnt start!
I have even created a topic here:
After trying all available solutions around there I ended up flashing a brand new JPO and everything is working now.
Didn't know that was the problem, nice find!
I am posting a link to this topic in mine, there are more ppl with same problem!

[Q] Anyone else unable to connect to 4G after updating radios?

I've been trying to connect to 4G for roughly an hour since doing a full upgrade for the radios/WiMax/etc. and it times out every time it tries to connect. Is anyone else having this problem? Are there any fixes? I'm gonna attach a LogCat in case anyone wants to take a look, since I'm terrible at reading scripting.
Same issue
bump.... got the same problem as you, but i've tried flashing different radios to no avail.... Anyone have a suggestion?!
...running SNSGB 1.3 with a failed flash of Savage Zen (4G didnt work before the failed flash) would like the stock kernel back but i cant seem to find it.
Did you guys try the big blue letters at the top?
Also check and see if your WiMAX RSA keys are intact. There is a key checker in the Market.
+1 to the above comment, hope you had your wimax keys backed up...
I've already tried everything, unfortunately I used to use Clockwork Recovery and so I didn't have my Wimax backed up. Learned my lesson a little too late, but w/e, 4G isn't a necessary part of my day.
I was having the same issue and tried updating my profile and got this error message. Verbatim "The profile update could not be completed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Customer Service.
Error code:1012"
I've tried updating several times since that and nothing. Anybody got any ideas?

Microphone and Speakers Suddenly Stopped Working!

When I open Google Now it says "Can't open microphone" and when I try to open a youtube video it says "there was a problem whilst playing" I formatted the phone and the issue persists! Am I screwed?
I have the same issue. Tried everything I can think of (factory reset, new ROM/kernel etc. , Relocked) but nothing fixes it. If you found a solution I would really really appreciate if you write it here. Thanks
I have also just started getting this issue, please does anyone have a solution??
I have the exact same issue. Anyone found any solution???? My phone is not usable anymore...
I have the same issue with a camera issue as well
while flashing some ROMs like SAOSP there are 2 errors while flashing and I have 2 devices that will not work (Camera and mic)
everything works on the stock image someone needs to look further into the issue
I will do what I can and update if I find a fix for my 6p

