Start menu transparency after theme change - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

When I changed the theme from my MDA II from T-Mobile to Windows_Default and back to T-Mobile, I noticed two things:
- Start menu suddenly is transparent (see-thru)
- As the menu-items are in white text (and the underlying T-Mobile today screen is too), I can hardly read them anymore.
Any clue how to change the appearance of the start menu??

well when you make a skin you deside what picture you want on the background and on the startmenu if the same picture are chosen both places it will look as if the menu is transparent
you can use a skin maker to change the skin if you like

Thanks for the suggestions.
Maybe my question was unclear: I did not create any new skin. Just chose another Theme in Settings/Today and then changed it back.
Before I did this, the start menu was not transparent OR the menu items where in an different colour than white.
I just wanna be able to ga back to the original T-Mobile Theme

edsub said:
Thanks for the suggestions.
Maybe my question was unclear: I did not create any new skin. Just chose another Theme in Settings/Today and then changed it back.
Before I did this, the start menu was not transparent OR the menu items where in an different colour than white.
I just wanna be able to ga back to the original T-Mobile Theme
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I noticed this too, the T-Mobile theme initially has black font color in it's Start Menu, but after changing the theme, the Start Menu font color will stay white forever. And for some reason you cannot alter the start menu text color directly.
If I remember correctly, there ought to be a registry key where you can set the text color for Start Menu items, but I'm not sure...

the default start menu colour in 2003 is white
and the default start menu colour in 2002 is black
if the skin dont active change the startmenu colour it will be default
work around
1 change the skin so it makes the text colour different from default
2 use another skin

Foun the topic:
Here it will explain how to alter the registry so you can change the start menu text color to whatever color you fancy ^O^[/img]

Fixed it!!
Thanks for the solution.
I getting as handy in modifying the registry as I am on my laptop . . . :lol:

you probably have a background image now?
The way I choose my startmenu background color and/or image =
make a (small) bmp with only the color you want.
then open this bmp file with resco explorer.
when image is viewed press 'menu'.
and then press 'set as background'
At least works for me with my Touch Pro, it won't change the TouchFlo3d background, but it will change the Startmenu background.
To change the startmenu text color go into registry and edit the following:
HKLocalMachine -> Software -> Microsoft -> Color ->
Binary Value 39 = Startmenu Text Color
white = FF FF FF 00
Black = 50 50 50 00 (i think)


How to change font color on the desktop and menu?

I came across the issue after ROM upgrade to T-mobile 1.60 (used to be O2 Asia 1.03). T-Mobile has nice gray background theme (default one), but when I tried to switch to some other theme (through settings->today) and back, all letters on the menu turned white and almost invisible on light gray background. Anyone knows where should I look for font colors in the registry (or maybe there is a Theme editor or something)?
There is a theme generator on Microsoft's Pocket PC page. This not only allows you to create your own themes from Jpegs, but it allows you to modify the colour ov virtually everything on your today screen, including font colour.
Hope that helps
sounds like something
something pocketpc windows blinds could do

XDA-Developers Theme w/Cooked TMO 4.01.16 Menu font color

This petty annoyance has been bugging me for ages. When I use the XDA developers theme with a Cooked TMO 4.01.16 rom the font color for menu items is white.
The lack of contrast between the white letters and tan background makes it unreadable.
Anyone know how to change the font color for the menu items??
I know its petty but...
PS Can we nominate LumpiStephan & Makis for Sainthood?
This has been bugging me too. There may be a registry entry somewhere that we can change. I once restored the entire registry to it's original state (WM2003 default theme), and although the background was not changed to the WM03 default theme, the menu font changed from white to black. It makes me think that whatever registry entry was changed wasn't just pointing to a different .TSK file, but actually changed parameters of the theme (namely the font color). Anyone have any more information on this?
I don´t have more informations, about this bug. But it´s the same for the German 4.01.19 ROM....
registry settings for the start menu font
Basically, what I've done is go in to the hklm/software/MS/color and set the key name of 39 ff ff ff ff
and there you go. the start menu color is now black
Re: XDA-Developers Theme w/Cooked TMO 4.01.16 Menu font colo
macudc said:
This petty annoyance has been bugging me for ages. When I use the XDA developers theme with a Cooked TMO 4.01.16 rom the font color for menu items is white.
The lack of contrast between the white letters and tan background makes it unreadable.
Anyone know how to change the font color for the menu items??
I know its petty but...
PS Can we nominate LumpiStephan & Makis for Sainthood?
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You can use the TKCreater found at This allows you to change various parameters for your theme... very useful..
That's pure genius
Thanks for the fix.
hklm/software/MS/color then insert the key name of 39 ff ff ff ff
Worked perfectly for me.
I used PHM Registry editor to insert that setting without trouble.
TKCreater looks like a usefull application too
PS This has to be the best forum ever! xda-developers rule!!!!

Changed today screen to black, now cant read messaging text

Hey guys,
Just got my today screen all setup with a black setup (top and bottom bars as well), but for some reason the messaging window (outlook or texting) is full of a bunch of horizontal black and white bars unless the item is highlighted.
Anyone know whats up?
sounds like a setting on the theme generator you use. lines are probably the same on the notes menu also.
there seems to be two colours used on the messaging/notes menu, full of horizontal lines. you should be able to change them on your theme generator, i could when i had the same problem after creting a theme.
change both settings (usually notes/ msg colour 1/ to the same colour, this will sort it.
Have a good look through the wiki, almost all colours are detailed there, or use a better theme editor.
Pardon my ignorance but what is the wiki?
What theme editor do you guys recommend?
Changing 36 to 37 fixed the CONTACTS background but not the Notes/Messaging

Different text colors for today screen?

Is there an app, cab or regristy edit that I can use to make my text color on my today screen to black or blue? id like to change my wallpaper to the white diamond background but can't see my messages or calls icons.
you can use tweaks2k2 software to change your font color, hope that will be useful for you.
Try RC Mod for text &'s mem light & easy to use. There are cabs all over the forum...
try this:

[THEME] Full Color Focus cabs, includes Landscape focus, now with pink, light blue...

I have downloaded some of the focus color change files from XDA and found that they were very incomplete, missing many of the other 'green' elements in vanilla black manila, so I made a new one, which includes the focus elements for the landscape icons too. It also has a reg edit to change the enlarged start menu and task manager highlights to gray.
I could make other colors on request.
EDIT the communications menu is NOT orange if you use this with stock HTC black theme (but for some reason on the Alltel theme I tested it with it was), I did not check this, I guess the manila file names on Fuze manila comm menu are different. I did catch little things like the audio progress bar etc, but I will update soon to fix the Comm menu, with new colors too...
EDIT 2 HELP REQUESTED. I check the manila files I changed and all the correct ones for the comm manager are there, yet it is still stuck on green, at least with the Wildberry Manila landscape cab that I used..any of the more experienced people care to help me figure out why this is
EDIT 3 I figured it out I think - I am running a custom comm manager from my Juicy CDMA rom - so I have included those files in a revised version that is now 100% all green graphics to orange
EDIT 4 I have also added an optional orange tab cab file for the lower scrolling icon area - personal preference if you like this.
EDIT 5 I have fixed the transparency issues on the opera focus so it looks better, not shown in pictures below
EDIT 6 ORANGE CAB IS BUGGED - OPERA HIGHLIGHT IS PINK - Fix coming - and text is missing below opera globe on all colors
EDIT 7 - Text below opera globe is restored and install names bugs of cabs, shade of orange for opera focus are fixed. New files to be posted later tonight (dec 23 08). Red and Charcoal to follow soon.
Good job man
Do you have any screens?
Is it for all the green focus elements like call screen, comm manager, settings tab, usb popup screen ?
If so, then it will be nice
i am new to this - so how I capture screens I have to figure out, but yes it does everything that is green in orange - though it is possible I missed something
also any help with the reg settings to get the highlights in the start menu and dialer to go orange through reg settings would be nice - when ever I tried the hex code for orange in the registry the start menu highlight ended up going dark blue
Hmm nice color, it will look nice on black!
I cannot help you with reg settings though.
I will follow this post to see the progress you're making to get it all orange.
Good luck!
EDIT 2 HELP REQUESTED. I check the manila files I changed and all the correct ones for the comm manager are there, yet it is still stuck on green, at least with the Wildberry Manila landscape cab that I used..any of the more experienced people care to help me figure out why this is
EDIT 3 I figured it out I think - I am running a custom comm manager from my Juicy CDMA rom - so I have included those files in a revised version that is now 100% all green graphics to orange
EDIT 4 I have also added an option orange tab for the lower scrolling icon area - personal preference if you like this.
Now that I have finalized the Orange version other colors will be forthcoming
Updated files in first post
I took the liberty of doing the all blue one. Let me know if there are any problems.
Thanks !
but the comm manager, audio manager, dialer etc do not use the manila files for the focus colors - they are separate PNGs in the windows folder, or registry edits
Mew request in Red!!
drsquid said:
I have downloaded some of the focus color change files from XDA and found that they were very incomplete, missing many of the other 'green' elements in vanilla black manila, so I made a new one, which includes the focus elements for the landscape icons too. It also has a reg edit to change the enlarged start menu and task manager highlights to gray.
I could make other colors on request.
EDIT the communications menu is NOT orange if you use this with stock HTC black theme (but for some reason on the Alltel theme I tested it with it was), I did not check this, I guess the manila file names on Fuze manila comm menu are different. I did catch little things like the audio progress bar etc, but I will update soon to fix the Comm menu, with new colors too...
EDIT 2 HELP REQUESTED. I check the manila files I changed and all the correct ones for the comm manager are there, yet it is still stuck on green, at least with the Wildberry Manila landscape cab that I used..any of the more experienced people care to help me figure out why this is
EDIT 3 I figured it out I think - I am running a custom comm manager from my Juicy CDMA rom - so I have included those files in a revised version that is now 100% all green graphics to orange
EDIT 4 I have also added an optional orange tab cab file for the lower scrolling icon area - personal preference if you like this.
Now that I have finalized the Orange version other colors will be forthcoming
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Can you make it in RED???
I do not have Diamond .
Could you make 4 GREEN color ??
Light Pink
Here is my next color - a very light pink...really on suitable for TF3D themes with a dark font (ie doesn't work too well on my stock HTC black theme)
Again there is separate cab for a pink lower curtain icon tab (NOT SHOWN IN IMAGES BELOW), if you would like that too.
BTW the comm and audio manager focus files are not 'manila' files - they are simply png's in your windows folder on the device, so just changing the manila files doesn't change everything. Here are the file names that you need to edit
Also these files will not change the focus in HTC apps like the camera etc - that is something I will work on eventually.
Note there is no image for opera focus, but bug with no text below globe in v1 light pink cab is fixed, and focus is pink as per the rest of the highlights
Light Blue
As above, Light Blue focus, with separate cab for lower curtain icon tab.
as above bug of no text below opera focus is fixed in v2 file, and name in add remove programs is now correctly saying light blue
Can you please make a black one?
white o black ?
antony87 said:
white o black ?
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vote for that.
but why not make an app so we can choose differnt colors ?
I am afraid I have absolutely no ability to code....
If some one was to write an app for me that would use the manila files I made - it could be packaged with all the color files I make - perhaps something like TF3d config for colors only - but if they app was to on the fly change the colors that means all the files needed for each color would have to be locally stored on your device, taking up needless space
in the current orange focus cab, the highlight for launch browser is pink not orange on the internet touchflo3d tab. Also, the words "Launch Browser" disappear when you install the cab.
In theory you could have a program that changes the hex values of the each individual pixel in a basic grayscale image by adding XX XX XX to each RGB value for each and have an infinite number of colours.
ackkk ! Thanks for the bug report
I guess I mixed up the pink and orange opera focus files...and I didn't notice the launch browser part until now...I will have to figure out what I did to remove that
antony87 said:
white o black ?
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black black black

